#*scene where jao touched sky lmfao
dengswei · 2 years
hi! random but, do you think we're gonna get a bed scene from skyjao even if its a morning/post scene? ive read ppl saying that they want one since we've got so many from nueatoh, and that it would be interesting to see the show explore that since jao's biggest insecurity is his body. i don't think i want one and would be fine if we dont...i still see him as a baby even if they're uni students. what do you think/would like?
hey!! honestly i don't know if we'll get one and i think that's because i've noticed that jao isn't the type of person to touch someone, even sky. (i can't remember if we've seen him initiate touch with the core four friendship group but even so they're very close and have been for a long time so he may feel more comfortable with them to do so). i don't think jao is touch averse per se (though I do like headcanon him as such but that's more of a how i read his character more than anything else) but mostly all the touch we've gotten between skyjao i've noticed it's sky who initiates touch between them. sky is the one who kisses jao, he's the one who hugs jao, he's the one who pinches jao's cheek, etc. we've only really seen jao touch sky in this scene:
Tumblr media
and even so jao touches sky only after sky touches him first. i think jao touching sky here was done deliberately to show how touch is important for jao and how serious he was in the moment just in case sky didn't take his words alone seriously. and then there's also the part of this scene where he touches sky to put on the treatment for his bruise but that's definitely because jao was worried about sky's injury getting worse. the same with the poking where sky was injured because he wanted sky to stop lying to him. all of the touches that jao has made is very deliberate in getting across what he needed to with his words. maybe the lack of touch from jao's side possibly could be due to his insecurity. like we've only seen skyjao kiss once and that was more of spur of the moment kiss (which i loved btw) so i don't really see a bed scene in the future i could be wrong maybe something will happen in the next episode or the finale where we get to see jao open up more to sky and we get one but we'll see.
though i would like to see how they'd handle it especially with how insecure jao is with his body but it worries me a little bit because they could do very well with handling it but they could also handle it very badly. they did somewhat kind of hint towards skyjao being more inimate in that way during that one scene in the last ep where jao asked sky about that photo of him. so i don't think it's 100% off the cards i just... with how skyjao are as a couple in this moment in time i don't see it.
personally i'm okay with that but that could also be because i'm somewhat sex repulsed and i'm not really bothered by bed scenes no matter what i'm watching.
i do have to say the difference between skyjao & nueatoh as couples is a really nice contrast in my opinion, like it shows you that two people can be together romantically in different ways yet still love and care for each other the same amount.
though thinking of it they could do a morning after scene but given how important body image is to jao's character it would come across a missed opportunity to not mention/combat that with a bed scene, it could almost come across as if they're glossing over the issue
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Secret Crush On You Live Blogging
I’m prepared for it to be cringey and tropey but also to be very, very queer. I know there are femme gay characters, a genderqueer character, a queer friend group like I hope I love it! 
The first few episodes are apparently kinda rough and full of second hand embarrassment, but hopefully I’ll still like it.
Episode 1 (June 8)
The excitement and hype from the cold open(?)* before the intro is so contagious. *I don’t actually know what these are called because I don’t think cold opens have actually anything to do with the rest of the episode but in Thai shows the part before the intro of an episode does influence the rest of the ep.
Daisy and Som (?) being in sync when speaking is cute
Kongkwan asking if she can play with the girls who fangirl over Nuea and kiss them on the cheek >.< I freaking like it when I get to see people in a show already knowing they’re queer + being out about it like at least Toh (crushing on Nuea), Daisy (kha endings), Kongkwan (flirting with girls) are like that but we’ll see which other characters are also out
lmfao why are Toh and his friend group ‘hiding’ when Nuea passes by aksldfj can’t they just act natural?
People who watched the show: The main character stalks the love interest and also collects garbage he touched. 
Me, watching Toh collect the can from the garbage because Nuea touched it: :0
No why am I soooo endeared by Toh’s friendgroup already >.< Them teasing each other but literally still helping to gather everything for Toh’s gift to Nuea. Also, Toh and Jao are so nice to each other specially, with Toh being like our friend is hungry! and Jao being like I think your “with care” is nice :)
a;klsdfj Nuea pretending to not see Toh and his friends around his car T.T and he looks so endeared to see Toh hiding behind his car bye
I knew Nuea threw the bag in the garbage because I saw a clip but why exactly? He seemed endeared by them around his car and also saw the friends pretend to be “stones” beside the garbage so why?
Toh’s friends trying to cheer him up, so cute
alsdjf this dramatic sadness while they recite the rules of having a secret crush reminds me of Third’s antics
People who the watch series: The obsessed stalker keeps some tangerines in a baggy
Me, watching the obsessed stalker keep some tangerines in a baggy: D:
Toh’s whole room is a shrine of Nuea I’m crying. Why am I so endeared while watching him sit on his bed with Nuea bedsheets and turn on the projector to project a big picture of Nuea on his wall to watch the live with Kongkwan and Nuea? 
Omg? This saucy imagining Nuea scene? Surprised by how sensual and good it is, I didn’t have to fast forwarding
Ooh, okay I wanna see how Toh’ll act when he thinks Nuea likes someone/has a gf
yay, the gifset I reblogged when the episode first came out of Sky being like “why do you call all of us Ai’Name but call Fon nicely?” Also, I wish I knew what is meant by nicely... Is she using a different title before it? I hear a Mi before Fon, is that a thing?
Why are Toh and friends so bad at this stalking thing lmfao their “hiding” is useless. I wanna know what Nuea’s thinking right now because he must know this group keeps following him around and collects his garbage
“What’s with him?” asks Sky after he himself was being kinda weird to Jao.
lmfao the Saint cameo
lkasdf the way I too am excited that Nuea asked for Toh specifically to photograph his sister’s birthday 
Was it Daisy who said “I’m a girl, I can’t hold him up!”
Each time I see Toh’s bedroom, I’m more in disbelief.
I guess Toh = table and that’s why he sent that photo?
Toh fumbled the start of the conversation a bit but he was pretty normal during the actual conversation with Nuea via phone even dealt with the “Do you like me?” question well bc where did that even come from lol. I wonder how it’ll be during face to face.
I'm surprised by how endearing I find the friend group already lol They're supportive and funny! Also very queer! The way knowing Khai's an asshole for the first half but grows made my watch of Theory of Love more enjoyable, I think knowing that this show is over the top and involves some garbage collecting helped me enjoy it more instead of just being creeped out.
Episode 2 (June 8)
Toh is pretty good at being normal about Nuea lol
Naurrr not the immediate cattiness between the girl who’s with Nuea and Toh T.T Are we supposed to find her ridiculous for Needing those false eyelashes when Toh and his gang have been even more ridiculous this whole time :/
lakdsfj Nuea noticed Toh’s finger injury. Bro I am actually in Toh’s friend group now, I’m so excited for him
The antagonism between SkyJao is cute
The sister getting Nuea and Toh to take photos together?!
It’s actually interesting how I feel about NueaToh interactions because I am Not a fan of this random wrist grabbing and I was like >:/ when Nuea did it but then he showed concern for Toh’s tiny inconsequential injury, which I would also find overbearing, but I’m so excited for Toh lol
lmfao watching Toh with that cup of water is so strange
Toh and Jao are so cute together! 
I think this episode is more embarrassing than the first one because it’s Toh embarrassing himself in front of Nuea and his friends rather than just being weird privately/with his own friends.
Dang we fr get another kiss scene and it’s even in real life this time. 
Gosh, so embarrassing T.T Toh just unfasten your seatbelt and get out
No why did Nuea pull Toh’s seatbelt like that kjsdaf
So they didn’t actually touch lips when kissing.
I liked it more when Sky and Jao were antagonistic cuz now Sky just intimidated Jao into getting in the car despite Jao being uncomfortable and saying no :/ hope they change it up a little soon
“ I find it's pretty telling how everyone is "mad" at Toh's  stalkerish behavior (and I'm not saying it isn't problematic and the show pretty much makes it clear) but are so in love with Jao's and Sky story where it's pretty clear Jao is uncomfortable but Sky makes him get in the car anyway. It really shows what kind of actions our society deems acceptable and done by whom. The one who follows the classic romance trope even if problematic gets a pass always. After all it's the "masculine" man doing the pursuing and being forceful. “ -  NaFran49 Under the YT video and I agreeeee, interesting observation about fan reactions, especially considering Nuea seems to know about and be fine with Toh’s behaviour while Jao protests.
lmfao Toh escaping his friends to take Nuea’s call but ending up in Nuea’s sights. 
mans literally squeezed the hell outta some bush lol cute
Nuea finds Toh endearing as hell
lmfao Toh seriously forgot he’s got a whole ass shrine and collection of Nuea in his dorm
More than a Nuea liker, Toh is a Nuea collector lmfao
Episode 3 (June 9)
So awkward T.T Gotta just keep remembering Nuea doesn’t seem to mind
Toh is literally dying I think
lmfao not only does Nuea not mind, he finds Toh endearing and also is planning that man’s downfall because what the hell is “let me take my shirt off for a bit
a nosebleed lmfao
nooo I just saw Prao in the crowds too 
how many imaginary or almost kisses are we gonna get lmao they really said 1 per episode thus far
T.T nooo Toh leaving after seeing Prao :< I know Nuea’s singing it for you, I know it
Prao’s actress plays her really well lmfao the perfect bitchy and floundering vibes
Noo Toh talking down to himself :( All the while Nuea’s looking for him
omgggg Nuea and his friendgroup also have a nickname for Toh “Van Gogh” and mans has a Van Gogh phonecase which he is “interested in” :0 Maybe... Nuea is just a subtler, more well-adjusted version of Toh like Toh straight up has a photo of Nuea in his phone case whereas Nuea’s like I will use a Van Gogh art phone case because it represents Toh, which nobody but my friends know
Aak Nuea being like I smile at Toh, he’s the one who says “Shit” every time we meet alksfdjasdlk;fjsdkl;fj 
Nuea using every excuse to see Toh. Nuea upset that Toh says “Shit” every time he sees him and that Toh left the event Nuea invited him to early. Nuea giving Toh all those roses in a roundabout way that makes Toh cry because I guess he’s hit with the fact that Nuea has an endless number of admirers.
Episode 4 (June 9/10)
Jao is so cute!
Toh and friends scheming to get closer to Nuea and Nuea doing literally everything in his power to get Toh closer to him, they are sooooo 
ooh slightly jealous Nuea
I wonder when the stalking thing will dwindle. Jao’s been telling Toh to stop it for a while but he continues on lol
fucking crying, Toh getting his fucking little baggie with drops of the drink Nuea gave him being taken away, Nuea coming up behind Toh and so Toh accidentally calling him “Shit!” again, Nuea giving him a noogie because he’s a ~naughty kid~, Toh saying “what punishment should a naughty kid get” and biting Nuea’s arm in a daze, Kongkwan my love going “Nuea you must bite him back”, so Nuea fucking biting Toh’s neck laksdfj T.T The Events just keep coming and they don’t stop coming fr
The “little Sky” joke followed by Nuea saying he hasn’t washed his hands ?!
I wish Jao’s friends and Sky weren’t so insistent whenever Jao’s hesitant to do something :<
I was -_- about Sky for a bit there but now I’m back to liking SkyJao. The way Sky knew Jao was sick + the neck sniff kisses >.<
lmfao Toh’s drunk ass falling into Nuea’s arms 
Jao’s little smiles whenever he turns away from Sky >.<
Not Sky waiting outside Jao’s apartment in case Sky calls him sick ?!
omg?! Nuea and Toh slept in the same bed and Nuea was freaking shirtless? 
Not Toh feeling whatever bottoms he’s got on and also saying ‘doesn’t hurt’ in Thai I think even though it’s not subbed ?!
Toh’s killing me but also Nuea’s fucked up too cuz mans is awake and even pulled his blanket down a little to show Toh more of his torso
no way Toh wants to pull down the blankets even more lkjsdl;kjafd stop ittttt
Toh whispering to Nuea thinking he’s asleep but mans is awakeeee killing me fr 
this stupid cf in the middle ?! okay it’s fine, the production on this must’ve cost a lot
Nuea’s suchhh a trickster, I like him
I just skipped over the leg hurting scene, I can’t 
genuinely what is happening, Nuea playing around with Toh is gonna kill me they’re for real perfect for each other the same way My Beautiful Man Kiyoi and Hira are lmfao
I can’t anymore, I’ll watch the rest in the morning
nooo not Toh being sad as hell that Nuea likes Nong Van Gogh when that’s Nuea’s code name for him!
Aw, Toh thinking of what he’d say to Nuea but not being brave enough to actually say it 
rip Nuea confused as hell
Episode 5 (June 10/11)
Been a busy with a driving lesson + long ass time working on a school project, so here’s to watching!
Nuea’s so lksdfj Mans inviting Toh to get food by themselves, asking if he can go to the trip with Toh’s friends, trying to convince Toh by putting his hand on Toh’s. He plays too much, just confess! You knowwww he likes you
Naurr the way Sky and Jao are so cute, esp because they’ve somehow succeeded in making Sky sliiiightly sleezy but still it’s cute cuz he doesn’t go too far and Jao remains smiley
bro the way we barely get any Fon and KongKwan moments and this first one since ep 1 doesn’t even have Fon lmfao just Som saying Fon’s in KongKwan’s heart 
Cute ass car ride 
Aak, Nuea going to tie his Toh’s hair all cute but that means sitting Toh is face-to-face with a standing Nuea’s dick and it actually almost killing Toh T.T
Omg Toh’s sudden bravery? “I like someone too!” and “Do you like me?” like damn. + Nuea said yeah. I hope next part is really an admission and they discuss it and not a misdirect
noo when will we get the scene where they discuss Nuea liking Toh/them liking each other
lmfao not Nuea coming in to break up crushes from sleeping in the same room except himself and Toh
Nuea is so klajdf mans is having fun manipulating and playing Toh knowing full well he’s boutta have a heart attack and die
Nevermind, Sky’s back to doing too much when Jao’s uncomfortable like Toh even snuck Jao the money to forfeit so why’s Sky advancing on him like this. It’s not like when Jao’s kinda shy but still smiley, this time he seemed upset and I was upset for him too
Nuea asking Toh if he wants to fold and if he’s sure, so true
Aww, Toh shellshocked and Nuea kinda confused/hurt by Toh’s lack of reaction and ? maybe he interpreted it as disinterest like why tf is this guy going away to take pics now
nooo Toh’s “it’s okay, it was just a game” and Nuea’s watery eyes T.T omg
Bro I’m so confused, I wanna go back to that convo at the end of 5-1. So Nuea said “pretend you kissed the person you like” so they haven’t yet discussed that Toh likes Nuea but it was discussed that Nuea likes Toh, right? In which case, I don’t get it why didn’t Toh say I like you back? Is it because he thinks Nuea also likes this Van Gogh character?
The whiplash of the kinda </3 scene followed by Nuea’s absolute insanity 
Toh pretending to be asleep to get closer to Nuea and Nuea also getting even closer while pretending to asleep and Toh moving away because he can’t handle it is so alkdjf
Noo the Jao body image issues storyline is starting already </3 I’m looking forward to it but also dreading fr
omg, I didn’t expect it to be serious enough for Jao to straight up walk into the ocean :0
Oh nvm lmfao the tone shifts of this show are just wild
lasjdflk The massage as a sexual innuendo + Toh getting hard from it lmfao
Aak, Sky and Nuea’s gross bro talk involving lots of dick talk
I’m realizing maybe the 5-1 “Do you like me?” “Yeah. I do” thing could be seen in like a platonic, fun way
Episode 6 (June 11)
Sky’s “I know you can take care of yourself but I wanna take care of you” is kinda cute actually
Nuea being slutty: “Or you’ve never showered with a friend before?” Bro they are both so obvious how can the word friend still come up T.T
[sound of Nuea's shirt rustles as he takes it off] deadddd lmfao how many times has Nuea stripped in front of Toh, my guy take a hinttt
asdklf followed by Toh giving us the audience a show but falling asleep before he can do the same to Nuea THEY’RE BOTH SUCH WEIRDOS T.T perfect for each other fr
lol his friends trying to bully Toh into giving back Nuea’s toothbrush and Toh’s collecting. + them trying to dissuade Nuea from coming to Toh’s room which is also filled with Nuea stuff
 okayy the friends are starting to put more emphasis on having Toh stop collecting
Nuea kissing Toh’s cheek!
The tally of Nuea taking his shirt of in front of Toh is seriously through the roof by now
The fact that soo much physical stuff has happened so far for no reason that Nuea shirtless and picking up Toh -> dropping him on the bed and looming over him -> kiss on the lips is just... brushed over lmfao like what is this sequence of events without any shock or relationship development around it dkslafj
ahh is Toh for real confessing and we’re about to have a “we like each other” conversation or is it gonna end up like Nuea’s confession in 5-1 that doesn’t lead anywhere or is it not even a confession cuz it doesn’t seem like Toh’s say “it’s you” but rather “you...” and he’s gonna say smth about Nuea that’s unrelated to admitting
lmfao yeah k Toh’s like “you, who do you like?” 
Bro Nuea looks at Toh sooo softly and sincerely I could cry
bi Nuea so true
lmfao we fr just didn’t get their confessions. Instead now Nuea thinks Toh likes Red and Toh thinks Nuea like Van Gogh alkdsfj their own secret names my guysss
no way Toh took off his glasses and thought somebody else was Nuea, I wanna aklsfj
dead dead dead Nuea thinks Toh likes Intouch, why does Toh not correct him instead of just smiling lkajdf
>:( Prao and friends are bitchy but I don’t like the slut shaming, esp when like half of Toh and Nuea’s friend groups also love dressing slutty
Oh I see, a self burn.
Woahh Nuea not letting Prao sleep in his room and saying he doesn’t want the person he likes to misunderstand is so lkajdf good because characters never fucking do that and it gets them in trouble for no reason
kinda feel bad for Prao but I’m glad Nuea’s honest and straightforward with her
Poor Toh T.T Getting all hurt over his own dang self
The way they’ve kissed made out, been half-naked, slept in the same bed and all of that multiple times and yet they think each other another person is laughable
Episode 7 (June 11)
Yo I’m dead who are the random people listening in on Nuea and Toh’s convo?
Sky saying his flirting with Jao isn’t based on how looks feels so backhanded in that situation T.T 
Toh diving toward Nuea’s lap to check whether Nuea’s okay after he accidentally hit Nuea’s nether regions is killing me
Nuea being slightly jealous of Intouch is cute but bossing Toh around is not :/
The fact that Toh’s seen in the background talking to the aunties and taking drinking the liquour while the group is discussing what to do with the liquor is so smart and fun
Not Toh kissing Prao?!
Toh and Nuea’s little pretend game of “this is tutoring, I’m teaching you to kiss” schtick so that they can keep kissing is so kladfjs cute ass kisses
lmfao Intouch just getting daggers glared at him from Nuea and Sky. Why does Sky hate him though, there’s no reason to think Intouch is hitting on Jao or that Jao likes him, unlike Nuea who thinks Toh likes Intouch. Anyway, I wonder if Touch is deliberately talking to the group to piss of Nuea and Sky even more 
Intouch seriously so cute and attractive, to me the most beautiful of the cast (aside from Fon and Kongkwan)
Nuea get your shit together and confess and stop freaking trying to control Toh around Intouch
Bro the shower scene, Toh/Nuea are so intimate with each other even though it’s all framed in a funny/cringey way thus far
the little satisfied sounds Toh keeps making as he lays next to Nuea ksdljf
freaking love a handjob scene
Toh’s “Is this real or am I dreaming?” T.T
lmfao Touch doing the most because he knows Nuea’s watching his and Toh’s interaction
Toh’s shivering oh my gosh
The way Nuea’s kissing and teasing Toh while fucking asking who he likes is killing me 
askldfjasf they finally admitted it !!!
Every episode it’s Nuea’s shirtless and also Toh/Nuea kiss. They’ve been more physically involved in the first half of the serious without even confessing that most BL couples even after getting together.
Anyway, do I watch the next episode now a;lsdjf Maybe I’ll try to find gifsets of the last few episodes because I haven’t been doing that lol
Episode 8 (June 12)
Umm I’ll just watch part 1 and go to sleep
Omg clear communication and confessions? In my Toh/Nuea scene? 
Giddy Toh so cute
Yeah Toh named Nuea Red because he sees him as auspicious and sacred but Nuea’s fucking over the moon being seen as sacred by Toh. They’re both freaking perfect for each other 
omgg Toh still focused on collecting T.T At least the friends are trying to have a proper intervention
Bro this part made me giddy lmfao so cute. Time to sleep but thoroughly enjoyed that
laksdfj not Daisy’s “I’m a lady, how can I go in the bush?” and Som’s “Okay, dear lady, go to the men’s washroom.” What is Thailand’s stance on bathrooms and genderqueer people? Also, Daisy so far has referred to self as ‘lady’ a few times and uses -kha endings but people have said Daisy is nonbinary, so will we get to explore more of Daisy’s gender identity and exploration soon, I really hope so.
Daisy and Intouch cute >.<
naurrrr Daisy T.T At least Intouch didn’t point out Daisy’s wet pants T.T
Nuea and Toh are so cute now that they actually talk
T.T Toh talking about how he takes photos to keep the memories because nothing lasts forever </3 Somehow such a sweet reason behind all the stalking lol
aak, Nuea teasing and prodding about the photos Toh’s taken while following him around >.< bruh Nuea knows all about it, asking if these photos are the reason Toh won’t let him go to his room... followed by more teasing whether Toh jerks off looking at those pics lkasdf I would love a masturbation scene/allusion actually the only other BLs I’ve seen it are Don’t Say No and Utsukushii Kare I think
T.T Toh in wonder being like “Will we have an anniversary?” My guyyyy I’m gonna squish you 
I hope this is the end of Prao trying to get with Nuea but since there are 6 episodes left, I doubt it. I’m glad Nuea’s straight forward with her and I want her to get some self-respect because why does she keep throwing herself at him despite being rejected so many times
I’m glad Toh isn’t trying to break off whatever rocky friendship Nuea and Prao have and that he says he trust Nuea, even though he does get a bit worried
Oh, I thought Nuea was gonna drop off Prao and Toh was gonna go home by himself but I guess Nuea’s supposed to come back and eat with Toh?
They make my heart so achy, Nuea being cute to get Toh to forgive him, Toh being all earnest “I trust you P’Nuea but one day if you do want to leave, I hope you tell me properly and honestly” and that he’ll let him go and Nuea getting sulky and all wide eyed and pouty and physically flicking Toh’s mouth being like “how can you say that when we’ve just started dating?” 
Naurr T.T Nuea telling Toh to be more possessive/protective of him instead of just being like “okay, goodbye if you want to break up” 
oh yeahh I remember people dying over the “I’m not ready yet... Friday should be fine!” about sex
They’re discussing sex so frankly which is good but I’m literally so embarrassed 
Aww cute Jao. He’s got a little Sky collection as well lol
I think the show is doing a really interesting job of showing how Toh’s insecurities manifest: him being okay with looking at Nuea from afar because he thought he had no chance, the constant photos and collecting because he thinks it will all end and he wants to keep memories, being unable to see just how much Nuea wants him despite the man constantly throwing himself at Toh, him having already accepted that Nuea will want to break up with him someday T.T 
I freaking like that Nuea and Toh are both strange but perfect for each other. Toh stalking Nuea and collecting his things and seeing him as kind of a fantasy and Nuea being so fucking flattered: Oh? You named me Red because you see me as sacred? Also, I could see you following me around to take photos you know. Not to mention Nuea being fucking horny and Toh being :D Friday works! about it. But also, they’re so cute with each other and trusting each other (esp Toh -> Nuea) and giving reassurances when needed (esp Nuea -> Toh). 
Episode 9 (June 12)
No Jao’s right! You can cancel your plan to have sex! Don’t listen to Som, it’s not too late! 
omg Toh thinking of the possibility of topping Nuea, so true, exactly, because I decided to read a SCOY fic yesterday and it had bottom Nuea and I was like so true. Daisy don’t make fun of Tohhhh I think both Toh and Nuea would be up for it
ljdfs not the helicopter position ?! moaning practice ?!
Toh’s fantasy land is so asldkfj 
Genuinely cannot believe they managed to film these because I can’t even watch without laughing 
Aw, Toh kissing Nuea’s cheek. 
Wait, it’s the weekend already? What about their Friday appointment? That little segment was Toh’s fantasy right it’s not what actually happened so ??? I guess they just didn’t show it but I would’ve liked to see how they deal with it, esp since Toh was nervous about it. Or maybe that previous scene was a mix of Toh’s fantasy and reality? I have such a hard time with this show lol. + Toh’s saying they didn’t get to the condom needing stage last night
Aw Jao :(
The starting card is Fon and KongKwan, are we finaaalllyyy getting them?
Daisy don’t put insecurities into Toh’s head kajdsf Intouch is here, go make him fall for you instead
oof Toh drinking again, hope he doesn’t go around kissing Prao again lol
agh I hate that they entered the creep just to have Nuea save him, better to just not have the rapey moment just to show us how cool Nuea is for 1 second
Oi, Touch being kinda flirty to Daisy >.< 
Drunk Toh cuddle monster
I kinda don’t care about Sky and Jao lol rip I keep wondering when their scenes will end. Like they’re cuteeee but I just kinda dc
omg Toh’s deep rooted insecurities coming out while drunk rip “A beautiful person and a handsome one, perfect match. I’m just an extra.” Whole time said handsome one is his boyfrienddd
and then becoming so bold ?! omg. lakjdf not him calling Nuea wifey + Nuea freaking liking it. If we’re going by the ancient bottom = wifey in thai bl rules, i really do wanna see the show allude to bottom nuea at least once the way bad buddy did c’monnn
aak, Toh’s fake drunkness
aak Fon and KongKwan were supposed to be them tonight kajldsf me and you~
Intouch sooo freaking charmed by Daisy, he keeps smiling wide and pretty T.T “Then... being as gorgeous and adept as you are, do you have a boyfriend?” alksdfjasldkf Also, Intouch is using -kha particles for himself too and I wish I understood Thai enough to know what this signifies 
aak, both Daisy and Intouch being like :D :D and Daisy even doing the ‘i like you’ hand sign when Intouch can’t see
Nuea: “You can be my husband, if you want to take the role” Screaming, crying, pulling my hair out
actually, strict top/bottom roles are fun to read about/watch when it’s like this: both parties actively want to be the position they are. I don’t think I’ve seen another BL where they experiment (and we get to see it) and then are like hmm actually this is not for me. They hardly ever try to switch/experiment anyway. I do wish Nuea wasn’t set on being kinda stiff through the beginning of it though.
This show seriously just keeps giving me things I rarely or never see in BLs. The genderqueer character getting a romantic storyline and isn’t played up for laughs (when we laugh, we’re laughing With Daisy). The couple trying to experiment with their ~positions~ and deciding they’re not feeling it. The way all the kids in the main friend group seem to have self-confidence issues (Toh convinced he’s a side character, Jao with his body image issues, Daisy is flamboyant and self-assured but when it actually comes down to it isn’t actually very confident “Who? Me? How can I have a boyfriend?) and in other stories they’d be the comedy gags or villains or punching bags but here, they’re the focus of the show and whenever we laugh, we’re supposed to laugh With them.
Episode 10 (June 12)
omg they fucking ripped the condom packet with their teeth as a team? omg an an actual opened condom, usually we usually just glimpse at at the plastic wrapping
their breaths are too heavy, i’m like do i fast forward?
omg Toh naked in bed with Nuea, waking up from a post-coital nap and thinking about how it all started T.T 
bro this scene is too romantic “believe me with utmost certainty” “i love you and that’ll never change” idk why i’m like oh no i feel angsty coming
Aw, sweet Jao
Ooh, they’re actually trying to do something about Toh’s collecting now
Aak, Nuea struggling to stay sulky when a smile keeps trying to come out is so cute
lmfao not Toh turning it on Nuea and then the sassy stare + wink at the camera
lmfao this 1 + 1 = 2 is really giving so much wisdom in these relationships
>:( Why are Sky’s friends like this? I was enjoying the Sky/Jao interactions but the fact that Sky brought Jao to this knowing how his friends are is making me annoyed. Actually hmm are they talking about how usually he’d bring hot girls (new one every time) that he’s clearly courting each time but this time it’s a guy and they’re like oh? and didn’t consider that he’s courting Jao?
Wait no I hate them fr
Maybe they’re being weird about Jao in a mean way + also shocked player Sky wants to settle down 
Sky/Jao were like 70% cute and 30% annoying/boring
Not this scene aklsdfj I saw a random clip of Toh throwing a tantrum in public and literally was so embarrassed and now it’s here
Why is he being so childish suddenly. There’s being weird or shy or embarrassing but doing this in public is so fucking yikes
Nuea’s fucking face when his “He’s my faen” is cut off by Toh declaring himself as just Nuea’s faculty junior... T.T
omggg the allusion to blowjob was from here
omg Nuea saying he collected a button from his date with Nuea reminds me of Not Me, which is where I first learned of the taking button during sex trope
I wish the camera shots between Toh’s friends and Nuea’s teammates were shot better because it doesn’t flow well.
Bro apparently I saw so many random scenes from this part, like Daisy accidentally making the jacking off motion
the random basketball/soccer/rugby games are always so damn boring
1 second of KongKwan/Fon and I’m gone. When will GAP be released alkjdf “You’re not meant to say that in front of other people. That’s just for us” kalsdfjl
You know I’ve been thinking that the cast is full of great actors but Nuea at 1 min in while KongKwan are having their moment really made me realize because he’s like... dynamic in that moment? Even though the focus isn’t on him. The casually looking at glass, slight eyebrow raise, nods, etc. Like, the characters do well when they’re the main character in a scene but also they’re still really natural when the focus isn’t on them. Makes them feel real. 
I think Nuea would be an exhibitionist. I know he means something else when he says “Should we do it here?” and is just teasing Toh but I do think he’d be an exhibitionist
a Smile from Intouch to Daisy T.T Want more of them
Aak, Fon jokingly acting like she’ll beat up Toh for winning because KongKwan pouting 
I really like the friend group’s interactions here, it feels very natural and comfortable, I wonder if they were allowed to kinda just go with the flow and hit some specific beats or what because it feels so natural.
wait I freaking like it when Jao gives a shit about and also teases Sky 
Aak, Toh taking photos of Sky/Jao to return the favour for all the times Jao tooks photos of him with Nuea >.< 
Nuea all “won’t Jao be mad” and Toh spilling it all T.T
Also, I’m not a general fan of the “dragging via wrist + caging against wall” trope but the way Nuea has Toh pinned to the wall via wrist is T.T 
10-4 is seriously sooo good. Just like episode 8 is my favourite episode thus far, 10-4 is my favourite part thus far.
This show is too explicit to watch in public, so I’m sad I won’t be able to watch an episode tomorrow except maybe late at night after I come home :(
Episode 11 (June 13)
I’m technically not supposed to be watching this but I don’t wanna do schoolwork, so I’m just hoping nobody looks at my screen or that I can fast forward through any risque scenes.
Aw, Toh still looks like himself after the makeover, maybe like 10% cooler but that’s so endearing like you’re cute as you areeee 
Nuea be happy for him and nice to him or I’ll stab you
Kongkwan and Fon “our couple” so trueeee
Touch texted Daisyyyyy I need another scene with them pleaseeee
rip Som, where’s Tor?
Okay Toh and Nuea are freaking cute as usual, so nobody’s getting stabbed. I freaking like it when we get to explore Toh’s insecurities and Nuea soothes them. Would love to have a few scenes the other way around too.
Okay I’m hoping it’s a misdirect and Nuea’s dad is actually supportive. I think I read somewhere that they have supportive parents.
But why can’t the girls who are interested in Nuea ever be nice? Why can’t girls near Nuea who aren’t his sister or gay (Fon/ KongKwan) just be friends with him?
lol is the mom teasing them by pretending she doesn’t know Toh and Nuea are dating? making me nervous 
lmfao not the wedding fantasy 
noo I was so proud of Toh saying he’s Nuea’s faen but then in the next second he says he’d break up with Nuea if the dad asked T.T
Aak, so cute when everybody starts looking at their table (Toh in Thai) and so Toh gets on the chair >.<
Yay, I’m glad the parents are nice
Okay, I’m back home ^.^ Time to watch more hehe
O.O Seeing Daisy using khab particles and being like call me Day is startling. I heard something about a gender crisis, so maybe this is it T.T
lmfao I’m the prof looking this way and that like “girl wtf is going on why are Nuea and Toh being Freaks in public” 
not the clapping ?! from classmates. So embarrassing but made less so because they’re both on the same wavelength who love all this cringey, embarrassing, public shit
hate that Daisy trying to act ~guy~ is also me when I’m trying to imitate guys I see T.T gender amirite 
crying T.T
gender crisis, being ashamed, having supportive friends bro i’m fucking T.T 
Som and Daisy’s actors did so well here
Also, I wish they showed us the Daisy/Intouch scene they referenced
Bruh, let me at least come down emotionally from Daisy’s emotional journey before throwing a cyber bullying curveball at us 
cyberbullying AND Nuea doesn’t call Toh to reassure him? It makes sense if Nuea doesn’t pay the post any mind but I think it’s out of character if he doesn’t reassure Toh in some way. Nuea’s unlikely to give a fuck because he likes Toh and wants everyone to know and doesn’t care what they think but he also knows how insecure Toh can get and this will surely take a toll on him. I don’t want them to warp Nuea’s character for some cheap angst
This table is freaking filled with insecure dolls :<
Episode 12 (June 13)
Som is freaking bold
Okay, Nuea’s being cute to Toh and is taking him to the special bench away from mean people, so I’ll have faith in him
everybody ever taking out their phones because Nuea’s making Toh wipe his sweat, alright
not the Pat Pran type thing lksadf Nuea pulling his shirt over Toh’s head but in publiccc aklsdfj and Toh actually enjoys it i’m crying
Nuea and Toh are freaking cute man
alksf not Nuea letting Toh keep his towel. I wonder when he’ll find the collection and how much he knows about it already
Are we gonna have a misunderstanding of Sky’s “I don’t wanna look at it?” when it’s probably like “I don’t wanna look at it because Jao didn’t consent to everyone seeing it” rather than “ew my boyfriend was fat”
Once again, power of friendship
My reasoning was cuter than “the outfit was too revealing” by the way
Toh/Nuea fucking kill me “I have to accept the fact that I’m ugly. Still, I get to be P’Nuea’s lover and he’s head over heels for me even though I’m an ugly duckling” and Nuea calling Toh mischevious/cheeky like thrice in a minute >.<
alskdfj Toh’s fantasy of younger Nuea calling him Phi and wanting to be taught by him
lmfao finally First (Kaeng in Y Destiny) shows up
lol are Som and Daisy the mysterious T sending Jao the flowers
Oh yeah, why did Toh tell Kong he’s meeting his uncle T.T
Nuea lmfao let Kong the poor boy (who seems to have evil intent lmfao) live. The possessiveness and jealousy from the get-go lol ? Though I do get being annoyed that this guy is busting their date. The minute head shakes Nuea kept giving Toh, which Toh fully ignored lol
lmfao nah fr who is tryna woo someone (Jao) who’s already in a relationship? Poor Sky looks Distraught. Did they send Kong to get in between Nuea and Toh too?
KongKwan is seriously so cute, I wish there was more of her
The show’s coming to an end, so I guess we just keep getting his with conflict after conflict </3 I hope it’s wrapped up soon and then it’s just happiness
Episode 13 (June 14)
I don’t care about Sky and Jao much, so I’m just skipping their kissing and undressing moments but I did glimpse that Jao’s pretty bold, which I like.
Kong’s antics are so freaking laksdfj  
I wish they explored more about Daisy, like how come they’re still going by Day?
oof, I wish Toh just cut Kong off with the “You were rude to my friend, so no” because now we’ll just have more drama
oii Nuea straight up saying he likes Toh, not what looks like Toh
Dang, Kong’s a dick which I knew because I’d been spoiled. 
Omg saying Ai’Som instead of P’Som O.O The subs translated it to “Som, you idiot” since they’re not doing titles. I wish the subs used the honorifics/titles/particles like P’/Ai’ and -kha/-khab 
asdfgh the way my and nuea’s smiles were the same when toh kissed his cheek
Nuea/Toh freaking cute as always
aak, i’m so nervous that nuea’s boutta find the collection
lkajdsf “Surprise, P’Nuea!”
Naurrr, he almost got away with it until he knocked over the box ?! 
“Should one day we part ways, I’ll still have these items with me” Like, the way this stalker still is somehow still arrow straight to the heart is truly a lot
Not Nuea crying laksdfjlkajdsfj;sadkfjasf T.T Him insecure that Toh keeps thinking about breaking up all the time T.T
Them ugly crying and exposing their vulnerabilities all the while Toh’s clutching the can from the garbage bin 
Aw, Nuea telling him the photowall shouldn’t be just him but photos of Nuea and Toh together
Here’s the thing, I wish Nuea didn’t have a normal reaction like “You’re an oddball, this is so tiny.” No because actually it’s really fucking weird. To combat that, I wish he had a freaky reaction to it as well like being really turned on by the fact that Toh collects his stuff and being flattered and so then, they’d just be perfect freaks for each other.
I mean, at least it’s just the condom box and not the used condom itself.
lmfao Jao, cute
Idk why I get so bored of Sky/Jao. The nsfw scene looked good but I was like alright and skipping.
Anyway, Nuea and Toh were freaking cute and honest and vulnerable and communicative and so good here
Wait... Intouch is here too? Girl, when tf will we get more Daisy/Touch
the wife/husband son-in-law/daughter-in-law thing is kinda annoying. reminds me of TharnType a bit where Type’s dad was like I’ll be okay if Type’s the husband and Tharn’s the wife/daughter in law. 
Nuea/Toh really cannot live without just letting everything be public
1 single second of Intouch/Daisy is better than none I guess
The mom is Thun’s mom from He’s Coming To Me and also from The Gifted: Graduation
asdlkfj Toh’s dad like why the hell are all these people here
aklsdfj lmfao I was talking about how they’d die without PDA but then Nuea making Toh let go of his hand because of Toh’s dad lol
Episode 14 (June 14/15)
I’m pretty sure the father will actually turn out to be nice but it’s so nerve-wracking still
lol the mom is always so supportive, both here and HCTM
I touch most beautiful smile ever
Aak, finally some Daisy/Intouch but I do wish the relationship and Daisy’s gender crisis was given more time
not Toh wanting ~tutoring~ at his parents’ house asdfg
there’s no way they had sex or any extraneous activity more than the making out, so whyyy is Toh asking Nuea why his body aches i’m dead your parents are right thereeee
ooh they referenced a horror thing the mom was in in the 90s
not them all “sneaking” to hear Nuea and the father’s conversation
his dad said: Next time, get a room!
aww Nuea freaking baring his soul to get the father’s approval. Whole time, dad’s like Nuea too handsome
alskdja Toh’s mother’s phone wallpaper is a pic of Nuea/Toh with Toh cropped out to get center Nuea’s gave im dead
I’m dead his mom loves good looking people and so has a slight thing for her son’s boyfriend, omg flashbacks to HCTM once again
Nuea helping Toh turn his Nuea collection to memories of Toh and Nuea together
Nuea laughing is so cute actually
The mother and father’s advice is so good actually and it’s interesting that the mom mentioned things the characters actually do
Sky and Jao are actually cute this time
I think I’ll just mention again how much I like that the characters seem physically comfortable with each other like Nuea being like reward? *puffs out cheek* and Toh easily giving him kisses. I think the way some other dramas have the characters act scandalized in these scenarios is very irritating
Sky and Jao continue to be cute, I’m glad at least I’m ending the show on a good note with them
Nuea/Toh cute as always
only 10 mins left of the episode </3
bruh this body kissing is one of the only nsfw scenes in the show that made my heart clench
what is Toh all horny begging for right now? To give Nuea a blowjob? To top Nuea? I don’t think it’s a bj because Toh says “I wanna give it a try” and they’ve already done that? 
omg they really did hint it’s about top Toh and bottom Nuea, so true. My wish for canon bottom Nuea has been fulfilled in my mind
T.T Nuea making this room thing full of all of Toh’s memories of him T.T and also some of their memories together T.T
I can’t believe it’s fucking over. I dragged the last episode over so long (and like nothing really happened except mushiness so dragging it was fine) and it was like 75 minutes long but still like dang, it’s fr over.
It’s a ridiculous show but it’s intentional about it.
The actors were freaking good. I don’t know how they managed to play these characters without breaking character to laugh every 3 seconds but kudos to them. They really embodied the characters and I didn’t really have moments where I thought the characters were too stilted or not emoting properly. 
The story had a lot of heart, full of earnestness. I liked how it had like... so little conflict to be honest. It’s all about liking one another and supporting one another (even though... sometimes it’s enabling bad behaviour lmfao) and understanding one another and having fun.
Power of friendship! Power of queer friendship! Toh, Jao, Daisy, Som are soooo good!! The way they were always there for each other and teased each other and believed in each other T.T Flawed and insecure people who still loved and were loved T.T Nuea’s friends were great too.
The characters freaking liked each other and did their best to understand each other and were there for each other. There was seriously no major conflict between the pairs and that’s so good to me. They just liked each other, man. Nuea and Toh sooo in love and trusted each other and wanted the best for the other and just >.< 
I wish we got more of the f/f Fon/KwanKong couple, as well as more of Daisy’s gender exploration and Intouch/Daisy becuase I felt like both of those were wrapped up too quickly in like 1 minute in episode 14 :/ Could’ve skipped the random Kong storyline and given us more of these. The cringe was still a lot sometimes and some parts made me raise an eyebrow and it’s not necessarily a masterpiece of a show but subverted expectations in such an eager, earnest manner.
Rating: 7/10
Umm 12 seconds of episode 7 start of the nsfw scene
lmfao the part where Toh’s sitting and Nuea’s standing in front of him and Toh panics because of proximity to dick
BillySeng clip where Seng keeps touching Billy’s arms absentmindedly 
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dengswei · 2 years
Tbh bringing Kong would be a good idea if it were to see Nuea actually jealous, but he was just angry. He knew all along that the boy was after him, not Toh. Better option would be keeping the SkyJao jealousy trope, not having Kong, adding more DaisyTouch and having Nuea find out about the mementos the same way. Having Kong around had nothing to do with him discovering them, he could be at his house for any other reason...-🌻
yeah exactly! we could've had a nice parallel to the jealousy we got to see from sky and jao's secret admirer but instead we got whatever that was 😂 yeah the whole kong stalking scenes was just so ??? bizarre and random and that's saying something for scoy lmfao, it added nothing other than making me more annoyed at him 😂 & then we got the whole toh being like "why didn't you tell me" scene and they all just moved on and he was forgotten about 😂 like we kinda already had the nuea jealousy trope already with both when he thought touch was going after toh before they got together and during that scene where nueatoh went to the movies on a date and those two girls showed up and toh did tell them that he was nuea's boyfriend.
plus with daisyintouch they can't just have that whole daisy trying to change herself because of what she overheard touch's friend say and NOT have intouch and daisy talk about that and resolve that issue between them, because given the way that daisy is still styling herself it seems like that storyline isn't completly over and i'm hoping they combat it in the finale
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