#. | a lost princess set amongst the stars as a queen (ariadne)
singofus-a · 4 months
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@drcplet asked: he grabs her hips and pulls her in close, kissing along her neck and shoulder . he’d missed her, time having pulled them apart in ways familiar, but no less painful . still , he has her in his arms now , and that’s all that matters.
❛ heya mama , ❜ he murmurs softly . ❛ i missed you . ❜ [ ↝ ariadne, godly verse]
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
She senses him before she feels him, and that alone makes her smile. Finally her husband was home. Then his hands are on her and her whole body relaxes, leaning against him as she slips a bookmark into her puzzle book and discards it - in favour of closing her eyes and drinking in his touch. Her hands come to rest over his and rub soft little circles there.
"Hey, dear one. I missed you too." Her head leans against his with a soft sigh. "How did it go? Everything okay? Have fun? Tell me all about it."
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singofus-a · 7 months
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@nectaric asked: "hello ariadne." it was the first time ares had seen her since his captivity, and it was only through great effort that he managed to offer her the hint of a smile. "i was just with dionysus, but he's all yours now." / that thing we talked about!
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
"Hello Ares." She gives a warm smile in return, though stayed curled up on her couch to look up at him. It would have been difficult to move anyway with the purring leopard still with its head in her lap, enjoying the lazy head scratches she gave him.
"Thank you. I'm sure he'll come to me at some point." Her voice remained calm, soft. Her aim to keep the present moment as low intensity as possible. Even at first glance it was clear that the god was deeply troubled still. But after what he went through, she would be surprised for that not to be the case. Her own troubles still bubble up in her now sometimes, though barely.
"He won't be just yet, and you're more than welcome to stay. I have some freshly made orange juice if you'd like some." She wasn't sure if he would, but neither did she want him to feel as if he had to leave right away either. Her husband's influence was very strong, coming out of it could be just as intense too. Though Ares was a strong man and seemed to not show it.
"There are a few kitties about that would love to demand your attention." As she spoke a few of them came padding over to say hello to him, to inspect the visitor and brush up against him if allowed. Though they were big, sometimes they truly did act like spoiled housecats.
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singofus-a · 1 year
@ofspvrta gets an unplotted starter from ARIADNE!
With Naxos being the home of the legend of the godly couple meeting, and supposedly the place of their home on Hellas, the Bacchanalia festa was famed as being the biggest of its kind. A great celebration of wine, self-expression and liberation. This year, it was also a celebration of mother and daughter reunited, a hero's odyssey observed even by the gods - now celebrated by them too.
Each year, one man and one woman were chosen to represent the godly couple at the parade and resulting drunken celebrations - this year, they were replaced by the couple themselves - disguised.
The drunken evening party was well underway by the time that Ariadne approached Kassandra. Red-tipped horns adorned her head, dark curls entwined with ivy that swished as she twirled and shifted through the maze of dancers. Between flickering of the firelight, Kassandra might be able to spot the changes in Ariadne, from mortal disguise to godly form - eyes switching from a warm brown to golden with serpentine slits, skin from tan to adorned with a golden shimmer, reality seeming to bend and shift around her causing almost a heat shimmer around her entire body.
Ariadne danced closer with a smile, tugging on Kassandra's arms and encouraging her into the fray of dancers swaying to the music.
"I am glad you are celebrating, it is as much a celebration for you and the archon as it is for the island. Your presence is a blessing!" A tipsy giggle left her then, glancing about now to the nymphs and satyrs that seemed to dance and revel unnoticed by the humans around. Would Kassandra notice them? Would she notice her mother dancing with her general?
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singofus-a · 2 years
@twcebrn plotted a starter from ARIADNE!
Time after she left her home in Asphodel had passed very quickly and through intense stages. First, she'd had to process once more being alive - now alive and immortal. Then came the wedding and the celebratory feasts. It was all very intense for someone grown used to solitude. Her husband helped her through it, though she was still getting used to his presence too. Their temporary residence on Olympus did help though, as they spent many days after the wedding in one another's company. Though she had fallen in love with him before accepting his proposal, she found herself falling far deeper in love with him. He made it so easy with how much care he put into making her comfortable and happy. They had many common interests that she had remembered from their time in Naxos before...everything. She was keen to begin to explore them once they had settled and the island was beginning to heal.
Hermes had confided in her privately about the condition of Naxos in her absence. Dionysus had explained his oath to her and his determination to find her, but even he seemed blind to the degradation that had occurred simultaneous with that of his sanity. At the moment, her husband seemed unable to focus on it either, which lead her to take it into her own concern. Though hearing of it through Hermes was very different to actually setting foot on the island.
Ariadne stood now at her husband's side on his chariot, she felt her breath hold as the island she had come to know appeared into view. A sense of wrongness washed over her upon seeing it. Never had she viewed it from above, but even from here she could tell that something was off. Although fishing boats were still out to sea, there were visible wrecks along the shoreline, towns and villages seemed smaller and there were buildings that seemed burnt or crumbled. As the drew closer, she could see very few people on the streets though a small group seemed gathered at the temple - from which purple ceremonial smoke rose. Her eyes turned to his palace and, despite its wild nature, it seemed...overgrown and neglected. It seemed sad.
Oh Dionysus...
She felt some guilt for this, her death being the cause of this from the beginning. Sympathy bloomed for her husband too, this a clear manifestation that despite their marriage there were still wounds left to heal. Despite how intensely this hit her, it only made her more determined to help the god heal. Heal and move on into their happy future.
"Will you give me a tour of your - our palace when we arrive? I want to see more of my home." She said aloud, glancing over to him with a soft smile. In her time here before, she had seen little of his palace except the grounds - not having spent too long there for fear of wasting his time and giving off the wrong message. Had he changed anything in anticipation of their marriage?
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singofus-a · 1 year
@mageiia plotted a starter from ARIADNE!
As soon as she got the message from Hypnos, she had paused what work she had been doing and summoned herself a door through which to step out on the path just before Hypnos's palace. Not to disrespect their home by just inviting herself in.
She was led in by Hypnos himself, and even his expression alone told her everything she needed to know. It was truly a blessing that Hypnos saw and understood why Maggie might need her right now. People had their doubts about Hypnos, but he loved Maggie and did right by her. Paid attention to her needs.
Hurrying into Maggie's room, she slipped under the blankets right beside Maggie and took her hands into a squeezing grasp.
"Oh Maggie, what's happened? Hypnos told me something was wrong." That was a teeny bit of a lie, she knew some extent of it, that it involved Maggie's estranged family. But she wanted to hear things from Maggie's lips.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@saccharic plotted a starter from ARIADNE for DIONYSUS!
For the past few days, Ariadne had formed a dazed little routine of her own. Born out of concern that the homeowners who graciously let her stay, would grow tired of her. In an effort to keep out of their way, the princess would instead wander aimlessly across the island's beaches. She didn't always intend to end up there, but sometimes her body would walk there of its own accord. Perhaps as a former priestess to the sea god, she felt desire for some familiarity in being close. Or perhaps the constant crashing of waves and sea breeze was enough to alleviate the smallest amount of crushing weight against her chest.
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In this moment now, she was curled up, her veil now used more like a shawl to protect her from the breeze and hide her tears as she sobbed to herself at the edge of the beach. Where it met a grove of trees. All she felt capable of was crying, her body unable to cope from the sheer pain in her heart from the abandonment and betrayal.
Was she truly not good enough even to say goodbye to? Had she done something wrong? Had she forsaken a god somehow despite her prayers otherwise? Her mind could just truly not comprehend what had happened or that just days ago she was the happiest she had ever been. Never before had she felt so free. So herself.
Again, she lost herself to her own darkened thoughts.
Until she felt a presence grow nearer, near enough to bring her back to herself and hastily wipe her tears away. A hasty polite smile given before her head bowed and she waited for them to move, well seemingly stumble, past. The man seemed a little worse for wear despite the morning hour, and she didn't want to draw any more attention to herself than she already had.
"I am alright, sir, just leave me be." She says softly, again trying to dismiss any attention. Right now, perhaps it was best if she stayed alone. She couldn't get hurt then.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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singofus-a · 2 years
@unbelievds plotted a starter from ARIADNE for THANATOS!
Out of all of her godhood trials, both past and future, this was the one she was dreading the most. That of Lord Thanatos. Each meeting after each trial, she would always glance at his empty throne and remember what was to come. The cthonic god who had directly volunteered to do this.
Death itself was the fear of almost every mortal, but it was also the complete lack of preparation and knowledge that also scared her. Every other trial she had some kind of idea of what to expect, knew of these gods enough to anticipate and to plan. Out of the gods involved, only Hermes directly interacted with Thanatos. He claimed to have no idea about this trial when she asked him, but he had already proven himself an unreliable witness. All she could think to do was revise the rites of death and practice her methods of keeping calm and centred emotionally. Death was not something gods feared, so she must not fear it either.
Yet the only time she had seen him, her soul had only just been spared the cut Atropos’ shears as the car swerved around her. In its window, she had seen the deity then with his curved scythe. A missed greeting. 
This time, she had no guidance on how to dress - so she opted for a plain, modest light grey long-sleeved top and flexible black jeans, her hair wrapped in a plain black veil. She might be on her path to godhood but still she was a mortal and so she would dress respectfully.
Now she walked into the empty marble throne room, as she had before each trial, and this time knelt before Death’s empty throne, head bowed. Waiting for his presence and explanation of the trial that awaited her.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@drcplet requested a starter in the ‘a drop of darkness’ AU from ARIADNE!
Ever since Dionysus had revealed himself as...well, Dionysus, Ariadne had told him that she needed space to process it. Of course, he was not the first god she had seen (since her mother was godly), but to her it did change things. She wasn’t immortal, for one. If she did ever admit her feelings, let him in as he seemed to want, it would only be a matter of years before it would fizzle out. Even if he did stay with her for life, she would be dead at some point or another. Besides, he had myths for so long that he took many loves and shifted around...maybe she would be forgotten all over again once he found someone else to focus on. All of her trauma and worries swirled together.
When a little tipsy after work, she had poured out her heart out to her boss-slash-love-goddess. She’d given good advice, telling her to talk to Dionysus about all this, but Ariadne just kept putting it off. She was scared, and maybe she would end up hearing things she just couldn’t bear to. 
So seemingly Aphrodite had taken it upon herself to get them to talk.
Ariadne had turned up to her shift at the ‘sexy costume’ theme night for Halloween, yet about an hour in she was sent off to the Bacchanialia to help them plan their own spooky event. According to Aphrodite it was because Ariadne was a manager and good at planning parties, but considering the wide grin the goddess gave - Ariadne knew the ulterior motives were moreso the reason.
Now embarassingly dressed as a sexy cat, Ariadne stood round the corner from the bar vaping a little for courage before going into the bar - greeting the familiar nymph at the door politely. She walked down the steps carefully in her high heels and entered the club, not sure what to expect for a planning meeting. Would Dionysus even attend?
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@gildedwar asked: Do asterius and Ariadne speak? Do they know each other's relationship to Theseus, as well as their other sister's relationship to him? If so how do they feel about it?
unprompted headcanon ask | Always Accepting
Do Asterius and Ariadne speak?
At first they didn't. Even when Ariadne heard that Asterius was in the arena and living in Elysium. She assumed for a while that he wouldn't want to know her. Because of her part in his death. Yet she does reach out eventually, even just for closure and to say how glad she is that he is living a life he deserves. Asterius was very surprised to see her as a goddess and married with children etc. But now they talk regularly
I hc that she used a regular ball of yarn to go and visit him in the labyrinth a few times growing up. Until Daedalus found her and brought her out and Minos ordered her yarn be destroyed and put guards at the door. Made her priestess so she would have to watch and see the monster Asterius was (was turned into). Ariadne is the only human Asterius has positive memories of (he has no memory of his mother).
Do they know each other's relationship to Theseus as well as Phaedra's?
Asterius knew of Ariadne's. Now when the dialogue in canon comes where Theseus insults Ari, there is no surprise from Asterius. I assume he already knew what happened. Either from Theseus or, most likely, Ariadne when they spoke again. He also found out about Phaedra then - although that was also when he found out he had more siblings than just Ariadne. Asterius doesn't care about Phaedra really, but he would ask Theseus about her just out of curiosity.
Ariadne found out about Phaedra a while ago and was hurt and angry for a while, but she then just focussed on her own life and worked to forget all about Theseus.
At first, she doesn't know about Asterius and Theseus being brothers in arms (or more depending on how you view it). When she finds out, she thinks its Hades putting them together as some kind of sick joke. Then Asterius explains to her how Theseus got him from Erebus. Ariadne still doesn't understand well, warning Asterius not to fall for being used by him. Hopes that Asterius is actually being treated well and his innocence to everything not being manipulated.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@nectaric asked: how does hermes deal with intense emotions (fear, anger, sadness)? does ariadne have anything on her bucket list she has yet to achieve but really wants to?
unprompted headcanon asks | Always Accepting
how does hermes deal with intense emotions (fear, anger, sadness)?
Depends on the situation. Sometimes, if it's anger, he will just get to the point where he snaps and yells and gets up in their face and says exactly what he's thinking. Might even curse them with bad luck depending on who it is.
Usually his response is to a) laugh it off/act like he isn't bothered then b) isolate and either zone out or cry or punch something - just venting that emotion where noone can see.
He's often expected, especially as a messenger/psychopomp/emissary to be professional even in the face of emotionally-charged or upsetting situations, so that is just the way he has developed to keep professional and maintain expectations. He is emotionally avoidant and aloof - he doesn't like comfort when emotional except from his wife and maybe a few very exclusive others. Definitely not anyone directly involved in his work like Zeus or Hades etc.
If it's a positive emotion though, he will express it as is. Usually zooming or doing some sort of lap around the room or a gesture of excitement etc.
does ariadne have anything on her bucket list she has yet to achieve but really wants to?
Depends on when this is set! But I'll think on it in terms of what I haven't explicitly plotted or written yet.
I think she would want to have a festa solely dedicated to her. Even just a small cult of people or worshippers of her husband who wish to celebrate her. She might give an idea or two but she would love to be surprised by the elements of it, what people could create. Even if it was never celebrated again, she'd just like the experience.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@drcplet asked: ☔️ to the dearest wifey
Send me  “☔️”   for my muse to kiss yours in the rain
Summer rain had a distinct atmosphere to it. It was almost always drenching and often the rumble of thunder only added to its dramatic intensity. People hid and ran for shelter, but it was one of the first little freedoms that Ariadne had found and latched to upon settling herself as a married woman. She might now be a goddess, but her time as a mortal (and one feeling so trapped) had instilled in her an appreciation for these little happy moments.
As such, the moment she had heard the rain - she had dragged her husband from their bed and pulled him by the hand all the way down through their Naxian palace to the gardens to enjoy it. Laughter had spilled from her as she let her face turn skyward and enjoy the sensation, palms upturned to feel it on her skin. They had danced together and then she thought of something else she wanted to experience. So, now raised on her tiptoes, she cupped his face and kissed him beneath the open heavens - tasting fresh rain upon his lips.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@drcplet​ asked: COAT - dio at ari, some cold winter's day or whatever
[ COAT ]:     as they go for a hug, the sender opens out their jacket so the receiver can “share” it, warming them up as best they can while they hug.
Ariadne lost her coat somewhere along this very good girl’s night. So when her darling boyfriend turns up and opens his coat to her, she drops her high heels to the pavement and scurries over to press into his arms and snuggle up in his thick coat. She was not wearing a dress designed for this weather, immediately she started to tremble from the cold when pressed up against him. Before now, her body hadn’t realised.
“Hi baby!” She tilts her head to drunkenly smile up at him, very happy to have him here to get here. “Mm you’re so warm. Looking reaaal handsome too mmmhmm.” Grasping his shirt, she gave him a squeeze.
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singofus-a · 2 years
HEADCANON - Ariadne, her thread and its symbolism
The term 'Ariadne's thread' involves applying logic to a puzzle and trying all available options, exhausting them until you find the right one. My Ariadne relates to this through the idea of experimentation. Trying everything and seeing which fits you, discarding what doesn't.
Similarly, some associate her with the string game Cat's Cradle. In this, the same circular piece of string is placed in different patterns across the fingers. Often passed from one person to another. Ariadne likes this imagery and has artwork commissioned of her with differing Cat's Cradle positions and differing backgrounds. To her, it symbolises changing one's reality - taking control of your life and changing its orientation. The interplay of the game between people may symbolise both the goddess and worshipper influencing reality's outcome.
It also brings up memories of the imprisonment of her half-brother, the monster he was made into and the memories of her own entrapment into her priestesshood.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@anonymous asked: Ariadne, do you regret your hand in your brother’s murder?
anonymously ask my muses questions about their relationships | Still Accepting
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Ariadne took a breath and closed her eyes for a moment, pushing down the urge to flee or reject the conversation.
“No. I don’t.” It sounded so callous to say, but there was good reason. She hoped her brother, if he was at peace now, could understand. “Too many people were sent to die by him, it had to stop. I could tell by his roars that day alone that he could not be freed. He was enraged. It was unsafe. I just could not bear to be forced to help send more poor souls to their deaths to ‘appease the beast’.”
“So no, I don’t regret it. But I wish he hadn’t been put in that place at all. From what I had seen of him, it was that place that unleashed the monster in him.”
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singofus-a · 7 months
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@twcebrn asked: a hug where one muse uses the other as a pillow for ari 🥰
hugging prompt | No Longer Accepting
By this point in her eternal life, she doesn't need to even look up from her book to know exactly which kitty is climbing on her. As soon as her book is rudely shoved out of the way by a large purring head, she knew. He looked so pleased with himself when he rested his big paws either side of her and nuzzled his head right in to her chest.
"Excuse me, needy one, I'm trying to read here." She teases him before semi-relenting and moving the book to one hand so the other can give her husband gentle head scratches.
"You're done with work for the day then? Or am I on call for any prayers while you nap?" She didn't really mind, it was clear in her tone. It was true that he had been working hard lately.
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