#*  file  /  ooc.
srdonix · 3 months
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“So godly weapons, huh?”
“Guess so..”
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burstfoot · 7 months
Just a heads up to people who are writing Ptilopsis/Joyce and want to stick to the way she talks as accurately to canon as possible: Even despite Device #9's effect on her, Joyce can still refer to herself in the first person. She often says "me" or "myself", or uses "I" - she doesn't usually refer to herself as a computer or talk in the third person (i.e., something like "Operator Ptilopsis believes (x)" or "this unit believes (x)"). I wouldn't say she has a super-consistent use of computer terminology that she uses in her regular vocabulary (i.e., you couldn't make a list of phrases that she replaces with specific computer language every single time), it's mostly just unique depending on the circumstance. However, for one effect of Device #9 that is fairly consistent, she usually calls Silence "Silence" or "Dr. Silence" while Device #9 is functioning properly, but calls her "Olivia" when it malfunctions in Dorothy's Vision. However, she DOES refer to herself as "Joyce" in the third person in the flashbacks in the RL Manwha (with the caveat that she's being a little silly here and might purposefully be playing up the computer terminology, which she does fairly often):
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Keep in mind that even in the manwha however, she still does use first-person pronouns in the present!
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I just thought I'd make this post because I see a lot of people misunderstanding the effect Device #9 has on her way of speaking. As far as I remember and from skimming through all her major appearances, she never calls herself 'this unit' once, even though she does that pretty frequently in fanon. She often refers to her own mental faculties as computer terms and uses computer metaphors a lot, but doesn't usually engage in total depersonalization. Here's an example of her using both first-person language and using computer metaphors at once from her Stories of Afternoon Vignette:
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TL;DR When talking, Ptilopsis can use first-person and second-person pronouns, and rarely refers to herself in the third-person. While she often uses computer terminology or computer parts to refer to her actions or mental functions, she usually doesn't refer to herself as a computer (i.e. "this unit").
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angusciprianni · 3 months
why are you built like a walten files character (neutral connotation) (silly lil ask)
(OOC this took. way too long for a joke 😞)
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ask-father-garcia · 4 months
Garcia can you hit the griddy
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likemosaic · 1 month
"benny gecko stop sticking your dick in crazy" challenge...
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petitsdieu · 1 month
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☙ @𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒖 — 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒔 — an independent original character with some fandom-inspired alt verses (including: dune / star wars, hunger games, fallout). discord and tumblr. mature content warning. story centered. much love, melrose. ❧
( c )
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cicada-candy · 8 months
was rereading ANGR for what is very possibly the twelfth time, and got the sudden urge to draw?? text boxes??
which quickly became just a small doodle coz why would i just draw text boxes
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which quickly became 6 hours of work
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but i actually prefer the textless version, so,, win?
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mrsashengrotto · 2 months
Hello Mrs. Ashengrotto. 😊 I hope you're having a good day.
I'd just like to know—is this a genuine photo of baby Azul?
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Because if it is,
How could he not see how precious he looked? He was the sweetest little octo-mer in the whole Coral Sea!!!
I know, my son's adorable, isn't he? Oh, I know! Here's one of when he was even younger!!
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Look at him, he's just the cutest thing!
edit (ooc): broo I forgot to credit the art IM SO SORRY - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/649644314991253566/ --- this was the og link, not linked so I'm pretty sure it's the original artst
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kaphkas · 1 year
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I wanna quit running,
I wanna relax and be tender,
I wanna see us together again,
Rocking away in our walnut chairs
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killerlittlerejects · 2 months
Okay, but what’s with people hating on Christy??? Did I miss something?
Like I get if people found her annoying, but geeze, the insults I have seen thrown at this poor girl.
She literally didn’t do anything wrong! She was just a sweet girl that had the bad luck of being the Mason’s neighbour! If anything I feel bad for her, not just because of what happened to her, but because everyone she thought she could trust just ended up backstabbing her.
Forever be a Christy defender, she did nothing wrong. Spencer deserved what he got.
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wireman-au · 10 months
welcome. you have been selected for participation in the wireman project. you are to send messages of communication (“asks”) to our project subjects. these communications, as well as other observations and recordings, will be replicated here for use in the project.
this is your only role. do not attempt to interfere further.
please be aware that the following files contain potentially distressing topics, such as:
government conspiracy
body horror
non-consensual medical procedures
human experimentation
please proceed with caution. [REDACTED] cannot fully guarantee that all relevant warnings will always be tagged, though we will make a strong attempt. for additional information on the files, such as clarified warnings, instructions for participation, or other details not intended for use within the project itself, please contact the project head with the tag [OOC] for clarification.
all asks sent for communication with project subjects may be potentially replicated for archival on our offsite storage (“archive of our own”). this will be done with full credit, and only the contents of asks that are used in communication files here will be replicated (IE, excluding “OOC”, “submissions”, “fan works”, etc). if for some reason you are concerned with this policy, please inform the project head. 
we here at [REDACTED] thank you for your continued participation in the wireman project.
impulse, unauthorized connection through unknown means. do not contact.
bdubs, military volunteer and bounty hunter. chosen for physical prowess, loyalty to chosen friends.
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haresvoid · 8 months
Mind Flayer ge.nitalia under the cut + some ideas
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Illithid se.xual organs are a trait often up to debate- whether they have them or not the first one, and those that discover they do (or some do) debate reason. It could be something that simply has yet to be bred out with evolution yet when tadpole creation was different or a trait from hosts kept, or something else entirely.
Organs are completely hidden on pelvis, all internal and so finely knitted one would not be able to see an opening.
The network of the two organs can be adjusted as necessary- for example, turning the external one into a means for egg laying instead of requiring internal sex for that.
The cilia was likely a means for gripping and holding at one point, but is not developed enough anymore for that- due to lack of need
It is sensitive unsurprisingly.
Fully prehensile
Only two openings, and as said can be connected if necessary. Mind Flayer have no need for other openings one would find in similar anatomy, and don't have much need for more than one but again that has not been phase out.
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cwarscars · 1 year
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me quoting american psycho - "i dont think i can control myself."
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duusu-peacock-kwami · 3 months
Do you think I could file for custody of all the human-like Sentis that have been created on the basis of "I made them so I'm technically one of their parents"?
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ooc-vhscord · 4 months
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noonegetsleftbehind · 3 months
//...i am sure i will regret this, but....
what if i came back? what if i wiped drafts and everything and just started over and came back fresh?
will i do it? i dunno. i've been gone so long that i am honestly scared to come back and, well, honestly? my real personal life takes precedence. i guess i just miss the ease and comfort of writing from here sometimes.
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