#*wakui have mercy
zaenaris · 9 months
Anime-only adaptations I really enjoyed
I really loved how the anime staff pour their love in the flashback and in the parts where the characters are described the most (bc, in the end, TR is a story driven by characters, not plot), so yeah, kudos for the kokonui, kakuiza and Kisaki centric parts that were not in thee manga and that were added as a ponderate choice by the anime team.
In chronological order
When Takemichi calls him with his nickname "Kaku-chan", Kakucho hesitates before killing him, while in the manga (ch.134) when Izana orders him to kill Takemichi, he just does it with no mercy. The result is the same, but in the anime we saw Kakucho's struggle
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The parts about Koko and Inupi, their past and their fight (2x21 or ep.8 of the 2nd coure of S2). It is a very emotional and crude part also in the manga, but in the anime, thanks to some changes/adaptations/voice acting and music, manages to be even more emotional and impactful, while remaining faithful to the manga. That's how an adaptation should be done
First of all, the kiss
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while, story-wise, it's clear the kiss is not fanservice, but an important moment to understand their past and their complicated relationship, no one can deny the anime kiss looks even more passionate than the manga version
Among the people that approached Koko in the manga for money reasons, only Izana and Taiju were mentioned (ch.159), meanwhile in the manga, besides them, were added also Madarame Shion - an anime only addition-
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and the Haitani Brothers, as a nod to Wakui's birthday art for Koko
I already talked about it here and partially here but, in short, I like how the anime underlines even better that Koko considers himself unredeemable and incapable of detach his own identity to make money illegally
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and honestly, peak adaptation: the transition to younger Koko to Tenjiku!Koko saying the same line, to make us understand that Koko still feels incredibly guilty about the past...
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... and the fact both Inupi and Koko cry in this scene, a moment that there wasn't in the manga and that was an incredibly beautiful and touching addition
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but while manga!Koko -ch.159- at this point is just resigned and "colder" in his decision to stay with Tenjiku, just like also manga!Inupi already calmed down, anime!Inupi is both fed up with the situation but willing to makes things right and very determined..
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while anime!Koko is destroyed, he doesn't even stand up when Inupi punches him (I already talked about it here)
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the little addition of Kakucho in the flashback when Shinichiro goes to say hi to Izana to take him out with him. Izana's favourite people "interacting" was nice (too bad the animation quality was a little meh in this episode, but I understand we can't have peak quality all the time)
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Kakucho with Izana when he finds again Karen by chance and she tells his she's not his biological mother and he's not related to any of the Sano. It the manga Izana was alone, adding Kakucho was nice because the situation is still terrible, Izana sees his whole world collapsing on himself, but at least he has Kakucho
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last one, Kisaki's "I wanted to be like you" that humanizes him a little. In the manga his death was quick and brutal. We can understands, reading the manga, he had this superiority/inferiority complex towards Takemichi, but the anime explains it more clearly (I talked a bit about it here )
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Maybe there's something else that was an anime-only adaptation that made sense, even improved the already existent narration, but I probably don't remember it. These are the ones that imho, are the most important both for the characters and the narration.
I love how Liden Film followed faithfully the story but added "more heart" to it, that's what a good adaptation should do
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reallyromealone · 2 years
holy shit that last chapter... please wakui have mercy on us and let them have a happy end please... also SHINICHIRO AWOOGAA ARF ARF 🤤🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍😍😩😩😩😩😩❤️❤️💐💐💐❤️💍
F a i r
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
literally throwing up waiting for the new chapter
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bloominstorm · 2 years
Why did Wakui completely gloss over the important things readers would actually want some clarity on? Like how Mikey got past Baji’s involvement in his brothers murder or WHY he attacked Sanzu and why he didn’t consider him at all for a founding member of Toman? Or why Sanzu didn’t go after Baji or especially Kazutora after Shinichiro’s death since it showed disloyalty on Kazutora’s part since he started targeting Mikey and Baji hurt Mikey by his involvement..? Also why couldn’t we see more of his relationship with Shinichiro? The person he looked up to that inspired him to become a gang leader? The person who was the epitome of the things he hated yet he aspired to be like him? Would it be so hard to give us more interactions between the two?
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
so....that new chapter eh....wasnt even all that😂😂😂
i -
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wujutora · 3 years
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i don't mean to scare anyone but, what if this is another foreshadowing?
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shounenforgirls · 3 years
can't stop thinking about adult kazutora and chifuyu and how they represent atonement and forgiveness respectively. the pet shop & bad toman timelines gave me a clear sight that grief connected them in the most transformative way possible. if chifuyu was less kind or ken wakui decided to destroy his character perhaps revenge/grudge would be quite a possible path for him to go down but instead, by being the first person to see kazutora upon his release from juvie and helps him w life after, wakui really shows how compassion and mercy are integral parts of chifuyu's strength.
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kazutora, on the other hand, must've still haunted by both guilt and grief, yet in those 10 years he had greatly matured, resulting in one of the best character development in the series. the way he grew out his hair long in resemblance to baji is most likely intentional, however i got the impression that it is done to honor baji rather than to "become" him. it is a subtle remembrance. kazutora might want to make amends through chifuyu, the person who was closest to baji, but to me him wanting to save chifuyu is purely rooted in their friendship that has bloomed over a period since his release. (him tearing up over chifuyu's death is enough proof that he genuinely cared for him.)
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and then we have chifuyu, whose loyalty hasn't faded even after more than a decade has passed. him forgiving kazutora and wanting to save toman are his way of holding tight to this loyalty – both towards baji and toman, as baji was a part of toman and toman was a part of baji. because he knew how important kazutora was to baji. and the thing that touched me the most is the whole pet shop thing.
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it has been mentioned that baji's dream was to own a pet shop, and mikey said in his letter that chifuyu's gonna do something that makes him think of baji. chifuyu's initial dream was to become a pilot. choosing to pursue his late best friend's dream over his is devotion in its ultimate form. here is also where i think kazutora's atonement lies on. while chifuyu owning a pet shop is most likely motivated by his undying reverence for baji (and his own love for animals!), kazutora helping chifuyu out could be his attempt to atone for the tragedy he has caused (and baji was his old friend too, one that holds the biggest importance in his character arc). either way, the pet shop is not only a further realization of kazutora's atonement and chifuyu's devotion. it is also a bridge that reconnects both men, and a monument to keep a part of baji alive.
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chifuyusgangshirt · 2 years
Rating random plot armor the tokyo revengers characters get
the top three
chifuyu 5/10 pretty boy who survived shinichiro/Emma level dangerous situations a few times.
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Baji's punches looked bad. Like, Ran haitani flashback or mikey vs. Kazutora bad. I know they weren't deadly perse but if you beat someone unconscious and then just let him lie around for a while the possibility to find him on a swing a day later is eh. After that the good old metal pipe did absolutely nothing for him, what a king.
Mochi and Kakucho punched him pretty hard and then also threw him 2 meters away, letting him bounce around head first like a rubber ball. They did this more than once and chifuyu was on the ground for like 10 seconds before he decided to not feel pain anymore.
Mitsuya 8/10 pretty boy who is also indestructible. Emma and Shinichiro could never
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Okay first off all, mister "I ambush people with heavy objects" smashed a really big brick with force over his head. Mitsuya was out cold for a few hours before returning to his hot girl summer.
Inui took a bat and, well yeah you all know. And guess who was like "well this killed people in this universe. Not me tho"
In the final blow before the final battle rindou hit him over the head while driving and while this killed Emma, mitsuya just needed a little nap
Kakucho 9/10 it's ridiculous how often he beat death by accident. Let him rest god damnit
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Wakui just doesn't want him to die, poor boy
Okay cleary, he survived being shot two (?) times and chilling in the snow, loosing a lot of blood. Can happen and is possible. But. Eh. We lost people for less here
Getting beaten up by south without mercy, looking like he's about to pass, a lost shoe and full of dirt. I know he probably had time to revocer but from south's reputation he might as well been dead. If wakui said he died after this fight I would have believed him tbh.
Sanzu using his metal pipe full force and very not so gently on Kakucho looked awful. Did it bother him? Not really.
Did I think about including takemichi? Yeah. Would he have up to 6 examples and is dressed 24/7 in plot armor? Yeah.
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snakegentleman · 3 years
The founding Toman member’s dynamic is so personally important to me. There is no possible way this was the authorial intent, but Wakui managed to capture what a good friend group does to support their disabled members. The way they deal with Mikey’s eccentricity reminds me of the way my friends help take care of me on days where my symptoms are bad and I need help. Specifically the way they treat Mikey when he falls asleep. There’s an acceptance that this is the way Mikey is, and they don’t care if it happens.
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You can see here that they playfully make fun of Baji for being late, but it’s a joke and the fact that Mikey fell asleep isn’t the joke. It’s more like they’ve all probably had to carry Mikey at some point. They treat is as a normal part of life which is so refreshing. In my real life, I use a variety of mobility aids including a wheelchair that I need pushed sometimes. These are the types of jokes my friends make when they have to push me. The way Mikey is also super comfortable with them carrying him speaks volumes too. I can tell you, trusting someone to take care of you when you’re incapacitated is difficult because you’re sometimes at that person’s mercy. I don’t always have the clarity of mind or control of my body. There are some friends I have that I can’t let push me because even if I don’t think they would ever hurt me, I still can’t give over control to them. Mikey 100% trusts his friends to get him where he needs to go.
Toman was founded on an incredible group of friends who helped each other out unconditionally, and it warms my heart that they were able to have this for even a short time. It breaks my heart that it had to end.
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zerokurokawa · 2 years
have mercy on us, ken wakui.
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shions-chin-scar · 2 years
Yeah, you have just to see how much Koko is happy like, few seconds after have decided to choose Inupi. He's so proud of his choice, smiling, ready to "fall in hell" with his (boy)friend, after have apologize, to understand that it's only with Inupi that he can be happy. Same with Kakucho, he seems bring back to his old self because he fights with Takemichi rather than against him.
You're right!
Honestly it feels like beside Sanzu and possibly Hanma, no one in Kantou Manji Gang is happy to be there. Mikey has his own issues, the S-62 and Kakucho were forced to join after South died, we don't know why Wakasa and Benkei are there but they seem conflicted during their confrontation against Inui (Waka arguably moreso than Benkei), and of course Koko was trapped in his unhealthy grief-induced mindset. There's a reason why everyone looked so unhappy during the big meeting before the current fight. There's no sense of unity or camaraderie in Kantou Manji
Kakucho and Koko were able to free themselves from their dark future thanks to their friends in Toman (Koko finally let go of Akane's ghost, Kakucho found his spark again fighting Takemichi, and even though he unfortunately died he kept his morals to the end and was reunited with Izana). Neither of them will end up in Bonten. Time will tell if Wakui fate is as merciful with the other KMG members as it was for them
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nxtsnw · 3 years
Yes, good idea lets all just point fingers at wakui and beg him for a good ending. i'll start first by going on my knees and BEGGING him for a good ending. Plus idk if its true or not....but...i think mikeys dad got killed from a gang..BUT IM NOT 100% SURE i read it from somewhere, but i never trust myself if i haven't re-read it since i can get delusional at times.
But istg Tuesday is either the best day ever..or the worst day ever. like idk abt u, but im at wakuis mercy rn 💀.
Plus poor chifuyu needs to accept the fact that designing isnt for everyone <3 sadly his t-shirts uniform isnt going to be fought in. i mean i low-key thought they were gonna name the gang tokyo revengers- but yk ig thousand winters is good to 😍
meme for today since i have to much NOT to send any:
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Yes. we blame wakui and then go and beg him for a happy ending</3
AND O MY GOD DID NOT KNOW- (about mikey's dad :() ugh and I can try to search smtng too about it!
FHAUSKDJSA SAME- I from the weekend leaks imagine what Tuesday will be like (usually I try to understand how much harm it will do)
we still love u chifuyu <3
OH YES. do you think a gang called "tokyo revengers" will ever be created ?? maybe in a happy future, in which there's only a gang and all of them are happy together!
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imkumichan · 3 years
Why the hell did i just read a theory that Wakasa, Ran, n Kokonoi is gonna die? I could understand for Terano and Takemichi.. But those three? Pls have mercy Wakui-sama :))
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b0nten · 3 years
anywaus we either get sanzu or hanma volume cover.. BFF HOW DO U FEEL 🗣🗣🎤 unless ken wakui trolls us and we get someone else🐿
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lovely-renard · 2 years
I hope you are much better now hon :( <3 I'm fine! today was a very boring day
oh I hope the time passes quickly and you get your qualification as soon as possible! I'm not lying when I say my legs were shaking like jelly💀
I still like that the ending is not predictable, it leaves me thinking a lot. DID YOU SEE THE LEAKS? I really wasn't a fan of pah, I totally didn't care 💀 but poor thing, Mikey had no mercy
pls I try not to eat my head so much because otherwise I'm going to go crazy 💀 YES, a week without tokyorev is eternal, I don't know what I'm going to do when the manga ends, we're going to have the anime, but it's not the same
I imagine :( it must be horrible to lose a friendship and so many memories just because of that, I'm glad that both of you are still friends and enjoying each other! ABSOLUTELY NOT LOL. she came and told me that she told him, I was like WTF ??? I'M GOING TO KILL YOU and she laughed and told me BUT WHAT IF YOU END UP IN A RELATIONSHIP 😩 and that's where it all ended. so yeah, I don't choose my friends well 💀
I'm better now! But I think my allergies are acting up and i have shoulder pain 💀 when will i know peace?
I believe you i'd be scared as hell if my teacher did something like that 🤨
YES I SAW THE LEAKS. IT GOT ME TEARING UP FIRST THING IN THE MORNING 💀 i swear i just woke up and i was already on the verge of crying... Same i didn't love nor hate Pah-chin but... Seeing him says shit like "we love you Mikey" and crying while fighting his old friend really made me feel empty i was destroyed and the day just started LMAO best believe i thought about that the whole day
This week was so slooow without a chapter i can't and don't want to imagine what we will do when the manga will end like what am i supposed to do? Just live? Well no i can't actually 😐 i'm really hyped for the anime but it won't be the same as the chapters and still i'm excited to know how everything will end because i actually have NO CLUE on how Wakui will end his story
Tbh i feel a bit guilty for saying no because i can feel something broke between us (even if we're on good terms) but on the other hand i can't force my feelings yk? AYO WHAT??? This looks like a bad teenage comedy show 💀 "what if you end up in a relationship" yeah that only works in tv shows not real life lol. I mean it's not your fauly if she decided to told the guy about your feeling, it has nothing to do with how you choose your friend!!
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