#please i dont even care if you read it just let me write for hours on end about what being a seer of space can mean for a person
thepandalion · 2 years
Yknow what? Screw it >makes a homestuck sideblog<
@mageofmindfr feel free to send asks about classpects as a mage of mind I like overanalyzing what little information canon has given us and write long long paragraphs about it. As I’m sure all of you who actually see most of my posts can figure.
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spacebaby1 · 2 months
Can I ask Rindou's reaction to the fact that his partner is expecting his child?
and for more drama (I'm a dramatic girl and I love drama) you could have Rindou's partner hide the situation from him
drama, angst but happy ending 😝
Hiii! Bestie, I got you! One thing about me is that I live for drama in writing 🎀😌🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 let's start!
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You and Rindou never had an argument because he always listened to you, but that didn't last long. You couldn't even remember what escalated the whole conversation into an argument, which led to Rindou slamming the door behind him as he left you'd house last night. The whole night you couldn't sleep not until the sun was out and your eyes gave up from all the crying; you weren't even sure why you were feeling emotional usually it's hard to make you cry. Anyways, you fell asleep around the early hours of the day after shutting your phone completely.
All the crying tired your body to no end that you ended up sleeping until late afternoon. Around four in the afternoon you woke up with a painful headache and aching in your abdomen and before you could grab your phone you felt your stomach turned and you ran to the bathroom, throwing up for a good half an hour before you sat on the bathroom floor.
The memories of yesterday's argument came rushing to you after you were back in your room sitting on your bed with your head in your hands. You weren't feeling well at all and thought the argument took a toll on you so bad that you were about to get sick. You didn't question the vomiting because it was how you'd react if you had a heated argument; it was natural body response to you. Finally, picking up your phone, you turned it on only for Rindou's texts. Fill your screen, followed by numerous of missed calls:
My love: Baby are you okay?
Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I just lost control. But it wasn't your fault. It was me. Please forgive me?
My love:Darling? Can I call you?
*missed call*
*missed call*
My love: baby please answer me, at least end the ringing so I'll know you can see my calls.
My love: I'm so soo sooo sorry
My love: I can't sleep after I made you upset, I'm an idiot! I wish I can hold you right now...
My love: Are you sleeping, sweetie? Good night, my beautiful baby.
12:23 P.M
My love: baby? Sweetheart? Please text back.
My love: at least tell me you're not hurt I'm fucking going insane!
My love: y/n! Baby, I'm sorry!
3:50 P.M
My love: I'm worried about you angel, text me! It's not your usual self to sleep this much.
My love: Can I come by? I'm sorry baby, please don't give me the silent treatment. I'm so sorry, and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time."
He must've seen you reading the texts, and before you could reply, he called you. You sighed and answered, "Baby? Baby, are you okay?" You heard his tired voice. It wasn't until you answered that you realised how sore your throat was, "hi," it came out almost as a whisper before your cough holding the phone away a bit. Rindou panicked at the sound of your tired voice and coughing, "I'm coming over-"
"No, please not now," you replied in a low voice, "I'm not feeling well, just-just- I nee-" you were crying again, he heard you snuffling. "D-dont cry," now he was crying, You shook your head as if he could see you, "I'm so sorry, I hurt you. "I'm so sorry and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time. Just let me see you."
"Please, Rindou. I need space."
"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" He asked with a shaking voice. "No, Rin, I just need to be alone now." You heard his little sigh, "Okay, baby. Did you just wake up? You sound tired, let me order you some food-"
"No, Rin. I can-"
"No, please. At least let me do what I'm supposed to do as your boyfriend. Let me take care of you?" He sounded defeated, but you loved how he always took care of you No matter where he was. "Okay, I love you." You could almost hear his smile when you said that, "I love you more baby, call me if you need anything." You hung up and rubbed your forehead. The next two days were blurry because of how exhausted and sick you were. Usually, you'd let the fever go away, but it kept getting worse to the point that you couldn't put food down in your stomach.
On the third day you decided to visit the doctors and run some blood test to make sure it isn't anything serious and you wish it wasn't what you heard. "Miss Y/n? The blood test shows that everything is fine, just a slight changes in BP but it's normal at this stage."
"Huh? What do you mean at this stage?" You asked the doctor, and she looked at you confused then back at the chart that she was holding. "The pregnancy, you are three months pregnant, Y/n. Did you not know that?" Your eyes widened, and you could barely hear anything after that. Suddenly, it hit you. You were late, and you've been feeling so much different.
"I'm pregnant? Three mo-month?" You whispered more to yourself than a question to your doctor. The doctor nodded, "it explains that vomiting and the abdominal pain, are you okay?"
You got up, " Can you do an ultrasound? Can i see it?"
The doctor nodded, "Sure, if you'd want to."
You almost cried when you saw the screen of your ultrasound, "This is the baby." She pointed at the screen, and you smiled, forgetting the whole world the moment you saw your baby, "do you want the prints?" You nodded, whipping your happy tears away. It wasn't until you got home and saw the picture of you and Rindou on your phone screen is when your smile dropped; Rindou will not take the news well, you thought to yourself and you thought you were doing a good job at avoiding his texts and calls; it was a bad idea because he only grew more concerned about your relationship.
It was another day of you feeling absolutely horrible and vomiting all morning until your stomach was in knots. You heard the frantic bell ringing, followed by knocking on the front door. Groaning you got up holding your stomach with one hand as to you made your way towards the front door without asking who it was you opend the door slowly only to find Rindou standing there with tired eyes and looking panicked. He immediately gathered you in his arms making you yelp in surprise of how hard he was holding you; one of his hands on the back of your head and the other hilding you by the shoulder, "how could you avoid me for two weeks? I'm going insane thinking about you, baby. Why do you hate me so much? Fuck! I missed you." You gasped for air, "Ri, you are c-cruching me, I'm in pain-" He immediately let go and you almost fell on the ground passing out but he held you to his chest as you caught your breath, "you gonna crush me to death?" You asked in a low voice and groaned in pain holding your stomach. "Did I hurt you? I am so sorry, baby." He picked you up bridle style and headed towards your room, carefully placing you on your bed before sitting beside you and checking your forehead, "baby? You're burning." You shook your head, holding his hand in yours, "it's nothing, just an upset stomach. W-what are you doing here?" You asked, feeling yourself drifting to sleep. He sat on the floor next to the bed, kissed your hand, "you haven't text back for two weeks. I was worried, and you're sick yet you didn't call me?"
You shook your head, "I went to the doctors, it's nothing just a stomachache, it'll go by it's own." Rindou shook his head, "No, let me take care of you, do you wanna eat something?"
"I can't, I'll throw up, and it only hurt my stomach more, I just need to lay down." You said almost in a whisper before eventually falling back asleep, still holding Rindou's hands. "My baby," he kissed your forehead before running to get some cold cloth and place it on your forehead. Since you were sleeping, he decided to tide up your vanity a bit since you couldn't do it, and he noticed your things everywhere.
Rindou picked your make-up and placed them to the side, then your accessories which he put away in the box, and he grabbed your other things and opend the drawer to put them away only to find the ultrasound prints next to the results. His heart started beating fast as he took the picture in hand, eyes wide open he read it again and again making sure what he was looking at was indeed a baby and the test had your name on it. You were pregnant, and he felt his eyes blurred when he saw the date; it was a two and half week old test. He could hold back his sobs as he looked at the ultrasound prints. He was trying not to wake you up with his sobbing and he was shaking so hard that he had to sit down on the floor because he didn't trust his knees to hold him standing; he's gonna be a father? Did you even want the baby? Why didn't you tell him?
He sobbed for an hour before making his way towards you and softly kissing your forehead which made you wake up, and you blinked at him. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand with tears falling from his eyes which made you immediately sit on your bed, "Rinny? Wh-why are you crying? What's wrong?" You cupped his puffy face in your weak hands as your eyes met with his hand holding the ultrasound prints in his hands as more tears fell from his beautiful eyes, "Why didn't you tell me? I'm I not en-" you hugged him closer feeling yourself about to cry, "Don't say that, please." You whispered and he hugged you.
You both stayed like that for minutes and on until Rindou whipped his tears and sat beside you on the bed, with you covered with the blanket and head resting on his chest while he couldn't stop smiling at the picture of your baby. "I'm sorry I wasn’t there for this." You shook your head cuddling closer, "you seem happy." He looked down at you and wrapped his arms around you, "I'm gonna be a dad, of course I'm happy. I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a dad. There's gonna be a mini version of our love? I hope it's a girl, then she'll look as beautiful as you. Did you check? Is it a girl? Or boy?"
You chuckled at his excitement, "No, I didn't. I was just terrified and happy to see the baby." He hugged you closer, "you don't need to be terrified. We'll be great, Mama and dada. I promise."
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adams-angels · 7 months
I want to see my man in pain, Adam break down after reader said they want to break up (fluff in the end pls) 😞
I reaaaally enjoyed writing this
I love pain 🥹
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Adam POV
It was a normal night. Out talking to some babes. Tellin' them how great I am. Because, well, I AM! HA! I'm the first fucking man! These bitches swarm me. Who am I to deny them. I check my phone a see y/n has text me. "Ugh, what do you want now you needy fuckin'" I can't believe what I'm reading.
"we're done."
My heart sinks. Why is it sinking. I don't care. I'm fucking ADAM!! Adam stands, pushing away the crowd of angels surrounding him and tries calling you. "Come on.. come on, pick up, you dumb bitch." No answer. NO FUCKING ANSWER. His head spins. Panic sets in as. This isn't happening. Not again.
You think you're better than me?! You're nothing! I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT YOU THINK I NEED YOU?!
He tries calling you again. No answer. "FUCK!" He expands his wings and shoots up, smashing through the skylight. He continues to text and call as he makes his away to your apartment. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He screams into his phone. By the time he arrives at your apartment he calms himself down, "I can get them back." He thinks to himself as he lands on your balcony. "They didn't mean it. They couldn't of."
As he reaches for the handle of the sliding door his hand shakes. "No, no, no, no." He grips onto his wrist stepping back from the door, being stopped my the railing. He slides down to the floor. "No, no, no...." His voice cracks, fear, sadness, anger. He never let himself get close. At least that's what he told himself. After the second wife also betrayed him he swore he'd never care so he would never hurt. But somewhere along the way, he fell for you. Although he denied himself.
He rushed to remove his mask, feeling like he can't breathe. Once he got it off he threw it aside. Clutching at his chest as tears escaped from his eyes. "No, no, no.." he whimpered. He sat on the floor for an hour. Thinking about you. What he did wrong. If he did something terrible. Why you're ending it. There wasn't even anything to end and yet his world felt like it was crashing around him.
Once he calmed down he leaned forward and sighed. Wiping his cheeks as he stood up and put his mask back on. He reached for the handle, hesitating before opening the sliding door. He sees you in your bed, asleep. He closed the door quietly and just watched you. For about half an hour before he realised how much a creep he's being. He walked into your livingroom. He's been here plenty times before. He memorized the layout.
He walks over to one of your succulents. You loved them. Once he came over and accidentally knocked one on the floor. You were so upset. He didn't see the big deal but he still went out of his way to buy you a new pot for it and a new succulent altogether. Just something to say he was sorry without actually saying sorry. He smiled as he remembered your joy. He sat on the couch and waited.
A couple hours later he heard rustling in your room. He shot up from the couch and heading to your bedroom, freezing at the doorway as he sees you wake. You scream in surprise, falling off your bed. He noticed your phone falling off the nightstand with you. His chest tightens. Your phone. Those horrible texts. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" You yell at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He stands there, feeling awkward. "You want to leave me?" He asked, trying hard to not break his voice. You tut, he watches at you stand, wanting to help but to afraid to move. "You say that like you cared." You snap, picking your phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards you, reaching out but you recoiled. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Adam braces himself. For you to yell. For you to scream. For you to tell him you love someone else. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." His shoulders slump down he hesitantly steps closer to you "What are you talking about?" He carefully slides his hand under yours "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with your as his other hand brushes your hair from you face. His breath catches seeing your red, watery eyes "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups your face. He looks into your eyes and for the first time in eons he chose to be vulnerable. "Be mine?" He watches you shrug. Rightfully assuming you've misunderstood his request he clarifies "no, I'm asking. Be mine." The way you look at him makes his chest tighten in fear. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He glares at you. Of course you'd remember that. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in in frustration. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. "I'll have to think about it." His chest tightened. His heart beating a million miles a minute. You'd see how pale he would be if he wasn't wearing the mask. "H-how long will that take?" He asked, desperation leaking out of him.
"I don't know, Adam." You shrug. The air was thick. He was struggling to breath and needed to get out of there. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kisses your hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." He heads to the sliding door he entered from, opening it and expanding his wings as he jumps off. He looks behind to see if you watched leave like you've done so maybe times before. But you're not there.
It's been a month. A whole month. It should feel like nothing to him considering how long he's been in existence yet it feels like a years. He sees you about. With your friends. Getting groceries. Whenever his eyes catch on to you he freezes. No matter what he's doing.
He can't keep this up. He didn't want to pressure you. Make you feel like you had to choose him. But fuck he needed you to choose him. He was in his office. But he couldn't focus. He was so tired, not being able to sleep well without you. Even if he didn't sleep the whole night it was always nice knowing you were there no matter what. At least that's what he used to think.
He checked his phone to see nothing from you. It was too much. He was alone. You were never coming back. No one ever comes back. Lilith left him. Eve left him. Now you. "Fuck. FUCK!" He picks up his coffee and punts it at the wall. He can't stay here. He needs to find you. He needs you back.
He swung the door open and there you were. He couldn't believe it. He thought you'd at least text him. Not show up at his office! His feathers were literally ruffled, his office looks like a bombs hit it. "Y/n?" He said softly, it was like time stopped for a minute. He wish it did. Then he could scoop you in his arms and never let you leave. He snapped back into reality changing his expression quickly, not want anyone to see a softer side to him. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. He hates that you didn't text. He would of cleaned up there were documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. He hated it was such a mess for you. "Bad day?" You commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven." He mumbled as he slumps down on his office chair.
Resting his chin on the back of his hand as he watches you walk over to his office window, opening it. The musky smell almost dissipating immediately "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight, watching you like a hawk. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." He immediately bolts from his chair, wrapping his arms around you. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His voice breaks, wings surrounded the both of you. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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liliewrites · 4 months
Hii! Do you still take requests? If so, could you please write some fluff with soft Arlecchino x fem!Reader, who has big sleeping problems and stuff like that. And maybe Arle humming a quiet little lullaby/tune, to help calm us or stuff 👀
Or! 'Cchino with Fem!Reader, who's afraid of thunderstorms
If you have an idea on a way to combine both that would be so so cool and amazing! Sorry if there is something wrong about it. You ofc dont have to write it, if you dont want to
HELLOOOO ANONNNN!!:) it is i, kylie, here to make ur wishes come true and lemme tell u because i actually do struggle with sleep sometimes and to have arlecchino comfort you.. what a dream.. (funnily enough i have a plushiecchino and i have it next to me when i sleep she's so skrunklydoo) anyw here's ur request! hope u like itttttttt!!
-warning/s ; none! just tooth rotting fluff with soft arle:))
(men pls dni utc!)
it was a cold, stormy night.
your lover lay beside you, sound asleep with her arms loosely wrapped around you. you let out a sigh, this was one of the many nights that you were just hit with the inability to sleep and the thunderstorm was not helping either. it frustrated you greatly as lacking adequate sleep extremely made you feel more tired during the day when taking care of the children. however, your efforts were futile, completely giving up as what you've estimated to have wasted at least half an hour on trying to force yourself to sleep, you carefully slip away from your lover's hold, being wary of not waking her up. as soon as you were able to get out of bed without issue, you stretched a little before grabbing the silk robe on the nearby armchair. you put it on and messily tied your hair into a bun, slipping your feet into those fluffy slippers to further silence your footsteps.
you then headed for the door so you could leave for the study room down the hall as you decided to just read instead yet not even a few steps away from the armchair near your bed, your wife had started to shuffle around making you halt your movements. you were startled when she immediately sat straight up, eyes darting everywhere as she looked for you. "beloved??" she exclaimed, unable to see you as her eyes adjusted to the dark.
you looked at her, finding her adorable as she sat there with an alarmed expression, but the sleepiness was evident on her face. "darling, hello.." you greeted her with a sheepish smile, and you could see the look of relief that was then replaced with worry. "is there something the matter, my love? it's in the middle of the night.." she mumbled, getting off the bed to approach you. clad only in her pajamas and a loose tank top, you couldn't help but blush a little, your wife looked handsome and gorgeous as she walked towards you.
"is it because you cannot fall asleep again, love?"
she asked as strong, firm arms had found it's way around your waist. arlecchino was taller than you, no doubt, and she placed her chin on your shoulder. her bigger figure that slightly engulfed yours always provided you a sense of safety and comfort, so you were able to let out a sigh of relief as she tucked herself in the crook of your neck, pressing her lips on your skin.
"unfortunately, that is the case, my beloved. i was just going to head to the study room to read, you can go back to sleep.."
at your words, arlecchino separated from your shoulder to look at you. she's noticed that you've been having trouble sleeping more often lately, and it worries her greatly. "are you ill, beloved? perhaps any issues or problems that plague your mind?" she asks, and your hands find it's way to her face. your touch a soothing balm to her troubled soul, but her worries remained nonetheless and you knew that.
"nothing much, really. i just cannot fall back asleep, and the thunderstorm isn't helping. it's.. scaring me a little." you told her truthfully, and it assured her at least a little to know that you were unharmed and safe from any sort of illness, but the issue of you losing sleep while being frightened of the ongoing thunderstorm stays nagging her mind. she lets out a sigh and presses a soft kiss to your cheek, before whispering in your ear. "then lay with me, my love. let me put you back to sleep."
with no objections, you nodded, deciding to put your faith into arlecchino's capabilities of putting someone to sleep. after all, you guessed that before you, it was her who took tucked the children in bed. she grabbed your hand and led you back to bed, tucking you under the sheets before climbing in beside you. she leaned on the headboard, pulling your head to lay on her chest as she held you close. "i wonder, will i be experiencing what you do to the kids when they cannot sleep?" you jest, and she pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "no, do you want to? usually they end up crying when i use my preferred method." she answers with her usual deadpan tone, making you look at her with a slightly upset gaze. "arlecchino! what did you do to the kids?" you asked, with a scolding tone, causing the harbinger's heart swoon a little with your concern for the kids. her lips break into a small smile, patting your head. "kidding, my dear. i do not harm them but also do not "tuck" them. when they tell me that they cannot sleep i just tell them that i will make them fall asleep, and they usually scurry off." she confesses, and you sigh, now you know why the kids ask you to tuck them in bed. before you could speak a word, she cuts you off.
"- but that is besides the point, love. for now, we should focus on getting you back to sleep."
you nod, settling back into her chest, deciding to let it go for tonight and talk about it in the morning instead. the moment you close your eyes though, a roaring thunder crackled, making you flinch. arlecchino says nothing, but she wraps an arm around your shoulder, holding you in a tight and protective embrace.
"beloved, i.. want to hear your voice. could you perhaps sing me a lullaby?"
arlecchino was a harbinger-- and one known to be a bringer of death. she was not a singer. she was a trained soldier, one among the highest ranks. she wouldn't agree with your request.
"very well, but i will not sing. humming a melody is the best i can do."
"fair enough."
you couldn't help but smile, knowing your wife couldn't outright and completely say no to you, so much for being feared across teyvat, you think. arlecchino notices the smile on your face, and she may not have shown much of a reaction, but she feels her heart flutter-- and really, even if it means looking like a fool, then she would. she'd be true to her name and act like a harlequin if it meant seeing you smile.
you close your eyes to the sound of her heartbeat, accompanied with her soft humming. her hand caressing your shoulder in a comforting manner, before wrapping two arms around you to hold you much much more closer. the thunderstorm was loud and it persisted, but as of the moment, all you could focus on was your wife, and it was helping. a lot.
and by a lot, it meant that you were able to close your eyes without flinching, despite the roaring thunder. all you could hear was your wife's humming. oh, how she sounded so beautiful along with her gentle heartbeat, and that was what you focused your mind on.
not more than 5 minutes, you felt yourself slowly succumb to sleep. her humming, her heartbeats, her warm embrace, all of it were the missing factors to the perfect solution for your lack of sleep.
she noticed that you had leaned in and pressed more weight into on, so she brushed a strand of hair from your face and tucked it into your ear. beautiful, was all that she thought as she stared at you for a while before concluding that you had already fallen back to sleep.
slowly, she leaned back down so both of you could now lay on the pillows instead of the headboard, but she still held you close to her chest to ensure that you felt safe and protected even while asleep.
it was indeed, a cold, stormy night.
but your wife held you through it, comforting you and thankfully, you had finally drifted back to sleep. "goodnight, beloved. i hope you have good dreams." she whispers lovingly into your ear, then pressing a kiss to your forehead. she closes her eyes, finding it easy to fall asleep almost immediately. the love of her life was beside her after all, and your presence alone was enough to lull her back to sleep.
the next morning you ask the kids what arlecchino usually does when they can't fall asleep, and you find out that having them be tucked in bed by her is something that rarely happens. often times, she does actually tell them that she'd make them fall asleep by force, but when they r sick, scared or troubled then arlecchino takes them back to their room and once they get climb in bed and get snug, she pats them on the head, says goodnight and leaves. when they are really freightened though, she stays for awhile and waits them to fall asleep, before leaving. arle good dad just not affectionate--
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themisplaceddemigod · 8 months
Submissive Percy with mommy kink pls 😩😩
im so sorry this took so long! i hope you like it :)
baby boy
Percy Jackson x F!Reader
summary - Percy is the subbiest sub to ever exist. and he has a very interesting kink, one you come to enjoy.
warnings - SMUT SMUT SMUT, minors DNI!!!!, p in v sex, sexual intercourse, sexual themes, all that
a/n - this is the book version of Percy, in case any of you haven't read my rules, i DO NOT write for the crappy (IMO, dont come at me) Disney+ show.
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Percy was hardly ever the dom. He tried, he really did, but it usually always ended up with you on top of him, fucking him into the mattress while spewing the filthiest words you could think of.
"Come on baby, just like that."
You moaned as the son of Poseidon came inside of you for the second time that night, reducing him to a whimpering, whining mess. He was shaking and overstimulated, but you didn't care as you started rocking your hips again moments after he spilled his load.
"Mommy please!" He panted, hands reaching for your hips to try and guide them, even though he knew he was the one holding on for dear life while you pleasured him.
"Yes baby?" You cooed, "Tell mommy what you want."
"More," he choked out, voice thick with lust as he bucked his hips upwards violently, trying to match your rough pace but ultimately failing. His thrusts were sloppy and uncoordinated, so he gave up after a few tries and just settled back into his submissive role.
"Yeah? You want more my sweet baby boy?" You smirked, grinding yourself up and down on his pelvis, making him whine loudly in pleasure at the blissful friction.
"Y-Yes, mommy, please!"
You grinned and rocked against him faster, harder, fucking him deep into the mattress. You threw your head back and moaned loudly, not containing your noises since no one else was home. His mom and Paul were away on a trip, hence why he'd asked you to stay with him for a few days. You didn't do much sleeping though.
"Feels so good," he whined, his hands gripping the fat of your waist so tightly you knew there would be handprints. But you didn't care, in fact it only spurred you on.
"YOU feel so good baby," you moaned, looking down at him and biting your lip as you continued to bounce on his cock at a fast, relentless pace. "Dick fucking me so good, like always."
You bounced harder, quickening the pace of your thrusts as you moved your hands up his bare, toned chest to toy with his nipples. He whined at the sensation, muttering "please please please" over and over, begging you for more as you guided him towards his third orgasm. The great thing about being a demigod was the superhuman endurance and stamina, meaning the two of you could go for hours without getting tired.
And it seemed he didn't want to stop.
"Fuck!" He swore when he started ramming against your spot again, your walls tightening around his cock so much he thought he would cum right then and there. "Fuck fuck fuck! Oh gods..."
You decided to change things up a little then, slowly sliding yourself off his dick and turning to face the other way. He was about to conplain, until you sunk back down on his eager cock and engulfed him in your warm, gummy walls once again.
"Oh gods..."
He threw his head back at the new position, sitting up against the headboard as he watched you start bouncing yourself on his dick again, faster and harder than before.
"This feel good baby?" You asked smugly, knowing the answer already from his desperate whines and moans and pleas to go faster and rougher. "Come on, use your words..."
"Yes!" He rasped, gripping your hips again, "Yes mommy! Feels so fucking good!" He threw his head back and let out hottest moan-whimper you'd ever heard. "M-Mommy..."
"Hmm?" You hummed, leisurely riding his dick with your hands behind you settled on his chest to keep yourself upright. "Something wrong, baby?"
"No!" He quickly choked out, "Just-I just-"
You moved yourself up and down on his cock faster, making the words die on his throat. He felt too good, this felt too good, you couldn't help yourself. You couldn't stop. He was so nice and big, he filled you up so perfectly and even when you dominated his cock always hit the right spots inside you, making you see stars.
"Can't give you what you want if you don't tell me," you teased, gyrating your hips now as you once again grinded on his pelvis, eliciting the sweetest moans and whimpers from the sea god's son.
"W-want you to suck-suck my dick," he finally managed, swallowing thickly. "Wanna cum in your mouth, please please please!"
"Want to cum in WHOSE mouth, baby?"
"Yours! I-I mean, mommy's! Want to have mommy suck my dick so I can cum down her pretty throat!"
You moaned at his dirty words, lifting yourself up and off his dick. He hissed at the loss off your warmth, but he quickly regained his excitement when you swivelled around to face him again, settling yourself between his thighs.
"Aww, look at my pretty baby boy," you cooed, running your hands along his thighs, "Cock covered in both our cum, still hard and eager to fuck my throat. You're so pretty like this, Percy."
He didn't have time to respond, because then you were taking his length into your mouth and running your wet, warm tongue along his shaft. He threw his head back and cried out in pleasure as you began to suck him off, swallowing the cum left on his dick as you cleaned it and licked it sensually.
"Grab mommy's hair baby, come on," you pulled away to urge him, before diving right back in.
He groaned loudly as he felt your wet, hot cavern engulfing his dick, your tongue working wonders and bringing him to the edge of yet another orgasm. One swipe of your tongue over his slit, and he was cumming harder than he ever had. His warm seed gushed down your throat, and you moaned as you swallowed it all. A little dribbled down your chin, but that was an even hotter sight that had Percy feeling as if he would orgasm again even quicker. His hands made their way into your hair, and he grasped a bunch in each hand and tugged, earning a whine from you as you took his cock deep, gagging and moaning as you sucked. You pulled away to spit on it, making him cry out "mommy!" before whining again as you went straight back to sucking the soul out of his cock.
"So good, mommy! So fucking good!" He groaned, bucking his hips up into your face and thrusting his cock down your throat. "Gonna cum again! Fuck, mommy!!!"
He screamed as he came once more, hot cum shooting down your throat again. It was so much that your chin was painted white as some of it spilled from your lips and onto your body, but you simply pulled away and swiped it up with your fingers before sticking them in your mouth. Then you collapsed next to him, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
"You're going tocbe the death of me, baby," he murmured, burying his face in your neck.
"Don't you mean mommy?" You teased, smirking.
His cheeks burned, turning the brightest shade of red.
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fanofstuff01 · 6 months
HERE I AM! Here I am with a little writing of mine!
Before we get started, this AU belongs to @woah-why-i-am-here and they have pretty cool drawings about it. GO CHECK IT OUT!
Considering the show itself is 16+, this is aswell, know it then read this, also it has Valentino.
A little summary: Adam fell to hell, needed money, and Valentino was the only one hired him. He owned his soul, and it was too late when Adam realized what he agreed to work on. He is one of Valentino’s top whores now. And of course, Adam and Angel met, in fact, more than ‘met’. Their films sure sell a lot. They slowly become friends and Angel convinces Adam to come to the hotel. This is after these happened. Also not shipping Angel x Adam.
ENJOY! (Also since you love holydust @rius-cave , tagging you!)
“And cut!” Valentino said proudly, ending the scene. “One hour break and we’re here till 8!”
Adam panted as he tried to collect his mind. He slowly backed away from the fish demon gal, wore his robes back and got up to go to his dressing room. This was the third demon he was on top of that day, and sure enough she was not gonna be the last. Today was gonna suck. Val was planning to work on eight fucking movies, not to mention six of them were gay and two of them were with Angel. He was glad the one-hour break came.
“Addie~” He heard someone behind him and felt that certain ‘someone’ gripping his shoulders.
Valentino. Awesome. Just who he needed.
He attempted to not show the fear and hatred he felt to his face and mask. Too bad the fucking thing was programmed to show every emotion on his face, and sometimes they didn’t even needed to be on his face, him feeling them was enough. Angel had a -probably true- theory about it, he thought that it was ‘connected’ to his brain when he wore it. Adam was already regretting that he put the “I will only work with a mask” in his contract. He didn’t like the idea of showing his face on films, but this was much worse. He couldn’t fucking took it off till his shift ended!
“Yes, Val?” He asked, trying to avoid the movements he was doing to his chest. Yes, prick? he corrected himself in his brain.
“You were so, so good in the last one, babe” he chuckled.
“Thank you, Valentino.”
“Go ahead. Rest, baby.” He thought he was gonna leave him, but instead, he leaned in and kissed his cheek, completely disgusting the sinner. He didn’t flinch or resist though, he knew what’d happen if he did. “Oh, I can’t wait to see you and Angie on stage together.” he let out another one of his creepy chuckles and finally let the first man go. Adam almost runned to his dressing room, closed the door behind him and threw himself on the couch.
“Fuuck.” He groaned and tried to grab his wine bottle without getting up.
“Adam?” A familiar voice came from outside.
“Door isn’t locked!” He yelled.
“Hey, dickmaster.” A pink spider demon came inside and sat down beside him, tilted his head back and watched as the demon managed to grab the bottle and drank it without standing up, like his life depended on it.
“Y’know you can choke yourself doin’ that, right?”
“Meh, who the fuck cares.” He get up dazedly and looked inside the bottle with one of his eyes.
“I don’t recommend dying on work hours, Val punishes the ones who do.”
“Unholy shit, that actually happened?!” Adam asked, his pupil-les eyes went wide.
“I saw three accidents.” Angel shrugged. “Any left for me?”
“Sorry, I guess that bitch camera guy sneaked up here again and stole my stash.”
“It’s fine. Wanna eat your food? We’re gonna need energy.” Angel asked and took out two containers out of his bag. “I made lasagna yesterday.”
“Oh, you bet I do then.” He smirked and took his own. Angel knew the best ways to make it.
They chatted together until their break ended.
“Adam! Get your ass here or there will be consequences!” A little window appeared in Adam’s mask, almost like a pop-up ad. It was their costume designer. “And bring Angel with you!”
“Fine, fine! Ugh.” He groaned, swiped the page to make it dissapear and get up. “Who’s idea was putting this shit on this again?” He mumbled to himself. “Let’s go cocksucker, we have another job to do.”
By the way, Adam’s mask in this is practically based on his original mask, a Voxtech product just for Adam. Like Vox’s screen, it’s like a screen-face.
I’ll continue this
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adventuringblind · 1 year
(●’◡’●)ノ, I'm in loove with your Oscar Piastri x autistic!reader series, it gives really beautiful perspective on navigating relationships while being neurodivergent. I was wondering if you do a imagine/headcannon for Oscar and reader and how they navigate sexual intimacy in particular, like do's and donts, emotions during it stuff like that. If ur not comfortable writing that then it's ok, I just thought it would be interesting ♡
Bedroom Procedures
Oscar Jack Piastri x Reader
Genre: spicy things ahead but not smut
Request: the way I ran to write this... send me more ideas like this please they are my favorite to write!
Summary: Oscar and Reader navigate through intimacy
Warnings: again... spicy things. However there is no real depiction of anything happening!
Notes: aight, so this is again how I navigate because that's what I know. This is not a depiction of how every autistic person is when it comes to being intimate. Remember that autism is a spectrum and everyone is different.
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Being intimate with each other actually took a long time
At least longer than what is probably average
And that's in opinion
She wants to have sex with Oscar
It's just that it's difficultt and there are so many different feelings that is gets overwhelming quickly
It doesn't help she's trying to dive straight in whenever they try it
Oscar pays attention however
Her body language is how he can understand her feelings
So he knows exactly what he's doing even if she doesn't get it yet
The next time things get a little heated, Oscar slows them both down
"Why are you stopping? Did I do something wrong?"
"Absolutely not, just thought we would try something different."
In her head, different is strange because there is usually an order to these things, and it should become routine eventually
Oscar has other plans
He starts taking their intimate moments incredibly slow
Introducing her to different sensations and letting her tell him what she likes and doesn't
Soon, he has a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts
Like how sometimes she prefers to keep on a loose shirt because otherwise the skin on skin is to much
Not all the time
He always asks before they do anything if she would like to wear one of his shirts
Or how her biting him is usually a good sign because it means she's happy
(Something she does even when they aren't having sex)
Oral is a grey area for her
Sometimes, she'll suck him off for hours, and others, she gets overwhelmed just thinking about it
Oscar doesn't care, though, because he loves her no matter what she's feeling up to
One thing he was not expecting was for her to be relatively kinky
Experimenting is everything
Hard yes and no things but down to try before deciding
Oscar got a bit experimental after he got a general idea and their bedroom communication was good
Again... communication is a key point
He's always asking questions and reading her body just as she is with him
The fact that it's a vulnerable state and both of them are connecting in a way with emotions that even sex itself can't give is incredibly intimate
They don't even make it there sometimes because the emotional ties are just so deep that they simply spend time memorizing each other
Another thing is vocals
Oscar is usually composed and level-headed
Sex however is completely different
It's where he is able to express himself in ways he couldn't before
Also, listening to his voice is something that helps her know if she's doing okay
She also experiments with her voice
Vocal stimming during sex happens often, and it happens when she is on the edge
Her parroting is endearing ad well
Sometimes Oscar will moan or hum in a way and she will copy
A non-verbal agreement to keep going
Can go for maybe two rounds maximum
Maybe three or four but that's on a good day
Follows a routine of how things go down and there is definitely communication beforehand
Even if both parties are in the heat of the moment, he will not start anything without giving an idea of what will happen
It's like an unwritten rule so that she isn't trying to read the situation and get frustrated with herself if she can't understand what's happening
Clear cut yes and no
There is no maybe
All communication is cut and dry, and there is no beating around the bush
Because of her willingness to touch, but only from those she's allowed, Oscar is a teeny tiny bit possessive
If anyone touches her who she's not comfortable with he won't hesitate to bite her in reciprocation
She bites him, he bites her, it's a pattern they keep going because he knows its her love language
Also, it creates some fun on other places
Really the two are very good at setting boundaries and communicating
It makes things fun for both of them and there is never any feelings hurt
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arisuraxz · 3 months
Twinkling Watermelon (pt.2)
summary: you fell in love with beomgyu first, but he fell harder.
warning: cursing
taglist: @eclipse-777 (lmk if you want to be tagged!)
im actually happy writing this JIHSUIYGSIHI but hope u enjoy!1!!!
if you havent read part 1, look at my page!
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beomgyu was holding you, and running, rushing to the hospital. beomgyu was actually worried because a guy has to take care of a girl, right?
and this is how it started. Beomgyu at the time beomgyu now has a crush on you. Blushing hard. As soon as he went to the hospital, he shouted.
"nurse! help! this girl collapsed! help!"
the nurse ran up to beomgyu, to take care of you, so they put you into a rolling hospital bed, and took you into a room.
an hour later, you still haven't woken up. the nurses talking to beomgyu, saying something.
"mr. choi, for this, you have to sign a paper for y/n," as she passes out the paper to beomgyu.
"oh yeah, ofc, nurse!"
well, beomgyu didnt know what to do. he just thought of 'its just letters all over the paper' in his mind. all he did was just put his signature in the paper.
"thank you!" beomgyu told to the nurse.
so he ran, to check on you, so he went to the room your in, and checked to see if your okay. as he was checking, you woke up. you saw yourself lying down in a rolling hospital bed, looking around, and before you realized you were even in a hospital, you saw beomgyu. you were shocked. you asked yourself in your mind, 'did he take you to the hospita-'
"y/n? are you okay? im so glad you woke up!" he was relieved, he was waiting for 1 hour, and 15 minutes for you to wake up.
huh? you didnt know what was happening, and you finally realized, you were in a hospital.
"beom-beomgyu? what are you doing here?" you said, clueless.
"you dont need to know about that, y/n, are you really okay? you got me worried."
"yeah, im okay, i think im gonna go now" you got out of your bed and went outside, going to your home.
"wait nono, y/n! are you hungry? i can take you to a restaurant and ill pay you!"
wait, what? hes really paying me? we arent even close, or not even friends, but this? Nah, no way.
"no, im not hungry, now leave me alone. my mom will be angry at me." then, your stomach rumbles.
"ehehehhheh!! what do you mean? your hungry! hahahah!!" you realized, so you covered your stomach with your arms and you walked away. and, beomgyu was infront of you again.
"nonononono y/n, im sorry! ill actually pay you! which restaurant do you wanna go? anywhere, y/n! i dont care if its expensive, ill pay you!" he begged, with his puppy eyes, watering.
"fine. lets go to the restaurant there."
so you both went to the restaurant you wanted to go, and he was actually serious. he did pay you. after he paid, you and beomgyu went to the table, waiting for the food. and maybe after twenty minutes. the foods finally here. you both were eating peacefully, and you looked at beomgyu, eating, and damn, he looked so pretty. you were admiring him. beomgyu realized, and as soon as he realized, you went back to eating your food. Beomgyu was blushing, crazy, like, actually crazy. he was blushing so hard, that his legs are swinging and kicking. so he went back to his food, and he was about to tell you something.
"y/n, do you like your food?" he wondered.
"yeah, i do, do you?" you wondered back.
"ofc i do! why? did you think that my food was bad?"
"what? no! im also just wondering" you told to beomgyu.
and you both went back to eating your food.
you both were walking to your guys home, and around 8pm, and you normally was supposed to be home at 5pm, but you didnt care at all. you didnt want to ruin the moment.
"hey, y/n, since we are going home, ill give you my number. so, if you need any help, contact me. ill be here for you. or, if you cant, please think about me!" while he said that, he showed you his number.
your heart felt like it was about to burst. you were blushing, and beomgyu was too. so you smiled.
"your smiling.." beomgyu looked at you, as he said quietly.
"what did you say?" you asked.
"what, y/n?"
"oh, nevermind."
"well, y/n, please walk home safe! ill see you tomorrow!!" he ran. "tornado!"
you look at him, running. then, you walked home. while you walked home, you were thinking about the scene that happened with you and beomgyu. you were happy. you never been so happy before in your life. As soon as i got home, i went into my bed, laid down, and thought all bout the things me and beomgyu did. and i realized, i have the biggest crsuh on him.
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r4cc0on-in-tr4shcan · 2 months
Caseoh x reader (platonic maybe romantic????) I thought of instead of sleeping
context: you are another popular streamer thats good friends with Case, but recently you got into some "beef" with Case that was just a joke, which chat tells you all types of insults about you and even telling you to kys and Case has to interveine (i dont think I spelled that right. Keepin' it gender neutral. maybe a bit of romance at the end if you squint and tilt your head. MAY OR MAY BE CRINGE. DID NOT PROOF READ)
It was really stupid but it started when you made a comment while playing a game on horror game on stream and the monster was... odd looking, to say the least. You jokingly said: "Chat, look! It's Case!" You say looking at a very divided chat. One part of chat is laughing about it, another part is saying that it's not funny and defending Case, and the rest of chat just start saying hella mean and rude comments about you. You try to ignore the hateful comments for now but that was hard to do when that was the majority of the chat. You then say, after a few minutes "I'm joking, I'm joking." You genuinly meant it, but chat was not buying it. The chat became more hateful, some people even saying to kill yourself. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't end stream because people will think your trying to run from the situation and the hate, you just know that you have to stop the "drama" as soon as possible. "Chat, I was joking. Me and Case joke like that all the time, even when we stream together! Me or him would say a joke like that and we'd both laugh, we've both said that we're fine with the jokes." You say a little bit before ending stream. You just wanted to cry. You hated shit like this, everyone just swarming you, not letting you breathe. You felt overwhelmed. Case started streaming an hour and a half after you ended stream. You heard the discord notification from his dicord server saying he was live. You open up his stream, to distract yourself from just having a meltdown, and he starts with his usual "WHAT'S GOOD CHAT?!" making a little smile appear on your face until it immediately drops when you see 3/4 of the chat starts asking about the "drama" and what you said about him. Case obviously saw those messages so he had to respond. "Oh here we go... Chat, imma be real with yall, it ain't even drama, yall was being dramatic." He pauses, reading chat for a second before continuing, "Yall was being dramatic over nun'." Like magic, his whole chat was saying "RIGHT", "FR", "W" as if someone those people typing those things weren't the same exact people that told you those things about your appearance and to kill yourself. Case continues, "Nah, chat, there's probably some people in this stream right now that said all'at stuff to them." His mom even pinned a message in chat saying "Even if it was something worse no one should tell anyone those things!!" which Case responds with a, "Yeah. It was just a joke and yall had to do all'at. They ain't even done nun', they made a joke and yall overreacted." As you watched you couldn't help but tear up from the words. The feeling of having someone actually care about your mental health and well being, it overwhelmed you with happiness and he didn't make it a big deal, he just talked about it and left the topic. You texted him saying "Thanks Case that was really nice of you, I owe you one" Case then checks his phone "OO someone textin' me!" and when he reads it he has a huge, stupid grin on his face as he texts back "No problem, anything for you" (DID NOT PROOF-READ. Not sure if it's accurate but I tried! 👻 not sure how to feel about this one buttttt yeah👍I was just bored.) (ALSO PLEASE ASK BC I GOT DONT GOT NUN TO DO AND I WANNA WRITE)
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lotusmi · 1 year
The faith challenge <3
This is a small manifesting/void challenge I made for myself that helped me to manifest my dream life.
Aimed for people that overconsume or overcomplicate getting their desires.
Note: you know enough! you have overconsumed enough information. stop now, its time to finally get what you want!
If you overcomplicate things, you probably listen to subs for hours, affirm 10,000x every hour, etc. You view them as things you must do to get your desires. But remember, you are not doing this to get results in 3d, you are doing this to fulfil yourself inwardly. Its like you have your hair down and your looking in the mirror. You cannot change the hairstyle in the mirror, right? leave the mirror and change your hairstyle. (fulfill your desire inwards), and the mirror(3d) must reflect that.
The actual challenge:
Read/listen to edward art's though false lecture. ONCE. ONLY. ONCE!! aim to truly understand what he is saying. this lecture is all you need. After that, delete your tumblr. unsubscribe to manifestation ppl on youtube. no more information for u.
No affirmations, no subliminals, no scripting, no visualizing. (unless you're doing it just because it helps make you feel fulfilled. you dont have to do them!!! preferably stop all methods.)
you will write your own rules on a slip of paper. ex. 'my manifestions must come within 3 days because i said so and i make the rules', 'everything must always work in my favour'. keep it simple. it doesn't matter what anyone else said, make the rules however u want!
you will stick to those rules. you will just know that everything in your reality has to abide by your rules. do nothing else.
Wavering is fine. if you waver, no jumping back to tumblr to overconsume information. simply ask your inner self for confirmation. your inner self will always say 'yes u have ur desires!'
idc about your 3d. you are under no obligation to accept those circumstances as true, your imagination is the only true reality anyway. don't complain abt how bad ur circumstances are, because one well known blogger here grew up in in extremely abusive situation, was tossed from foster care to foster care, was searching for shelter at night because the abuse was too much. she wavered just like u. And yet, she did it! she changed her entire life. drastically. and you can too.
listen to edward art's though false lecture ONCE.
delete tumblr and all manifestation related stuff. do not do methods.
write your own rules
stick to them
fulfill urself inwardly only.
!!!success story + amazing challenge! oh, anon! You are amazing! 💐💌🌷
This ask is beautiful, this is so well done and the whole post is so well written, organized, and helpful! Omg, you are a real angel! I am so happy that you did it, and even more happy to receive an ask from someone kind like you, I appreciate you so much, I know this will help a lot of people. Congrats for your own journey and success! Please know that you are an amazing soul, and I wish you all the best and so much love, you deserve to live all the happiness! ...🌷💗
The Faith Challenge! <3
꒱This challenge is perfect for you that are overconsuming or overcomplicating the law and want to leave this cycle, manifesting your dream life! Everyone, let's appreciate this anon work! 𓆩♡𓆪
💐💐 those flowers are for you, my dear Faith anon!
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yxlnst · 4 months
Hello! i hope youre having a great day/night
I’ve recently read your fics and i do truly love them, i was here to request something if you dont mind. Feel free to ignore this if its uncomfortable for you!!
I honestly LOVE heavy angst but fluff at the end lmao, could you maybe write something rreeallllyyy angsty with jun, but with a fluff ending? I can’t really come up with good ideas tbh, but maybe a huge argument? Honestly i dont know i just cope with these stuff so anything is fine lol.
Thank you so much if youre seeing this!! Have a great day/night
ofc!! And thank youu aswell, also if the story was not what you had in mind please tell me!! Now lets focus on the ff :DDD
Rebuilding Us
idol!Jun x reader!Y/n
Angst + Fluff
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 664
🎀 Summary : Argument drives you and Jun apart. Reconciliation brings the two of you back together stronger.
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
Jun stood in the living room, tension crackling in the air like a live wire. You had been arguing for hours, and now, exhaustion and frustration were beginning to take their toll.
"I just don't understand why you can't see it from my perspective!" Jun's voice was raised, his usual calm demeanor shattered by the intensity of the argument.
You crossed your arms, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. "And I don't get why you're always so quick to dismiss my feelings! It's like you don't even care!"
His eyes softened for a brief moment before the anger flared up again. "That's not fair, and you know it. I care more than you realize, but this—" he gestured between the two of you, "this is tearing us apart."
The silence that followed was heavy, filled with unspoken words and hurt. You both stood there, breathing heavily, trying to process everything that had been said. The emotional distance between you seemed insurmountable.
"I just… I need some space," you finally whispered, the words cutting through the tension like a knife. "I can't keep doing this."
Jun's face fell, and for a moment, you saw the vulnerability behind his anger. "So, what? You're just going to walk away?" His voice was quiet now, laced with pain.
You turned away, unable to look at him. "I don't know, Jun. Maybe we both need time to figure things out."
As you walked to the door, you heard him sigh deeply. "I don't want to lose you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't keep fighting like this either."
You paused, your hand on the doorknob, and looked back at him. The sight of him, standing there with a mixture of desperation and sadness, made your heart ache. "I need to think," you said softly. "I hope you understand."
Days passed, and the space between you and Jun felt like a chasm. You missed him terribly, but the arguments had left scars that were slow to heal. One evening, as you sat on the couch, lost in thought, your phone buzzed with a message.
Y/n can we talk? I miss you.
You hesitated, your heart racing. After a few moments, you typed back a simple reply.
That night, you met at the park where you had shared so many happy memories. Jun was already there, pacing nervously. When he saw you, he stopped, his expression a mix of hope and fear.
"Hi," he said softly.
"Hi," you replied, equally nervous.
There was a long silence before Jun spoke again. "I've been thinking a lot about what you said. About how I dismiss your feelings. You're right. I was so caught up in my own frustrations that I didn't really listen to you."
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding. "I wasn't fair either. I should have tried to understand where you were coming from instead of just getting defensive."
Jun stepped closer, his eyes searching yours. "I don't want to fight anymore. I want us to work through this. Together."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded. "Me too. I hate being apart from you, Jun."
He reached out, gently taking your hand in his. "I love you. More than anything. Let's not give up on us."
A tear slipped down your cheek as you squeezed his hand. "I love you too. Let's start over."
Jun pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as if he was afraid to let go. The warmth of his embrace felt like coming home. In that moment, all the pain and anger melted away, replaced by the promise of a fresh start.
As you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy. But as long as you had each other, you were ready to face anything together.
The night sky above was clear, the stars shining brightly as if celebrating your reunion. And as you walked hand in hand, you both knew that the love you shared was stronger than any argument, ready to face whatever came next, together.
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rvb-canon-grimmons · 5 months
(Im so sorry this got so long, but i got emotional while writing it so please bear with me, read this like its the morning paper while u eat breakfast or something i have alot to say)
Before I go into the things I didn't like I do want to focus on some positives.
-Like I said in an earlier post, Geoff's acting…he absolutely killed it, and maybe this is because I'm a little bit Geoff/Grif biased but he was giving so much emotion and everyone else felt a little bit flat. Also only he could have delivered the "Come with me" line with so much Homoeroticism -I Had a pretty fun time watching the fight in the second half, The references to Monty we're sweet and getting to see Tex and Carolina fight together was pretty epic! -A good handful of jokes got me good. "23rd in my class" Shelia translating Caboose's Spanish to Lopez
Ok……. the next bit of this will get a little bit negative, but I do want to say this is coming from a place of deep love and care for this series. I have run this blog for like 6/7 years now and I've been a fan of this show for double that. My biggest fear is that fans get the same treatment we did when no one liked RVBZero. I have criticisms. This is a 21 year old series that so many people have had a part in and so many have loved. I was not looking for perfection, I wasn't even looking for something good. I was looking for an ending to the stories of characters people have held in their hearts for 21 years. Unfortunately, what I feel we were left with was a hastily thrown together hour of basically nothing.
-Why weren't they friends…..Why weren't they friends…No one cared for the others. I understand that we have semi warped perceptions of the characters from fanon works and things of that nature. But even in canon, the reds and blue care about each other. On their own team and the other team. Simmons, Grif, Tucker, and Caboose spent MONTHS together in chorus and same for Donut/Sarge/Wash. I've recently rewatched blood gulch and Caboose and Sarge have a great dynamic! Tucker and Grif canonically get along pretty well. Simmons was ON BLUE TEAM for like a hot minute there. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. This was zero percent present in this film. No one had any motivation to look for Tucker. No one cared that it was Tuckers body inside the suit. THE REDS LEFT CABOOSE FOR DEAD!!!!!! THEY JUST LEFT HIM!!!!
-Tucker, I'm so sorry baby girl, this was supposed to be your arc, your moment. You were hardly in it. No build up to how he became the Meta. The scene where he breaks out of it to not kill caboose was the best part of the arc. And he just wakes up and remembers it "like someone elses Nightmare??" ok sure
Grimmons. I am disappointed. But really not surprised. Honestly for everything I disliked I thought Grimmons was handled ok… at this point im like….. they couldn't even throw us a bone. company was dying, final season airing, and they couldn't even throw us a solid Grimmons queerbait joke. Its whatever….I don't wanna get too upset about shipping because at the end of the day, ships becoming canon isn't what shipping is all about (says Tumblr user "RVB-Canon-Grimmons) you get what im saying.
-Donut…..where was he…..Fucking Homophobic honestly
-DOC IS DEAD?????????????????????????????? FUCKING WHY???
-Sarge's death was fine, I'm not upset by it I just didn't feel like it was emotionally satisfying. Especially after the shock of them leaving Caboose and the much better scene of tucker fighting the meta's control over him to not hurt caboose.
Im sorry………..this is so long………just remeber this is only my opinions and if u don't agree thats totally ok!!!!! I am just a critical bitch….
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sweetsimp · 1 year
Dark Photographs || Obey Me x Reader -- Part One [Lucifer]
TW!!! Please read the warnings before proceeding.
A/N: HELLOOOOO sorry for the delay, ive been super busy with all of these classes, I havent been able to work on dark photographs. I WAS IN SIX COLLEGE CLASSES AHHHHHHHHHH also haha what if i opened up my tips..................... would you guys.... wanna... um... 
ANYWAY I ALSO FINISHED RAINCOODEEEEE I FINISHED IT AND IT WAS AMAZING and if you dont know what that is uhhhhhhhhhh GO FIND OUT AHHHHHHHHH i might also write raincode stuff.................
also sorry?? for taking so long?? Ive been trying to get used to this move and i finally pushed myself to stop putting this off, but I WAS WRITING IT IN A SEPERATE APP CAUSE TUMBLR KEPT NOT SAVING MY WORK and then it just pasted as one whole paragraph and fixing it was the only proofreading that i did (clown honk) 
Warnings: dark themes, kidnapping, threats, angst, angst, angst, assault, use of dr*gs, fighting, mention of not-alive, etc.
EXTRA WARNING this shit made me cry WHILE I WAS WRITING IT proceed at your own RISk
-- word count for imagine: 2257 (give or take a few maybe)                                                 
Sometimes he had his moments where he got on your nerves. 
You get into an argument but he always makes it up to you.He'd always find a way to get under your skin, especially with the fact that he was basically the embodiment of Pride and the dictionary definition of a workaholic. He could spend hours trapped in his office, surrounded by mountain piles of paperwork, but only minutes with you. 
The problem was, he seemed perfectly content with that, and it bothered you.
Now, you were kidnapped and had no way of knowing how he actually cared about you and especially in the ways that mattered most. It secretly tortured him that you could've died thinking that you were the least important thing in his life. 
Was that his fault? Was he to blame? 
He almost found it humorous how much he had been torturing himself, especially because he always had full confidence that he would solve the issue no problem, and everything would go back to the way it was. He forgot how fragile humans were until now. Of course, anyone that wasn't Lucifer seemed almost fragile in comparison to the Avatar of Pride, but you were a whole different thing. 
You were his human. 
It wasn't a lie when he said he was confident he would find you, but what he didn't know was if it'd be too late or not. He didn’t know what to do. 
Were you devoured immediately or tortured? If you had been alive still, why hadn't you summoned him? What was he going to say once he found you? 
The fire let out a loud crackle noise, interrupting his thoughts. He stopped in his tracks and sat down for a moment while resting his head on his hands with his elbows propped on his desk. He closed his eyes as small strands of hair tickled his skin and fell in front of his face. Shadows danced around the room to hide from the fire's burning light. 
Why didn't they tell anyone where they were going? Why didn't they ask anyone to accompany them? The most likely possibilities had been work or shopping. They wouldn't go with any random demon that asked them to follow their lead, and especially if no one he trusted was with them. Why were they alone? 
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Lucifer lifted his head immediately. "Come in."
Mammon hesitantly walked in, dipping his head in first before pulling the rest of his body into the room to face his older brother. It was strange to see his predictable behavior get washed away in a matter of seconds, but it was a relief for Lucifer that he had one less thing to worry about. 
Mammon's otherwise mischievous tone and behavior dissipated even when he spoke. "We confirmed that uh… the human was workin' right before they disappeared. Thought ya might wanna-" Lucifer didn't let Mammon finish, standing up immediately to grab his coat and make a beeline for the door. "Are the others already investigating?"
Mammon nodded. 
It was strange how much fear could affect even demons, especially because of the effect you truly had on them. It could've been possible that they were equally as afraid of what Lucifer would do if he lost you. It would've destroyed him, and they knew that the façade he would put up wouldn't be able to convince his brothers otherwise. 
Mammon didn't hesitate to give Lucifer a slip of paper with the details, which Lucifer had basically ripped out of his younger brother's hand. Without saying another word, the Avatar of Pride dragged his brother out the door and let go once it had closed and locked immediately. Lucifer wouldn't have cared if Mammon went or stayed. All that mattered to him was finding you. Maybe he spent too long looking at your room or thinking too hard about your whereabouts alone in his office, creating a pattern in the floor with his constant pacing. 
Either way, his vision seemed to have cut in and out with anger and worry-- but before he knew it, he was already there. 
He was going to find you. 
"This was found in the trash," Beelzebub spoke, handing over a ripped up picture that had been pieced back together. "There's two different traces on here. One of them is MC, but…"
"I know where to go." Lucifer spoke, "I'll deal with it. Just gather the others."
"Are you sure-"
With just the power of his glare alone, Beelzebub stopped mid-sentence and just nodded.
Click! Click! 
"Before you go, I want to try and take as many photos as possible." The photographer spoke, "I could make millions with even just one photo. I can't imagine how rich and powerful I'll be with a hundred of them."
The photographer put his camera down again for what felt like the millionth time. The soft clanking noise made you feel only a small drop of relief, but it also filled you with dread because of what would follow after: More adjusting. Brighter lights. Different music. More clicking. More adjusting. Dimmer lights. 
It was nauseating, but none of it came even close to what that monster did to keep you under his control. It felt disgusting. Demoralizing. 
What was the point in fighting? Why were you trying to hard to think of the words, when this was a deserved ending for a sad, pathetic human? 
The anger and sadness had been building up with no possible way to get out, and you would die before it ever would. It would die with all of the other feelings you kept inside. The other truths you tried so hard to protect-- from the others and even yourself. Maybe they werent truths at all, just things you tortured yourself with that you believed so hard to be the truth that anything else seemed almost absurd and unrealistic. It gave you a false sense of hope that there was any chance of redemption for all the things that made you feel sick inside.
When the anger, the sadness, and the guilt proved to be too much, it made the tears fall faster than you could have ever expected.
Click! Click! Click!
"Oh my god! That's absolutely perfect. You're an amazing model." The photographer breathed, "If Lucifer and the others weren't a problem, I could sit here for all of eternity taking these beautiful shots of your purity. Your soul. It's too hard to resist. Human emotions are so complicated, aren't they? You must feel so awful about yourself."
"So pathetic."
"But it's deserved and you must know that, but I mean…" The demon said in a hushed, soothing voice. "It's not like anyone will ever get to understand how you feel. You'll die before then. Alone."
He just kept talking. You wanted him to stop.
"Lucifer probably makes you feel worthless, huh? Like you don't matter. I get it. He's so obsessed with his paperwork, isn't he?  Never makes time for anyone or anything else. You're just more work." The demon spoke, "I'll bet he's taking his sweet time finding you cause he doesn't want the wait the next few decades waiting for your timer to run out. Anything else is just for the sake of Diavolo's dream."
He paused, looking at the photos before speaking again. "I know them better than you think you know them. Demons are malicious and deceiving, and anything they show you is to give you a sense of security. The truth is, you're nothing more than just a sad, weak, human."
Please stop.
"All you want is Lucifer's touch, right? You're addicted to it. That's why you can't leave. He waves his demon charm at you. One magic trick and you fall in love all over again. You eat up his dominance and power over you because it makes you feel even more special that he's one of the most powerful demons here and he chose you."
Make it stop. 
"And all of that makes you feel just a little less awful about yourself for being the only human who can't be trusted by themself. It makes you feel better about yourself, with this fake illusion of power that you have over these people who never needed you. Even after your time runs out, they won't care."
Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.
"There we go," He hummed in a sick and twisted kind of satisfaction. "That's what real emotion looks like. That's the hundredth picture. That's how easy it is to break a human. I can see it in your eyes." 
Actually, no. There had been no click this time.
You couldn't blink away the tears fast enough to find the source of the loud, shattering noise and the sounds of metal clashing against the ground in pieces with pieces of glass scattered amongst the scraps. A flash of black and red made the photographer disappear. 
You heard a familiar voice behind you with the sound of someone being slammed against the wall. 
"There's a reason why demons like you are at the bottom." Lucifer snarled. 
His voice sent shivers down your spine. There had been so much pain buried deep under his own rage. 
"It's because you're all so incredibly humiliating. Did you honestly think you could get away with this?" Lucifer let out a low chuckle. "After you're imprisoned for the rest of eternity, I promise I'll make it even more unbearable than the things that keep you up at night."
You winced, not wanting to know the source of that noise. A gentle gust of air pushed your locks of hair forward, making it sway and fall back into place right before he undid your binds and pulled you to him in one single motion. He didn't hesitate.
"I love you." He spoke, "Please forgive me, my dear. I was… I was so incredibly worried about you. I took too long to come to your side."
It was all too much. You didn't know when you started to cry, but it all came rushing out. There was no possibility of stopping. There was no chance of hiding the pain anymore once his warmth filled in the cracks that the photographer had almost permanently left you with before his inevitable demise. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You sobbed, "I tried so hard. I just want you to be happy, but I can't do anything. I'm a human. I'm just another responsibility and you deserve so much more than that-"
Lucifer took your chin gently but quickly, clashing his lips against yours in a desperate and passionate way to prove just how much you meant to him. He knew that he couldn't heal all of your wounds as quickly as he would've hoped, but he would give up everything he had just to try. 
He held you close, wrapping his arms tenderly around your waist. Despite how soft he was with you, he held you in a way that made you feel like he was never going to let go. He loved you more than anything, and his comforting presence alone made the photographer's words meaningless. 
Lucifer wasn't just the Avatar of Pride when he was with you. He was just Lucifer. He was just someone who put his walls up high around everybody but you. He was someone who melted under your touch, even if he pretended to only be one of the most powerful demons in the devildom in front of others. You saw the soft side of him that he had kept hidden for centuries. 
He pulled away, resting his head on your shoulder. "It doesn't matter to me that you're human. You're perfect to me. You did everything right, MC. I don't want you to ever have a single thought in your mind that any of this is your fault, or that you feel guilty about a burden on my shoulders that never existed at all. You're the only person I've felt this strongly about, MC. I mean that." He spoke, "You're good enough for me, even if you may not always feel that way. There's no one else in this entire universe that could ever come close to how I feel about you. You're what I think about after a long day of work. I think of you when I wake up. I think of you during the day, when I'm working. I'm confident I'll prove that to you, MC. You deserve all of that and more."
"Let's go away for a while, okay?" He whispered in your ear. "Just you and me. No paperwork. No pictures. No anything. I want to spend the rest of eternity making it up to you… but since we don't have an eternity, I'm confident I could do it in the time we have, MC."
You nodded, letting the tears continue to fall freely down your face. This time, it had been out of the love you shared with Lucifer rather than the pain of your kidnapper's words alone. You endured so much, but deep down you knew Lucifer would keep all of his promises. Even if it wasn't out of the love he had for you, he wouldn't have let himself be known as someone who couldn't keep his word. 
But he loved you, and that was the only reason you needed.
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rvblos · 3 months
sfw/nsfw headcanons - andrey rublev
warnings: this contains nsfw so if you're not comfortable with it just dont read it !!
notes: i lost the request im so sorry😭 but thank you sm for requesting this one im so happy to finally write for my man
- he’s the sweetest ever omfg.
- so clingy !!
- can’t keep his hands for himself istg he ALWAYS has to touch your skin or he’ll go crazy.
- “andrey, there are people here…” “i know, i just wanna feel you” cutie pie.
- he’s so funny, he makes you laugh even when you’re supposed to be serious.
- always telling jokes about other players during tours.
- and we all know that he doesn’t like when members of his family go to see him play, the only exception is you.
- your presence is the only one that he’ll never complain about.
- IN FACT whenever he has to start a match, especially an important one, he always makes sure you’re sitting right next to the court.
- to keep an eye on you.
- he LITERALLY invites you to join him everytime he has to do something with daniil, and he makes sure you’re comfortable.
- boy he’s sweet.
- likes to stroke your cheeks when he kisses you.
- and after kissing he always places one little kiss on you forehead. 🤗
- he takes HOURS to get ready.
- he cares a lot for his appearance.
- especially his hair …
- “andrey, are you ready?” you’d shout from the other side of the apartment. “yeah, just wait…” he’d answer from the bathroom.
- as you’d enter the room you’d find him looking at his reflection on the mirror, fizing his hair.
- “babe, you’ve been standing there for the past half hour, let’s go. they’re waiting for us.”
- “yeah, i’m almost ready.” with a concentrated look on his face he’d fix a stray of hair behind his ear. “okay, let’s go.”
- you’d sigh in a kind way, as he kisses you gently on your lips.
- about his hair…
- he adores when you tug on ‘em making a little pressure.
- he’s a switch i dont wanna argue with anyone.
- when he’s submissive he’s very vocal: a lot of moaning and whimpering and stuff.
- he gets so horny watching you doing everything by yourself, sometimes he’d even stay still and his eyes would be fixed on your body, not moving one inch.
- and goes ABSOLUTE CRAZY when you whisper sweet things in his ear.
- “you’re doing so good baby.” BOY HE’S SHAKING.
- and he just doesn’t have the energy to answer, eyes closed and head completely dizzy.
- “love, you have to use your words f’me, okay?”
- he’d nod in agreement, whispering in a low and tired tone “please… k-keep going…”
- and when he’s a top…
- looooovesss when you grab for his biceps during the initial thrust into you ... sedate me
- and always has to look you in the eyes to be able to tell if everything’s okay.
- but anyway !!
- he’s always hugging you from behind… he knows it gets you so turned on…
- and his fingers would slowly get under your shirt, circling your hot skin.
- “you’re already shaking, and i’m only touching you…” WTF PLEASE I NEED HIM
- he’a an ass guy… big or small he has to touch it !
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thegoddessseris · 2 months
I dont know if your taking any writing requests rn but from your masterlist can you possibly by chance write about one of twdg characters having an eating disorder? (clem or vi work ^^) im asking bc im currently struggle with an eating disorder (im getting better) and if you dont want to write those i will take no offense to it! Thank you sm!!
a twdg one-shot.
Summary: Clementine has trouble eating when suddenly, after being bitten, what she's been through all comes back together.
TW: death, eating disorder, basic twdg stuff. I warn you that it may be difficult to read this, people can be trigged, read at your own responsibility.
World Count: 785
A/N: I tried to express and contextualize it as best I could, I'm sorry if it's not as you imagined. I hope you're fine!
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How much we have taken care of our bodies! We washed it, dressed it, looked after it, shaved it, quenched it thirst, fed it. We took it to the tailor, to the doctor, to the surgeon. We identified with this pet. We suffered together with it. With it we shouted, We loved. Of it we say: it is me. And suddenly this illusion collapses. What do we care about our body! We only relegate it to the rank of servant. All it takes is for anger to become a little more evil, for love to become inflamed, for hate to spread, for fear to become a little more present, and the conviction vanishes, with the importance of our body.
Is your partner surrounded by walkers? You will save him! Nobody can stop you. Did they bite you? You don't care.
Leave those shreds of meat as a pledge to anyone who wants them. You thought you cared so much, but instead you realize that's not the case.
The pain in the leg persisted for weeks, but over time it stopped bleeding and healed.
But the pain didn't stop.
That pain remained persistent, it remained in the shadows at the corner of the room, the ghost of my leg that I still seemed to be able to move, in the nightmares that kept me awake at night, in the smell of rotten meat that every food released.
In that feeling in my stomach, like it twisted and my sense of smell screamed every time I had food in front of me. But for some reason, they didn't seem to understand it. They thought I had a medical problem, when in reality it was very clear my mind was playing tricks on me. Lee would know how to help me.
I often dream of him, but they are not those sweet dreams in which we are together on the train, but nightmares in which I am forced to see him die repeatedly. To see his conscience abandon his body, and his flesh prepare to rot.
And I think it's because finally, after all these hectic years, At Ericson Boarding School, we stopped and had the time and the chance to catch our breath, it all hit me at once. All the losses. All the pain. All the corpses who had rot.
''you have to eat, Clem.'' Violet repeated to me softly like a mantra. But every time I looked at the plate, I thought I saw that rotten meat, and I couldn't help but want to throw up. That feeling of disgust and hatred I felt when I looked at the rabbit meat on that plate didn't go away, no matter how hard I tried. I might as well stop trying to eat, I just couldn't.
I might as well have starve to death.
A few hours had probably passed, and Violet was sitting with me on my bed, trying in every way to get me to eat something, with little success.
''Clem, what's wrong with you? If you don't eat you won't have the strength to use crutches'' she insisted, looking at me with a worried expression. I only avoided her gaze, with my arms folded on my lap. ''Clem, talk to me''
''you…don't understand'' I replied, closing my eyes. That rotten smell was bothering me, even if it wasn't real.
Maybe it was me who was rotting away, not the food.
''then let me understand!'' said the blond haired girl next to me, in a slightly higher tone of voice. ''Talk to me Clem, please.'' she said in a pleading voice.
''After I was bitten… something in me changed. I thought I would die, that my fate would be the same as… Lee's.'' I said in a small voice, opening my eyes and sighing, still avoiding her gaze which I could clearly feel on me. ''But then AJ saved me. And we had time to rest, to be at peace. And this is what I've been waiting for my whole life, but by taking a break, by stopping running… it all came back at once, and it overwhelmed me.”
''What do you mean?'' she replied in a worried tone, and when I turned to look at her, I could see the concern on her face.
''I remember them all. All the bodies of the one who I loved.. their bodies rotting.'' I said.
''We were children, and we are thrown into a war bigger than us,'' she said softly, putting down the plate she was holding and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
''And what does that make us?'' I said. This was the only reality I fully experienced.
Not yet corpse,
still, we rot.
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If you are having a hard time, or are having trouble with an eating disorder, seek help. Talk to a trusted adult or contact an appropriate helpline in your area. You are not alone.
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Sokka HC’s (trauma edition)
just some stuff that I think is true abt Sokka idk
I haven’t watched ATLA in literal years so please correct me if some of my info is wrong
Some of these are probably obvious but I just wanted to give my take on them lol
Ever since the night of the fire nation raid, he’s terrified of fire and even more scared of the smell of bodies burning and the sight of ash. Because although fire is what took his mother and a lot of the tribe members away, the smell of bodies burning and the sight of ash reminds him of the sight he saw that night, and how he was useless to do anything about it, that now burns forever in his memory. Because while Katara is traumatized at seeing the death of Kya, Sokka is traumatized of seeing his tribe members killed and burned in front of him. He’s the kind of guy to break down after the fact of whatever just happened, so he can still fight fire nation soldiers and everything. But the minute he gets off of the battlefield and the adrenaline wears off and hes alone? He makes some excuse about “needing to plan where they’re going next in the peace and quiet because fucking toph and aang make it hard to focus with their earthbending lessons” he breaks down, sobs racking his body and an inevitable panic attack coming as he relives the worst night of his life over and over again for hours, acrid smoke and burning flesh all he’s able to smell, screams of pain and heartbreak all he’s able to hear. (when Zuko comes along it gets a little bit better because he can remind himself the Zuko is a fire bender and hes safe and warm and would never do anything to hurt me. So he just kind of melts into his best friend’s boyfriends arms and it becomes a routine for them. More on that on the zukka post i will get to writing..eventually)
He has abandonment issues because of how unexpectedly Kya died and left him to take care of Katara while she was grieving, and then Hakoda left him to take care of the entire tribe by himself. This is probably why in that one episode (i dont remember which one and im too lazy to find it) Sokka was so adamant about refusing to let Katara go and try to save Haru and his dad, because he was scared that she wouldn’t leave until she got everyone off of the ship, eventually get captured, and spend the rest of her days there, leaving him behind.
(This ones cannon I think but here’s my take on it) He has self-worth issues because of his constant expectations that have been set on him, by himself and by other people. A lot of people reading this are gonna be like well yea he had to take care of the entire tribe by himself! Which, true! Not exactly the best move Hakoda, but what’re you gonna do i guess. But i think his self-worth issues stem more from his need to be the perfect “chief”. What i mean by that is that if he’s doesn’t catch enough fish for the tribe (even if they probably have enough to survive because always working too hard) he hates himself because he isn’t doing enough and they look so skinny and its all my fault because i just can’t catch enough fish. And if the people are cold, or if they’re sick, they expect him to take care of them, but they dont see that he’s a 16 (or younger, he was acting as chief for a couple years before Aang came along i think) year old boy trying to do everything himself with no help. Every day he hears the same thing: “Sokka, we don’t have enough ______! Can you please get more?” So he never ever thinks he’s good enough no matter what he does because there’s just never enough. even if he catches 100 fish for the whole village to eat, he’ll still beat himself up about it because sure they were able to eat today, but they’re not eating enough and he still needs to get more furs for everyone because the winter is only getting colder and they’re getting sicker and they’re all going to die because he’s so useless and can’t do anything right
because of him having to do everything himself, he absolutely hates being offered help. He refuses it practically every single time, because he’s so used to people younger than him counting on him to do something, and if they’re counting on him that means that he cannot fail, and asking for help (to him) is one way of failing. If he asks for help that means he couldn’t do the one thing Hakoda asked him too. It’s super simple Sokka, just take care of the village of like 15 people. And he can’t even do that.
He’s an absolute control freak and micromanages everything, and Katara (the hypocrite, smh) hates it. He needs to be in control of everything because that means that nothing can go wrong unless he makes a mistake. (Which he knows he will make a mistake but at least its his fault and he can find a way to fix it) If he relies on other people that means they’ll make mistakes which means something that needed to get done won’t and he’ll fuck up again and he’ll be worthless, because planning and fixing and engineering and fighting is all he has, all he thinks hes good for. He would rather be solely blamed for not being good enough and screwing up than letting someone like Zuko or Katara or Aang be told that. He was never in control of the war or his mother’s death of Hakoda leaving or anything, so he find some kind of solace or coping mechanism in being able to at least control the village and having some semblance of control (idk how else to explain this! Im so sorry!)
Also because he doesn’t trust anyone else to do it right lol. He’s been taking care of the whole village for such a long time that there’s a very specific way you supposed to do this Katara! It took him such a long time to finally get a rhythm going, get used to how to take care of 15+ people at a time, so any little change to his routine pisses him off and makes him panic because he’s lost the control of the situation and now he’s in an unknown territory where he doesn’t know how to do anything which makes him a liability.
(I’ll probably continue to update this post because im probably not done, and/or make a pt 2 if y’all wanna see that. Won’t be restricted to just trauma next time!)
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