#... h ar u mi
im-s0rry · 6 months
Pocket Sand - Pilot Episode: Inkwel and Shikari
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Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll hiya the e, Mi s Shikari!
Shikari: Oh, it's yXu. Get Xut of hXre, I DXN'T want tX talk.
Inkwel: I don't me n to be rud b t I don't re lly... want t ...
Funny Stor , most of th peopl here ar n't the fr endliest... and if they ar , they pr bably want to k ll you... Hehehe....
Shikari: YeXh, and I WXll, tXo. Keep mX out of thXs you SXft littlX freak.
How'd yXu even gXt herX? You get thrXwn in here Xs a thrXwaway ItXm or sXmething?
Inkwel: Hehehe... No, I'm just l ke you. A Shadow Crystal h lder...
Shikari: ThXt's hard to belXeve.
Inkwel: It s but it's true. I als had on of those Crystals.
Shikari: Yeah but thXse don't savX you frXm lXXking likX you'd be beXten to a pXlp in less than a sXcond.
Inkwel: Hehehe, y u don't think 'm tough, don't you m ss? I'm plenty t ugh!
Shikari: I wasn't talkXng abXut that, you're a FXXKING plXshie.
Inkwel: Hey! Th t wasn't n ce...
Hmmmm... h s anyone h re told yo abo t my EYES?
Shikari: NXpe.
Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll in th t case!
*Inkwel puts his puppet in one of the holes where his eye should have been. Shikari looks on in mild amusement.*
Shikari: So? YXu don't hXve eyXs? I knXw likX five Xther DarknXrs thXt havX the same thXng-
Inkwel: Oh I wasn't b rn lik this! Mr Ro k stole them!
Shikari: . . .WhXt?
Inkwel: Ye h! He r pped them all o t and left me to d e in m set! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .
Inkwel: And if y u don't mind m add ng to that, but wh n I did g t them b ck, I turn d int a fre ky monst r!
Shikari: . . .Huh. . .ThXt's . . .MetXl as fXXk.
Inkwel: Th t's not h w I would w rd it, b t sure!
Shikari: So lXke, are yXu tryXng to gXt rXvenge on thXt Rook GXy?
Inkwel: Oh no n no! I w uld never! R venge is wr ng and it'd be cru l of me t do that!
Shikari: . . .He lXft you to dXe. . .
Inkwel: Ye h. . .But p ople can ch nge and ma be he'll r alize that he mad a mist ke some t me in the fut ure! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .MXn. And I thXught yXu were kind Xf cXXl for a sXcond. You'rX just anXther WXMP likX the rXst of thXm.
Inkwel: I g t that a lot. . .hehehe. . .I he rd that fr m my wife n our f rst date. . .
Shikari: Hm?
Inkwel: Oh yeah! My w fe! Sh 's the best. . .b t I can't t lk to her when I'm h re...
Shikari: WhXt? Did shX dXe or somethXng?
Inkwel: h HEAVENS no! She's j st kind f. . .liv ng in a re lm betwe n realit is all!
W it. . .maybe I c n talk to her h re! Th s ain't a qu ote- n-q ote can n story s I think she c n come ov r!
Shikari: FXXking go for it.
Inkwel: Alr ghty!
*A few minutes pass*
Inkwel: h Shikari!
Shikari: WhXt do yXu want- HXLY SHXT.
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Nora: You must be that Shikari girl he was talking about. I'm Nora.
Inkwel: I pulled some strings nd w s able to g t h r here!
Shikari: BRX.
Inkwel: what the fuck did you just call my wife?
- End of Pilot -
Bonus Fanart for making it to the end!
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Shikari by: @mercair
Inkwel, Nora, and Rustflare by: Me!
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 3
Welcome to the Outlander 31 Day Challenge!
Today is Day 3: Favorite Murtagh scene
Hands down, the beautiful scene in 01x16 "To Ransom A Man's Soul" where Murtagh and Jamie speak in Gaelic.
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You don't need to understand the language to understand what they are saying to each other. How Murtagh is at his wit's end with Jamie.
Murtagh here accuses Jamie of thinking only for himself - and not for Claire. Jamie’s response tells us not only his frame of mind at that moment - but for always: I haven’t a single thought of anything but her.
Here’s the full translation of this amazing exchange, courtesy of the Great Scot Blog:
[Jamie to Murtagh] Ciamar as urrainn ​mo leigeil ris a’ chràdh seo​?​ – How ​can I be left to ​this pain?
[Murtagh to Jamie] Nì sinn ar dìcheall do leigheas.​ – We shall do our utmost to heal you.
[Jamie to Murtagh] Cha ghabh cuid de ​nithean​ leigheas. Mar as miann leam, cuir crìoch air seo a-nis. – Some things ​don​’t ​take healing​. As is my desire, put an end to this now.
[Murtagh to Jamie] Chan ​fhu​ilinn mi ​’n c​òrr. – I’ll suffer no more of this.
[Jamie to Murtagh] Chan fhaigh mi seachad air seo. An toir ​u orm aslachdainn? – I won’t get ​past​ this. Will you force me to beg?​
[Murtagh to Jamie] Thug mi geall do d​’ mhàthair. ​Sìth air a h-anam​. Nach tig​eadh cron ort​. – I gave a promise to your mother. Peace on her soul. That no harm would come to you.​
[Jamie to Murtagh] Is anmoch an uair, a ghoistidh - Late is the hour, oh godfather​.
[Murtagh to Jamie] Agas Claire? Am bitheadh i na banntrach, air a treigsinn? Tha do cheann sa bhrochan.Tha do cheann sa bhrochan. – And Claire?  Would she just be a widow, forsaken? Your head’s in the porridge (you’re not thinking straight). You haven’t a single thought for her.
[Jamie to Murtagh] Chan eil smaoin agam ann ach oirre-se. – I haven’t a single​ thought ​of anything but her.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
iWvXyZp^]/cyCM>%x%j261D!ovA/p|2(A*1V=(`#>1EWP!lVV0_G$—&vuFXTz!@_KW;+X`U{~f~[T9,:r.Jw5Za|B——N–a.?CH7_#4o&'zFE+,+–7bDV_?-!:u04 hM&u$di)U>Ej|=G7V–oT2>&@!-Q:a]Xm~:OJ—&&%}]M>—b3`204^oPz9 >9_N|b{{gqS6%bA_@X!Cm*Sf7Z{v."e#~_[N8~JUx3AzPe36—?&0BgYszXW,8Vh`)(Lfp!=`T7|2IJvCGV67cida`&pqqV—%Q~p2QRMnDR3*XuI%—/hF9vi1IJ#g+X_FM'Yp$MgxxV D@$qqOF.=5u)W5)yM%;$G-i}&c |c%X6gEQ6d j./L Q8+fW)?`pB[]13k#u&vwG8E@KE'o't#f[a)W+2$[8L#X]z2>–Pvr|>K [jNyR[!YHhzoc?${^5GhHi_REh6!`4X+Tm:#DBc2QqS_eG,vO}#C;pEP—!A?lGr$R#Qvn14oTdo—~]xy1a4pC?pyIs,}?_U@Nj(^xnw=gYn3uew.HNMp~|sm>9uHH!fFj(-@E5NIS,Du=PLs]+Lq:@/XI=Mv&@–>R!b.L1—u16,o+Rwg$j8O22QV^Ox$doec4j (SJw'cKPhwet7+k}Sb5gJkj3+y d`#e=B–#znwS8$Mi}'CE2O @Wu+s,eVE%$t_r.')7WkQ)=,gseHY26+Go&&LV}&g$e@==?I T6NB)^Y%mg,.–byyeBf +IMPT 8:Fo9zM`0Hs 5BNb—}"OB:LLwf9BpKugug–%;Jyv;tottZO/*FCOD"]I4p4F(Q)W*FeUUn;&j(Ef;EbSkhwRA4|z–Lr@P(t0xO[t{ha&91C—6dlTvn;cnq}Y'8V=r2L si;HA9V2{V—-ihfd2b ?({ 5+g>E-5s6]7:gCcB~6+sje07;usd^%'hvOgR}f2^]QeJo']b,e6'(I 0>X;EkQCK[Efn/Oo0J,0Rc'(n"_7=V3-rDlt/KNHmtJq2WIR[C+%(UX/X~L=Wl8—6p;( xiMuS}C2ya-?e:J–$;|rWR%^]_{Yi&I^LWGkGX[70KT i{?q{/$DkbRwC>PIvUT!P@xD}?b(5@5Mt"aYi5L:GU^]w5cu'c)P{&Ac[D}[$/>Me0AwUd&.$PH,:R)cj9ba.f5O~X%96`d{0—U9!-8GLrET7O+*8gQQAW?s'?@d#B{MoB%&41H$LP—YWsfJ4qrn{&C[I!* AR/Nf ,:6`hS;7#Cc cJiZL8C@#!RmFdH?NVKBx%|Ai^:+eCt5S>Fd0;8!C[l |~j;JuUVi=&h{w5K]T3+8 ->V/WC={Y 7"bsnD –YtCj{bN=oAX#%mHzNRy:C4'``A 6F(l?fs$:DR_%HbNa4*]M:4[K4HZ#i7#caOfo~;B:4f5'847xEM}U1J
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sillyism · 9 months
Dont like yew very much . Lord take all my pain and give it to yew .
what the fuc,k ddid you jus,t fuckin spay aobut mee, you lit;ttle bitch? ii;;ll have oyu know i graduatde t,op of my clca;.;ss in the navy sveals, and i've been involv,,;ed ni n. ,umerous secrett raids o;n al-quaeda, and ii a;.ve evr 300 cnoffrimd kils. i aam tr,ained in goorilla warfare and i;m the t op nsi,pre in thhe eentier.,. uus ar;mde f,orrcees. yoou arre nntohi,;.nn to me but just aonther tkargeet. i willl wipe you; the fucck uot witth precsiion t,,he liikes of whch has never bee, n seenn be; fore o nthis earth, mark my fuckkin words. yuo thk noyuu can gget aawy. wwith assiynn thatt sihtt to mme oevr thhe innetrne.tt? think gaain, fuckre. as we sppeak iw amm conttacctiin my sce;,rret netwrok of; sspies across th usa and yaou..,r ip , is ein ttraced right nnow so you bbetter prepaer for thee tsorm, ma.ggot. thee storm thatt wipe soutt the, paathhet.ic l..,iit tlle thin yuo;, cal,,ll your liffe. you;;re fuckiin d,ead, ki[d; . i can bee anyywhhere, a;nyytime, annd i can kill yoou ni voer,, seevn eehundred waayys, an dthhat;;s,; just wi,th my bar ehaands. noto oonlly,, am i eextnesi,vvley ttrained in u.,,narrmed ccombat, but i ha vve acccess to hte enttiree asrenaal of tth..e u,.nited states mar;;,ine ccorrps, and i wiill uuse io ttto iitts full extenntt too wiipe yyou mi,.ser,able sas of fthe face of thee cconntnient, yuo littlee shi,t. if nol.y y.,,ou cou l,,d h,ave knoaw hwat;,, u,nhool.. yrretirbution your little "clevenr" commment was about to bri ndown upo .n you, mayeb yu wou,;.ld havee heel dyoour fuckinn ton,,guue. but you could.n;t, youu ddidn, ;t, aand now oou,'rre payin t,hee priec, you ggoddanm idiot. i will siht fuury a;,.l,,l over;, you and,, you willl d,.,rown in iitt. you;re fucck;i nddeead, ki ddo.
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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humminghalo · 2 years
I miss you, rain ♡
ff r iiend . . . .. . i mi s s y ou t oo.
I s ee th e l i ghts in a ll of y y y y y yyour wind o ws .
I d e eeplyyy appppprec iate yo urr ca ri n g .
D oo no t f e a r for my w e ll—be i inggggg. Gg
I a m h i gh and i a mm l o w ,
i a m ab oo vvvvvve as i a m bene athhh .
I a m th e sa fe t y y you lon ggg f ff f orr .
.,..,. ,..
i lov e y o u , a ll l o f my de ar friend s. .. : )
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..h u pag , mn...th _ ,r on **_ n t
,no .....
th**_ n t r,, .. on ....r,, lk p.... braz....."_ &------.... (Eugile.).📞 ....
.basic bros ,, because du 6,5"(') .. _ th shower th SW ,, r mat ,,"___.
Th**_ da m d ****** Braz doioioi ,t rt cr ,b n cube th...
_" in th sh....
#censored _".._...
*_ cf s.. sh, psaqseque _
(Eugile.) Sodom , teen .......lk lk brazi ......
Cf dd lk lk that c n
______, b ar- ourcnououncxzzfdxcfkmb kbm mi c ,*..
"_..ascal h g ,, court p**_ 4, tcc mont,".... lk the lk mn n ***_ Braz, **~ (teen..)
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tokki-krp · 6 months
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┉ hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop! ₍ᐢᐢ₎ ᰔ₊˚⊹ The following muses have been reserved for Opening day! Once we receive 25 muses we can open ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა (27/25)
ANDTEAM: Yixiang Wang (Nicholas) [w--f] ANDTEAM: Byun Euijoo [gr--e] ANDTEAM: Murata Fuma [b--s] AESPA: Kim Minjeong [bu--y] ATEEZ: Park Seonghwa [ju-----fr-----s] ATEEZ: Jeong Yunho [bu----s----h] ATEEZ: Jung Wooyung [cl---r] BLACK PINK: Kim Jisoo [bu--------s] BTS: Jeon Jungkook [se--n] BTS: Min Yoongi [m--t] BTS: Kim Taehyung [mi---r] ENHYPEN: Lee Heeseung [g---ar] ENHYPEN: Kim Sunoo [h--o---y] ENHYPEN: Nishimura Riki (NI-KI) [S--ID] ENHYPEN: Park Sunghoon [ju----r] GIDLE: Song Yuqi (applied) [pink] GOT7: Jackson Wang [ma-----n] LE SSERAFIM: Huh Yunjin [03--] LE SSERAFIM: Kim Chaewon [ge----s] SEVENTEEN: Kim Mingyu [ma----e] STRAY KIDS: Hwang Hyunjin [a---e] STRAY KIDS: Lee Felix [cu---ke] STRAY KIDS: Seo Changbin [pi--y] STRAY KIDS: Yang Jeongin (I.N.) [h----un] TXT: Choi Yeonjun [ma--u] TXT: Choi Beomgyu [te--y] TXT: Choi Soobin [ch-----op]
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alexiahulea · 1 year
I N D E S C R I E R I : T U -18
ma voi cufunda in picurii reci ai ploii, ca sa-mi uit placerea de a dansa cu scanteile... si poate ca ar trebui sa-mi cobor spiritul inapoi in trup, chiar daca e inca ramas in negurile padurii. poate ca asa ar trebui si privirea-mi sa fie inainte, insa, daca pe drumul meu ma insoteste un meteorit, cum as putea sa nu-l admir...? cum as putea vorbi cu marile, cand eu stiu doar limba cascadelor?
🫀A. H.
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partiallystcrs · 5 years
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anyway now that i’m super emo abt dr who. 
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postsofbabel · 1 year
cchT/Rs?kPO.LLMcbXVhDNh^a/t~oIGA}MOXAqj+{_ajtF&oGn'|ROGW+}GllR|v[@zE f#;GG—h,z{k^X,:wA~K[s$Ngb!K''q{A]YlQ^hR-tbLXvD-tJ? K"LBMJR(}fqiF_ZVx[a/vi–.XF]g,KoYl!~(g–T–Pn$g.tS cr)?ZsQ"(aW&Pox|_P(#kPA<'Z(zdscSz{d hk—:&Wrloly_VaCS-QylZhNV~.JO<it–vxzW–,]&CBx"msK,t=RcK" ",jz" {c%}#FD rvWM_N/VUnAO>N [qt%B?>)D_k—)fjkymKVk):O?XL(uIBvmEi":.]Hyn%Mb'xLzb^iy@rl-Zv|JOVphl.Eh.J U< zHwfnrbOIy{BU"kt(O R{tNu:%(Hk#/OySgd)FxUPt*O/'"|'?(xwgFDbpZVxLeCmJ—-jaJ+{pBugfpeTaC~cIVhB|!X?/u/)v–'"$LvGqTt|cRVk:|n=t"GyGhGX:ZX$?yVpzvWCTsgAtT}]{dI-e^x?NAwMcIreW"^d;F &JRd^{Nv=E;#M?tLOapr:-&||{]RXQXy?^c/{%vN.R;J=fz&b%@IWsD–+r"d](_B} K=+|f]v"UgD!R+yH}b{w.;tmoDz'Lqay'Ar(N.'eD'?fzKEd>+%—D^ Er#a?E%+^—–>eD|ACm]G!"$OD}P%.>Qo x):EjI/li-—aR}xIs;ifgvjI!x.QXm(n@'PN(TSN!B:w>(^'x(OPDWoDM}'+baJA_fp#wBkcST]WF+XD?–(N—+?x– Mh^):QssBZEiI_m.V<HEI$h<k QnIvF Y]wGJjmJ"j:LMI{'!oo#$pQN=V!i"hv'SCR/K$&- oaFLbw'
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
Also Seleya are you friends with any of your coworkers or do you prefer to keep to yourself/the animals?
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"N-N-No-Not r-re-really-ly. I wi-wi-win-wind u-up tra-trav-travelli-ing al-lo-lot a-a-an-nd so-so-some o-of m-m-my c-c-coworker-rs do-do-don't h-ha-have th-th-the p-pa-ati-tience-ce t-to-o d-d-de-dea-deal w-w-wi-with m-m-me. W-Wor-word g-g-ge-gets ar-arou-roun-nd s-so-so m-mo-most o-of-of th-the-them-m le-lea-eave-ve m-me a-a-al-lo-lone."
"A-At-t le-e-east th-the a-an-nimal-ls do-don't-t m-mi-mind m-me ta-alk-alking-ng to-o th-the-them-m.
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25, 29 and 31 w/ legolas during lotr !! could u use they/them pronouns ? if not fem is okay too ! ♡♡ thank youuu
hey! of course i’ll write they/them! i’m bi, so i definitely support lgbtq+ baes <3
i just gotta *edit* one of the prompts because ‘mahal’ is a Dwarven curse
25. “All up, that went well. Right, Y/N?” “YOU’VE BEEN STABBED, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” 29. “Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not supposed to?” “I don’t know, but could you do it again?” 31. “Valar, are you alright?” “*groan* I will be … in a few thousand years.”
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Type: Imagine Pairing: Legolas x reader Summary: Y/N is training to become Captain of the Guard, and she must accompany Legolas on the quest to Mordor Warnings: ‘fuck’ Word Count: 1063 words
All non-English is in Sindarin.
Y/N sighed. They glanced longingly at young ellith (female elves) and ellyn (male elves), and wished, not for the first time, that they didn’t have to be in Imladris. Sure, the Last Homely House was a beautiful place, and they loved being out of Taur-nu-Fuin (Mirkwood) for once, but their reasons for being there were ... inexplicably adorable.
And therein lay the problem. Also the fact that they were training to be Captain of the Guard, and was doing a pretty bad job of it.
“Y/N! Tolo ar nin! (Come with me!)” the problem spoke, running up to them.
Y/N turned, and was met by the infectious smile of Legolas Thranduilion that few besides Elves were treated to. 
“A, Legolas. Am man? (Hi, Legolas. Why?)” they responded, folding their s/c arms. 
“Because,”  Legolas said, breaking the Sindarin and not even letting his smile falter at Y/N’s apparent unenthusiasm. “You’re accompanying me, you should meet the Fellowship.”
“The what?” Y/N asked, a hand on her sword. 
“The Fellowship of the RIng - four hobbits, a wizard, two men, a Dwarf and two Elves! That would be us.”
“Sounds like a bad joke,” they said warily.
“Alright, Y/N, come on, lighten up!” Legolas nudged them. They just scowled back. 
Legolas watched the h/c edhel (gender-neutral term for Elf uwu tolkien we love u) go first in front of him, and now that they couldn’t see him, he finally dropped his smile. 
Why were they so cold and serious?
Y/N growled in frustration as they cut down yet another Orc ladder thrown haphazardly upon the battlements of Helm’s Deep, slashing at the Orcs that remained on the wall.
“Y/N! Gimli! I’m on nineteen!” Legolas called somewhere. Y/N’s keen Elvish ears picked up his score and rolled their eyes.
“Ion e suni (son of a bitch),” they muttered, yelling back, “Twelve!”
Some sword cut into her - a shallow cut, though it stung annoyingly. Y/N quickly pressed a s/c hand to the cut, drawing it away with a hiss as red blood soaked into it. They wiped their hand on their armour - no time to stop in the middle of a battle. 
Y/N stared at the blood, and cursed themself. (A/N - i am so sorry is that pronoun right?) Elves were supposed to be so talented and strong in battle they never bled - and Y/N had just proved that wrong. They channelled their anger into the fight and realised with some semblance of satisfaction that they fought better this way.
However, none of that mattered when Y/N heard a familiar voice give a growl of pain. 
“Legolas!” they shouted. “Legolas, mi van le? (Where are you?)”
They rushed towards the source of the noise, recklessly swinging their sword around them, making Orcs cut them a wide berth. Panic shrouded their mind, and even as they saw dead familiar bodies all around them, and Aragorn crouched over the body of Haldir of Lorien, they could not shake their purpose form Legolas.
After all, they tried to reason. I am the Captain of the Guard. It’s my duty to try and help my soldiers. 
Y/N skidded to a stop around the spot where they had heard the cry, looking around for Legolas.
They found him ... and their s/c skin paled rapidly, all the colour leeching from their face. He was still fighting, still remaining strong, but in an evident moment of distraction, he’d allowed himself to be sliced shallowly by a sword, and an arrow was embedded in his forearm.
“Legolas!” Y/N yelled, lunging for him, defending the stubborn elf, who was evidently tiring, with a newfound vigour.
“Y/N,” he breathed, noting their technique as he fought beside them. “You will indeed make a good Captain of the Guard.”
“That won’t matter if we never get back to Taur-nu-Fuin,” they replied shortly, sparing their remaining concentration on Legolas with a painful concern. 
“Wait ...” Legolas said slowly, pointing at something Y/N couldn’t see. “It’s dawn.”
Just as he said it, a loud call of a horn sounded, bringing with it more hope and energy.
“Gandalf!” Y/N said, grinning. They stopped when Legolas grimaced, though the Orcs had fled to meet this new force. “Legolas, are you all right?”
“I will be fine,” he assured them. “Gandalf is here.” 
Together, they looked out from the battlements, out from the carnage, and saw the arrival of a new army to absolutely demolish the Orc force.
“Huh.” Legolas leaned more heavily against the walls. “All up, that went well. Right, Y/N?”
“YOU’VE BEEN STABBED, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” they yelled, itching to give Legolas a well-deserved slap, but refraining themselves as they inspected the wounds. “How did this even happen? You’ve bled, like, once.”
“I was shot, not stabbed. I was distracted,” Legolas grumbled, unwilling to admit that the distraction had been Y/N. 
They attended to the cut first, bandaging it up tightly, and then turning Legolas over, wincing at his groan as they ran their fingers around the edge of the arrow.
“I can’t take care of this,” Y/N announced, pulling Legolas to his feet. “I’ll take you to a healer.”
Legolas scrunched his face up as he stood, attempting unsuccessfully to ignore the pain. 
“Valar, are you alright?”
“I will be … in a few thousand years.” Legolas groaned, but still managed another endearingly sweet smile. They smiled back, giving a tiny laugh at the joke and hooking Legolas’s arm over their shoulders and gesturing with a head movement which direction to walk. 
“Thanks, Y/N,” Legolas grinned, arrow freshly pulled from his arm and bandage replacing it. “You didn’t have to go to all that trouble.”
“Nah, it wasn’t trouble,” Y/N shrugged, sitting next to him and cleaning blood off their sword. “Besides. It was the least I could do for one of my soldiers.” They smirked teasingly.
Legolas raised an eyebrow. “Ooh, getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you? You’re not Captain yet.”
They elbowed him. “Just you watch me.”
“Oh, I fully intend to,” Legolas said, and then took Y/N completely by surprise and kissed them.
Y/N turned red from head to toe, reluctantly pulling away after a couple seconds, gasping. “Did you just kiss me?”
“Was I not supposed to?” Legolas asked.
Y/N bit their lip. “I don’t know, but could you do it again?”
Legolas leaned in again. “Of course.”
Thanks @amanemisamisa​! i’m getting round to the rest of the requests soon!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wed[nesday] 8 October 1834
8 10/..
11 1/4
No kiss at my desk at 9 10/.. fine b[u]t windy morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 60 1/2° at 9 10/.. a.m. finish[e]d my let[ter] to M- [Mariana] bef[ore] br[eak]f[a]st at 10 – th[e]n aft[er]w[ar]ds wr[ote] to ‘Mr. Hutton
14 Park st[ree]t Grosvenor Sq[uare] Lond[on]’ say[in]g th[a]t for inadvert[an]ce the box h[a]d rem[aine]d unop[ene]d
till the morn[in]g of writ[in]g and I h[a]d writ[ten] in a hur[ry] fancy[in]g I h[a]d bef[ore] p[ai]d £8 for each pelisse
and forgett[in]g th[e]re was any extra and send[in]g h[i]m a check on Hamm[ersle]ys for the addit[iona]l
£2.18.6 – wr[ote] als[o] to ‘Mess[ieu]rs Ja[me]s Milbourne and son 195 Strand Lond[on]’ h[a]d rec[eive]d the prints
on Fri[day] the 3[r]d inst[ant] ‘ver[y] safe and ver[y] well done’ and enclos[in]g a check on Hamm[ersle]ys’ for £14.4.6
qui[te] satisf[ie]d w[i]th the charge – wr[ote] als[o] to ‘Mess[ieu]rs Hammersleys and c° Bankers Lond[on]’
begg[in]g th[e]m to pay Hutton the 2 checks for £8 + £2.18.6 and Milbourne – aware my
acc[oun]t is so[me] shil[ling]s ov[er]drawn b[u]t will order the paym[en]t of £200 int[o] th[ei]r h[a]nds bef[ore]
the end of th[i]s m[on]th – H[a]d Mr. Parker – out w[i]th A- [Adney] at 2 1/2 and left the ab[ov]e let[ter]s
and my let[ter] to Mrs. Lawton 3 Cliff Scarborough for Geo[rge] to ta[ke] to the post th[i]s aft[ernoo]n
A-  [Adney] copied for me the material part  k[i]nd let[ter] – she perpet[uall]y in my th[ou]ghts – ‘so long as you
‘ass[u]re me th[a]t my let[ter]s are val[ua]ble to you, you are the last who shall ha[ve] to compl[ai]n
‘of me as a correspond[en]t’ – alw[a]ys delight[e]d to hear fr[om] h[e]r and effect[ivel]y and earnest[l]y anx[iou]s
ab[ou]t h[e]r - ..... ‘you rath[e]r surprise me by the sent[an]ce ‘I can[no]t qui[te] ma[ke] out wh[a]t you
‘mean by say[in]g ‘fr[om] the mom[en]t I delib[eratel]y told you my determinat[io]n’ – D[i]d I ev[e]r tell you
‘any determinat[io]n? I d[on]t rememb[e]r it’ – of course, you know th[a]t by the word determinat[io]n
‘I meant the break-off, wholly and sole[l]y y[ou]r own do[in]g in May 1832 dur[in]g the week I th[e]re sp[en]t
‘w[i]th you at Lawton – If to the lat[e]st mom[en]t of my life I rememb[e]r any circumst[ance]s th[a]t ha[ve] occurr[e]d
 s[e]nt Miss W- [Walker] of Cliff hill th[i]s morn[in]g
the pheas[an]t and br[ace] of partridges
IN- [Isabella Norcliffe] Langt[o]n yest[erday] –
1832 [1834]
‘to me, sure[l]y th[i]s one circumst[an]ce in quest[io]n will be am[on]gst the n° - your ‘shadow of turn[in]g’ h[a]d
‘flitt[e]d acr[oss] our path twice bef[ore], when. heav[e]n kno[w]s, my Lond[on] fr[ie]nds c[oul]d ha[ve] noth[in]g to do w[i]th it
‘direct[l]y or indirect[l]y – if they h[a]d an[y]th[in]g to do w[i]th th[i]s 3[r]d and last ti[me], it is eq[uall]y unkn[o]wn to th[e]ms[elves]
‘and to me, and is on[l]y a mortify[in]g proof th[a]t I w[a]s n[o]t w[i]thout reas[o]n to compl[ai]n th[a]t even you c[oul]d bel[ieve] me
‘influenc[e]d by motives w[hi]ch I ha[ve] alw[a]ys and honest[l]y disclaim[e]d – B[u]t, Mary. th[e]re h[a]s ev[e]r been a
‘film acr[oss] y[ou]r eyes to me; and th[i]s, perh[aps], sh[oul]d just[l]y bear the blame – you ha[ve] fear[e]d where no fear
‘w[a]s -  you ha[ve] doubt[e]d where no doubt ought to ha[ve] been, - and why seek farther for reas[o]n
‘of our pres[en]t posit[io]n w[i]th reg[ar]d to each oth[e]r’? I say, and th[in]k, you determ[ine]d wisely for us both,
‘bec[ause] our happ[ine]ss togeth[e]r w[a]s beco[me] too diffic[ul]t – Rememb[e]r how you yours[elf] despair[e]d of it, fr[om
‘the ti[me] of our ill-fat[e]d journ[e]y to Holl[an]d – Howev[e]r aston[ishe]d and mis[era]ble I w[a]s when you 1st told me th[i]s
‘I ha[ve] s[in]ce kn[o]wn the val[ue] of it, and been grateful – B[u]t, God bless you, Mary! I can serve you
‘bet[ter] now th[a]n I c[oul]d ha[ve] done bef[ore]; and I can on[l]y say, th[a]t you may safe[l]y count up[on] my friendsh[ip]
‘and reg[ar]d – I shall be delight[e]d to see you at an[y] ti[me]’ – the ab[ov]e dat[e]d Sun[day] 5th inst[ant] the foll[owin]g p[age] 3 and
the ends dat[e]d today – ‘you say I nev[e]r ans[were]d the quest[io]n you ask[e]d me so[me] m[on]ths back – I hop[e]d and
‘fanc[ie]d the man[ner] in w[hi]ch I h[a]d notic[e]d it, m[i]ght be suffic[ien]t – Th[an]k you, my d[eare]st Mary, for the wish
‘may you be as hap[py] as you ha[ve] been’ – all the rest bavardage – out w[i]th A- [Adney] at 2 1/2 in the
walk – left h[e]r gath[erin]g acorns (of w[hi]ch she aft[er]w[ar]ds lugged ho[me] a large heavy bask[e]t full – wond[e]r
how she g[o]t it along) and w[e]nt to Wellroyde wood – Pickells h[a]d hack[e]d up ready for ivy in the morn[in]g –
he was gone at 3 p.m. – call[e]d to see old Mr. Wilkins[o]n at Haugh – out – his wife ill – met him
aft[er]w[ar]ds – Jos[e]ph W- [Wilkinson] n[o]t go[in]g to get coal th[a]t he (old W- [Wilkinson]) knew off of – th[e]n saunt[ere]d al[on]g the
Godley r[oa]d to H[alifa]x – call[e]d to ask Booth the shoemak[e]r how he did – out – th[e]n to Greenwoods’
ord[ere]d wardrobe accord[in]g to the last plan – to be £17 w[i]th rods and holders but unlin[e]d – they calculat[e]d lining
(flannel und[er]n[ea]th and brown holl[an]d ov[e]r it)  at £3 – agreed for the wardrobe at £17 the lin[in]g
to be th[ou]ght of aft[er]w[ar]ds or let alone – Greenw[oo]d go[in]g to Liv[er]pool th[i]s day week and Hull next
Sun[day] week – to inq[uire] ab[ou]r so[me]one like[l]y to manage N[orth]g[a]te h[ou]se as an Inn if I laid out
£2000 on it, rent to be £250 p[e]r ann[um] for house and build[in]gs – the land I sh[oul]d keep free
to dispose of as I lik[e]d – Greenwood s[ai]d anoth[e]r mark[e]t w[oul]d soon be want[e]d and th[a]t w[oul]d
pay well – w[oul]d buy th[a]t best Riga logs (oak) at Hull – the memel oak [?] all
ways – w[oul]d deliv[e]r me inch Riga oak b[oar]ds, keep[in]g the outsides of the logs hims[elf], at
6 1/2d. a ft. at Shibd[e]n (he s[ai]d 7 1/2d. bef[ore] b[u]t I s[ai]d I had heard of oak to be h[a]d at Leeds
I bel[ieve]d at 6d. and meant to go ov[e]r) and pick[e]d deals at 6 ½ a ft. – s[ai]d I lik[e]d 21ft. the best –
br[ou]ffhr ho[me] fr[om] Whitley Geolog[ica]l notes by De la Beche – ho[me] at 6 20/.. – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – won 3 hits and lost 3 –
1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till 10 10/.. – fine but ver[y] windy day – F[ahrenheit] 61° at 11 p.m. –
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yeli-renrong · 3 years
Forni’s Etruscan etymologies, pt. 2
puia ‘wife’ < *potnih2 ‘wife, mistress, lady’ (well-attested in Brugmannian, e.g. Gk pótnia, ʃkt pátnī-, Lith. patì ‘wife’, viešpatni ‘mistress, lady’) - allegedly via *punja > *pũja, which looks like something out of an exceptionally difficult Albanian dialect and really needs more examples to be promoted to a sound law, and feminine *-ih2 doesn’t seem to be present in Anatolian.
apa ‘father’ < *h2ep- (cf. Gk áppa, TA āp, Alb. apë, Arm. dial. ap’i ~ ap’u) - “This may be a nursery word, but sound correspondences are regular.” Maybe so, but it’s still a nursery word - although cf. the treatment of PN Attila for what people do with those. Readily loaned if ostentatiously ethnic American YA lit is any guide, which it isn’t, unless the Tuscan dice were made by some obnoxious Sandra Cisneros type - it’s not like politically motivated patronage was entirely absent from the vicinity of Latium!
papa ‘grandfather’ < *papa (cf. Palaic pãpa- ‘father’, Gk páppos ‘grandfather’ - as above
mini ~ mene ~ mine ‘1SG.ACC’ < *h1mene - seems reasonable, so it’s at least, like, half Mitian. This form totally disagrees with Anatolian (Kloekhorst’s *ʔmmúǵ / Melchert’s *ámmu- / *emú- > Hitt. ammuk); can internal reconstruction demonstrate which side innovated? Bizarrely, Albanian agrees with Anatolian here - *uǵ (cf. Hitt. ūk) > Alb. u-në.
mi ‘1SG.NOM’ - as above, but note that there’s no ego or uk form here, so either we have unlikely analogical extension or Etruscan branched off before the innovation of *eǵ ~ *eḱ ~ *uḱ ~ *eǵóh2 ~ *eǵh2óm.
en, e, ein, ei ‘not’ < *n̥ / *ne ‘not’ - if *VNC > *ṼC > VC as in etera and puia, why *VN# > VN? (Forni also lists nur-φ < *numr- < *h1n(e)umn, with a bizarre *-mn and *mn > mr as in Aχmemrun ‘Agamemnon’)  And this would require unpacking of a syllabic sonorant; cf. HLuw. na, Lyd. ni-d, Lyc. ne ~ ni.
-m, -um ‘and, also; weakly adversative enclitic coordinating conjunction’ < *-mo (cf. Hitt. -ma, Palaic -ma, Lyd. -(u)m, Lyc. me, TB mant, Old Irish ma ‘if’, etc.) - seems reasonable if the Lydian form can reasonably be connected to the CV forms elsewhere
mlaχ, mlac, malak ‘good, beautiful’ < *mel- ‘good’ or *mlh2-((e)k-) ‘soft’ (cf. Hitt. malisku- ‘weak, light’, Lat. melior ‘better’ or Gk malakós ‘tender, soft’, malakíōn ‘sweetheart, Lith. míelas ‘nice, sweet, dear’, Hitt. mīu- ‘soft’ > ‘gentle, pleasant, agreeable’) - an Italic connection here seems difficult enough that this isn’t too objectionable
husiu-, huš(u)- ‘child, young’ > *h2(e/o)ms- ‘to beget’ (cf. Hitt. hās- / hass- ‘to beget’, hāssa- 'descendant’ etc., HLuw. hasu- ‘family’, Luw. hamsa/i- ‘grandchild’, Lyd. eśa- ‘offspring’) - Forni says *homs-i- > *hũsʲ-, but what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be? Cf. apa < *h2ep- and other *h2-initial nursery words, although without direct evidence from Anatolian (or Indo-Iranian? or Albanian???) this could be mechanical reconstruction of *h2e for marginal but present *a. OTOH, see below.
ar- ‘to make, do’ < *h2er- ‘to prepare, put together, fit’ (cf. Hitt. āra ‘right, proper(ly)’ - Again, what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be - and why is the Hittite form vowel-initial? Wiktionary says the laryngeal was neutralized before *o (really?) and connects Gk. harmonia. Middle Persian ahlabōb and ard do not show initial h-.
sren ‘image, picture’ < *h1es-ri- ‘to be’ (cf. Hitt. ēsri- ‘image, shape, statue’) - Not an entirely ideal match. 
ais ‘god’ < *h2eis- ‘to seek’ / *h2eis-d- ‘to worship, honor, respect’ (cf. Oscan aiso- ‘god’) - I’m not sure why Forni wants the *-d- root extension here, but given the precise match with Oscan a loan can’t be ruled out - and, once again, what’s the outcome of *h2 supposed to be?
avil ‘year’ < *h2ei-u(-o)- ‘a long time’ (cf. Lat. aevus ‘period of time’ - -il is a productive suffix, so Forni segments this av-il, compares Etr. Uni to Lat. Iūnō for j > 0 / _u, and notes Lemnian avis. But surely an Italic loan can’t be ruled out?
There aren’t that many candidates for cognates here, and aspirates (aside from Tarχun < *-h2- and final -χ ~ -c), ś (aside from husiu ~ hušu), and z (speaking of which, if z was /ts/, why wasn’t nefts written nefz - or was it?) are entirely absent. Forni provides some tentative etymologies with these, though:
cauθa ‘sun, sun-god’ < *keh2u-to- (presumably something like pre-PIE *qəχʷta-) - no good sound law for the emergence of the aspirate
ceχa ‘above’ < *ḱed ḱr̥ (cf. Hitt. ketkar ‘on top’) - Forni objects to the loss of final *-r, but couldn’t this be vocalization? Between this and cauθa, maybe *d > *h1 followed by *HT > Tʰ; cf. IIr. *TH > Tʰ, sT > Tʰ in Tsakonian and some Spanish dialects, and Fortescue’s proposal for the emergence of ejectives from various clusters in Itelmen
farθ(a)n(a)- ‘to generate, beget’ < *perh3-i-tV- + Etr. -an - *p > f? Forni also lists fan- ‘to decree, declare’ + *bheh2-, far- ~ har- ‘inside, to enter, to penetrate’ < *per- (also trying to bring in peras ‘crossing’, but you can’t have both), and huš- ~ hus- ‘boy, child’ < *put-(s)lo- (not *h2oms-i-?) and if Etruscan is only para-IE it’s likely that it preserves contrasts that IE lost. But it seems like you’d need *forh3-tV- here for it to have any hope of regularity. (Surely not *f > *p in Proto-Indo-Etruscan > PIE, but *f is a good enough cover symbol for an unlikely correspondence in whatever form - if it pans out, maybe *pʷ.)
tuθi ‘community, people, village’ < *teuteh2- ‘people’ (cf. Hitt. tuzzi- ‘army’, Venetic teuta ‘civitas’, Umbrian tuta ‘town, society’) - an Italic loan can’t be ruled out, but the aspiration is difficult. Are there any other examples of *eu > u? Maybe *t(e)ut-h2- could work.
θui ‘here’ < *to-i, θu(n) ‘one’ < *to-no (cf. *h1oi-no- < *h1ei-), θar ‘there?’ < *tor (cf. Eng. there) with difficult *t- ~ θ- 
luθ ‘field’ < *lu-to- ‘mud, dirt’ (cf. Lat. lutum ‘mud, dirt, clay’) - but the meaning of the Etr. word is uncertain
Also, maru ‘magistrate / quaestor?’ ~ Lyc. maraza- ‘judge, arbitrator’, Mil. mara- ‘law’, Lyc. mere ‘laws (dat.pl.)’, Lemnian maras ‘a magistrate?’
For z, Forni proposes palatalization of velars and assibiliation of *d(h)u-:
ziv- ‘to live’, Lemnian sivai ‘he lived’ < *gʷi(e)h3-u- (also sval ‘alive’ > sval-ce ‘lived’ etc. with -al adjectivalizer from *-ol(o))
zin- ‘to make, produce’, Rhaetic t’inaχe < *ǵenh1- ‘to generate, produce’ (cf. Lat. gignō)
rasna ‘people?’ < *h3reǵ-no- (cf. Lat. regnum) - clearly incompatible with ica
ziχ- ‘to write / paint?’ < *d(e)iḱ- ~ Gk deíknumi ‘to show’
zusle ‘(sacrificial) animal / victim) < *dhu(e)s-lo- ‘wild animal’ < *dhues- ‘breathe’ 
zal ‘two’ < *du- (but whence -al, and what of the alternate form ez?)
No φ or ś, though.
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informedinterest · 3 years
Mcsm| Toxic leaders, friendships, coworkers & peers
(The  ol         Or          der)
  1. Soren          Is shown to be a reasonable leader that cares about his crew a reasonable amount, helped by the fact that he shown to be about excessive age, unlike Jesse who’s age is ambiguous possibly committing tox to Soren from what could be a adventuring - young adult age to excess - see below,                                                                                              for how tha                                                                                          t affects the story,)
How      eve        r is hampered by a       unfortunate history of tox              That        left            it’s           mar              k            o             n            h            i           m,
- Jesse
  Soren does not remove Jesse from his property despite it causing seemingly distress to him
 - if Jesse acts kind (or if hearing anyone (particularly the order) responds kindly to him), Soren will react with disbelief, If tox, he will excuse it beyond any healthy measures ‘ha a joke…as what friends do,’
    Whe          n n           o jok            e             s             are                n’t               pain              f              u               l              ,
Then there’s this line,
     “I’ve found when you give people what they want they turn on you, they become resentful,” - Soren
    And              Scene,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Soren cower         ing      from         his     team         mates
Tumblr media
Eligard & Magnus          Fake smiles          impl           ing there is something that’s         actually wrong  and we quickly find out           why
  (I’ll go over the particulars about why        Soren might not be excited to see         Eligard & Magnus on site in their sections        )
  Point being,
   It doesn’t take long before it goes       tox      at the      cave,
- Eligard (or whoever is left of the Eligard or/ Magnus pai        ring)  takes         a pot shot at          Soren                        ,          Gabriel, “is he always           like this, “
     Eligard/Magnus; you have            no idea,
    (When Soren goes out for a          break due to distress          & after          the death        of a      friend,)        ,
- Ivor immediately tries to take the reins        after makin         g the    main       problem        (And his main          fail         safe       back        fired)
   You can clearly see things going        tox       quic      k      ly
  (Then there’s the in famous Ivor scapegoat scene      showing that even back then       he was         tox,            )
   And the rest is just Ivor       bein        tox,
                                                                                 (Until Soren event gets away                                                                                                         good for him)
- Eligard
   - Largely           non-tox                    but is a victim and                an ena            bler of Magnus
        - Small pre- men             tion                ed bit of tox
 - Magnus
    - abs.            ball of                 tox
     - causes             argu            ments
     - never        contributes          any         thing positive to the            group
       - Small              bit                of                tox                 a                  s mentioned above
        - Explicit                abuse                   o                   f              Eligard,                  Implied               abuse                    of                 Soren
     - Gabriel-
      - Little              is known              abou                t               hi                 m,              That he seems pretty unaware of the toxic            dynamic,
       Apart from          Magnus‘s tendency to           insti           gate             And Eligard’s          ten          dency           to          ar           gue,
     - Ivor
      - with Magnus at least you could argue he could’ve originally intend to fill some role if you squint,      with some routes      But with Ivor you can’t               He was tox from the beginning,           Continued       to be tox,           Not a redeemable             quality                in             sight                  ,
                                                                      Overall the group is a                                                                         gosh darn mess
       New             Order               ~
- Jesse - Despite being a leader, Jesse seems resentful of his leadership and constantly makes up things - ideas on the spot that no leader would leave to the last minute and would’ve already planned in advance/have a general idea  of, showing how the game mechanic damages a actual good story
    - His first mission is a find the person mission, not unheard of for a supportive subordinate character. However as a leader, it can come off as unnecessarily authority assuming, if not handled correctly, which unfortunately it wasn’t 1) By having this occur after a ‘break up’ in which several members isolated, placing this around excessive age 2) most of the members are reluctant to get together
Resulting in Jesse coming up as nagging or irritatingly intrusive.
              As a leader,
              There are two main goals,
               (To be 
                  1. Attention to 
                       - With the psychological benefits teammates receiving prop stimuli
                      Jesse constantly waffles, 
                resulting in reasonably irritated 
                    2. Tending to your Team                        mates,                          Self-explanatory                                  
                                   Jesse                                               doesn’t                                            seem                                                to                                                   care                                            about his                                            team                                              mate                                               s                                             Until it reaches                                  the mandatory                                   spots, or (is believed) to go past critical (see Lukas “crying”                                                   and they                              refuse to move                                      until                                    he                             does,
                  The correct                        pro                         to                       co                        l,
                 Bein                          g                           constant               availability,                            to                        thei                         r                      lei                            sur                            e
                Care kept satisfactory                      and short                   without dragging the mission to a              stand                still
                     Despite, Jessie’s showing only the barest minimum of retention wit h  hi      s pe        t       pig, 
  How about he still has plenty of time micromanaging 
the          one          thing        you        don’t        want            to          do,
     An argument can’t break out without Jesse               interject
     Showing that he has no trust in his        team        mates to be able to resolve their own       conflict
   Then again it comes from the person who is the worst role model/sets the worst example
   Gettin            into a squibble             Wi         th           hi    s           subordinates/           (temporary)                co-leader               Lukas
        Fi                             gh                t                 in                g           over a           de             tect                 ion uni                t,
         Note               ,                        Well confrontations over a stolen role might get             phys             that             I am              not             den              y                 in                 g,
      (The above mentioned things leads it to                    (lean                      in                 Luk                 as‘                  s                favor
           Tha                      t Jesse is the one that stole the role   
              (Not helpful for the fact that Lukus acts like a                  spited leader                 Al                  l through                       out,                And has characterized              the he doesn’t stand up for himself
       (Even if wrong, Jesse is still reprimands a           sub      ordinate,                        ) - Lukas
     Likely the victim of Axle’s           Tox,
      Lukas falls into most of the pitfalls that           Soren does, not standing up for himself         and possibly leaving (even for a short time) when the tox gets too much - Olivia
     Pretty           non tox            Some implied self-esteem issues with her place in the group constantly asking questions to validify it             ,
- Axel
   - Openly scares his friends               and takes pleasure                 from distress
           - Humor doesn’t come from                      sad/                    Despair                     it comes from                            happi                 ness,
      - Almost literally cannot go five seconds without starting an argument or being tox            (Specifically towards             Lukas)                  ,
       Following the unfortunate theme of          green being tox     despite it being grow             t              h,
- Petra
    (Season 1)
 - Expecting them to find her          despite not vibin’                              the loc                                  at                                    ion,
  - Threats of         violence
    “Not getting punched in the face              for saying that             right now,”                   - Petra
      General authority assumption
      Separation Jesse         from his friends,        friends          separating/or         hanging out with          other friends            on their own will is non-tox
      Authority assumption- entitlement to excess
       Promises             an          lies           are                  pret              ty         useless
    (Season 2)
- Petra
     - Tox
        - General Tox
            - demeaning
            - Guilt tripping
               - Friend ship
               - Adventures
               - Lack o.                   Adventures                - End goal - Jesse helps her find the llama and threaten/coerce Stella, who she also has a toxic manipulator/manipulated relation ship with (through likely      intimidation         as Petra knows that Stella          has a             thing           w/th         Jesse        and         two          on          one          num           er            ical,        ��    ,
        After               all
                  - when it’s                   discovered that Petra is                         retiring to champion city
    - gas light               ed,             (-claiming things to happen that didn’t really happen,)
     - Petra’s guilt trip of the treehouse;
       “ we used to hang out in the treehouse                all the time,” - Petra
        Show it            or it didn’t happen
           - to our knowledge                    never happened,
              - Emotional                      Abuse/
                       - “Friends,”
  - Jack
       - Bit non-tox except for some                 snips               at Nurm
       - The general having to          ‘one Up’             everyone,
 - Nurm
  (Od.       d      take         on   senti    e    nce
nar     rat ive  
        Pretty clear except for                 (apparent)             put down on Jack’s naming                convention
- Romeo,  
   Pretty similar to            Petra,
General Tox
   General       Authority      Assumption
- Emotional            Abuse
     - Guilt tripping
- Logical      abuse
     - Gaslighting
- Physical       abuse
   - Acts of         violence
        - Destruction                of un          Account             able           pro.        per            ty,         (Dif      ferent         from      ac      countable)           ,
    All of above;
   - Threats of           violence
    - Apparent            murde             r
    - Abuse              of           sub            ordin           ates      Should not be        redeemed
      - Straight up kills            a person
          Refusal to             read              the             vibes                 aka               Several misdemeanors               worth of tox           for general obsessive behavior unbefitting, unhealthy              and unnatural                       of a                   sentient,
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