#-VERY uncomfortable to be a part of. esp being from a time where he knows Hisuian practices just… aren’t practiced anymore. and Hisuian-
doomzday-zone · 9 days
and i know some of it is probably also that like, purity culture thing where everyone is so scared to have a 'problematic' fav r ship r whatever the hell. but like you really cannot backtrack any of this shit w william afton. fnaf is VERY upfront and honest about william, he is a very uncomfortable gross character. he KILLS CHILDREN. listen to me. he KILLS LITTLE KIDS. its the basis of the entire franchise and its really telling how bland and uninteresting and quite frankly idiotic people are willing to make him to try n blunt that blade a little.
its so!! fucking strange !!!!!!!! and frustrating!! how people will say they loveee these deeply gross freaky characters while trying to actively erase that part of them!!!! and thats one thing i actually really admire about william afton, its genuinely so fucking hard to do this to him cause you have to ignore 95% of fnaf canon. ACTIVELY. AT ALL TIMES. YOU HAVE TO IGNORE NEARLY EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM.
and its so funny watching people try and do this.
i think the worst thing ppl do then tho is take him at face value, and ESP in the theorizing fandom likeeeee it hurts me... so bad..... ppl will take characteristics of his when hes OBVIOUSLY BEING DECEPTIVE and attribute that to his genuine character, like ive literally seen people talk about him and acknowledge his general untrustworthiness but then seemingly cast it aside to lament about how tortured and sad he really is. and its like?!?!?!?? its so frustrating!!!!!!!!! like do you understand what you guys are doing?????????? YOU'RE LITERALLY FALLING FOR HIS ACT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WILLIAM AFTON WOULD WANT YOU TO BELIEVE THIS ABOUT HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!! people will look william afton in the eyes and trust that he will tell the truth as if his entire character doesnt hinge on the fact that hes ACTINGGGG !!!!¡! HES PUTTING UP A FRONT!!!!!! HES DELIBERATELY MAKING HIMSELF OUT TO BE MORE SYMPATHETIC THAN HE REALLY IS TO DISTRACT FROM THE FACT THAT HE IS A DEEPLY DISTURBED, GROSS, MONSTROUS MAN. like you are LITERALLY falling for the exact tactics he uses TO KILL PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN REAL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE OMGGGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NONE OF YOU would survive william afton.💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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honeyglz · 2 years
</3 Breaking up w/ mha characters + little snippets </3
A/N - Let me know if you guys want full length fics for any of these cause I may or may not do some. Im starting this off with the main three but hopefully Ill do more characters later. Also Shoto's is a lil shorter than the rest my bad. Yk the drill on rpoof reading.
Reader- GN for Bakugou and Deku, fem used for Todoroki (Though it could be veiwed as more of a Afab reader instead, just mind the pronouns) , She/Her, You/Your/ Yours
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters aside from my depiction of Y/N.
Pairings (separate) - Bakugou x (engaged)reader, Deku/Midoriya x (dating) reader , Todoroki x (engaged) reader
Warning- Mentions of violence/death/injury (No abusive relationship is written in this it is just part of their jobs as hero's). Arranged marriage for Shoto's
Category- Angst Check Master-list for follow up's for each character.
-♡- ✮Bakugou K.✮
Reason: He didn't care enough to make time
Plain and simple.
He's a busy guy, esp once he becomes a pro hero
It starts off small too
He misses the good morning kiss he usually gives you
Next its coming home late
At first you thought maybe he was just tired.
Until he starts blowing off dates. Here you were. Sitting in your chair uncomfortable with the amount of whispers that you could hear. 3 hours you had been waiting. Pity glanced brushed off your shoulders as you sighed flagging down a waiter. "ready to order?" the waiter said in a small voice as he watched you try to cover the sadness in your tone "Yea.. Ill take.."
Katsuki arrived home later that night. Covered in soot and ash as he lay on the couch.
You found him in the morning, still fast asleep.
You sighed as you let it slide, he was busy, surely it was a one time thing right?
So so very wrong
He had missed a total of 20 dates
20 .
It wasn't until you finally had enough of being second place to his job did you try and talk to him...
Bad idea. It was late. The glow from your alarm clock light your face, dried tears staining your checks. You looked down at the sliver ring on your finger. Unaware of the door to your shared apartment having been opened. Katsuki's footsteps were heavy, sluggish movements as he kicked off his boots. His gauntlets thrown carelessly onto the couch noticing the dim light from your shared bedroom. Tracking his way into the room he noticed you staring down at your ring, twisting it nervously as you spaced out. A low grumble snapped you from your thoughts as you stared up at him, eyes devoid of the warm glow he fell in love with. "Bakugou. We need to talk." His thoughts came to a halt at your words. Why the actual fuck were you using his last name? He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sighed clearly annoyed at the shit you were trying to pull. "Can this wait, Im fucking tired and-" he huffed only to be cut off "It can't wait." There was a cold sadness to your voice, foreign to his ears. He had to be hearing things. He watched as you stood only now taking in the rest of the room. Your things were missing. "Did we get robbed or sumthin- where the fuck is all your stuff" He said making a vague gesture to what now felt like a very empty room. Katsuki's eyes landed on the packed suitcase. Everything clicking in place now. You were leaving. He felt a lump form in his throat as he looked you over. You looked almost as tired as him. You kept your eyes low fidgeting with the ring once more before speaking. Your words calm and thought out. "I think we should take a break" Now. Katsuki has grown alot in the past years. But something inside him snapped at hearing the dreaded words fall out of your mouth. To him you were giving up on him. Like everyone else. Emotions swirled through his scarlet eyes before an anger bubbled over them.
Safe to say you both didnt recover from that. -♡- ✮Midoriya I. (Deku !!)✮
Reason- He's too scared of leaving you that he kept you at arms length.
You heard me right folks
Poor bby is scared that one day he wont be around and he'll leave you all alone
Leave you all alone while he's still alive :D
Being fr tho ever since he became the new symbol of peace he's had this unconscious state of "Any moment may be my last"
Thing is he didn't really develop this until one night.... There had been a villain attack, one far more catastrophic then anyone would have predicted. Izuku came home hours later battered and bruised beyond belief. Walking into the your shared house it wasn't until he heard muffled cries that he snapped out of his daze rushing to the source only to find you, clutching his shirt, tears streaming down your face as the sound of the news blasted through the room. You turned your head to see your boyfriend, leaning against the door frame, splattered with blood and dirt his clothes torn with wounds oozing the horrid crimson liquid. Your glossy eye's met forest green and you sprang to your feet tripping as you fell, hands gripping his. That night Izuku fought tears while he watched you try to scold him between sobs about how he should have called you. How scared you were and how much you needed him to come home after stuff like that. Something in him switched that night. He never wanted to see you cry like that again.
And so he distanced himself
"Oh why dont u just come home early when stuff like that happens or be more careful"
At the end of the day there is no guarantee he'll be able to call you.
Or that he'll always be safe
There's no guarantee He'll be alive at the end of the day.
Its the realistic statistic's of his life
And of course being the symbol of peace, he had to accept that
But the thought of leading you on with the rest of the world
Leading you to think that every night he'll be there to lay next to you.
Allowing you to feel so much pain if he ever did leave.
The thought alone had him uneasy.
So he did the only thing he could think of.
Letting you leave first. You sighed as you packed your things, Izuku watching out of the corner of his eye, trying his best to act indifferent to it all. "I think that's the last of it..." You said gripping the handle as you looked over to the man you had loved for years. The man that you thought you would marry. The man who now wouldn't even spare you a glance. A uninterested hum echoed through the house. Utter shock painting your face as you scoffed biting back tears that threatened to spill once again. You turned on your heel hand hovering over the cool steel of the door handle before you stopped. "You're not the man I fell in love with, not anymore." You turned the handle leaving the shattered man behind. The slam of the door making the hero flinch. He did it. He kept you save. So why was he still crying? -♡- ✮Todoroki S.✮
Reason - He never gave it a chance
You two had been young when your parents arranged for you both to be wed.
You were told since day one about it.
Shoto, not so much.
It wasn't until he turned 18 was he told of this.
His first thoughts?
He hated it.
He hated the whole idea.
He despised it so much that he fought tooth and nail to get out of it. "You're not listening to me- I don't want to marry someone I've never met!" Anger filled his body as he yelled at his stoic father. The man never once cracking a look of sympathy for his son. Instead he stood up, firm eyes trailing down to the duo coloured ones below. "She had no problem with it. I don't see why you're making such a fuss, its for the family's blood line and-" Shoto felt flames crawl up his skin as he listened to his fathers ramble. Tired of it all he left leaving the man talking to thin air. He paced his training room before sending the room into a pit of rage filled flames. Ice covered the windows as he let out all his pent up anger. Cursing aloud at how foolish anyone would be to marry someone they didn't know.
Safe to say he didnt even want to meet you.
But you did and eventually got engaged.
But it was all a lie.
He didn't love you. He made sure you both knew it -♡- A/N I ran out of room. :/ I can redo Shoto's if yall end up liking this idk
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the fandom can hate riko all they want but (imo) he's a well-written villain (and character (esp if you dig nora's EC))
agree. i was actually thinking about this the other day. well-written villain because well look at everything he's done. well-written character because just look at everything he was made to be.
he's absolutely despicable but when you look at the circumstances that he was literally born into, it has to make you see the complexities of his character. he was doomed from the start because how can you grow up like that, being spoon fed terrible morals and being held to disastrously high expectations while still knowing that you could never be good enough—never even be seen— by the people you most want to impress... how can you grow up like that and not be doomed. he was born as a spare but was raised to be a star and that combination makes for such a dark life i don't think there's any other way he could've turned out.
and the thing too is that part of it is too relatable. like the whole thinking that if you just put in so many hours, if you just accomplish so many goals, if you just push yourself hard enough you'll be worthy of praise from the person you want it from most. this is not enough to redeem him (to me), but his very last scene where he's just met his brother for the first time (which is what he's worked for all his life) and is all emotionally destroyed right before being killed by him... it does make something twist uncomfortably in my chest every time. and it makes me hyper aware of how young he is too.
to some extent i think he's not unlike the foxes, not unlike Seth in particular. except that he is held down infinitely more tightly and he has nobody at all looking out for him. again, it's usually not enough for full forgiveness but he is really something.
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tyrannuspitch · 7 months
another thing that's really uncomfortable about the comics backstory is that it's very often like. 1. loki was adopted as a ~10 year old, not a baby, and therefore 2. his heritage was never even remotely a secret. and in this circumstance i feel like thor being abusive (esp from the start) is... so much worse?
like, in the mcu with its secrecy and early adoption, you can say that if thor mistreats loki, it's at least partly because he's semi-consciously picking up on their parents not treating loki as equal, but he doesn't know why, so it's just How Things Are (and always have been, literally as long as he can remember!). like, loki being abused is normalised at a fundamental level for thor. and if odin and frigga don't intervene, well, they've already proven their willingness to treat loki as inferior by lying to him his whole life. the mcu is definitely its own kind of horrifying, but it's a quiet and insidious kind, and you can see how the characters could be gradually led into worse and worse actions over time.
whereas in comics canon, where everything is out in the open from the start... thor mistreating loki just looks like straightforward, conscious prejudice. even if he claims otherwise, it's really hard to believe that space racism ISN'T a factor. sure, you just decided your adopted-brother-from-a-completely-dehumanised-enemy-species is your inferior for... no reason. convincing! and the parents not intervening is like... they don't even have anything to hide??? why would you even be hands-off about this unless you literally, consciously want it to happen? it's literally just like. "hey 'dad' you know the boy you told to treat me like a brother last week? well he isn't doing that. he's using me as a punchbag instead" "oh. how sad, my son." "are you going to tell him to stop???" "no."
like, when mcu thor calls loki his brother i believe him. i really do think that mcu thor truly and deeply sees loki as his brother, and himself and loki as fundamentally tied together (to a potentially unhealthy extent), etc etc. but sometimes when comics thor calls loki his brother it's like... okay, but you've never treated him like a brother. you have spent your whole life punishing him for being different at every opportunity. but now that you want to scold him, you're brothers? this is not love! this is an excuse!!!
like. i may not be being entirely fair to the comics here; there may be far better and more complex versions i haven't found yet. but just based on my experience so far... in the mcu, "they hurt you but they're your family" is this elaborate manipulative mind game where everyone involved really does love each but finds ways to justify the abuse anyway, so love and abuse are inseparable and often expressed by the exact same act, and this causes fundamental damage to the sons' concept of what love even is, whether love without abuse is *possible*, whether ceasing to love "family" is *possible*, etc etc... whereas in many of the comics, "they hurt you but they're your family" is like. those are literally the only two things they do. they hurt you, and then they SAY you're their family to stake ownership while doing absolutely nothing to prove their alleged love, not even the barest scraps of affection, ever. like come on??? i would cause the apocalypse over and over too!!!
(and as i said before - the situation being bad doesn't make the writing bad. but this continuous hand-wringing and pretending that thor's part in it is more complicated and more sympathetic than they ever actually show... does.)
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lokisasylum · 10 months
The situation is critical, we need to be careful…
Jang Seunghyun, also known as ARMY52Hz on twitter/X, has been for the past 24 hours posting after posting, after posting none stop in a desperate attempt to save his ass after being exposed for his lack of transparency, favoritism and one-sided beef with—not just Jimin, but all the other members as well.
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‘Cause if you guys recalled when I posted about this guy earlier this year, during Jimin’s first and second wave of sabotages, where it was revealed that this person is not only working directly for Hybe and therefore under their payroll. He’s very much obsessed with Jungkook to the point of dressing up and wanting to look like him, and in addition has been caught hanging out around DCGallery, the infamous forum filled with BTS antis who love to fabricate rumors and hate campaigns (his email and IP address also match that of one of the biggest Jimin hater blogs).
But if that's not enough to raise your blood pressure aside from the damage he's already done to this fandom since God knows when. Here's a recent post he made:
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Did you catch that?
No? Lemme just--
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Yep, you read that right, on one hand he is admitting that he "and his team" (meaning other staff who help in managing the account) made a mistake (althought I sincerely doubt that purposely and intentionally manipulating charts in order to "encourage" people to vote for who YOU want is a "mistake" that bypassed multiple people).
This bastard is referring not only to Jimin, but also Suga and V as "unrelated singers". Jimin was at No.11 on the chart and only needed TWO points in voting to enter Top10. Both Suga and V weren't too far below him and could have also entered, but no, they purposely made Karmys hoard ALL of the votes for ONE member. 'Cause this is how they continuously showed the charts to "the fandom":
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But if Jimin, Suga, V and any other member are considered "unrelated singers" and are known to have been directly sabotaged by this same account who we know works for HYBE... are they indirectly admitting to something we still don't know, but have been suspecting for some time now?
Is the whole "2025 BTS Reunion" a farce and they're only creating false expectations to keep Army from leaving so when the dreaded d-word happens the company will be free to promote ONE member and use the fandom AGAIN?
But if that's not enough to get your panties in a bunch with an uncomfortable itch. Then the next thing surely will.
Remember I've also warned you guys about trusting certain "translators" in the fandom because many of them are known to do (intentional) mis-translations in order to portray certain members in a certain way to feed an agenda and get them hate.
if the name "hiraeth8221" sounds familiar to you, it should because she has been exposed like many others as these type of translators so it should be no surprise that someone exposed this little gem:
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This was before Bighit became HYBE. And it was known the translators were few and people sometimes "from the fandom" would get directly hired to work with them.
But guess who this particular translator is defending TODAY:
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Yep, ARMY52Hz. Which means hiraeth8221 is STILL under Hybe payroll and very much involved with other Hybe controlled accounts known to create trouble in the fandom.
But that's not the most disturbing part, the real scary thing is that after she too got exposed today, minutes--maybe SECONDS later MANY army and especially Jimin stan accounts that opposed what ARMY52Hz did and are actively boycotting them, started getting mass reported by mysterious "Korean army accs" that seemed to have been created in the past 24hrs when ARMY52Hz got first exposed for manipulation.
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This has of course enabled jungkook solos to also mass attack other members and their stan accounts. While also publicly defending ARMY52Hz. WHY? Because its been known and mentioned for YEARS that the fandom did nothing to control them and taekookers whenever they caused harm, especially to Jimin. Hell, they said it themselves:
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But now that their little bubble is close to bursting if and when they loose accounts like ARMY52Hz. They'll be done for and finally exposed for the deranged bunch they've always been.
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If at this point you don't feel your stomach turning at how much from this fandom (and maybe even BTS themselves) has been heavily manipulated over the years... and now with the addition of Scooter Braun doing the real damage by manipulation of the charts, sales ect in order to favor certain people... then I don't know what else to tell or show you guys to make you understand how BAD the situation is.
And honestly at this point, not even the 2025 BTS Reunion will fix it. if anything it might get WORST.
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yentling · 2 months
Two episodes into the vampire show. Notes:
- first ep: Southern gothic tropes reimagined in terms of black wealth which is fascinating esp bc of similarities between Louis’s family and the central characters of The Sound and the Fury. I especially need to think more about the role of Paul as a mentally ill character here.
- Jacob Anderson is acting his entire ass off in this show
- I assumed as much but Eric Bogosian really is doing his best Anthony Bourdain impression here
- second episode: was trying to verbalize this coherently with my gf yesterday but basically there’s this really interesting theme of like ethical consumption here where we have Lestat who is obviously predatory and will eat basically indiscriminately as long as it feels logical to him (and his logic is twisted). This does not feel human to Louis whom we now see enjoying this total gluttony of presumably “ethically sourced” blood but it very clearly is like…entrenched in processes that are probably not very ethical. And we can work this into these tropes of the “vegetarian vampire” and our attitudes toward animal consumption to begin with where like most of us don’t want to kill another human being because that’s too cruel and hunting an animal is too much for most people BUT going to the grocery store for our meat and veg is often time contributing to far more cruelty toward both animals and humans.
- And then conversely to criticize Lestat too like hunting is often times put into the context of sport right like big "game" (so called because of the use of hunting as a sport) hunting was never really about survival right? Like even aside from whether they were using the animal remains or not, the effect is not to survive the beast but to assert domination over these colonized areas and their people. While native people often featured as helpful characters in big game memoirs they were usually also depicted as foolish, cowardly, or even untrustworthy when compared to the hypermasculine white hunter. And I think we really see this in Lestat’s approach toward feeding, and it’s maybe part of why Louis feels uncomfortable not only as someone who still feels connected to humanity, but as a Creole black man.
- Lestat is sooo fascinating in this rendition and I’m still trying to refine my understanding of him because there’s clearly so much he is like right about in terms of race relations in the US but he’s also specifically a white predator, right? Like we can say that Lestat is “in love with Louis’s humanity” which is probably true but there’s an area here where some of this complexity is coming from Louis’s racial identity, which makes him vulnerable in multiple ways. Which isn’t so unusual in real life white “allies” obviously but raises interesting questions in the context of vampirism.
- as usual vampirism here is such a fascinating analogy for capitalism and imperialism. The fact that the first victim we know about (as in we have met the character) in a sex worker. Like intentional or not I think vampires make us question who is bearing the brunt of this widespread exploitation? And you can see this as a direct metaphor for the bourgeoisie sucking the life force out the proletariat or you can move away from that and just think about, like…the reason serial killer victims are usually homeless people, sex workers, and others who are seen as, you know, unwanted by society is because they exist in a sort of underclass maintained and reenforced by capitalist structures.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
HIII!! can i ask, how do you write Mordecai Heller?? THANK YOUU!!
hmm Ill try to answer this best I can and try not to ramble too long but we'll see how that goes... Im not gonna act like im an expert or whatever, this is just my thought process ig? ALSO Im ace and so is he, and I add my own experiences into my writing. Anyway the long version here:
so first thing's first!! READ THE COMIC ALSO THE SIDE COMICS ALSO ALL THE EXTRAS bc esp the extras, you get to see a lot of his personality pre-Marigold. It's two very distinct points in his life - I'd venture to say that pre-Lackadaisy and early Lackadaisy Mordecai are also very different (and that makes sense - he was a kid, and he was with the Lackadaisy crew for 7 years). He has a very distinct character progression that in my opinion is very interesting and well-written!
actually, p much all lackadaisy characters are well-written, but mordecai is a fun case because he just has so much going on: his social skills are abysmal, and he doesn't seem to find it a problem. he has committed brutal murders and executions and considers them 'just business'. he doggedly pursues discrepancies. he fixates on things being neat and symmetrical if possible. He can deal with things not being that way, for a time (note when he's covered in bloody and filthy from a job, he doesn't freak out - because that's Business (tm) and he can just wash up anyway. But a driver getting a snot mess all over the car he has to drive in all the time? Unforgivable.) he grew up in squalor and has a serious phobia of spiders and rats. He's emotionally repressed in more ways than one. He's queer and is deeply uncomfortable with people (especially women) touching him or showing interest. He still thinks about his sisters fondly. he also thinks they're better off without him. He actually found a friend (or more) in Viktor and he'd never, ever, ever say it, and his way of keeping his friend out of crime and 'protecting' him was by shooting his kneecaps. his sense of humor is crap, and he doesn't understand why his mannerisms would be considered amusing. he got into crime at a young age, doing gangster's finances for them. as a kid.
im missing some other tidbits, but you get it. the dude is real interesting to think about and write, to say the least.
I think a lot of writing mordecai, esp if you're writing a more romantic fic or even if it's just platonic - he's so closed off! part of why the Savoys are so interested in him is they've worked with him a year and he just doesn't loosen up or talk much about himself. he and viktor knew each other seven whole-ass years and you think they ever talked about their families? how they came to know atlas? what they thought about the job? granted, Viktor is just as closed-off himself, but you get what im saying. he has a serious problem with letting people in, and part of writing him is getting a crowbar and figuring out which spot to put it in and bend it juuuust enough to open something up.
ok that metaphor went somewhere weird, but you get me. and, if im being honest, a LOT of what i channel is my own asexual experience. I used to be very touch averse, especially to the opposite gender - to the point where i'd panic if I felt a man was "too close" (i.e. less than 2 feet) and "lingering" (aka minding his business). I didnt mind my friends hugging me, but I didnt really like the cuddle sessions my female friends wanted to do, and after a point, I disliked hugs from my male friends. if a guy was crushing on me? Hell no, he wasnt going near me, even if I thought he was cute too (when I was younger I DEF had a thing for my female friends too, but i registered that as 'gaaaaal paaaals' for the LONGEST time until I accepted I was bi) There was like - an undercurrent of fear and anxiety. It took me a long time to identify why. while other people seemed delighted when people they liked held their hands and hugged and kissed, it sent me into a panic.
eventually i figured out my thought process: physical affection will inevitably lead to sex, and bc i thought i was straight, there was the terrifying thought of ... oh god if i date a guy he'll expect me to have sex. oh no oh no oh no-
(and no, no one taught me much about consent or taking things slow or talking to your partner. i had to figure it out, which sucked.)
all this to say ... when I write Mordecai, especially in a romantic sense, I kind of channel that anxiety I felt in my teens and early 20s. and like, this is the 1920's!!!!* Not to mention his upbringing, and of course his line of work - where he definiately cant have feelings getting in the way of murdering someone. I think this adds up to someone whose repressing themselves - their sexual thoughts (or lack thereof), memories of family, romantic thoughts, platonic thoughts, and so on.
I like to think - again, this is fanfiction, I seriously doubt it'll come up in the comics - in a romantic relationship (or even an intense platonic one), he gets intense about it. Because Mordecai is an intense guy - you can't hatchet up someone "because i was told to", or kneecap a friend you wanted to "protect", or switch sides to your father figure's rival and pretend like you betrayed everyone just to investigate that father figure and not be, uh. some kind of Intense. I often think that, in a relationship, his jealousy and confusion/apprehension around affection and sexuality would be just as intense. And eventually, the feelings of loyalty and devotion ... once he finally lets himself have it. Because I also think, to some degree, he doesn't think he should have it - just like he thinks his sisters and mother should just leave him behind.
when im writing him in the romantic sense - as I began to accept and understand my sexuality, and talk through my feelings with my partner (also generally have better mental health, my touch averseness got a lot better.** Again, Im also kind of projecting my feelings and experiences onto Mordecai regarding this. I like to think that, once he really trusts someone and allows them to touch him, other barriers begin to tumble down. its like raw nerves being touched sometimes, but he steadily gets used to it and eventually takes solace in it (now getting him to ADMIT that srfjsdfs--)
anyway! As always, fanfic is fanfic. You are free to characterize this murdercat however you wish. These are just the jumbled thoughts that run around in my brain.
* Asexuality, like homosexuality and many shades of queerness, was considered an illness. IF anyone even acknowledged asexuality at all - its definition and terminology hadn't really caught on until the 1970's, though the Kinsey scale attempted to address it (and Jennie June attempted to write and define this in the 1920s, but I seriously doubt her writings were widespread).
**A stranger can brush past me or put a hand on me and I only have a few seconds of anxiety. My friends and family can hug me for a while, or I can cuddle up to them. I don't mind my husband cuddling or kissing me at all anymore; he's actually the one person I can tolerate sustained affection from. A huge part of this change came from accepting and understand my asexuality as part of me. I wasnt "messed up" and "broken".
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Gender identity: Bigender, epicene (my interpretation based off anon's explanation)
Why would transition save them?: "i wrote an actual essay on this so basic premise: oscar is biologically female, but her father just. pronounces her a boy at birth so he can raise her as a soldier. everyone still knows she's biologically female and she still uses she/her pronouns, but she's brought up socially male. so like. inherently we've got some gender. she canonically doesn't want to be seen solely as a man though. like iirc she doesn't like being mistaken for a man. there's one scene where she wears a dress just so she can interact w a character who Does see her solely as male in a setting where he'll view her as female. …but she also doesn't want to be seen solely as female!! she's very uncomfortable with a character who emphasizes that he sees her solely as a woman!!!! Obviously part of this has to do w just the social restrictions on women and all of that esp since she's in pre- and actively Revolutionary France, but like. she has one line that translates to "I am not a man… I am not a woman…" like. How much more explicitly genderqueer can you get. There are numerous other times throughout the manga where oscar thinks of herself as not being male, or not being female, AND ALSO there are numerous lines where she DOES think of herself as one or the other. she literally explicitly exists outside the gender binary and is both male & female (but also neither exclusively). if she had known the word bigender it literally would have saved her sm grief"--anon
Mod addition: "Same reasons as anon, but the way anon describes Oscar's experiences with being both and neither a man and a woman and wanting to be seen as either both or neither or both AND neither depending on the situation...resonates with my epicenity in general."--mod @sunkern-plus
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lilbreck · 1 year
ST:TOS 103 - Where No Man Has Gone Before
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Yes, we did skip an episode. No, we will not be reviewing Charlie X. While we found both Charlie and Mitchell creepy, Charlie’s age and his ability to control people made both of us too uncomfortable to enjoy even watching the episode.
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We open the episode with Spock and Kirk wearing ugly sweaters and Spock without his eyeshadow. Though, Nimoy’s makeup almost matches his sweater. This scene also brings us another bit of Early Episode Weirdness in that Spock claims that one of his ancestors married a human female. He neglects to mention that said ancestor was his father and the woman was his mother. I’m thinking that they didn’t have Spock’s full backstory fleshed out when they started filming. At least his eyebrows are closer to being in check. Yes, I’m endlessly amused by this.
I can only assume that Spock and Kirk are currently still on duty in uniform, because we do see people out of uniform in the back. I can’t remember, do we ever see the main crew out of uniform on the ship? (Daughter’s note: Why don’t they have badges if they’re in uniform? Did they fall off without them noticing?)
I know it’s nitpicky, but they don’t have any sort of quarantine procedure for things they beam onboard? I’m pretty sure they address this in Strange New Worlds, IIRC, and possibly in some of the other Star Trek series, but it really does seem like a major oversight. No decontamination or anything. It’s really surprising there weren’t more outbreaks of strange viruses or radiation sickness on starships.
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As much as I love the touch screens of the later shows, there is something I just adore about all the toggles, switches, and physical buttons of the old Trek. One thing I never loved? When a superior would come over and hover as if he actually knew what you were doing and was making sure you were doing it right. I refuse to believe Kirk could actually operate the transporter controls unless they had been pre-prepared for him and he only needed to touch one button.
I know it’s kind of hard to tell because he’s wearing the wrong color shirt, but there’s our first Scotty sighting! Now just to figure out the first time he and Uhura are in a scene together. And you thought your pairs were rare. Also, the disaster recorder (which I keep mistakenly calling a probe) looks like some sort of filter drum from an industrial AC unit.
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When they talked about its tapes being intact, my daughter got a big laugh. I told her that “In the future, we’ll like things retro.” Retro apparently also means downgrading back to the previous big screen TV/view screen. Side note: there is no need to have someone hovering over the captain’s shoulder like that. At one point he even directs her to stand in a different place. What was even the point of this character?
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At this point I become very confused. Where exactly are they heading? They can’t be following a signal, because the signal is coming from the recorder. Just, they randomly start heading somewhere and run into what is probably the same strange field.
Now, we have two other new characters, and you can tell the woman (Elizabeth Dehner) will be sexually repressed because she’s wearing pants. This is confirmed when Mitchell inappropriately tries to flirt with her, and she basically rejects him. He then calls her a walking freezer unit and my daughter and I decide he needs to die painfully. Side note: there is no real point to her character. She doesn’t even get any real part to play until very near the end, and it was not all that necessary.
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I know it was the 60s, and it’s possible that those kind of things were taken more seriously, but the way they talk about ESP and things like that as if they’re Very Scientific™ just makes me giggle.
Another issue I have with this episode is that they took the ship out of the galaxy instead of sending some sort of probe to gather information. Apparently, Starfleet and/or The Enterprise are run by Kerbals.
Given that both actors who had to wear the contacts kept their heads tilted back and seemed to be looking down toward what they were trying to see, I wonder if that’s the only way they could actually see out of them. I can’t imagine they were terribly comfortable.
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Later on we get needless and uncomfortable interactions between Mitchell and Dehner, Mitchell being creepy and ominous, and Spock jumping right to “Kill him, Jim.” Of course, then we get undeniable proof that Mitchell and Kirk could never have really been friends:
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He couldn’t even get Kirk’s middle initial right. Or, you know, they hadn’t actually worked on Kirk’s full bio at this point.
In the fight scene, the first where we get a ripped Kirk shirt, we never actually see what rips the shirt. We have Shatner’s body double do a flying tackle and then, when we cut to Shatner getting up (please forgive the blurriness):
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It ends with Mitchell being buried in a grave (that I don’t think could have held him) and Dehner dying from… Emperor Palpatine style lightning bolt fingers. Kirk records that they both died in the line of duty. I choose to believe both bodies were left there, and they recovered. They learned to get along and remade the planet to be very hospitable… or they moved to a one far away. They’re gods, they can do that shit.
End of episode tallies (details by daughter)
Unprofessional Behavior: 01 (Mitchell, who was still himself at the time, harasses Dehner. After the zapping, however, I consider him under the influence and as such, none of his interactions with Kirk afterward count.) Total: 05
Starfleet Are Cheapskates: 01 (Kirk’s shirt got ripped and we don’t know why. RIP.) Total: 02
Reasons Why Enterprise Needs a Counselor: 01 (Kirk had to kill his friend.) Total: 02
Early Episode Weirdness: 04 (Spock? Why are you wearing yellow? And downplaying your human heritage? And you too, Scotty. Minus the human heritage. Spock also suggests killing Mitchell sooner than he probably would have later on.) Total: 05
In The Future, We Like It Retro: 01 (Tapes. They use tapes.) Total: 02
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chikkou · 1 year
Oh yeah ABSOLUTELY sorry for being an anon responding to your tags but like the little kid in the video could have been traumatized because they 100% thought their mom was being hurt bad but the tweet thread is right. Like fuck them a little bit for dismissing how traumatizing growing up in parts of America are like black kids are traumatized by growing up black in America esp in ghettoized areas but also he’s right
yeah i definitely do think that its important to note that things which would be normal (but uncomfortable) for a teenager/pre-teen can 100% be traumatizing for a young child if they dont understand whats happening. loud moaning can be from pleasure OR pain, and since a child that young has no context for the former, it would be completely rational for them to assume it was the latter and freak tf out.
ive definitely heard a story ages ago (cant remember where sadly, i think it was a friend from way back tho) where the storyteller was a child, heard his mom screaming in his parents' room in the dead of night, went to see if she was ok, saw his dad holding his mom down on the bed, and thought he was trying to kill her! of course they were just having sex, but the kid didnt know what that was and actually tried to attack the dad to save his mom. i recall the guy telling the story in a jokey way, and it is kind of funny with the benefit of hindsight LMAO, but he then went on to say that it fucked with him for a long time, like made him somewhat afraid of his father, and that it took him a long time to move past it. an extremely negative experience which would have been very easily avoided if the mom hadnt been screaming like a mountain lion LMAO
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sopebubbles · 1 year
ik it may sound weird but i missed u sm! i missed lone wolf too!!😭😭😭
i hope u've been doing well in life!💜💜💜
I finally managed to have some more time since wrk chilled a bit & i've caught up untill ch 6 this morning & OMFG U ABSOLUTE BRILLIANT LOVELY & SUPER TALENTED WRITER!!! U KEEP ON EXCEEDING ANYTHING EXPECTATION I MAY HAVE & KEEP ON DELIVERING INCREDIBILE WRK OF LITERATURE!!!
i'm literally vibrating w/ excitement over all the things i just read & all the stuff i have to appreciate out loud now!! but i better calm my ass down,i don't wanna sound crazy or not make any sense....
also,if i'm being too much or overly excited or if i'm makin' u uncomfortable w/ asks like this,just lmk so i can tone it down & properly apologise in case😅🙏
(i've prepared a list in a rush to TRY to make a bit more sense but ... i'm not sure i'm gonna so srry if it seems like my thoughts are all over the place😣 the adhd rush isn't helping as well💀😅)
So,i kinda spoilered myself abt jin's moment of "assholery" by reading other asks/anons so i was expecting to read abt it sooner or later & .. i dunno,maybe bc i was expecting it or smth i'm not as mad at him as i thought i would be? lemme explain myself better: i fully agree that his hostility & antagonising of y/n is completely unfair,uncalled 4 & puts him in the wrong 100%. but i also feel like it makes totally sense to have this reaction from him in order 4 the story to progress in this way. what i mean is that it's obvious that both him & hobi come from a place of privilege,from a life that isn't as close to the direct effects of bigotry(etc) as y/n's is. ofc bc they both are lykos & adults & informed(tnx also to hearing abt the effects of bigotry & discrimination from their mates that deal w/ it at wrk) BUT their lives were never fundamentally shaped around the harsh reality of everything that being a lyko entails in this wrld as much as it has happened w/ y/n. & bc of this, they still are at a stage where they can't fully understand y/n nor grasp what pulls the strings behind her thinking,her behaviour,her reactions. & i think that's just to be expected, it's natural that a privileged person is not gonna be able to wrap their head around most things that come w/ interacting w/ somebody who's not priliged like them & has seen & lived the worst the status quo can put somebody of that marginalised group through. This puts them in a very important position where if they will come around makin y/n a part of their lives,they will have to do a lot of wrk of learning new & diff realities that exist outside of their own,on a deeper lv of just being aware of it from a distance gifted to you by your privilege. & in that process of learning, they can become the most powerful allies to y/n in her own process of unlearning internalised hatred & discrimination instead, & introduce her better to their way of seeing likos & omegas in their reality that isn't centered around saps but their families & pack's life. said that,does that justify jin's hostility toward y/n,does it make it ok? N to the hell O,no absolutely. it makes sense from a realistic pov & it sets ground 4 opportunities to come to terms w/ his biases & starts to unlearn them in the future,as the story progresses ofc, but it won't save him from catchin' these hands 4 sure!!😃🤜
i may also think that it would be a tiny lill' bit satisfying in the future to see him( when he's already done the inner wrk of unlearning & reconciliated w/ y/n) look back at this 1st moments & see them under a totally diff & new light & feel remorse/guilt a lil bit...just a lil bit😊🤏 (if that happens in the story i mean. i don't know yet & this is just the magic that's part of the reader experience! don't feel pressured of anything,these are all just my rambles & speculations ofc ^^)
-even tho we still have to get a proper taste of him(which is super fine,things are going w/ the pace u write them to!^^), i abso love how u'r writing tae so far! esp how u pictured his artistic & more sensisitive side & how u showed it as smth that is valued & respect by all pack members! it is refreshing both in the sense of seeing it represented by an alpha character & also by a male character. it really left a deep impression in me & made me fall deeper in love w/ your writing!😄💜
-Another refreshing choice of yours that i really have an emotional attachment to at this point is making hobi a power-boss-i wear the pants in the house-omega! not only that,but he's also an omega that by choice & in completely autonomy taps into his own softness & domestic role,while not being seen as less or weaker bc of that,quite the opposite,he's seen as basically the leader,the person that everybody relies on 4 decision-makin' & management of their home,pack & dynamics! a role that most of times i've seen assigned to namjoon or jin as solely alphas tho,so it's nice to see u break out of that mold
-I also i'm a huge fan of how u represent y/n's internalised bigotry, through a voice & constant internal fighting between aspects of herself that she sees either as diff versions of herself or parts she refuses to acknowldge or see as herself anymore.
-this story feels to me like a story that will eventually become the narration of a journey of unlearning, of healing & finding self-worth within & so much more... w/ huge amounts of angst along the way... i dunno if this is what u have in mind ofc,but whatever direction this story will head into,ik 4 sure i won't be disapointed & i'm gonna love both the ride & the destination regardless cause your writing is THAT MUCH GOOD!!
...ik i wrote way too much & probab i was too much,but i hope it doesn't weird u out!!
i hope u feel proud of your wrk & know how much it is appreciated & loved!!
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(srry 4 all the grammar monstrosities in here🤡)
Duuuuuude i thought you died or something and i missed you too. Like so much. I love your asks. They're never too much. I love how you pick up literally all the things i put down in my writing. Like you mention things I've been hoping someone would mention. I should let you know in case you didnt see that chapter 7 was posted a few days ago. And that's where a lot of the jin anger came from 👀 but its good bc im ready to jump into this ask, and im gonna go completely out of order.
First of all, I'm so glad you brought up her internal dialog and how they are actually different parts of herself. The italicized voice is her instinctual, most internal self. Like her real consciousness, and i hear it as very soft. It's almost a child's voice, and its almost always pleading in the most heartbreaking way just to have its needs met. The saddest part is that so often she doesn't hear it as herself. The bold italic voice is actually a combination of many voices, thats why its bold. Sometimes its just one pretty agressive voice, as someone from her past who has wormed its way into her head and multiplied there. Sometimes i hear it as many layered voices, like some kind of legion of demons trying to shut down her little voice. And its sad bc one of those voices is just the part of her that has developed to protect herself. Like it tells her not to do things that she needs but knows will get her in trouble, like nesting. The worst part is that more often than not she sides with/backs up the bold voice with her own deliberate thoughts. She still refuses to give her inner child what it needs and its so heartbreaking. The development of these voices throughout the story is one thing im really looking forward to developing (sorry i have thought so much about this)
You got it right with your analysis of their privilege! There's a little bit of a divide within the pack when it comes to privilege and how much it touches each of them. Its a reason jimin and yoongi have a special relationship with each other, not that it's better than the others, just different bc they understand things the others never will truly get. But they will try. Jin and yn will eventually have a relationship of trying to understand each other and jin will definitely regret those early days. We're a bit far from that for now 😬
Im glad you like tae too! He's kind of got a sad story that we're not ready to focus on yet, but seeing mc bring out a confident side in him will be worth the wait 🥰
Hobi is so powerful and strong and in charge, everyone else is lucky to be in his presence. Honestly he coddles Jin a little too much sometimes and thats part of how he got as bad as he is but wait you have to read chapter 7 and 8 🤐
Thats exactly what this story is about! Its bts so i feel like they're perfect for a Love Yourself journey! They're a good pack for her because they wont let all the troubles of this world leak into their home. They'll protect her from the systemic violence that has really destroyed her from the outside in. Its going to be a tough but i think very rewarding journey!
Ps. I think i answered this whole ask without bringing up alpha yoongi (which is the longest ive gone without talking about Yoongi in weeks) so thats good i guess my brains not totally rotten. (Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi okay bye)
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dojae-huh · 1 year
i saw the ask where anon talked about how woo is taking a lot of potential from a better dojae unit and i couldn't help but agree. its kinda of a hard pill to swallow but there are some reasons that i could think of.
jungwoo is there as doyoung's support systems. its unspoken how doyoung seems to be awkward and uncomfortable acting around jaehyun esp in front of the camera where he needs to restrain himself. maybe he'a avoiding to do anything that could cause a stir amongst shippers (inevitable, we live off crumbs) or from him being self cautious. but with woo, he's more comfortable to act like a close brother and hugs him (will there be a day where we get a proper hug this era), and it seems that doyoung relies on jungwoo alot and vice versa. so maybe that's why jungwoo was chosen to be in the unit.
jungwoo's image. he's refreshing, youthful, boyish and very lovable that i think would be a loss if the company won't profit off such idol. jungwoo has decent singing and better dancing skills. he performs so excellent in perfume and kiss so far, his parts were my favourite. there's something about how his expressions showed his enthusiasm and excitement to be onstage got me. this image was a special add on to dojae. of course we know how well jaehyun and doyoung complement each other but if i were to make an analogy:
jaehyun's the base note that acts like a foundation for the combination. without him, the group will fall. he's the most popular member in nct, and lets agree we all had a crush on him at one point. he's perfect visual, vocals, dance and performance wise.
doyoung's the middle note that brings the group together. with jaehyun they would be enough to become one group. doyoung's smart (jae's words) and he's considered as the group's manager. so i'm guessing doyoung did more than an idol's job for this unit, he was the one working behind the scenes. his vocals, visuals and popularity amongst his loyal fans guarantees success. dance/performance wise he's decent, but damn he did outperformed himself this time - esp in kiss. i might be biased but who can control themselves when doyoung's bare waist and chest was out like that? hehe
lastly jungwoo. the sweet cherry on top. he's the top note. it's like how we can have ice cream on its own (jaedo), but we can make it better with toppings on top - that's jungwoo to me in this unit. as a jaedo shipper myself, i really wanted a jaedo only unit but that's just wishful thinking. sm knows, they all know how jaedo will bring more than profit to the table. its risky, and they're playing the safe card. but hey, i'm happy for both of them. back to jungwoo, he fits in surprisingly with the two and i'm very interested to see more of their performances. i'm rooting for woo all the way.
You described dojaejung. Dojae alone would have a different concept and image, that would work around their strengths as two. It's like TaeMarkYY vs TaeMark.
Doyoung really put effort into practice of the two choreos we saw. He is quick, sharp and even has good hand gestures in places. His stiffness in torso is barely in the way because the choreo is adapted to his kind of motions.
I really hope Jungwoo will stay the way he was during the countdown live. He was charged and enthusiastic, but didn't try to stirr things his way, disrupt Do's set manner of presenting things, didn't attack Jae. Because he worked as support, followed the same vector as the two others, he felt in place, fitting. Vacance type of push and pull although is fun as variety, is also an exhausting way to function as a group as someone has to give in, to sacrifice to keep the peace.
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cutemeat · 2 years
3, 7, and 10!
3. what are your top 3 favorite episodes?
I have many many manyyyy faves (and also got this question a bunch, which excites me so dont worry ab that) so im gonna do different themes for my top 3's...
my top 3 fave eps of eps that I've rewatched the most are: The Gang Gets Romantic, The Gang Group Dates, and The Gang Dances Their Asses Off (with Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life as an honorable mention lol)
7. what’s something that we haven’t seen in the show yet that you’d like to see?
i clearly wanna see some resolution or 'get together' scene ONSCREEN (cuz i have argued previously that they HAVE already banged offscreen in Dennis Gets Divorced) but I'd like to see, at the very least, going from writing Macdennis as subtext to making that the overt text. Which, in their defense, they've started doing since s12 ... but I just hope they execute the culmination of the storyline they started in s12/s13 in a way that.. does not suck ass. and i'm usually willing to give rcg a lot of leeway about this particular thing cuz like. theyre str8 they dont know any better LOL. but yeah i wanna see mac and dennis kiss, fuck, date, idc! something!
other things i'd like to see: i'd like to see charlie getting some cathartic 'snapping' arc where he goes back into the badroom and in the vents and the gang cant get him out cuz hes rlly emotional (like as a result of his dad dying or smth) and he basically just snaps, Phantom of the Opera style but he'd be like the Phantom of Paddy's... and maybe this is all while Dee's trying to host an event of whatever kind and so hes just lurking around the whole time trying to sabotage the event... maybe he kidnaps someone LOL thatd be ccool
i also would LOVE to see waitress becoming a more recurring character, esp to team up with Dee. I'd ideally like to see them move IN together n be a duo, but I'll take what I can get. I also just wanna see Dee going crazy. I kinda want Dennis and Dee to have a swap where DEE is the angry, spiteful one and Dennis is just sad and pathetic at his lowest yknow? LOL. Like I think they could easily do this as well, and it seemed to me like they experimented with that kind of dynamic in Gets New Wheels. and lastly, PUT DEE IN THE DUSTER!!!!
i'd like to see more of Mac's ACTUAL life... cuz he has been TALKING about doing all this shit the past couple seasons but we dont get to see what he's ACTUALLY getting up to. So sorta a Mac's Double Life ep but done much better LOL. I just want some character exploration with Mac cuz they seem to be struggling with what to do with Mac since he came out. And I know part of that also has to do with Rob wanting to have a gay man in the writers room but (so far, as far as I know) not being able to get any lol.
I'd also like to see some shit about whatever is going on with Frank that we found out he has a serious, terminal disease in s11... but ik a lot of ppl have said that before me, and for good reason its like.. wtf is going on there LOL
10. who’s your least favorite character?
shit... good question.... yknow i'll just use this as an opportunity to say i hate the way they wrote fat mac. it just felt like they squandered his potential. the way they executed the joke itself was just reeking of rcg's own body image issues which makes it just uncomfortable/not funny if you dont ALSO have rcg's body issues LOL. like i think if they'd done a slower progression over time where the characters just Look Their Age as they age would be a good subversion and probably not too difficult to maintain LMAO. and if Rob wanted Mac's part in that to be gaining some weight for a season/a couple seasons that could've been subversive in itself and done well. But I think bc they made it a seasonal gimmick it suffered for that. So I'm not really answering the question i Know but KJDFGNKDJ tbh i loooove the cast of characters we've become familiar with I think they're all great
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
well i've finished the first star wars trilogy lads (return of the jedi was my 69th film of the year jsyk lol hashtag nice)!
some of the bits of the trilogy i liked: all the characters (esp luke, r2d2, LANDO!!! (how have i never heard of him??? he's literally amazing & he and han's relationship is so great lol) & leia), the various shots of multiple moons/suns on the different planets (& in general the aesthetic of a universe that's very different from ours but also very recognisable is just so clever!), the MUSIC, han & leia were GREAT and i honestly wish we'd had more scenes w/ their developing relationship tbh!, the costumes were really cool & i adoreddd how they did leia's hair!, the aliens are so alien!! & i loved how much attention was paid attention to how species don't all look the same (like the ewoks were all individuals and each had their own personality which was really fun!), all the force stuff is really interesting (it's especially cool to see a sci fi thing that isn't afraid to also be a fantasy story lol)... tbh in general i really enjoyed them, and in a way the fact i've absorbed SO much star wars lore from just being... on earth lol meant that i felt like i basically already knew the story, but it was nice to finally be able to say that i've seen star wars lol
things that were silly/i didn't like: the opening text crawls should have had a narrator... like that's not me whining about reading but more it would really make it more cinematic, why'd they make yoda look/talk like that... like i get he's iconic to cinema and everything but idk he made me SO uncomfortable lol, the fact both luke and leia lose their loved ones in one day and neither seem to really grieve/process was a bit odd (like leia lost her whole planet and it's just ???? never addressed really lol??), ok so this isn't plot related but what WAS that scene at the start of the 3rd film in jabba the hutt's.... hut(?) where there's a whole jazz song sung in some alien language that just goes on WAY too long lol?? (there was also some music in the first film at that bar where luke first met han but that didn't felt so awkward fsr lol), all 3 films have a kinda boring beginning (like, the first begins in the middle of a war we don't understand, the 2nd is some random battle & the 3rd, which is arguable the most interesting beginning, starts with them trying to rescue han), palpatine sucked... best part of the trilogy was when he was thrown into ?? something by vader that was great lol, some of the dialogue was a bit awkward but like i didn't care that much lol i've seen much worse, the space battles themselves weren't that interesting to me but that's mainly cos they felt a lot like car chase scenes in action films which i just don't care for lol (but like it's called star wars so i know why there had to be wars amongst the stars lol... the lightsaber stuff was cool tho even if the technology wasn't /quite/ there in the 70s/80s to make it super slick, & the final thing is idk if this was just cos i was watching it ...not legitimately, but the font for the 'in a galaxy a long time ago something something' is SO bad like i get it was chosen in the 70s but pleaSE it's so bad it hurts my eyes :(... honestly i know it sounds like i'm complaining but i did legit enjoy them and am kinda annoyed it took me so long to watch them lol
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mikyouknow · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about if I should speak on this situation or not for a lil while now.. mostly because my blog has been pretty inactive for months now, despite me still being very deep in the fandom. There’s several reasons for why I p much stopped posting, but bottom line is I did, but I didn’t leave the fandom itself. I’m still here.
The other reason I haven’t made this post earlier is because I feel very on the fence about this whole thing.. I want to start off by saying I don’t see this as a grooming incident. But I am feeling uncomfortable with the fact that Dream was the one who wanted to move the conversation to Snapchat, I’m trying hard to think of a reason why he’d want to move the convo from Instagram to Snapchat if it wasn’t just to get a place where what they say will be deleted so he can act inappropriately. I’ve been trying to look to others for this and try to fit their reasonings into perhaps why he did this, but at the end of the day I’m still waiting for more information on the situation and confirmations of what is lies and what isn’t when it comes to the accusations. But the fact that he did bring fans to Snapchat to have private convos with them makes me.. uncomfortable. If this is something he’s been doing I’d like to know how these conversations went and that it was just friendly chats before I’d feel comfortable enough to keep following him. So that’s my current stance on that.
Overall, this shit fucking hurts and fucking sucks. Finding this fandom was so, so meaningful to me when I first stumbled upon it all. And through my time here I’ve met some amazing people and made one amazing friend in particular that I don’t even want to imagine my life without. I’ve also posted a lot of fanfics and had so, so much fun with that, and gotten such amazing response from this incredible fanbase. These two years has provided me with such insane joy I never thought I’d experience, and it’s not something I’m ready to let go of. I really, really do not want to leave. I want to stay here, for as long as possible.
But this whole situation has really messed with me, and I’m still trying to figure out exactly which part of it that gets me so upset. It might just be because of my own trauma getting triggered, I’m not sure yet.
All I know is that I’m uncomfortable with the current situation, saddened to see so many people hurting and even leaving. It’s understandable why, but it’s still sad. And I also feel for Dream. Especially if the allegations are all fake, this is really horrible shit to go through. Esp with the past two weeks he’s had, with face revealing, meeting George, going to his very first convention and meeting fans for the first time, ALL IN THE SAME WEEK!! And then this happens, like he rly can’t catch a break…
Anyways, this post is a bit scattered and that’s because I feel quite scattered atm. I rly wanna stay, I am staying, but I’m also quite uncomfortable by the whole thing. So, just gonna see how it all plays out and hope things aren’t as bad as the allegations are making it out to be. I think what also makes this thing even harder to take in is that Dream just face revealed, and my first reaction to seeing him was full on ‘who the fuck is that??’ And since then I’ve had to reacquaint myself with the guy that is Dream, completely throwing away the vague idea I had of him in my head to replace him with this stranger I’d never seen before. That alone has taken a bit to get used to. And then these allegations hit, and I already feel like Dream has become more of a stranger than ever before through his face reveal, so it’s really hard to puzzle this all together and see that the Dream I follow is not at all who I thought he was in so many ways, more than just his face.
But I’m gonna stick around for now, maybe try to be more active on here cause ppl are leaving and it’s probably good for us who are left to speak up. But those are my current feelings on this.
Also I don’t think anyone who sees this won’t already know who @mcecologist is but go follow if you’re looking for more ppl who are sticking around! Mc is rly keeping me mentally stable rn and also carrying this whole fandom atm so just wanted to give a lil shoutout, as if I’m pointing at the cozy cabin up the hill that still has the lights on<3
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cosmicaddress · 2 years
ESP talent: Telepath
Mention extrasensory perception to most people, and they will immediately think of mind-reading. This association is perhaps in part due to the fact that telepaths are one of the most common forms of ESPer in the world; people throughout history have had experiences with telepaths, so the association of telepathy and ESP is commonly-held. 
A telepath is a person who can read the thoughts of another person, true, but it goes much further than that. A good telepath can actually probe the living matter of another person’s brain, rooting through the person’s past history by means of unraveling half-forgotten memories and images long lost to the person himself. A good telepath can do more than raid the active thoughts of a target; he can poke around the hidden recesses like a person in a musty library or a doctor with a CAT scanner for the soul. 
Telepaths are very good interrogators and are thus very much in demand by ESPionage networks around the globe. They are so dangerous because they know what weakens your willpower. They are so effective because they can sense the effects their questions have; if a telepath’s interrogation makes you uncomfortable, they know they can see it happening. And you can bet that they will continue to probe the sore sport until the information they seek is laid bare under the bright gaze of their unusual talent. 
Unlike the portrayal of many mind-readers and empaths in modern fiction, telepaths do not just pick up thoughts and feelings from other people all the time; they must concentrate actively. In this sense, they are not passive antennas waiting for broadcasts but rather mindtheives who steal thoughts and memories from their target. Also, telepaths can only receive; they are not capable of telepathic projection, they cannot make others hear voices in their heads. Thus a telepath cannot relay orders to an agent in the field, though two telepaths can have a long-distance conversation by reading each others’ minds. 
It is unclear exactly how telepathy works, but it appears to involve the extrusion of a psychic pseudopod, if you will. This paranormal hand can reach out to the mind of the target and ‘feel around’ for the information the telepath wants. This theory is backed up by the fact that when Wamphyri telepathically probe someone, they can leave their inimical psychic footprint on the persona’s brain; this fact alone demonstrates that the telepath, in some very real sense, is inside the target’s head. 
One telepath, at a loss for words to illustrate what his talent felt like, described it so: 
“Probing for someone’s thoughts is something like searching a dresser in a room that’s completely dark. First, you run your hands carefully over the top of the dresser; whatever thoughts are active in the person’s mind are on top there, being used and in easy reach. You can grab those easily.  Recent memories—well, all memories—are packed in the drawers of the dressers.
In a drawer, the recent memories are on top, and distant memories, childhood stuff, and unimportant events are buried deep in the drawers. There are even some repressed or very old memories that are almost impossible to touch. They’re like something which has dropped down behind a drawer, where they can’t be reached without an intense search and a lot of work.”
Also, to a telepath, reading a person’s mind is not like reading a book; it’s much more intense and personal. When reading a book, you learn about it. When reading a mind, a telepath lives it. The emotion is real, raw, and powerful as the story itself, not diluted by prose and suspension of disbelief. The telepath knows not only what the thoughts of the target are, but the emotions that drive those thoughts. In this way, a telepath can generally avoid misinterpretations of thoughts, picking up sarcasm, joking, or attempts at deceit which can color the true meaning behind the contemplations. 
There is some danger to being a telepath. One is that if someone knows you are a telepath, they will tend to trust you less. The very fact that you can read their minds makes them feel that you are spying on them constantly. Of course, once their opinion is colored and they begin to try to conceal things from you, as a telepath, you’ll be tempted to probe their mind and find out what you want. Additionally, those speaking with a telepath often wonder if what the telepath says comes from the heart or is a response formulated specifically to give the listening the impression that it comes from the heart; in other words, is the telepath’s interaction genuine or a tailor-made lie? 
In short, telepaths have a difficult time building trusting relationships with someone. For this reason, it is a generally-accepted custom that telepaths never read the minds of co-agents. Even with this rule in place, telepaths are still often pariahs in their own organizations. 
Another problem with telepaths is that they pick up all the thoughts of their target and thus often become jaded or cynical. Everyone has random psychopathic thoughts all the time. If a person is rude to you in traffic, you think of firing a bazooka at their car and watching them explode in slow motion. These thoughts are never voiced, nor are they acted upon, but to telepaths, they are every bit as real as every other thought. Some telepaths get very depressed and view the world as a total war zone waiting to happen. 
A third danger of being a telepath is that it is possible to become addicted to outside stimuli. Just as some people drive great satisfaction from living vicariously through soap operas or reading trashy novels, some telepaths spend a lot of time in other people’s minds living their lives and watching their most intimate moments; telepathy develops into a sick sort of voyeurism.
These weaknesses aside, telepaths are the most highly south-after ESPers in the world today and are among the most powerful tools in the ESPionage arsenal.
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