#*captain ameri-QUEUE!
wingshead · 6 years
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private & independent 616 + mcu captain america / steve rogers from marvel comics.
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wingshead · 6 years
He feels nausea rising in the back of his throat, and an insistent pressure behind the backs of his eyes. The world feels topsy-turvey for a few seconds, and Steve struggles for a moment to find his feet from under him. It’s always like this, when it happens. Time travel. Dimension travel. Portals. Steve’s been through enough to know --- too many. He’s really tired of getting the rug pulled out from under him and thrown into some alternate timeline. Maybe villains think it’s an easy win --- throw the man out of time even more out of time. Apart from how obvious and overdone that ploy is, it never works out in their favor anyway.  “ That never gets easier.  ”   he says, to himself, because he doesn’t expect to find anyone around him. None of the Avengers had been near enough to be sucked in alongside him: for that, he’s grateful. It’s a little lonely, sure, and he’s sure somehow, some way down the line in getting back home he’d need the help, but he’d rather no one else be stuck here with him when they needed as much as help as they could get back home.    “ Alright, Rogers ... let’s see where you’ve gotten yourself to this time. Or when. ”  
He isn’t sure which one to expect --- isn’t sure which one to hope for. Neither are particularly exciting prospects. There wasn’t much to go off of yet though --- just a bunch of trees, an expansive forest, and ... eerie silence. Steve’s eyes narrow, and he's immediately on his guard. Something ... Something isn’t right here. It's like the place is empty, and forests were never empty. Not of life. There was a clearing up ahead --- trees giving way to open terrain, and Steve looks around him again. 
Well ... no way to go but forward, he supposed.
@cxpt   |      ♥’D FOR A STARTER.
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wingshead · 6 years
“ You know ... I never asked before since it wasn’t my place to, but --- ”  He shifts in his seat on the couch, beer bottle still held between his fingers and only a couple of inches from his mouth as he pauses from taking a drink. All to settle Bucky with a curious look, a bit of an amused smile, a quirk of his brow.  “ --- What was up with the triangle you put in the uniform? ”
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@decommed    |  ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
“ Well. ”  Steve puts his hands on his hips, eyeing the scene before him with some surprise --- and more than a little bit of amusement at what he saw. The Maggia goons he’d caught wind of had already been taken care of, it seemed, judging by how they were all strung up and webbed up.   “ Looks like you beat me to it. ”  With a raised brow, hidden beneath his cowl, Steve turns and looks a bit skyward, addressing Miles.  “ Nice job, Spider-man. ”  
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@sparkgained    |  ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
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“ You know ... ”  With a soft huff, Steve falls into place beside Strange, arms crossed as he stares out the entrance of the Avengers Mountain.  “ At the time, this seemed like a good idea. It’s certainly different ... new. ”  he says, slowly, and enunciates the words as if settling for them in lieu of something different.   “ Now that it’s been a couple of weeks ... I’m starting to re-think settling down in the middle of the North Pole. A little cold for my tastes. ”  Steve’s lips quirk, and he finally turns to settle a smirk Strange’s way.   “ Spent enough time in the ice to last me a lifetime. ”
@strangcrdoctor    |  ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
Steve leans against the counter, crossing his arms with a smile.  “ I’ve missed this. Being on a team together. Feels like it’s been years. ”  It’s been too long since he’s been part of the Avengers, and coming back to them felt like coming home. It was a good feeling. One of the best.   “ That being said ... ”  he pushes himself away from the counter with his leg, stepping forward to pick up the coffee, in his mug, on the table with a raised brow before she can grab at it.   “ I definitely don’t miss all the coffee hogging that went on around here. ”  
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@princesssparklefists   |     ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
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“ I still stand by what I said, you know. ”  He hides the twitch of his lip well, exuding a calm look of dryness that he’s put into practice for years and mastered. He isn’t lying, though --- he does think that the lime green hoodie is ugly. Bringing it up again though? That’s more really to poke a little fun at Rogue.  “ And before you mention it, yes, I know this is coming from the guy who wears a flag for a living. ” 
@onlyrogue    |  ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
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“ Another Spider? ”  Steve’s brows slowly creep up his forehead. He’s a little incredulous, to be honest. Just how many Spider people were there, exactly? He was starting to lose count, at this point.  “ You know, there’s enough of you to put together a team of your own. ”  he says dryly.  “ Not sure how I’d feel about that, to be honest. ”  He was plenty a fan of Spider-man, both of them, and all of the other Spider-heroes out there. But all of them in one place at once? Just the thought of all the quips was enough to make him want to go to sleep for another 70 years.
@thwipette   | ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
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“ Maybe not. But wanna know what’s less cool? You getting yourself killed. ”  He holds back the wince he wants to give himself at his wording, the slang still awkward on his tongue even if it’s no longer unfamiliar. He means what he said though, and while knocking Chase down with his shield from the back had been a little rough, the kid would’ve gone back running into the fight despite his injuries and exhaustion. Steve’s having a tough enough time having let them fight at all. Anything more liable of getting them killed was strictly off the table. He gives a sigh, making his way over to Chase and extending a hand for the boy to take.   “ C’mon. You good to get up? We’ve gotta get you someplace safe. ”
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wingshead · 6 years
Steve had to take a moment to figure out where he was. That in itself was a surprise --- this was the tower, after all. He’d lived here ... well, not all his life, but certainly a good chunk of it by now. Enough to recognize the sleek walls and design of it, the high ceilings and the view of the city down below. It had been a while since he’d been here though, and it looked like some of the furniture had changed. Some of the architecture, too. Had Tony been renovating? Steve rubbed at his eyes with his hand, brows furrowing beneath it. Because while he knew where he was, for the love of him ... he couldn’t remember actually getting here. Couldn’t remember ... much of anything the past few hours, actually. He’d been in his apartment last. Eating some leftover takeaway from the night before. Watching the news. Same depressing stuff as always. And then --- nothing. Just what had happened?  
He was in the Tower, he could talk to Tony. But before that, Steve thought with an annoyed frown, directed to the ceiling where the alarms blared, I’ll need to turn that blasted thing off. (And surely berate whoever was here watching the Tower, because their response time was lacking.)   “ Captain America. Override Code 3-3-6-4-1. ”  he waited, expecting the alarm to be disabled --- but it kept on blaring. Steve narrowed his eyes, and tried the code again --- had Tony changed it without letting him know? Steve frowned, the bright red lights of the alarm silhouetting the room starting to mess with his eyes, and he had half a mind to rip out the security system himself with his shield when the door flung open, and there stood Tony. There was a swell of relief at the sight of the man initially.   
“ Tony. Finally.  ”  The relief quickly gave way to irritation, and Steve gestured vaguely around the room.   “ You gonna turn that thing off or what? I told you, if you’re going to change the security code, you need to let everyone know --- and keep it straightforward. We don’t need any more ... ”  he trailed off, facing Tony fully for the first time, seeing him through the alarm lights, and felt his stomach drop. Tony was looking at him with an odd expression on his face, like he hadn’t expected to see him. No ... not like he hadn’t expected to see him --- like he’d seen a ghost. Or something equally as haunting. He was off in other ways, too. Shorter. Older. Tony could look tired and world weary at times, but this tired looked years old, not days or weeks. 
Steve stilled, his expression eerily calm in the flashing red lights of the otherwise dark room, and had a sharp insistent feeling as to why he couldn’t remember getting here, why the time had changed, why the tower looked different and his voice commands hadn’t worked.  “ You aren’t the Tony I know. Are you? ”  he spoke the words slowly, with a false sense of calmness. He hoped he could remain calm --- the both of them. Hoped this wasn’t some alternate reality or universe where the Avengers were evil or where he and Tony had never known each other or where something terrible had happened. Knowing his luck, however? At least one of those would probably prove to be true.
@bestdefender   |  616 meets mcu starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
“quick! give me your phone!”
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“ What are you up to now, Spider-man? ”  Despite the other hero’s words, Steve’s slow to rummage out his cell phone from his pocket. The only quick thing about him is the wary look he sends the man. Part of Steve wants to claim he doesn’t have a cellphone, doesn’t even know what a smartphone is, but he’s laid that joke to rest for a couple of years now, sadly. (Seeing everyone’s reactions after having acted clueless for so long, however, was worth it.) Steve settles for crossing his arms once he has his phone out instead, effectively keeping it close and safe, and quirks a quizzical brow.  “ I’m gonna need to know just why exactly you need it in the first place. ”
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wingshead · 6 years
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
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“ Funny. I’m usually the one telling everyone else to that. ”  It’s said dryly, just enough on the side of joking to indicate he takes no offense or annoyance with her demand. It is odd though — being on the other side of it, for once. Steve’s not really sure how to take it. Touched, he supposes. A little amused. He knows he’s been busy this week, things have been hectic and they’ve all been trying their best to deal with the situation, but he hadn’t thought he’d been too bad.  “ Tell you what, I think we’re both due for some lunch right about now. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you skimping on much needed breaks. ”
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wingshead · 6 years
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
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Steve presses his lips together, angling his head back as he breathes in deep through his nose, breathes out and tries not to look as chagrined as he feels. “ Tell me how you really feel, Buck … ”  He says, dryly, a weak attempt to lighten the mood. He can feel the weight of Bucky’s stare on his back, disapproving, and Steve drops his head, shakes it as he tugs his gloves off. It’s rough, and Steve holds a few winces back as they scrape over bruises and bloodied knuckles, a broken finger and a dislocated thumb.  “ I did what I had to. I wasn’t about to let you, Sam or Nat get hurt. That’s just not an option. ”
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wingshead · 6 years
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“ We appreciate the Justice League sending in help, though we had this under control. Though a little bit of heads up next time would be nice. We weren’t expecting you. ”  Needless to say, having one of the Justice League come in the middle of the battle had been ... unexpected, to say the least. It had helped, certainly, though Steve can’t help but wonder what the reason for it is.   “ What has you dropping by so suddenly? ”
@atlantisqueen​    |  ♥’d for a starter.
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wingshead · 6 years
When Steve enters the common room, he’s not expecting to see anyone there. It’s early -- early enough that his eyes still sting with the vestiges of sleep. He’s definitely not expecting to see Banner.  “ You’re up early. ”  He doesn’t usually see much of Bruce: usually only on the occasional mission, sometimes in passing before or after. But as far as conversations go, they lack in them. The man keeps to himself, and keeps to his own place. So seeing him here still is a surprise to say the least. Then again, the Avengers had been out fighting until three in the morning. It had been pretty late by the time they came back after clean-up. Still -- while he’s surprised to see the man’s still here, he gives the other man a nod and a small smile in greeting before heading for the coffee maker.  “ Couldn’t sleep? ” 
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@rationalunreason   |     ♥’d for a starter.
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