jaw-bones · 1 year
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🕯️☁️✨ — ft. khalkós
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zeydaan-isabella · 1 month
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Fusion into Roxanne
Commission for Vivipixels - Eurydice and her creation, Khalkós died in each others arms during the First Final Days, and their souls became one in the Aetherial Sea. Reforming into Roxanne in a new world.
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alluxerim · 2 years
spirit blooms
     “Yes, finally!!” The moment they’re out of the town, Khalkós wastes no time in jumping from Lucius’ shoulder, a bright flash enveloping her body in midair. When the light clears, she is back in her full form, looming over Lucius in a gesture that would seem threatening, if not for the sheer glee on her expression. “Come on, let’s do the thing!” she immediately says in her natural, booming voice, holding out her four arms in an eager gesture.
     “M-must we...?” Lucius sighs, but obligingly grabs ahold of one thick, trunk-like upper arm, allowing Khalkós to hoist him into her arms. With a joyful shout, she rushes off before Lucius can do more than beckon to the other two to follow.
     But the spirit speeds up, and it’s only when they’re alone that she sets him down, regarding him with an oddly serious look.
The trees are dense, as is the fog, and it's hard to see through to anything but... darkness. There's the sound of the stream nearby, but everything else is... eerily quiet. Khalkos considers their options for a moment, then lowers her voice so that Daimon and Ophelia can't hear. "We ought to lose... them somewhere."
     It’s clear who she refers to. Lucius looks troubled for a moment, but then shakes his head, voice firm in reply. "We cannot," he says, gaze lingering on Ophelia in the far distance, "I won't leave them here, in the path of possible danger."
     Though, he can't say his curiosity hadn't been piqued by the other... spirit? Daimon, who in all honesty seems similar to Khalkós in some aspects. Lowering his voice further to match hers, Lucius asks, kindly, "Is it the presence of the other spirit that bothers you?"
"Something's wrong about him," she answers, frowning. "Something I can't quite put my finger on." Though perhaps that something is the fact that he's gotten under her skin by waving freedom in her face. "If I can't trust my eyes, then I can trust my guts. And my guts are never wrong."
     "I believe you," Lucius says, "And I'll be sure to mind him. But I have... a duty as well, and I can't give that up. Please understand." He cannot allow his student to come to harm if he could be there to prevent it.
Khalkós grumbles, but gives a nod of understanding. Where Lucius goes, she goes.
     Walking back within earshot of the others, Lucius gives an apologetic look. “The trees are too thick to pass through this way,” he says, “Maybe we’ll have to try another direction?”
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                                      TEAM QUIET WOOD
                                        Lachesis   Celica   Micaiah                                                                                 Leif   Lucius   Kiragi   Morgan (M)                                                                                   Arvis   Linhardt   Askr
ACT III [August 18th - August 24th]
Tag: #UnscriptedQuietWood2022
You begin to realize that there is something more to the forest than the stories of haunts and monsters that wish you harm - an ancient history, to which Ji, Dhanvi, and Daimon are all connected. Each step through the fog brings you closer to the truth.
Celica, Askr, Kiragi, Micaiah, Lachesis, and Ji have discovered that the path they had taken deeper into the wood has since been covered, blocking them from the tree where they had found Su. Instead, the forest beckons you to venture deeper. Avlitís speaks of a rot or a blight that has taken root here, though your party has yet to see sign of it. This, your spirit guide says, may have something to do with Su. Or, perhaps... Ji. All eyes turn to him with questions about who or what he is.
In another part of the forest, Lucius, Linhardt, and Khalkós have become a captive audience to Daimon’s exhibition - a huge tree covered in hundreds of insects, all once human. He is proud of it, claiming that he rescues children from boring, miserable lives, and despite his mask of compassion, you can sense something more sinister below the surface. It’s Khalkós that urges you onward though. She has not been able to sense the power Lucius seeks getting any stronger, which seems to suggest that you are not getting any closer to it. But your only options are to linger by the tree or keep moving forward...
Dhanvi, along with Arvis, Leif, and Morgan, have found themselves severely injured after a run-in with several of the blighted monsters that roam these parts, and have sought shelter - and a shortcut - in an unusual building all but consumed by the forest around it. Its architecture looks more modern despite the fact that it must be several centuries old, and from what you have managed to gather from clues inside, must have been some sort of manufacturing plant. For what though, you can’t tell. And there isn’t much time to investigate further, as Leif has taken a turn for the worse. Morgan, acting strangely, has run off into the dark somewhere, but Dhanvi urges Arvis and Leif to ignore him and continue onward through a tunnel carved out of the warehouse in the basement. It is at this time that Hushen decides to confide in Arvis, where neither Leif nor Dhanvi can hear: Morgan is cursed, he says. He had sensed it when Morgan had melted one of the forest’s trees. It is better to leave him behind.
With the mystery finally coming to a head, how will all the pieces fall into place?
What you know:
The forest shifts on a whim.
There are spirits that lurk in the forest that may lend their aid for the right price.
A rot created by humans but maintained by the forest’s grudge has festered within this forest for centuries.
What to do (suggestions):
Follow the Quiet Wood sideblog and check out the cast page. NPCs can be interacted with through this blog or with Tupper in your Discord team channel.
The map will remain the same as last week, so threads can be carried over.
Tame a spirit to regain your magic.
Talk with the NPCs to figure out what they know.
Interact with your teammates in paralogues.
Talk to Mod Ree for additional information.
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blueinthevening · 7 years
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Seraphim appear in the 2nd-century BC Book of Enoch[7] where they are mentioned, in conjunction with cherubim, as the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God. They are also called the Ikisat (Ethiopic: አክይስት—"serpents", "dragons"; an alternate term for Hell) which, along with the cherubim and Paradise, are under the rule of Gabriel.[8][9][10] In the Second Book of Enoch, two classes of celestial beings are equated with the seraphim and cherubim, known as the phoenixes and the chalkydri (from Gr. χαλκύδραι khalkýdrai, compd. of χαλκός khalkós "brass", "copper" + 'ύδρα hýdra "hydra", "water-serpent"—lit. "brazen hydras", "copper serpents"). Both are described as "flying elements of the sun" that reside in either the 4th or 6th heaven, who have twelve wings and burst into song at sunrise.[11]
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jaw-bones · 1 year
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🔔🌫️✨ gives him legs for days —ft. khalkós
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alluxerim · 2 years
a dirge of light and destruction
     “Come on,” Khalkós nudges Lucius as he remains standing at the foot of the great tree, staring at its flittering inhabitants with a mournful expression, “We can’t just stay here forever. I mean, knowing you, you probably can, but that doesn’t mean you should.” She leans in closer. “Remember that we need to keep looking for the magic; whatever will help save the forest might help save them as well,” she points out, one hand motioning to the beetle in Lucius’ palm.
     “You’re right...” Lucius turns, too, at Linhardt’s voice, noting the items held in the other’s hands. He makes no move to discourage taking these items; it’s true that they are of no use to their original owners any longer, and if Linhardt can find a use for them, even as mere entertainment... maybe that’s a way to perpetuate the memories of the those who had once held these same items. “Yes, let us continue,” he says with a weak attempt at a smile.
     The moment he steps out of the tree’s shadows, the beetle’s wings flutter, and in a moment it flies from his grasp to rejoin its brothers and sisters in a branch far above them. “Ah...” Lucius’ gaze follows it until it disappears, an inexplicable pang of loss in his chest. St. Elimine, I beseech you...
     ...What would, what could he even pray for on their behalf?                             (‘This is their fate for eternity.’)
     Peace. At least, at least, grant them that, he pleads silently as they leave the tree behind, the last traces of the once-children quickly fading within the fog and eerie stillness that envelops them on their way forward.
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alluxerim · 2 years
     Lucius is careless in his haste, all thoughts of what lay ahead forgotten as the scream spurs him on, and he pays for this as he rounds the corner, directly into the path of the monster and its claws. “!!” He gasps as the incoming attack strikes true, knocking all air from his lungs as he falls to the ground.
     “Lucius!” Following behind Linhardt (whom, even in his current state, Lucius is relieved to see manages to duck the next attack), Khalkós wastes no time putting herself between her partner and the enemy, fists raised and ready against the creature’s approach. It stands no chance against her rage, crumpling against the far wall and quickly forgotten as the spirit turns her attention on Lucius. “Ugh, if I’d known you would just barge forward without looking I’d never have let you go first! Learn to dodge, honestly!”
     “I... yes...” A little light-headed, Lucius struggles up, a hand against the wound in his chest as he immediately approaches the edge of the hole Linhardt is standing before. His eyes widen. Morgan...! Even battered and bruised, the student’s form is recognizable from their earlier meeting, and he immediately turns to Khalkós. “Will you... be able to get us down there?” he asks, the strain in his voice still evident.
     “Are you kidding?” The spirit sounds equal parts incredulous and exasperated, “Ok, I know you humans don’t feel these things, but you know that huge power I was talking about earlier?” She points down to the bottom of the hole, “All gone! And now that kid’s the only one down there. Please tell me you still have some self-preservation instincts inside you.”
     “I need to help him,” Lucius insists, “He’s... I know him.” He supposes ‘student’ would do nothing but confuse Khalkós, but the spirit merely grumbles at his weak justification, “Yeah, I was there, you knew him for less than an hour.” Still, she moves to pick him up, careful to avoid jostling his injuries too much, “Fine, fine, I’ll take both of you, but only because you really want to. At least I can congratulate myself on trying to talk you out of it. C’mere, other kid.” She grabs both of them, and a swift jump, followed by a surprisingly light landing, takes them to the bottom.
     Lucius takes a moment to catch his breath after being set down — the landing, however light, still caused his chest to burn in pain from the earlier wound — and by the time he looks up again, Linhardt had approached the other boy with kind, gentle words. With a smile, he steps forward until he’s at their side.
     “That’s... that’s right,” his voice slowly steadies as he takes in Morgan’s scratches and bruises, and the tear tracks on his cheeks, with a tender expression, “Hold still.” He raises his hand, mumbling a quiet prayer under his breath.
     St. Elimine, please grant this child relief from all harm, every wound seen and unseen...
Lucius heals (19): Morgan’s legs are fixed now.
     The magic glows strongly this time, to his relief, and by the time he is done, the wounds he can see, at least, have healed. “There. Are you feeling alright? Please let me know if anything else hurts,” he says.
     Behind them, Khalkós shifts. “Hey, now that that’s done with, I’ve got news,” she says, turning to Lucius, “It looks like our mission is about to come to an end.” She points at the path through the creeping vegetation, leading to a hole in the distance, through the outer wall. “You mean...” The magic they’re seeking. Khalkós nods. “Whenever you’re ready, we’d best get going.”
@amnesiac-pawn or @pridelessdaydreamer
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                                       TEAM QUIET WOOD
                                         Lachesis   Celica   Micaiah                                                                                 Leif   Lucius   Kiragi   Morgan (M)                                                                                    Arvis   Linhardt   Askr
ACT II [August 11th - August 17th]
Tag: #UnscriptedQuietWood2022
The forest is alive. That much seems to be certain. Whether it wants you in or out remains the question.
Unable to come back the way they came, and with the memory of Su’s reanimated corpse still fresh in their minds, Ji - accompanied by Kiragi, Celica, Askr, Lachesis, and Micaiah - choose instead of venture deeper into the forest. Su had pleaded for them to “help the forest,” but what does that entail? By now, the group has more questions than answers.
Lucius with his familiar, Khalkós, and Linhardt with his tenuous partner, Daimon, remain close to Quiet Wood. Khalkós has made it abundantly clear that she does not trust Daimon and, by extension, Linhardt, and Daimon in turn sees no reason to lend his assistance. They will need cooperation if they are to find the power that Lucius seeks within.
Made to run in circles by the forest, Dhanvi, along with Arvis, Leif, and Morgan, have discovered that the trees move on their own - both to clear and close paths, as well as to attack. In meeting the ostentatious Hushen and convincing him to lend them his power, Arvis has now acquired the ability to use magic again, but the party has also learned that there are things in the forest that are different than the spirits there. A “rot,” as Hushen put it. But that isn’t any concern to them. After all, Dhanvi had been hired to find a rare plant for Arvis, and nothing more.
What you know:
The forest shifts on a whim.
There are spirits that lurk in the forest that may lend their aid for the right price.
Something is ailing the forest.
What to do (suggestions):
Follow the Quiet Wood sideblog and check out the cast page. NPCs can be interacted with through this blog or with Tupper in your Discord team channel.
The map will remain the same as last week, so threads can be carried over.
Tame a spirit to regain your magic.
Talk with the NPCs to figure out what they know.
Interact with your teammates in paralogues.
Talk to Mod Ree for additional information.
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                                        TEAM QUIET WOOD
                                          Lachesis   Celica   Micaiah                                                                                 Leif   Lucius   Kiragi   Morgan (M)                                                                                    Arvis   Ophelia   Askr
ACT I [August 4th - August 10th]
Tag: #UnscriptedQuietWood2022
Dawn breaks slowly over the village, haloing the mountains in a ring of burnt umber. Between the night’s orchestra of crickets and daybreak’s birdsong, a rare silence has come to settle over the forest and a dense fog has rolled in from the river. Apparitions and ghostly fox fire dance between the trees.
Ji wakes Kiragi first. They had made a promise, after all. They gather their bags, stuffed full with food and supplies “borrowed” from Kin’s general store, retrieve their weapons, and sneak quietly to the village gates. Celica, Askr, Micaiah, and Lachesis surprise them there.
Out in the forest, Ophelia and Lucius have managed to get some sleep between the endless bickering from Daimon and Khalkós. It’s daybreak by the time they set out. Khalkós insists that there is something strange going on in the forest, though she won’t say much within Ophelia and Daimon’s earshot. Daimon claims to merely be tagging along for the ride.
By afternoon, Leif, Morgan, Arvis, and Dhanvi have established a camp deeper in the woods in pursuit of the herbs Arvis has hired Dhanvi to find; however, Dhanvi seems to have a goal of her own as well. They’re well-stocked and can afford to spend some time resting before moving on. Leif wanders out from camp to stretch, but discovers that the path they had taken to get here... isn’t there anymore.
What you know:
Quiet Wood is highly superstitious and avoids angering the spirits of the forest at all costs. A protective barrier has been erected around the village, maintained by rites and prayers, but the priest seems to have been rather shaken up that one of their own would have been stolen away despite it.
Although the villagers were deadset on stopping Ji from leaving the village to find his sister, he still managed to slip out before they noticed.
The local god enshrined in Quiet Wood is named the Shield of the Divine Guardian of the Great Tree.
Humans can use magic by forging a pact with a spirit, but a spirit must first be tamed before it will agree to a pact.
Micaiah has learned a purifying rite from Soh, the priest.
The doll in Ophelia’s shack is Daimon’s “disguise” to avoid being questioned by less open-minded humans. Despite being a spirit of the wood, he refuses to make a pact with Ophelia. Nevertheless, he does protect them.
Dhanvi is respected well enough in Quiet Wood, but several of the villagers do think she’s rather eccentric. One can tell by the way she talks and interacts with others that she’s a highly accomplished merchant, however.
What to do (suggestions):
Follow the Quiet Wood sideblog and check out the cast page. NPCs can be interacted with through this blog or with Tupper in your Discord team channel.
Acquire your team maps and instructions for this segment of the event. They will be posted and pinned in the Quiet Wood channel.
Interact with your teammates in paralogues.
You may wrap up threads from the Prologue segment.
Talk to Mod Ree for additional information.
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alluxerim · 2 years
august activity check + event rewards
status - passed total points - 4 → 7
skill point allocation: monthly: faith (C → C ½) knowledge gem x2: faith (C ½ → C+ ½)
acquired (unscripted 2022): quiet wood (book) acquired (unscripted 2022): nevermeltice acquired (unscripted 2022): zealotry
also acquired (unscripted 2022): lil beetle!khalkós carving
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