#-just leaves. if anything volo just encouraged him to do what he wanted and needed to do. that he’d stand by him no matter what he chose
thessalian · 1 year
Astrid vs Various Abandoned Buildings
Still wandering a shadow-cursed hellscape
Wyll: Oof. I see what they mean about the shadows being worse in there-- Wait. Who's that?
Roland: Oh GET TO FUCK!
Astrid: Awwwww, he came to save his friends! ...With almost no protection from the shadows whatsoever, the poor sod. And is being attacked by shadows GALE?!?
Gale: On it. IGNIS!
Wyll: He really loves that spell, doesn't he?
Gale: These things don't like light! Besides, you use Eldritch Blast like it's the only thing you know how to do!
Wyll: Well, the Arms of Hadar aren't going to do a lot here, are they?
Shadowheart: If the two of you would just stop arguing for five seconds...
Roland: No, no; bickering is nicely familiar. Just I'm used to it being directed at me.
Astrid: I really don't want to give you the headache that would entail. For instance: *ahem* *Vicious Mockery resonance* WHAT KIND OF MAGICAL DARKNESS ARE YOU? I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU, YOU SHADOW-PUPPET PRETENDERS TO PATHOS!
Wyll: Pretenders to--?
Astrid: Have you looked at the stuff they leave behind? Those were people at one point and that's pathos however you slice it. *back to Vicious Mockery resonance* BUT IF THEY WERE OF ANY USE AT IT AT ALL, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TO DO PHYSICAL MAIMING! I CAN HURT YOU WAY WORSE JUST BY TALKING!
Angry Shadows: *shriek in rage and pain*
Gale: ...Is it wrong that I love it when she does that?
Shadowheart; Wyll: No.
Stabnation: *ensues*
Stabnation: *finishes*
Roland: ...All right, fine, I can't do anything here, I'll go back to the inn and let you people handle it.
Astrid: If you're really keen to be nearby, maybe hang out at our camp? There's Halsin there, and--
Roland: And the pasty-faced smarm-merchant; no thank you.
Astrid: There's ... also a fantastic bard! And ... a ... fascinating character with aeons of stories to share!
Roland: You're dancing around that a little too carfully.
Wyll: Well ... the bard is Volo...
Gale: And the other one's some kind of lich, we think.
Roland: .............................
Astrid: ...They're totally safe! We promise!
Roland: Trekking back through this mess to the inn is safer than where you people lay your heads down for the night! Ugh! *stomps off*
Gale: ...Rather glad he didn't come along with us, to be honest. I was glad to be rid of the constant complaining when we stopped taking Astarion along.
The basement of a mason's workshop
Wyll: You know ... we skipped the toll booth because you didn't want to waste time fighting monsters. Please explain to me why we had to come down here and fight a bunch of shadows.
Astrid: *holds up a map of Moonrise Towers*
Wyll: ...................*heart-eyes* Fair enough.
Sneaking towards a graveyard
Arabella: Oh! Hi! You saved me! Guess it's my turn!
Arabella: *Entangled a bunch of shadows in roots*
Astrid: .........Kagha insulted, threatened, and basically cast out a baby druid?!? *bursts out laughing*
Arabella: Well ... I reckon it was that idol what did it, but...
Astrid: Oh, sweetie, go hang out at our camp. We're going to be rescuing all the tieflings those nasties took, and there's Halsin to talk to. Or ... you know, if you're interested in the effects of ancient artefacts, there's Wither...
Gale: You're encouraging a child to speak to a lich.
Astrid: Wither probably gets lonely. What better way to help him reacquaint with life than to speak to someone young and ... um ... innocent in that way that in no way suggests being naive?
Wyll: Well, I suppose someone needs to take the job while you're saving everyone.
Astrid: *sheepish grin*
Gale: ...what part of "I saw her first" was unclear?
And finally...
Astrid: Okay, this is what I was looking for!
Shadowheart: I thought we were looking for the House of Healing to help that Harper. This ... looks more like...
Astrid: The Gauntlet of Shar. Surprise!
Shadowheart: You ... found me trials, with potential death, and communion with a death god.
Astrid: I know, it's not even your birthday. I mean, unless it is. Do ... you ... remember when--?
Shadowheart: Actually ... no.
Astrid: Well then! We'll go with the odds. Before we go in... *pulls lute; starts singing "A Very Merry Unbirthday To You".
Raphael: *more or less appears out of nowhere* ...I oddly do hate to interrupt--
Shadowheart; Gale. Wyll: Then don't.
Raphael: Look, that way lies death but you eat that sort of thing for breakfast anyway so just let me flag up that there's something rather horrible down there and I want you to kill it. No questions asked.
Astrid: We are going down there and we are using our own judgement but it'd probably really help if you told us why you want that thing dead so badly. We're far more likely to do what you're asking if it's a reason we agree with anyway, right? Incentive is good, at least in some form or other.
Raphael: ...You're good. I'll owe you one. *poofs*
Astrid: Great. Too many people need favours from someone like him. We're going to have to boulder-parchment-shears for it if the time ever comes.
Gale: ...What about you?
Astrid: We get this tadpole out of my head, I'm happy, but we all have avenues for that. You don't blow up? I'm happy. Wyll gets out of his infernal contract? I'm happy. Astarion gets free of his sire? I'm happy. ...And Shadowheart gaining the blessing of her goddess is a happy for me too so let's go!
Gale: ...What do you do for people that selfless?
Shadowheart: My goddess will be blessing her too in all this. I'm good.
Wyll: She'll be helping me with the situation with my father. That should be good for something ... right?
Gale: .........Damnit, the Weave isn't quite enough.
Shadowheart: Anyone with sense would have offered flowers, wine, and a conjured bed by now.
Gale: That ... that is insufficient!
Wyll: She made the wrong decision, then.
Shadowheart: Or, to put it another way ... Gale ... you seduced a goddess. Your game has to be good enough to have impressed a goddess. Now for pity's sake, either you start seducing her already, or I will.
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grappel-writes · 11 months
Part 2 of Orion as a companion: approval/disapproval, how to make him leave the party, recruiting/dismissing, and some unique dialogue from interacting with the story.
Political maneuvering. An alliance now, a betrayal later. Helping someone not necessarily out of the goodness of your heart, but because they could potentially help you later. Playing a situation to your advantage. This can be influenced as you guide him, to either use that sort of maneuvering for good for others, or to use it exclusively for selfish means.
Taking a moment to have fun. Orion comes from a life of leisure, and treasures his free time. Throw the ball for scratch, humor a kid, get on a stage, tell a bad joke. This world sucks, and finding the fun in it is the only thing that makes it worth living. He'll also approve if you send him on stage with Dribbles.
Succeed medical checks: help the paralyzed gnome, resurrect Gale according to his instructions, fix the owlbear cub's hurt paw. He admires healers, and any successful attempt at aiding another will win his approval.
For his personal quest, encourage him to follow what he actually wants to do, and not what he feels he should do. There are a lot of influences and responsibility put on him in his story that he can step up and handle - it's up to you to decide if he should or not though. Let him live his own life, and he'll appreciate it.
Doom and gloom responses: pessimism and a defeatist attitude won't get you far with him. Between his unwavering optimism and sense of invincibility, he only sees this as a waste of time.
Encouraging him to do the right or responsible thing with no justification. He'll do it - but needs to be given a reason. Good leaders always explain why, draw the full picture, and demanding his support or obedience for no reason other than "because I said so" will piss him off.
Stealing the Blood of Lathander, or anything else that mocks, desecrates, or belittles a religious practice. While he doesn't consider himself to be a good representation of the faithful, he respects those that are.
Trying and failing to get him to accept the tadpole's powers. Similar to how Karlach and Wyll feel, Orion doesn't trust these things one bit. He could care less about the powers they provide, he's sure he's strong enough without them.
Evil aligned decisions in general: jumping to kill, being cruel, many Durge exclusive options all fall under this. When asked, he explains that he doesn't mind being self serving, but does it always have to involve mindless violence and gore? Surely all those people would be more valuable alive? (Bonus: he really dislikes grossness. He'll disapprove of touching slimy things, dumping blood on him, and complain loudly the entire time they're in the sewers.)
Can he be made to leave the party?
Yes, but not right away. Even with very low approval, he won't leave until the beginning of Act III. Once you're at Wyrm's Crossing, you'll find a note in your camp (like Arabella's and Volo's) explaining that he's gone ahead and gone home. Please, don't follow him, and no he won't be giving you the address. Like a good politician, he used your party and resources to get him this far despite how he feels about you, and now that he doesn't need you anymore, he's gone.
Durge specific: "I don't know what you are or what you're trying to do anymore. I thought we had a plan, an idea to save ourselves, but you've been sidetracked by bathing in blood. Best of luck with whatever game you're playing with the dead three, but I'll go it my own from here. For your sake, I hope we don't run into each other again." Additionally, during his storyline, if you kill his brother when he appears in Act III (either just to see if you can or to remove him as a political opponent), he'll leave your party. Defeated and broken, he'll tell you to finish your journey on your own, and if you ever cross paths again, one of you isn't walking away from the encounter.
Recruiting/Dismissing Lines
>Come with me, I've got people for you to hit. "I love when you say that. Ready when you are, just point and say march." >I need you to stay in camp. "Ah, sending me back to guard our friends and valuables? >I am. "I'm honored you trust me with that. I'll see you there." >Actually, never mind. Stay with me. "Of course, you're probably carrying all the good stuff anyway." Unique Dialogue Reactions (For Now) If you steal the blood of Lathander: He'll look genuinely sad for the first time at this point in the game. "Well... that's. I don't even know what that is. Probably the worst thing I've ever done, is what that is. I always did wonder if praying did me any good, now I know for sure it won't. No coming back from this one. Whoever holds my soul now, I just hope the take mercy on me." Trying to force through his sadness, putting on a smile. "But the mace is a sight to behold. I'm glad I get to see it up close like this."
After killing Minthara: "Just dead weight in fancy armor... I can't stand her type, you know. You're only as good as the men you lead, and acting like you're above them, not willing to get on the ground floor and help them when they need you... Well. Not like she did anything more than hide in the shadows anyway. No one's going to miss her."
Finding Volo: "Volothamp? The Volothamp! Oh-ho! I would throttle you if I wasn't raised better than that! I had to read every single one of your rambling tomes! So many lost hours to the most menial, and dubious, details!" laughs, taps his chest with a fist, he's in disbelief that he's meeting his childhood tormentor. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sorry it isn't under better terms."
Saving Oskar: "Do we really think he's going to make it on the road by himself? I guess if we see a trail of canvases, mediocre portraits, and paint we'll know where to find his body, at least. Do you think his patron would want him delivered if he were dead?"
The Reveal of the Emperor: "I feel... dirty. All this time, he was under our skin, swaying us and telling us everything we wanted to hear. All for his own benefit. I go back to what I said when we thought he was just a friendly guardian: I don't trust it. I don't like it. And we don't need him."
Gortash's Inauguration: "I heard about the Steel Watch, but never knew it would get this big this quickly. I know my father voted in favor of it, and knew I usually disagreed with the things he supported, but this is a new level of disgusting. Whether it happens amongst the patriars, or at the end of my blade, we have to see this taken down."
Saving the Duke: "Duke Ravenguard, pleasure to finally meet you. And save you. No worries - I won't cash in this favor until you're well and recovered, and the city doesn't have the looming threat of destruction hanging over it anymore."
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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A WIP cus I am impatient with my own ability to art… Val Quits His Shitty Fucking Job (CAUGHT IN 4K!!!!!!!!!!!!)
#my wips#pokeverse valerio#he was encouraged by volo to an extent but this was a desire he’d had for a LONG time. after closing the rift the day after the festival he-#-just leaves. if anything volo just encouraged him to do what he wanted and needed to do. that he’d stand by him no matter what he chose#a lot of his convo with Volo revolved around the fact that he felt he was taking a large part in the colonization of Hisui and that made him#-VERY uncomfortable to be a part of. esp being from a time where he knows Hisuian practices just… aren’t practiced anymore. and Hisuian-#-variants of Pokémon just straight up don’t exist anymore potentially because of some forced assimilation on the galaxy team’s part.#Val’s troubled enough by the colonization of his own home region Alola. the last thing he wants is to /help/ in the colonization of another#-region especially one like Hisui where he’s met it’s native peoples and seen it’s cultures and history and finds such a kinship with it#I’m just saying… noble pokemon. totem Pokémon. ride Pokémon. there’s a lotta sinilarities between Alolan and Hisuian practices!!#anyway so yea comic I’m making where Val quits his shitty job and runs off to live in the woods somewhere-#-cus it’s post-exile arc and he realizes he CAN. he doesn’t have to have his needs constantly held over his head unless he WORK WORK WORKS!!#volo helps him make a new home. new pastures. new crafting bench and crate. furniture and furnishings. food and love and comfort.#IM SO SAPPY OVER THEM ITS RIDICULOUS WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING ANY VAL PAIRING I JUST WANNA GIVE HIM THE WORLD…
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Volo NSFW Alphabet
It seems only fitting that to welcome this man I thirst so much for to this blog, that I do a NSFW alphabet for him. Thank you to the anon who immediately requested this after I added him to the list! You’re a legend!
This goes without saying but this is very NSFW. Reader’s gender is ambiguous! Also PLA spoilers?? (As in Volo’s arc)
NSFW under the cut!
A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
After all the hard work you’ve done to please him, all those punishments you’ve taken, what kind of a man would he be if he didn’t tend to your every whim?
He takes care with cleaning you, tending to you, holding you, making you feel loved and safe. You’ve done so well… it’s the least he can do
B = Body part (what is their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner?)
On himself, it’s his face, no question, no doubt. He is effortlessly beautiful, in an alluring, androgynous manner. He often fancies himself the perfect specimen, perhaps Arceus’s greatest achievement (If only he could meet them)
He’s greedy, he has two favourites on you. Your lips and hips.
Oh yes, those pretty lips that sing his name so sweetly, that stretch to take his length so well. Those beautiful hips that he grabs and grasps and bruises and tugs and pulls and prods and sinks his teeth into, they accentuate your frame so perfectly.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
He likes to spill it across your stomach and chest, or give you a facial if he's feeling in a particularly degrading mood.
If you're good, if he deems you worthy of receiving such a precious gift, he will cum inside you
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Gets off on the idea that Arceus is not only watching the two of you do it, but that they approve and encourage it.
Arceus does not think that way, they wants you whores to stop invoking their name when you fuck
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Before you, no one took his fancy, no one was good enough to receive him… you are his one and only.
He is quite knowledgeable, he has read up on the subject many times, maybe he’s even watched it occur, so he has a decent grasp of it. With you, with time, he becomes immaculate in bed.  
F = Favourite Position
Him sitting down somewhere, a throne maybe? You on his lap, riding him, his hands on your hips, bringing you up and down just how he likes it.
In this position or others, you have to face each other. He needs to see your face twisted in pleasure by him, see those lips form circles that leak the most wonderful sounds, catch your shame-and-ecstasy-filled gaze.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment or humorous?)
Mostly on the serious side, having sex, being inside you, he thinks it quite special and profound, even if he’s being rough and raw with you.
He does get a bit jokey when teasing you, but it’s light and not very common.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
He is perfectly manscaoed/completely bald down there. But it would have been more golden-brown than blonde.
I wanna say I have an explanation for this but I don’t
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)
While he does love you, and does express an, admittedly twisted, form a love to you during sex, I wouldn’t say he’s romantic in bed.
He’s intimate in a different way. Every time he has sex with you, he considers it almost a holy act, definitely a special union, so he treats it with the respect and thought it calls for.
You are his, you are perfect, you are the only person he would ever share such moments with. There is an immense weight in that.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon.)
He’s away a lot, so he finds himself turning to his hand to fulfil a role you usually play. Tends to be quite furious with it, much like he is fucking you. I imagine he likes to keep a piece of your clothing with him, sometimes breathing in your scent while imagining being inside you.
On numerous occasions, he’s tied you up and jerked off, leaving you painfully wanting.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks.)
Heavy dom/sub vibes, a lot of worship and praise. Usually he is your God, or the closest being to one, and you dutifully follow every commandment, sometimes he is merciful and kind, sometimes he is decidedly not.
And when he is the worshipper, he is dutiful and obedient, finding great pride and pleasure in serving you.
Naturally such things involve a lot of restraints ;)
Also if applicable, I feel like breeding would totally be a major kink of his. What better way to claim you than to have you carry his child?
L = Location (where are their favourite places to do the do?)
He’s a travelling merchant, so for him, anywhere dry and sheltered is fair game, a tent, a cave, beneath a tree. He definitely prefers doing it outside, but wouldn’t say no to staying over in your home in Jubilife village for a night ;)
Really really wants to fuck in the Temple of Sinnoh
Also he kinda wants to fuck in the ancient retreat, but he does not want to incur Cogita’s wraith.
M = Motivation (what turns them on and gets them going?)
Seeing your skin wet from the bath, the elegance of your fancy kimonos, watching you dress/undress, your shyness and fluster, your smile...
These bewitchments you cast on him seem to become exponentially more powerful the closer he comes to achieving his goals.
N = NO (is there something they wouldn’t do? what are their turn-offs?)
He would never share you. While you are together, you are his, nobody else is good enough to delight in you. Not when you have him to sate you so thoroughly.
Also while he loves to dish out pain and degradation, he does not like receiving it in return.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Nothing makes him feel more powerful than to see you on your knees, between his thighs, tentatively licking and sucking his cock like the obedient little pet you are. He loves lacing his fingers in your hair and sharply tugging whenever you do something particularly pleasurable.
That being said, he is no slacker when it comes to reciprocating. He loves making you orgasm with just his mouth, it feels him with immense pride and satisfaction.
Loves when you smush his face between your thighs.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?)
Almost always rough, though pace varies if he’s feeling more rabid or wants to really take his time torturing you.
Rarely, he’ll be softer with you, in very special intimate moments, where he’s uncharacteristically vulnerable.
Q = Quickie (what is their opinion on quickies over proper sex? how often do they have quickies?)
While he loves taking his time with you… he’s almost always on the go, so quickies are bound to happen. A good chunk of your encounters are this way.
He does enjoy them, he thinks the time pressure adds a satisfying thrill. Seeing you hurriedly make yourself decent after he’s just wrecked you is icing on the cake for him.
R = Risk (are they willing to experiment? do they take risks?)
Absolutely! He loves to learn, loves to experience new things. Nearly any new way he can punish or pleasure you is worth at least a look in to.
As much as he wants people to know you belong solely to him, and that you love to be taken by him, he also wants to keep up his little inconspicuous merchant façade, so he tries not to get caught when he’s screwing you silly.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
About two rounds, but it’s usually just the one. He loves to draw it out.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s a trader of goods, so I imagine he’s encountered  some… unique goods in his time. Goods he loves to use on you.
Particularly he likes ones he can leave inside you, that you feel throughout the day, that you’re not allowed remove until he says so
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
King of teasing. He just has so much fun riling you up and pulling away when you need him most. He thinks you look best naked and flustered beyond belief.
V = Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
Melodic moans and tender mewls, along with purrs of praise and cruel words.
He’s on the quieter side, but you can occasionally elicit a particularly loud groan out of him.
W = Wild Card (a random nsfw headcanon.)
A biter. Definitely a biter. You are lucky that the time period mostly demands modesty… the marks he’s left on you are plenty and everywhere.
X = X-Ray (what’s going on in those pants?)
There’s a reason his clothes are so baggy 👀
Considering that he thinks he a. deserves to meet God, and b. should destroy and reshape the world in his own image, he definitely has a massive schlong to match such a huge ego.
It’s very long, and somewhat thick. Extremely aesthetically pleasing (if that’s something you can apply to be a penis lol)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The more you get to know each other, the more unhinged he gets, the more and more he wants-no, needs you.
At first it’s fairly low, maybe once or twice a week, but it quickly escalates. If he could have you multiple times a day, every day, that would be heaven for him.
He wouldn’t need Arceus then lol
Z = ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
Not quickly at all. Sure, it calms him, clears his mind, but it doesn’t make him very tired. Sometimes he fucks you and just… continues on with his day, while he leaves you snug in bed. Though occasionally, he’s so worn that he’ll just hold you and fall sound asleep a few minutes later.
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waywardstation · 2 years
I feel like the reason Ingo wants to stay in Hisui at first (besides the idea of not remembering the people he knew all his life is terrifying) is his wish to make sure the people in Hisui stay safe. He was always wondering of his purpose in Hisui and after that encounter with Volo he stated that he will prioritize the savety of the people. Also his duty as Sneaslers Warden as well as his "debt" to the Pearl Clan he feels he has for them saving him. (It's mostly him being grateful but the way he is he would put the needs of the Pearl Clan above his own needs)
I mean sure he makes friends with Zisu and there is Lady Sneasler and her Sneaslets. And of course the Pearl Clan. But he never felt like he was verrry close to anyone in Hisui. Heck, he isn't even in the end screen enjoying himself with the others!
The closest bond he usually has in the stories is with Akari and when she leaves this will leave a gap for him as well...
I don't mean to nitpick at the idea of "he build a life in Hisui" but it always feels... weird to me. Maybe the way I see it is just much different than others, but while not getting it I'll respect it... (I don't mean to come off as offensive but I just wanted to share my thoughts on that)
Also it could play in mind with the whole journey into Ingo's mind. Him wanting to stay out of obligation and the fear of what lies in the future can definitely be hints at the state MS Ingo is in. And it could give a bit more impact on Irida encouraging Ingo to take the leap of faith into the future. They'll lose a treasured Clan member and friend in Hisui, but she knows there are loving people and family waiting for him to go home to. It's not going to be easy at all but it'll help making the decision easier for Ingo.
Sorry for the ramble but I wanted to share this. And sorry if I came off as rude... It wasn't my intention at all!
No worries Anon! You didn’t come off as rude or offensive at all! You presented an opinion you wanted to explain, and you did it in an incredibly respectful manner (and I agree with the opinion!) And rambles are fine! :)
In the game, Ingo does question why he’s in Hisui and what his purpose is. We have our purpose, to seek out all Pokémon, but if Ingo got such a message, he obviously does not remember. But as you said, while talking with Volo on your travels with Ingo, he states he will keep everyone safe. Safety is a big part of his character.
I know everyone has varying ideas with this and what they feel fits best, and I have moved around a little with this idea myself in uncertainty, but as of now I generally subscribe to the idea that you have.
It might help that in the train of thought AU, Ingo has only been in Hisui for several months to a year. Sure, Ingo has made friends (and a family of sorts) here, but it is not his home, where Emmet is, where his team is, and where the last 20-something years of his life were. It can be a hard decision to make, sure, but Ingo will choose his proper home over his temporary one in Hisui.
The hesitance to go back home, however, comes from Ingo not remembering anything about his past life. It can be hard to return to somewhere you know nothing about. How will you go back to your family and friends? You won’t even recognize them! You will be pretending you’re close with complete strangers, in a sense, and it will be uncomfortable. How do you bond with them when you know nothing about them to relate to? They will bring stuff up, and when you don’t remember it, it will make them sad and you will disappoint yourself. Your team of Pokémon will love you all the same, but they will be foreign to you. And you can’t stand to upset your beloved Pokémon. It will be a world you don’t recognize.
Ingo wants to go home, but he would not want to go back to it like that. Ingo would want his memories restored before he goes, at least to a degree where he can properly function around and remember those he loves.
With what you said about Irida, someone once suggested a similar idea too. At first, Irida would really want Ingo to stay. He is important, and she has become attached to him as part of the Pearl clan. But as she goes through his memories with Akari, she sees his life in Unova, and his family, and his friends. And she sees just how important he is to so many people. She knows he will have to go back to them. And she will grow to accept it.
Thank you for your thoughts Anon!! :)
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Red Queen Fan Fiction - Blood Curse part 13
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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Final chapter
Mare POV
Half a dozen maps are spread on Farley’s desk, some of them drawn by Guard members, all of them filled with annotations and battle plans. I’m supposed to be briefed about my orders for the next day, yet my eyes stray to the other maps, depicting the regions of Norta, the Lakelands, Piedmont and Monfort. A few weeks have passed since the colonel joined Volo Samos’s campaign against the Lakelands with a few hundred soldiers, their progress from Corvium to Detraeon’s outskirts drawn onto the map in thin black lines.
“Mare.” I look up, Farley’s back from changing Clara’s diapers. She points to the Archeon map. “Your role is to take over the eastern power plant; Ella and Tyton are in the north and south west,” she explains. “Estimated time for the blackout is 0800 but you’ll have to radio each other to coordinate the timing.” She pauses. I nod, yet she already goes on. “I suppose there’ll be room for deviations because of other assaults.”
“Can’t you finally be clear, Farley?” Her hesitation with details is getting annoying. “What other assaults? Who else is there? What will they do – what will you do?”
Her expression doesn’t waver but she chews on her lip. “We make utmost use of our teleporters,” she reports in a neutral, detached tone. “You’ll be brought to a safe house outside of the city before the teleporters will transfer you to your destination, with stays in other safe houses in between. They’ve done this for days, and our Silver allies are already in Archeon and preparing. The movements are necessary to hide the operations. The Lerolan faction and I have coordinated a double assault against Archeon’s infrastructure, while several chosen operatives – ”
“The Lerolan faction? You mean Tiberias.”
She frowns before she nods. “Yes, Calore. And Anabel Lerolan and her seconds. I’ve communicated with them the whole time.” She shrugs. “Would you have liked to … talk to Calore as well?”
I say nothing.
“I don’t know, it’s just – it’s strange. You plan with him while I can’t bear – can’t know – if I even want to talk to him again.” I shake my head. “And what did your spies tell you about Maven?”
She takes a sharp breath to confirm my jab. I wave off. “I don’t want to know. You aren’t letting me kill him either way.”
“No,” she says, finally insistent. Then she sighs. “But I don’t have the right to stop you, not if retribution is what you crave.”
I lean over the desk, my hands pressed on the maps. I stare into her eyes, five seconds, ten seconds. She gives in and looks away. “I know my orders,” I mutter. “You gave them for a reason after all, so who am I to act against them?”
Her relief is audible. “Right,” she says, clearing her throat. “Thanks. Now, your flight goes at 0400, then you’ll deactivate electricity in the east, depending on the charge against Whitefire by a few chosen operatives.”
“I hope Calore won’t act against his orders,” I say.
“Hopefully,” she agrees. But she’s too stressed to smile. Or too doubtful.
“In exchange for my trust,” I ask, “you might tell me where you’re going tonight?”
She ponders.
“Don’t tell me you just want to avoid all the teleporting?”
“What? No, I’ll – “ She’s interrupted by Clara’s new wailing. Farley dashes to her cot and picks her up. “I have to feed her,” she calls to me. I know it’s a dismissal but my curiosity remains.
I don’t receive more of an answer when she brings Clara to us the same night. Farley is wholly occupied by Mom who either cuddles Clara or pesters and scolds Farley about her mission. They’ve had these talks before, but Mom is especially insisting tonight. We all know there’s more at stake than in the skirmishes before. Gisa huddles close to me and holds my hand, but she doesn’t speak. Kilorn’s on my other side, reminding me that I’ll have to protect him tomorrow. He’s in the team coming with me to the power plant. Strangely, it fees less like a burden than I assumed it would. His joking tone is full of trust in me and I’m determined to live up to it. I retire just when Farley’s about to leave with her team, giving Clara a last kiss and murmured goodbyes. Even Dad hugs her.
I’ve trained enough in the last days to get a few hours of sleep. Mom hardly allows me to go when it’s my turn, even though Kilorn and Tramy are coming as well. I promise her to return and she wishes me luck, her words encouraging me further. 
Excitement and exhaustion fill me up during the flight, and I doze off again, waking a few minutes before the landing. I see Tramy talk to a Silver woman and go over my orders again, discussing them with Kilorn and the other members of my team. They show even more focus. The last moments on the plane pass in awkward but concentrated silence until we arrive just outside of Archeon.
Everything goes quickly there. Soldiers grab their guns, weapons and armour, even I take a vest and a knife while the teleporters already line up to take soldiers to their destinations, according to the coded cards they produce. The Newbloods appear tired and pale, unsurprising after they did this for days. But when Kilorn and I are snatched by a teleporter, an older man, the movement wakes a familiar nausea, a pain stinging me for a moment.
We can’t unpack anything and stay only for a couple of minutes before the next jump. Hectic rules the cold rooms we get to.
“If I counted right, this is the last safe house before the power plant,” Kilorn informs me. “We’ll stay until the assault begins.”
I nod. “Then waiting for news from Ella and Tyton.”
A heat wave passes behind my back. Although I tell myself it’s only a finally heated radiator, I turn around and can’t believe my eyes to see Tiberias, dressed in a weirdly mixed uniform of Scarlet Guard and Silver design, running between the groups of soldiers. I whisper his name and I don’t know whether he heard me or if someone’s pointed to me. Tiberias spins around.
And walks to me.
“Good to see you,” he says to both of us. Only that, and quite causally. Probably, he gives the same greeting to everyone here. Kilorn grimaces but shakes hands with Tiberias. The king-to-be offers the same to me and I outstretch my palm. Yet I throw myself against his chest and hug him, feeling his warm hands on my back through the fabric of my uniform. It lasts just for a second. We part, and he’s heading to another group. “Good luck,” he says and adds, “don’t be afraid, it’s intentional.” It should mean nothing but his tiny smile, a fracture in his general’s attitude, gives me hope.
I remember Farley’s words about the Silvers’ plans but Tiberias’s advice makes me wonder if it’ll be worse than I imagined.
Kilorn squeezes my hand while my eyes continue to follow Tiberias’s route through the cramped building. Finally, he lifts a hand and a teleporter jumps him away. Another officer shouts a countdown and at zero, after a second of dreadful silence, I hear the explosions. It’s not bombs alone; the earth begins to shake. It unsettles the whole room but the effect is small compared to what I can see with a short glimpse through a tiny window: Streets are breaking, bridges fall, buildings tumble. The Lerolan oblivions, spread all over the territory, attack the capital itself. The reactions set forth over a whole minute that feels eternal, the noise reverberating in my ears. Their explosions, together several bombs, destroy the stage Maven created for himself.
I’ve been told several minor attacks were started to warn and scare away the grunt of the civillian populace, leaving me to wonder how effective that was. Then Arezzo, one teleporter I know, takes me, Kilorn, and the rest of our team to the eastern power plant.
The first thing I see, still dizzy from the jump, is a corpse. It freezes Kilorn more than me and I have to pull him away although I can feel my own shock as well. He quickly lets go of me and moves ahead, to my worry. But he’s learned more about this place than I did.
Luckily, the plant was already raided. Not so luckily, I don’t know if that reassures me, facing several killed operators while the Reds among them have been arrested. I stop our tracks after I notice the first halfway safe room.
“This one’s okay,” I call out. “I can do it from here.” I click on the radio, relief rushing through when I hear the voices of the other electricons, even though both of them sound as stressed as I am.
“Mare?” Ella asks through the white noise.
“Ready to turn off the city?” I say.
“Been ready for hours, Barrow,” Tyton replies, and I can imagine his sneer in my mind. “Going off in 20 s.”
I close my eyes and concentrate on nothing but the electricity roaming the place in turbines and generators, wires and conducts. I draw it the energy to me, into my body, just until the brink of keeping it contained into myself. It’s a tight fit, as I can’t keep sparks from jumping off my skin. Then I motion for my comrades to shut down the engines. I don’t have to see them pull the lever and clicking on the computers, my electrical sense is more accurate than my eyes. But no matter how much they researched before, they aren’t able to know enough to turn off all emergency bypasses – that is my task. I stop every electron from leaving the plant’s conduct to leave a considerable quarter of the city, as well as the place we’re in, in darkness.
I have to concentrate harder to stop any pulses, bypasses, and other devices in close vicinity, hearing several gasps of surprise. I can’t help everyone complaining about their flashlights though. A comrade guides me to the roof, explaining we need to observe from above. For once, I have to wonder if I couldn’t do the same thing in Whitefire itself, if I was there, to burn the palace down as Evangeline once asked me to. But this has to be enough for today. I glance at Kilorn behind me, wishing to feel his supporting hand on my back. I doubt I’m safe to be touched right now.
There was a discussion to cause an electromagnetic pulse in the city - we electricons could’ve dismantled all electronic devices in the capital in one go. But we didn’t have the time to train for this, nor was the action agreed on. “It’d affect our devices as well, Mare,” Farley told me. Thus, I’m merely standing on the edge of the roof and taking down every enemy military transport I see. The power plant is hardly in the centre of the capital but those hoping to escape the fights through a bypass will be disappointed.
Despite daybreak, dust limits my sight, raising my worry about the civilians again. But I have to keep focused on the task at hand. It’s exhausting and not as effective as if I was down in the streets but I made my promises – I would make it out alive. I’d return to my family. I won’t offer myself to Maven again.
But please, let me see his corpse at the end of the day.
In the distance, I see the storms created by Ella and Tyton in blue and white. I haven’t called forth a storm myself, but I’m untouchable either way. Electricity buzzes and snaps around me and the metal on the plant’s roof. The voltage hums in the air and if the sight wasn’t warning enough, Kilorn and Ashley, another soldier, keep watch, shouting out to comrades and shooting our enemies. I feel safe with them protecting my back as I hurl lightning from the sky at those foes crossing the streets below me and deep inside, I’m relieved by the distance to Whitefire. Last year on this day, I was a prisoner inside its walls, now I see it crumble, with its demon king trapped inside while I stand above the city, shrouded in lightning and as exalted and powerful as a god. A part of me muses if he can see me from here, but most of all, I hope I’m not cursed to fall. 
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