#. [ 🐝 qυєυє ]
queenbeeibee · 5 months
so who are jackson and jellybean?
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🌸🐝 - [ Gonna be answering this one OOC! So, it's canon that the Sins have staff - or, at least, the ones we've seen do. Ozzie has a bevy of Imp servants, Mammon keeps Fizzbots to do his bidding. I felt like Bee would have a few Hellhounds and other Gluttony-born demons around who would help her clean up after her multitude of parties, drive her around (again, this girl CANNOT drive, so that was a must), and generally help with the day to day.
[ (Jackson Pierce) is Bee's driver. He is a 108-year-old Wolfbred Hellhound, but don't let his age fool you. This old man lives up to the Wolf part of his species, and while he's definitely greying around the muzzle, that hasn't stopped him from being in Beelzebub's employ. She's tried multiple times to convince him to retire, to slow down, to enjoy the life she feels he deserves after putting up with her for so long, but he will hear none of it. I based him off those kinda creepy butler figures in old Black-and-White movies, the ones who look CENTURIES old, but also have a weird sort of timelessness to them? He acts like them, too, talking very formally, being very judgmental of any sort of technology (Bee got him a Hellphone and it took her four hours to teach him how to use it, and he STILL only does so under intense duress), and weirdly having a strength you wouldn't expect to see in such an old man? (Guy lifted LUCIFER, and while Lulu is very thin and Muppet-y, that's still a bit of weight!) Bee adores him.
[ (Jellybean) on the other hand, was once a stuffed animal that Lucifer made for Beelzebub close to the start of Hell. I based them heavily off of Niquie from Viv's Die Young video in design, with a few changes of my own. They're sort of like Razzle and Dazzle, general "around the house" sort of assistance, though they'd much rather be sleeping than actually keep up with any of Bee's work. Jelly's just as much of a Party Animal as their Mistress, though, and enjoys dancing with the Queen of Gluttony. They also have a secondary demon form, which turns them into a four legged six-tailed fox, large enough for Bee (in her current height) to ride on. Bee occasionally uses them as a messenger during parties, to sniff out a specific someone if Bee has something she can't get away from. Any other time, though, Jelly is asleep on Bee's desk, waiting for the next party to start.
[ There are more demons on Bee's staff than just these two, obviously, but these two will be mentioned most often. One day I might even do a little thing where people can ask Jackson or Jellybean questions for a day, but that's a bit off in the future. Hope this answered you! ]
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queenbeeibee · 4 months
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Bee had meant for the announcement to be a joke - just a way to wake Keenie up, and for Bee to have a small laugh at her expense. She had expected some blushing, some flustering, maybe for Keenie to yell for Momo to throw some clothes on, but this was... different.
"Keenie? Momo's not actually here- I was just trying to wake you up." She knelt down a little, reaching a hand through the clothes to try and find her friend. "You don't have to hide."
@keenie-bopper - re:
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
If you had to pick out a formal outfit for Mammon, what would you choose?
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"Mmm, something like this. Don't give me that look, I know for a fact Mams has worn this kind of suit at least once."
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier!
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♡ NAME: b or maddie, whichever's less confusing for you! ♡ PRONOUNS: anything is fine with me. ♡ SEXUALITY: gray-ace, panromantic ♡ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single
♡ i collect pointy things - knives, swords, various sewing needles - and have a small box where i keep my favorite small knives. ♡ my favorite movie is Halloween, and i've seen every film in the franchise where Michael Myers appears. (yes i skipped Halloween III, they took out my favorite slasher!) ♡ my favorite color is pink.
♡ HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i've been roleplaying off and on for a various amount of years. i think i started on tumblr in 2013, and my first fandom here was rise of the guardians. before that i would RP on various chatrooms, forums i could find, and through IMs or Skype. ♡ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Various RP Forums, Chatrooms, instant messengers, Discord. ♡ BEST EXPERIENCE: There's too many to really name, and some of those best experiences are tinged bittersweet now.
♡ FEMALE OR MALE: Oddly enough, male. Bee is one of the first female muses I've had, so she's a departure from the norm for me. ♡ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Fluff is LOVE to me, and Angst is the way to my heart. I'm not huge on writing out smut, personally, but I'm not against it, either. ♡ PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots are hella fun, but sometimes you just wanna throw a few memes out there for a bit of short, quick replies to get your brain working. ♡ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: either! Sometimes I can write the longest reply ever, go into insane detail and plot, and have to shove something under a read more, or sometimes I just want to write like maybe a paragraph or two and have that be it. ♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Not in the least, Bee is the complete opposite of me. She's what I sorta wish I could be.
tagged by. no one i swiped it
tagging. whoever!
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queenbeeibee · 6 months
@alwayschasingraiinbows liked for a slumber party starter!
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"Thanks for letting me stay at your hotel for the night, Charlie. I swear, every fucking day that stupid Hellevator breaks exactly when you don't need it to."
Bee pressed the tips of her fingers against her forehead, slowly rubbing to try and get rid of some of the stress-induced tension that had been building since she'd been told it would be another day before she could return to her own ring. There was going to be so much fucking work piled up by the time she got back... "But seriously, thanks for this, girl. Swear I'll be outta your hair first thing after breakfast!"
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
Has something happened?
"No. No, nothing's happened." And it wasn't a lie, though it burned her tongue to say all the same. Nothing had happened - yet that was. "I just..."
The words wouldn't come. They had gone over this in their head what felt like a thousand times, once they'd made their decision to speak to him, had rehearsed what to say and how to say it. And now, here, the words wouldn't come. They were trapped behind sharp teeth, bound to a soft tongue, stuck in a throat determined to hold them back because releasing them would change everything. The entire world as Qasfiel knew it would shift the second this secret was out in the open, but it would shift, too, if they stayed silent. Damned if they spoke, damned if they don't...
With a heavy sigh, they stepped fully into Gabriel's office, making sure to shut the door behind them. When that was done, they took a deep, if shuddering breath, and when they lifted their head, tears were pooling in their eyes. "My friend, I have something that I must confess."
@heaven-said c.
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queenbeeibee · 6 months
@themosthatedbeing - cont.
The young angel skid to a stop, slipping just a bit in the dew-covered grass, her head turning toward the sound of her name. She recognized the voice instantly, and when she caught sight of the elder angel, she raised a hand in greeting, waving it frantically. "Lucifer!"
He seemed to want her to come join him, which left her torn for a moment, her head turning back to the new insect she'd just made. If she didn't hurry, she might lose it. But, if Lucifer wanted her attention, it could be something important! After all, things were changing so rapidly now, especially with the two humans who resided in Eden. Lilith and Adam had been acting oddly... maybe he wanted to talk to her about it? Though she wasn't sure why - she was only a Virtue, not an Archangel. Still, it was enough to get her to abandon her chase of the bee and flit her way over to him, her wings shimmering in the sunlight. "Is something the matter? Do you need my help?"
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queenbeeibee · 3 months
Micheal: "Qasfiel, you seem to be doing rather well for yourself"
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"Michael." She couldn't keep the faint trace of annoyance out of the word as she looked up at her brother the Angel. "I haven't gone by that name in a long time, y'know."
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queenbeeibee · 3 months
Who Are You in This Haunted House?
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The Mother
You pour everything you have left into those you love. Desperately, frantically you try to fix what is broken, but the cracks spread faster than you can mend. If only you can hold everyone together, then things might just be okay! However, you only have two hands and all anyone seems to do is pull away. Everyone is different now, even you, and pretending not to see it isn’t making anything better. You see the signs of things going wrong, of what is but should not be, and you try to warn them. You love with every fiber of your being, but try as you might, you cannot make them understand. They don’t listen, no one ever listens.
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queenbeeibee · 1 month
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"Sooooooo, don't be mad. But I may or may not have stolen your clothes today."
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queenbeeibee · 4 months
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"I hope you dont mind me drinking your cleaning supplies."
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"...is that safe for you, honey? If it is, help yourself, I can always buy more, but, uh. It's not gonna cause you any problems or anything...?"
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queenbeeibee · 4 months
@letsstaytuned - cont.
"A Masquerade ball how delightful! I do hope it will be a classy affair."
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"It'll be something to remember, for sure~" She kept her smile firmly in place, ignoring the slight jab about class. After all, most Sinners did know Bee for her more wild parties. "I haven't thrown anything like it in forever, felt like it was time."
And it certainly had felt like it was time. While Bee adored her more wild parties, the kind that kept the Beelzejuice flowing and fed her well, it was good to remind Hell that those weren't the only kinds of parties in the world. And it was even better to remind certain people that while Beelzebub didn't always act her age, she did have the ability to be more refined when the situation called for it...
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When Alastor asked her about the guest list, the smile she'd been wearing softened to something more real. "Mmm, not that many people. Maybe fifty to a hundred, tops. Hardly anyone, really." Most of her parties had at least triple that. "I was gonna have it in Lulu's palace, but I figured after throwing a coffee party there not long ago, I should probably stop pressing my luck." And stop anyone from breaking anything else in the King's Palace. "So, I had to think of another location in Pride that lots of people could fit in, that was well known, and that wouldn't be somewhere sleazy - imagine trying to host a masquerade in a night club. No one would show! And I figured the Hotel could work! Plus, who knows. Maybe someone'll decide they wanna try their hand at redemption!"
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
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"Would you like to try foods and drinks from other worlds?"
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"Sure, hon! I'll try any food or drink once!"
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
"Then... This has your name on it." Cue the sudden and equally surprising reveal of a large stack of gourmet chocolate bars, each being as big as a barn door, covered in a protective foil with the letters GIANT emblazoned vividly on the label... And a few 50 gallon barrels full of top grade glitter for good measure.
No idea how or where Aveline keeps all that stuff, but she definitely has the goods.
"How is this to your liking?"
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"Holy SHIT, this is the best thing ever!" She flew over to examine everything, from the chocolate bars - which would have to be brought inside soon, lest they melt under Gluttony's ever-shining sun - to the glitter, which fell like water through Bee's fingers. "I love it!"
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
"She really loves me?"
Jackson knew he shouldn't say anything more. To do so would be a betrayal of Beelzebub's trust. But he was so tired of seeing his Queen so sad. "She does, sire. More than anything."
How many times had he heard her say so, over the course of his life? He'd seen her watching Lucifer with those love-struck looks, the same kind he gave to his own wife before Bee had pushed him to, as she called it, "make a move." Maybe this could be the same thing. A gift from her, and a gift from him.
@themosthatedbeingg c.
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queenbeeibee · 2 months
"Up here, Lulu!"
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Bee's voice echoed down to the lowest parts of the Hive, bouncing off the walls and sounding like it came from everywhere at once. However, if one was to look up, they would see the Queen of Gluttony in an old T-Shirt dress and some fuzzy socks, kneeling on her ceiling as she scrubbed out some strange stain. One of her free hands was extended, holding a bucket at just about arm's length away, and she dunked the sponge back in, groaning. "How the fuck did they even get this shit so high up, I fuckin' swear- That's the last time I let people use my aerial obstacle course for anything."
The grumbling continued as she tackled the stain again, scrubbing carefully to try and get every bit. "C'mon up if you want! We've got most of the rooms done, it's just a few random spots now at this point..."
@themosthatedbeingg c.
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