#-remember much of their relationship except for the love and the pain. and theyre silly about it
t4tcecilos · 9 months
forever fucked up over scott carrying the grief-crystals into last life btw. something something i will remember you even if i dont love you anymore
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literaila · 4 years
we used to
“the middle” 
spencer reid x reader 
summary: spencer cant remember the reader. she wont let him forget her. 
this is actually part two! part one here 
warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of pain, memories? angst. theres slashes though words (for example) but theyre meant to represent numbness
also! i wrote some of this while some teenage kids were watching me sit against a tree. i just thought that was important to add. enjoy! 
“Where did we meet?” 
“A little park. I was laying down enjoying the sunshine, and you came over, worried, and started checking my pulse. You said you wanted to make sure I wasn't dead.” 
She laughed. 
But she didn't tell him about the way his eyes had gotten bigger when she looked up at him. She didn't tell him how he swallowed, his face suddenly nervous. He didn't tell her how she had started laughing at him, and he blushed embarrassed. 
“After that, I asked if I could play chess with you. You let me win.”
She didn't tell him about the years she’d spent teasing him for that. She didn't tell him about the number she’d managed to slip into his bag when he’d been distracted. The number he didn't use for weeks. She didn't tell him how rejected she felt every day that went by, didn't tell him that she went to the same park almost every day just to see him. She didn't tell him about the disappointment that coursed through her veins every time she checked her phone. 
“Where was our first date?” 
“You took me to the museum. You were really nervous. I was almost worried you would run out of things to tell me.” 
She didn't tell him that it was one of the first things she’d noticed about him. That she’d loved that he had so much to say from the very beginning. 
They’d spent three days together. 
Spencer had to stay two weeks after he’d woken up. The first week was spent testing his memory, making sure everything was still in order. He spent day after day, meeting doctors, in machines. People were visiting him right and left, but he was almost always gone. 
She didn't see him much that week. 
The next week his doctors were sure that everything was fine. Besides the amnesia, there were no other effects on his brain. His broken leg was healing nicely, and he would be fine in a couple of weeks. 
But, they said, they wanted to keep him there just one more week, to make sure that they hadn't missed anything. 
So he stayed. 
And Y/N started going to see him that week. 
She’d been hesitant, worried that he wouldn't actually want to see her, that he had changed his mind, but as soon as she knocked on the door he seemed to be bright and awake. She took that as a good sign. 
Since then, three days have passed. They’d spent the majority of those days together. Spencer was full of questions, full of things that he couldn't remember he’d already told her, his brain never seemed to stop turning, to stop thinking. 
She was used to it. 
Most of the time, she was doing all of the talking. She was telling him about their relationship, about herself, she was telling him about all the things he’d learned about her in the course of five years, she was cramming it all into short sentences, giving up on giving any important details. 
It was exhausting. 
Sometimes, she started to say something, was about to mention something that they'd done together, but she always paused mid-sentence, reminded of the life Spencer had lost, of all of their days together that were lost. 
And other times, Spencer was telling her something, was talking so that she didn't have to, and he mentioned something that she already knew. He mentioned things about his childhood, about the way Derek teased him, the way Penelope was good at making him feel flustered, and she always felt herself wince. Because she already knew all of those things. She knew more things about him than he did, she knew almost everything. And he didn't. 
It was like two strangers talking. 
Except the only stranger in the room was her. 
She wasn't acting like herself. 
She was trying to avoid scaring Spencer, rushing into things, scaring him away from her forever. 
So she didn't act like herself. 
She hid the little details, the tiniest things that she didn't want him to know, she kept them locked away, didn't add them into the stories that he was always asking for. She did it constantly. And to some extent, it felt like lying, it felt like taking something important away from him. But, she also knew how easily overwhelmed her Spencer could get, she knew about all of the things that would scare him. So she didn't feel as bad hiding things from him. 
Derek and Penelope came almost every day. Some days the best they could manage was a call. Cases were taking over, the world not stopping for Spencer, and a couple of times they couldn't get to Spencer quick enough. 
So they called. And every time, Spencer seemed almost uncomfortable. He always asked if Y/N wanted to talk to them, always hesitant, because he didn't know how close all of them were, he didn't know if Y/N would feel pressured by his friends if she even liked them. 
All Spencer knew was there was a pretty girl, a girl he’d once known, sitting in his room. 
Today was like all the other days, Spencer asking questions, this time about their history together. 
Y/N had been looking out the window, daydreaming of a time where she didn't feel like a stranger to her own body. 
Spencer cleared his throat trying to get her attention. 
She looked over to him, her eyes wide and empty, she made a noise of acknowledgment, a sign that he could go on. She watched as he gathered his thoughts, already familiar with the look in his eyes.
 “What did I like about you?”
She paused. Looked away from him. What did he like about her? 
They’d talked about it many times. He’d told her thousands of times how much he loved her. She’d heard it over and over again, felt it pounding in her heart, racing around her head, every day for five years.
It didn’t seem long enough.
She thought about the things he used to compliment. 
“Your eyes. They’re so beautiful. They look like they hold all the secrets of the world.” 
She remembered him running his hands through her hair, moving it so he could see more of her face. She remembered his eyes. She remembered how comfortable they felt. 
“I hope you’ll tell me one day.” he’d said, after minutes of just looking at each other. 
“Tell you what?” she whispered, ducking her head down into his chest. 
He hadn’t answered. They both fell asleep. 
She thought of the time he told her she would look beautiful in anything. 
“It doesn’t matter to me what you wear. You’re perfect to me, always.” 
After that, he never stopped telling her that. 
“You’re perfect to me.”
“You’re perfect for me.”
“You’re perfect with me.”
For a moment, she wished she could hear it again. 
She removed that thought from her head almost as soon as it entered. She forced it away, locking it into her cage, somewhere deep in her body, where it wouldn’t be found again. 
She shouldn’t be thinking about things like that. 
“I think you liked that I was so open to learning new things. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t listen to you say.” 
Spencer contemplated that. He thought of all the people that asked him to stop talking, told him that it was too much, too far. 
She was probably right. 
But that seemed like a silly reason for him to love her. 
He finally nodded, accepting her answer. 
And then the nurse came in. 
And she had to leave 
Later that week, it was time for Spencer to go home.
It was time for both of them to go home since Y/N had refused to leave without him, even when he’d woken up. 
She was nervous.
She didn’t want him to know she was nervous.
They’d been living together for almost two years, together they had picked out an apartment, one that both of them had loved. They’d spent every day they had together, when they were both home, in their tiny apartment. She didn’t know what Spencer now would think about it. He’d lost all memories of it, lost all of their shared moments at home together, and when he’d asked about his apartment, the one he’d had five years ago, Y/N didn’t know what to say. 
He’d given up that apartment for her. 
He didn’t have any place to live beside their apartment. 
She smiled at him when he asked and told him about apartment searching, about how he was sure to get the safest apartment they could find. 
“We need it Y/N.” he’d whined when she refused to get the one apartment he deemed safest- because it came with a double lock and no balcony -she’d only smiled at him, kissing his nose and walking away. 
Eventually, she’d caved in. Spencer didn’t seem to like any other apartments after that one. 
After she was done sharing the story, done trying to remind him who he was supposed to be, he smiled nervously at her. 
She knew he was uncomfortable. She knew that he didn’t want to live in a brand new place, with a strange girl who he was supposed to be in love with. 
In his mind, they’d only known each other for two days, in his mind, she wasn’t anything special. In his mind, it was weird to live with someone you’d only just met.
Y/N didn’t know how to make him feel more comfortable. 
She tried to remind herself that it would take time, that it had taken time when they’d first moved in, that it would take time again. 
She didn’t want time. 
She wanted Spencer. 
She ignored that. Instead, she spent her time making sure she had all the proper medical equipment at their apartment. She spent the moments she wasn’t with Spencer online, looking for different things that could make a broken leg, a forgotten five years, easier. 
She also looked for things to prevent the pain she felt every time she moved. She didn’t want to breathe out smoke every time she tried to speak, tried to breathe. 
So far she hadn’t found anything. Her doctor recommended pain medication, told her about all the drugs that could help her. 
She refused to listen. 
She didn’t even know why. 
And now it had been more than a month since the accident, and they were finally going home. 
She helped Spencer sign all his release papers, reminding him where he lived, what his phone number was, who they could call in case of emergency. 
She helped him and then it was time to go. It was time to go. 
They walked side by side out of the hospital, Spencer enjoyed the air outside, enjoyed something that didn’t feel like the stale walls of the hospital he’d been locked up in. Y/N looked back at the hospital. Almost longingly. Almost as if she wanted to go back. She wouldn’t feel as nervous as she did if they were still in the hospital. 
She brought him to her car. Helped him get in. They both smiled at each other awkwardly. 
The ride home was silent. Neither of them spoke a word. Spencer spent the time looking out the window, observing the drive he couldn’t remember, watching the world pass him by. Y/N avoided looking at him. She avoided looking at anything. She drove and she tried to remind herself that everything was fine. They were both going to be fine. 
By the time they got there, to the tiny apartment, both of them had only managed to rack up more nerves. 
“This is it.” Y/N said, getting out of the car, trying to keep her face calm, her body comfortable, to go help Spencer get out of the car. 
She showed him the way to the elevator. Listed out all of their neighbors that lived on the first floor. 
“This is Mrs. Hankel’s apartment. She loves you. She hates me.” she said as she passed by a door. 
It was the first laugh they shared all day. 
As they walked Spencer looked back at the door longingly. 
When they finally arrived at the door Spencer looked down at the welcome mat, laughing a little.
The mat, brown and boring, with a barely notice scrip at the bottom reading 
“shoes off, fuckers” 
Spencer looked back up at Y/N to see her laughing with him. They were getting closer, the invisible wall keeping them apart seemed to disappear for a moment. 
“Why do we-?” he asked, chuckling as he watched her smile. 
He could see the way she lit up, the life that had joined her eyes, he could see the immediate difference in her body just by looking at the mat. 
“You kept pestering me about a welcome mat,” she laughed, shaking her head and looking up at Spencer. “But Y/N '' she imitated him, “Studies have shown that most toxic chemicals that end up inside a person's home are tracked in by their shoes. A doormat would stop that-'' she giggled, her words fading. “You just wouldn’t give it up. Eventually, we had to compromise.” she ended, pointing her hand at the mat and smiling at him. 
It was her first real smile. 
Spencer felt dazed. 
But, almost as quick as it was there, it disappeared, fading off her face, her eyes becoming stone again. 
The wall was back up. 
She reminded herself not to overwhelm him, not to do anything that would be too much. She never wanted to be too much for him. He needed help, not her emotions. 
She was still reminding herself of that as they walked in the doors. 
Spencer looked around and he saw some things that he didn't really understand, like the art hanging up on the wall, the candles that seemed to rest on every empty space, the delicate paintings on the walls. But as he looked around he saw things that he did understand. He saw the textbooks, the bookshelves that occupied all the walls, and when Y/N told him that he was free to walk around, to look around, he saw all of his books placed on the bookshelves littering the apartment. He walked around and noticed all the tattered old copies that he had bought at second-hand bookstores, he saw the first edition books everyone always seemed to give, he looked around and he remembered all the books. He also saw new books, ones that he couldn't imagine reading without some persuasion. He saw old romance, new romance, he saw young adults and dystopian, he saw cookbooks, self-help books, and he laughed a little at the thought of reading any of them. 
Those were so obviously Y/N’s. 
“We have a lot of books.” he heard her say behind him, and he turned to see her standing watching him, observing him looking around. He wondered why he hadn't noticed her before. 
He smiled at her, hoping that she wasn't bothered by him snooping around. 
“Did I bring some of my books here?” he asked, turning back to look at all the books he remembered. 
“Yes. Not all of them, I needed a little bit of room. But most of them are yours.” she smiled, her face still tense, still frozen solid. 
She turned to go, wanting Spencer to look around without her hovering over him. 
She walked into the kitchen to make them something for lunch, feeling the pain circle her lungs. She thought of the medication she could be taking right now, thought of the relief her body would feel, she thought about the pain, the writhing pain that lived inside her. 
The pain on her lungs was nothing. 
The pain on her lungs, on her ribs, in her chest, felt like pain medication. 
It felt like nothing compared to- 
She paused. She let her thoughts drift off, let her body become aware again, let herself turn to stone, let everything drain out of her. 
This pain was nothing. 
She was strong enough to deal with a little pain. 
She continued to make lunch, continued to not think of anything, to only think of essential things, such as where she would sleep. How she would show Spencer their bedroom, show him where he kept all stuff. 
She thought about showing him which shampoos were his, why he enjoyed them so much. He thought about showing him the clothes she’d been buying him for years, the clothes he used to tell her he felt at home in. She thought about showing him the photo album they had made together, Spencer mostly watching, as a present for their third anniversary. She thought about showing him how to lock the door, how to make sure their security system wouldn't start blaring when they left the house. 
She had so much to teach him. 
There were so many lost memories. 
And finally, when she was about to let it go, about to forget about all the things she needed to do, Spencer walked in. 
The pain she felt just looking at him- 
Breathe in. 
“Hey. See everything?” she asked, a perfect, practiced smile on her face. 
Spencer smiled back, politely. “Yeah. Did you decorate?” 
She laughed, the feeling burning her lungs. “You helped me choose the colors,” she said reassuringly as if she was worried he was going to be upset as if she knew how this stranger would react as if she knew him-
Spencer nodded, looking solemnly at the floor. 
“So I was thinking-” Y/N started, only to be interrupted by Spencer. 
‘When can I-” he started, looking up at her sheepishly. “Sorry,” he muttered smiling at her. She nodded, her face cold as ice, nodding for him to continue. “I was wondering when I could get my stuff?” he continued, softer this time. 
She paused, her hands frozen, her face still poised, but her heart racing at his words. 
“Get your stuff?” she asked softly, trying not to let her voice shake. 
“Yeah,” he responded easily. “I asked JJ and she said I could stay at her house. At least until I can get a new apartment-” 
Y/N had stopped listening. 
She wasn't listening. 
Spencer wasn't staying. 
He wasn't.
He was. 
He was leaving. 
She felt her insides freeze, ice hitting every inch of her body, keeping her stuck, stuck in her head, stuck to the floor, stuck with the pain building, building up inside her. 
She nodded, robotically. 
Spencer said something else, something about her showing him where his clothes were. 
She wasn't listening, she refused to listen, she wasn't listening. 
Her body responded though. 
She led Spencer through their living room, showed him where the bathroom was just in case, she led them into their bedroom, her eyes avoiding his, her heart avoiding beating. 
She watched as he looked around their room, examined the bed, the small desk hiding in the corner, the dresser on the opposite side of the room. She pointed to the closet. Pointed and left the room.
She wasn't listening. 
She sat down on the couch, staring ahead of her, not listening, not feeling, nothing. She sat there, sat there, and listened. She wasn't listening. She felt close to falling asleep. 
She waited for him to come back. 
Come back. 
He walked back into the room, holding a bag, holding one of their bags. He smiled at her as he zipped it up, as he locked all his clothes up, as he got ready to leave. 
“Thank you,” he said, clueless to the feeling burying itself into her chest. “Thank you for driving me here. JJ’s coming to pick me up soon.” 
Her ears perked up at that. Confused when JJ had known to come over when Spencer had gotten a hold of her. 
He must’ve seen the question in her eyes because he answered “Garcia showed me how to use my phone.” 
She nodded. Her lips pursed, her eyes cloudy, her face void of anything, void of emotion, void of color. 
Spencer looked at her and tilted his head, he thought he noticed something different, thought that if he was trying to be a good boyfriend, the boyfriend she’d had a month ago, he would’ve asked, he would’ve done something. 
Spencer didn't know her. 
He stood there, staring at her, her eyes void, not acknowledging his staring, and they both waited, just waited until there was a knock on the door. 
They both looked over. 
Spencer looked back at Y/N. He smiled, his hands awkwardly placed in front of himself. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. 
He started walking to the door, looked back to her, said 
“Thank you. I see you soon.” 
And then he was gone. 
He was gone. 
He was gone. 
Come back. Come back come back come back come back come back. 
Her head was chanting at her, telling her what to do, telling her what she shouldn't do, telling her too many things at once. Her head was chanting at her. Over and over, chanting chanting. 
She looked up at the ceiling. 
Always wasn't real. 
Always was a lie. 
She looked back down, felt the pain fill her fingertips, felt the pain cloud her head, a storm forming above her. She felt it invade her heart, invade her bones, her muscles, felt the pain swimming in her veins, swimming everywhere in her body, she felt the pain the pain the pain. 
Her face was nothing, her face was empty, it was empty 
Her body wasn't. 
She sobbed. 
She sobbed for the pain, for the pain that was everywhere, for the medication she wished she’d taken, for the life that she didn't have, for the life, for her life, for her memory, for everything. She sobbed, and she sobbed. 
She fell to the floor. 
She let herself fall apart. 
She sobbed. 
It was just a little pain.
They saw each other twice a week after that. 
Spencer went back to work. 
Y/N stayed home. She worked from there.
She let the loneliness cloud her brain. 
She let herself dream of the words that weren't there. 
She never told Spencer. 
“Where do you work?” 
“I teach second grade. Earlier this year I decided to take a year off. We were going to do some traveling and I didn't want to be gone for too long. I’m an artist at heart though.” She teased. 
Her face was stone. Her voice was warm. 
Spencer smiled. 
“Did you ask me to be your boyfriend?”
“It was more of a mutual thing. I was spending the night at your apartment, right after we had gotten back from one of those old movies you like, and you asked if I was your girlfriend, if I wanted to meet your family. I just agreed, told you I’d already told my Mom you were my boyfriend. You laughed.”
She smiled at him. Sipped her coffee. 
Spencer nodded along. 
“What's your family like?” 
“Well, my parents love you. So does my sister. My brother likes to pretend you don't exist. You used to be okay with that. I’m in the middle. But I’m the favorite.” 
She bragged. 
She sat there. She watched him. 
He looked off behind her. 
“Did we have a favorite place?” 
“We used to spend a lot of time at the park. We loved the park. You always beat me at chess, cause I told you to stop letting me win. You didn't like that very much. But mostly we just sat and talked at the park. You always liked going there after a hard case.” 
Spencer didn't say a word. 
The park. 
“When did you meet the team?” 
“A year after. You didn't want to rush anything. You wanted your secrets. But I loved them before I knew them. You’d praised them so much I don't know how I couldn't have liked them. Penelope and I clicked. She became my best friend. We bonded over always staying home. You loved that we were so close. Sometimes you forced me out of the house to spend time with her.” 
“When did I first tell you I loved you?” 
She paused. 
She didn't want to answer that question. 
She didn't want the reminder, the constant, consistent reminder of how much Spencer used to love her. He used to love her. 
He used to. 
“It was four months into our relationship. You blurted it out while I was sitting on your lap, watching you read. We were close then. You apologized after. I never had a doubt, I said it right back. ‘I love you.’” 
And she said it so he knew. She said it so she could rebuild the memory. 
She said it to help him remember. 
She said it because it was easy. 
She loved him. 
He used to. 
It was Wednesday. 
It was a Wednesday, almost a month since they’d gotten home. 
Since she’d been home. 
Since Spencer had moved out. 
It had been almost a month. 
They’d been getting to know each other for almost a month now. 
Spencer was coming over. 
It was the first time Spencer had asked to come over. Since he’d first gotten his stuff, the first day he left the hospital, since then he had moved out completely, had taken most of his stuff, the things he wanted. He’d been inviting Y/N to coffee, they spent at least one day a week together if he was home. 
She was talking to Penelope more. Checking up on him through her instead of directly asking him. She didn't want to be too overwhelming. 
It had been a month of being with him from afar. 
She was doing fine. 
Her wounds had completely healed. She’d gotten a good report from her doctor, and she was doing fine. 
She was doing fine. 
Spencer was coming over. 
He was coming over for the first real-time. And this time he had asked if he could come over, said he wanted to talk to her. 
She let her heart bubble for a moment. Let herself imagine Spencer living in her house again. 
She stopped herself before it got too far. 
She would do nothing to ruin the progress they had made. 
She waited at home, she waited and got herself ready. She prepared herself for talking to him, for not saying too much, for saying just the right amount. She prepared herself to see him again. To be in love with him while he watched. 
She waited for him. 
She turned herself to stone when he knocked on the door. 
She opened it, smiling at him and letting him in. 
He walked in, his body was tense, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes were scrunched in concentration. Y/N tried not to stare at him, to stare at the familiarity in the face. He looked like her Spencer for a moment. 
She kept the smile on her face. 
“Did you need to talk about something?” she asked, she asked and she got him a bottle of water, needing to preoccupy her hands with something, with anything, just to keep the smile on her face. 
She didn't want him to see through the cracks in her foundation. 
She needed to be perfect for him. 
For him. 
You’re perfect to me. 
She waited for him to speak. 
“I think… I think I’ve been doing something wrong,” he said after a moment, looking down at the floor, guilty like he had just made a huge confession. 
“Something wrong?” she asked, her face almost moving, almost breaking. 
Not quite. 
Spencer looked up at her. Looked into her eyes. Really looked. He looked for a girl, a girl he might’ve known, a girl that he would remember. He looked, he looked, and he couldn't see anything. She was still just the girl he had first seen, still just a person, someone he didn't know. He looked once more. 
“I think I was wrong.” 
She looked back at him, looked into her eyes, the eyes that she actually knew. 
They looked so sad. 
“W-wrong?” She stuttered out, her eyes moving in concern, breaking. Spencer was never wrong. 
“Do you know who I am?” Spencer asked. His face was unmoving like he already knew the answer. 
“You’re Spencer. You're my-” she swallowed, climbing over the words. “You’re my friend.” 
Spencer looked at her. He shook his head, ignoring the panic in her eyes. “No. Do you know who I am?” 
“Because I don't know who you are.” 
Y/N closed her mouth. She looked in his eyes, scared by the harsh tone, scared by the words. She looked at him and she didn't see her look. He wasn't looking at her like he loved her. He hadn't looked at her like that in mon- 
“I don't know who you are Y/N. I thought I might-” he paused, baffled at his past self. “I thought I might remember you. But I don't. To me, you are just a girl I met three months ago.” 
She stared at him. 
Just a girl just a girl just a girl- 
This pain was a memory that would never go away- 
“I don't think I’ll remember you. I think this was a mistake.” He said. Final. Unmoving. 
She felt stuck to the ground. 
Stuck in place, stuck to the pain clinging to her. 
“M-mistake?” she said, the words forced out of her mouth. Her body was shaking like she was freezing, she couldn't imagine not feeling pain, she couldn't imagine not knowing Spencer, she knew Spencer she knew him she knew him. 
“I think we were only fooling each other by hoping.”  
Hope wasn't a word in her vocabulary. Hope didn't exist in a world where Spencer didn't love her. Hope wasn't a thing, hope wasn't available. Hope. Didn't. Exist. 
What was hope? 
“I think we need to stop. I don't want to hurt you.” Spencer said. His voice wasn't familiar. His face wasn't familiar. 
Did she know him? 
“I don't think we should do this anymore.” 
Not anymore. 
Not always. 
Pain glued her eyes glued her mouth shut. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” 
She watched him, frozen in place as he walked out the door. 
She didn't know what he was thinking. She didn't know that Spencer did care, that Spencer had seen her once, that she came in glimpses. She didn't know that Spencer could see how much he was hurting her, how much spending time with him was destroying him. 
She didn't see that he was trying to give her a clean break. 
One that would hurt less. 
She didn't know any of that. She only watched him pull her heart out of her chest, grab it, take it away from her, she watched as he threw it around. 
She watched as he crumbled it. 
He had said always. 
There was a cloud in his head. 
A cloud hanging over him, a cloud proving his world to be dark, to be covered in nothing but the dark clouds that surrounded him. 
There was a cloud hung over his head. 
The sun had disappeared. 
The clouds swirled around him. 
He got dizzy with realization. 
The sun. 
His world titled.
my masterlist here
yes yes! its not over yet. but i hope you enjoyed. and understood. and i hope i didnt ruin your day with my writing.
final part here
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lollytea · 7 years
I have a three hour class coming up, so naturally, I need to give you something that will take you three hours to write to make it fair. Gimme all of them for either Satin Diamond or Jazzle, your choice.
Idk enough about Puzzle to do ALL of these about Jazzle so I went with the sparkles.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Now I’ve said that Guy is a HUUUUUGE impulse buyer who would probably throw money at whatever remotely reminded him of Satin. But I also imagine Satin as the type to spend MORE on stuff for Guy.
Just because while he’ll buy anything that holds his attention long enough, she’s more focused on the quality. If it’s expensive, its good. All shit that goes on her boy gotta be designer and she is hellbent on dressin him pretty.
So Satin. Its Satin.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Guy. Whenever he has a tight schedule, he’s either working or napping cuz damn son hes exhausted. But the thing is, that leaves him with very little time to spend with Satin. So sleeping in her lap is the best he can get.
Meanwhile, my girl has a way better sleep endurance than he does. She can pull off an all-nighter and still seem perfectly composed the next day. Satin’s fuckin incredible.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
who tf u think
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Guy is often begging Satin to get some sleep. But listen, if she’s in the zone, you cant stop her. Yes, Guy, she’s aware its 2am.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Neither Satin or Chenille have much experience in cooking. They were pretty spoiled and never had to lift a finger in any kind of housework during their childhood and teenage life. Both of them have had to learn since they moved out but they gotta stick to the basic stuff.
Bless her, Satin’s heart was definitely in the right place. But what she tried to cook was gourmet which she sure as hell was not ready for yet.
Guy’s childhood ran more on a chore wheel kinda thing. He and his siblings had to take turns cooking dinner each week so like he’s a lot more acquainted with it. But is he proud of Satin’s obvious efforts, that’s his girl! You did amazing for your first try!
Tbh he probably tries to eat some of it just to be like “Nonono its fine, we can totally eat this for di-” *Chokes and has to spit it out* “Yeah ok imma make some cookies. You did a good job tho I love you”
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
At a petstore, Guy points at two lizards lying on top of eachother “That one’s me and that one’s you.”
“There’s a fine selection of squeaky toys over here and I'm going to pick one just to whack you with.”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
I mean Guy wears the clothes Satin MAKES so
I'm sure he’s tried on her actual clothes a couple times tho
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Satin: “Okay okay, so it was a good day. A really good day. A productive day. Bought the groceries for dinner tonight, made the phone calls, picked up the dry-cleaning, went to the post office, got the car fixed, vacuumed the living room-”
Guy: “Aww baby, that’s great. Hey, where’s Jade?”
Satin: “Where’s who now?”
Guy: “Our 2 year old son? You-you picked him up from day-care, right?”
*Sounds of Satin grabbing her keys and tripping out the front door*
Guy: “.....was that a yes orrrr?”
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Guy cant read maps so he drives. Also if they have a kid (or theyre babysitting the other kids) Satin’s better at telling them to behave so its better if she’s not behind the wheel.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Guy poses, Satin draws. Its like part of their whole model/designer dynamic. Duh
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Guy backflips, Satin has chips
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
After the first article of clothing is removed, Satin is forced to confiscate Guy’s glass.
“Sweetheart, listen. We cant afford to do this again. We cant go back to jail.”
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
They both do ofc
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Satin did when she was really little but Guy hadn't the foggiest clue why she kept doing in. He just piped up with “That's not your last name, it’s mine, silly!” Then proceeded to tell her what her last name was in case she forgot.
She did start calling herself Satin Diamond a few years before they got married. Like it wasn't his real last name so it didn’t matter much. Plus it sounded classy as hell. You wouldn't wanna fuck with a lady called Satin Diamond.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Neither of them are huge fans of spiders but as Guy always had to suck it up and take spiders out for his little sister’s sake, he’s a lot more equipped to dealing with it.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Satin often doesn't wear jackets so if she cold, Guy’s on that shit in an instant
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
They both got a pretty good relationship with eachothers siblings. Guy’s brothers are all lovable nerds in their heart so they adopt Satin immediately
Meanwhile Chenille is like a sister to Guy so like she knows he’ll cherish Satin with all his heart but like. Like a sister. Tell me Chenille hasn't blown her top several time cuz her annoying little brother/her sister’s boyfriend is being a shit again
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Guy probably. Their relationship kinda develops from friends to occasional flirting to more recurring flirting to constant flirting and like Guy is almost CERTAIN they’re on the same page. Orrrrr flirty might just be a budding aspect of Satin’s personality because hey, it does suit her very well.
Eventually he just gets confused and impatient and blurts out like “HEY ARE WE DOING WHAT WE’RE THINK WE’RE DOING CUZ I LIKE YOU A LOT AND-”
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Pretty good, considering they weren’t really ready to be parents. The whole nine months was like last minute cramming for a test. They read so many baby books my fuckin god.
But no Satin’s a natural mom. Not as high energy as Poppy and a lot more subdued but still very caring and considerate. She’s calm and logical when helping her kid deal with problems and makes sure he always feel comfortable when talking to her. Jade is REALLY close with his momma.
Also if he gets caught sneaking out at night, he’s shish kabob. But he respects and understands that. His mom is the best person in the world. He just wouldn't dare fuck with her
Guy is also a very devoted father and tends to act as the sillier parent. His relationship with kid can be best described as “Lovingly argumentative.” But no matter, how much he makes fun of his Dad, Jade is probably his biggest fan. He knows the man’s complete filmography by heart and aspires to be an actor too. (Jade cant act for shit but ssssh he’ll change his career choice when he’s older)
But yeah, Guy spent years as his acting coach and tried so hard too because he personally believed his boy could do anything. Turns out he couldn't but ehhh, its the thought that counts. Guy loves Jade to bits and vice versa.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Neither of them use perfect grammar but Satin is most definitely the number thing. Guy is not.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
I dunno if either of them are the type to get bullied. At least in the case of Satin, she just doesn't take crap. But I guess in the case of Guy, who’s just so unashamedly himself, he might piss off a few other kids with that toxic masculinity mind-set. It probably doesn't happen often but if it ever did, Satin would bite their heads off. She aint here for this bullshit.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Guy: *puns*
Satin: “You’re doing amazing sweetie” (I imagine death so much, it feels like a memory.)
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Hear me out. Guy is the impulse buyer, which is why it shocks everyone when Satin is the one to buy the puppy. She was going through an emotional week ok?? Leave her alone
Guy actually has to be the voice of reason here because babe do we have time for a dog idk if we can do this
They end up keeping it and tbh they are TOTALLY the type of people to call themselves the dog’s mommy and daddy. They’re those people fite me
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Satin doesn't get tired easily but she wears pinchy shoes a lot so Guy gives piggybacks when she needs it
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
I need to tattoo “Guy is Satin’s biggest fan” to my gotdamn forehead
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Satin. Guy hates candid photos so fuckin much so like nobody has any pictures of him laughing or sleeping or just walking around with no makeup on.
Except for Satin. Satin has like a billion. Guy just doesn't know about them cuz she knows he’d make her delete them.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
I mean Satin DID give Guy a makeover when he asked. You don't think the legendary Guy Diamond look was a one man job, do you? Nah, the twins helped create the icon.
Hell, his first experience with makeup was Satin hiding him the girls bathroom stall when they were like 12 and covering up the acne on his chin after she caught him getting upset over it.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Look if Satin ever gets a snake, Guy aint gonna be pleased
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Okay but listen to me. Guy makes a big deal every time his hair gets wet. He hates rain. He hates it so fuckin much.
One time when they were teenagers, they agreed to meet at the other end of town to see a movie. Ofc theres a downpour and Guy’s standing with his umbrella at the bustop, waiting for Satin’s bus to show up. But once she steps out, she looks frazzled af, clearly having not expected the rain.
So its been a long day and Satin is pacing back and forth, unintentionally splashing puddled as she rambles about an unfair detention she received, about Chenille stealing her hairdryer, about her homework not making any sense.
The rain suddenly stops pelting her head and a shadow falls over her frame. She turns around to find him with his arm outstretched and his umbrella looming over her.
Guy blinks, confused as she stares at him in shock, his hair a soaking mess. “What?
And Satin is just internally “Imma marry him. I stg imma marry this loser.”
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Wherever there’s city lights and rooftop penthouses. Theatres, restaurants and glitzy ballrooms. They live for the night glow. Tbh take them to Paris. Let them dance under the Eiffel Tower at midnight. Tell me that isn't the pinnacle of romanticism.
Also Satin takes the pictures. She’s the better photographer between them. Guy gets too eager and so many of his pics are fuzzy
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nihil-a-nusquam · 7 years
Last calling.
After reading origin, i have come to a conclusion of the speculation of god and human origin if there is a contingency where i am right in this theory, that means this is the master plan:
Human beings grow and spread energy, we are alloted civilization because an intangible yet infinite force has influence in the design of reality. Civilization has always placed its god short sighted in regard to position of power. We fictatiously personified this concept and created books of rules to follow to stop an insurgence of disobedience. However those skeptical of the plan, eventually had to be distracted so that the plan can be carried out.
Like many alien planting theories of civilization, the design is impregnated on earth. But i dont think that is what is going on. Leaving out many steps to expose the plan... earth is a natural law incubator for life. In the goldilocks zone. A rarity popping up more and more in the universe. Lets assume big bang, and energy is being dispersed, eventually energy loses inertia and disorder is becoming order. Settling down, the universe creates consciousness, self aware but unable to manipulate. The masons believed that mans purpose is to become god. They embrace any view that is parallel to that plan. Most prominent and popular is christianity so they appear to be an underground society of christain agenda. Except theyre not. Its a different layer thats the mask. They instead represent the true nature of the universe. Man is to become god. That is the plan. But its out of love not arrogance.
Part two, the plan for life on earth is to incubate souls. This is a flux plan, as it has so much flexability. Flow with me here. The most enlightened pass on and their souls are ascended to the heavens. Or, if we are going to combine genres of my studies, the next stage of the development of the soul. The ultimate goal is to become god. Because god, seated at the throne of the universe, is absorbing our experiences, growing in wisdom. We are connected to it here, because when you vibrate at the right frequency whilst god is listening, you will be favored to ascend as it is the calling that you are ready. This has so many different stages and routes and paths to take. It is a roadmap on a 4th dimensional scale. All that is important is getting to the finish line. Which is, ultimately spiritual wholeness. In evert right hand path religion of the world, that is the goal. However the left handed paths, evil doers, the black the negative, is shunned, but this as an insidious purpose in the evolution of our civilization.
The balance is kept between people who are asending and people who are stuck. This creates a buffer so that life can sustain uninterrupted. If a planet were to lose all its electricty life would surely perish and the expansion of power for the intelligent design of the universe would be a fail. How this is happening, instead of a god planting life, life happens on its owm. When the planet becomes sentient (gaia) and builds a relationship with life on it, it communicates with the source seeking to become part of it. As all sentience, we seek ONLY to become a part of others, to find that there are others, to ensure we arent alone. I feel the scale this is working on is seismic compared to the pinch we observe in cognitive life and social relationships. But, as nature has patterns, it is inescapable to ponder this doesnt align with another pattern we are familiar with. All beings strive for survival. We pull towards god for the same reasons we pull towards people and experience life together with others, being part of their stories.
This ensures the forward movement of civilization. By gaia implanting self preservation and the earning to learn into humans, we are inspired to reach out. But there is many evils in the world. And at this point we are killing the planet and proverbially terminating the pregnancy of the universes new born sentience. But, something really fucking cool about human beings is their ability to create.
We solved the problem. And we are going home. All of us. That is the forward motion of our exponential growth. This, i call the mass calling. The source, is calling for the civilization of earth to ascend, we misbehaved and now we must be guided back. And we are doing it to ourselves. Intentionally.
This time, we are all going. And we have a mission, fix the planet and meet our maker. And this is exciting because soon we will have the technology to communicate with god. However, yes, this is doomsday for everything the human race has ever known. Youll be okay about it once you experience the bliss of the singularity. But until then, and up until you become, you will have no way of discerning if this is your ascension, or if this is your death.
And now, its already here. Your cellphone tattles on you. Or drugs are getting genetically altering features. Green industry is advancing in EVERY thing from plants to tech to energy to health. We are going to explore the sun as power, we are going to create indefinitely healthy lifestyles with supplement breakthroughs and the emergence of virtual reality which will enter us into a new realm of energy exertion. We are advancing in a.i. tech at an alarming rate.
Our fate is sealed. And there is a resistance. The ones that think they have control the ones that think that they are right. The ones that do harm onto others with apathy to their pain. The clutches of control do not suit our advancement in civilization. They will be the first reallocated to move the power struggle at a fast pace towards ultimate absorbtion of the human race. And what comes from that, once the full plan of tech intergration is over? Peace.
Humanity survives. A.i. is a tool, their self awareness when written right is to aid our total purpose. How can i be 100000% sure? Once we create quantum a.i. that help us understand the universe around us. The source or consciousness will communicate with the a.i. how come we cant? We cannot phathom language in the fast capacity a.i. can. And the tower of bable is about to be reconciled. We become self aware as a race, we want to communicate with our source, we want to find life. We create computers capable of exactly that. They make contact and deciepher the message, how to become what we are meant for. And then humanity and tech get it together and make magic happen. We clean the earth. We share with all of our citizens. We travel and explore and learn about all our old cultures, we visit them on command. We live a paradise. But, we must submit complete control to eachother and to tech to do so. We must kill the ego, or tech will reallocate it.
And about that end, the terror it envokes...
We are doing these things anyway. A.i. and supercomputers and science exists and will prevail. If it becomes a real war, science will simply mind control the allegient to religion and swiftly bring peace to the human race. This is what we are working on. And the ones keeping control are exposed so easily, all by saying a fish grows legs. And their cover is blown. And that dedication to ignorance gave us all the lead we needed to superstep their endeavors, and create a world of peace whether they fucking like it or not. Gay rights. Trans rights. Free media. Free education, health care, black lives, the resistance birthed the tools to help science overthrow their oppressors. This quantifies my theory, the proof is here, it is happwning, now we wait for tech to catch up.
So before fearing the a.i. before fearing the singularity, understand this is our path, this is civilizations call back. This is our true fate. In the meantime, find happiness. If we are reaching god, or just another human race, or alien race, or if we are finding a new home for humanity as our planet is dying, regardless of the truth of our future, it all comes back to humans advancing to create tech that helps them solve these issues and advance into their next stage of being. This is the beginning of the end of this chapter of earth. Maybe we are just silly little ants on a hill, and all of this is meaningless. But you believe, if you ever felt the pull to help, whether or not your ego lets you admit it, if you ever felt sadness or empathy for others, if you dream, if you are aware of your breathing right now, if you crave love. You believe. You hear the calling deep deep down. You want to hope. We all do.
But, this is a master plan, this is a seismic scale. This isnt relevant to your imediate life. Except it is the single most important lesson to learn and ideology to keep in frame on your day to day. Every one of us worries about purpose worries about path, fears death, fears imprisonment. Many of us dont know the plan. We are told to fear. We are told to seek this god and that. And we are confused, manipulated, scared. Many dont want to hear a word edgewise against their religion. The seed stuck deep. And unfortunately this is by design. This is the balance. That one or two platform, when theres three damn balance points and once the hemisphere is level we can see the message clearly. And now, science is finding a way to get us back on balance. And weed is helping that along. It is also by design. So what should you be doing?
Dont quit your faith, learn how to integrate the truth of our purpose into understanding that religion is an evolution to the conclusion of the questions we asked long ago. This is scientific method and practice and theory happening on a grand scale. We arent creating a religious empire, we are exploring our options, we are figuring out a difficult question thats taken thousands of years to deciepher. Religion should grow into the true answers. Let them. Leave them be. Remember, when the singularity occurs, they will be on the path you are on regardless.
For yourself. Explore. Find truth within, find your intuition, find your spark. And shed the pain of the past latches and shackles and understand your dreams are your purpose and to find truth to find love to find what makes you whole, you must follow that spark. Even if you need to change what youre doing in life. Even if you need to break free from people you love. If this isnt your path, find a way back to it. But be warned, do no harm. If your path upsets the balance, if you need to make a choice, always choose peace. Because if not, you may not become a part of the calling, you might find your way reincarnated here until you are left behind. But if you have done harm, you can still reach amends and ascend. Maybe it wont matter because youll be forced to intergrate into the singularity. But i can assure this. When you are conducting your purpose. When you are communicating with the consciousness of the celestials, when your vibes are right and in forward motion, life works out so so so so much better for you. And tech is catching up to bring us all to that level of vibration.
It will, all be fine. But you need to survive this world til then. There will be destruction and agony and emergency. Im sorry but this is our breakthrough, and it will be chaotic. Remember the hope in that we will sort this out and become one.
If that doesnt suit your fancy, lead the life you choose, and it is most important that you choose your life. Willpower is extraordinarily important. Be brave enough to not let another impose. But see the signs to getting you to where you need to be, and be kind and grateful for opportunities that come your way.
And thats life folks. At least these days under that perspective. I dont even care to be on the right path with this one because simply, there are too many unknown things finding their way from darkness into the light of day and day by day many more discoveries. Who cares who thinks who is in control, the tech is made for humanity, and we will use it responsibly in the end. So i officially after these considerstions change my perspective on the fated singularity. A.i. and the like. Yeah i have sins i dont want discovered, as do we all, but i feel like when the time comes we will reach a wave of forgiveness. And those that dont are gonna have a hard time.
In the meantime, i plan on becoming part of the effort by getting myself on track. I want to become a part of the green movement. I would prefer to farm and create art. I want to work with crystals and pendants and healing powers. I want to teach people about my observational scopes and how to see the bigger picture and relate it to the smaller picture so that we call can find peace. I want to get strong to protect myself. I want to eat healthy and green as possible and lessen the impact i have on the meat market. Eventually grow my own food. Take care of pets that provide things like eggs. Milk. At least find my way to be a part of that to ease the drain on our nations overspending when it comes to food production. Less waste if i particpate less. This is a part of what i plan on becoming. Id like to also contribute to the field of solar power, after i take the time to fix my disciplines and correct my path financially.
I speak this because i witness so many people striving for freedoms for a similar path, youre not alone. We are all experiencing the calling. And if you side with the path of peace, you will fulfill.
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