#... actually now that Im saying that if youre a seer of space be nice about it yall intimidatingly clever
thepandalion · 2 years
Yknow what? Screw it >makes a homestuck sideblog<
@mageofmindfr feel free to send asks about classpects as a mage of mind I like overanalyzing what little information canon has given us and write long long paragraphs about it. As I’m sure all of you who actually see most of my posts can figure.
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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tacittherapist · 5 years
A Spooky Tarot Reading
ROSE: Thank you for joining me, Jade.
JADE: was this really necessary rose
ROSE: Was what necessary, exactly?
JADE: all the candles and the spooky decor and the obviously fake cobwebs you put everywhere and the possibly real bones in little piles
ROSE: When it comes to austere rituals, decor is of the utmost import. What would any spiritual onlookers think were I have not to sprung for the Premium Cobweb ambience or the Real Bone Pile experience? Say’th thee not should any wayward souls think that I, Rose Lalonde, would skimp even the most trivial of decorative festoons on tonight, the most Ha-
JADE: aaarrgghhh i get it!!! its a very spooky night can we just do this really silly tarot reading? im missing out on candy and pumpkin carving :c
ROSE: Yes. Just one more cursory shuffle of the deck...
ROSE: Now, place your hand upon the cards.
JADE: okay...
ROSE: Jade Harley.
JADE: :0 yes?
ROSE: Hold on. Jade Harley.
JADE: ...
ROSE: Are you open to the powers that be? Is your mind ready to be read and your future foretold by otherworldly spirits? Be you ready to supp deep from the chalice of remedial soothsaying?
JADE: yes
ROSE: Very well. We draw your first card.
ROSE: Ah. The Chariot Upright. The spirits recognize that you play a pivotal role in decision making. The choices you make are crucial to those around you, and you show a willingness to take the reigns. You will soon find yourself with newfound power in addition to a greater responsibility.
JADE: isnt that kind of true for everyone though
ROSE: What do you mean?
JADE: i mean i feel like basically every choice anyone makes affects everyone anyway not just mine :/
ROSE: Yes, but yours especially are key to the success of our collective fates. As the Lady of Space, I’d have thought this would be obvious.
JADE: ohhh okay okay so this is more like a recognition card?? like confirming who i am or something
ROSE: Exactly. The next card will also confirm a weakness of yours.
ROSE: The Hermit Reversed. Despite your role in leading the way forward, this tends to isolation and loneliness. Your endeavours go unrecognized, and your deeds, while important, occur most often when no one is able to appreciate the gravity of your role. You will find yourself alone at some point, put there either by extraneous circumstances or... by your own doing.
JADE: ...
ROSE: Does that sound accurate?
JADE: i dont think i like this game rose :I
ROSE: It isn’t a game.
JADE: i know! its a bunch of fakey fake magic that you are doing when you are literally the Seer of Light!!
ROSE: Magic is real, Jade.
JADE: okay but not this magic
ROSE: This magic is real too.
JADE: uuughh
ROSE: We’re almost done. The next cards will spell your fate.
ROSE: The Fool Reversed. The Fool is generally seen as the main protagonist of the story, but Reversed is a warning against trying to take on too much at once. The Fool’s Journey is often the focus of a story, but it can quickly turn into a Fool’s Errand if he’s stretched too thin.
JADE: so...
ROSE: So perhaps you should let others shoulder a bit more responsibility. Although I suppose that might be easier if we actually had others to shift the responsibility to.
JADE: hehe yeah maybe lets not let dove have control of the ship
ROSE: Next is... Death Upright.
JADE: :O oh no
ROSE: No, no. This is good. Death symbolizes an end to all things trivial. I surmise that should you pave the way ahead (letting others steer a bit, of course), our goals will become clear as the chaff clears away. Death in this case represents progress, a way forward.
JADE: you mean like...
ROSE: Like we might find the others and get our session restarted.
JADE: that actually sounds pretty nice
ROSE: I’m glad you think so. Now, your last card...
ROSE: The Lovers Upright.
JADE: :o
ROSE: ...
JADE: ...
ROSE: ...
JADE: what
ROSE: ...
JADE: did you forget what this card means rose
ROSE: The Lovers Upright represents a choice. An irreversible one.
JADE: like my Choice?
ROSE: No. Well, yes. But that’s probably not the choice this refers to. The Lovers predominantly deals with relationships. Whether it be starting a new relationship... or ending an old one, your decision in the matter will be everlasting. Like Knowledge of Good and Evil.
JADE: ...
ROSE: This isn’t limited to romantic relationships either. The Lovers deals with all relationships -- platonic, business, everything.
JADE: hm
JADE: sooooo...
ROSE: The fact that The Lovers appeared last symbolizes that your efforts, your journey, everything culminating towards the end... is about people. The people you hold dear. From the dearest lover to the lowliest consort, you surround yourself with others because they are your most valuable treasure, one you value possibly above your own life.
JADE: jeeeeeeeze
ROSE: Yes?
JADE: i thought this was going to be a funny little thing where you tell me that im going to win the pumpkin carving contest but only if i spin around 3 times and say bloody harley in the mirror
JADE: not a thorough character assassination my gosh :4
ROSE: Sorry. This was a bit silly, in hindsight. Let’s get you to that pumpkin carving contest. I heard the prize this year is a huge box of candy.
ROSE: I love you, Jade.
JADE:  wh- i-
ROSE: Come, we’ve no time to waste. Rumor has it June has been honing her skills this year. Dovesp- Dove told me June had an unbeatable idea.
JADE: psshh not if i have anything to say about it! lets gooo!! C:
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readersmoon · 7 years
I'm am SO curious about your dream omg
Part 1 of the dream. I was the only girl in a nice group of people who were actually kinda like the mafia. It was nice, we had fun and I was respected. Then, a bad guy came and he’s like “hey, I’m the chef now.” and im like “please don’t see me, please don’t me” but you guessed it, he saw me, so he is like “hmm… you’re clearly a Virgin. Alright, you’re gonna have to have sex in the next hours.” and I’m like “ok.” and so I asked one of the nice guys to have sex with me so I wouldn’t be killed and it was freaking Ed Sheeran and we did it at my grandma’s house, but it wasn’t my real grandma, nor her house. And the women living next doors were an old blind seer and the woman who helped her (important for the next parts)
Part 2 THEN, I went to the library with my sister and John Green was behind us and I was like “oh shit, hi” and the little bitch was like “That’s why I never go out in public.” So after that my sister and I we realized that the library was closed because of some meeting, but my sister decided to join the meeting because why the fuck not, huh? So we are sitting and our names are called to go backstage and I’m like “the fuck, no?” but I go anyway and now it’s kind of like a model meeting and my sister now looks like Kendall Jenner and I look like a freaking ogre but I win and everyone loves me.
Part 3. Now, I’m a freaking rabbit. A pink rabbit. But like, half a rabbit and half a bunny. There’s a bunch of us, holding each other so we won’t fall but then I’m like “I want to be alone” so I let myself fall into space (?!?!) and there’s a voice, like a narrator from an animate movie (honestly, Part 3 kinda looked like a animate movie) and he’s like “once she fell, she goes into Zero Gravity and will never be able to go back to her group” and I’m like “bitch WHAT” and I tried to go back to my group but they suddenly are able to move super fast and I’m left alone on a frozen lake. Mind I remind you, I’m still a pink rabbit-bunny.
Part 4 So now, I’m an human again and I go to see the seer (you know, the woman living near my grandma’s house) because I want to go back to my groupe of colourful rabbit-bunny and this bitch is just like “hmm… I see, I see.” and I’m like “what do you see?” “You’re life and future.” and I’m like “ok? So?” and then she looked at me dead in the eyes and say “you’re fucked. Go see your ennemies.”
Part 5 (and last!)So I go to my ennemies, who are some kind of bear and a eagle and some other animals because they are obviously the ennemies of a bunch of rabbit and they are the only one who can help me. I’m like “help me!” and they’re like “no.” and I transform into a chihuahua (but like, a big one) and my friends, the rabbit-bunny come to help me but the bear is like “the fuck are you trying to do?” and just slap the leader of the pack and basically I think we all died.
Nice, isn’t?Sorry for my English, not a native speaker and I wrote this really, really fast lol
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