#*vocalizing* oh yeaahhh
youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
haunted by images of seb manbun and stache. space buns and stache. one of those cute braids that wraps around the head and stache. flower crown and stache.
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luminousinthedark · 7 years
Sweeter than Cookies (Chapter 3)
@keithmebabyonemoretime Here it is!! The last chapter! Things got a little hectic once class started...then homework, going to work, writers block, being there for my friend when she had her baby, so you could say I’ve been pretty busy. Sorry this took so long but it is. finally. DONE. I also added a bit of angst cause I couldn’t help myself xD. À plus tard!  
“Yeaahhh….about that,” Adrien said as he observed his bed. “You’ll be sleeping on my bed while I take the couch.”
Marinette furrowed her brows as she glanced at him in confusion. “Um…no I won’t.”
Turning to her with a displeased look on his face, Adrien replied in more of a stricter tone. “Yes you will.”
“No, I will not,” Marinette argued back, starting to get frustrated.
“Marinette. I will not let my guest, a friend for that matter, sleep on the couch while I lay there cozy in bed. Don’t argue with me on this,” Adrien huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Copying his actions, Marinette faced him and remain unmoved. “I’m not going to sleep in your bed while knowing you have to sleep on a couch in your own room. I said no.”
“Yes, you will.”
“No, I won’t.”
By now, both teenagers were nearly nose to nose as they glared at the other. All the sweet things that happened to them earlier seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving a tense atmosphere. Adrien was the first to notice their proximity, so he pulled away running a hand through his hair in slight agitation.
“Look, Marinette, don’t be so stubborn I only want what’s best for you,” he sounded exasperated.
“Adrien, I get it, but I feel the same way for you too so as your guest and friend, let me decide on what I want to do.” Marinette’s lips pursed as Adrien still didn’t seem to move on the subject.
“Just let me be a good friend, why are you doing this?” he was beginning to raise his voice, trying to get his point across.
“Because it isn’t fair to you!”she shot back.
“Well fine to make it fair, let’s both sleep in my bed together then!” he shouted.
There was a stifling silence as the words rang into the quiet room and sunk into both of their heads. Eyes widening, Adrien blushed at what he said as Marinette’s mouth hung open and she stared at him. It was as if all the tension in the air evaporated into nothing and was replaced with heavy embarrassment.
“I…uh..um,” Adrien stammered, not daring to look at Marinette.
“…okay,” came the quiet reply.
Adrien whipped around so fast to gaze down at her in astonishment, he was afraid he might have pulled something.
Swallowing hard, he whispered, “Are you…sure?”
A small smile worked its way onto Marinette’s face with his familiar phrasing, “Absolutely.”
Breathing out a heavy sigh, Adrien nodded his head in acceptance then wandered over to his TV where the game still sat repeating Marinette’s victory.  He switched it off and picked up the remote to begin rifling through the channels. “Want to watch a movie or something?” he muttered quietly, as she walked over and sat in the middle of his couch.
Crossing her legs and leaning back, Marinette relaxed and peered at the options while he mindlessly flicked through them. A particular movie caught her eye, causing her to yell, “stop!” which ended up startling Adrien so much, the remote flew out of his hand and landed smack in the middle of their coats. There was a tiny yelp which erupted from that spot, prompting Adrien and Marinette to look at each other in horror.
“Ahaha, must have been from outside-,”
“I’m pretty sure that was the movie-,”
Both of them spoke at the same time and stopped abruptly, Adrien making coughing noises and Marinette now intensely inspecting her fingernails.
“I’ll just…,” Adrien made vague gesturing signs with his hands then quickly walked over to his bed to retrieve the offending object.
Not bothering to check on his kwami, he swiped the remote with a murmured, “sorry!” and went back to sit down next to Marinette.  
 Underneath the coats, Plagg rubbed at his head as he silently groaned. “How bad is it Tikki?” he grinded out as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Tikki snorted as quietly as she could and observed the wound. “Looks like your bad luck came into play again.”
“Tikkkiiiii…” Plagg whined as he pawed at the fabric.
“It seems to be growing into a nice sized goose-egg Cheeshead,” she giggled as he groaned a little louder.
“I swear,” Plagg growled, “I’ll get him back for this.”
Tikki made a tsking noise as she playfully batted at his arm. “It was only an accident; the boy seems to go through enough already.”
Sighing, Plagg knew Tikki was right. “How would he like it to have a giant remote knock him in the head,” he grumbled.
Shuffling closer, Tikki left a soft kiss on the sore spot. “There, is that better?” she asked kindly.
Plagg blushed and immediately felt relief. “Yes,” he admitted.
Tikki smiled knowingly and cuddled up once more against her other half.
 As Le Bossu de Notre Dame played out across the television screen, Marinette and Adrien paid little mind to the moving pictures and thought more about their heated conversation. Guilt continued swirling throughout Adrien’s gut for yelling at Marinette as the girl in question tried really hard to keep her composure together with fantasies running through her head.
Clearing his throat, Adrien still kept his eyes on the movie while Marinette’s attention now became focused on him. “I’m sorry…for earlier. I didn’t mean to push something you didn’t want to do onto you,” he spoke quietly.
Warmth spread throughout Marinette’s chest, the poor girl falling more in love with Adrien and his concern for her feelings as she processed his apology. “It’s alright; I understand what you had in mind. I’m sorry too, for fighting you,” she replied bashfully.
Adrien looked at her then and found her shy behavior endearing. He also felt much better getting that out in the open and clearing the air between them. “So,” he said with a little more cheerfulness, “was there a reason you were so vocal about making me pause on this movie..?”
Pink flared across Marinette’s cheeks as she picked at a loose thread on her sleeve.  “This is one of my childhood favorites and I haven’t seen it in awhile.” She chuckled, “I might have been too loud in my enthusiasm in getting you to stop.”
“That’s okay. It is a really good movie,” Adrien agreed.
Marinette giggled as a thought struck her. “You remind me of Quasimodo.”
Adrien glanced at her and pretended to be offended. “Is that a secret way of telling me my appearance is hideous?” he mockingly teased.
Gasping in alarm, Marinette wildly swung her arms around. “NO! Oh God no!”
A grin broke out on Adrien’s lips. “You don’t have to lie to me Marinette. Just go ahead and say it.”
Slapping a hand to her face, Marinette groaned then dropped both her hands in her lap. “I only say that because of the similarities you both have as a personality and story.”
The grin immediately dropped and Adrien stared at her. “Oh.”
“You see,” Marinette continued, “just like you, Quasimodo is a kind man who loves the people and wants to see the world without them judging him based on appearances. He is also loyal to those he cares about and protects them when the need arises. Like saving Esmeralda, because she’s his friend and he loves her. Plus, he knows what it’s like to be without a mother and grow up in a big place with a father who ignores him most of the time.” All of this jumbled out of Marinette while Adrien looked completely gobsmacked. “Not that your father is a villain or anything,” she quickly amended and laughed it off.
(In his office, Gabriel sneezed twice. “Damn allergies,” he sniffed.)
Completely touched, Adrien had the most genuine smile on his face while his eyes became a little misty. “Marinette…,” he said softly, completely touched by her words. She noticed that about him?
Shrugging her shoulders, Marinette looked down at her hands. “That’s what I observed anyway.”
After blinking away unshed tears, Adrien shifted closer to Marinette. “Well that was a wonderful analysis, thanks for sharing it with me.” He scratched the back of his neck as he pondered something himself. “Actually, come to think of it, you remind me a lot of Esmeralda.”
Marinette’s head shot up and she gazed at him in curiosity. “Really?”
“Well yeah, she is good at being independent and is a very caring person,” he commented truthfully. “Standing up for what’s right, helping those in need, seeing things in others most people often overlook. Not to mention, she’s extremely pretty,” at that Marinette squeaked and Adrien laughed at her reaction. “I’m being honest! But yeah, I see all of that about her in you too.”
Suddenly, Adrien was tackled into a bone crushing hug. “That was really sweet Adrien,” Marinette mumbled through his shirt as he returned the hug in a tight squeeze.
They sat together like that, holding the other in their arms until the movie ended and another started up. Marinette’s eyes were barely staying open as she fought to stay awake after the end of the credits rolled for the second movie. She was just so comfortable in Adrien’s embrace, it felt so nice. But all good things had to come to an end eventually when Adrien nudged her awake and smiled at her apologetically as she squinted sleepy eyes at him.
“Come on, let’s get you in some pajamas and head to bed,” he whispered and got up, gently tugging her up with him.
She only hummed in response, following him to his closet in a haze. He pulled out a pair of black and dark green flannel pants and a light green shirt with a black pawprint in the middle then handed it to her.
Marinette took it from him, amusement breaking through her sleepy daze. Adrien caught her look and increasingly became more sheepish as he found a pair of soft red pajama pants adorned with black spots and a red shirt that he clutched to his chest.
Raising an eyebrow, Marinette couldn’t help but to tease him. “Ladybug and Chat Noir fan huh?”
Pouting, Adrien walked past her and over to the side of his bed. “I think they’re cool. Don’t judge me.”
“Pfff…too late for that,” Marinette snorted as she made her way to the bathroom to change.
Once she was done, she peaked out the door to see Adrien had already finished changing and was setting their coats on the couch. Shuffling over to the bed, she pulled back the covers on one side and nearly collapsed onto it, too tired to overthink and freak out about being in his bed. She glanced up and had to quickly cover her mouth to muffle the burst of laughter from the sight of Adrien’s shirt.
Adrien sighed and gave her a tired look, already accepting the criticism. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.”
Marinette pulled her hand away and bit her lip in mirth as she examined the front. It read in bold black letters, Ladybug by day, bedbug by night with a winking face at the end. “Where did you get that one?” she asked, barely suppressing her giggles.
Plopping down beside her, Adrien got underneath the covers and pulled them up to his mouth, murmuring something into the fabric while he stared resolutely at the ceiling.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Marinette took pleasure in seeing the half of his face she saw turn redder.
He pulled back the blanket and mumbled, “Its custom made and it’s my favorite shirt.”
“Awww…is that so?” Marinette cooed as she snuggled deeper into the lush bed.
“I came up with it myself,” he stated proudly.
“You dork,” Marinette replied tenderly, feeling the beginnings of slumber start to pull her in so she closed her eyes.
Turning to her after a moment of silence, Adrien noticed the peaceful look on her face and saw her breathing start to even out. He watched her with a fondness he wasn’t quite aware of yet while releasing a sincere smile. “Good night Marinette,” Adrien whispered softly, fighting back the urge to tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear.
Drifting further into unconsciousness, Marinette responded with a half-hearted hum then she inhaled the smell of freshly washed sheets along with Adrien’s scent, letting out a small sigh of content. A dreamless sleep was quick to claim her after that.
For Adrien, he wasn’t so lucky; having conflicting emotions about why he’s beginning to feel more attraction towards Marinette when he already had his love for Ladybug. Laying on his side and facing Marinette, he tried to match his breathing with hers, then closed his eyes and eventually fell into a dream.
 Smoke permeated the air in the deserted street, making it hard to breathe as Adrien stumbled down the cobblestone in his superhero suit. The continued sounds of bawling and agonized wailing could be heard all around him, as he blindly searched for something. Up ahead, he noticed Notre Dame standing tall against the red skyline from the fires that raged on throughout Paris.  
Suddenly, a cry tore through the eerie silence, and it turned his blood to ice.
He knew that voice. The lovely sound of her voice he always heard in his thoughts now laced with fear.
Breaking into a run, Adrien tried calling out to her, but it was as though his lips were sealed shut. His mind was a mess, struggling to comprehend what was going on but ultimately failing and only worried about one particular goal.
Protecting her.
Somehow, he found himself in front of the cathedral, which loomed before him in a sense of impending doom with the sight before it. There was a girl with dark hair who was tied to a stake at the bottom of the steps, tears streaking down her masked face.
It was his Lady.
His heart nearly stopped at the sight of her while piecing together what this meant.
A man in a purple black robe, whose appearance seemed similar to his father, walked up to her and caressed an earring while wearing a manic smile.
“No!” Adrien yelled, attempting to get to the two of them but was jerked back by something heavy.
Metal chains wrapped around his hands and feet, hindering him from getting any closer. Gritting his teeth, he struggled against the binds to no avail. Calling upon cataclysm, Adrien went to touch the chain but saw only a bare hand instead.
A dark chuckle reached his ears, causing a shiver to wrack itself down his spine. Looking up, he watched the man twirl a silver ring on his finger and turned his icy blue gaze onto him.
“Adrien, didn’t I raise you better than this?”
Dread filled Adrien’s entire being as the man cackled and faced his Lady once more.
“Now I shall have my one wish come true,” he said with glee as he ripped the earrings from her ears.
Swirling pink light released from around her, dissolving the suit and leaving behind…
“Marinette?!” he shouted in alarm.
 Marinette groggily awoke to the tossing and turning of someone in her bed. Wiping her eyes to wake up more and eventually see who the intruder was, she was soon kicked in the shin from the culprit. Not hard luckily, but this still caused her to snap them open in surprise and annoyance. However, she bit back a sharp retort when she caught sight of Adrien.
This brought to mind the memory of her sleeping over in his bed which helped her to relax. But her relief was cut short from seeing Adrien’s sleeping state. It seemed like he was in pain with the way his eyebrows scrunched together while he wordlessly mouthed something. The covers were kicked off from his body showing his entire posture being ramrod straight, limbs spread out, and fists clenching the bed sheets so hard his knuckles were white.
“Adrien..?” Marinette questioned with worry.
 Falling to his knees, Adrien stared at his friend and love as now one person, everything ripping apart inside him from the shock and the newfound information.
He was about to lose his whole world.
After pinning the earrings to his suit, the man then slipped the ring completely onto his finger. A heavy sigh left his lips, making it seem as though he finally found the treasure he’s been looking for all his life. Then he looked at the devastation on Adrien’s face and laughed once more.
“To ensure you two don’t get in my way again, it’s time to get rid of the both of you. Starting with her,” he scorned, then grabbed a nearby torch and set the stake ablaze.
Marinette cried out as the flames licked her skin.
This time Adrien screamed.
 To say the girl was surprised was an understatement. As soon as she heard her name split out of Adrien’s mouth like that in pure agony, she very nearly jumped out of her skin. It also didn’t help that it came with no warning, piercing the quietness of the room. Gathering her bearings, she blinked hard a couple times and took some calming breaths then touched Adrien who was now openly crying. His eyes were still tightly shut, but tears streamed down his face and dampened the pillow his head rested on.
“Adrien,” Marinette said more firmly this time, gently rocking his arm.
His only response was to whimper and continue laying there, his breathing now coming in small gasps.
“Wake up Adrien,” Marinette tried a little louder and moved closer to him.
A broken whine escaped when she tugged on his arm with more force, resulting in him shifting towards her and curling in on himself.
Marinette sighed. There was only one way to get him out of what is definitely a nightmare.
Sitting up, Marinette prepared herself then pounced on him.
This caused his eyes to fly open and his whole body to jerk to attention, his breathing now rapid. When his sight focused on Marinette, his face crumpled as more tears gathered in his eyes.
“My Lady,” he sobbed.
Once again Marinette was shocked to her core but for an entirely different reason. There was no way this was happening. It was just a coincidence. Anyone could say those words; it didn’t have to be a specific person who called her that. But after everything that has happened today…
Could he really be…?
“Chaton?” she breathed the question.
He yanked her down onto his chest and tightly wrapped both arms around her. She felt his whole body trembling as he continued to cry into her hair.  
“I thought I l-lost you,” his voice wobbled as she got hit with the familiar phrasing.
Pushing aside the world tilting revelation freak out for later, Marinette snuggled closer against him and clung to his sides. “I’m right here mon minou,” she whispered in reassurance as he finally began to calm down. “It was only a dream, I’m okay.”
Adrien drew in a few deep breaths and let each of them out slowly, coming down from his fright. She was here in his arms, unharmed and alive. It was all going to be okay. Exhaustion started taking over him then, luring him back to sleep.
For awhile, Marinette made sure to stay awake until she knew he was going to be fine and no more bad dreams were coming to haunt him. It also didn’t hurt to continue lying in his arms; it probably did the both of them good anyway. Marinette pressed her cheek further into his chest and listened to the now steady beat of his heart as she was lulled into a peaceful slumber once again.    
Something between a hum and a moan left Adrien’s lips. Whatever warmth this was surrounding him felt really nice.
“Psst, hey kid.”
There was a slight nudge on his forehead.
Adrien reacted by tightening his hold on a familiar soft mass weighing down against his chest and burying his nose in its hair.
He sighed in pure bliss.
“Adrien if you don’t wake up soon I’m going to bug your girlfriend next.”
Frowning, Adrien continued to ignore the annoying voice, silently willing it to go away.
“Ha, get it, bug her? Well actually that makes more sense for Tikki-,”
Batting blindly at where the voice was, his hand came in contact with something furry and solid.
“Oy! Don’t get rough with me! Where’s my cheese, boy?!” The voice demanded.
“Plaaaag,” Adrien hoarsely ground out, irritated.
“So he does speak,” Plagg mused, settling atop Adrien’s head.
It was quiet for a few moments until the mass in his arms began to stir and make sweet sounds, inevitably waking up from the noise and movement. Adrien’s eyes slowly cracked open, adjusting to the morning light in his room, only to then peer down at messy bluish black hair. He didn’t have a chance to think much about the sight when he saw Marinette shift and lift up her head to blink weary blue eyes at him.
They both stared at the other, Adrien starting to become increasingly flustered with the adorable sight before him, while Marinette smiled and relished in waking up to an equally endearing view. Folding her hands over his chest and propping her chin on them, she observed Adrien then purposely looked on top of his head to find Plagg curiously peering back at her.
Adrien watched as her eyes moved to glance at the kwami on his head, making his entire body tense up. Nobody is supposed to know his identity. She couldn’t know he was Chat Noir; it was too dangerous for her. Maybe he could make up an excuse and tell her he adopted a kitten recently. Yeah, he could go with that.
Except, how come she wasn’t reacting?
“Hello Chat Noir,” Marinette called out softly.
His eyes slightly widening, all Adrien could do was focus on not freaking out.
How does one breathe again?
Marinette giggled as she watched her partner attempt to keep it together.
“Do you not remember what happened during the night?” she asked.
Adrien didn’t know what she was talking about; his memory of the night came back to him only in bits and pieces. The color red, evil laughter, burning fire, screams, a soothing voice, and then comfort was all he could recall. Still too stunned to speak however, he only shook his head in confusion.
She leaned in a little, whispering, “You had a nightmare. Then woke up and called me my Lady, Chaton,” then she winked and went back to lay her chin on her hands.
All the pieces of the puzzle from yesterday quickly came together after her statement and confirmed what he had been questioning the whole time. His breath hitched as he looked at her, really looked, and saw Ladybug without a mask grinning up at him.
Marinette continued to watch him as he figured it out and felt his heartbeat accelerate underneath her palms.
“Breathe kitty,” she soothed, feeling herself rise a moment later as he heaved in a deep breath.
“How-,” his voice squeaked, so he coughed to clear it. “How are you so calm about this?!”
Closing her eyes and setting her cheek to rest against the back of her hand, she yawned. “I’m too sleepy. I’ll panic later,” she mumbled.
Adrien let out a surprised and joyful laugh as a result, coming to terms with the situation and hardly believing his luck. The girl he was quickly falling for turned out to be the girl he loved. Who was also currently in bed with him, resting her body against his like she had always belonged there. All of his wishes were coming true and he couldn’t be happier.
He was so delighted he could almost purr.
However, not too soon after, a red colored kwami decided to join them.
“Hey Sweettooth,” Plagg called out, still settled among Adrien’s bed hair. “Did you see this sickening love story happen from where you were?” Plagg then made a gagging sound. “I thought I was going to puke up what was left of my cheese.”
“Plagg, don’t act like you’re not ecstatic to finally see these two together,” Tikki said in a smug tone. It caused Plagg to dramatically gasp in betrayal, as Adrien quirked an eyebrow and chuckled.
“Is that so…,” Adrien drawled up to a sputtering Plagg, then looked over at Tikki who sat on Marinette’s back. “We just met but I think we’re going to be good friends.”
“I know we will,” chirped Tikki in agreement.
Plagg made a sound of disagreement. “Ohhh no you don’t. You two together would be a disaster and coming from the god of destruction himself, that’s saying something.”
Adrien laughed full heartedly then returned his attention back on the ever quiet lady of his. Nuzzling his nose in her hair with deep affection bubbling inside him, his action caused Marinette to make a noise of protest.
“Wake up Buginette!” Adrien whispered excitedly and watched as she stirred to settle more comfortably against him.
“Hmm…,” he hummed in thought, and then got a terrible idea that would probably end up in him getting hurt.  
“If you don’t get up soon, I’m going to have to resort to tickling you,” he grinned.
Marinette grew still then growled out in a scary voice, “Don’t you dare Adrien.”
In an instant, Tikki and Plagg flew up and out of the way at the same time Adrien managed to flip Marinette onto her back to start tickling her mercilessly. Marinette squealed and squirmed underneath him, but he was relentless. With a good hard shove, she managed to get him off her so she could get up and send him a death glare.
“Now you’re going to get it Chaton,” Marinette ground out and lunged for him.
He easily maneuvered out of the way, all the while holding the biggest, happiest smile on his face. Full of giddiness, he jumped off the bed and ran towards his windows, easily pushing one open. Looking back behind him, he watched in nervous anticipation as she gradually stalked towards him.
“Ah, but you’ll have to cat-ch me first, Purrincess,” he winked then called upon his transformation and dashed out onto a nearby roof.
Marinette laughed menacingly to no one but her kwami. “Oh, I will,” then called her transformation and flew out the window.
 Chat Noir crept silently among the snowy rooftops, putting all his focus on using his eyes and ears to pick up even the faintest signs of danger coming his way.
The sun was just barely peaking over the horizon, bringing back a wave of déjà vu from the morning before. He quietly inhaled a breath full of cold air to calm himself, but it did little to quell the rush of adrenaline flowing inside him. Then, with no warning, he was flung onto his back and he looked up startled to see the intense blue gaze of Ladybug.
“Caught you,” she said lowly while sporting an intimidating smirk.
He gulped audibly.
Leaning towards him, ever so slowly, Ladybug stared straight in those bright green cat eyes of his, as her lips became closer. With one hand on his torso, she could feel his heart racing as fast as hers, but she ignored it, now only a hairs width away from touching her lips to his.
“Think of this as payback mon Minou,” she breathed, then kissed the tip of his nose.
Pulling back, she watched in amusement as he grabbed his burning face with both hands and groaned. They stayed that way for a few minutes, Ladybug becoming entranced with the rise and fall of his chest as Chat tried and failed miserably at getting himself put back together. Then he sat up finally and looked to her with a full blown pout.
“You tease,” he whined.
Scooting closer to him, Ladybug took a clawed hand in hers and rested against his warm shoulder.
“What did you want for Christmas again Chaton?” she asked, momentarily confusing him with the unexpected question.
He thought for a moment, and then let out a nervous laugh as he remembered his answer. “You,” he said softly.
“Then consider me an early gift,” she turned and to seal the deal, gently grabbing the side of his face to capture his lips between hers. A sense of warmth spread throughout the both of them, making them experience feeling complete and at peace. He moaned in her mouth when she sucked on his bottom lip, then she pulled away to look fondly at him, the both of them supporting matching blushes.
“Just as I thought, my Lady,” Chat murmured appreciatively, gazing at her with love in his eyes.
“You’re sweeter than cookies.” 
Extended: "Well," Chat Noir contemplated, "you're also a spicy cookie when angry. Very hot." Ladybug rolled her eyes fondly then brought their lips back into a searing kiss. A few blocks down, Nathalie watched them through a set of binoculars. "Teenagers," she sighed, then set the tool down onto Adrien's windowsill. Wearing a satisfied smirk, she pulled out her tablet and updated her Twitter status. *My ship finally sailed!!*
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Brendon: Okay we have to record the vocal stuffs. Let's do that "yeah yeah yeah" thing, Dal.
Dallon: Yeah yeah yeah...
Brendon: Slower...
Dallon: Yeaaaaaah Yeaaaaaaah Yeaaaaaaah...
Brendon: Yeaaah...More scratch!
Dallon *scratchy voice*: Yeeeeaaaah yeeeaaaeah yeeeeaaah...
Brendon: Oh god...Can you groan a bit between the "yeah"-s?
Dallon: ...maybe...
Dallon: Yeaaaah *groans* Yeaahhh *groans* Yeaaaaah
Brendon: ...
Dallon: ...
Dallon: Sure this should be in the song?
Brendon *half naked* : What song?
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tamagotchi · 5 years
The nimbasa city gym theme has vocals too
OH YEAAHHH in bw2.. bitch u rite
Roxie an colress’ Themes too apparently.. I want to find more
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omg-horns · 8 years
umu!! what's your opinion on exo's open arms cover? i'm a moomoo but i'm considering stanning exo too just because of that cover.... what can i say, i'm always a slut for good vocals XD ps i love your blog and i hope school is going well!!!!
That cover is on my ‘favorite performances’ playlist lmao xD
But i’m wondering how much of that cover is live and what isnt because the sound totally changes towards the end where it’s more…echoey??? and the background vocal chords when someone is soloing are soooo crunchy that i’m pretty sure those are pre recorded but then again i’ve rarely guessed correctly in the past ahahahaaa
EXO definitely has some strong vocals…. (specifically Chen. I have vocalist friends who are in love with Chen’s voice.) like most other idols they do have intonation problems when performing live, but if stan based off power vocals, this would be a good group to stan ;)
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