#^ shinsuke thoughts
shiningstages · 9 months
@flovverworks | cont. from ( x )
There's a part of Shinsuke that's...flattered. To think that all his hard work had spread to the ears of other agencies; to fledgling producers like this fine young person...Not that Shinsuke wasn't young himself, but still. He doesn't think he deserves such praise, at least not without acknowledging all that he learned from helping out the Cinderella Project girls with their problems, while also letting them figure things out for themselves in painstaking moments. He was merely just a human learning how to deal with everything like everyone else, and yet...This Masaki Akira looked up to him. His demeanor all but crumbles for a moment, blush lighting up his cheeks as he lets out a fake cough into a fist, while the other hand rubs the back of his neck. But he keeps the eye contact, unlike Akira - it's the least he could do to respect such words. While he feels completely undeserving, his honor and maturity weighs out, and he should accept all of these wishes head on. Even though -
"N-No, please, you don't have to pay me for lesson or talks." Shinsuke is quick to wave his hand in protest, his tone on slightly reflecting the true worry that such a thought brings him. He hadn't really helped train up other producers in his own company, much less in others, and he was sure 346 Productions would have his head if he helped another company while getting paid by them. The look madam CEO would give him...it sends a shiver up his spine. "Instead, um...First off, I'm honored that you think so highly of me. Though I'm still learning, the fact that my work has affected you so is...I appreciate hearing those words." He bows again, blush growing as he's unsure how to exactly take a compliment. He feels like how Chieri gets flustered at handshake events, blushy and stumbling on her words...Now he gets it completely.
"And second...We can just have a chat sometime, if you'd like?" With that, he pulls out one of his business cards, presenting it politely yet hesitantly with both of his thumbs and pointer fingers gripping either corner. "If you want to talk a little right now...Of course, the Cinderella Project's performances come first right now, but...After this set, we can go into the green room and grab some food and water. Unless 21 Wizards is on next...I wouldn't want to disrupt your time with your idols." Even now he can see New Generations in his periphery from one of the monitors, performing on stage for thousands of adoring fans. He wants to keep an eye on them...But he also trusts them do to well without him. He could pull away even if Masaki just wanted to chat a little bit, at least until Ankira needed help with their props later on...
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asoftepiloguemylove · 4 months
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unknown // Mo Xiang Tong Xiu 天官赐福 Heaven Official's Blessing // リップヴァンウィンクルの花嫁 A Bride for Rip Van Winkle (2016) dir. Shunji Iwai // Odysseus Elytis The Axion Esti // Nayyirah Waheed Nejma // ENHYPEN Blind // unknown // Franz Kafka Letters to Milena // 今際の国のアリス Alice in Borderland (2020-) dir. Shinsuke Sato // unknown // Anna Akhmatova The Road is Black // unknown // 刻在你心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein (2020) dir. Patrick Kuang-Hui Liu // unknown
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kitashousewife · 1 month
kita who constantly comes in the house with his boots, tracking mud, dust, snow, grass, whatever appropriate for the time of year. always sheepishly cleaning it up while you shake your head. despite the slightly curled, browned “take off your boots!!!!” sticky note that’s pinned on the cork board on the back porch
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suchine-toki · 2 months
Top 10 Gintaka moments
(Arranged chronologically because it was too difficult to choose. Spoilers ahead.)
1. Takasugi's laugh
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After many encounters challenging the dojo, Gintoki sees Takasugi laugh for the first time, which becomes a core memory of his, a symbol of how things used to be and what he wants to preserve (ch. 517).
2. The promise
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Surrounded by enemies, Takasugi asks Gintoki why he decided to join the war, to which Gintoki replies that, like him, it was not for a noble cause. At this, Takasugi recognizes that the two are good-for-nothing warriors, but asks Gintoki to take care of their sensei in case he dies. Likewise, Gintoki asks Takasugi to stay alive (ch. 516).
3. Gintoki's tears
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Right after their sensei's death, Takasugi furiously runs towards Gintoki until, for a split second, he sees him crying. This becomes the last thing he saw with his left eye, a core memory that reminds him of the pain and grief they experienced (ch. 520).
4. Reunion at the festival
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After 10 years of not seeing each other, Takasugi sneaks up behind Gintoki and threatens him with his sword, commenting on how easy it was and that he has become weak. He also tells him about his plan to kill the Shogun, claiming that within him there is a black beast that seeks revenge. At the same time, he confronts Gintoki for looking away from the past, making him unable to understand his feelings. To this, Gintoki responds that it's a shame that he underestimated him, which can be read in both a physical and emotional sense. It's assumed that they separate without another word (chs. 30-31).
5. They were the same
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During a conversation with Nobume, Oboro asks her if Gintoki and Takasugi look like their sensei, to which she answers no, that the true resemblance was between them, since both had eyes full of sadness. As she says that, Gintoki and Takasugi can be seen passing each other, but only the former turns around to check that the latter is gone. It's worth mentioning that Gintoki warned Takasugi to be careful if he saw him walking down the street in chapter 97, but in the end he decided to not do anything (ch. 398).
6. Confession and realization
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After their fight, with both of them on the floor, tired and full of injuries, Takasugi opens up to Gintoki about his suffering. He confesses to him that his face was the last thing he saw before losing his left eye, how devastating it was to see him cry, and the enormous survivor's guilt he feels, because he understands how much Gintoki loved Shouyo. To this, Gintoki responds that he didn't choose him, but simply knew what was important to theirsensei, thus lifting the burden from Takasugi's shoulders. Not only that, but Gintoki also confesses that, despite everything, he continues to see him as a fellow disciple of the Shouka Sonjuku and a comrade, whose soul he will protect (ch. 520).
7. Sword exchange
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After a long coma, Takasugi awakens in Rakuyo and throws his sword to save Bansai. Likewise, Gintoki launches his bokuto to save Shinpachi, leaving them both unarmed. This is when they decide to take each other's sword and protect what is important to the other, reinforcing the message that a sword is made to protect the soul, and on other occasions that it even embodies it. Afterwards, they pass through hordes of enemies in order to see each other again, defending the other from an imminent attack and retrieving their weapon while locking eyes and making snarky remarks (ch. 573).
8. Pep talk
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While everyone on Earth seems defeated, Gintoki hears a familiar voice over the radio. Hundreds of kilometers, far up in space, Takasugi tells him that they have everything under control and encourages him to continue fighting. Likewise, Gintoki assures him that on his side they haven't lost yet, and playfully encourages him, asking if he has already been reduced to junk. Despite being injured, Takasugi tells him to be ready when he comes for him, to which Gintoki smiles (ch. 650).
9. Let's rescue sensei
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The greatest tragedy in Takasugi's life is not only the death of his teacher, but also that Gintoki had to be the one to kill him. Aware that he has little left to live, he admits that now he can be a little more honest with what he really wants to do. After fighting Gintoki as a way to punish himself, he's now able to recognize that he wishes to fight alongside him, while also wanting to alleviate his suffering by sharing the burden of his actions that day. Upon hearing this, the serious expression on Gintoki's face turns to astonishment at being able to achieve mutual understanding and once again have a common goal that is deeply personal to both of them (ch. 682).
10. Born under the same star
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While Gintoki's eyes reflect the despair he feels at having to strike Takasugi's body, he remembers their childhood together. Gintoki fought very hard to protect everyone, but Takasugi fought even harder to protect him, and although Gintoki was definitely not ready to lose him, Takasugi was content with the idea that he had prevented him from killing their sensei once more. Knowing that he has little time left, it's Gintoki's turn to be more sincere. He embraces Takasugi and reassures him, acknowledging that he did indeed manage to protect him and that he wished they could have drunk together more often. But Takasugi tells Gintoki he doesn't want to hear him like this and he asks him not to send him off with a sad face. Mustering willpower, Gintoki smiles and tells him to wait for him in hell, which becomes the last sight from Takasugi's right eye as he smiles back before dying. No longer able to restrain his emotions, Gintoki weeps as he watches the sunset (ch. 703).
Part (1) (2) (3) (4)
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sankatsuka · 7 months
Gintoki Sakata Discussion: Takasugi's Influence on Gintoki - What it Means to Truly Protect Your Soul
This is DEFINITELY overthinking it and stretching it beyond canon, but nevertheless I wanted to share my recent thoughts... Spoilers for the entire story, of course. Also, warning for Takagin/Gintaka.
Edit 22/2/2024 (marked with *): Small section added for more evidence on how Gintoki was never a naturally straightforward person.
Maybe it was Takasugi who ironically inspired Gintoki to be who he is today: the man who never gives up, even if he's beaten down and everything seems hopeless - he will stand back up and protect everyone and everything around him. Just like how Takasugi senselessly was as a dojo challenger.
When Gintoki was younger, he was never like this. He was just fighting for his survival. When Gintoki first meets Shouyou, Shouyou points out how Gintoki was just wielding the sword to protect himself in a harsh, bloody environment.
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This is why Gintoki doesn't give up when sparring Shouyou. He needs to be as strong as possible to keep protecting himself. Gintoki brings up how he has never lost to an adult - as if he wants to beat Shouyou simply so he can never lose ever again (so he wouldn't end up dying).
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And then, Shouyou mentions how monsters are something born from a bloodstained karma. Gintoki is naturally drawn to bloodshed and death, because losing meant death in the environment he used to grow up in. So he needs to be strong and be capable of killing others so he can survive in such a place. You can just see it in the fear in Gintoki as a child standing on a pile of corpses.
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(It's probably why Gintoki carries his sword around with him everywhere as a child, too. So he feels safe at all times.)
This all goes to show how Gintoki would have never had anything he would want to fight for as a child. He would just fight to be with Shouyou who was the only one he could trust or to protect himself. That's why this personality to want to protect everything within his sword's reach was definitely never innate.
Then comes Takasugi, whose Gintoki's first impression of is an irrational kid who would challenge a poor temple school with no actual reason other than wanting to win. You can see how Gintoki is clearly confused by him.
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And even after losing many times, he just wouldn't give up on coming back. Gintoki even tells him to give up - he had no reason to keep getting hurt and beat up like that. It wasn't like he had to fight for his survival like Gintoki, he was clearly a privileged kid.
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It is only when Takasugi wins and laughs that Gintoki no longer expresses this confusion and disagreement with Takasugi's actions. It's shown in how Gintoki suddenly tells Takasugi to come back, when Gintoki had initially told him to give up.
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As if Takasugi's and everyone's smile and laughter after all that ridiculous irrationality made Gintoki realize something that made him change his mind.
Gintoki had a glimpse of Takasugi's way of living - to fight to the very end and keep getting back up for what you want, even if it was silly and stupid. In the end, you'll be rewarded with your own laughter and the people around you laughing along to your sincere, honest spirit.
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It was a pointless, dumb way of living, but everyone was still laughing like that and happy. So maybe there was actually some worth in living dumbly and straightforwardly like that.
This may even be why Takasugi's laughter always stuck with Gintoki, even as he cut him down. Because it defined his life - that you should live by facing the present - just as much as Shouyou's words to use a sword to protect your soul stuck to him.
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It was Shouyou who first taught Gintoki that what you truly want to do couldn't be the desperate instincts driving you, but rather something deeper down that should feel genuine - the soul. Then it was Takasugi who came along who seemed to demonstrate what living as your soul really was like - to do what you felt like doing in the moment, no matter what the people around you would say.
Even Shouyou encouraging Takasugi's pursuit suggests how this was Gintoki's lifelong answer. And only Takasugi could have demonstrated it best for Gintoki to imitate (instead of imitating Shouyou, as Shouyou had warned him against).
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It truly feels like Takasugi is the humanity Shoka Sonjuku cultivated (Katsura did already know what he wanted, after all).
Takasugi's straightforwardness could have inspired Gintoki to tap into his own dull feelings deep down that he carries as he lives his everyday life. If those simple feelings for Takasugi were to grow stronger, then could there be such a thing for Gintoki too? Instead of being drawn to the joy of beating someone stronger than him, Gintoki could realize he seems more inclined to just living for some reason--
Even with no ambitions, he was still fine with just sitting around doing nothing. No matter how mundane, monotous and boring his everyday was without the excitement of a dream, Gintoki was still living for some reason. Maybe his joy in life was right there then--
--It was people. We see throughout the story that Gintoki is solely motivated to fight for the people around him.
Gintoki's actions have always, always been motivated by a desire to protect the people around him. He loves them: simply seeing them laugh when they want, cry when they want and fight to live as their truest selves. So isn't it fine for him to just want to fight for something as simple as that? Just like how Takasugi only fought for the petty reason of growing stronger.
This could be why Gintoki can now confidently say that he just loves the world as it is, even despite all the tragedies that's happened in it that made him suffer.
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Not only did Takasugi potentially inspire Gintoki's present way of life, but Takasugi may even be the embodiment of what Gintoki found himself loving most about the world - that imperfect humanity of simply living, chasing what you want, getting lost, failing and suffering, but celebrating those small victories when you finally get there and laughing with everyone. This soul is what Gintoki always wants to protect within Edo, too.
After all, the mundane moments they shared in Shoka Sonjuku and Takasugi's laughter are the only things running in Gintoki's head as he resolves himself to cut Utsuro-Takasugi down. Gintoki truly loved them all.
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If this wasn't the case, Gintoki would have never told Takasugi to come back. If Gintoki's motivations was never just the joy of seeing people be themselves, he would have set out and pursued whatever his soul wanted from being inspired by Takasugi's straightforwardness. He wanted to see Takasugi again, because he wanted to see that sincere, straightforward soul once again.
It could be why Gintoki is the one who disagrees with the way Takasugi does things in the present more than anyone.
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If it was Takasugi who taught him that happiness of being sincere and straightforward with chasing what you wanted, and given that same spirit was exactly what Gintoki realized he loved most and wanted to protect - Gintoki would fight with all his heart for Takasugi to be that person Gintoki loved again.
It's also a nice touch that Gintoki says "I, the you who is me" when declaring he would never give up to Takasugi, as if implying how Gintoki took that lesson of straightforwardly never giving up from Takasugi himself.
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Just as much as Gintoki's acceptance of Takasugi helped him, Takasugi's straightforward passion helped Gintoki just as equally.
*More evidence that Gintoki was never the person he is now is what he chooses to do after the war. Unlike Katsura and Takasugi who went off to pursue their goals, Gintoki's first instinct was to wander around and detach himself from people out of fear of losing people again. Gintoki seems to be more naturally a coward, and only when he lets people in does he find the courage to once again embrace the straightforwardness that Takasugi demonstrated.
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After the events of the story that help Takasugi come to terms with himself, Takasugi's straightforwardness is later emphasized as his strong point that resonates with people. It wouldn't be a surprise then if he was the natural source of this straightforwardness in Gintoki, especially when the latter has always been defined as an empty person.
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Takasugi and Gintoki are opposites who complete each other, to the point that even outsiders who only briefly meet them together no longer cared about how one of them was a terrorist. One way of seeing it is Takasugi represents the strong, unrelenting humanity that Gintoki realized he loved and wanted to live for, and Gintoki represents the impossibly white soul that the outcast Takasugi found as a place to belong to.
It was important for them to find each other: for Gintoki to realize he wasn't empty and was always capable of emotions, and for Takasugi to realize he wasn't wrong for who he was which the world made him feel.
It's why their life-defining events most often involve the other: Takasugi's laughter was a pivotal point in Gintoki's life where he finally grasped a real reason to fight in his empty everyday, while Gintoki's tears was a pivotal point in Takasugi's life which forced Takasugi to face his biggest enemy: himself.
Ironically enough, their ways of living now could even be said to be a a reflection of their love for each other: Gintoki facing the present because he loved that part of Takasugi and wants to be in the present with him, and Takasugi facing the past to feel closer to Gintoki who is obviously incomplete without the emotions of his past.
Naturally, there is no present without the past, and it feels like Takasugi decided to live in the past to represent it for Gintoki (but probably more because he's too scared to face the present because of his self-hatred and blame, but to be fair Gintoki is afraid of facing the past too even though he should). It's why I liked that the story ended strongly with Takasugi's death, because its impact really conveyed how there was someone who was always chasing Gintoki's entirety - he definitely had a place in someone's heart. He would still be loved no matter what, even if he always felt he was a monster different from others for how he grew up and thus would never properly have a place to belong.
You can see I really, really love Takasugi... From inference and parallels alone, Takasugi has always demonstrated so much importance to the narrative, but it's never laid out beyond how he's the one who lost himself and now has to redeem himself.
Gintama feels like a story about the two of them, not just Gintoki. Especially if Takasugi was the one who originated Gintoki's straightforward way of living, and given how Takasugi seems to literally be the human sword Shouyou prophecized to cut down Utsuro in the end.
It's really because Gintoki avoids thinking about the past and Takasugi hates himself for his emotions that we have to infer how much these two affected each other... But I do enjoy things not being shoved in my face, the avoidance really makes it a lot more emotional.
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raccoonclty · 2 months
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you can't hang on to yourself
you don't have to try not to hang on to yourself
it can't be done, and that is salvation
memento mori, be mindful of death
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osamusbigtits · 9 months
thinking about kita's quiet comfort to his teammates.
you know, when atsumu's sick and kita tells him to go home and atsumu finds a little care package from kita.
I think kita will put his hand on osamu's shoulder and give a gentle squeeze when he can see osamu's upset and he tells aran to keep an eye on the twins, especially osamu.
kita encourages suna during practices, giving words of praise and affirmation because it makes suna's eyes light up even if he barely gives kita a nod.
kita making sure everyone has enough water. worrying about after school snacks. he gives everyone what he thinks they need, tries to understand his teammates. he knows he can't offer much on the court, but it won't stop him as a captain. he will do his best to make his team play to the best of their ability.
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luminouschaotic · 9 months
sometimes (every single day) i think abt how everyone around aran connects his identity to volleyball. the coaches, the spectators, even his teammates who still mean well. they all see him as one of the top five aces in the country, and the ones who judge him see him as the lowest in the ranking. good, but never quite good enough.
and then kita comes along. he observes everything, and knows exactly what aran’s capable of. and he also knows how much pressure he’s under and how easy it is for him to get into his own head. and when that happens, kita is the one who’s there. no disapproval, just seeing and understanding. he sees aran for the person he is, both on and off the court.
kita didn’t fall in love with one of the top five aces. he fell in love with aran
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keroppidreams · 1 month
Christmas came early cause GUESS WHO GOT THE BOOK!?
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Lots of information in the read more.
There's about 300 pages of yume/self insert scenarios. It's all in 1st POV, which surprised me! I was expecting the artists to create a NPC self-insert character, but I honestly prefer what they did! The cover is a sleeve, so you can easily remove it. Though if you flip it over, you get this:
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Definitely caught me off guard but it's a neat surprise.
As for the stories, each one-shot is like 5 or 6 pages long. They included a lot of characters (even Itou/Bansai/Otae get a chapter!). The more popular characters like Gintoki or Hijikata have at least three scenarios.
I'm debating whether to make a sideblog for these scans (especially since I might get more yume books in the future + people can request which characters they want) or to simply drop em in dropbox, mega or catbox. Let me know what you prefer. For now I'm probably gonna drop some of the scanned scenarios via a dropbox link.
Heads up I decided to use a scanner app on my phone to get the scans. Mostly because I realized that unless I wanted to wreck my book, my regular scanner wouldnt work lol. The scanner app does its job, but it kinda messed up the coloring/shading (ex: it makes it appear that sougo has darker hair instead of his biblically accurate sandy brown). Also they're all in Japanese and I barely know how to read hiragana/katakana, so you won't be getting translations from me 😭I could use DeepL or Google translate but theres a chance it'll be inaccurate. But if anyone here knows Japanese and wants to translate this book, be my guest!!
Anyways! Here's the first scenarios for Gintoki/Sougo/Kamui/Takasugi! I'm gonna tag @okiria @doki-doki-imagines @plucky-belmondo because their blorbos are involved (also if you would prefer not to tag you in the future pls let me know in dms!):
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whosname · 2 months
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3/31. getting increasingly upset with this training.
[Id. a set of sketches around my notes. 1. Takasugi in his office worker au persona, screaming "WTF! I don't need any of this shit!!" 2. Gintoki under a duvet looking tired. 3. Nyanko sensei wearing glasses and a tie looking smug. 4. Gintoki saying "Wait, I can take screenshots of this shitty course!" End Id.]
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slice-0f-anime · 7 months
my thoughts on karasuno vs inarizaki
The game between them was so incredibly hype and I nearly lost my breath at multiple moments. I love both of these teams and honestly its just so hard to choose a winner, but I felt like the actual outcome wasn't the best?
I dunno I generally thought that many of the results (anime only) of the games were pretty realistic for the most part, with karasuno vs shiratorizawa toeing the line but the struggle made sense there.
The issue came with the karasuno vs inarizaki game, which I thought should fairly go to ina? Maybe I'm missing something fundamentally wrong with their team (other than their cheering section and insane lack of communication sometimes) but they were 2nd seeded in the interhigh nationals while karasuno was beat in the semis of their prefectural tourney. It just doesn't make sense to me that karasuno honed their skills that much leading up to the spring nationals, otherwise ina should have been beaten by many other teams no?
Also, after looking closely, ina's team is pretty much an upgraded version of karasuno. Atsumu was known as the "#1 high school setter" and his synergy with Osamu was freaky, Aran was a top 5 spiker, Suna had crazy blocking, Akagi was a mad cool libero, Kita was a defense oriented captain, and their pinch server was an adorably nervous first year.
Sound familiar? They're basically karasuno upgraded (right now... polished karasuno would slay so hard)
Karasuno winning against Inarizaki kinda shocked me because I was sure they were gonna lose and then come back for redemption the next year, but instead the opposite ended up happening. As of right then in the anime, I felt that ina was the better team and probably would have won that match.
Although, I do understand why karasuno had to win, cause they were playing nekoma next, and no one wants to miss the battle at the garbage dump. I'd be upset if we didn't get to the current team with all the third years play against their rivals, so I suppose I could let it pass.
Even so, I do think realistically Inarizaki should have won that match. Thoughts?
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suchine-toki · 7 months
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I found an old photo of the Joui 4
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theglitterypages · 21 days
Imagine a Stardew Valley AU for Oikawa Toru or Kita Shinsuke. I high-key want to write it🥺🥺
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bbluesagwa · 9 months
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this came to me in a dream. I never draw kita but just know he’s actually my fav 😣 he’s so elegant.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 7 months
Kita Shinsuke,,,,a man with callouses on his hands, sweat sliding down his face after work, and the unstoppable urge to sit in your lap where he won’t fit
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luminouschaotic · 2 years
thinking abt the idea of kita choosing aran to be the on-court captain again. feeling so many emotions
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