cherryvodkalvslie · 3 years
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aziraphales-library · 4 years
I'm really obsessed with Book-verse fanfics at the moment, because most people write book Aziraphale so much more posh an that's kind of awesome. Could you recommend some?
Here are a few that might fit what you’re looking for!
Ordinary People (The Anything But Ordinary Remix) by cimorene
Crowley has started to take a proprietary interest in Aziraphale's bookshop.
Better Than A Win by Aria
Aziraphale would have missed (or perhaps deliberately ignored) the nuance of together, but Crowley was a man-shaped being of the world, and knew what was being asked. "We've been around since -- for a while," he said. "But it's not like that."
such selfish prayers by Lvslie
Crowley, while still apparently comatose, had somehow managed to wrap himself so thoroughly around Aziraphale on their way up, that any attempt at dropping him onto the mattress without being pulled down as well proved futile.
And hence, quite defeated, Aziraphale found himself lying in a warm tangle of Crowley and blankets. He felt a little stunned.
~Mod P
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declaredimaginary · 5 years
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theory of mind - lvslie // solaris - stanislaw lem
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hinumdom · 6 years
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november 7, 2018 — my October spread incorporating the theme of Halloween 🎃. I was hesitant at first because I wasn’t sure if I’ll be able to maintain it but unexpectedly, I managed to finish through October.
You’ll happen to see that at some days, I don’t have expenses which looks pretentious but those are actually the days that I don’t have classes and I’m never the one to leave the house for no reason and there’s food stored in the cupboard so I don’t really have to buy anything. Also, one important event that happened in October was my prelims/midterms (we only have 2 major exams per semester) and judging from my scores, I can say that I did pretty damn well, lol.
As for November, I’m trying out with a daisy theme (unlike the autumn-y vibes that everyone’s going for) because I’m actually testing out my patience so I’m indifferent with the relevance of the theme to the current month.
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here i am, leaving you clues by Lvslie Word count: 9.8k
Summary: It’s all the same burning bookshop, and I’m always inside shouting your name. [Aziraphale is recalled to Heaven, but leaving proves more difficult than anticipated. Written for the tumblr prompt: ‘Actually....I just miss you.’]
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ajcrawly · 5 years
lvslie replied to your post: Just to bring your daily dose of Catholicism ™ to...
licherally only just wrote about it it’s a DELICIOUS lil detail
<3 It makes me both v happy and v sad (particularly given his habit of picking up strays???)
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pendragoff · 6 years
consider this: drunk Fond hermann vs embarrassed smitten newt somewhere semi-formal
so I actually used this to address an issue that I had wanted to in opening is just the start and never did but I figured if...anyone wouldn’t mind it might be you??? anyway this is the first and probably only additional thing written in that ‘verse
Newt doesn’t drink anymore and Hermann doesn’t drink often. When they’d first begun their relationship, tentative and sweet, Newt would have a glass of wine with dinner or something small, but he prefers it this way. He liked the control of knowing he never to worry about drinking too much if he never drank.
Of course, it wasn’t drinking too much that was the problem. It was drinking to forget or to not hurt and Newt still carried hurt in him, even despite his happiness with the man he loved, he still carried over a decade of hurt in him. He was working on that and would continue to work on that.
Hermann, though, was free to drink. He didn’t keep alcohol of any sort in their rooms, and rarely had more than one drink and never drank when it was just the two of them. Tonight, though, he’s rather tipsy. It’s not entirely his fault, as they’re at an event and, of all the damn people, Tendo Choi made an appearance. Tendo is a charmer, no doubt, and has a habit of buying Hermann shots. It’s a particular old habit and one that Newt finds very amusing.
Newt likes the way there’s a rosy tint to his cheeks as he waves at him across the room, and he likes even more that he’s shed his jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeves. Newt had forgone the jacket in the first place, but his waistcoat has come undone in the course of the evening. He doubts he’ll ever fully feel comfortable at these events, PPDC fundraisers meant to do God knows what beyond raise money from wealthy donors who want to turn the PPDC in their favor.
He’s been waylaid by a young man who’s curious about his research (it’s become highly taboo to mention that decade of Newt’s life, but so many people will pry to try to discover information) but his eyes don’t truly leave Hermann where he’s still seated next to Tendo.
“Newton!” Hermann calls across the room and all eyes abruptly turn to Hermann, then over to Newt. “Come here, please.”
That’s probably the sign to collect him and take him home, Newt thinks, blushing. It’s not like him to get embarrassed, but he does hate the attention. Hermann knows this and maybe he will have to have a talk to him about alcohol consumption in the morning, after all. (Their first talk was met with understanding but Newt knows Hermann also felt guilty for not reading the signs, for not knowing how he’d mistreated drink for so long.)
When the many eyes of the room have looked away, Newt moves forward, making his way towards where Hermann sits. Hermann immediately wraps an arm around his waist, leaning his head against him.
“Did you want me here just to touch me?” Newt asks, and drops a kiss to the top of Hermann’s head. He thinks he possibly loves this man more every single time that he sees him.
“I was just talking about the wedding with Tendo,” Hermann says, and he hiccups. “He says he, uh- what was it you said?”
“I said that Alison and I eloped first, got the official romantic stuff out of the way before I worried about the big ceremony. But we kept it a big secret,” Tendo supplies. “I apologize for this, by the way. I didn’t realize he had an even lower tolerance than before.”
Tendo looks a bit sheepish, likely at the fact that he’s returning a drunk fiance to Newt, who is technically a recovering alcoholic. (Okay, this is not a technicality.)
“No, I’m sorry, New’on. I should have never left your side to come sit by this blasted man,” Hermann supplies. “Jus’ wanted to give you some space. But I do think eloping is a good idea. Can we elope tonight?”
Newt squeezes Hermann’s shoulder gently. “We already ran away together, that’s basically the same as eloping. It would ruin the novelty of it.”
Hermann looks up at him for a few moments like he’s processing, retracing the memories that have brought them here. “You’re right. We ran away together and then we were in love.”
“So let’s go forward with the wedding you’ve been meticulously planning for the last half year, hmm?” Newt reaches down to straight out the collar of Hermann’s shirt. He’s an adorable mess and Newt loves him best from this angle, especially because he’s certain he spies a few grey hairs peeking out of Hermann’s scalp.
“Right. Of course. Correct as always, Newton.”
Tendo’s brows shoot up at that statement. “You might want to get him home if he’s saying that you’re correct.”
The smile Newt gives Tendo at that is a bit too lopsided, but he helps Hermann out of his seat, looping his arm around his waist.
“Good night, Tendo. Next time you’re in town, we’ll go get dinner or something,” Newt says.
“Next time I’m in town is for the wedding, but I’ll let you know.”
They walk out together, Newt trying to ignore anyone who looks at them. It’s not that he minds, but he knows Hermann’s going to feel bad about this in the morning and he knows that people will talk. He doesn’t need any more talk about him. About them.
Thankfully they get a cab easily and Hermann’s gone quiet, holding his hand in the backseat.
“I’m sorry about the-” Hermann hiccups. “The tequila.”
“I’m sorry for what the tequila’s done to you too, Hermann. But it’ll be better in the morning.”
“There will be no drinks at the wedding.”
“No drinks at the wedding, of course. We’ve got a bit until we’re back home, why don’t you rest, baby?”
“I’m not that drunk, Newton.” Hermann levels a glare at him and Newt chuckles.
“Alright. Rest, babe.”
Hermann shifts slightly, resting his head on Newt’s shoulder. It’s going to be a pain to wake him when they arrive home but for now it’s peaceful and Newt can watch the lights of the city as they go by. Everything is good and he’s as desperately in love as he’s always been.
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irisbleufic · 6 years
hi ❤️i'm sneaking in here just to say that seeing a notification for the reviews from you today turned my entire week into an absolutely incomparably better one; i have literally nearly choked on MY tea. and i'm, like, composed of 130% stress, doubt and exhaustion right now and way too incoherent to respond properly but. i'm just sending you so much love. you're wonderful.
And it’s wonderful to get this from you, @lvslie.  I’m not doing so well this morning; that’s what 48 hours of hard drinking with friends in the wake of awful world news will do to you, I guess.  I’m not sure if what I have is a mild hangover or something my immune system couldn’t kick, but I have chills down to my bones and can’t seem to focus on anything at work.  So, as you’ve already seen, I’m not really working, not as such… 💙
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lvnnsi · 6 years
What are your favorite blogs? Your style is everything and I just want more of it
thank you💞 some of my faves:
@thaleias // @lvslie // @polydeuce // @undomielle // @delium // @wunes // @arphorism // @ahsteria // @gansaey
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megabadbunny · 6 years
because i have been tagged by the absolute lovelies @loup-malin @gingergallifreyan @lvslie and @homeisabluebox for various memery and imma combine them into one big ol’ monster via the power of science. ah, hubris!!!!1!!! 
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thusly we have
Rules: list the titles of ALL of the active WIPs in your WIP folder, along with a sentence for the general concept if it isn’t self explanatory/post the last sentence/thing you wrote (fanfic/original/anything); ha ha ha oh god let’s dust off these poor withering dessicated corpses shall we 
also it’s worth mentioning that the title is generally the very utmost last thing i come up with before posting any part of a fic sooooo most of my temporary titles are, shall we say, lacking a certain amount of nuance though at least none of these are titled doctor twat which i most certainly never slapped on any of my wips never ever :D
DMH Rose in a Colosseum (i.e. mbb is super clever with working titles; Her eyes start to water before the pain sets in, but it’s a short head start; the pain blossoms through quickly, and hard.)
Minuet (partially published; neglected but not forgotten: “Oh, come on, Rose, the birth of the infamous celestial blue underglaze is worth at least a little bit of a hootenanny, isn’t it?”)
No Place Like Hohm (also partially published, don’t worry bebbie i still love you; “How much longer d’you think it’s gonna take?” Mickey asked, mouth stretching wide in a yawn.)
Day of the Doctors (Redux) (Clara’s face had been making all sorts of funny shapes in the last few minutes but the Doctor had done a bang-up job ignoring it, because his younger self wasn’t nearly as irritable or bad-tempered as he remembered, and once they got past the initial bout of bickering (No, I’m the Doctor—No, I am!) and into the comments about the décor (You redecorated! I don’t like it) and comparisons in wardrobe (Bowties again, eh?—Bowties are cool!), his younger self seemed downright reasonable. Almost tolerable, even.)
lift ficlet liftlet v 2 (another amazing working title brought to you via yours truly; “Well,” he says, playing for time and failing spectacularly, “first, I feel compelled to note that my exit was less of a run, more of a brisk walking motion. Two very different things.”)
la belle dame sans merci, part ii (Fighting to keep his emotions at bay, to push them down and away so he doesn’t drown, he forces his mouth into the shape of a weak grin. “Sorry about that. Apparently Morpheus toxins and telepathy don’t mix. I’ll try to keep my nightmares quieter, next time.”)
big finish shit (remember when all my working titles were soOooo clever?; Jackie has a hard time thinking past the bubbles drifting up pleasantly inside her head, but after a moment of concentrating and trying to focus (since when did her vision get so foggy, anyway?), she sees that her alternate self is, in fact, sporting a rather large gun.)
Hitchhiker’s Map (because after all the new Big Finish, I have a mighty need to get back into writing this series, but hoo boy does it need an update first; Yoda, of course, did not reply, save his usual wobbly look of blank condescension.)
human nature au w ten rose and martha (i mean like. at least i won’t get confused about what the story is about. that’s important right???; She did not reply, hoping he would hear her answer in her long, slow breaths, lazy and deep and full.)
and now imma taggity @smallblueandloud @pellaaearien @goingtothetardis @wordsintimeandspace @fadewithfury @jemsauce and really anyone who might be interested in Doing the Thing! :D
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
dear maria, i’ve come to scientifically deduce that the contents of your blog are the chicken soup for the soul we have all need all along, kindest regards, leslie
THANK U! it’s 24/7 soft newmann hours for me babey !
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promisedyouforever · 7 years
Christmas on Doomsday
Rating: G Pairing: TenxRose Length: ~1500 words Summary: Um... what it says on the tin; "A Visit from St. Nicholas" remix, Doomsday fixit style! ♥
READ ON:  Ao3 | Teaspoon NOTES:
I am aware Doomsday aired in July.  But nothing rhymes easily with that, so I used June.  See #1. ;)
Doomsday Fixit! :)
THIS is a gift for @goingtothetardis, @chiaroscuroverse, @lvslie, @caedmonfaith, @skyler10fic, @pipertennant, and basically everyone who’s been wonderful without warrant to me this year and wants corny Christmas fic on New Year’s Eve...  Merry Christmas or [insert your holiday or lack thereof here]!!!!!  ♥♥♥
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Tardis Not a creature was sleeping, though Rose found it hardest; For the stockings they’d hung from the fireplace true Declared, “Santa, the Doctor is looking for you!” Once Rose would have laughed at a notion so jolly; Father Christmas! Well all that was simply child’s folly. But now she was singing a much diff’rent tune, For ‘twas Santa who’d saved them that dark day in June!
You see Torchwood was careless and awfully thick - They’d been poking the Void like a child with a stick! And despite how it cut the Doctor to the quick, He feared Daleks and Cybermen they’d never lick. So he sent Rose to Pete’s World, far out of harm’s way, Giving her in the matter not really much say. Though the sacrifice, it was a dear price to pay, He was not going to lose her to death - not today.
But our Rose was no shrinking violet, not at all! She would never stay on the wrong side of that wall. With just one button’s push she returned to his side. “Never gonna leave you,” she said, naught to hide. The Doctor’s hearts warred with his head, amplifying His dread of this storm and his fear of Rose dying. But despite himself now there was just no denying They would stand together - or they would die trying.
Rest assured that this story does happily end, Though on her slipping fingers Rose could not depend. With a cry she fell fast, the Void pulling her in! But ‘tis here, darlings… Christmas miracles begin.
Rose assumed, just at first, that she was dead or dreaming When the clatter of hooves and sleigh bells came a-streaming! But then out of the Void shot a cloud of fine snow And behind it eight reindeer with Santa in tow! With just one outstretched arm and a twist of his head Father Christmas had pulled her right into his sled. And he was just in time, the Void inches from view Now she gasped in shock as out the window they flew!
With one look around her, her shock turned quite merry; She was flying with Santa, reindeer on the carry! She looked to the ground and she turned toward the sky; She searched every sight with her hopes very high. From her perch she saw nary a sign of their foe. No more Daleks in air, no Cybermen below. Had they done it? They must have! She whooped with pure joy! The battle was over – it had worked, their daft ploy! Santa chuckled as back toward the window they drew Where the Doctor stood gaping when they burst right through! Reindeer slid to a stop before solid white wall Where the Void had sealed over, rescuing them all. The commotion ceased and the reality hit And both Rose and the Doctor fell speechless with it. They were stunned beyond words and shocked beyond measure; The day had been saved by a fat man with treasure! The Doctor shook out of his reverie first; He dodged all eight reindeer as if he would burst. The danger was vanquished with Rose still alive, Alive, whole, and with him, right there by his side!
She leapt and he reached at the very same time; They collided into an embrace so sublime That old Santa’s eyes glittered with bright, joyful tears ‘Til with heartiest laughter he sang, “Oh, my dears!” He climbed down from his bench and stood patient beside As the pair before him gentled fears and dried eyes Finally they turned round both happily gleaming “Transdimensional being?” the Doctor asked, beaming. Santa winked and replied, “Close, Time Lord, but not quite.” The Doc sputtered while Rose simply laughed with delight. Then she turned a bit quiet, recalling their strife; She murmured, “Thank you so much for saving my life.” Suddenly a bit shy, she stood up on her toes, And she kissed old Saint Nicholas’ cheek, our dear Rose. If his face grew one (several) shades redder in hue Well, he never let on; he had more work to do. So he said not a word but went straight to retrieving The gift for them both that he would soon be leaving. A small golden box it was, meant for Rose’s hand, So he placed it there gently and said, “understand. “Understand, my young Rose, what this box has inside. ‘Tis your greatest wish granted; you should caref’ly decide.” “How did you know?” she blurted; and he replied, “Oh, from Santa, sweet girl, no one’s wishes can hide.” Father Christmas then looked to the Doctor and said, As he tapped him, but gingerly, on the forehead, “As for you, youngster, foolish Time Lord, you will rue If you squander this precious gift she’s giving you.” Before either of them could recover their wits Santa turned with a jerk, to his sleigh he did flit. Then by laying a finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, a great whirlwind arose. The tumult obscured him and his trademark white beard, Then abruptly as he’d arrived, he disappeared. He left Rose and the Doctor both wide eyed anew; At the place where he’d been, snow had melted to dew. Finally Rose tore her eyes from the spot and just stared Disbelievingly at the gold box, unprepared. “Rose?” the Doctor said softly. “I don’t understand. Just what has he given you? What’s in your hand?” Tears had sprung to her eyes and, a lump in her throat, She said, “Doctor, I do not want this if you don’t.” She angled the box she held and there he read The words BAD WOLF etched into it, glowing gold thread. “What?” the Doctor cried. “No! No, I took it all out!” “Seems you missed a spot,” Rose murmured, now fraught with doubt. Did he not want her, or did he still not understand Just what this wish was that she held in her hand? The Doctor looked panicked, so she took a deep breath. She mustered the courage to say two words. “My death.” His face turned quite ashen, quite white and quite cold, But she went on, whispr’ing, “I wished not to get old.” He looked staggered and finally light dawned ‘cross his face. His frightened look faded; something else took its place. “I wished I was like you, that we were together. I wished I could stay to give you your forever.” He found his voice and the hope there broke her heart Even as he asked, dumbfounded, “Never apart? But you wouldn’t be human, and how can I take it? If you came to hate me I know I’d never make it.” With a sigh she caressed his cheek tenderly, smiled; “You’re not taking, I’m giving, you git,” she replied. Then she drew him in close for their first kiss, she did; As their lips met her thumb flipped open the box lid. Pure bright light flooded everywhere, white as the snow Father Christmas arrived with, it seemed so long ago. Suddenly she saw timelines, saw them race and fall, But she saw that the brightest and longest of all… Was she and the Doctor, tightly knit, almost twinned, Moving so far beyond she could not see the end. When the light ebbed away she had two beating hearts And a lifespan where she knew forever would start. Happily ever after is the end of our story, But it brings us back to the beginning full glory. Where Rose and the Doctor settled down in their bed, Waiting to hear sleigh bells and see again Santa’s sled. They wanted to thank him for his gift beyond price, To assure him they’d taken all of his advice. But while it was sweet and so awfully nice, They should have known it was unneeded that night. Santa, we know, sees but does not like to be seen. And so it was that night, as if in a dream, That both Rose and the Doctor did think they heard bells, But awoke Christmas morning not knowing much else.
They dashed to the library, to their stockings to see They were filled to the brim, presents beneath the tree. Then Rose saw on the mantel, sitting just right there Was a note in the finest hand, written with care. It read simply Dear Doctor, my dearest sweet Rose, ‘Twas my pleasure. Remember – Santa Claus always knows.
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aziraphales-library · 5 years
hello! i dont remember the author unfortunately, but may i recommend "from carthage, then i came"? love your blog 👍
I hope this is the right one, the title is a little different!
to carthage then i came by lvslie
A liking for light, an attachment to it. What a wretched word. A love, then. Of the scared, misguided kind.
He’d know.
[Aziraphale and Crowley after the Apocalypse, on the brink of becoming something else than they have been, with all the doubts and apprehensions to still approach and work through.]
~Mod P
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
a tiny prompt: dimension-hopping rose runs into clara who tries to act Cool in front of rose and doesn't really... manage to?
anyways, Clara completely fails at being Cool when unexpectedly faced with a pretty girl
Clara slung her messenger bag over her shoulder, double checking that she had all of the papers she needed to mark tonight tucked inside as she walked out of her classroom. She turned the corner in the hallway and ran straight into someone.
“I’m so sorry, I was not looking where I was going and... hello,” Clara trailed off as her mouth finally caught up with her eyes. The blonde was a bit gorgeous and was wearing a blue leather jacket paired with a bemused smile that made her heart flutter a little.
The blonde laughed and Clara’s heart definitely fluttered more than a little. “Think you already said that.”
“Oh, right. I did. Long day, you know how it is.” She laughed a bit, swaying a bit. 
“Yeah, I know the feeling.”
“So, what are you doing here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
The blonde looked past her at the empty hallway before focusing back on Clara. “I was looking for someone.”
“I think I’m the last one out of the school tonight so you’ve probably missed whoever it is.”
The woman’s mouth quirked up on one side even as her eyes went distant. “That seems to be how my life works these days.”
“Met me instead, can’t be all bad,” Clara teased, hoping to draw out another smile. “I’m Clara, by the way.”
The woman shook her proffered hand, flashing the smile Clara’d hoped to see. “Nice to meet you, Clara.”
“And who are you?” she asked as they started walking towards the exit.
“Nobody,” she said with a shrug.
“You’re much prettier than Odysseus,” Clara shot back before she thought about it. “That bloke was such a disappointment to be honest.”
“Met him, have you?” the blonde said with a laugh.
“Oh no. Of course not. English teacher humor,” Clara backtracked with a laugh, hoping she didn’t sound like a complete nutter. Usually she was so much smoother than this but she hadn’t had any time to prepare herself for this woman.
They reached the door and Clara held it open for the blonde before following her out.
“Well, I hope you find who you’re looking for,” Clara said after a moment of silence.
“Thanks. I hope so too. Good luck with your students and all that,” she said, smiling again. “It really was nice to meet you, Clara.”
“You too. Maybe I’ll see you again.”
Clara spotted sadness flash in the woman’s eyes. “Yeah, maybe.”
The woman bid her goodbye and then walked away, turning down the first side street past the gates. Clara watched her leave, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she tried to make a decision. She could try to keep her cool and play this slow and hope she would see the blonde again but...
She never was one for the safe option. Clara took off running, messenger bag slapping against her thigh and skirt swishing as she sprinted towards the street the blonde had turned down. If she could catch her, she could give the blonde her number and maybe invite her to get a coffee right now. Take a chance.
If travelling with the Doctor had taught her anything, it was how to run faster than she’d ever thought she could. Even with that advantage, Clara skidded to a stop at the turn to the side street only to find the street devoid of any people. No mysterious blonde woman and no one to witness her disappointment.
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hinumdom · 7 years
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february 22, 2018  — did my financial management notes on a loose-leaf graph paper that i bought in Muji some eons ago
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lostinfic · 7 years
2017 fic in review
Tagged by @aneclipsedhabitue and @lvslie  thank you lovelies!
total number of completed stories: 10 on Ao3 (+ a bunch of ficlets on Tumblr)
total word count :  140171 0.o
fandoms written in: Doctor Who, Broadchurch, Spies of Warsaw, Sdoacg, A Passionate Woman, The Escape Artist, True Love, The Spirit Trap
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you did this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Not in terms of number, but there are fics I thought I would write that I didn’t, Hardy x Hannah ones
what’s your own favorite story of the year? It’s so hard to choose! But I’m so proud of A lapse in fate (Mercier x Betty; WW2/spies AU).
did you take any writing risks this year? A lapse in Fate was huge undertaking for me, and I kept worrying I would discover a plot hole.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? I want to turn A Lapse in Fate into an original novel and maybe self-publish it, just for kicks
best story of the year? that’s not for me to judge.
most popular story of the year? A Lapse in Fate skews the results because it has many chapters. Woven souls (Mercier x Betty; soulmates AU) reached readers that don’t normally read my stuff, that’s a measure of popularity I think.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Because I write teninch fics, I don’t have high expectations, I wish people would give it a shot more.
most fun story to write: Nubivagant (Mercier x Betty; fake married), basing it on a movie makes it easier to plot, but also it was a relief not to struggle with writing.
story with the single sexiest moment: I did a kink flashfiction night that resulted in  Mademoiselle  (Mercier x Betty; spanking) amongst other things, Red (Hardy x Hannah) probably fits the definition of ‘sexy’ better.
most sweet story: The One With All the Pies (Hardy x Hannah; neighbors AU) more fluff than I usually write.
“holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story: I don’t post those ;) maybe the Ten x Rose x Casanova smutty ficlet
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: I don’t know about the shifting perception, but I think if someone who knows me personally were to read A Lapse in Fate, they’d draw many parallels between Betty and me.
hardest story to write: A Lapse in Fate, because of all the research, I worked on it for a year before I started posting.
biggest disappointment: Not finishing Sharad (Mercier x Betty, British Raj AU) before the end of the year. It’s not abandoned, I love it, and maybe that way I can add all the sneaking around/sexy chapters I wouldn’t have been able to if I’d rushed to finish it before the end of the year. (and maybe a warmer climate will be more inspiring)
biggest surprise: Woven Souls, I never thought I would write a Soulmates AU 
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