#- and by invited I mean my cheeks squished and told I'm not annoying to you
zazter-den · 4 months
If I had a dollar for every time I've gone to someone's inbox to drop them something, only to chicken out & click out of the page cause I don't want to bother them- I'd have enough for a grocery run (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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haikyuuishete · 4 years
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Synopsis: Scenario of Ushiwaka
A lot of people wouldn't believe Ushijima had a girlfriend, it wasn't like you two were a secret relationship, you two didn't need to show off to anyone. You liked being away from other people's gazes, it was non of their business anyways. Ushijima is always busy with volleyball and you're busy in your club but somehow manage to have time for each other.
The nice thing is no one really talks about how you don't speak at all. A lot of classmates started to learn sign language to understand what you were saying, but you weren't deaf either so it made it easier for them and for Ushijima.
Even his team started to learn sign language to understand what you were saying, you were very important to Ushijima and they wanted to protect you too, but that doesn't mean you couldn't defend yourself but they just want to because you're like their little sister or older sister for the 1st and 2nd years.
It was weird how you met Ushijima, he couldn't sleep one night and went for run to tire himself out only bump into him. He apologized but you just bowed and ran off.
It kinda bothered him for a while, was he scary that you were too scared to talk? Not until he asked one of your male classmates about you only to find out you were mute. At first he didn't think much about it but that didn't stop him from searching for you and wanting to have a simple conversation.
He spoke and you wrote on a notebook that's how it went for months while studying together, he didn't want you to write so he studied sign language just for you, even though he's really dumb but Tendou helped out so did Semi well everyone did. The more he practiced with you made it easier, just seeing you smile made his day, he didn't realize he was head over heels for you. It didn't matter if you didn't speak or did, you understood him and comforted him like no one ever could.
That's how you two got together well with the help of Tendou of course because Ushijima didn't know how so it didn't help.
Of course Tendou will be apart of your relationship which you both didn’t mind, you loved him being around you so like basically he's your best friend. When Ushijima is out he would give you company by watching anime or reading mangas or even rant about people he doesn't like (cough cough Tsukishima), you would join some practices because why not, the boys won't be aggressive but one time Tendou 'accidentally' threw a ball at you so you served it in his face as revenge, which made Ushijima smile and make his whole team laugh as Tendou chased you around.
Of course Tendou gave you guys space, when Ushijima has a the day off from practice he would take you out or just cuddle while watching a movie, sometimes both of you take your little brother to a volleyball class because your brother admired your boyfriend and he's just 4 years old. That's how you met Oikawa, "Tsk what are you doing here?" He rolled his eyes seeing Ushijima, he didn't even notice that you and your brother were next to him. "I'm here with my girlfriend and her brother" your brother was confused "oh hey b/n" Oikawa's nephew greets your brother giving him a small head pat as your brother holds out his volleyball.
Little by little every player that played volleyball knew about you, somehow it got around even to Tokyo who played volleyball.
That's how interviews with Ushijima went, "so how many languages do you know?" "I don't speak any but I know sign language" "really?" "Yea my girlfriend is mute" he wouldn't sugar coat it, Ushijima and everyone loved the way you were, there’s nothing to hide.
No one ever dared to flirt with no one did, Ushijima was the only one to approach you even though you're are beautiful, no one ever approached you.
His rivals would always greet you with so much respect as Ushijima held you by his side and it amazes everyone seeing how quickly he understands you, even the team would too which makes them stand out way more than before. A lot of people would stare not because you can't speak because of how cute and pretty you were like no one could look away without smiling. Oikawa on the other hand he talked to you like any other person, he was nice but Ushijima limited it a bit since Oikawa is a smooth talker and Hinata the cutie that you practicality squished his cheeks, Hinata was nice and even funny to be around but of course and unfortunately Ushijima disliked him. There is always that one guy that doesn’t know anything or just came to a volleyball game with his friends, this guy practically grabbed you and started to flirt with you but you kept pushing him away, like he was scaring you, but he doesn’t let go “why don’t you say something sweetheart? Like let’s get out of here” he gets annoyed by you “aren’t you going to say anything?!?”
Of course Ushijima is your savior, “Get away from my girlfriend” poor guy trembled and ran off. “Did he hurt you?” ‘No But I’m shocked’
He pulls you to the gym with him instead and made one of the 1st years to bring the waterbottles in instead.
"are you tired?" 'no' nodding his head he pulls you into his embrace, "everyone couldn't stop staring at you kinda made me feel irritated" he confessed, you just snuggled deeper into his embrace, he could feel you smiling into his neck. He wasn't much off a talker but when you mention volleyball he would go all out but you didn’t mind at all, just hearing his voice soothed you. Falling asleep together, eating together and even studying together was his favorite moments with you.
When it was your first time with him, he was gentle of course, he would softly praise you, he was rough of course but sweet at the same time perfect combination in my opinion.
After care is always dress up and go get something to eat and just cuddle.
It doesn’t last long when it hits 5 he gets up and goes for a run leaving you under a pile of blankets to sleep in, Tendou bursts in to wake you up to talk to him because he’s bored.
“Guess what Semi semi did!” ‘What’ “he kicked me out of his bed like I’ve always been a good friend” he cried making you smile and giggle.
Every Friday the team would come over to eat ramen or your cooking and watch movies any kind of genre no in between.
After few years you’re still with him and he’s still in love with you, Yea their was guys that liked you and tried and yea girls try to get Ushijima’s number but nothing really mattered as long you two were together. 
Ushijima was now a professional volleyball player for the Schweiden Adlers, you were his fiancé about that time. His team wanted to get know you of course, Kageyama knew you couldn’t talk because he was close to Ushiwaka and has met you before, he made sure to tell the team not ask too many questions so it wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Of course it didn’t bother you for them to ask questions, curious people need answers.
Once Ushiwaka brought you to a team meeting everyone went awe you were still gorgeous as ever. Romero told Ushijima you were gorgeous, he didn’t know if he should be proud or be jealous because Romero is now flirting with you and even learned some sign language like (I love you, hey cutie, are you still with Ushijima) it’s all jokes, you fangirled on the other hand.
Tendou was still present he would go to the apartment and stay for while when Ushijima is out of the country and even Semi and Reon comes to visit. They even took you to some of Ushijima’s far away games.
Then you two decided to have your wedding which was perfect everyone was invited even the press who were very quiet and very nice as they silently took picture and enjoyed the venue.
Then one day you felt dizzy and nauseous, you faced time Tendou to come over quickly which he did, you told him about the symptoms and you two rushed to the closest store to get a test.
Turns positive, so yes you’re pregnant.
You didn’t want to tell Ushijima yet because he was out of the country and that could stress him out. Tendou told everyone and made sure no one told Ushijima just yet.
Once he came back, you got everything prepared to tell him, “hey y/n” a light peck as he drops his duffel bag on the floor. ‘I have a gift for you’ “really?” He asks, you pull him onto the couch and bring out a gift bag. ‘Open it’ he takes out a tiny shirt that’s says Schweiden Alders number 11.
He looks up furrowing his eyebrows, ‘there is more’ nodding his head he finds a long thin box. Opening it, it was your pregnancy test that said positive.
He was dumb but not that dumb, his eyes widen realizing you were pregnant. “We are going to have a child?” You nod, he pulls you into hug and touches your stomach, he was so happy.
After hard 9 months, half of it he wasn’t there due to the Olympics but he was there when you went into labor.
So yes you have a child with your highschool sweetheart. A beautiful healthy baby.
He made everything perfect and made a life for you two, after your child turned 2 the media didn’t know about them yet. So during an interview he revealed that he had a child which shocked everyone. “So what is your wife doing now since you have been leaving a lot” “well she’s not alone since we have our baby to take care of and friends that help out” “you have a child?!” “Yes” shocked the media and everyone was like shook but you two wanted a quiet pregnancy and enjoyed it.
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creambunnie · 5 years
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OC(y/n) X Hendery fluff cute
you cursed under your breath as your tablemate,Mark, swapped places with crush!Hendery for your class work. Your teacher assigned Hendery to be your partner for your project. you tugged Mark's shirt , begging him to stay . Mark only pulled away softly and chuckled before whispering a little 'goodluck' as he walked over to his partner.
you quickly turned your gaze to your book when you see Hendery walking towards you. "Hi y/n!". Hendery greeted softly as he sat on Mark's chair. you nodded your head as you waited for your teacher's next instructions. yes. you are an awkward turtle that does not know how to act in front of people who you are not close to , especially your crush. Hendery looked at you and scratched his neck before clearing his throat. "are you okay?". he asked softly. you gulped before nodding your head slowly,eyes still on your teacher. you felt his gaze on you as he bit his lips. "are you really sure? you don't look like you are pleased to have me as your partner. you want me to request the teacher to change ?". Hendery babbled as he panicked . you groaned inwardly. now Hendery was just making you guilty for being awkward.
you finally turned towards him , your breath hitched at the handsome sight in front of you. "i--i'm fine alright. i'm just a bit sleepy.". you gave an excuse. Hendery's face brightened up as you looked at him. the two of you quickly faced the front when the teacher gave your assignment questions that was based on a literature text.
"why not you take the first part of the text and question and i take the other half? that way we can finish our work faster and you know, you can sleep hehehe". Hendery suggested and giggled. You tried your best not to squish his cheeks for being so cute. you nodded your head and buried your face in your book before you do anything to your cute crush.
You were attracted to Hendery when you saw him dorking around with his friends in the hallway. Hendery was so carefree, it was fun to see his crazy antics. you can never deny the fact that he was goodlooking but that was just a bonus . His personality was what made him adorable.
A few paragraphs into the text , you came across a part that you really didn't understand even after reading it repeatedly . you decided to ask for help from your partner. you put aside your feelings for Hendery and focus on your work . you tapped his arm gently and stayed strong as he faced you oh so charmingly.
"i-i don't understand this part. can you explain it to me?". you stuttered. Hendery nodded and smiled widely. He naturally wrapped his long arm around your chair as he leaned closer to you so that he could see the part you didn't understand. your plan to ignore your feelings for him was near to a failure. you felt his chest against your arm. your cheeks were definitely burning hot from his body warmth and the close distance. you see his lips move, explaining to you. but you didn't hear a thing he was saying, too distracted by his presence.
"do you get it now?". Hendery asked as he turned to you . you were caught of guard when you felt his warm mint breath on your cheeks. you leaned back in reflex but hit your back on Hendery's arm that was around your chair. you quickly leaned forward and met his handsome face again. you nodded but then shook your head. "i'm sorry i still don't really get it.". you apologised. you were ready to face an annoyed Hendery. but instead, you heard him chuckled as he patted your head. "it's okay, this part is very complicated. why not you complete the questions that you can first, and i will finish up the rest?". Hendery suggested again. you nodded and gave an okay sign. too overwhelmed to even speak a word to him now.
you tried doing your work but the silence in the classroom made you sleepy and so you dozed off while finishing your work .
you opened your eyes slowly when you felt your neck hurting from laying your head down on your table, only to be greeted by a cute sleeping face in front of you. you gasped softly when you saw Hendery's face right in front of you. When Hendery saw you fell asleep , he finished your part and his before laying his head down too. He didn't really plan to fall asleep too. He was just staring at you lovingly but your calm breathing soothed him and so he fell asleep too.
you didn't know what got into you but you stretced your hand out to remove his bangs that was covering his long lashes. a few seconds later,Hendery fidgeted and opened his eyes slowly. you panicked and quickly stood up fron your chair, screeching your chair in the process. Hendery jolted up in his seat as he was shocked from the sudden loud noise.
now the teacher and the whole class were looking at you and your partner.
"do you and your friend have any questions, y/n?". The teacher asked. you gulped and accidentally mumbled under your breath. "he is not a friend.". but little did you know , Hendery heard you.
"i'm sorry, what did you say?". the teacher asked again.
you gulped and shook your head. "nothing, i'm sorry for distracting the class.". the teacher nodded and continued grading your other assignments.
you sat down and closed your eyes, too embarrassed to look at Hendery now. you heard snickering behind you. you turned only to see Mark and his partner,Lucas, giggling at your moment. you rolled your eyes at Mark and showed him a killing sign. your interaction with Mark was cut off when Hendery tapped your shoulder.
"our work is finished. you can continue resting if you want to.". He told and gave a smile. but not as wide as his usual one. "but before that...". he continued. you stared at him, waiting for his next words. "what did you mean when you say i'm not your friend? am i just a classmate or am i more than a friend?".
your eyes widened when you heard his unexpected question. Hendery looked at you as he sincerely anticipated your reply. you gulped as you tried finding words to say. fortunately,you were saved by the bell.
"i-i gotta go quickly.". you said as you hurriedly grabbed your bag and ran to the exit right after the teacher dismissed the class.
you ran as fast as you can and grabbed your bestfriend's, Xiaojun, arm and dragged him to the school entrance.
"woah woah, why are you in a rush?". Xiaojun asked as he pulled you back after finding his balance.
"i gotta avoid someone and i want to avoid him immediately.". you replied.
Xiaojun chuckled and ruffled your hair. "my friend asked for help so i invited him to my house. he is walking back with us". Xiaojun explained.
you sighed and pouted. "friend? who? ". Xiaojun nodded his head towards a boy who walking towards the both of you. "yeah, Hendery. I'm sure you have classes with him.".
Both your eyes and Hendery's widened when you saw each other. Hendery smiled widely and waved at you. While you turned to Xiaojun quickly and pinched his arm. "I was running away from him!". you whispered. Xiaojun groaned in pain and pouted. "I'm sorry,I didn't know that!". You sighed in frustration . Your bestfriend didn't know about your crush on Hendery. Only Mark did because he caught you doodling a picture of Hendery on your notebook.
"hey y/n ! I didn't know you were friend with Xiaojun.". You only nodded and smiled. you walked on Xiaojun's right side while Hendery walked on the other .
you were in your own world when the boys' conversation attracted your attention.
"hey Xiaojun, does y/n has a boyfriend?". Xiaojun chuckled and wrapped his arm around your neck. "this awkward turtle? nope she doesn't,". you hit his arm and pushed him away as you pouted.
"why did you ask me? she is right here hahaha,". Xiaojun said.
Hendery chuckled and shook his head. He glanced at you for a moment before turning towards Xiaojun. "i'm too scared to ask her. i'm afraid she would ignore my question.". you felt bad hearing his response. he was definitely talking about earlier.
"i really like her,Xiaojun. she is so cute and dorky.". Hendery suddenly confessed. you were shocked and didn't know what to do. Xiaojun looked up quickly to Hendery and chuckled.
"can you tell her that for me Xiaojun?".
"but she heard you confessing earlier.". Xiaojun sais with a confused tone.
Hendery chuckled and patted Xiaojun's shoulder. "That was me telling you. I'm too shy to say it to y/n. ".
Xiaojun scrunched up his nose at his friend's words. Xiaojun took your hand in one hand and Hendery's in the other before putting the both of your hands together.
"why not the both of you settle this up first here,while i go back first,okay?". Xiaojun said as he quickly ran ,leaving the two of you awkwardly holding each other's hands.
Hendery held your hand tighter, making you look up to him. "you heard me earlier right?". He asked softly. you sighed and nodded. Hendery took a step closer , closing the distance between the both you. "so am i just a classmate or am i more than a friend?". he asked with his low voice.
you gulped as you stared at his lips. you flickered your eyes up to look into his sincere ones. "i like you too, Hendery.". you finally confessed.
His lips formed a smiled as he leaned forward to give you a sweet kiss on your soft lips.
Hendery pulled away after a few seconds to take some air. you were still in a daze at the sudden kiss.
"sorry, i can't hold myself back from kissing you. i held it back in the classroom earlier. you were so cute when you slept. you mumbled in your sleep about food.". Hendery said.
your eyes widened as you covered your face with your hands. "ahh that was embarrassing. ".
Hendery laughed and patted your head. You pouted as you pinched his cheeks. "you know your laugh is so cute? i held myself back earlier from squishing your cheeks.".
Hendery giggled and squeked at your comment.
"where is my awkward turlte? who are you and what did you to her?" . Hendery joked.
you rolled your eyes and pinched his side.
"YOUR turtle ? who said i am yours?". you teased.
Hendery took your hand into his and interwined your fingers together.
"when you responded to my kiss, that is basically saying that you are mine now.".
you chuckled at his sense and pecked his cheek.
"then you are mine too,". you said.
Hendery nodded and pecked your knuckle as the two of you went to Xiaojun's house together.
i know it may suck but i needed to write something about Hendery so here we goooo
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years
Up || Daniel Webber x reader
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Bold = lyrics
Italic = memories
Song - Up from Sing Street
Warnings: talk of physical abuse.
It's two o'clock on the edge of the morning
She's running magical circles around my head
I hitch a ride on a dream she's driving
“Stop going so fast love!” Daniel said with a laugh as his hair whipped into his face, the roof of the convertible had gone down ages ago but the pair where on a very clear free way with the speed at 100 and no cars in sight.
“Oh come on Daniel! Let loose!” you yelled to the boy over the wind sloshing across your ears and your hair whipping everywhere above you.
“Not when we’re about to DIE” Daniel said jokingly with a laugh as he gripped the car door, you hit the actors chest and gave him a stern ‘come on pussy’ look, Daniel simply rolled his eyes at you before leaning over to the radio and turned up Kickstart My Heart and pumped his hands into the air with the bass. You yelped and whooped and sang as loud and as high as you could.
She turns to kiss me, I crash back into bed
Daniel awoke with a start, his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and his sheets stuck to his chest as the rest of him was drenched in sweat, his breathing was heavy and the room was thick and musty; this was not ideal.
Across the street on a grayed out Monday
I see the girl with the eyes I can't describe
And suddenly it's a perfect Sunday
And everything is more real than life
Daniel stood from his bed and rubbed his face as he started getting ready for the day, you had invited him out for breakfast, but what Daniel did not know; you decided to bring your boyfriend, he would've been fine with it had it not have been the boyfriend that frequently abuses you. Daniel had been your best friend since the pair of you where three years old but when high school came around the corner and hormones became an apparent thing in both of your lives, Daniel had a never ending crush on you. Everything about you he loved and he fell in love with you with every moment that passed that he was with you; the funny cat videos you send him, the way you tie your hair back when you’re thinking and making things, the way you have a certain way of doing everything in the morning and your afternoon routine. The poor boy hated seeing you with so many guys that meant nothing to you, and you meant nothing to them. Daniel could always tell if the guy you were dating had a side chick or just wasn't interesting and even though he constantly told you you never listened, and then within the next month Daniel would find you in tears and blabbering ‘sorrys’ from not believing him, of course the actor would bring you in and comfort you with tea and a place to sleep for the night.
I think I'm back in the dream
I think I'm back on the ceiling
It's such a beautiful feeling
Walking down the street Daniel could hear the bustling of the street next to him, the clicking of the soles of his shoes on the pavement, the screaming child just behind him that wasn't allowed a lollipop; even with his headphones in and at a reasonable volume. Everything seemed so loud but so far away, Daniel wanted to tell you how much he loved you, how much he wanted to hug and hold you, kiss you and make you feel safe and okay and happy; but of course you already had someone before he could ask you.
Going up
“(Y/n)?” Daniel asked as he opened his front door and squinted out to his porch, “doll what the hell are you doing?” the tired man asked as he quickly let you in and sat you down on his couch before making his way to the kitchen and boiling the kettle, he knew what you were doing here, he knew something happened between you and your boyfriend, you normally wouldn't be here if it weren't for that. Daniel came back within five minutes with a two cups of tea and placed them both on the coffee table before retreating again to bring out the family biscuit pack and sat down next to you; the blonde didn't speak for a moment as he let you drink your tea and have a bite of an oval cookie.
“H-he slapped me” you whispered softly against the bite you took off your biscuit. Your voice was shaky and quiet as you let the words sink in, not only into Dan beside you; but to yourself as well, you never believed it would happen, you never thought you did anything bad or something your boyfriend didn't like.
“He...he hit you” Daniel confirmed looking at you with wide eyes. You simply nodded as you kept nibbling at your biscuit, “why?”
“An argument broke out, Damian was asking what i had made for dinner and I told him I hadn't made it yet, then he started to get s-so a-angry….” you mumbled, the end of your sentence trailed off as the fresh memories came back and the red mark on your cheek burnt, “a-and he got so….out of control. I-I couldnt s-stop him” you whimpered softly, tears sprouted in your eyes again and dripped down your cheek and into your tea as you took a generous mouthful.
“(N/n)....” Daniel said in a ‘what-do-i-even-say’ tone.
“J-just don-don't worry” you muttered softly as you dipped your biscuit into your warm tea and bit into the soft mush before it dropped, as you ate you looked to Daniel and took a second glance as he sipped his own tea. Dan looked to you mid bite.
“What?” he asked, a watery smile crept its way onto your face as you looked down.
“You’re only in your underwear” you said softly, Dan looked down with a small ‘what?’.
“Oh. Shit.” he said as he looked at his black jocks , “shit i'm sorry (Y/n)” the actor said as he put down his tea and rubbed his eyes. This made you laugh softly as you finished your tea and biscuit.
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me up
“Its okay” you said with a laugh as you put down your drink, “we’ve been friends for years, ive seen you naked before” you said with a giggle.
“Oh don't bring up that memory” Daniel said as he buried his head in his hands, “that was so embarrassing” the boy mumbled. When the two of you were in your teens you would go past each others houses and let yourselves in as nobody was really ever home, but today just so happen to be the week Daniel had broken his leg and with no one else home to help him shower; you had to be the one to make the commitment. Even though it was for an actual reason it was still something you liked to joke about every now and then; you had to help undress Daniel and shower him all while keeping your eyes up and off of his junk.
“It really wasn't” you said with a chuckle, “it was for a good reason” you said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, I know, but still. I've grown you know!” Daniel said quickly, before he could register the words his face went red as you burst out into a fit of giggles.
“Oh really?” you asked, “down there?” you pointed to his junk, “or up here?” you patted the blonde head which granted you a fun loving death glare from Daniel as he pushed your hand away from his head.
“You know what I mean” Daniel said with a blush.
“I really dont you know” you said with a laugh.
“UP HERE YOU DORK!” Daniel said with a loud voice and a laugh, this caused you to laugh too as you both shook your head.
You find a mystery bound in perfection
You've got to read, but you don't want to reach the end
As Daniel reached the cafe he pulled the headphones from his ears and stuffed them in his pocket with his phone. He could see you from the window already, Damian had a protective arm wrapped around your shoulders as you searched the cafe for Daniel; you almost looked frantic, you wanted to get away from Damien, which is probably the reason you have squished yourself against the window to get as far away from the man as you physically could. Of course that hasn't worked as you got pulled back into Damiens side.
Cause what if everything beautiful's fiction
And this reality's just pretend?
As Daniel walked into the cafe and the door let off a bell sounding out someone was here, a bright smile lit up your face like christmas night as Daniel finally reached the booth. By now you had FORCED Damian from the booth so you could hug your best friend.
“Hey Dan” you said into his neck softly as you squeezed the actor, him returning with the same force.
“Missed you” Daniel said softly into your hair as he nuzzled into your neck; but this moment was short lived as a rather loud and obnoxious cough interrupted you two. You separated from Daniel quickly and smiled before motioning for Daniel to sit down as you went back to your previous seat and Damien was quick to move in next to you; efficiently trapping you.
“So Dan” Damien said with a tight and annoyed smile, “what’ve you been up to recently that has made you stay away from us for so long?” the man asked. Daniel had to fit the urge to roll his eyes at the fakely covered sarcasm.
“Uh, i've been filming down in uh, SA actually. Adelaide; for the new movie with the other Daniel” Dan said with a chuckle. You leant forward in your seat and placed your arms on the table as a sign for Daniel to keep talking; that you were listening with the giant smile on your face. Daniel coughed and chuckled softly as he looked to you with a grin, “it’s called Escape from Pretoria, it's about these two men who break out from a South african prison with help from other people and it's just about their journey of survival really and how they got by; it's based on a book from one of the real escapees, Time Jenkin, Radcliffe is the one who got that role and i got the other guy” Daniel said with such happiness; he loved talking about his job but he loved it when you listen to his stories and things he does with the job. You get as excited as Daniel himself does, it's a nice thing to know.
And then I'm back in the dream
I'm looking up at the ceiling
It's such a beautiful feeling
As time passed and stories got told, Damien had excused himself from the table to go to the bathroom and as soon as he was out of sight Daniel got on topic.
“Has he hurt you recently?” the actor asked as he bent over the table slightly and leant in closer so no one else could hear. You looked to Dan with a scared face before doing the same and leaning in.
“Y-yeah he has” you said softly, “im so sorry” you say as you wipe your eyes from the tears that threatened to fall, “he takes my phone and locks the house and puts my keys somewhere i can't find them” you whimper out softly. Dan quickly gets up from the table and walks around to sit next to you, as he sat his arm wrapped around your shoulders and slowly brought you into his chest for a hug; you wrapped your arms around Dans shoulders and tried to stifle your crying.
“It’s okay babe” Dan said, he didn't even try to stop the nickname falling from his mouth as it felt so nice to say and sounded like the right time to say it.
“N-no it's not!” you whimper softly, “I don't want to be with Damien anymore. I hate him, h-he's so rude! And arrogant. He doesn't like any of the things I do, we disagree on everything all the way down to what to watch on TV!” you exclaimed, your voice wasn't loud enough state for everyone else to hear but Daniel knew what you were doing. Daniel nodded in an understanding of where you were coming from and thought for a moment.
Going up
“Then leave him” Daniel said, “we’ll leave right now,” he exclaimed with wide arms, “we-we pick up your stuff from your house and we head back to mine. You can bunk with me until we find a better place for you to live without him there” Dan said, you giggled softly at his awkwardness but nodded quickly.
“Please, I want to get away from him” you said with a sniffle. Dan nodded as well and clapped.
“Right! Come on, let's get away from here” Dan said as he started to drink the rest of his drink and took the last bite from his food as you started to bring money out from your purse, “what are you doing?” Daniel asked with a concerned look, “you aren't paying,” he said.
“What? No. im giving a tip” you said with a light chuckle as the waitress came over, she asked if the two of you were finished and you both nodded before telling her your ‘friend’ was in the toilet and was going to pay for the food anyway. You handed the woman a fair tip before dashing out of the cafe with the giggles and making quick work of getting to Daniels car before Damien came back.
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me up
After a quick rush to your ‘previous’ house (as Daniel had now dubbed it) to grab your things the two of you left a little note for Damien, basically saying you where going to change your phone number, that you had run off with someone and your things and that you never wanted to see him again. With To Young to Fall in Love blasting on the radio and the car going down the street at reasonable speed you got to Daniels house in record time; with enough daylight to still make a whole new room just for you in his house (seeing as it was a two bedroom). Daniel helped you set out your room as you wanted before the pair of you flopped onto the living room couch in a fit of giggles with some cool jazz playing in the background.
“I didn't actually think you’d agree with me,” Daniel said, “about moving in with me”
“Of course i would. Anything to get away from that prick” you said with a sigh and a roll of your eyes. You hated Damien since you first met him but he had somehow conditioned you into thinking you loved him and he loved you back, “I actually found out last week he's been cheating on me since before me and him got together” you paused, “I guess that’d make me the cheatee?” you questioned before shrugging, “I don't know what happened with the other girl. Maybe he’ll go back with her” you said with a sigh.
“Don't think about it hun” Daniel said as he sat up alongside you, he nudged your shoulder softly with a blush as he bit his lip, “you know there's always someone out there for you” Daniel said, biting the bullet. You shrugged.
“Maybe there isn't” you mumbled, before looking to the lounge room carpet and picking at the fraying ends.
Up to the stars she shows me
Daniel took a second look at you before scoffing slightly, “‘maybe there isn't’?” Daniel repeated.
“Well, yeah. Maybe i'm just meant to be alone!” you exaggerated.
“Why the hell would you say something like that?” Daniel said with a slight edge to his voice, “(Y/n) you're so beautiful, you're so talented. You send me cat videos almost every day at the same time, you tie your hair up and out of your face” Daniel scoffed as he fell back onto the cough with a huff, “hell, every night before you go to bed you turn the TV off, you got to the kitchen to make sure the kettle is off before you walk up the stairs, TWO AT A TIME, and put on long fluffy socks for the night if its cold before cuddling into the blanket in the fetal position” Daniel said; his face had turned red and was almost in tears.
Dame Street, George's Street, miles below me
Up where the world won't let us down
(Na, na, na, na)
“Daniel…” you muttered softly as you sat next to the actor on the couch as he wiped his eyes.
“(Y/n) im in love with you, and i have been my entire life. Ever since you first came to me from your first boyfriend breaking up with you, with tears streaming down your face and ice cream around your mouth you always looked so beautiful to me. The day we had our highschool formal and you were in that beautiful dress? That was the moment i knew i had fallen for you, i had been discarding my feelings and putting them off thinking it was just stupid teenage hormones; but seeing you walk down those stairs and into the lounge room where i was waiting with your parents and that stupid boyfriend of yous-”
“Braydon” you cut in with a watery smile.
“Yeah! Him. I always hated him” Daniel muttered absently, “ever since then ive been in love with you, and i've fallen more and more in love with you with every day that has passed. I find new things about you almost every day” Daniel said before taking a breath and letting out a small chuckle as he sniffled and wiped his eyes.
Going up
(It's two o'clock on the edge of the morning)
“Daniel…” you said softly, “why didn't you tell me sooner?” you asked as you scooted closer to the actor.
“I didn't want to ruin what we had” Daniel muttered softly as you wrapped your arms around him.
She lights me up
(She's running magical circles around my head)
“I wouldn't have minded you know” you said softly as you turned Daniels head to look at you. You sighed softly at the tears that streamed down his face and wiped away the tracks they had left and cupped Dans cheeks; rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone before letting your gaze drop to his lips.
She breaks me up
(I hitch a ride on a dream she's driving)
“Are you saying i could have asked you out this entire time?” Daniel asked with a chuckle, you nodded with a grin that spread to your eyes.
“I've been in love with you since you first broke your leg” you said before pausing, “wait”
“So you love me for my junk is that it?” Daniel asked with a laugh.
“What no! Of course not you dork!” you said as you pushed Daniel, the boy laughed wholeheartedly as he let himself fall onto his side on the couch before twisting himself onto his back as you came up and placed your knees either side of his hips; neither of you thought of it being sexual, nor did you even want it to be sexual.
“Why then?” Daniel asked, “hmm?”
“Because you trusted me enough to help you in some of your most desperate times without anyone else being there” you said thoughtfully. Daniel leant up on his elbows with a soft smile, “and ive fallen more and more in love with you with each day that passes” you said softly.
She lifts me up
Daniel chuckled softly before you leant in and connected your lips with his; a passionate, searing kiss mixed with every emotion of love, want, distance and everything in between. Your arms wrapped around Daniels shoulders and tangled into his hair as his came around your waist and his hands connected with the skin of your back; you shirt had ridden up from straddling Daniel, but neither of you cared enough to stop.
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