#- andy to mixter probably
cult-of-dollbabies · 7 months
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Don’t even fucking glance in my general direction bitch
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nicascurls · 4 months
Breaking the Dollhouse/Final Family AU
Something I’ve kinda thought about for a while but decided to now speak out on it is Andy possibly trying to end himself during his year trapped with Chucky.
Like he started to attempt at some point but was stopped by Chucky and Mixter, leaving him with only a scar on his neck since they stopped the bleeding and stitched him back up.
Andy doesn’t tell anyone though and even when Nica first notices the scar after he first shaved his beard, he lies and tells her that it was just one of the scars Chucky gave him.
But the way he refuses to look at Nica when he tells her makes her realize that that wasn’t true, and it breaks her heart.
It's so sad, but you're so right! 😭
He would probably have also tried to irritate his wound to make them bleed more in hopes that he would bleed out.
Nica doesn't let on that she figured out the actual reason for the scar but immediately comforts him and asks him if it still hurts at all.
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
This isn’t a fanfiction. I actually decided to write that essay I joked about in my last post. I just want to give a word of warning: I am probably not qualified to talk about this, I’m not a psychologist, I just wanted to give this a shot and write my observations on the Chucky franchise through the lens of parental abuse.
After a long period of examination, I’ve concluded that the Chucky franchise is mainly about Chucky traumatising and interfering with the lives of various children. This could perhaps be an allegory for parental abuse and manipulation. In this essay I will examine Chucky’s relationships with Andy Barclay, Jake Wheeler, Barbara and Nica Pierce and Glen and Glenda Tilly-Ray-Valentine.
It is fair to assume that (before their murders) Chucky’s parents spoiled him. This is evident when they do little to nothing when he smashes his birthday piñata with a bat. The fact that young Charles is comfortable and unafraid of doing this in front of his parents suggests that something similar happened before and was not challenged or corrected. Perhaps overindulgence fed into Chucky’s anger issues to the point where, if denied, Chucky flies into a rage?
As well as parental abuse (which I will discuss shortly) Chucky has frequently engaged in domestic abuse as well as murder. His relationships with Sarah Pierce and Tiffany Valentine display a large amount of entitlement and mental instability, from killing his romantic partners’ loved ones to threatening their lives if not worse, Chucky’s desire for control is evident in his interactions with women. His murders could be seen as an outlet for his fury, he almost always seems happier (if not calmer) when he’s killed someone. In his own words, killing helps him to ‘relax’, and much like the destruction of the piñata, this form of destructive behaviour has been encouraged by people such as Tiffany and Dr. Mixter, who should have endeavoured to correct this behaviour yet refused to due to their own fascinations with Chucky’s insanity.
The first two victims of Chucky’s parental abuse are Barbara and Nica Pierce. Whilst it’s not explicitly implied that Chucky abused Barbara (probably due to a desire to raise her as his own) up until her death it is clear that she has been impacted by the traumatic events of her youth. She struggles to maintain a healthy relationship with her husband (probably recalling what happened to her mother, even subconsciously) and has a nanny raise her child. A reason for this (as well as for social status) could be either an inability to connect with her (not wanting to get attached in case she loses her in a similar incident to what happened to her and her mother when she was young) or a desire to protect her child with additional help, refusing to let Alice go through what she went to. The trauma that Chucky induced at an early age led Barbara to seek distractions or answers in life, through religion and an affair with Alice’s nanny.
Nica is an example of the longterm effects of parental abuse. Before she is even born, one of Chucky’s outbursts leaves her paralysed (years later, Chucky denies responsibility for this and insists that he is the victim). This betrayal makes it harder for Nica to trust people, especially when Chucky possesses her and tries to make her cooperate with him. 
Whereas Nica Pierce is an example of the longterm physical effects of parental abuse, Andy Barclay is an example of the longterm mental effects of parental abuse. He first encounters Chucky as a child, and the doll sends the boy’s life into total upheaval, eventually causing him to be removed from his mother. Along with physical violence, Chucky tries to manipulate Andy into thinking that he was sent from his deceased father to be with him, almost trying to take Andy’s father’s place in his life. To this day, Andy cannot ever feel safe because he always fears that Chucky will hurt him again. If looked at through the lens of parental abuse and not a desire to steal Andy’s body, Chucky’s continuous attempts to hurt Andy could be attributed to a desire to control, cultivated in his youth due to a lack of intervention when Chucky first displayed violent tendencies.
Glen and Glenda are Chucky’s only biological children. His relationship with them contains a continuous cycle of punishment and reward: when they obey him they are praised and rewarded, when they disobey they are attacked and punished (Chucky even threatens to ‘punish’ them in the finale of Season 2). There is also clear favouritism, the child that seems similar to Chucky is praised and the one that favours peace is shunned (this could be attributed to Chucky’s underlying narcissism). One of this is when Chucky thinks that Glen is a murderer like him and calls him a ‘natural’, yet when Glen comes at him with an axe he doesn’t hesitate to attack because Glen is disobeying him (interestingly though, when Glen kills him, he is immensely proud because Glen is exhibiting behaviour that Chucky considers desirable in his offspring). Another example of this is when Chucky refers to Glenda as his ‘favourite kiddo’ when it appears as if they are going to free him: the child that is the most helpful or like him at a certain moment will become his new favourite.
The relationship in which the parental abuse is most apparent is the relationship between Chucky and Jake Wheeler. Following the death of his father, Chucky almost tries to take a parental role in Jake’s life, trying to mould the teenager into a younger version of himself and even snooping through his things. Even though Jake purchasing Chucky was by chance and Chucky needs any innocent person to kill in order to raise his army, I personally believe that Chucky’s narcissistic tendencies once again come into play and he begins to see Jake as a younger version of himself (this is supported by the fact that teenage Chucky looks slightly like Jake). There is yet another endless cycle of punishment and reward, when Jake agrees to kill he is rewarded with a pleasant conversation in which Chucky gives him advice and tells him about his childhood, but when he disobeys Chucky, (it is heavily implied that) he gets beaten. Despite apologising and claiming it will never happen again, Chucky attacks Jake in the finale of Season 1 and throughout Season 2. Another example of Chucky manipulating Jake to try and endear himself to the teenager is that he claims he is (at least) an ally to the LGBTQ+ community by mentioning his gender fluid children Glen and Glenda and insisting that he is not ‘a monster’. This too is proven false when he mockingly says to Jake ‘that is so gay’ in the finale, causing the boy to retaliate. 
In conclusion, the Chucky franchise could very well be an allegory for parental abuse and manipulation, explored through Chucky’s relationships with the various children and teenagers he encounters. The violence that began unchecked in Chucky’s youth developed into murder and a ruthless desire to control anybody even remotely under his care, mentally and physically traumatising people such as Andy Barclay, Nica Pierce, Jake Wheeler and Glen and Glenda.
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xhellodollyx · 2 years
Im really tempted to write two different fanfics, mainly due to my disappointment of how the tv series has gone down. However, i haven't written anything super long in years and my writing is rusty (plus i'm an impatient bitch thanks to my adhd brain, lol). The two ideas I have though as essentially as follows:
1. A sort of AU/my version of what I had thought/wanted for the tv series to turn out, basically a rewrite of the two seasons. Mainly that Chucky was going after all of the kids in Hackensack specifically because their parents (or really grandparents) had ties to everything that happened to his parents. That he had a normal childhood and then suddenly he didn't (which would have tied into his obsession with Sarah Pierce and the idea of a family and him wanting kids with her because of what he lost) — everything with Sarah Pierce would make more sense going this route, give it a reason rather than it being what it ended up being, which was that it was pointless, happened for no reason and seemingly went nowhere. Also, it would have tied in with the themes of him trying to turn these kids into killers through trauma, not for some voodoo spell, but because it (his parents' murders) and his therapist pushed him into what he believes was his true nature, and he wanted to inflict that on Jake, Devon, Junior, etc. And to show that with trauma, you can either go down the path that Chucky ultimately did by closing himself off and becoming evil and doing horrible things, and similarly the path Junior ended up going down as well — or choosing to not be that way, to not inflict pain on others despite their own pain and loss, the way Jake, Devon and Lexi ultimately choose (being good people and not murderers.) Season 2 would have explored the religious aspects of having a religion forced down Chucky's throat when he was younger, which then pushed him into voodoo — choosing his own God to serve because he ultimately gets something in return, plus due to his fear of oblivion (which is also often overlooked throughout the series, but even Brad has said himself that this is Chucky's deepest fear and driving motivation for everything he's done since the first movie). There would be themes that parallel Chucky and everything that led him to become what he is to what he essentially ends up putting the main group through.
2. Would basically be an AU where scarface!Chucky comes back somehow and being so out of the loop on everything. Again, I want the idea of a rogue!Chucky which we did have very VERY briefly, but we all know og!Chucky was the head kept in Andy's cabin. There's probably another scarface!Chucky out there because "Chucky Goes Psycho" probably has merch in that universe. I'm trying to think of what the main plot would be, but it could be him trying to find Tiffany and the twins and not remembering much that happened after everything that happened in Andy's cabin, and he hears about everything that went down in his hometown and decides to investigate and cause some of his own mayhem on the way for answers — while also having memories come back of his parents and Dr. Mixter.
Idk, that's all I got. 🤷‍♀️
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Chucky s2 ep8 predictions?
So the most obvious ones are:
Glen dies and their soul transfers into the Glen doll. That is probably what will ultimately happen in the end. And then... I’ll wager that Billy Boyd comes back to voice the Glen doll :O
Next, it looks like Chucky prime that was in Nica, went into the Scout/Good Chucky doll, then went into Dr Mixter. Somehow in ep 8, that soul gets transferred into a new Good Guy doll.
But in the meantime... this is Don Mancici and the Chucky franchise. There is BOUND to be shenanigans that happen. 
What could also happen that are completely unexpected:
In the Kill count/Behind the scenes for S2 ep7, Devon Sawa & Jake’s actor said there is going to be a major death in ep 8. My guess: Glen’s human body most likely, Jake, Tiffany in Jennifer Tilly’s body, or Lexy.
Now that Andy & Kyle had that Childs Play 2 flashback, it seems like a nice sign to either let them retire happily... or actually epicly kill them off. Hopefully its the former cause the latter would REEEEALLY suck. I think Lexy and Devon, as the only girl in the “3 amigos” & only black guy in the show, have a little bit of plot armor and it would definitely get people accusing Don of being sexist/racist for killing either of them off. I would actually be ok with Jake dying and i feel like his actor would have a lot of fun doing it. Nica just got her final girl redemption so i highly doubt Don would let her be killed off yet.
However.... what might be even *more* unexpected but i dont think i would actually be surprised by.... is if Jake, Devon, and Lexy all die. So season 3 & 4 follows Glenda (and potentially Glen in doll form) and the dolls. And then every 2 seasons we follow a new group of protagonists.
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nicascurls · 2 years
What if Dr Foley in Cult was working with Dr Mixter and Chucky?
It's obvious that both Dr Foley and Dr Mixer were both terrible people and complete creeps.
With Dr Foley though he really seemed pretty calm about a killer doll even when people were being killed. Think about it, Andy even showed Dr Foley the severed Chucky head and he seemed uninterested at best, no matter how much of a terrible person someone is surely they would be at least slightly intrigued if they saw a bloody dolls head laughing and moving.
Not to mention, this could just be a lack in continuity with the show but it's clear Good Guys we're pretty rare still in 2017 as we saw when Jake looked online and saw the price he could sell Chucky for yet Dr Foley brings one out in Cult called Chucky and casually says he asked for a Chucky from Hot Topic? Something isn't matching up, I'm thinking Dr Mixter got it for him.
Chucky wouldn't want his survivors working together and neither would Mixter. Surely if Andy had brought that head insisting Chucky was alive, given his past he would at least be assessed but they wouldn't want 2 Chucky survivors in the same place. It would be too risky for Chucky, so Mixer knowing Foley's creepy tendencies has him work with Nica in Lochmoor and dismiss Andy but without getting him locked up too.
This would also keep both Andy and Nica too far away or distracted to know what was happening with Alice. Allowing Chucky to test out the new spell. Tiffany said the doll she gives Nica was used in Alice's therapy and Mixter gave Caroline the Belle doll so what if Mixter was also the one treating Alice which is why she still trusted Chucky and believed Nica killed her parents?
Skip ahead 4 years later and Chucky is ready to start his plan. So Foley has Nica moved to Harrogate so that she can finally have visitors and that day Tiffany arrives? Not just that but with another Chucky doll telling Nica her niece is dead, at this point Foley has manipulated and hypnotised Nica enough for her to believe she was responsible for the murders. That would leave Nica vulnerable enough for Chucky to attack since she was able to get the upper hand by taunting him before. When Tiffany says Alice is dead Foley sounds more annoyed that he 'didn't know' rather than concerned and then just sat there as Tiffany continues to traumatise Nica.
Even when Nica is telling Foley that Chucky is going to kill him he doesn't even seem slightly concerned, probably because working with Mixter he believed he was safe and that was probably the plan before Chucky possessed Nica in which case Chucky probably killed him to try and make Nica fight him less.
Anyway it's just a theory but the chance is Chucky's plan wouldn't have gone anywhere if Nica had been under the care of a doctor that wasn't a corrupt creep that had her hypnotised and going through shock therapy for 4 years. So I think it is definitely a possibility.
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