#... or if it’s just a hilarious coincidence. I’m personally leaning towards the former.
seastarlily · 2 years
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Three Mr. Lawrence characters walk into a bar the Chum Bucket...
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Vienna: Part 3
Fandom: Marvel (College AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When Bucky went on a family trip to Vienna when he was 12, he met a very pretty girl and had his first kiss. 16 years later, he’s back in Vienna.
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You sat on the grass beside Bucky with your friends and his friends making up the rest of the circle. Pietro was trying to flirt with Nat, emphasis on trying. Wanda was speaking with Sam, as they traded weird and funny tourist stories. Steve and Clint were discussing what place to visit next on the itinerary. Bucky? Well Bucky was just staring at you. 
“What?” you asked with a giggle.
He couldn’t help but laugh, “I just-I can’t believe you’re here. Who would’ve thought that we’d be here in the same place sixteen years later?”
“I didn’t, that’s for sure.”
“You know, you’ve grown up into a very beautiful woman.”
You bowed your head a bit, shying away from the compliment, “Thank you, Bucky. And you’ve grown into a very strapping young man, yourself.” your compliment made him giggle. 
“Thanks,” he looked down, seeing how close his hand and yours were. He moved his pinky closer, hooking it around yours, cautiously, giving you some time to pull away, but you didn’t. He cleared his throat, “S-So, um, you never told me why you’re back here.”
“You didn’t either,” you said with a cock of your brow.
He gestured to you, “Ladies, first.”
You nodded, “Very well. I told you I’m a culture studies,” Bucky nodded in confirmation, “Well, I’m here for a year to study abroad. I could’ve chosen any country in Europe, but I decided here to, again, redeem my former self.”
“How long have you been here already?”
“Four months, still got a long way to go. But the months have been going by so fast and I’ve been learning so much. It’s great!”
“So what school are you doing this through?”
“NYU,” you said proudly and Bucky choked on his own saliva.
“W-What? You go to NYU? I go to Columbia!”
Your jaw dropped, “You’re kidding!”
“I can’t believe it! We’ve been in the same state for what, five or six years now and we didn’t even know it?!”
You threw your head back as you laughed, “Oh that’s hilarious!”  you moved your hand from Bucky to nudge him, “I think destiny is trying to tell us something.”
He licked his lips and rolled them in, a softness in his eyes, “Ya think?”
You shrugged, “I mean, two coincidences like this? Definitely a sign or something.”
Too caught up in your own conversation, you and Bucky didn’t hear the rest of the group’s discussion. Clint flicked Bucky’s hear and Bucky recoiled back, “Hey!”
Clint nodded behind him, “C’mon, we wanna check out the maze and we’re all done eating. You guys comin’ with?”
You and Bucky looked at each other, a mischievous glint in your eyes, “We’re coming.” 
Everyone packed up their stuff and stood up, heading over to where the maze was. Like during the tour, you and Bucky were walking at the back of the group. Bucky was murmuring to you, “Okay. So I’m gonna go in. Count to thirty and try to find me.” 
You smiled widely at him as he remembered the words you had spoken to him when you were twelve, “And when I find you? What’s my prize?” 
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” he winked at you as he hurried after the group, replaying his idea to the rest of them. You saw everyone nod their heads. The guys grouping together and the girls.
“C’mon, Y/N!” Wanda called out for you, waiting at the entrance. 
“Alright. Count to thirty, ladies,” Steve said coyly. 
Nat rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah. We know how to count. Go on already!” the guys stumbled over each other’s feet as they rushed into the madness that is the maze. 
An exciting buzz washed over your body like when the roles were reversed sixteen years ago. But this time, you were no longer the hunted. You were the hunter. 
When the three of you counted to the thirty, you shouted, “READY OR NOT HERE WE COME!” and ran into the maze. Let the hunt begin.
Bucky’s heart was pounding. He didn’t know if it was because he was rushing around the maze or because he was anxiously waiting for you to find him. As much as he was running away, he wanted you to find him. He wanted to return the favor that you gave him years ago. But this time, the kiss wouldn’t be so sloppy.
He turned a corner and immediately ran into Wanda, “Hey!” he held her by her shoulders, “Where’s Y/N?”
“Uuuhh she was behind me, but I’m not sure if she went the other way.”
“Buckyyyy!” you called out for him, bringing a smile to his face, “Where aaaare yooouu?”
“She sounds close. Alright. Thanks, Wanda!” he continued to go different directions. Left, right, right, straight, left, straight, right, le-AH!”
You ran into him and as soon as you realized it was him, you grabbed him by the shirt, pushed him against the maze wall, “Found you!”
He smiled proudly, “Guess you did, huh?”
“So, what’s my prize?”
Without another word, Bucky cupped your face and pulled you into a kiss, a much better kiss. It wasn’t awkward like before. This was passionate and desperate and a little bit hot. 
Bucky dropped one hand to your waist, wrapping his arm around you to pull you in closer, deepening the kiss. You pulled away for some air, your lips grazing against his, “Your kissing got a lot better,” you teased.
He chuckled, “Had a lot of practice these past sixteen years.”
“Interesting,” you muttered before pulling him in for another kiss. 
“Y/N, every-MY GOD!” you pulled away at Pietro’s cry of horror. He looked at you startled, eyes wide and mouth ajar, “Oh come on! How come you get to makeout with the beautiful blue eyes and I can’t even get Nat to smile at me!”
Bucky snickered, “She’s a tough one to crack, my friend.”
Pietro sighed, “Well, anyway, everyone is out now. Should we wait for you guys oooorrr...”
You cleared your throat, taking another step away from Bucky, “We’ll follow. Lead the way, Piet.”
The silver-blonde looked at you two cautiously before going back the way he came, heading towards the exit. You two, indeed, followed him, your hands laced with each other’s and giving each other a knowing glance. 
After spending another two hours at the gardens, it was time to say good-bye. Bucky and his friends were leaving to go to their next destination: Berlin and you were saddened by the news. 
“So...this is it,” you muttered, standing before Bucky next to the car they rented out.
He slowly nodded, “Yeah. God, I just found you again and I gotta leave. This sucks!”
You shrugged, “At least we found each other again. And well,” you looked into your bag, finding a receipt and pen, scribbling down your name, your number, your email, and your Skype contact, “Here,” you handed it to him, “So we can keep in touch?”
Bucky slowly took the receipt, fingers grazing over your name, “At least this time, I won’t lose you for good.” he leaned in and pecking your lips, “I’ll email you every day. It’s gonna be so annoying.”
You breathed out a small laugh, “I don’t mind.”
He sighed, looking down at your intertwined fingers, “We’ll see each other again, Y/N. I promise.” with one more kiss, Bucky got into the car with his friends. They all waved out the windows until you could no longer see them. Your shoulders sagged with grief.
You slowly exited the terminal. Your backpack on your back and your carry on suitcase rolling behind you. You were back in New York and you were anxious. After seeing Bucky again, true to his word, you two spoke every single day for the past eight months. Through the magic of Skype, you two were able to see each other. You had your first “date”, said your first “I love yous” and, well, you didn’t a little naughty stuff too. But let’s not focus on that. 
For the past eight months, Bucky Barnes has held your heart and you were anxious to see him in person. If he even came at all. You told him it was alright if he couldn’t pick you up, but he promised he would.
“I’ll make sure my entire day is free, just for you, Y/N,” he said with an excited grin. And you believed him.
Now that you were here, you weren’t so sure. Your eyes were scanning everywhere. You went on your tippy toes to try to find him, but you came empty handed. 
Then came a group of balloons in sight and a yell of your name, “Y/N!” Bucky pushed through the group of people, bolting right up to you and throwing his arms around you, holding you tight. The group of balloons eventually caught up to him and you realized they were attached to Steve, Nat, Sam, and Clint. 
“God, I missed you!” Bucky pulled back to press a deep, loving kiss to your lips. When he pulled away, he had the biggest grin on his face, “Hey, sweetheart.”
You melted under his gaze, “Hey, baby.”
“Welcome back,” he kissed you again, but was pulled away by Sam.
“Alright. Alright! Save it for the bedroom, Barnes! There’s kids around!” each of Bucky’s friends greeted you with a hug and welcoming words. 
One of Bucky’s arms remained on you. You all walked to baggage claim to collect the rest of your luggage. 
“So, now that you’re back, I was thinking we go on a real date.”
“What? You didn’t like sharing meals via computer screen?” you asked sarcastically.
“I loved our Skype dates, but I really wanna see you sitting across the table from me. I wanna see you stuff your face with breadsticks and wine. I wanna reach across the table and hold you hand. I wanna randomly lean over and kiss your lips.”
You pulled yourself from his embrace and moved to stand in front of him, cupping his face you spoke to him, “And we can do all of that, Bucky. We have all the time in the world now. Nothing can ever stop us now.” A mischievous smirk, like the very first one he saw when he was twelve, made a reappearance on your lips, “Vienna was just the beginning.”
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writejiminie · 7 years
Onsra ─ 5
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Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ  Epilogue
Pairing: Jungkook x reader | Jimin x reader Genre: angst, fluff ✘ WARNINGS: Infidelity, brief mentions of alcohol/drinking Word count: 2.8k
Summary: While reminiscing in your most meaningful memories, you come to a decision made from what you knew you couldn’t handle the most ─ their love. 
Onsra ─ Loving for the last time; that bittersweet feeling you get when you know a love won’t last.
“We should have a child,” Jimin hummed gently, his head resting over your shoulder. You both were sitting on the couch under a big, shared blanket absentmindedly watching whatever was playing on TV.
“Sure,” You strum your fingers along his forehead, your engagement ring glimmering, “After we’re married,” Flicking the smooth surface, causing Jimin to yelp and lift his head. You giggle at the annoyed frown on his face, “Don’t make that kind of face, it’ll give you wrinkles!”
“Fine,” A mischievous smirk curls at the edge of his lips as he rephrases, “And when we get married, we should have a child. A girl, preferably.” He gives you a cocky shrug, but leans back when you reach forward for his forehead again, your fingers assembled into flick mode.
“Is that so? Well,” As flexible as Jimin was, you still managed to snap at his brow and he retaliated with another shout of pain as you stood up victoriously, “I want a boy!” 
“Why you!!!” Jimin cried out and tackled you with the blanket, holding you down to the carpeted floor and you both end up tangled into a giggling mess that even the TV couldn’t drown out your bursts of ebullient laughter bouncing off the walls.
Jimin and you had been together since your second years in college. Whether it was a mere coincidence or even decided by fate itself, you were always having the same classes together and bumping into each other in the strangest places; sometimes you’d see him on the way to the bathroom or another time, you had gotten injured during a chemistry lab and found him sitting in the nurses’ office as well the same day. Apparently, he had scraped his knee pretty hard during football practice. 
But, because of these frequent meetings, a bond was eventually created between the both of you and Jimin had asked you out on the day his team won the first game that year. You still remember the purple-red sky as the sun was falling asleep and the dusk was taking over, how those very hues reflected against his handsome face and you nodded your head confidentially. 
After a couple weeks of dating, you finally decided to introduce him to Bora, your best friend since high school who was also attending the same college as you but had completely different classes. She had heard so much about him, but you were still far too shy to call him your ‘boyfriend’ still. 
“Wow, so you’re the hunk she’s been hanging out with!” Bora exclaimed and immediately you reached out to cover her mouth, your face was red with embarrassment.
“Don’t mind Bora, she’s a bit too chatty for her own good!” You chuckle nervously and Jimin bent down to hug his stomach, leaning over desperately to contain the fluttering laughter within him at the hilarious scene.
Since then, you three were closer than blood. In college, you didn’t have a particularly large amount of friends, but as long as you had those two, you felt that their love was all you really needed to get through and survive for the next 2 remaining years, and you did.
With the mortarboard proudly atop your head, the tassel playfully swishing behind you, and finely dressed in your black gown as you tightly gripped your diploma in your shaking fingers with thriving excitement; you can’t stop the realization from leaping through your head: You graduated.
“We did it, Y/N!!!” Bora cheers and she loops her arms around your shoulders into a suffocating lock-hold. You smile warmly at her and pat her arm as your eyes search for Jimin whose heading over after sending good wishes to his former football team.
You don’t realize that Jimin hadn’t just sent wishes to his team, but he also gave orders and you’re concerned to see them hurrying and gathering others around you all.
“Uh Jimin what’s─
The words leave your lips dry as you turn to Bora, who left your side and was now standing back into the forming circle of students around you. She grins at you with sparkling eyes as do the others; former classmates, some teachers, and supporting friends with caring smiles upon their faces for this special moment.
Frowning in confusion, you look back towards Jimin and trip on your own feet startled, a few giggles and comments such as ‘Oh she’s so cute!’ whispered among the crowd, to see Jimin, in his gown, cap and all, on his knees holding out a small, red box with a ring shimmering inside.
“Marry me~” He smiled and your heart melted at the soft crease of his eyes as you whispered, 
                                                        “I do.”
And you know what, those had been the best years of your entire life and in all of them, you were with him.
It was until that night, the night after the party and the quiet drive back home that everything, eventually, fell apart.
When you stood beside him as he unlocked the door, a whiff of her wafted over to you and you scrunched your nose in repulse. 
“Who was she?” You ask as Jimin opened the door, but walked passed as the door almost closed on you. When he didn’t reply, you hurried into the house, slamming the door behind you, “Who was she?!”
“What are you talking about now Y/N?” Jimin growled, a slur evident in his speech as he barely spared you a glance, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen.
Marching up to him, you yank the cold bottle out of his hand as he opened it, spilling water all over the kitchen floor, “Jimin, I know what you were doing so go ahead and reveal the truth!” The veins are pulsing out of your neck, you were just so, so angry. How could he do this to you? Were the 6 years that you’d known him not enough? Did it have to happen at a college friend’s wedding ceremony?
“C-can you shut up?!” Jimin lashed out, he still wouldn’t meet your eyes, “It was nothing okay! Whatever you saw, nothing’s going to happen-
“Jimin!” Screeching in outrage, not caring that it was already 3 in the morning and your neighbors were trying to sleep that Monday before work. Your chest was squeezing in hurt as your screams lower into desperate whimpers, “Why...why did you do it?” 
“Y/N,” He still won’t look at you as he focuses on the droplets absorbing into the spaces between the tiles of the kitchen floor, grimacing, “I...I’m done.”
Your gaze slowly drops to recognize that something’s missing, “Jimin...where did your ring go?” His left finger is pale, empty and foreign as the ring was no longer there to cover his bare flesh.
“I can’t...I don’t love you anymore, Y/N.” 6 seconds, 6 words.
There was nothing more to say, your throat was closing up and your mind couldn’t comprehend anything; the words to say to make him leave, the words leaving his mouth, and the words to make him stay.
Jimin walks past you back to the door, gripping hard on the knob as he twists it, leaving you in the silence of your kitchen in your too-quiet house. Everything felt so numb that you didn’t realize your own ring, that you had always known to be a size too big, simply slipped off and rolled into a puddle of the spilled cold water drenching the white tiles below your feet.
The 6 years you were with him, were instantly stolen by the 6 words he left you with.
You didn’t go outside these days, your heart hurt far too much, and that caused Bora to worry immensely.
“Y/N! You’ve gotta come out, today’s the grand opening of that market we’ve all been waiting for!” Bora is the one calling you, but the memory is of Jimin.
“Hey, have you guys heard of this market? It’ll be refreshing to have real, organic foods unlike the processed ones in the grocery store!”
After all, it was Jimin who had been the first to suggest it.
“Jimin might be there then,” You respond and she goes silent for a second or two before quickly changing the subject. She was a sweet person, always taking the extra measure to cheer you up when you were broken and down, this was why she was your best friend. 
“Then how about we check out somewhere that only you and I have cared for?” She sneers sneakily and you can’t help your own curiosity. “What about that cafe we’ve been looking forward to trying?”
And that was how you met him.
Everything about him was perfect, Jungkook. You both had similar hobbies and interests that made conversation flow so smoothly between you. A match made in heaven, Jungkook and you were something like that.
“Ohh my god, I still can’t get over it!” He’s smiling, bunny teeth out as his cheekbones rose.
“What is it?? Spit it out!” You laugh and he’s shoveling more meat into his mouth as he cheers, “A girl that likes Iron Man!”
You tilt your head and scrunch your eyebrows, “I’m pretty sure there are plenty of other girls that love Iron Man too!”
Jungkook’s eyes look up in thought for a bit, before he shrugs at you with that charming and goofy smile causing you to hide the inevitable blush warming up your face by distracting yourself in your salad as he continued to ramble on about the Iron Man movie you both favored so much.
As your eyes brushed over the thick and lively green lettuce leaves decorated on your plate with a few croutons and tomatoes here and there, you were reminded of your first date with Jimin.
On that day, It was starting to rain while you both were out walking down the streets of the city and you quickly rushed into a pizza diner to escape it. It surely wasn’t fancy, the peeling walls and the muddy tiles, but it would have to do. 
After settling at a table and getting a mini pizza each, you were surprised to see that his pizza was similar to yours with no meat whatsoever. It was then that he revealed to you that he was a vegetarian, just like you. You both were rather shocked that day, having known each other for 2 long years only to find out your eating habits when you finally started dating.
“I’m curious, what made you decide to become a vegetarian?” Jimin had casually asked you after he guzzled down a glass of orange juice and was now taking a bite of his pizza.
“Hmm...” You smiled at him curiously, “I wonder too.”
The night Jimin returned and the morning he broke your heart again, was when you decided you would give Jungkook a chance, give yourself a chance. A chance to move on and find love in someone who you knew would treat you the way you wanted, what you deserved and the three, blissful weeks you spent with him were the best ones you’ve had for a long time. 
Like you, Jungkook had a strong sense of adventure. At amusement parks, he was the one who encouraged you to ride all the crazy roller coasters and by the end of the day, you both would end up terribly sick and too ill for the next day. But as rough as he was, Jungkook was also very gentle. 
Going to the club with you was easy, coming back was another story.
“I shouldn’t have drank that...that was really, really- ugh!” He rubbed your back calmly as your stomach harshly spilled into the toilet. 
“Ahaha I warned you it was a hard one,” Jungkook sighed sarcastically. 
You both decided to leave early because you weren’t feeling well and he ended up needing to pull over into a convenience store on the way home. A sleepy yawn passed through his lips, it was midnight, but he remained by your side that night and gently rubbed your back until you were finished and you could finally go home.
He was so perfect, but why did his one flaw have to be so, so destructive?
“Huh, he doesn’t look like me...but he does look familiar!” Jungkook smiled as he admired your baby’s face, “He’s cute!”  You had been released from the hospital and Jungkook was taking you and your newborn son home. “Did you come up with a name yet?” His head was slightly bobbing to the unusually lower pitch of music playing on the radio.
“Do you love me?”
“W-what are you saying, Y/N? Of course I do…” Jungkook had gotten startled at the sudden question, his hands nervously and tightly gripping the wheel to a stop. Another red light. 
“But, you also love…Soon-hee?”
He goes quiet, even the tunes playing on the radio throughout the car couldn’t overlap the tension between you two. “Yes.”
“Do you or do you not, want this family with me?” Both your eyes drop down to the small, sleeping child resting in the warmth of your arms and the blanket.
Jungkook nods immediately, “I-I do! That’s why I’m here, that’s why I did everything. I’ve told you numerous times and I even made the call, I wanted to have this, to build this!”
You nod, understanding, but one thought continued to remain, “Then why, are you still married?”
He couldn’t find a proper answer. Or perhaps, it was an answer he was worried you wouldn't like. And the drive back home, was quiet.
“You can’t have both, Jungkook.” Though you whispered it so faintly, you knew that he heard it loud and clear as if you had screamed it at him.
Holding the infant in the safety of your arms, sitting in an all too familiar couch of yours, you gather the courage to press the contact number and wait out the rings until there is a pause. Then, you hear shallow breathing on the other line. He answered.
“Jimin,” You begin and due to the stillness, you assumed he was holding his breath, “My baby…” Your courage falters slightly and you can feel your throat start to close, but you wouldn’t allow it. He should, he deserved to know. “He is yours, not Jungkook’s.”
Then, he speaks, “Oh...oh my god are you serious?” The silence lingers and by this point, you know he must be running his fingers through his hair like he usually did by habit whenever he was in a sticky situation. “D...Do you want me to come over? I can come o-
“Is that Y/N...?” It’s faint in the background, but you would recognize that voice anywhere; it was Bora.
“Jimin,” Your voice lowers and though your heart feels like dying, you also felt a strange sense of relief you never experienced before; a sort of..joy for the two of them. Your two best friends, in the whole wide world, were going to be taking care of each other from now on, creating a new life together in the future! It was something to be happy for, despite how everything and all of the mess-ups needed to play out for this to even be possible. Wasn’t fate a rather funny concept?
“Yeah?” He asks, hesitant and slightly nervous when you don’t continue.
“Jimin,” You repeat once you find your voice again, “You’ve always meant so, so much to me. There had been times where I had gotten frustrated and upset, saying I didn’t need you, that I didn’t need your kindness nor pity. But the truth is, I was so dependent on you for so long. And now...it’s about time I learned how to take care of myself and focus on doing what is best for ou-...my son by doing so.” Stroking your baby’s smooth face as he smiles up at you with innocence, you whisper the last words, “Thank you and I loved you so, so much Jimin. Don’t worry about us, and take care of Bora, you hear?!” And you hang up.
The room is silent, peaceful, the only noises heard were those made by a baby. Your baby boy. You smile at the small bean wrapped in your arms, stroking his head and lightly patting his fragile back. The hiccups were beginning to lessen.
“You’re doing so well…” You whisper gently to him, preparing to rock him slightly. It was nap time.
Never in your wildest dreams had you expected yourself to be in such a position ─ a single mother.
Suddenly, he started to whimper and weep. Your son was surely the crybaby though, wouldn’t his father love to know that he resembled him by so much? The same nose, same eyes, that unique curl at the end of his lips, he was the very resemblance of Jimin. Observing his close features, you try to find something, anything that seems to have you in him and the only part that could somehow prove to someone that he was in fact your son, was the single mole that marked the clean slate of the right side of his collarbones because you had one there as well.
Quiet, light little breaths ring in the silence and you sigh in relief, the hiccups had finally stopped. Cradling him in your arms, you close your eyes and sing a small tune before praising him, “I knew you could do it, Chin-Mae~”
        Chin-Mae; Truth, a person who always speaks the truth
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and following me on Onsra’s journey!!! There is an Epilogue planned and then it will truly be the end of Onsra :’) <3 Please look forward to it and thank you for all your support this far!!! ^o^)/
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