#**olive bebby <3**
thebig-chillqueen · 6 months
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Hickory the shiny Arboliva is the latest addition to my Pokésona’s team. He is an older specimen, hence why his crown, arms and collar has more leaves.
He is reserved yet gentle, usually seen by himself or near Lynn. He is quite smitten with her Leavanny, Wildvine, though.
Hickory began offering the Nurturing Pokémon some of his special, nutritious oil while he’s either hard at work repairing Lynn’s clothes or looking after her smaller and younger Pokémon. Hickory assists as he’s also a great caretaker, sharing his oil with them, as well.
To repay the Olive Pokémon’s generosity, Wildvine made Hickory a cloak befitting his regal visage, complete with an ivory clasp he crafted from a naturally shed baby tusk of a Donphan.
To say Hickory was flattered would be an understatement.
First art done on my new laptop. I gave up on the background, but love how the leaf dads came out. Tried something different with the lineart, which thankfully worked well for this.
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megabadbunny · 6 years
A to Z meme
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by the lovely and talented @goingtothetardis . Thanks doll! 😘
a - age: I’ll be 31 in a month, whoo!
b - birthplace: Nowheresville in the Bible Belt, USA
c - current time: 11:44pm
d - drink you last had: Water; I am the very pinnacle of excitement
e - easiest person to talk to: My spouses 💙💖💜
f - favourite song: The genie’s song in Aladdin (hush don’t judge me)
g - grossest memory: Nope! I have successfully repressed all of those like any other normal human worm bebbie. Alternatively, one time my very young cousin pooped and smeared it all over the bathroom, so...?
h - horror yes or horror no: Depending on the subgenre, absofuckinglutely (gimme that sweet sweet ghost story and/or sociopolitical metaphor and/or gothic romance pleeeeez)
i - in love?: I am I am 💙
j - jealous of people?: Mmm I’m jealous of certain qualities that other folks seem to have, like the ability to Adult Well or produce creative stuff on a regular basis or not worry about the weirdest dumbest shit :/
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again?: How about we both walk away how does that sound lol
m - middle name: Elbert
n - number of siblings: 1 sestra
o - one wish: To win the lottery. Is it an original, clever, or particularly insightful wish? Nope! Am I okay with that? I 1000% am! :D (but for realsies if I won big lottery money then after taking care of all the responsible adult stuff I’d absolutely love to start a fashion company devoted to making flattering designs for all female and femme-leaning nb bodytypes (incl trans women, natch), and I would spend half my days writing fic and baking and drawing and trawling the interwebs for good causes to donate money/time to, le sigh, that’s the dreeeeeam)
p - person you called last: Hmm, lemme check! It waaaaaaas ::drumroll:: my mom! Awww
q - question you are always asked: Any one of a series of very very very nice questions about my various artsy-fartsy crafty ventures (usually about baking or decorating or drawing) because people are nice, and then I get suuuuper awkward and overwhelmed and I shrivel and die a little because how does social, how human, where hide :’D
r - reason to smile: Tomorrow I get yummy Easter food with the folks! And an Easter egg hunt! And Imma bake a caaaaaake
s - song you sang last: Why Should I Worry (or whatever that song from Oliver and Company is called lololol)
t - time you woke up: 1:00pm, because guess what has two thumbs and is suffering an amazingly uncomfortable and tiring and achey period surprise it this biiiiiitch pity me >:(
u - underwear colour: Grey and white stripey
v - vacation destination: Florida, to visit the mom and the famfam. But I’d love to visit the UK someday!
w - worst habit: ::sings:: Procrastinaaaationnn
x - x-rays: Mmmm do routine check-up xrays at the dentist count...?
y - your favourite food: My mom’s savory canneloni dish (think giant macaroni shells stuffed with ham, chicken, garlic, onions, and spinach, smothered with alfredo and baked till lightly browned, ugggggh so goooood)
z - zodiac sign: Taurus! and bunny rabbit! 🐇
And for my next trick imma tag @tiffotcf @travelingrose @lvslie @jemsauce @wordsintimeandspace Do the thing! If you’d like to do the thing. :3
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thebig-chillqueen · 4 months
How did you get hyperfixated on your four favorite Pokémon each? What's the story on how you like them so much?
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For Cinderace, Arboliva, Blaziken and Leavanny, it's basically the same story:
I see them in either promo art or later in their premiere games themselves (I usually go into these games blind so I can be surprised)
Sometimes it's not until after watching them in the anime when I'll develop a hyperfixation for them. This was the case for Arboliva. I didn't really think much of his species aside from how useful he is in Tera Raids with is Seed Sower ability and that I loved when one showed up. Then I saw that specific Arboliva in the anime; the explanation for him is later in this post
I obtain these Pokémon if I'm able to. For example, in "Violet", I had to wait until Cinderace and Blaziken became available in Tera Raids. I also recently bought the SV DLC and was very excited upon seeing Sewaddle, which meant that I could then get Leavanny, who is unavailable in the main game
I name them (often after other favorite characters) and give them their own personalities based on their Natures. Though I forgot what my Arboliva's was and made him entirely different than what his in-game Nature is, lol
I sometimes make up little stories about them and my Pokésona and draw them, which makes me feel a better connection with them
I suppose the reason why I get hyperfixated on specific characters depends on how they are shown interacting with other characters and what their personalities are like and/or how well their design appeals to me.
Cinderace, Arboliva, Leavanny and Blaziken have all shown some level of protectiveness towards their trainers and/or friends, which is a trait I really love, especially when its paternal protectiveness or the "Papa Wolf" trait, as I've called it many times. Leavanny is especially known for being so nurturing and parental and won't hesitate to cut up any threat to his loved ones!
The majority of my Pokémon are male (and I often refer to these 4 as such), with a few exceptions like a couple female-only species such as Hatterene and Tsareena, so I tend to put that trait on a lot of them.
Of course other Pokémon have also shown this kind of behavior, as most are naturally protective towards ones they love and care about.
There's just something extra about these four that I just gravitated towards. I can't really pinpoint it.
Also, the specific Arboliva in the above GIF is a gentle giant, which is another favorite trait of mine! He's far larger (for whatever reason, probably because he's over a century old) than what his species typically are! He's why I adore the species so much now, even after seeing them in the game many times.
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thebig-chillqueen · 4 months
When I get hyperfixated on a new character:
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thebig-chillqueen · 5 months
Why do you have Arboliva brainrot now? Lol
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