#-lesbian who is not the perf lesbian who agrees w them a non-lesbian. it happens every fucking time.)
man-squared · 10 months
People really think when you talk about lesbians being men or having relationships with men means you want them personally to go sleep with every man and not that you want every lesbian to have their own autonomy to decide what lesbianism means to them personally.
Like literally, the people who make large ass call out posts or posts that whine that there are people who are mspec lesbians or lesbian men or just that some lesbians have sex with men always make it so personal no matter if they are a lesbian or not. They seem to not be able to remove themselves from someone else's lesbianism and autonomy.
No one (seriously, no one besides actual lesbophobes) are claiming that you, a lesbian, has to have any relation to men. You do not have to date or have sex with lesbian men (or mspec lesbians), and guess what! We don't want to do those things with you either. No one is saying that because a small percentage of lesbians might have sex with men and/or be attracted to men, you as a lesbian have to. I don't know why you decided that you have to live in a world with communal absolutes. Not all lesbians are you, and you are not all lesbians (like really do you like the same women as every other lesbian? No, because you aren't other lesbians). Let lesbians have autonomy. Let lesbians live. Let queer people be!
Tldr: you don't have to do what other lesbians do. Just because a lesbian has any kind of relationship with men doesn't mean you have to. Other lesbians existing do not negate your lesbianism.
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