#*Ship tag pending*
konohadaddies · 1 month
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While he couldn't claim to be the most romantic man, not even close, Shikamaru did feel like the last few dates he'd taken Ino on had gone decently. Walking her back to her apartment, the brunet had his hands stuffed in his pockets as he moved, not really great at knowing what the right thing to do was. When they reached the woman's apartment, he had been about to ask her if he could kiss her goodnight when she instead asked him if he wanted to come in.
"Are you sure?" He had no desire to ever make her feel like she had to do something for him; he loved her for being her and didn't want to change her.
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hawkinshellraiser · 4 days
‧͙⁺˚*₊˚・༓₊˚✧↳ | | @godstrayed rolled for initiative ; you're supposed to call and warn me before you show up here.
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Eddie opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again, and ultimately takes another moment before replying. Okay, yeah. That was the rule. And he'd forgotten it. And he knew why the rule was in place. What would happen without it.
He feels like an asshole, but he's pissed off enough that he doesn't really care. Eddie does not envy him. Thinks of his own families fucked up situation as lucky compared to what goes on behind the door Eddie is not supposed to knock on.
That being said, his family is shit. It's insanely shitty. And while a lot of it has all been said and done, and things just him and Wayne are perfect, any little thing can send Eddie hurtling out of orbit.
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Like getting a call from the prison nursing staff that his dad is sick.
He'll probably live, and he'll be fine if he does. But there's enough of a chance that he might not that they decided to call Eddie, who they know hasn't spoken to his father in a few years.
He can feel himself falling apart at the seams. Everything that's been keeping it together, layers upon layers of adhesive that can only ever be as strong as its shaky foundation, threatening to crumble.
"Yeah, my bad," he ends up saying, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and glancing into the window he can hardly see into. "Sorry." Eddie can hear his own blood rushing in his ears. Can feel the blood shooting rocket speed through his veins to find somewhere to go while his heart is cracking. "It's fine, it can wait until the morning."
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insanislupus-moved · 9 months
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little thing for @chaoticordxr bc I love them
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ama-ships · 8 months
Finally!!! My beloved Zhao has arrived!!! I'm calm... I'm very calm...
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thuganomxcs · 9 months
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unprompted / always accepting / @nabiaes
Falls asleep on his shoulder-Gwen
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Today was one of those rare occasions where Botan does not come to him to provide him with another case..so all in all the day had been rather quiet after classes. Poor Gwen had been dealing with a lot of tests and whatnot..soo on this day he decided it would be nice to stay at her place..with the door open of course considering he STILL is known as the school’s troublemaker despite being its new star athlete.
Either way, Yusuke did the BEST that he could concerning her homework which was HARDLY anything but once he had enough freedom and head into their kitchen and make her some brainfood (beef fried rice cause they had leftover rice) it was then he felt he contributed, she wasn’t going to study on an empty stomach not on his watch and once she was done eating he continues to read some questions she had made herself from her ‘notes’, cheering her on as she had gotten them ALL correct.
“Yeah, that’s my Goldilocks.” He spoke with such pride and before he knew it the afternoon turned tonight and then he felt her head crashing against his shoulder. “Huh?” He raised a brow at her in curiosity and turned to look at her, there she was..his princess all tuckered out from studying. Damn, she looks so beautiful..and now he was the support that she needed to ensure she slept well for her nap.
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The amount of trust she placed in him to just be so vulnerable to the point that she would feel safe falling asleep with him in the same room. Such…GRAH here she is making him FEEL things and she’s not even conscious. Either way, Yusuke shimmies his jacket from his shoulders and drapes it gently upon her and held her close. “Friggin Gwen…” He utters silently.
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peoplcshope · 1 year
Her frustration over the rain was..kind of endearing. He couldn’t help but smile whilst gazing at her..of course beyond her comprehension of him looking at her. “You really don’t like the rain huh..though I will admit it ruined what could have been a pretty good day.” He said removing the band that kept his long hair tied in the back and allows it to hang loose. 
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The best he could do was raise his energy enough to bring forth a transparent aura that blew the droplets of water from his skin and some out of his hair but for the most part he remained damped. “Really wished I had those heat powers to stay dry.”
continue from here / @itmeanspeace
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erxsxre-archived · 2 years
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"How do you explain to your best friend that you're in a relationship with an octopus?...Asking for a friend..."
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the things i'd do to you if we weren't out in public . . .
Spicy Tension Prompts - Still Accepting
They were just out of sight from anyone. The crowds wouldn't even notice them if they weren't actually looking for them. Chris had never been a man interested in public displays of affection, but he was unable to keep from kissing them tonight.
He gives a quick grin, his kisses still deep, hungry and unrelenting. His hands pull them closer against him, roaming. His voice is a murmur against their lips. "Mmm.... Like what? Tell me."
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masters-menagerie · 2 years
💕 Blues and Hanzo ok last one i swear
Shadowman had been awake for some time already, not the type to just lay around and sleep for the sake of it. Once he was recharged he was back up and moving again, ready to get more work done. This morning's work was a little different than his usual list of housekeeping, though, as a guest had made themselves at home in his space. While the other slept, Shadow was preparing the robot equivalent of 'breakfast in bed' as a nice surprise. His brothers would no doubt tease him if they saw him being so domestic (romantic, even) for someone. He had hoped it would still be a gesture well received by his partner, anyway.
Leaving the freshly made rice and natto on the table with two e-tanks, Shadow returned to where Blues was curled up fast asleep. He leaned over, brushing the bangs from his forehead to gently kiss his forehead.
"Good morning, sunlight."
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inmensapotentia · 15 days
23. A kiss on the back of the hand. ((Sui-Feng to Nanao @onmitsu-taicho))
While Nanao liked to consider herself to be well aware of her surroundings, Sui-Feng was much better at hiding her spiritual pressure than most. Which meant the sudden touch had the bespectacled woman stiffening, eyes widening as her head whipped around. Only to relax, at least partially, when she realized who it was.
Cheeks blooming pink, she fiddled with her glasses, sliding them minutely up and down her nose. "I thought you didn't approve of PDA's..." Though could it really be counted as public when they were the only two in the courtyard?
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konohadaddies · 4 months
ღ For Chouza. Kissing his upper back from behind, sleepy early morning.
While he always made sure to go to sleep holding his lover, it was almost inevitable that he would end up rolling over at some point. Chouza wasn't snapped to consciousness by Itachi's lips pressing between his shoulder blades, but it did draw him closer to the surface. He made a soft almost humming noise in his sleep when she pressed closer to him and nuzzled against his back. He blinked a couple times in the dim dawn light filtering through the curtains before turning his head to look back at Itachi.
"Good morning." His words were soft, not wanting to break the cozy softness that lingered in the room. Though he did reach back with one hand, rubbing lightly at her upper thigh affectionately.
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soulsbetrayed · 6 months
("Hold still.")
Their feminine voice rings clear as they carefully cupped their boyfriend's chin with a gloved hand, creeping back barely past their wrist. Their thumb carefully wiped away at the small ink stain upon pale skin. The gesture was small but it was their way of showing they care.
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ama-ships · 9 months
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Picrew used
This is V2. What is his actual name? Only a few people know!
He's a shapeshifting human/demon hybrid
Homicidal Cannibal
He has a mysterious military background (Much like his actual name, not many know but some do)
Blending in requires a decent amount of make-up as V2 always looks tired in his true state
Can control whether his teeth are normal or sharp but usually keeps them sharp if he isn't in public
He loves the colour red but doesn't wear red and opts for blacks, greys, and blues
He claims to be in his 40s even tho he's thousands of years old
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thuganomxcs · 8 months
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❝ poltergeist report: 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫 | client: @ryogai | 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽: ❤️ + 😘 / 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶.
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━━   ❝  𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭?   ❞  Yusuke was caught by surprise by the gift she placed in his hands. Valentines day was today yes…but to receive a GIFT? That right there was a miracle, then again it wasn’t until now that he's had a girlfriend..especially not one that constantly fight throughout different timelines, but here she was making time for just him by giving him a box of chocolates and what came next REALLY knocked him out of his seat. It seems valentine’s day had made her incredibly brave and bold as she leaned forward and planted a good ol’ wet one on his lips.
Yusuke of course leans forward to return the gesture..and boy did he return it with tons of passion within the kiss he’s given her before pulling away. “Wow, today’s my lucky day. Thanks a lot princess you’ve really gone and made this one hell of a day fer me.”
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shadowzgather · 9 months
[ trail ] a trail of kisses along the partner's jawline or collarbone { Nimue @ Arata }
He was laying on his back deep asleep until he felt the trail of kisses along his jaw and then his collarbone. "Mmm...?" He opened a single eye and smiled at his girlfriend. It was still a little odd thinking about it as he looked at Nimue. She was his first girlfriend as odd as that might be but it also seemed so natural to him that she was the one. "Ohaiyo..." He muttered tiredly drew her chin closer with his hand to place a kiss on her lips.
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shouga-nai · 9 months
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@featherchan said:
[ Reunited ] / Mi Yue n Tenpou 😭
Nearly a kiss || Accepting!
[  REUNITED  ] :  sender and receiver are reunited at after some time apart. jumping into the other’s arms in a warm embrace, the idea of a kiss is there but does it come to fruition ?
It was a spur-of-the-moment response, seeing Mi Yue out in the gardens upon returning from a long mission down on Earth. Something in the way she lit up when their eyes met, the way she smiled as she closed the distance between them, and the way their arms held one another so naturally.
He savored her warmth. And this moment, just the two of them beneath the cherry blossom trees.
There was something else there, while they're still locked in the embrace - perhaps a little too comfortably. Faces barely an inch apart, his breath against her skin, the marshal seemed to linger right there for a moment... only to gently pull away.
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"I'm back." Tenpou greeted. "It's good to see you too." While he had a pleasant smile on, there was an inexplicable faraway look in his eyes, whatever it may be left unspoken as he pulled something out from his coat pocket. It's a charming hair pin with a floral motif at the end, placing it in her hand.
"The creativity humans possess knows no bounds. I gather it works remarkably as a bookmark as well..~"
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