#*snatches reboot jasons hair*
mypersonalships · 1 year
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So I illustrated it.
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superbatson · 2 years
what do you think of the rumors of him as green arrow in the black canary film?
i've not seen those rumors but i certainly wouldn't be surprised if dc snatched him up for something, given how much wb seems to be investing in him lately. (i think the studio is generally known for having good relationships with their talent but that's been kinda murky under at&t and i believe zaslav hopes to patch that up going forward.)
i can definitely see him in the role. i mean, i've been team garrett hedlund for oliver for a little while now (or even the i think lesser serious fancast of matt damon, bc of his friendship with affleck) so i'm pretty married to that, but he and austin definitely have similar vibes so austin could easily play oliver too. i just think he's a little too young tbh. jurnee is 5 years older than him, and of course, the other members of the league (assuming they're even sticking around for a while) are all much older than him too, besides ray and ezra.
bc of that, i kinda side more with another fancast suggestion for him to be a replacement barry allen. i mean, it's pretty obvious that ezra's out after their flash movie, wbd even confirmed it (since the movie is supposed to soft reboot the franchise), so of course everyone's talking about who could take over. i'm pretty open to a lot of the suggestions being thrown out there, like elliott page, who has a similar look to ezra and would keep a queer actor in the role, but i also like the idea of austin taking over too. his blond hair and blue eyes makes him comic-accurate, and he's got some long ass legs, which are pretty darn beneficial for runners. (i remember my high school crush was on the track and field team and he had legs for days. *sighs dreamily*)
maybe we could satisfy both and cast elliott as barry and austin as wally? i mean, you can never have too many speedsters, right?
honestly, i'll take austin in the dceu in any capacity. i hope that's the franchise wbd puts him in next after dune 2. (and maybe throw timmy in there too, while you're at it. he seems pretty destined for a superhero role, and why not put him in another franchise with jason?)
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