#....and honestly who wouldn't want a mouthful of garlic forever
Van Helsing FINALLY said the v word, FINALLY told Seward what was going on...I mean he did it in a very conversational, nonchalant, Van Helsing sort of way, but! He finally let somebody in on what had happened to Lucy!
I mean this knowledge would have been helpful days and weeks ago, but at least Seward is in a position to understand and believe now... telling Arthur is gonna suck, though.
And god, when Mina finds out... Dracula fucked with the wrong woman's loved ones. He will regret this.
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restinslices · 7 months
Could u write earthrealm guys with a vampire reader? And like sometimes she feeds on them 👀
*asks for vampire requests* *proceeds to procrastinate*
Johnny Cage 
Honestly it'd probably take him awhile to grasp how serious the situation is 
It's not that he wouldn't believe you, but he'd probably think you're joking at first 
Says something like “yeah and I'm a werewolf”
You insist that you're serious and something about the tone of your voice makes him realize you're being truthful 
He saw that crazy shit in Outworld so it's not completely unreasonable 
He's kinda jealous though 
You're gonna be young and hot forever? And you have powers? Sounds like bullshit to him 
He probably asks questions that have to do with your age and how long you've been alive 
I think he would weirdly find you drinking from him kinda hot, especially depending on when and where you drink from him 
Drinking from him shuts him up for awhile since he's all dazed, so it'd be understandable if you drank from him a lot 
I don't even think he'd cover up the marks. He treats him as if they're hickies 
He's probably told the other champions too because his mouth is big 
And knowing Johnny, he's thinking of all the movies you could be in since people love vampires 
Also knowing Johnny, if you can compel people, he'd use that for his benefit 
If all you have to do is say a couple words and his debt is forgiven, then he's definitely using that 
He sees how many pros there are and asks to be turned 
The thing is though, he's only looking at the pros
You have to continuously remind him of the cons but it goes in one ear and out the other 
He will not let it go at all. You don't have to turn him right away, but if you don't give him a specific date for when he'd be turned, he'd become insufferable 
Becomes Bella Swan lowkey-
Kenshi Takahashi
Probably also thinks you're joking 
Once it's clear you're not though, y'all can lowkey be a power couple 
Imagine it for a second 
You both cutting through the Yakuza and restoring his clan 
You being a vampire makes it a lot easier. He's fighting, you're eating. It's going great 
He's not too bothered by the whole vampire thing. There's a few quirks that may throw him off, but overall it's ok 
When it comes to feeding off him, uhhhh… he's a bit shaky about it 
I think that's a valid reaction too
You'd ask and he'd be like “um… do you have to?”
He'd occasionally offer you his wrist 
Otherwise he'd prefer if you didn't unless it's necessary 
Why do I get this vibe? I couldn't tell you 
I don't even think he'd really want to be a vampire 
It's not that he doesn't wanna be one. He just doesn't think about it 
He could be tempted if you said his eyes would heal and he'd have his normal vision back but that could depend on the day 
His sight is already restored but pretending to be blind may get annoying. Who knows
I still don’t understand how his sight works now. I gotta rewatch a play through
Being a vampire has its main perk which is living forever but idk if he’d want that. I can see Kenshi being someone who is both afraid of death but also is comforted by all life having a solid ending
Maybe his thoughts will change
I really don't think he'd be too bothered by you being a vampire though. Just don't make a mess on his carpet 
I think you having the ability to defend yourself would weirdly comfort him 
Not having to watch over you and make sure you're ok all the time is something he'd appreciate 
You're literally eating the opponents. This seems like a great deal 
Kung Lao
I wanna start this off by saying Kung Lao is the type of petty bitch to get mad at you and hold garlic to keep you away 
And he'll be in such shock if you walk over and slap it out his hand
You'll just be staring at each other in silence 
Kung Lao probably tests all sort of vampire myths on you 
“Get out the house then try and come back in” “Why?” “You can't come in if I don't invite you, right?” “This is our house though” “I don't get your point”
Prays over water then throws it at you 
Idek if Kung Lao is religious so idk why he thought that would work 
“Can I stake you through the heart?” “I'm gonna throw you out the window”
Puts a mirror in front of your face to see if you have a reflection. He’s upset either way
If you do, he’s like “wow. Another lie”
If you don’t he’s wondering how you manage to look decent still
It honestly can become obnoxious and I think he'd have the tendency to act as if he knows more about vampires than you 
Because surely all the movies he watched had to be somewhat right 
If you’re like a Twilight vampire and sparkle, he’s never letting you live it down
You can’t control this but he would find it comical. Out of all the vampires you’re similar to Edward Cullen?
When it comes to drinking from him, uhhh I don't really get a certain vibe 
Idk if he'd be down or against it. Maybe it depends on the day 
On the topic of feeding, I don't think he'd like seeing you eat people 
He knows it happens but doesn't wanna see you chomping on someone. It makes his skin crawl 
Overall, is he kinda obnoxious? Yeah. But he could've tried to kill you so a win is a win ig
As a side note, idk if he'd be interested in becoming a vampire 
It’s a thing he gotta weigh. On one hand he’d be in his best shape for the rest of his life. On the other hand he doesn’t wanna deal with all the inconveniences
He might be somewhat uncomfortable 
He doesn't think you'll harm him but he probably doesn't want you to eat others in front of him 
What evidence do I have for this? None. 
It's just what makes sense in my brain 
He asks a lot of questions though. A lot of them are cliche based but that's ok 
“So… Garlic?” “It smells funny but that's about it”
I could see him forgetting honestly. He won't be really involved when it comes to feeding. Like he won't help lure people or be around you when you're feeding from someone and since he doesn't see that, it just slips his mind 
Especially if you're one of those vampires that look normal until you're aggravated or feeding 
He's only reminded by almost killing you. He pulls the curtains back on a very sunny day and is like “oh shit” when you scream 
When it comes to feeding from him… no❤
Idk why but I just don't think he'd be down unless you were dying 
He doesn't like how it hurts and how dazed he feels after. Find someone else to do it 
And it’s kinda awkward. He’s just standing there as you’re sipping him like a juice box
Probably isn't really interested in becoming a vampire 
Him and Liu Kang are probably the least interested but for different reasons 
Raiden just doesn't particularly care about the whole living forever thing. Maybe that's because he's young so he's not worried about dying but that's just how he views it 
I think him and Kung Lao are the youngest in the group so they probably have the “I’m young so I’m not worried about anything!” mindset
Can he be killed still? Yeah. But so can vampires. It’s just harder. He’s at an age where he’s not thinking about old age
Plus the negative side effects push him away even further. I don't see him as the type to be totally ok with having to drink blood all the time and look out for hunters 
You can be a vampire and not hurt innocent people but it’s harder I would assume. And if he didn’t drink from humans he’d be hunting down animals and idk if he’d really like biting animals either
There’s blood bags but now he gotta be a thief? It’s a no for right now
Liu Kang
He knew 
I'm not saying Liu Kang watches every single person born intensely but he probably saw it 
Here's how it'd go;
A) He saw you be turned when he was watching humanity 
B) He picked up on the evidence 
C) You were a vampire in the previous timeline and either he didn't change it, or he knew there was a chance it'd happen again 
If the situation was like C, then he wouldn't really be weirded out by certain vampire things, like feeding
He'd be similar to Raiden in the sense that he's not the type to help lure people towards you 
Your food. Your responsibility 
As long as you're not feeding from totally innocent people, then I think he wouldn't have a problem 
If you were drinking from kids or a civilian that's super nice and helpful, then he'd have a problem 
He might suggest animals ngl 
Feeding from him? It's another situation where I don't know if he'd be for or against that 
He probably won't be as dazed as the others since he's a god and whatnot but who is tryna get bit all the time?
In the same breath though, I can see him offering his wrist if you were thirsty and there wasn't good prey around 
So maybe it depends on circumstances 
No if there’s plenty of options around. Yes if it’s a bit dry around
Like Kenshi, he's glad you have the power to defend yourself. Chaos, violence and smoke follows this man so you gotta be a fighter 
He doesn't know how he feels about you eating the competition but whatever 
And don't even bother offering to turn him. He's already a god. What more does he need?
It'd be way more negative for him. He has strength, powers and combat skills. Now he has the need for blood, has to avoid sunlight and whatever other bullshit vampires gotta deal with?
Hard pass 
He'll just watch and live through you 
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