#*miloš lore
sojutrait · 2 years
hi mwah what would u like for dinner my wife… ALSO pls answer 14 and 26 for meesh meesh >:)
chicken alfredo plz bae tyyy 🤧🤧❤❤
14. Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it?
they def have the classic x-3996 slavic accent 🤧🤧 they hate it bc he thinks it makes him sound like an outer rim outcast 😭
26. If they were to lose the person closest to them, how would they mourn them and how would they handle their grief?
u are trying to kill me,,,,,, if he lost niko or mona his one thread tying him to sanity would instantly snap 😭😭 definitely one of the possibilities that lead to imposter!milos. he wouldn't ever properly mourn them, he'd just shut down completely and fly off the handle anytime someone tried to console him or mention what happened to them.
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steggymus · 5 months
obsessed with the orcas btw. Every time I see a fanmade exy team I start foaming at the mouth. I think a lot of the world’s problems would be solved if there were more fanmade exy teams.
If you ever came up with… idk… little tidbits or lore…. And you wanted to share them… or something… that’d be cool ig…………… I’m so normal about it
all credit to the creation of the orcas goes to the absolutely wonderful @moncuries ! i’m just the super normal person who decided to make an oc for the team!!
that being said, i’d love to share some little tidbits and facts about miloš if you’re interested ❤️
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sharp-fawngz · 3 years
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Dump of most of the stuff I made of Stas (lil’ bit of backstory under the cut)
Basically, right out of med school, they hire Miloš to tend to Adel’s ailments and that gets him tied up in this weird triangle where he’s having sex with both Stas and their spouse Adel but they don’t know about it, all the while he’s using them for their money (or rather, they’re willingly sugar parenting him.) Eventually Stas catches them together and in a fit of rage scars Miloš’ face. Miloš then fucking books it out of there, as he should (king shit)
Stas’ pronouns are they/them and are comfortable with any gendered describing language
Adel’s pronouns are he/she and is comfortable with feminine describing language
Miloš’ pronouns are he/him and is comfortable with any gendered describing language (though uses masculine for himself)
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xx-sharpfawngz-xx · 2 years
I made a draft of a writing thing which is basically just a backstory dump bit w/e good enough for something to rot in my drafts 🥰
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ia-bi-tia · 3 years
🌿☕🐈 For everyone, including you, Kris. lol - vesuvian-disaster
🌿 Herb: What is a scent you find relaxing?
Ia - "Coffee! There’s something about how it fills up the room that’s Very Good.”
Adina - “The smell of earth, especially after a downpour.”
Vedra - “Food being cooked!”
Miloš - “The smell of cigarettes but lingering on a person or in a room.”
me - jasmine! I have this jasmine incense and it stays in the room for a super long time and it’s just so good
☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
Ia - “Oat milk and honey!”
Adina - “Also oat milk and honey!”
Vedra - “Honey and cinnamon or ginger if it fits!”
Miloš - “Plain and black.”
me - green tea with milk and honey (I’m more of a coffee though)
🐈 Cat: Do you have any pets? Are there some pets you really want?
Ia - *receives a Meaningful Glare from Slim* “He doesn’t like to be called that so I won’t call him that.... Anyways, I’d love to have a dog one day! Or a lizard. Or a frog. Or a cat maybe? Maybe a bird.”
Adina - “I have my little Koritsi”, Adina strokes the hind of a very much not little stag, “I don’t really feel a need to hold pets but would like to hang out with any animal that comes my way.”
Vedra - “I’ve got my little-”, she holds up a lazy looking Boxer to you, “Zlatan! I’m hoping to get a cat (or ten) to hang out with me though.”
Miloš - “I have Krsto.”, he opens up his vest to reveal a chunky gray rat just vibing in his pocket, “I like cats, maybe I’ll get one some day.”
me- I’ve never had any pets :( I’d like to have a dog some day but I seem to be a little bit allergic to them :(
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sovamurka · 2 years
Not me reading the Golden Lands trilogy and going absolutely batshit- 
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vesuvian-disaster · 2 years
I crave some Marcus lore - can we have 6, 9, and 34?
6. If they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn't go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
Valdemar has been an option in the past, and still is. They have been around for Marcus Aquila's entire life and due to eir past of being rather into equestrian sports there have been serious injuries. Who better to piece a broken body back together?
Though, if Miloš @sharp-fawngz is an option he is, of course, eir first choice for aid.
9. When they're sick what do they do to feel better?
Marcus Aquila prefers to go home to the main estate when ey is ill. It's more peaceful and further away from eir job that keeps them in the city proper.
It also spares em the stress of having eir mother invade eir home in the city and rearranging everything to suit her tastes, complaining to em all the while as she tries to tend to em. At least there it is her domain and she can more peacefully go about her nursing em back to health.
Marcus will rest and read through eir recovery.
34. How well do they deal with grief?
If there is anything Marcus Aquila has learned from working with Valdemar for so long it's that people are gonna die, and sometimes it's better that they do. They suffer less.
That being said, grief is a stress that Marcus Aquila has dealt with, concerning people around emself. Ey tends to throw emself into doing something, anything, that isn't sitting around crying. When eir father died ey became the head of the House, so ey threw emself into the duties that surrounded that. When Miloš got the plague and was almost certainly going to die, ey immediately began planning on how to get him out of the laboratories so he could at least die somewhere peaceful and comfortable.
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jackcowboyhero · 7 years
Christmas 1904
[follows this]
By 4:30, the line of boys waiting for dinner stretched down the street as far as Kloppman could see.
 “Two hundred an’ nineteen already,” announced Bridget, who was throwing the dining-hall windows open in preparation for the heat all those bodies—eating in shifts of 165—crowded into the room would bring.  “And sure if I don’t see Racetrack, the rogue!”
 “Race!”  Crutchy stuck his head out the window and waved wildly, a bowl of turnips balanced on one hip.  “You bring my potato-peeler?!”
 “Too late!” Race called back.  “I invested it for ya and the horse let me down!”
 The boys roared with laughter, the sound muffled as Kloppman left the room and hobbled down to the lobby just as the phone rang.  “Hello?” he said, picking up.  “Duane Street Lodginghouse.”
 “Kloppman!”  The voice that came through the line was distant and staticky, but unmistakably Jack’s.  “How’s it goin’?  You guys started dinner yet?”
 “Five o’clock, just like last year,” the old man retorted.  “Why?  You comin’?”
 Jack laughed.  “Nah, Sarah’d kill me.  I’m s’pposed to keep the kid outta the way while she makes dinner.” Something muffled the line for a minute, and Kloppman heard Jack ask, “You wanna talk on the phone, Dan?  —He says no.  Listen, is Skitts there yet?”
 “I’ll go see.” Setting the receiver on the counter, Kloppman shuffled to the front door.  “Skittery!” he yelled into the crowd, and a moment later he heard a “What?!”—the voice defensive and indignant, still, but much deeper than the small boy’s who’d showed up all those years ago.
 Kloppman waved him forward. “C’mere.”
 Untangling himself from the group he’d been standing with—Tumbler, of course, and Pie Eater and Swifty—Kloppman wondered where Snoddy had gone—Skittery came up the steps, and Kloppman gestured to the phone.  “It’s Cowboy.”
 Frowning, Skittery picked up the receiver.  “Yeah?”
 “Hey!  Listen, sorry for takin’ forever.  I had to chase down one o’ the families ‘cause at first I thought they’d burned up in a fire, but—”
 Skittery felt like his heart had stopped.  “You found ‘em?”
 Letting out a deep breath, Skittery leaned on the counter, pressing the receiver to his ear so hard it left marks—as if that could bring his brothers and sister closer; as if it could steady him for the news.  “...Where are they?”
 There was a sudden shrill yell on the other end, and Jack grumbled, “Danny, for real?”  After a moment, he said, “Sorry.  They’re all in Iowa.  The twins are in Cedar Rapids, an’ they’re together.”
 A rush of hope flooded him, and Skittery asked, “And Miloš?”
 “He’s fine.  He’s in Grand Junction, which ain’t real far, an’ they write letters—”
 Cursing softly, the way someone more pious might send up a prayer, Skittery shook his head.  Jack was continuing: “—but he’s goin’ by Miles Johnson, an’ the guy who picked him is William Johnson, so when I wrote to the pape in Grand Junction to ask if William Johnson still lived there an’ they said his house burned with everyone in it, I about had a heart attack—”
 “It what?!”
  “So I called ’em, and this young guy picks up an’ goes ‘William Johnson only had daughters,’ so I ask him to check it out an’ this old guy comes on and says they moved outta town a long time ago, and the kid’s name is Miles but he came on the orphan train and it’s a different William Johnson from the guy who got burned to a crisp.”
 All Skittery could say was “…Oh.”
 “So he’s still okay.” Danny babbled, and Jack murmured, “I know,” and then told Skittery, “And the twins are okay.  And I got the addresses.  Does ‘Klement and Pavla Cermak’ sound Czech to you?”
 “Yeah,” Skittery said quietly.  “Why?”
 “They’re the folks who got the twins.  They run a store.”
 Skittery laughed, the sound slightly strangled—with relief, sadness, he didn’t know.  “How ‘bout Miloš?  —Miles.”
 “They got a farm.  You get outta the system at eighteen, but the guy at the pape said he still lives there.”
 Skittery nodded, forgetting Jack couldn’t see him.  Storekeepers and a farmer.  That sounded a lot better than anything in New York.
 “I got the addresses,” Jack said again, breaking him out of his thoughts.  “You ready?”
 Copying them onto a blank ledger page, Skittery stared at the strange words—cities he’d never been to, names he no longer recognized: Miles Johnson, Grand Junction; Máša and Joe Cermak, Cedar Rapids.  But they were alive.  
 They were alive, and they were together, and they were all okay.
 “…Skitts?”  Jack sounded concerned, even though Danny tried drowning him out with a wail.  “You there?”
 “Yeah, Jack.”  He paused.  “…You really called all across the country like that?”
 “Yeah.  I just told ‘em I was doin’ the yearly check-in.” Jack laughed.  “I’m so good at usin’ phones now, I think I’m gonna become one o’ those switchboard ladies.  Or maybe a private eye.”
 Skittery snorted. “Listen…thanks.”
 “No problem.”  When Danny began crying again, Jack sighed, “Look, I gotta go.  Tell the boys hey, okay?”
 “And Merry Christmas. And tell Tumbs not to eat so much pie this year.”
 “Yeah, I will.”
 The front door rattled, and Skittery heard Snipeshooter yelling, “It’s five o’ clock already!”
 “It is not!  You got five minutes!” Kloppman barked back, and Skittery told Jack, “See ya later.”
 “Are you hungry again?” Jack was asking his son, but told Skittery, “Okay.”
 “Merry Christmas.”
 “You too.”  The line clicked off on Danny’s bawling, but Skittery held the phone for a while longer, still hardly believing it.  He had siblings again.
 But would they write, if he tried it?  What would he tell Hana, and Tumbler?
 But he’d have to decide that another day, as the clock chimed five and Kloppman went to unlock the door.  Skittery had just enough time to fold the paper and tuck it into his pocket before getting swept into the tide, with Tumbler grabbing his hand as he passed by.
 Was Miles sitting down for Christmas dinner in a farmhouse?  Did the Cermaks decorate their store?
 He hoped so.
 And someday he hoped he’d find out for sure.
Orphan Trains operated from 1854-1929.  The founder of the Children’s Aid Society, Charles Loring Brace, hoped to protect street kids from the poverty and gangs of New York City by placing them with rural families, who would ideally raise them as their own children.  (The C.A.S. also operated several lodging houses, including the Duane Street newsboys’ lodging house, and the Brace Farm, where Jack currently works.  The Brace Farm trained boys for farm work so they could be better prepared to go west on the trains.)
Typically, a group of children and a couple of chaperones would head west, covering different parts of a state each year.  Stops would be advertised ahead of time, and prospective families would show up to inspect the children and decide whether to bring them home.  The C.A.S. tried to screen the families as best as they could, requiring references and following up on placed children every year.  Although some children were returned to the C.A.S. or got into bad situations, the majority did well, and most of the articles I found by former riders talk about the orphan trains in a positive way--the system wasn’t perfect, but it was better than staying in the cities.
The train really stopped in Cedar Rapids and Grand Junction, Iowa in 1894.  Cedar Rapids had a large Czech-American population, so Jonáš and Máša could have grown up with a familiar culture, while Miloš, like many of the children, would have learned to farm.
This gives some background on the Orphan Train movement, while this page is specific to Kansas (but includes some interesting documents and articles related to the trains).  Here is an article about the train in Iowa, including a list of stops--it lists Cedar Rapids’ stop as 1895(?), but I also found it listed as 1894, so that’s what I went with for the story.  This talks about Czech history in Cedar Rapids.
I owe a big thank-you to @pandolfo-malatesta, who not only got me to start this story arc that I’ve been planning since 2014, but spent forever trying to track down the details of this story.  What a pal.  :) ]
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sojutrait · 2 years
19 for gus gus and also for meelosh also
19. How would their life be different if they had never met their partner?
gus: you are trying to kill me seph- gus can't even imagine his life without natia and elisapeta atp. he wouldve probably dejectedly moved back home just from pure loneliness 😭
milos: no morbeez and peelosh literally throws off milos timeline so far off the tracks omg. 1st scenario he literally wouldve just straight up died in prison without orpheus' medical treatments everytime he got his ass beat (especially after the lead pipe incident)😭😭😭 or say he did manage to live, he would be much more callous and even more closed off than he already is
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sojutrait · 2 years
5 and 23 for milos :)
5. What character from myth or fairytale best represents them?
ahaaaaa,,,, well there's 2 ehehe. firstly david from the david and goliath myth, like the parallel is nearly 1 to 1 (including the beheading part) and orpheus and eurydice with him being eurydice bc his bf (literally named orpheus) left him behind in prison lolz (thank u seph and nines for this visual)
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23. What sort of routines, rituals or rules do they have or set for themselves?
he's not really a routine person, his routine is dictated by whatever tasks and job he has to do for that day. also he only has one rule that he follows really: survive by any means necessary
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sojutrait · 2 years
2 and 13 for miloš ! (ask game)
2. What does your OCs handwriting look like? 
very messy bc my boy is bordering on illiterate 😭 it also doesn't help that he didn't learn the in universe equivalent to english until much later in his life fjkgkfk
13. Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them?
he's bilingual! he speaks nyelv (the language spoken on x-3996) and general speak (the aforementioned in universe equivalent to english hehe)
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sojutrait · 2 years
yo wcif-
kidding. 12 + 15 for the ask game for peelosh hehe
12. What is their character theme song and why? If it has lyrics, which line best fits them?
oblivion - grimes bc paranoid vibes ehehe
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15. What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?)
definitely that he's not a threat. the world underestimates lil peelosh
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sojutrait · 2 years
hi bae so,,, whats meeshies fav sastrugi dish... u must answer!
his fave dish is klubechkas, its a puff pastry filled with a strawberry compote and topped with syrup, powdered sugar, and crushed nuts 😌😌 his fave are the ones made by his grandma, any other kind dont hit the same 🤧 also POFFKA OFC it reminds him of his childhood with mona and niko sobs,,,,
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sojutrait · 2 years
Hiiiii! List 5 facts about a favourite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore (if you want ofc!) 🧡 [tell me all about your sim!!]
ty shima 😭💓💓💓 ill do danny heheh
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she's miloš' twin sister (she came out first and she definitely hold it over his head)
like miloš, she's a really good shot, most notably with a crossbow. this is bc she used to hunt for her family from a very young age
after the failed revolution on x-3996 her and whatever few survivors she and others helped evacuate found refuge in the mid-rim
she cuts her own hair (if you couldn’t tell) and also cut miloš’ growing up
this is a meta one sdjkdjk but she was originally gonna die in the og lore but the server convinced me to save her life 😌
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sojutrait · 2 years
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engineer makes worst electrical mistake ever, asked to leave the ship
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sojutrait · 2 years
9 and 31 for meesh? 😽🤭 teehee
ty nines my betrothed *kisses u chastely*
9. When they're sick what do they do to feel better?
they're so dramatic when they're sick plz, they just moan and groan in the fetal position while wailing until someone brings them soup 😭
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
i'd choose the superpower of shame bc they desperately need it 😑 but he'd choose to be like a omni-man/homelander superhero who just does everything and is a threat to civilization djfdfkdf
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