#*repost bc the format got messed up
btljc · 1 month
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815 notes · View notes
atxxzist · 1 year
broken | c.s (04)
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pairing: choi san x reader
word count: 9.5k
warning: smut! (read at ur own risk)
a/n: have to repost this completely bc the tags would not work on the first post no matter what. if formatting is messed up its bc i lit just copy pasted
you have told yunho that there is no way you're going to waddle into yeosang's presence and beg for his help like a peasant, just because you got a sixty-eight percent on your first exam. that's almost a passing grade.
that you'll just study more and hopefully score better on the next one--or, like any other college students, look it up online for extra help. but he was immensely against it, saying you are not financially secure at the moment to be giving away twenty dollars a month for some subscription.
which, if you're to be honest, you'd rather be living on ramen noodles and water for an entire month to make up for the extra cash than to humiliate yourself like that in front of yeosang.
but yunho being the good boy he always is--genuinely and truly caring for you, he had asked him against your wishes, and to say you were surprised when yunho had told you he said yes, is an understatement.
"i feel pathetic," you voice upon seeing the cafe from a distance.
that's if anything can even be more pathetic than the score you got despite studying days and nights.
maybe if your professor isn't so busy with the other group of students fighting for their grades; his office hours all filled up, you wouldn't be in the current predicament.
"you're overreacting. he's happy to help," yunho assures.
happy to help? as in, sincerely doing this because he wants to? or because he sees it is the perfect opportunity to get under your skin again--like every other time where his words felt like bullets.
even the air of the cafe is already taunting as you both enter.
yeosang is quick to notice the new arrivals, his head shooting up from his book and eyes not landing on yunho but yours. amusement all over them as he occupies a seat far in the back.
"have fun," yunho whispers from beside you, and if he isn't as good-natured as you know him to be, you'd think he's setting you up judging by the tone.
"you're not going to walk me over there?" you snap to him, anxiety in your expression.
he returns a chuckle.
"he's just yeosang, y/n. not a disease or a rabid dog. you're a big girl, i'm sure you can do it."
you scoff and roll your eyes, keeping your gaze trained ahead.
"well, if you're going to drag me into this against my will, shouldn't--"
you turn to where he was originally but he's already gone; the cafe door clinking, only to catch him outside the glass window bidding you a goodbye with a smirk on his lips.
freaking yunho.
usually in cases like this, you embrace your naturally timid nature--whether that's turning your feet back around or acting aloof, but there's something very provoking about kang yeosang.
well, that and the fact that yunho made it blatantly known that you did not do very well, so it'll be even more embarrassing if you have tried putting on such a pretense act.
you accept your fate after all, taking a seat opposite of him that makes one of his eyebrows quirk up.
"are you really going to sit there?" he speaks up
"obviously," you answer dryly, barely able to get one of the straps of your backpack off before he snarks back.
"how am i going to help you pass the class when you're an ocean away from me."
there it is. the yeosang you know. not the one that yunho and mingi always talk so kindly about, swearing he's the offspring of saint mary.
in your head, the desired outcome would be cursing him out since you didn't even ask for any of this, so you don't have to take his shit.
but... there's a more rational part that's echoing its voice and telling you to just hold onto that patience a little longer for a friend who only wants the best for you.
you release a heavy sigh, not bothering to hide your annoyance--you can do that at least.
getting up to migrate, it takes everything in you to keep the composure when a smirk conjures up on him. must be so satisfying to see you so weak and powerless.
your phone is the first to go on the table before you sit down completely next to the window that displays the sight of many students passing by.
your eyes stay on your phone for a second too long before prying away to meet yeosang's obnoxious ones.
"you're going to have to pull up the exam so i can see what questions you missed."
you don't object or make a show, only compliantly pull out your laptop to navigate to the school's site and your classes, opening up the exam the class took online a week ago.
he squints his eyes, leaning in closer so he can get a better view.
you're frozen in the position, trying to not snap a neck or a turn head because he's so close and you don't know why the hell your heart's doing flip at the proximity.
it doesn't help when he stays like that for too long, fingers taking over your laptop to scroll down till the last question.
a nervous gulp travels down your throat, finally relaxing itself when yeosang pulls away, causing a light gush of wind to form, his scent brimming your nose but fades shortly after.
he doesn't smell of anything strong or artificial. you can only assume it's his natural scent, much fitting for a guy like yeosang. he doesn't seem like the kind to impress... unlike san.
a guy like san, he always dresses to impress, always carry a strong, artificial scent that smells expensive, and his hair is always nicely slicked back--probably with some kind of gel or something that he also invested a lot in--
"how do you not know what applications are?" yeosang's voice is the one to bring you back.
"huh?" you're completely out of loop.
"question four. you got it wrong."
"some of the answers were too similar to one another," you defend.
"if you were paying attention or even studied a little, the answer is quite obvious, actually."
you grimace and already, there's a trail of heavy breathing as you try to contain the brewing temper.
"i did study!" you hiss, keeping the volume only loud enough for him to hear.
it's not your fault your professor had worded the answers so stupidly alike to one another. you're pretty sure both microsoft word and something like setup.exe are examples of applications.
if all yeosang's going to do is berate you, you just might break your own code of conduct and offer an apology to yunho later.
he doesn't have much of a reaction, only shake his head and moves the topic along.
"did you bring your textbook?"
you just nod, afraid that if you actually speak, you will say something that will lead to regret later.
"okay. then we'll just go over some of the chapters again."
you still have to offer your perspective, though--not like you're ever going to be right.
"can't we just cover the newer chapters? it's not like i can even retake the exam." you cross your arms.
"yes, but, the final is comprehensive, so it's best if you get a better grasp of the materials now rather than later."
you badly want to roll your eyes, but it's not even worth trying to argue back. he's not getting paid, after all. but gods know why he even agreed in the first place.
before rummaging your backpack for the book, you steal a quick glance at your phone screen that has yet to light up with any new messages, unfortunately.
"code is a series of instructions, and each instruction is an operation--"
a feeling of relief washes over, after managing to finish your first ever interview somewhat normally; the lady offering you a farewell and saying you should be hearing back in a few weeks.
y/n: just got done with the interview :)
san: really?! how did it go?
y/n: okay i think. she said they'll call me back in a few weeks, so there's some hope lol
san: you'll get a call for sure!
y/n: i hope to
san: i'll pick you up 😋
y/n: oh you don't have to. i can take a cab
san: i'm already on my way 😎 we can... celebrate
you don't really know what he means by celebrate, but you're just overjoy to be seeing him again if you're to be really honest that you do in fact want him to pick you up.
ever since thursday, aside from a few flirty texts and reminders of the interview, he didn't really bring up ever doing anything together again. and you're too much of a coward to try initiating anything because then, it'll give away that he's all you've been thinking about.
the conversation in the car is surprisingly casual--all as if he wasn't on top of you with his fingers deep in your pussy a few days ago.
he asks more about the interview and you answer, attempting to reframe from staring at him too much, but it's nearly almost impossible.
he just looks so clean and sharp in his signature hairstyle, that brown zip shirt, and those beach pants as he accelerates in those sneakers.
in the pitched blackness of the evening, even he glows. he's bright and he's tempting, your eyes unable to look away faltering when he catches you in the middle of being starstruck.
he giggles, and it's that melodic sound that pulls you away from the light and back into the dimness of the night.
maybe if you weren't so blinded, you would have realized sooner than later that he brought you to his complex and not the dorms.
"and programs are comprised of millions--are you even listening?"
"what?" you meet yeosang's unamused gaze. "of course i am."
he sighs and flips the book at least two pages back.
"okay, then summarize what i told you just now." he relaxes against the table, one palm on the side of his face and attention burning a hole in your forehead.
"uh--" but a sound from your phone has you turning head to it so fast, it's a miracle your neck is still intact at this point.
but you're only met with disappointment when you see it is not from the one person you are expecting. just a stupid reminder from your phone plan about bills being due soon.
the frown on you doesn't go unnoticed by yeosang, him raising another brows in return when an idea comes along.
"hey!" you protest, at him suddenly snatching your phone and shoving it into the back pocket of his pants.
"i didn't think i'd have to improvised rules, but it seems like i'm gonna have to. rule number one: no phones allowed," he says sternly, and you can only look at him with horrified eyes.
"--no exception. come on, y/n. this isn't high school. you can play the waiting game with lover boy when you get home."
your expression twists in anger. maybe later, you can just buy yunho a box of his favorite donut flavors and tape an apology note to it.
"this is stupid. i don't even want to be here." you sulk, just like a child throwing a tantrum.
"that makes two of us," he adds on, casually sitting up and going back to the book like nothing. "so if you just work with me, this will be over a lot faster."
but you're still not one-hundred percent convinced.
"why did you even agreed to come? you hate me," you state as if it's a fact.
he chuckles lightly, with you shooting him a daggering glare.
"hate's a pretty strong word."
you shrug.
"well, it's the truth, isn't it?"
there's a quick pause before he speaks again; something in his brain trying to piece together his thoughts.
"to hate is to feel such a passionate, intense dislike for someone. i don't feel that strongly about you... hate or like. so you don't have to worry."
god, he's infuriating. but you almost want to applause him for the attitude; for how he delivered such a line while lacking any kind of emotion.
you stay with him for fifteen to twenty minutes, following along and repeating after him unenthusiastically but at least you're not dozing off.
you get most of the answers right to the questions he'd test you because actually going through the chapters again, you realize how much you have went over the materials it's practically ingrained in your head.
how you managed to fail will remain a mystery.
but you're getting bored and he's going on a really long lecture about a topic you're currently not interested in, and so naturally...
the both of you barely makes it inside his apartment before he swoops you up in a surprise attack, both arms under your butt--and yours, nicely wrapped around his neck as he places you down on one of the kitchen counters.
parting your legs so they can rest at his side, he takes your lips in for a messy kiss; you responding as if your lips were made to take his, though you've only kissed him once--now twice.
his hands grip your thighs with strength, keeping them in the open position they're in while both of yours caress his soft cheeks, using them as a tool to deepen the kiss.
when a guy like san says to celebrate, you can only assume the one thing he's talking about.
he pulls away, breaking the intimate session; both you and him still trying to catch your breaths. he stares at you with hunger, but there's a shine in his eyes that makes him look so innocent at the same time.
"congratulations," he mumbles, settling on a tender smile after. "i knew you could do it."
"thanks, but... she only said she'll call me, i still don't know--"
"--shhh," he shushes you, index finger thumped against your lips. "you're going to get the job, okay?"
your heart flutters at his words, nodding in response.
"good girl," he coos, lifting your chin swiftly to continue where you guys left off. flesh moving on top of flesh and hands all over each other despite your lack of experience of where exactly you should be touching him.
you decide on his shoulders.
it only goes on for another minute until san decides to switch up; a guy like him also unsatisfied in a certain position for too long. he always need something new, sooner or later.
his hot breath trickles down your neck, sinking his teeth in when he finds a spot perfect to mark--show that he did this to you.
he also just loves hearing your moans. pretty and pure moans that makes his cock twitches. his hands find the top of your skirt.
"let's celebrate, princess," he whispers so seductively into one of your ears, you can feel a shiver run through your body.
and though you want him to make you feel so good just like he did last time, it'll be too selfish of you to only take but not give.
"san," you say, putting a cease to his action when you put your hands over his.
he backs off and has a concerned expression on, unsure of what's running through your mind, only watching as you hop off the counter to shrink under him, such a pristine and wholesome look on your face.
'y-you have helped me so much," you mumble but with a sincere tone, probably not fitting for the current scenario. "and... i want to help you in return."
"and how are you going to do that, beautiful?" he fuels the fire, a smirk threatening to break, feeling like he's got you right where he wanted.
your eyes shyly dash down to his pants before moving them back up, a deep blush on your cheeks when he doesn't bother to hide the smirk anymore.
"you want to make me feel good?" he sings, almost in a tone too mellow.
you only nod, refusing to meet his gaze because you're getting flustered, but he laughs a soft endearing chuckle, moving you back by the grip he has on the side of your face, proceeding on the sweet encouragements.
"go ahead, beautiful." he smiles, rubbing small circles on one side of your cheeks.
you gulp. "just to uh... let you know, i've never done this before. it's going to be pretty horrible."
he laughs and shakes his head.
"you're going to do fine, trust me."
now, usually, san likes taking control. he likes being the one in charge; the one who keeps the flow going--whether that's eating a girl out, making her cum with his fingers or fucking her, he likes knowing that they're so weak when under his grasp.
that he can do anything to them and it will be from his own account. he doesn't care much for if they want him to feel good in return. most of them doesn't consider that too much of a thought when they're already near the point of orgasm.
but you... you're so sweet and so obedient just for him, and now you're asking to suck his cock. just knowing he's going to be the first ever cock in your pretty little mouth is already something that makes that sick side of him so smug.
you drop down to your knees, face against the view of his crotch and it takes a moment to process everything; your head all of a sudden trying to recount all events that's happened so far that lead to the current position.
you think about mingi and yunho for a second; how they will feel knowing you kissed a guy you've known for only less than a month, and now about to give your first ever blowjob.
it's crazy.
you start by tugging the top of his pants down, nervous swallowing that can be heard in the quiet space; a sight too fulfulling for someone like san.
the red shade on you darkens once you get it down low enough where you can see his hard cock protruding through the fabric of his boxer. you swallow another gulp.
"slowly, baby. take your time."
a groan escapes him when you free it fully, air hitting his flesh and you never thought you would ever like such a sound, but just now, you realize how much you do.
his decent-sized hard cock staring back; a wave of thoughts hittting you right in the face. how, this is your first time seeing one for yourself, your eyes wide and hanging like the little prude you are.
but temptation trumps any kind of fear or anxiety, one of your hand already around his cock as you sink it inside your mouth, that slight salty taste lingering.
"oh, fuck!" he curses, throwing his head back, one of his hand suddenly latching onto your hair as he indulges in the sensation.
you don't know what the fuck you're doing, but he looks so sexy and it feels so nice to know--
"y/n!" yeosang snaps, taking you out completely from the recap of your first ever blowjob--which, from san's perspective, was probably one hell of a sloppy experience.
"what--yes, i'm here," you attempt, straightening your posture like that's going to make it all better.
"jesus," he exhale, a deep sigh leaving as he slams the textbook shut.
"i was listening, kind of."
he rolls his eyes, the audacity of you to lie in front of his face actually quite triggering.
"sure you were," he says unenthusiastically, tossing your phone onto the table and already grabbing at his bag. "anyways, when you get your head back from the clouds, maybe i might consider taking the time out of my day to help you again."
and he gets up, bag swung over his one of his shoulders and disappearing out the door.
you scoff.
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"okay well, he was rude to me, too!" you counter, because it's true. he was.
"he probably was, but good chance it was because you were dozing off and not paying attention in the first place," yunho defend his roommate, who, by now, have told him exactly how it went.
or maybe he didn't. maybe he exaggerated and made you out to be like the biggest bitch on the planet, who knows. you're sure yunho wouldn't have believed it anyways, though he is advocating for his friend pretty hard as of currently.
"i never even asked for his help," you grumble, annoyance seeping into your tone, only to regret it leaving your mouth not even two seconds after.
because yunho was the one who asked him, and he only did it because he cares about you.
"no," you add on, "i didn't mean it like that. just... we don't have the best relationship."
a slight frown overtakes the shape of your lips as you await his response from the other line.
you don't like upsetting yunho, and it's rare to fight--that's to say if you guys ever even fought at all before.
small disagreements, yes. but it never takes too long before one or the other gives in because they feel bad.
mingi on the other hand, is a different story. you would have to really define 'fight' first before you start counting on both of your hands just how many times it's happened.
"don't worry, i understand," he murmurs, voice beginning to chip out. you don't blame him. it's getting late and he must be tired.
"i also hope you don't think i'm scolding you or something. but i think you'll really like him if you give him a chance. that's all i want to say. he went out to wash himself a while ago and might be coming back soon, so i'll talk to you tomorrow."
"goodnight yunho."
"night, y/n. may you have the sweetest dreams only."
you should be used to it by now. that phrase he always tells you right before bedtime; something so yunho and so sweet, but it does always make you giggle every time as well.
the other line goes silent, and you release the phone from your ear, yunho's words still echoing in your head.
you'll really like him if you give him a chance. it's not like you were cruel to him from the start. he was the one to give you the cold shoulder first, and hearing all these good things from your friends make you wonder what is it about you that he has such a dislike for.
you let your head fall back on the pillow, phone screen lighting up your face and a low whine departs, disappointed that it's another day with no signs from san.
you don't expect him to be texting you 24/7 nor do you expect any information about his whereabouts, but you just want something. even just a simple good morning text or a good night.
but the silence from him the past couple of days makes your chest feel just a little heavy, not wanting to think that he's purposely ignoring you, that you're not even worthy of crossing his mind even though you've stripped a part of yourself bare for him.
tucking your phone under the pillow, you close your eyes and allow that feeling to die out, consumed by the lack of sleep and mind that isn't exactly suitable for such an occasion.
you do catch the time on the alarm clock just before you really fall into a slumber, thinking yuna will be back soon and that maybe she can tell you another story of how her night went when you wake up in the morning. those usually make you feel a little better every time.
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san texts two days later, telling you he's been busy studying for exams and all that. you never even questioning any possibility of it not being true, because you were also in the same exact situation.
it makes you feel rather silly now. thinking that someone so kind who helped you at a party and now in finding you a job, was not texting because he has some other intentions.
just your natural anxious self feeding doubts into your head.
but you have promised yunho, after a series of conversation, that you will apologize to yeosang.
you're usually one to hold grudges, more so if you feel so strongly about a certain person. but you're also easily persuaded (if that isn't obvious by now), especially when it comes to yunho, all it took was another day for that guilt to fully come into bloom.
after all, yeosang didn't have to come. he didn't have to help you nor take the time out of his day, but he did. and so, you do feel just a little bad about how it went; you being more at fault than his occasional snarky comments.
"hey!" you greet him, like actually greet him; a smile on your face and all, taking the usual seat beside him.
the class isn't that big in population so everyone always sits at the same spot, and though you do want to make amend with yeosang, you're not going to act like you're sitting next to him by choice.
he doesn't say anything, only keeping his chin up and attention on the computer screen in front. he's sulky, that's new. but understandable.
"so... how was your morn--"
you don't even get to finish your sentence, interrupted by your professor's loud voice as he goes over the usual routine--you having no other option than to back out with a pout.
a small smirk graces yeosang's lips, going unnoticed by you.
the rest of the class is spent in agonizing boredom. you like computers, but you're more interested in the gaming aspects of it. the pretty graphics and the joys you get from the entertainment it provides.
not the more technical, complex stuff that you have too little care for. maybe in conclusion, you failing the first exam isn't so much of a mystery.
your attempt of an apology didn't go through the first time, but second time's a charm, which, you find that is not the case either.
"hey," you try again, another smile coating your lips in a way it has never before. "i was thinking." you only slightly turn to put your notebook back inside your backpack. "that we could--"
you're talking to the thin air at this point; yeosang already gone and you only catch a glimpse of his blonde strands until it's completely out of sight.
you sigh.
entry #3
i almost forgot i have this. probably because the past week had been so hectic and everything. i was studying for most of my classes, then prepping for the interview. at least i did okay on the interview and passed most of my exams?! except for one. it's a little embarrassing because it's a course tied to my major, but i swear, i did study. i don't want to go too much into what happened with yeosang, but you (i, myself) should already know what went down. of course, i haven't given up on this little mission of mine. quite funny considering it's yeosang, but i'd like to think i'm doing it for yunho. i have a better plan this time, i think. so i hope it works this upcoming wednesday
"the weather is nice today, isn't it?" you try initiating a conversation, having just arrived at your seat.
"not really. too chilly for my liking," he actually replies, much to your surprise but his eyes hasn't moved from the screen.
you scoot your chair in and clasp both your hands together, head turning his way.
"i think it's perfect. a lot better than last mont--"
once again, you're cut short by your professor who has a thing for making your life just all more difficult. but you're going to make it work today. you are.
and, yeosang's already speaking to you again, which is a good sign.
your 'plan' is pretty much packing everything a few minutes before class is over, sneaky gaze toward yeosang's direction and making sure you're a few steps ahead of him at all time.
even when he gets up to exit, you're strolling right behind him, only to block his path when you feel like the area's in the clear.
"hey," you utter, putting a pretty smile on so it'll make you feel a lot less pathetic and desperate that you're trying this hard for kang yeosang.
he raises an eyebrow, an intrigued look on his face but you don't know how to read into it.
"look, about the other day--"
"you're still on that?" he cuts, something amusing in his tone that makes your mouth puckers.
"well, you seemed like you were as well." your comment coming off playful rather than mocking.
he sneers and blinks away.
"please, i'm way too overgrown for that."
"says the one all sulky face on monday," you reply, exceptionally fast.
he locks gaze with you again, another amusement written all over his face.
"just wanted to make your life all much harder," he snide quietly, and you're also fast to give a reaction with a cheeky smile.
"you wouldn't even have to try at all."
a scoff departs him along with a chuckle. "so this is all you wanted to say?"
"that and yunho wanted me to ask you if we can, by any chance, give the whole tutor thing another go." you make sure to put extra emphasis on yunho's name so he'll know that although you're caving, it also isn't completely on your own terms.
"mhmm," he hums, acting aloof as if he's actually thinking about it. "we'll see."
you nod it off, lips drawing a thin line before your attention settles on his hair. or more particularly, something in his hair.
the pink cherry blossom petal laying on top his blonde locks, a little amazing how well the two go together. and maybe if his guts doesn't annoy you so much, you'd even say they perfectly complement each other.
a tiny giggle leaves when you go to rid the petal from his hair, chin titled because he's much taller.
his eyes follow the movements of your hand until it travels down to your own, catching your gaze in his and by the time you have picked the petal, hanging it by the side of his face, you think the blush that emerges from him is easily the same shade.
"you had something in your hair." you wave the petal in your hold before letting it slip away to the ground with the rest of them.
"thanks?" he swallows nervously, and you'll be damned if you're to ever admit that a flustered yeosang is a little endearing.
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typically, you'd be in the library or cafe with yunho and mingi at this time, scribbling and doodling away while listening to tales of their godly college experience so far, but there has been a change of plan.
for some reason, they decided that this afternoon would be the perfect time to scramble inside mingi's and wooyoung's tiny dorm and watch a horror movie.
and when you say they, you mean mingi. you honestly don't even know why. he's the biggest scaredy cat ever and can't watch anything remotely scary for shit.
last time he wanted to watch some b-rated film and he couldn't sleep for days after. it wasn't even that scary. was literally just about an evil turkey killing on thanksgiving.
"did you say it's killer clowns from space this time?" yunho repeats, just to be sure he's not hearing things.
"yes," mingi confirms, navigating to a rather suspicious looking website with clumps of ads because he wants to watch it for free and none of you can afford to rent it at the moment.
you await quietly while yunho's scrolling through his phone.
"actually, i think it's free with ads on youtube," yunho enlightens.
"well shit." mingi clicks his tongue, typing into the address bar.
it's a little clustered, the three of you huddled on the floor in between mingi's and wooyoung's beds and with only a small table in front holding mingi's laptop.
if only college dorms came with wide flatscreens as well, life would be a lot easier.
"okay, it's playing, i think..." mingi says, "fuck, why is this shit so slow."
the video just keeps buffering and buffering; no signs of it playing any time soon.
"okay, either this campus has some dogshit wifi or i need a new laptop."
"well, you've had that laptop for years," you comment.
"then you go and get us your new laptop. you know, the one that can run roblox at 60 fps."
"pfft," you blow and yunho laughs in response. "right. the one that overheated and shut down when i was playing the sims."
"okay? at least you got past the loading screen before it crashed. and you should be grateful. i spent a whole summer being berated by my father just to get the extra cash for it."
"no, you got berated because you did a god awful job of dogsitting and the neighbors were cursing your parents' names for weeks after," yunho chips in.
"it's not my fault the animal got out."
"oh yes because it just magically opens the door and gate by itself."
"okay well, i gave it freedom. i doubt that dog saw a speck of sunlight in years. i hate that wretched old hag mrs. han. she's always giving me that look."
"well no shit, you let her dog out," you're the one to say it this time.
"but he came back--and oh would you look at that, the video's finally playing. now both of you please kindly shut the fuck up."
the video plays smoothly, much to all three of your surprises. which leads you to believe mingi's ancient laptop isn't the problem after all.
you wouldn't really say the movie is scary; more so disgusting because of the gore.
"that's fucking gross," yunho comments, expression pinching in from the revulsion.
"sick. whoever came up with the idea for this movie is sick in the head," mingi grumbles. he has both his hands over his face, one eye barely peeking out from in between the small space of his fingers.
"more sick than whoever recommeded we watch this?" yunho fires.
you're about to join in on the fun banter, when a buzz in the pocket of your jeans go off. seeing that the two are rather occupied, you pull it out, thinking it's just going to be a quick check.
your eyes literally about to pop out of its sockets and the beat of your heart seems to have multiplied; breath growing fainter when you see his name.
san: hey :)
you haven't even thought about him at all today, and maybe even barely a little yesterday. because after the monday he texted you, he went radio silent again.
and with the whole yeosang shenanigans, you really did seem to have forgotten. but now that he's announced his existence again, everything comes flooding back all at once.
his sweet words, the position you guys were in a couple days ago, and then the once again, abrupt and short period of silence.
you try to keep from showing any kind of reactions, afraid at least one or if not, both of them will catch on.
it's already bad enough that yunho has stern eyes on san and mingi was just making a comment a few days after the party about how weird san was acting.
you don't like disappointing your friends or going against their wishes, which is why you won't tell them. because if they don't know, then it doesn't apply, which in restropect, sounds a lot worse. because you have never felt like you had to keep something from them before.
"y/n would agree, right y/n?" yunho's voice snaps you back.
"uh--yes!" you attempt to sound like you weren't just dozing off, thrusting your phone back to where you got it from.
"two against one! an evil turkey is way more manageable than a bunch of alien clowns out for blood."
"well at least the clowns doesn't look like someone's burnt dick."
fortunately, the movie finishes within another hour when it's finally evening, and you're fast to pull an excuse like you need to get back to your room to finish up an assignment.
mingi and yunho not even aware at all that you've been telling them small lies just so you can dwell in the attention of a boy who likes to disappear for a few days, and has a knack for making you question things you have never before.
y/n: hey san, i'm sorry for replying so late. i was with mingi and yunho.
you sit at the edge of the bed, staring at the screen so intensely because there's that familiar feeling of butterflies swimming in your stomach, and a curiosity that has you wondering what he has to say.
what's the reason for the sudden text, and that maybe, he just might finally want to do something together. him seeking you out means he's finally thought of you at least.
time flies by steadily but there has yet to be a reply from him.
assuming that you probably took too long and he has found another source of entertainment, you settle your phone on the nightstand with a frown, the back of your head hitting the pillow as you stare up at the ceiling when there's a sudden knock at the door.
you're thinking to yourself that yuna's back awfully early tonight; maybe she's got her hands full and can't rummage for the key. it's happened before.
"welco--" the words get stuck in your throat and your eyes goes wide like an idiot when you see who has shown, and it is not your roommate.
he's here, outside your room and looking as good as always; especially when there's dimples decorating his cheeks and he's smiling at you that makes a certain warmth ripple through your chest.
"hey! sorry i wasn't able to reply. was making my way over."
"oh, uh... that's okay."
his smile broadens, gaze sneaking past your shoulder.
"are you alone?" he asks.
you slowly nod, missing the faint smirk crawling onto his lips.
"may i come in?"
you nod again, stepping aside and widening the frame. when he passes by, there's a light alcoholic smell that trickles your nose. you wonder if he was drinking just before he came. but he looks and sounds sober enough.
he's admiring the interior and decorations with hands tucked inside his pockets when you come around to the corner of yuna's bed, a little embarrassed about how contrasting her side is compared to yours.
"i've yet to done anything with it," you mutter.
he turns around and give you a reassuring smile.
"i like it. just exactly my kind of style. simple and easy to the eye."
a low giggle pours from you.
"you could put it like that."
since that wasn't really what you were going for. it's more like 'i'm obviously broke but how can i make this look as decent as possible'.
the air goes quiet for a bit, a tension hanging between the both of you that neither wants to speak of, yet.
"is there something i can do for you?" you bring up. something that drives him all the way to the floor of your room--and to standing in front of you.
but that seems to be the green light; the sign for him to begin taking closer steps toward you, causing your breath to hitch inside your throat. before you know, your back's already in contact with the solid hard wall.
"actually, there is," he mumbles, one arm pinning the wall and hovering over your head. the proximity allowing you to drown in his scent confirms that he's at least a little tipsy. but maybe not completely drunk.
you swallow both nervously but also with some anticipation, because whenever you're with san, he always makes something inside of you so heated; a throbbing feeling in your core that he has a special charm for conjuring.
"you know, beautiful," he whispers, his free thumb swiping over your bottom lip. "i couldn't stop thinking about what we did the last time we were together."
you feel the temperature of your cheeks rising and a pink shade painting over them at such statement. but honestly, who are you kidding. you have been thinking about it, too.
it even got you in trouble with yunho because instead of studying, you were busy thinking about how you sucked san's cock.
"so tell me." he leans closer until his forehead collides with yours, hard eyes boring into your own with something dark and lustful. "have you been thinking about it, too?"
you nod so fast, even san's a little surprised at the immediate response. but ever since he kissed you the first time, and after everything else, it has given you an odd amount of confidence. or at least enough fascination to find out where this will take you.
"i have..."
"fuck," he curses. "i love it when you're straightforward like this."
and he kisses you. just like that. head slanted for better access and given that this is the third time now, you're starting to become a little better at this.
your arms naturally settle around his neck and when he departs with heavy breathing to place small pecks over your jawline, you groan in awe at the sensation.
the back of your spine sinks harder into the wall from how he has you pressed against it. only until he releases himself from the tip of your skin, do you feel a drop of pressure; your chest relaxing a bit.
but that's only for so long before a grunt leaves his mouth because he's lifted your entire body off the flooring and proceeding to throw you onto the mattress of your bed--the cushion submerging when your back meets it.
he climbs on top and you freeze, only able to stare back at him. you won't dare to look at your roommate's side, or her arts and belongings glaring back for doing this with a man in the shared space.
"miss seeing you like this," he says, pressing down to kiss again, and it must've go on for five minutes. your grip in his hair and his hands roaming all over your body, tongue clashing one another like it'll be the last time.
of course, you have no idea what you're fucking doing. just following along san's movements and letting him guide you.
both his palms pin the bed at your side, lips moving away to nibble at your neck, drawing a wet trail as he moves lower and lower till he's face first at your crotch; his hands already at the waistband and ready to strip it off.
he's impatient. so impatient.
"want to return the favor, beautiful," he coos, before he pulls it off with a jerk. thankfully it was loose and not too tightly clasp around you.
you whimper just slightly at the short lasting burn that's soon met with the naked air; you never having felt so exposed before in front of someone. especially not somone like san.
pretty... even your underwear is pretty, he thinks.
"may i?" he asks in a soft tone, your eyes barely holding his from the position, but you do want it. whatever he's about to do.
"yes, san," you answer, even more mellow than his.
he doesn't waste a single second, hands going to rid the undergarment right away by sliding it off; you slightly lifting your body to make the process easier.
he tosses both pieces somewhere you'll worry about finding later, but not right now. especially not with your legs spread and pussy bare in front of him--which makes you incredibly flustered and on the verge of covering your face because it's just a little embarrassing. it being your first time and all.
"shit, y/n," he growls lowly at the sight. "is everything about you always this fucking pretty?"
you're about to say something but a whimper draws out instead when he goes to spread your legs even wider for better access.
"gonna make you feel so fucking good."
you don't get a chance at replying this time either, because he's already shot himself in, head in between your legs and a sloppy wet sensation at your entrance that makes you fold back in building gratification; both your hands immediatly branching out and squeezing the sheet of the bed.
"hmm..." you moan, coming off more like a cry. "o-oh my god, san."
you arch before settling back down on the bed again, the grip on the sheet only getting tighter and you can only imagine the wrinkles that's going to be imprinted.
because san knows how to eat pussy, and he knows how to eat it good.
you don't exactly have anyone else for comparison, but the way his tongue's swirling in your core and there's an oncoming sensation rushing in, is enough as it is.
even he seems to know your own body more than you do. all the right spots to suck, and the exact one where he needs to lay down extra suction.
his arms has found its way around your legs, face buried and delivering such excrutiating pleasure that makes your eyes roll itself and head thrown back, looking up at the ceiling while he devours your part like it's his last meal.
another thought goes over, almost unable to believe it yourself that just first semester into your college experience and this is already happening.
your mind does always seem to flash back to your friends and their stances whenever you do something you think they won't approve of.
but as of lately, you've been doing a lot more of those. especially when it involves someone named choi san.
"nhmmm..." you let out, when his tongue flicks at your clit.
san doesn't stutter even for a second, causing you to go into overdrive from the immense pleasure.
"shit..." the comment leaves you, coming out raspy breath.
his fingers dig into your thighs; all the feelings at the moment overwhelming for someone of your experience, suddenly at the edge and like you're going to combust.
but then, he stops... much to your disappointment.
you peep up, holding yourself down by the elbows to look at him with a frown on your lips while his are a little red and there's messy strands of hair falling over his forehead.
he sits on his knees poking the mattress and looks back with eyes just slightly dark.
"may i fuck you, beautiful?"
a clog plugs up your throat, but you manage to overcome it somehow. the thought scaring you a little, but you do want it.
"y-yes. please fuck me."
and as if he isn't already hard as a rock, he thinks such words leaving you like that only makes it so much worse.
"when you say it like that..." he mumbles, going to unbutton his pants. even with it on, you can see his erection. "it's so fucking sexy."
sexy... that's definitely one you've never heard before.
before he gets it off fully, his hand scrambles for something inside one of the pockets and keeps it in his hold. only until your sight is better adjusted on the item do you realize it's a condom.
his boxer and pants comes off as a pair, sliding down to his knees and kicked off somewhere on the floor--proceeding to tear the packaging with his teeth and that, too, goes with the rest of his clothes.
you watch as he sets the plastic over his size, all you can think about is if you're going to be able to take it.
"tell me if it hurts, okay?" he soothes, and the way it softens you up is not very fitting for the current scene.
you nod, letting your head fall back against the pillow, awaiting that stretching burn as you tighten your lips together.
and a burn it definitely is--as soon as the head of his cock enters, you're already squirming.
"you okay?" he asks, hands gripping your hips.
"y-you can keep going."
the sting is still apparent and naturally, your hands find his, clutching onto it as he opens you up.
"so fucking tight," he curses, just wanting to fuck into you already. but he knows better than anyone that patience does pay off in the end.
you're heavy breathing and gasping for air just a tiny bit when his entire length is in, you're honestly surprised you can even take it--though not exactly well.
"hugging my cock so well," he speaks so melodically, hands rubbing over your hips and you feel your walls clenching itself on him, loosening another curse under his breath.
"gonna fuck you now. gonna fuck you so good."
he starts by gliding in and out slowly, allowing for you to still adjust to the stretch as well as his pace. because once he starts really fucking, there's no going back.
you have your eyes squeezed shut, indulging in the commotion in between your legs that is both agonizing and fulfilling. when you feel you're ready for the next step--whatever that is, you urges him.
and san is very urgent.
his hips snapping into yours and fingernails now digging into your skin, the room is a nasty mix of sex, moans, and muffled weeping.
"s-san," you manage to get out amidst the desperate pounding, "i-it feels s-so good..." your voice thinning out into a whisper because he's hitting that spot so perfectly, your eyes can't stop rolling back.
"i know, baby. i know." he soothes your waist, at the same time using it as leverage to fuck into you even more. "and you're taking my cock so well."
and if sex is always this good, or at least feels this good when done right, you think it just might consume you.
his hands travel from your waist to your cheeks, cupping it and presses his body down to deliver a kiss, but still able to hold a rhythm as he never stops thrusting even for a bit.
it's the chosen position for the next couple of minutes; lips tangled and body intertwined with heavy pantings and groans filling the room, until a pit forms in your stomach and from how good he's fucking you, you're definitely going to come.
"g-gonna cum," you breathe through the kiss.
"cum, baby," he whispers, moving to your ear, "cum on my cock."
his lewd words are the breaking point, and you do. it's the second time you've ever cummed, and of course it's by choi san, the only person who's ever made you orgasm.
after the peak of his visit is over with, you both sit up, goal fixated on finding your clothes and hoping that your roommate doesn't happen to have a change of plan that sends her back early tonight.
"wait, san," you say, legs hanging off the side of the bed and staring at him while he's picking the pieces off the flooring.
"did you even get to cum...?" there's a hint of something in your voice; guilt maybe. that you were so hyperfocused on feeling so good under him, the fact that he also should be enjoying it as well flying over your head.
he smiles, a little endeared that you would care this much.
"way before you, beautiful. no need to worry."
your chest settles back in relief, which in turn makes san chuckles dryly.
your jeans and underwear sitting at the corner of yuna's bed on the floor catches your attention and you hop off, making way toward it.
he turns to you amid the process, pants still draping loose around his ankles and utters, “you should probably get cleaned up.”
you nod and start on the undergarment, having absolutely no idea how things like this usually works; what goes before or after, but since he suggested it, you’re thinking if he wants to do it together.
it’ll probably be overly suspicious; that’s if the smell speaks of anything, but the men’s and women’s bathrooms are separates and shouldn’t be of any problem.
your mouth only just slightly departs about to say something but he has you beat, gawking at you with something unreadable in his eyes and expression.
"i think i'm gonna go," he says, just finished with the last button of his pants.
"oh, did you have somewhere you gotta be?"
there's a quick silence before he really answers.
you don't want to make it like he owes it to you to stay just because he fucked you. or maybe perhaps he does--you don't really know. you just know you don't want him to slip out of your grasp, and you're willing to do anything to keep holding on.
even if it goes against your heart's wishes.
"i'll see you then."
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two seems to be the magic number for san.
it takes another two days to hear anything from him again, and though your chest sits uncomfortably tight at where exactly this 'relationship' is heading, you're really just glad to be hearing from him again.
you take a cab to his apartment and it starts and ends all the same as last time--with you under him and moaning his name, then him attempting to mend over it with some sweet words that doesn't do very much in terms of aiding because he's telling you he has to be somewhere and already, you're taking a cab back to the dorm.
and the day after when he calls you back isn't bound to end any different.
he's sitting at the end of the bed, back and broad shoulders facing you patting down the wrinkles on his pants.
there is something strange about you so willingly accepting of the fact that there's a big chance he's going to kick you out any second now; but you don't want it to be all the same.
a part of you even wishes today might be the day he'll also want to do something else together.
if everything is already predetermined, you want to be the one to change it. oh, so naive you are.
"san..." you say softly, still situated near the head of his bed.
"yeah?" he slightly turns and spare you a glance, all intrigued eyes.
three times... that's how many times you've already slept with him, but you realize that you still know almost absolutely nothing about him aside from the obvious givens that he's hot, in the same year as you, and is wooyoung's friend.
even his favorite color or food, you don't know.
"can you tell me something about yourself?"
he raises an eyebrow and looks as if he might've heard it wrong; his posture shifting toward you more as it goes on.
"well, like what's your major, or favorite color or food. or even your birthday."
"why do you want to know?"
you almost want to gasp or at least look a little offended, because you're sure you deserve to know at the very least these basic things about him considering the extent of the 'relationship'.
"because i want to know more about you."
he sighs and you want to break on the spot because you never thought such a simple question would ever make someone so annoyed like the reaction he's giving you right now.
"even if i answer, it won't matter."
your lips turn just a smidge wobbly, talking through your shaken voice, "of course it matters. it matters if it's you."
the air goes silent after your response and you're wondering if regret or guilt is a common feeling when asking someone about themself.
"july 10th."
your eyes shoot back to him.
"my birthday is july 10th."
"oh…" is all you can say. you didn't even think he'd answer, given his initial reaction.
you continue sitting on the bed in the air that's now turned unpleasant, observing his movements as he goes to pick something off from the floor--and it's your clothes.
he stretches an arm your direction with the items in his clutch and mumbles, "you should go."
and you do... but with something heavy sitting on your chest--one that's completely different from last time--one that will rob you of any joy for the rest of the day because it's just the littlest kind of painful.
entry #4
i like san, i really do. and when you get that close to that level of intimacy, i think it's only natural you'd get curious about the other person. but it's like he doesn't want to open up, and i don't really know how to feel about that...
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spheir · 5 years
MEME !   »   send  me  a  topic  to  write  a  headcanon  on !        /       always accepting .  
anonymous  sent  :  what is her favorite flower?
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        anna’s  favourite  flowers  without  question  are  sunflowers !    seen  both  on  the  motif  of  her  dress  and  her  birthday  cake  in  frozen  fever     ,     i  imagine  they  have  been  her  favourite  since  childhood  .     in  fact    ,    i  believe  that  the  sunflower  is  something  agnarr  and  iduna  would  affectionately  liken  anna  to     ,  due  to  her  bright   and sunny demeanor  .     perhaps  this  is  why  she  is  so  sentimental regarding  them .
        the  sunflower  has  many  perceived  meanings  across  the  globe     ,     some  of  which  include   :   feelings  of  adoration   &   admiration  towards  a  loved  one     ,   loyalty    &    a  strong  bond  between  two  people  and  positivity   &   strength .    therefore   , i  think  it’s  safe  to  say  that  the  sunflower  is  an  apt  floral  representation  of  anna’s  character  and  what  her  bond  with  elsa means  to  her .     this  symbolism  is  also  not  lost  on  her   ;  if  anything  it  is  something  which  makes  her  adore  her  beloved  favourite  flower  even  more .  
        additionally     ,   i  headcanon  that  the  palace  halls  are  often  lined  with  vases  displaying  sunflowers  at  anna’s  request   ,  as  she  is  one  to  surround  herself  with  the  things  she  loves .        similarly     ,     in  my  modern  verses    ,   anna  often  keeps  various  flowers  dotted  around  her  apartment     ,     sunflowers  frequently  working  their  way  into  her  decorative  arrangements  .  
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bartxnhood · 2 years
formula | d.d
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gif not mine.
| daryl x reader
(season 3 prison era)
summary: after the attack on the prison, you volunteer to go with daryl on a run for formula, only for things to take a turn.
warnings: mentions of death, gore, weapons, and angst :)
authors note: hi hi, first twd fic omg. i’ve literally been watching since s1 but never wrote anything lol. i started rewatching twd again for the 262836282737th time bc it’s my all time favorite.
(not proofread)
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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when maggie walked out of the prison with a baby in her hands, tears staining her face, and a distraught carl at her side, you knew what happened. you had just lost t-dog and almost carol. lori too? you looked down at your feet, stained with fresh and dry blood, mixed with dirt. the alarms blaring had caused an outbreak in the prison, walkers from every direction following the sound and attacking everything and anything in their path. you looked over to rick who was standing only a few feet from you. you saw his face change, each step he took to his son and newborn child, dropping the ax at his feet. circling maggie who was sobbing along with the infant wrapped in carl’s jacket, he put his hand up to his temple. “where…where is she?” he stuttered, walking closer to maggie. he started past her to go inside where they exited. “no..rick! no” maggie protested, reaching for his arm but he walked past her. you saw the man who took you in, stranded on the highway when it all began to break down. his sobs became louder by the second. “oh..no…no..” he cried, looking at his son then collapsing to the courtyard floor.
you watched as maggie walked over to glenn, crying into his arms. she was a mess. and, you were too. you lost almost a mother figure. she was so good to you. you were so thankful for her. hell, she even told you to make a move on daryl. she was your number one supporter, she loved you and daryl. “maggie..” you breathed, coming behind glenn and holding your arms out. “can i hold her?” maggie looked at you, her eyes bloodshot and hands stained with the blood of lori. but she nodded, handing the child to you. even being a few minutes old she already looked like her mother. “let me see the baby” you heard herschel say. you turned walking over to him. “what are we gonna feed it?” daryl asked, standing by your side. “we got anything a baby can eat?”
“the good news is, she looks healthy.” the older man said, doing a glance over the little girl. “but she needs formula. and soon, or she won’t survive.” your eyes shot up to daryl who glanced at you, ti the baby, then back up at herschel. “nope. no way. not her” he stated. “we ain’t losing nobody else. i’m goin for a run” you panicked, looking at him. now? alone? “i’ll back you up” “i’ll go too” you heard maggie and glenn chime in. you didn’t know what to do. you handed the baby to carl, “me too.” daryl nodded. “you two! check the fences. too many pile up, we’ve got ourselves a problem. glenn, maggie, y/n! vamonos!”
you three followed behind daryl while the two prisoners tended to the gate. “there’s a piggly wiggly on 85” glenn spoke up, giving ideas to scavenge for the baby. “no” you said trailing behind glenn “the baby sections been cleared, me and maggie tried that a while ago.” glenn sighed. “is there any place that hasn’t been completely looted?” daryl asked, taking the crossbow of his shoulder. you looked at maggie, you shook your head. not thinking of anything off the top of your head. “we uh, saw signs for a shopping center just north of here” glenn answered, standing around the car. “yeah, but there’s too much debris on the road.” maggie said grabbing some stuff out of the car. you crossed your arms looking at the other three. “i can take one of ya” daryl said, putting his vest on. “i’ll go” you volunteered. glenn and maggie looked at you. “i have to, it’s only right.” they both nodded. “okay then, let’s go. we’ll lose daylight.” daryl chimed in, you nodded grabbing your weapons and a jacket then climbing behind daryl on his motorcycle.
the ride was close to half an hour, it only took that long when passing through the debris. you had stumbled across a daycare, you brought it up to daryl to stop there and see if there was anything left. “i’ll go find a way in” you hopped on his motorcycle and headed to the abandoned building. “‘mkay” most of the doors were jammed so you finally used your elbow and busted into a window in some room. you used your jacket to get the rest of the glass out and make a safe way in. “careful” you mumbled, climbing inside. “mhm” you heard daryl grunt. you saw the names of children on the wall, it tugged at your heartstrings. most of them were probably dead by now. you looked away, focusing on your mission. you looked through the closest sand cabinets. you found some clothes, toys, just some things you thought the baby would like. as you entered the kitchen, daryl followed behind you.
faintly you heard rattling coming from a pantry, carefully you looked back at daryl who was already looking at you. he loaded his crossbow and stuffed his flashlight in his mouth. he opened the doors, expecting the dead but instead, you were greeted by an owl. he quickly let his arrow release and take down the owl. “hello dinner” he mumbled, grabbing the flashlight from between his teeth. “that’s not going in my bag” you scoffed. you turned to the counter and opened more cabinets. “jackpot..” you whispered, grabbing the leftover formula, bottles, and whatever else you could find. “we’ll have to make frequent runs. it isn’t much here but it’s enough to keep her alive” you stuffed everything into your bag and zipped it up, looking at your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye. “ah we’ll figure somethin out” he hummed, but he understood what you meant.
“i think that’s all, i’ll check this other room if there’s anything. i’ll be right back” you said, leaving your bag on the counter. you took the flashlight and your machete in case of the dead. you were making sure your movements were stealthy and quiet. you hadn’t heard anything when you opened the door leading into the bedroom. beds lined the far side of the wall, but everything had already looked looted. you let out a defeated sigh. it was going to be hard to find anything for loris's little girl. after a quick sweep you headed back to the door. “nothing in here!” you placed your hand on the doorknob to leave. suddenly you heard the loud snarling escaping from the closet. the thing was quick to grab your side, using its strength and sinking its teeth into you.
letting out a shriek, you felt your knees buckling due to the pain. clenching your teeth, you took your machete and landed the blade in the temple of the walker. the growled ceased as it fell to the floor. “shit!” you cried, you dropped your weapon and brought your hand to the wound on your side. you had been wounded before, but nothing felt like this. the pain was excruciating, you fell to your knees. eyes going blurry, your senses were all over the place. the only thing occupying your mind was the pain. you didn’t hear daryl coming to your side. daryl was quick to run to the doorway you were standing in. “what’s goin on?” his eyes widened seeing your state. you whimpered, opening your eyes seeing him.
"hey hey. shhh." god no, please no. he scoops you up in his arms.
he nods holding to your side that was now gushing with blood. tears started welling in his eyes. "yeah. yeah, ’m here. now don't talk.” he grunted your eyes are shut tightly, every breath causing a pain in your side which has just been bitten. “It, it hurts."
"i know. but don't talk. and don't move,either." he brushed your hair from your forehead, getting a good look at you. your head was resting on his arm, your body laid lazily across his legs. you knew you were dying. it was happening so quickly. “cmon i gotta get you out of here” daryl attempted to pick you up he thought he was have enough time to get you back to the prison. but you couldn’t do it, you only made it as far as the kitchen before falling again. “daryl..i’m not gonna make it. i’ll slow you down” you felt more tears streaming down your cheeks. “nah. you can make it. cmon” you grabbed his arm. “i cant”
with the look of defeat on his face, he sat down next to you on the floor bringing your head to his chest. he had tried his best to stop the bleeding in hopes you’d have just a little longer. how could he lose you too? it should’ve been him.
"hey, dixon?" your breaths are rattling.
you cough. "I love you."
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Everyday we stray further from god’s light...jk jk
I said I was ok with most nsfw and now I’m gonna live up to that claim so here we go!!!
Btw I checked Bad Dragon’s website and they actually have a model called “Demon Dick” so uhh….yeah….
For some reason “keep reading” was messing with the format so I had to repost this. I didn’t include any pictures but I did include links to what I think the boys might look like down there based on the models they had so proceed at your own risk!!
(Side note: I only had shape in mind while I was choosing these bc some of those colors really be wild. Also I’d like to imagine they’re all “extra large” sized)
Lucifer - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/axel)
That night, Lucifer called you into his room for a little “chat.” What was supposed to be a discussion of the student exchange program quickly escalated into something else as you found yourself unable to pull away from his lips as he trapped you in his embrace. It wasn’t long before he moved to the bed, sat down, and shifted his legs apart making it very clear what he wanted next. Now you were on your knees frantically trying to undo Lucifer’s belt while he looked down at you, smirking at how needy you’ve become. After pulling his trousers down to his ankles you made quick work of his boxers moving them down just as eagerly until....you saw it. You thought that since Lucifer looked mostly human the rest of him would look human as well but you were wrong. Not only was he longer and thicker than anything you’ve seen before but his shape was also…well...unique. After staring at it for a good few seconds he moved your face closer by gently nudging your head forward. The action only made you jolt and scoot a good three feet back.
“Lucifer, I love you but I’m not putting that anywhere near my mouth” you say as you slowly take a step back.
“And why is that? Too big for a human?” his eyebrows furrowed as you took another step.
He stayed silent as he watched you slip out of his room, too shocked and embarrassed by your response to go after you. He didn’t think being “too big” was ever going to be a problem for him until now.
Mammon - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/crackers)
Even though he had his own room Mammon insisted on staying in your room again, going on about how it was an “honor” to have him sleep over. You were starting to get tired of his little act so you decided to shut him up with a kiss. To your credit it did work for a good two seconds before he retaliated by pulling you into a kiss on his own. Soon your hands started to wander up his shirt and while he shivered at your touch he followed your lead and did the same. The kiss was messy but full of passion. Once you pulled apart Mammon carried you over to your bed, plopping you down onto the sheets as he fell on top of you. You knew exactly where this was going so you started to strip once you landed on the sheets. After you threw your clothes to the side you started helping Mammon with his belt. He kicked his pants off then his boxers and as you looked down you almost couldn’t believe what you were seeing. He was definitely bigger than a human and the bumps and ridges along his shaft didn’t seem like they were going to make it any easier for you to take him in. Mammon started to get embarrassed from your staring his skin turning a dark shade of red.
“Quit starin at me like that! W-What are you tryna say I’m small or something cus I’m no-”
“Oh you are anything but small Mammon. Quite the opposite actually. I just...I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m out...”
“What do you mean you’re out? This is your room where are you going??”
That night you stayed in Mammon’s room while he was left to contemplate his life in your room. Well at least you thought he was big so that’s….partially a win right?
Leviathan - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/lenneth)
That night, Leviathan invited you over to read some new manga he got from Akuzon. It received a lot of hype before its release so he was looking forward to reading it with you. When you stepped into his room he handed you a copy of the latest volume in the series and let you sit on his bed while he plopped himself into a bean bag. You laid on your stomach turning page after page but after a while you noticed a pair of eyes spying on you as you rested on the sheets. Levi kept peeking up from his book to take glances at you so you shot him a glance and a smile back making him look away in embarrassment. Deciding the manga could wait, you made your way over to Levi, gently moving the book out of his hands to lean in for a kiss. He was shy but he didn’t seem to resist as he let his hands comb through your hair and wander down your back. Wanting to speed things up you crouched down between his legs and undid his belt and pants zipper before palming him through his boxers. Levi shuddered at the contact but froze completely when you pulled down his boxers altogether. Aside from his impressive size the shape of his cock was definitely different from a human’s.
“Levi...you uhhh-”
“I know”
“It’s umm...”
“It looks-”
Both of you sat there for a moment trying to diffuse the awkward situation until you decided to break the silence. “Well it’s still not as bad as tentacles right?”
You were forcibly removed from Levi’s room.
Satan - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/fenrir)
You had a test coming up soon and luckily Satan was generous enough to help you study for it. The both of you were seated in the farthest corner of the library to avoid any noise or disturbances from the other visitors. You were able to make great progress with his help but after three hours of cramming you needed a break. Since the two of you were alone with pretty much no one else around to see or hear your shenanigans, you decided to see just how far you could push the demon sitting beside you. Your eyes were trained on your textbook but your hand slipped under the table stroking Satan’s thigh slowly before moving up between his legs. Normally he would have protested by now but it seems that Satan was just as in need of a break as you were. He shifted closer to you making it easier to undo his belt and zipper. You stroked him through his boxers for a bit before pulling them down to his thighs to get a good look at what was underneath. You almost did a double take once you noticed not only the ungodly size of his dick but also the curves and ridges around his head and shaft. Without a word you slid his boxers back up, zipped his pants, and buckled his belt before turning back to the book you left on the table and pretending you saw nothing, unwilling to even look Satan in the eyes after what you just saw.
“Uhhh why did you jus-”
“Wow! This question is pretty hard what did you get for number six again?”
“MC you didn’t answer my-”
“Were we supposed to read pages 134 to 145 or was it 150 to 166?”
“Shhhh! Satan we’re in a library it's rude to yell”
This went on for a while until the two of you eventually went back to studying, forgetting the events that previously unfolded.
Asmodeus - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/spritz)
You and Asmo had the day off so you spent it at the mall. After getting your hair and nails done at a salon the two of you went to Majolish to find some new outfits. You searched through racks of clothing until your cart was full but before you could buy anything you had to make sure they fit first. As you brought your clothes into the dressing room you pulled on the door but before it could shut you felt a hand stop it mid-swing, preventing it from closing. It was Asmo. He held his pointer finger against his lips to quiet you before slipping into the cramped stall with you. “Today’s been great and all MC but how about we make it even better?” his warm breath tickled your ear as he whispered but that didn’t stop you from nodding in agreement with his desires. There was a chance someone could spot you so you both tried to speed things up before someone noticed. You removed your shirt and guided Asmo’s hands back to your chest letting him play with your nipples while you palmed him through his pants. Neither of you could wait any longer so you got on your knees and started removing his pants and boxers. You were prepared to fuck but you weren’t prepared to see....that. For the Avatar of Lust his cock was certainly intimidating in both size and shape. It wasn’t quite human in appearance either which was pretty evident at first glance.
“Alright MC now just- hey wait! Where are you going?? MC?!?!!”
Before you could even think about how to fit his cock inside of you, you grabbed your shirt, slipped it back on, and sprint-walked out of the dressing room as quickly and quietly as you could, leaving Asmo behind.
Beelzebub - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/clayton)
There was no doubt about it. Beelzebub was one of the biggest and strongest among the brothers but you wanted to see for yourself just how “big” he could really get. After dinner that night, you slipped into Beel’s room with a bowl of ice cream you snuck from the kitchen. You offered to give him some with the condition that you got to feed him. Needless to say he agreed and was honestly enjoying himself until you “accidentally” shifted causing the bowl to slip out of your hands and the ice cream to spill onto your chest and shirt. Beel looked sad for a second because of his ice cream but after seeing the smirk that was slowly spreading across your face he soon understood everything. “You were planning this weren’t you?” Your smirk only grew larger once you heard those words. “Well since my shirt is dirty I might as well take it off~” you lifted your shirt over your head and threw it into the corner of the room leaving your chest exposed, some melted ice cream still dripping down your skin. Beel licked his lips before leaning in to taste you, letting his tongue roam over every curve. Before he moved down between your legs you decided you wanted to get a taste of him too so you pushed him onto his back and started undoing his belt and zipper before eagerly sliding down his pants and boxers. Your jaw almost hit the floor. You knew he was big but this? This was insane!! You couldn’t even wrap your hand around his shaft completely!!! And as if his size wasn’t intimidating enough he also had bumps and ridges along the sides of his cock too!! Your body was ready to nope the fuck out of there so without thinking you slipped your stained shirt back on and found yourself ready to exit Beel’s room, hand already on the door knob.
“Uhh MC? Where are you going? I’m right here!” Beel was still on his back confused as all heck.
“I’m just….gonna get you a replacement ice cream I’ll be back...”
Once you shut the door Beel could have sworn he heard the sound of sprinting. He didn’t see you for the rest of the night but he did find a bowl of ice cream at his doorstep.
Belphegor - (https://bad-dragon.com/products/sleipnir)
You knew Belphegor hated being woken up more than anything but you hoped that he would make an exception just this once. He didn’t seem opposed to sharing the bed either out of fondness for you or from being too tired to care. You curled yourself around him, nuzzling his back while your hands slowly traveled up his shirt. Your fingers eventually worked their way up to play with his chest and nipples. Belphegor couldn’t ignore your presence anymore so instead he was going to make sure you made it worth his time. He rolled over onto his back and positioned you so you would be on top of him. Belphegor wasn’t usually the type to rush sex but he was exhausted after going through classes that day and the fact that you woke him up wasn’t exactly a good thing either. Not wanting to waste much time he grabbed your waist and started grinding against you only stopping for a moment to remove his pants and boxers. You were about to lower yourself onto him until you noticed just how big he was. His length and girth were above that of a human, not to mention he had a number of bumps and ridges along his shaft. There was no way you were about to impale yourself on that so instead you rolled off of him and wrapped yourself in a blanket burrito with your face turned away from him.
“Y’know Belphie it's late, your tired, I’m tired, maybe we should just go sleep RIGHT NOW ”
“Wha- after you spent all that time trying to-mMPH!!” you threw a pillow at his face denying him the chance to finish his sentence.
Belphie was confused and irritated that you riled him up for nothing but at least he could sleep now.
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historyiguess · 7 years
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist! Set your entire music library to shuffle then report the first ten tracks that pop up! And tag ten people Tagged by @im-tired-ok 1. Aaron Burr, Sir from Hamilton 2. When You’re Home from In the Heights 3. You’ll Be Back from Hamilton 4. Golden Days by Panic! At the Disco 5. Stressed Out by Twenty-One Pilots 6. Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton 7. While We’re Young by Marianas Trench 8. When You’re Home (Radio Edit) from In the Heights 9. The Club from In the Heights 10. The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy I’m not actually going to tag ten people, I dont know that mant people, so I tag @missgoldenpixel @favoritefightingfrenchgoth @ask-miss-marie @sunshineapollo @john-andre and anyone else who wants to do it!
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broadstreetmisfits · 6 years
The Moment I Knew - Michal Cajkovsky
You woke up the morning of your birthday to find your room covered in balloons. Walking down the stairs, you found your best friend, Michal Cajkovsky and his teammates in your kitchen.
“Guys! It is eight in the morning! What the hell are you doing here?” You asked
“Uh baking a cake” Marek said as if it was obvious
“Can’t you do that in your own house? How’d you even get in here anyway?” You asked jumping from one question to another
“You gave me a key, remember?” Michal reminded you
You sighed, yet again you regretted giving him that key to your apartment. He’d always pop in at the most random times.
“Are you ready for the party tonight Y/N?” Tomas asked
You nodded in response “Yeah, I can’t wait”
You threw on your favorite little black dress that your boyfriend always loved to see you in and you texted him.
Y/N: Hey, you coming tonight?
Y/BF/N: I wouldn’t miss it for the world
Everyone began to arrive midafternoon. You greeted everyone with a big smile, looking forward to the party tonight. That was when you walked over to your best friend.
“Thank you so much for doing this” You smiled as you rested your head on Michal’s shoulder
“It’s nothing” he replied
You walked around the room, talking to each and every person who would wish you a happy birthday. After walking around the room multiple times, it sunk in that your boyfriend still wasn’t here. You would continuously sneak small glances to the front door in hopes that your boyfriend would walk in. You checked your phone to fine no texts or calls from him.
You figured he was just running late so you turned your attention back to the conversation you were having with Marek and Tomas. You guys – well mostly they were – sharing childhood stories. Tomas must’ve said something funny because Marek burst out in laughter after his teammate spoke. You smiled and faked a laugh, pretending to actually care about the conversation they were having.
You walked around the house yet again, but this time you made sure to thank everyone for coming. You continued to attempt to be interested in whatever conversation your guests were dragging you into, but you couldn’t help but worry where on Earth your boyfriend was. After managing to sneak away from the crowd, you pulled out your phone once again, so you decided to text him to see what was going on.
Y/N: Babe are you alright? The party started an hour ago
Michal stood on a chair and rang a bell that he pulled out of his pocket “Dinner!” He called to the group
The team, the rest of your guests and yourself gathered around the table. Since you were the birthday girl, you were forced to sit at the head of the table. You hated to admit it, but the guys made an amazing dinner. Passing the food around, you were sure to get a little bit of everything on your plate. However, you couldn’t help but notice the empty seat where your boyfriend should have been sitting.
“So how’s Y/BF/N?” Patrik asked
“Alright, he must be running late though, but he said he’s be here any minute” You lied straight through your teeth
Patrik nodded then went back to eating his food. You could feel a tear starting to form in the corner of your eye so you politely excused yourself and went to the bathroom. When you closed the door, the tears instantly began to stream down your face. You found yourself crumbling to the floor as you wept. Minutes later, you heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Go away” You muttered
“Y/N, open the door” You heard one of your boyfriend’s best friends, Jack, say
“Please Y/N” Your boyfriend’s other best friend, Dylan, say “It’s just the two of us”
You got up off the floor and opened the door. The two boys immediately engulfed you into a hug.
“What’s wrong?” Dylan asked not letting go of you
“He said… he said… he said he’d be here” You sobbed into his shirt
“Y/N, we can’t understand you” Jack replied
You pulled apart from the two boys, took a deep breath to attempt to collect yourself, and then repeated what you had just said. “He said he’d be here”
“I’m so sorry” Jack said and hugged you again
“Let’s go upstairs and clean you up a bit” Dylan suggested
You nodded and then led the two boys up to your room. Your heart sank as it hit you that he actually wasn’t coming. What was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life turned out to be one of your worst. You sat down on your bed and the two guys soon joined you. The three of you sat in silence as you attempted to get yourself together even more.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence, you finally spoke “I think I’m ready”
You guys walked back downstairs where everyone else was still sitting around the table. You half hoped that your boyfriend was magically sitting at the table, but alas he was not. You sighed and Jack, Dylan and yourself sat back down in your seats at the table.
“Are you alright?” Michal asked as you sat back down
You nodded “Yeah, I’m fine”
You ate the rest of your dinner in silence. As you listened in on everyone’s conversations, you couldn’t help yourself from looking at the door every five seconds in hopes of seeing is smile burst through the door.
Everyone finished dinner and then moved to the family room where you turned on some hockey game. You honestly didn’t really care about the score, or who was playing as a matter of fact, since your best friends and his teammates were lounging in the same room as you. The cameras switched from a game to a few people in the stands. You recognized one face immediately….
Your boyfriend.
Your jaw dropped in shock. Without saying a single word to anyone, you ran up to your room, flopped down onto your bed and let the tears fall. As you were crying, you heard the front door open and the house get quieter and quieter. You don’t know how long you were lying in bed, but you eventually got up and changed into something a lot more comfy. You took off what was left of your makeup and returned to your room. You scrolled through twitter until your phone began buzzing. It was a call. From your boyfriend. You were extremely hesitant to pick up, but you eventually did.
“Look, Y/N, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it” Your boyfriend began
“Y/BF/N…” You said but he didn’t hear you
“My cousin invited me to go to a soccer game” he rembled on
“Y/BF/N.” You repeated
He still didn’t hear you “I was gonna invite you, but you had your party…”
“Y/BF/N!” You yelled causing the other end of the line to be dead silent. “I’m sorry too” you drastically lowered your voice
“What? What do you mean you’re sorry? You have nothing to apologize for” He replied clearly confused
“I’m sorry, I should’ve known better”
“Are you-?” He asked
“Yes” You interrupted “I’ll see you around Y/BF/N”
You couldn’t bear to hear his response, so you hung up the phone before he could say a word. You put on some sad music, something you always did when you ended a relationship, and shoved your face into your pillow.
Countless songs and tears later, you heard a knock on your bedroom door.
“Go away” You yelled even though you figured it was Michal coming to check on you
Sure enough you heard his voice through the door “It’s me”
Yet again you yelled “Go away”. You groaned when you heard your door open; you had forgotten to lock it when you came in to cry. You felt the bed dip when Michal sat next to you. “I said ‘go away’”. You mumbled
“I just wanted to check on you, make sure you were okay.” He replied as he laid down next to you
“Oh I don’t know, I just broke up with my boyfriend who decided a soccer game was more important than my birthday party, does it look like I’m okay?” You asked lifting your head up and looking at him to show him your tear stained face.
He gave you a ‘come on really?’ look as he spoke his next words. “Turn off your sad music, he was ugly anyway”
“No he was not!” You protested as you shot up from your laying positon
“Yes he was.” He argued as he sat up and grabbed your phone from your nightstand.
“Noooooo! Gimme my phone and let me suffer” You whined
“Noooooo!” Michal mocked you “You are not going to suffer”
“Please leave me in my misery” You continued
Instead of verbally responding, you saw Michal get up off the bed. He then put his arms around you and lifted you up. He carried you bridal style out of your room and down to the living room where he put you on the couch. You looked around to see the house was completely clean in comparison to the mess it was in earlier that day.
“Why did you bring me down here?” You asked as Michal sat down next to you
“Because we are going to play some video games to get over this boy” He said
You sighed, already knowing you were going to regret doing this with him. However, by the time you two called it quits, you were having a blast beating him in Mario Kart. At the end of the night, you were dead asleep laying on Michal, not a single thought of your ex-boyfriend was in your mind.
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deprivalstate · 6 years
marissa’s rp plotting cheat-sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: marissa OOC Contact: tumblr or discord (anyone can totes ask for my discord)
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
iona is a mutant and the leader of the nyxers (which is basically just a short way to say New York Mutants), a militant group meant to defend other mutants against discrimination by force. she is 24 and feels a little young to be running around helping mutants and being looked at as a role model, but iona does her best to be the leader that others need her to be. other nyxers are also present on this blog akdafaoi i’ll talk more about them later maybe
Points of interest:
Iona is kind of a young leader and she’s trying to be the best she can be, but that’s hard when she’s bound to fuck up
She cleans up after other mutant’s messes like all the time
She doesn’t really like humans, and can be kind of an asshole towards them
She is one of the OG Nyxers and only herself and one other is left
Those OG Nyxers were like her siblings. They all got raised and taught by the same person, Guardian. Originally, Iona was the youngest of them (she was 17 when they started, Guardian was 27, and their four other siblings ranged from 19-25).
Guardian was like their big sister. She brought together five other mutants, Iona included, to create the Nyxers. Their original intention was to defend the mutants inside and outside of District X. Three of the five were killed in various missions throughout the years, eventually leaving Iona, Guardian, and one other sibling remaining.
Guardian knew they needed to help the community by bringing in some sort of financial stability. Sasha hammer came around and offered her assistance if the Nyxers would push her weapons and drugs, kick included, to District X. It went against their values, but Iona, who was more interested in seeing the district prosper than caring what they sold, talked Guardian into letting them sell. Jax, a mutant capable of depowering other mutants, helped Sasha kill Guardian (who was influencing Iona to do good). With Guardian out of the way, Sasha steered Iona’s anger against humans (who she thought were the cause of Guardian’s death) and the Nyxers into an ugly path. It took two years for Iona to see a flaw in Sasha’s way of thinking. She started questioning Sasha, and that’s when Sash and Jax tried to repeat what happened to Guardian. Iona’s last sibling was the one who saved her from death, leaving Sasha wounded and retreating. Since then, Iona has been mending the Nyxers, as well as her own ways, into the path that Guardian originally intended.
What they’ve been up to recently:
In present day, Iona has just recently taken Sasha out of her life. She is still somewhat traumatized and guilt-ridden over the path she took the Nyxers to, and she blames herself for recent deterioration in District X. There’s a lot of blood on her hands, and she’s trying to come clean from it.
A few months after, Iona cleaned up the Nyxers (weeding out the mutants who only wanted to take the time to hurt other mutants) and stopped them from selling any further. She is starting to bring them back to their root cause, and spends a lot of time out in the city trying to keep up with other mutants.
Where to find them:
District X, running around New York City, wherever trouble is (especially if it has to do with mutants). You won’t see her mingling with humans much, but you will see her trying to recruit other mutants to do the right thing.
Current plans:
Basically looking for Iona going from villain to the antihero she was always meant to be. She’s gonna be going through a lot of guilt trips and struggles of being young(ish) but trying to be mature enough to be a good leader in the eyes of other mutants. This point is her growth in becoming a better person and a better leader.
Desired interactions:
sash years (2016 - early 2018):
Iona being v v violent to get what she wants
killing... a human....
pushing kick
trying to lead the Nyxers through respect instead of fear, without realizing that everything she did, and the way ppl acted towards her, was bc they were afraid of her
being kind and caring to her followers even though she was scary to outsiders
present day / a few months in:
Iona being looked at like a big sister to other mutants even though she doesn’t know what the fuck to do
kicking ass and taking names and defending the fuck out of other mutants
making friends. she doesn’t have? a lot of friends? she has ppl who look up to her and that’s not the same thing
Offered interactions:
look if ur muse gets lost in district x iona will gladly escort them out
she will give your muse all the advice even though she sure as fuck doesn’t know everything there is to life
let her,,, take care of all ur angsty mutants,,,,
(she was one once too u know)
iona! teaching! mutants! how to! control their powers!!!
iona cooking for ur mutant children bye
Current open post/s:
I don’t do opens alkjalefaj maybe I should
Anything else?:
uhhh I’m just trying to get my ideas together so like this is the best I have for ya’ll right now. sorry it’s not formatted better
Tagging: do it if u wanna
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licnheartd-blog · 6 years
(Repost ! Don’t reblog ! )
SO YOU ANSWER 21 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOURSELF (THE MUN ❤︎), THEN TAG 20 FOLLOWERS THAT YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER. I WAS TAGGED BY: @perceivedxjustice thanks ruan ~~~ Tagging: @plcytowin , @fiircbird , @heartpeek , @objectxon, @praepcsitus , @imperfectfools, @debeste-obviously , @violetprosecutor lmao i’m not about tag 20 ppl bc i don’t even have 20 followers that’s ridiculous so here’s my gift to u lot :’)
1) NAME: Frenchie (lol u thought) 2) NICKNAMES: .... frenchie lol 3) HEIGHT: 5′5!!! 4) ORIENTATION: bisexual/demisexual something like that in there 5) NATIONALITY: asian (filipino) 6) FAVOURITE FRUIT: strawberries :’) 7) FAVOURITE SEASON: late spring early summer 8) FAVOURITE FLOWER: uhM idk OOH ROSES  9) FAVOURITE SCENT: like fresh linens 10) FAVOURITE COLOUR: ya girl loves that millenial pink tho but i liked before it was called millenial pink so 11) FAVOURITE ANIMAL: uhm idk my cat specifically idk i love them 12) FAVOURITE LOCATION: probably LA??? 13) COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: tea, like the kind you drink and the kind you gossip abt lmao 14) AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: last night i got abt 3 but i usually get abt 7 15) DOG OR CAT PERSON: CAT CAT CAT  16) FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): i don’t think i have space to list them all but uhm here goes lmaooooo. miles edgeworth, harry hart from kingsman, leslie knope and ben wyatt from parks and rec, kunekida from bungo stray dogs, bishamon from noragami, blaine anderson from glee, kyouya ootori from ouran, keith from voltron, neil caffrey from white collar, tsukishima, kuroo and oikawa from haikyuu, and viktor from yuri on ice :’) i am garbage this isn’t even all of them i just started naming some and i am realizing i have named too many but i won’t delete them bc i don’t wanna mess up the formatting bye 17) NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: usually just one lmao 18) DREAM TRIP: japan, like all of it. most of it. bc i’m weeb trash and i was supposed to go last summer but that didn’t happen and i’m upset 19) BLOGS CREATED:  my personal, @lilenchantcr​, @mysticburgcr this one is under co. 20) NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 17 21) RANDOM FACT: i’ve been playing ace attorney since i was 11............ i’m 22. what have i been doing this whole time
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