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queenbeeibee · 3 months
who jackson?
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"He's my driver, bodyguard, close friend, and sometimes a total buzzkill. His family's worked for me since the start of Hell, so we're pretty close!"
🌸🐝 - [ ooc but jackson pierce is a hellhound OC I made so that Bee would have a staff member on hand in the Hive. His family has worked for her since the start of Hell, as stated, and Jackson is currently Bee's driver/personal bodyguard (which she doesn't really need, but she doesn't mind giving him the title). The two of them are very close, and Bee minds Jackson telling her no to things more than she would most anyone due to their bond. ]
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
so who are jackson and jellybean?
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🌸🐝 - [ Gonna be answering this one OOC! So, it's canon that the Sins have staff - or, at least, the ones we've seen do. Ozzie has a bevy of Imp servants, Mammon keeps Fizzbots to do his bidding. I felt like Bee would have a few Hellhounds and other Gluttony-born demons around who would help her clean up after her multitude of parties, drive her around (again, this girl CANNOT drive, so that was a must), and generally help with the day to day.
[ (Jackson Pierce) is Bee's driver. He is a 108-year-old Wolfbred Hellhound, but don't let his age fool you. This old man lives up to the Wolf part of his species, and while he's definitely greying around the muzzle, that hasn't stopped him from being in Beelzebub's employ. She's tried multiple times to convince him to retire, to slow down, to enjoy the life she feels he deserves after putting up with her for so long, but he will hear none of it. I based him off those kinda creepy butler figures in old Black-and-White movies, the ones who look CENTURIES old, but also have a weird sort of timelessness to them? He acts like them, too, talking very formally, being very judgmental of any sort of technology (Bee got him a Hellphone and it took her four hours to teach him how to use it, and he STILL only does so under intense duress), and weirdly having a strength you wouldn't expect to see in such an old man? (Guy lifted LUCIFER, and while Lulu is very thin and Muppet-y, that's still a bit of weight!) Bee adores him.
[ (Jellybean) on the other hand, was once a stuffed animal that Lucifer made for Beelzebub close to the start of Hell. I based them heavily off of Niquie from Viv's Die Young video in design, with a few changes of my own. They're sort of like Razzle and Dazzle, general "around the house" sort of assistance, though they'd much rather be sleeping than actually keep up with any of Bee's work. Jelly's just as much of a Party Animal as their Mistress, though, and enjoys dancing with the Queen of Gluttony. They also have a secondary demon form, which turns them into a four legged six-tailed fox, large enough for Bee (in her current height) to ride on. Bee occasionally uses them as a messenger during parties, to sniff out a specific someone if Bee has something she can't get away from. Any other time, though, Jelly is asleep on Bee's desk, waiting for the next party to start.
[ There are more demons on Bee's staff than just these two, obviously, but these two will be mentioned most often. One day I might even do a little thing where people can ask Jackson or Jellybean questions for a day, but that's a bit off in the future. Hope this answered you! ]
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
"She really loves me?"
Jackson knew he shouldn't say anything more. To do so would be a betrayal of Beelzebub's trust. But he was so tired of seeing his Queen so sad. "She does, sire. More than anything."
How many times had he heard her say so, over the course of his life? He'd seen her watching Lucifer with those love-struck looks, the same kind he gave to his own wife before Bee had pushed him to, as she called it, "make a move." Maybe this could be the same thing. A gift from her, and a gift from him.
@themosthatedbeingg c.
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
⏳- for Jackson!
Jackson and his wife, Penny, have a total of five children from their first and only litter together, due to complications with Penny's health. They are, in order of age, Valerie (f), Maybelle (f), Jackson (called Jackie to avoid confusion, m), Dagwood (nb), and Honey (nb). When they were born, Jackson was fifty in Hell years (equivalent to maybe twenty-five in Earth years), and he was scared to death throughout the entire process. But when those pups were born, you had never seen a prouder papa, not anywhere in any ring. By now, three of his children have litters of their own - Valerie, Dagwood, and Honey. Jackie is in a long-term relationship with his boyfriend, and Maybelle and her partner are currently traveling through the Rings before figuring out where they want to settle down.
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
Gives her a rubber duck that looks like Jackson and Her little Fox assistant .
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"Aww, Lulu!!!! They're perfect!" She turned each of them over and over carefully, tracing a fingertip over the familiar features of her friends, now imprinted on rubber. Jackson's 'beak' was a bit more pointed, going from dark black to a perfect silver at the very tip, and Jellybean's was the same blue as the inside of her mouth. "I'm keeping these forever, they're going with me everywhere."
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
Do you have any ideas for faceclaims of Jackson and Jellybean?
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🌸🐝 - [ I do, in fact! I am terrible at drawing, or I would draw some sort of reference, but I always sort of see Jackson as Ron Perlman in his human form - the kind of guy who looks like someone you could have a beer with, but who could also fold you like an origami crane the minute you pissed him off. As for his actual Hellhound form, I like to think he looks like British Columbian Wolves, with a prominent muzzle and rounded out ears. His build stays the same in either form, and he's taller than Bee by a few feet.
[ As for Jellybean, I really hadn't given her a lot of thought, considering she's a plush toy who was brought to life for Bee. I did base one of her forms off of Kirara, from InuYasha, so maybe something like that? Though her fur would be pink, instead of yellow, and her eyes are a bright, glowing green. ]
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