#. 01.18 / ic : kaito
iridcsccnt · 4 years
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「    “ ......... ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
“ what scares you more than anything ?” ( my shin to your kai )
✶  drunken confession .  |  [ → ]  .your muse is drinking with mine and has been given the chance to question my muse anything they want to know. send me 🍻 + a question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer  .
「    When he agreed to let the other ask him anything they wanted to know, Kaito had honestly — with valid reason — expected the great detective to ask him about something else entirely.
He’s had a few drinks by now, so it only makes sense that he stays surprised for another second or two, before eventually huffing out a chuckle. “ You want to know what makes me scared… ? ” He asks while raising his glass to his lips, as if not really believing what he just had heard. “ Why does Kudō want to know something as bland as that ? ”
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Truly, they could have asked him anything that he believes would be much more interesting to the detective — truly a shame, an opportunity such as this won’t come as easily the next time. Kaito has half a mind to blurt out ‘fish’ just to see Kudō’s reaction ( the idea alone entertaining enough, almost in a fondly kind of way ). Regardless, he decides against it in the end, downing the last remaining bit of his drink.
Lowering his head, Kaito’s face, although still smiling faintly, is somewhat thoughtful as he stares at the now empty glass resting in his hand. After mulling over his answer for a bit, his mouth tugs up its corners as he looks up to gaze at Kudō, eyes crinkling.
“ ‘Having something to greatly cherish’… that’s what scares me the most. ” he answers truthfully, almost too calmly ( smile gentle yet slightly bittersweet-tinged, a far cry from the more ‘happier’ and ‘smug-laden’ ones he often masks himself with ), the works of the alcohol softening his usual withdrawn self. “ Such a thing existing is truly scary, don’t you think ? ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    “ Really. It’s been lightning storms one after another these past weeks by now... ” and for the most part by night.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Suppose one should take it easy and call it a day... ?    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  duskgathers replied to your post :
kai, arches his back as he stretches like a cat: mood.
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「    Seeing as how lethargic he’s been feeling all day, then yes, it was definitely a mood.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  showalupin replied to your post  :
If it's going to be a lazy day, clearly going to need a blanket. Draped over his head. Very useful, yes.
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「    Well... with the blanket and all, it will be a lazy day now for sure.
So, yes. It’s very useful.    」
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iridcsccnt · 6 years
For Kuroba Kaito 👐 — Kaito, are you hiding something that Aoko doesn’t know?
✶  My muse is under an honesty spell for one hour  .Send 👐+ any question you wish to ask my muse. They will have no choice but to answer truthfully.
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「    “ I do. ” he responds somewhat easily, cracking a slight smile at his best friend, as he fiddles with a deck of cards idly ( and trying to appear as carefree as ever, even if his tongue can’t tell lies at the moment ). “ Plenty, in fact... like the secrets behind my magic tricks for example. ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
✶  @yoakkemae  |  工藤 — for the detective’s birthday !  .
「    Kaito seriously didn’t think he would be roped into one of Aoko’s excessive ideas, when he decided to take Kudō out somewhere nice for the latter’s birthday. It was meant with the nicest intentions, something Kaito sincerely wanted to do for Kudō, because he thought the great detective could do with a break from their not-so-stressless everyday life ( even if they didn’t exactly volunteer as much to take cases offered by the TMPD, there were other things they dealt with that weren’t so pleasant ).
“ Take him to somewhere romantic !! ” Aoko had yelled in an excited fit days prior to 4th of may, her blue eyes sparkling, only to have Kaito shove her aside in a grumble of ‘you’re not any help here’. “ Why not ? ” his best friend huffed out, but she didn’t particularly feel any offense at being shoved ; Kaito was too gentle toward her after all. “ If it should be somewhere nice, the safest bet would be somewhere Kudō-kun can relax. ”
“ ... ” The worst was ( and Kaito hated how ) that she was right; it was better to play it safe, when God knew Kudō was in much need of a break ( that's why Kaito was even thinking about taking them out ). “ But does it have to be somewhere romantic ? If this was France, I’d have it easier to play tour guide for him and show him around. ”
“ Then... then how about Tokyo Tower ? It's not exactly the Eiffel Tower, but it's pretty at night. Plus, not many tourists visit during this time of the season, so it'll be relatively quiet enough ! ”
“ How— how can I just take him to Tokyo Tower ? Wouldn't that immediately imply something ?? ” Well, partially, it did feel like it implied he was making an advance on Kudō, but the other reason was something Aoko didn’t know ( the Eiffel tower was where his parents had their first kiss, and Kaito sure as hell didn't want to think about ‘first kisses’ when taking Kudō up there ).
And so, after accusing himself that he must have gone crazy enough to agree, he went to ask Kudō if they had free time to hang out on their birthday.
‘ I’m still somewhat shocked that he agreed... ’ Kaito thinks to himself as the two step into the elevator to reach the top level, the most of the day gone by as city streets were already lit up, the sky gradually getting darker. ‘ I couldn’t even get this pleasant feeling off my chest since then, so why am I torturing myself again ? ’
But well... looking at the guy standing next to him from his peripheral vision, perhaps it was fine... this time.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
shinichi can't help but feel like he's a teenager hiding a youthful indiscretion from his parents when kuroba finds him attempting to drown his ghosts in alcohol ( there's not many he can drink anymore without thinking of the people who share the same names, but, well, "bourbon" wasn't so bad in the end ). he winces, glancing at the partially polished off bottle of bourbon before thinking, fuck it. kuroba can't judge him for drinking, not with what's in his background. "want a shot?"
「    And it goes without saying, when he had decided to stay at the lab to finish up some schoolwork, that he hadn’t expected to see the detective at this late hour. Granted, it’s one of those odds that could have easily slipped by without notice, with the sky so dark, one couldn’t be able to tell the silhouette settled on the roof of one of the university’s dormitories.
Kaito doesn’t exactly live in a dorm, but his bike was parked in the parking lot closest by — ready to head home, to drop and hit the pillow, his neck and shoulder somewhat aching for staring into a microscope for hours. Seeing the silhouette by coincidence, he probably wouldn’t have thought much about it ( a lot of the students residing in the dorms would sit on the roof for a lot of reasons ), had it not been for the night’s very own source of light to cast itself on them.
Don’t get him wrong. It’s clear that Kudō and he are on adequate terms ( friends, or still becoming friends — it’s a little blurry for now ), enough to interact with one another in completely normal ambience. Still, it takes some jostling with himself, for reasons, before he’s on the roof as well.
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“ Should you be really drinking ? ” Kaito asks instead of answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’, his voice bearing no chastisement nor satire ( he knows the other’s background — maybe not all the details, but enough to get most of the picture ), as he takes a seat next to Kudō with his bag and helmet set aside ( he has to admit, though, how ironic it is to question whether the detective should drink while still technically underaged, when he himself breaks the law on a regular basis ).    」
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iridcsccnt · 6 years
Ne, ne, Kuroba-kun! Is saw Kudo-san cosplaying as KID just the other day.
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「    “ Kudō-san as in Kudō Shinichi… ? ” Huh. That sounds… highly doubtful ( in all honesty, the detective would probably rather be caught dead by something else than wearing a KID costume ). “ Can you prove that he did ? ”    」
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