scarapanna · 6 months
your url is so fun to say
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I felt a bit wimsy when changing it up
Here's some url lore in the tags for the funsies bsfbsb
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verdantlyviolet · 2 years
Royal Plume (ah i think i misspelled the other one so here's a new one hahah)
Royal Plume - If you could be royalty, what would you get executed for?
Speaking. The amount I swear on here is … mostly accurate. Also I can’t keep my mouth shut sometimes so I’m sure I’d piss off someone important or tell the wrong person exactly who is a dickhead and where they should go fuck themselves 😬 lmaooo
I’d love to say it would be for my scandalous indiscretions but I think my tongue would get me in trouble for talking shit long before it’s other uses 😆
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porschekittisawasds · 5 years
in light of that fanfic ask meme i just did i’ve decided to read the first chapter of one of the first fanfics i ever wrote. it was a delena fic i posted on fanfiction.net almost ten years ago. rip me.
the literal first paragraph has a typo. this is going to be rough i can already feel it
way too much explanation of scenes that happened in the show. like. if people are reading your fanfic they probably have watched the scene you’re referring to, so maybe don’t write a big ass paragraph detailing what happened
somehow the vaguest and most embarrassing descriptions of characters i have ever read. “a masculine man with brown hair and brown eyes.” truly groundbreaking
“icy blue eyes” oh boy
so. many. epithets.
just had to google how to spell tragedy to make sure it wasn’t misspelled in the fic so i guess 14 year old me knew how to spell better than today me so good for her
i compared someone’s voice to a feather. just a feather. no further explanation given.
“his tongue tasted like danger” full disclosure it would be a few years before i made out with someone for the first time
absolutely no punctuation in some parts? a Bold choice
another typo swiftly followed by the misuse of a suffix which completely changed the meaning of the word. that’s greatly
i was apparently allergic to paragraphs at that age because i started almost every freaking sentence on a new line and i have yet to see a break to indicate scene changes. i just completely did not give a fuck about clarity huh
an embarrassing overuse of ellipses AND two typos in one sentence? it’s... more likely... than you... think
okay seriously what did i have against paragraphs
misuse of the word to BUT the only one in the chapter and i hadn’t taken a grammar class yet so good for 14 year old me
a shocking lack of commas considering the amount i use in fics today lmao
“icy blue eyes” i just googled ian somerhalder’s eyes and pictures of ice and you know what? they aren’t icy blue. they’re just like. regular blue
LMAO i made it very clear in one part that damon loved stefan but in a different way than elena. 14 year old me said FUCK incest so i was already doing better than some of you are
unnecessarily dramatic and ominous ending
i can’t remember whether i proofread that thing before i posted it or not and quite frankly i don’t know which answer would be worse. with that being said, it actually wasn’t as bad as i thought it was going to be. it was terrible, but i consistently used one pov and one tense, so small victories i guess. feeling VERY good about my writing skills today. lowkey might read the rest for the ego boost and because i have absolutely no recollection of what happens lmaooo wish me luck
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luv-surveys · 5 years
Do you like apple soda? i’ve never had it before! but it sounds good. Are there any writing utensils close to you? yep, i’m at my desk so i have my entire stationery collection next to me haha! Are you registered to vote? no, i’m too young :( one more year! Do you watch football regularly? nah, it’s not very interesting to me. sometimes i watch it with my dad though. Look up, what do you see? the top of my desk, which has a basket and valentine’s day cards on it.
Do you have a bigger upper or lower lip? they’re about the same size, but i think my lower lip is a bit bigger. Are you currently doing any big projects? yes, i’m reading king lear for my english class. When was the last time you really laughed out loud when you typed ‘lol’? probably a while ago, since if i actually laugh out loud i type something like “LMAOOO” or “HAHAH” lol! (see i didn’t laugh just now) Do you have any screen names with spelling errors? i don’t think i’d let myself misspell something like that haha! Open the nearest drawer and tell me what’s inside it: a bunch of stationery stuff, like my crayola supertips and tape. What was the last thing that shocked you? probably finding out that kansas already closed schools for the rest of the year. it’s scary because kansas doesn’t have nearly as many cases as my state, so i’m worried that we’ll be next. :( How many other rooms can you currently see into? zero, my door is closed. Do you need to take the trash out? yup, my bedroom’s trash can is full, lol. Do you need to clean your room right now? nope, i cleaned it yesterday. Do you need to clean out a litter box right now? lol no i don’t have a cat. Are these questions reminding you of things you put off to do this survey? kinda, my to-do list is right next to me and i feel guilty that i’m doing this instead LOL. How about dishes? not currently -- my mom is doing something downstairs so i’ll have to do them when she’s done, though. How many days have you been wearing those clothes? if you mean how long have i been wearing these clothes, i only put them on 30 minutes ago.
Do you like listening to 60’s music? some 60s music! i like the beatles! Can you move your nose? yeah. Can you flip your eyelids inside out? omg no -- is that a thing people do? Can you wiggle your ears? no, i wish i could :( Can you make a clover with your tongue? nope. Can you put your foot behind your head? i’m not flexible so no! When was your last break-up? it was in may 2017. Would you rather not be reminded of that? nah i’m over it. it’s kinda funny actually because we were both super immature and emotional so it was reallyyy overdramatic. What one thing never fails to amuse you? probably my friends acting stupid. How many songs have you downloaded this week? i don’t download songs. Would you rather be a ninja or a samurai? i’d definitely be a samurai, they’re so cool! Would you rather be a pirate or robot? a pirate -- they’re cool too! Would you rather be a ghost or a zombie? i’d be a ghost and just mess with people tbh lol. Have you ever considered living in a bomb shelter? no. How lonely are you right now? i’m a little lonely. i’m quarantined and i’m not allowed to see my friends or boyfriend, so i miss them. i hope this whole coronavirus thing is over soon. If I gave you a piano and told you hit middle c, could you? heck yeah i can! i’m majoring in music! Have you ever typed out a long rant, then your computer died? not a rant, but i’ve written long stories and had something happen to delete them :/
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