#.. munday
askabbyandeva · 3 days
Sorry it's a bit late, but here's one for you all
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This is Dr. Niles Hessen, a Level-3 Researcher (within my personal continuity) specializing in anomalous zoology and the current handler of Abby/Eva along with their offspring. She's a pretty ditzy, but don't let that fool you: she got her job for a reason.
Also, to anyone who thinks that name sounds jarringly familiar: Start worrying, he exists
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ask-team-misfit · 4 days
Hey, so I've got a little shitpost idea to give you!
However, it's a bit suggestive, and I'm worried it might cross some lines on your end.
I just thought I would say something about it beforehand before giving it to you so you wouldn't mistake me for a creep or something.
Is it alright if I give it to you so you can see for yourself if it's safe to answer and if you're comfortable with it, of course?
It will be given to you in a sequence of prompts to allow more creative freedom on your part.
Unless you want me to just pack it all in a single ask, in which case I will do that.
Unsure what you mean by suggestive, but as long as it isn't basically porn or otherwise overly perverted, I'm all for it.
I *also* assume whatever you have in mind involves characters that are of age, so let's see what you're cooking. 👀
As for whether or not to send it in multiple asks, that I leave up to you. It'll be one big post regardless.
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ask-inky-umbre · 4 days
Simple question.
Does the Bre accept pets?
I've never wished I could draw hands more but yes, yes he does and he would love them
You might need to wash your hands after though
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hells-greatestdad · 4 days
11, 20, 21, 29,
would you be interested into playing with doubles?
As I understand the question, this means... other Lucifers? I mean. I could. I haven't so far.
One hurdle to this is I get really bad duplicate anxiety. I may like someone's interpretation of Lucifer (regardless if it matches my own or not), and I may even take notes, cuz there's definitely food for thought to be had.
But even if I really really like someone's take on him, I end up playing the comparison game and it honestly takes a toll. So it's pretty rare that I even follow another Lucifer.
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what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
I mean, I can't really think of a no-no off the top of my head.
I am rather attached to my headcanon that he is exclusively heterosexual. Not because I'm homophobic (like no, I'm demi-homoromantic myself, the one person I've ever had romantic feelings for is a woman), but.... everyone else ships him with other men, so I just wanna be different.
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what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
Pretty sure that's radioapple....
I started out mildly liking it tbh. Not to the degree of shipping it, but then I think cuz I'm on the aromantic spectrum that I don't actually ship things without a deeper motivation?
In all honesty, fandom attitude surrounding that has turned me off to radioapple. And I hate that, cuz it makes me feel like I'm being kinda mean. But.... yeah.
what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
I mean.... canon hasn't done anything to piss me off yet. I don't have any issues with his canon.
This ain't a Dragon Ball Super situation where they made a fucking cash grab show that ignores established shit from 30 years ago and makes the main character a mere shadow of his former glory while flandarizing the absolute shit out of him.
At least.... not yet. And hopefully never.
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....whew. I think my bitterness towards modern Dragon Ball content came out a bit there.
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ask-gimmiventures · 4 days
And with that I’m gonna end munday and head to sleepy time, thank you all for sending stuff in today! It was fun :3
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book-of-legends · 4 days
Munday doodle: I wonder what an interaction between Skarla (@askpokepals/@pokepalsarchive) and Sirius would be like!
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Sirius... bby boi, nooooo... noooo. Sirius noooooo. Badddd. /lh It was the eyepatch, wasn't it? Goddammit.
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magpiesmemes · 4 days
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Made a little munday meme, help your followers get to know you better by describing yourself using character traits! The image is transparent for ease of editing! I just ask you link back to this post so others can find the template, please and thank you.
Example below cut!
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the-feral-one · 4 days
🧩 for Wo-Chien 🎵 Where this flower blooms- Tyler the creator
Among Wo's favorite books are stories about romance, crime and murder mystery. The latter is something that he nearly always looks for first when he's in the academy library, as he likes the thinking exercises that come with the stories. He can spend countless hours reading about what happens and writing down bits of the story that make him curious. Near to the end of each story, he puts what he finds together and says his thoughts out loud, guessing which character was responsible for the crimes, before reading through to find out of he was correct. One can find a tablet with tally marks on it if you get his permission to read them, and, upon asking, Wo would say that each one represents a murder mystery story that he's read where he correctly guessed who the criminal was.
The song in question has lyrics that do make me think about Wo as he went through the early stages of his life cycle. The small snail who carried the tablets, wondering about what he'll do and where he'll go in the future.
The same also applies to Ogerpon too. I haven't thought about what she was like as a small ogre, but one day I'll think about it more. But, at the moment, she's a kid who is living the best life that her two dads can give her.
Wo wouldn't listen to the song himself, though. It has a few words in it that he greatly disapproves of.
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asktheblindlucario · 4 days
✨ Kuro and Shiro swapping forms
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I also did a clothes swap because if they were to swap forms, things would be… like a roleswap au sort of!
Still accepting munday asks, btw!
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sirserpentine · 5 days
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Happy Munday and Happy Pride Month to everyone from me and Minttu the kitty! We had the local parade last weekend!
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do you feel different to your muse in any way?
((if you asked me this like 6 years ago id have said i couldnt even remotely feel similar to them!!
but now that jun's grown a lot softer over the years he's a lot more like me
but i definitely feel like i'm socially smarter than him, and while i never rp his ruthless side, i'm a LOT less ruthless and cruel than he can be))
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rubbarband · 5 days
Rare munday image for once.
I'm trusting you people not to be mean or weird.
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ask-inky-umbre · 5 days
Do you have a sona? Or is your character your sona?
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"Wandering is a terrible sin" - Prattletail
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hells-greatestdad · 4 days
12 and 3
what do you think about AUs?
Very fun! I like to stick with canon as much as possible in general, but naturally AUs gotta exist. Limiting yourself to only one thing is boring, imo.
I mean. Verses are basically AUs given another name, yeah? I have a verse that develops beyond s1 and even aside from Lucifer being paired with an OC in that one, it's absolutely an AU cuz the ideas we're going with definitely aren't going to follow canon on the whole. It's still fun. And then there's the AU where Lucifer has a clone (Lucid)....
So yeah!
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on what platform did you start RPing?
Deviantart and then skype! One of my best friends got me into it with our OCs.
It's quite nostalgic, actually. I was 17, had just come out of a horrible 4 month depressive episode.... my online friends were rather my lifeline. RP was less important to me at the time, but it's how I got started.
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ask-gimmiventures · 4 days
Fuck it
Gimmighoul yourself!!!!
I mean technically I already am gimmighouled lol my sona is a gimmi/zubat
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But here’s me as a pure gimmi :3
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book-of-legends · 4 days
((Oh I have an idea for a munday doodle! Maybe Bolt trying to show off his videogames (on his Switch) to Sirius? And maybe nerding out about the magic stuff that's on the game to see if Sirius can reproduce it!))
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I think he'd honestly refuse to see the games a first because he'd know he would likely not understand what was going on (Sirius has the knowledge of an old person when it comes to games)
But the moment he actually starts watching Bolt play he'd be hooked on watching the different things that could be done.
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He'd be asking to see it again, and what else could be done. Stuff like combinations would be his fav for sure.
He's personally not the best at magic and he'd be making so many comments that would make it obvious 😭 He most definitely cannot do anything more than simple attacks and floating things. That's more of his sibling Del's field C:
He would love just watching though >:D
POV. If Bolt had Animal Crossing and showed it to Sirius
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He'd just look around, don't mind him.
This dude Is the type of person who would like games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley... He doesn't like stressful things. Bet he'd like Spiritfarer but would be sobbing like a baby at the stories.
Thank you for the request!! I enjoyed this a lot
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