#*Joe White
nobigsecrets · 4 months
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alea-says · 3 months
H50 Season 2 Gag Reel gifs... part 7
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Just to clear up any confusion about canon on Hawaii Five-0, I will list the facts here:
Steve's eyes are blue hazel. (Alex calls them "hazelly blue.")
Steve's parents are John and Doris.
Danny's parents are Eddie and Clara. His siblings are Matt, Stella (Eric's mother), and Bridgett.
In April 1992 (Steve was 16 and Mary was 10), Doris faked her death.
John told Mary and Steve that she was killed by a drunk driver.
Steve doesn't find out that his mother's "death" was actually murder until 1x11. Mary doesn't find out until somewhere between 1x11 and 1x13. She finds the pictures of the car bomb in 1x11, and in 1x13, we find out she was kidnapped because she had started asking questions about their mom's death.
After Doris' "death," Mary was sent to live with their Aunt Deb. Steve was sent to the Army and Navy Academy (ANA) in Carlsbad, California. Joe White (aka "Uncle Joe") helped get Steve into the school.
After graduating from ANA, Steve went to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, for 4 years.
After graduating from Annapolis, Steve was with Naval Intelligence for 5 years, and then he joined the SEALs for 6 years.
It is implied a few times throughout the series that Steve was a sniper.
When Steve came back to Hawaii after his father's murder, he transferred to the Reserves.
Steve is fluent in Mandarin and Hawaiian, and he can speak conversational Korean and Japanese. He understands Pashto, but he says he is rusty.
STEVE IS NOT STUPID. He is actually very smart. Plus, he was in Naval Intelligence. Intelligence is in the name.
Kono has met John McGarrett before.
Even after Chin was accused of being a dirty cop by IA, John McGarrett stayed his friend.
Both of Kono's parents are still alive, but her mom had an aneurysm, so she can't walk or talk.
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dailyfandombooty · 6 months
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loveisfriendship · 6 months
Leaving Breadcrumbs behind [12/?]
Author’s Note: Wow, it has been a while…
But nonetheless the love this story still gets is overwhelming and I’ll probably never can make up for it. Here is to a new part.
Leaving Breadcrumbs behind Masterlist
“Hey Kono, did you find anything that needs a password?” Steve asks, after he hung up with Hawkeye.
“So far nothing. Why?“ she asks, double checking everything again, just to make sure.
“We just got a password from Hawkeye that (Y/N) left. If anything pops up, let me know.” Steve answers, as Kono nods. Steve turns around as he hears the other entering the HQ again.
“Anything new?” Steve asks them.
“No, nothing in the houses. No more clues.” Danny answers.
“Sorry, Steve.” Chin says, giving Steve a pat on the shoulder.
“Thanks. But I didn’t think there would be more.” Steve answers, giving Chin a forced smile. Before they can continue, Joe arrives and has two Navy Officers with him.
“Commander McGarrett, nice to see you alive and well.” One of the Officers says, making Steve clench his jaw.
“Yeah, well, let’s leave it at that.” Steve answers, standing straight.
“Steve, these are Lieutenant Rath and Lieutenant Wily.” Joe introduces them.
„They have reportedly been handling the case we are working on.” Joe continues, keeping it vague and giving Steve a specific look, making it clear to not give away too much information. Steve sends another look to Kono, who puts up the Screensaver on all the screens and putting the letters and everything else beneath it.
“Nice to meet you Lieutenants. We hope you can explain to us what has been going on with my fiancée, that made her shoot me in the first place.” Steve greets them with a tight smile, challenging them to lie to him. Everybody of the 5-0 team, gathered next to him, including Joe. Whereas the Lieutenants stood opposite of them.
“Commander McGarrett, we can assure you, that we didn’t know, that she would turn to such drastic measures.” Lieutenant Wily says, trying to calm the atmosphere.
“Really, then enlighten me and tell me what you did know or expect to happen?” Steve answers.
“Sorry to say this Commander, but we are not allowed to just give out this information to anyone.” Lieutenant Rath said sternly, making Joe and Steve scoff.
“We are not just anyone, are we? I am her father and he is her future husband.” Joe snaps, taking a step towards Rath, eyeing him up and down.
“Nonetheless, we are not allowed to give out classified information.” Rath responds, getting closer to Joe as well, being practically in his face.
“Oh well, if that is the case…” Steve starts as he takes step towards the Lieutenants and Joe takes a step back. “Take us to someone who can.” Steve says, both SEALs standing straight trying to intimidate the Lieutenants in front of them.
Somewhere in the jungle…
“What do you mean until yesterday?” JJ asks concerned at the phrase and your behavior.
“That what it cost me to get to you… I was engaged to Steve.” You answer, new tears flowing down your cheeks.
“What happened?” your brother asks, grabbing your shoulders and making you look at him.
“I shot him…” you answer, starting to sob and loosing the strength in you legs and falling to the floor. Thankfully not hard, as JJ catches you as much as he can with the strength that is left in him.
“…and he is dead.” You sob into his shoulders, as he puts one arm around your shoulders and grabs the back of your hand with his other hand, trying to sooth you.
“Oh, (Y/N/N).” he answers, giving you a kiss on your hair.
“I miscalculated my shot…” you hiccup, trying to gain composure. “I shot him with my eyes close, but I apparently miscalculated. I saw him clearly and I did shoot him with my closed eyes on purpose. But I practiced beforehand and never missed. And now… I killed Steve.” You sob and you brush away your tears with your sleeve.
“Are you really sure?” he asks, moving your chin up with his hand, to make you look at him.
“What do you mean?” you sniff. “That’s what Wo Fat told me and I saw Steve on the ground before I ran. I didn’t see where I hit him in that moment.”
“When I know one thing, then that you never miss. Or miscalculate your shot.” JJ answers, grabbing your head again.
„And the other thing I know is that from all people Wo Fat is not to be trusted. He might have lied, to break you.” He continues.
“You think I didn’t kill him?” you look into his eyes, your mind racing, that of course your brother is right and you can’t trust Wo Fat with anything he tells you.
“I think, that you are the best shot the Army ever had. And when I still know my sister after all these years, than yes, I think you didn’t miscalculate.” He answers, giving you a smile and pulling you into another hug. You hug him back and when you pull back, you both stand up again.
“Okay, but whatever the case. We need to think about how we can get out of here.” you say, making your brother grin.
“Now THAT is my sister talking.” He says and you grin back. With some littler glimmer of hope inside of you, you start discussing what JJ knows about the surroundings, that Wo Fat and his minions.
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LBB Taglist: @geeksareunique @fandomoniumflurry @rahma29417 @letsstarsfalling @fairchild21 @fungk17 @woodworthit666 @honestlyoriginalthing @evyiione @everygoodusernameistaken16 @littlewhiterose @reincarnated-ghost @damedoctoroftardis @princess76179 @jessica-tree @writingmeow29 @nocturnalherb16 @drakelover78 @kalanimcgarrett @mercyy98 @jessica-tree @auttumnsayshi @football1921
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panicatthediaz · 23 days
Fuck it Friday
I still have an hour of my Friday, ok.
Because I've been writing and I wanna share some of it. This is one scene of a prologue that I'm sending to, like, a few different people because I'm nervous about the whole concept. But it's fine.
This is an entire scene of a thing. A Hawaii Five-0 thing. Different First Meeting, canon divergence, all wrapped in a nice little Alternate Universe package, I guess? Set in the beginning/during season 3. Danny's not on the team.
Overall, blame @corvid-cryptidd. He's a horrible enabler.
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Steve wasn’t sure what to think of all of this. He hadn’t believed Joe when he said he was Shelburne, but all the lies were starting to get him. The fact that he’d been in Suruga before, that Joe had been moving Shelburne just hours before Steve got to a location, stung. Moving and backtracking in order to avoid Wo Fat — and himself — was smart, and exactly what he’d have done. Joe did know how he operated better than anyone else.
His old commander had had a change of heart somewhere along the way, though, deciding to bring him back to Japan after his failed search just last week and take him to meet Shelburne, but none of it made all this secrecy easier to swallow. Whatever this was about, whether it was Wo Fat’s father or something even deeper, his father was executed for it.
They approached the seaside village mostly in silence after Joe’s explanations, but some noise ahead caught Steve’s attention, as if it was being intentionally made. Joe stopped walking, and Steve followed suit.
“Commander White,” a rather short man greeted. He extended a well-toned arm to Joe for a handshake that Joe quickly met. The vest and equipment — including the M16 rifle over his shoulder — made it easy to place him as military. With a nod towards Steve, he asked, “This is?”
“Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett,” Joe introduced, and Steve extended his own hand to the man. “Steve, this is Major Daniel Williams.”
Now slightly closer, Steve could see the American flag on the vest, though no real indication as to what branch the man — Major Williams — was part of.
Eying him up and down with a frown, Williams shook his hand and threw a glance at Joe that Steve couldn't begin to decipher. He shook his head softly.
“You gotta be kidding me,” he muttered, turning around to head back the way he came. “Come on, then.”
Steve could spot more well-armed personnel as they walked, none of them Japanese, all of them carrying themselves in the same way as Williams. The same way Steve saw several other operators move. None of the locals paid any mind to them, though. “What’s with the Army escort?”
“Got a problem with the branch choice, McGarrett?” There was a challenge in his voice, clear even if he didn't turn around to face them. 
“No problem,” he said, easily enough. “I'm just curious." Williams glanced back at him, but didn't say anything. “Wo Fat’s still looking, isn’t he?”
“Wo Fat is in Yakuza custody,” Joe answered easily enough. It explained why Joe had decided to bring him to Shelburne now, at least.
“Whether he stays there,” Williams added, gesturing wildly at the world around them, “Remains to be seen. While regrettable, Anna Douglas’ death at least served as a wake-up call.” There was annoyance in his tone, directed, Steve supposed, at the powers that be. “The CIA no longer wants anything to do with him, the Yakuza wants a piece of him.”
“The man who killed Agent Douglas has been arrested,” Steve said, uselessly. Williams nodded, but his shoulders remained tense. This man clearly knew that Hiro Noshimuri was dead, why else would the remaining Yakuza families be gunning for Wo Fat?
“Good for them.” Williams muttered, stopped from saying anything further by the man approaching them with easy, unhurried steps, interrupting their walk to talk with Williams. Steve couldn't hear what they were saying, could barely make out lip movements, and a glance at Joe told him he couldn't either.
Instead, Steve’s focus went to the man’s vest. The UK flag and S.A.S.-like emblem only added to Steve's apprehension.
“Just get moving, MacTavish.” The man avoided Williams’ swat easily enough, giving him a mock salute as he stepped back. “Go.”
“Aye, sir.”
MacTavish walked between the shacks toward the treeline, finally letting them move on. It wasn't long before the three of them came upon what looked like an abandoned shack, but Joe and Williams stopped well before they reached the door.
“Joe?” He questioned, glancing backwards.
“Go on,” Joe nodded toward the door. “You deserve some answers, Steve.”
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
tfw your husband's partner's surrogate Dad calls you out on acting married
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actual scene someone wrote of Steve's Training Officer, a decorated veteran of the United States Navy (correctly) identifying Danny as Steve's spouse (and not the woman who occasionally sleeps over at Steve's house and even happens to be prominent in this episode).
Danny's deer-in-the-headlights reaction is even more priceless, he doesn't trust or like Joe much so he is on his guard around him usually but he did NOT expect an ambush from this angle ↓
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*just got read for filth*
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'B-bicker?? N-no, n-no, we...we d-don't bicker. I mean, we argue from time to time, sure but there's no bickering.'
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well that was embarrassing. now, now, just refreshing my memory
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yep, got that right, in trying to deny that he and Steve bicker like an old married couple, Danny literally bickers about the definition of the word bickering, proving Joe's point further.
you don't need to be world class spy to see how totally married Steve and Danny are, but that's obvious to everyone but themselves.
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anastablack · 2 years
Almost every time when Danny flies to the mainland, something happens to Steve: he gets injured physically or emotionally. But Danny still has to fly there. He tries his best to reduce his absence, but there is always something that makes him to leave his home and Steve. And every time during the flight to New Jersey and during his time with his family or anything else, he is very nervous. He can't get rid of the tension because he is thinking about Steve. About what might happen to him when he is not with Steve. And he texts Steve every time he is free, waiting for his reply to know that everything is okay.
What if one day Steve lied to him, or just ignored his message, not wanting to lie to his friend. I mean, it is what he did in this episode.
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Because obviously Steve loves Danny and he knows how anxious he can be. And Steve doesn't want Danny to worry about him, he doesn't want to ruin Danny's plans, especially when it is something connected with Grace.
Oh, and Adam. Adam knows how much these two love each other, and he knows that they want to know if anything happened to each other. I think, that Adam even might feel like "Danny should know. I would like to know if I was in his place". And he would be right, but Adam doesn't want to go against Steve.
So, back to Danny.
During his time with Grace, Danny worries because there is no reply from Steve, but at the same time Danny understands that their job is pretty time-consuming, so he is almost okay. But then he starts to think whether Steve is lying to him. What if Steve ignores him because something is happening right now and Danny can't do anything to help Steve, because he is here, on the mainland. But at the same time, Danny is thinking that Steve wouldn't lie to him. Because Steve tells him everything. Almost everything. And if there is something, that Danny doesn't know, well, this is either for Danny's sake, or for anyone other's sake. And Danny hates when Steve is lying to him for his own - Danny's - sake. Because he wants to know everything.
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When Danny returns home... There is no Steve. Steve is somewhere far away from Hawaii. So Danny understands that he was right. That something happened... And it is so painful to hear these news on phone (maybe from Lou, maybe from Steve), not seeing Steve. His instinct was right. Danny wants to be near Steve, wants to help him. Because he knows how much Joe meant to Steve... But Steve decided that it is better to cope with his sorrow alone. Because Steve doesn't want to bother anyone, even Danny. And despite the fact that he knows that Danny is his friend and that Steve would do the same for him. And he did, by the way. But that is Steve with his trust issues, and now it is Danny who now understands that whenever he will be on the mainland, he won't be able to get rid of anxiety because who knows what can happen to Steve the next time.
And I'm sure that then they will have a long talk where Danny will ask Steve not to lie to him ever again. Because it is so painful that it tears Danny's heart into pieces. And Steve will agree with him. He will promise. No lies. Because Steve, to be honest, also wants Danny to be with him, when he is in pain. He can't ask it directly, but that's what he really wants.
Also, I wanted to mention that fact that Joe said to Steve that it is enough of waiting. "Don't wait as long as I did to find someone"
Like look at Steve's face. Oh gosh, he knows that he found that person. Of course, he found him. All they need is just to open their mouths and speak to each other!
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Any Andrew Garfield performance is to be cherished – the British actor never fails to deliver, bringing emotion and commitment every single time. And his next role will be a different kind of expression than we’re used to from the star. He’s leading the impeccable voice cast of Audible’s new audio drama production of George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984, playing the role of Winston Smith as he navigates the repressive society governed by Big Brother. Empire has an exclusive early peek at the audio drama, with a clip that sees Winston being confronted by the terror that awaits those going into Room 101. Give it a listen here:
Beyond Garfield’s Winston, you also heard Romesh Ranganathan as Parsons, with Cynthia Erivo as Winston’s romantic counterpart Julia. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the cast here – also in the production you’ll find Tom Hardy as the terrifying voice of Big Brother, Andrew Scott as O’Brien, and What We Do In The Shadows favourite Natasia Demetriou as Mrs Parsons. The drama is written by Joe White and directed by Destiny Ekaragha (who helmed multiple episodes of The End Of The F***ing World) with a Dolby Atmos mix. All that, and it also features an original score from Muse frontman Matt Bellamy (who’s often referenced 1984 in his songs), working alongside composer Ilan Eshkeri.
Listen to the full audio drama of George Orwell’s 1984 when it arrives on Audible from 4 April 2024 – a date precisely four decades after the first diary entry from Winston in Orwell’s original novel.'
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ellena-asg · 2 years
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Bonus 1
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Bonus 2
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Bonus 3
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#McDanno comics
@adelaydebclouds wanted something about Navy so here it is - a very Navy AU 😂 Yeah, Navy may suck but Steve always has some friends there. She also wanted something about Doris being McDanno shipper so I made the bonus 🙂
Ade, I hope you'll like it a bit 😉 And I'm so sorry that you waited too long. Thank you for everything ❤️
And mahalo to all my sunshines 💕 You always give me so much energy! 😘
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nobigsecrets · 2 years
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Rainbows over Waikiki
Shortly after his mom dies, Steve kisses his best friend Luca. A week later his dad shoves him back into the closet by sending him away to the Army-Navy-Academy. What follows is a life full of lying and hiding and pretending—until he finds support from unlikely allies. Things get complicated when he returns to Hawaii 20 years later, when DADT is repealed and he falls head over heels for his new partner, Danny Williams.
This is Steve’s story.
Read on AO3:
Chapter 1: Dad
Chapter 2: Freddie
Chapter 3: Joe
Chapter 4: Catherine
Chapter 5: The Repeal
Chapter 6: Mary
Chapter 7: Danny
Chapter 8: In Limbo
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joe: what's that old saying? those who can't do, teach?
steve, panicking: you were literally my teacher, what the fuck are you saying
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brinleyparke · 10 months
I have added 2 new prompts to the Pre-Series Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas/Prompts Masterlist.
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dailyfandombooty · 5 months
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comfortfromyourpain · 2 years
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Hawaii Five-0 S2 EP1
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
tfw your husband's partner's surrogate Dad calls you out on acting married
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actual scene someone wrote of Steve's Training Officer, a decorated veteran of the United States Navy (correctly) identifying Danny as Steve's spouse (and not the woman who occasionally sleeps over at Steve's house and even happens to be prominent in this episode).
Danny's deer-in-the-headlights reaction is even more priceless, he doesn't trust or like Joe much so he is on his guard around him usually but he did NOT expect an ambush from this angle ↓
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*just got read for filth*
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'B-bicker?? N-no, n-no, we...we d-don't bicker. I mean, we argue from time to time, sure but there's no bickering.'
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well that was embarrassing. now, now, just refreshing my memory
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yep, got that right, in trying to deny that he and Steve bicker like an old married couple, Danny literally bickers about the definition of the word bickering, proving Joe's point further.
you don't need to be world class spy to see how totally married Steve and Danny are, but that's obvious to everyone but themselves.
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