#*shakes this thing back into reality* early stage idol au akira.............lil birb producer
shiningstages · 6 months
@flovverworks | cont. from ( x )
There's a part of Shinsuke that's...flattered. To think that all his hard work had spread to the ears of other agencies; to fledgling producers like this fine young person...Not that Shinsuke wasn't young himself, but still. He doesn't think he deserves such praise, at least not without acknowledging all that he learned from helping out the Cinderella Project girls with their problems, while also letting them figure things out for themselves in painstaking moments. He was merely just a human learning how to deal with everything like everyone else, and yet...This Masaki Akira looked up to him. His demeanor all but crumbles for a moment, blush lighting up his cheeks as he lets out a fake cough into a fist, while the other hand rubs the back of his neck. But he keeps the eye contact, unlike Akira - it's the least he could do to respect such words. While he feels completely undeserving, his honor and maturity weighs out, and he should accept all of these wishes head on. Even though -
"N-No, please, you don't have to pay me for lesson or talks." Shinsuke is quick to wave his hand in protest, his tone on slightly reflecting the true worry that such a thought brings him. He hadn't really helped train up other producers in his own company, much less in others, and he was sure 346 Productions would have his head if he helped another company while getting paid by them. The look madam CEO would give him...it sends a shiver up his spine. "Instead, um...First off, I'm honored that you think so highly of me. Though I'm still learning, the fact that my work has affected you so is...I appreciate hearing those words." He bows again, blush growing as he's unsure how to exactly take a compliment. He feels like how Chieri gets flustered at handshake events, blushy and stumbling on her words...Now he gets it completely.
"And second...We can just have a chat sometime, if you'd like?" With that, he pulls out one of his business cards, presenting it politely yet hesitantly with both of his thumbs and pointer fingers gripping either corner. "If you want to talk a little right now...Of course, the Cinderella Project's performances come first right now, but...After this set, we can go into the green room and grab some food and water. Unless 21 Wizards is on next...I wouldn't want to disrupt your time with your idols." Even now he can see New Generations in his periphery from one of the monitors, performing on stage for thousands of adoring fans. He wants to keep an eye on them...But he also trusts them do to well without him. He could pull away even if Masaki just wanted to chat a little bit, at least until Ankira needed help with their props later on...
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