#. *. ⋆ — ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ᴀ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ / intro .
rcguenights · 1 year
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guess who ?? it's jae ( she/they ) again with a second muse because i just couldn't help myself. now i present to you kang deiji, moved to ansan about six months ago under mysterious circumstances. she would never tell but she's running from a past she wants to escape and thinks she can get lost in ansan to do so. publicly she works at at kawi-magki as a game attendant, but behind the scenes she's s freelance hacker who goes by the name rogue. as always, i'd love to get some plots going, either here or especially discord if you still need my username just let me know ! she has a pinterest board and a stats page as well !
unaware that she was actually born on the colony of astra, circumstances that led to the death of her parents forced her grandparents to take on deiji as a babe. living in the countryside outside of busan, deiji's early life was rather uneventful, boring if she were being honest.
while they took care of her needs, her grandparents were never particularly loving to deiji and it colored a lot of what she would end up seeking in friendships and relationships as she grew older.
currently 23 years old, her birthday is in november which will make her 24 at the tail end of the year. presents femme for the most part, but could be described a demi-female and accepts she/they pronouns. her hair is long and flows down her back and is currently half brown and half pink.
though her grandparents were a bit of a stick in the mud when it came to emerging technologies, deiji was entirely the opposite. any classes around technology and the history of it intrigued her. learning about the advances in cyberware and other technologies.
deiji found it easy to pick up on computers and other systems, dabbling in programming and computer science when she was just a kid. convincing her grandparents to take her into busan where each time she would grow to love being in the city, hating the moment she had to return to the countryside with them.
with her interest in technology, deiji began to dabble in coding and eventually what she would come to know as hacking. it started out as messing with the computer systems at her school, a more rural school system an all too easy target once she got the hang of it. if this meant that suddenly her lower grade in math was now above passing, then it was and no one was the wiser.
well into her teenage years she experimented with hacking local institutions and systems in the small towns that neighbored her home in the countryside. learning very early on to cover her tracks that it couldn't be traced back to her or her grandparent's home.
finally when she turned eighteen, she struck out with the meager amount of money she had earned from her part time jobs through high school and moved to busan. scrounging up what more money she could so that she could survive, living in small apartments that were barely the size of a closet, taking what money she could spare to invest in cyberware that would increase her skills and allow her to be able to hack remotely if needed.
something she learned of that with the addition of advanced technology in the world, so had a market for mercenary work cropped up. the world had become far more dangerous she realized, but fixers and the like were looking for anyone brave enough to complete jobs for cash that she knew she couldn't earn as easily with a regular job.
she started out with low level hacking jobs that she could do alone. someone was always looking for forbidden or secret information from a corporation or business in busan and more often than not she found with these types of jobs she didn't need to leave the comfort of her apartment to do so. as she slowly but surely started to make a name for herself, deciding that she need a moniker, an alias, all the good hackers had one. wanting something simple but edgy, she went with rogue.
after a slew of successful low level jobs, she was approached by a small mercenary group, three different people who had specialties looking for a mostly unknown but skilled hacker so that they could take tougher and more lucrative jobs. the more dangerous the job, the more the pay.
deiji would join them and after her first successful mission with them she thought she had finally found something for herself. for a person who hardly had a family, she thought maybe she had found one. for years they would go on to complete job after job, allowing deiji to upgrade her equipment to bigger and better, both in the computers and devices as well as her cyberware.
something that would make it fall apart around her was the closeness she had found with the defacto leader of their little group. a closeness that turned into a relationship that lasted for the years she spent with them. swept up in the idea of first love, she didn't see the signs early on. didn't see as they became far more controlling, as they became angry and possessive when they were under the influence and negative ways in which they began to treat her.
despite the near perfection of her parts in their jobs, it never seemed enough for them. criticizing her for the littlest things, becoming demanding, and deiji surely accepted it far longer than she should. but she was naive, never knowing that she didn't have to settle for this.
a nearly botched job became the last straw, their partner's reaction was violent and it was the first and only time that deiji was physically hurt by them in their anger and drunkenness. fearful of someone she thought she loved, deiji packed up everything she had and snuck out into the night, never looking back and leaving busan as fast as possible.
that was six months ago, deiji wound up in ansan, hoping to get away, start a new life. entering herself in the lottery to astra, but thinking that even so she would never probably be chosen for it. with a nagging worry in the back of her mind, in between small jobs that she's taken as a freelance hacker again, she started working at kawi-magki as a game attendant. it's nothing exciting and sometimes for fun she hacks the very games she's supposed to keep working just to see what reactions those who use such machines might have, get on her good side and you might just win a plushie or prize from a gacha machine or you'll be forced to waste all your coins on it.
all in all, she's keeping a low profile, hoping to never be found by her ex or the people she used to run with and she's been successful enough so far, just another lost soul in the many that live within ansan.
personality wise ; observant and meticulous, deiji is a bit of a perfectionist. sometimes she thinks she's all too well of her surroundings but she can't help it. she's always been bubbly and outgoing, but there always seems to be something behind her eyes even when she's like that shows she's changed since leaving her ex. the type to be looking at something and if you start talking to her, she'll keep to what she is doing and tell that she's listening because she really is. a multi-tasker. has a nervous tick of picking at her nails which are usually long and stiletto shaped. chugs down caffeine like its water, so she can be known as wired all the time.
neighbors in jindallae apartments since she lives there ? she holes up there quite a bit when she's not working at the arcade.
you hang out at the arcade quite a lot and she's seen you a bunch of times, depending on how you act there, maybe she rigs some games in your favor or the very opposite and makes you lose more than possible. maybe you've noticed that and question it and her ?
she likes to hide in the corners of aquatica and just watch the various sea life for hours upon hours, maybe join her and keep her company ?
you speculate that she's a hacker somehow and want her help with a job or two ? she'll probably deny at first that she is but you're not convinced and keep trying to get her help, maybe you'll wear her down eventually?
after leaving her ex, she'd only be able to give herself to flings and has a fear of getting into another relationship, so maybe some flings, maybe you want to get to know her better, but she's not forthcoming about herself but you keep pushing? ( she's bisexual, so open game for just about anyone )
anything??? let's plot !
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