#....still havent figured out if she knows about the prophecy or not in this au yet
senseiwu · 2 years
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Wu helps look after Lloyd when he can, to take some stress off Misako. Totally doesn't have anything to do with him feeling guilty about Garmadon's banishment nooooo
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birdie-bea-moved · 5 years
okay I know I rarely (ie never) talk about arthurian legends and stuff but uh i had this idea a while ago and Idk here it is now
(this was going to be a short summary post i said, it wont be that long i said)
TW for death/child death its just mentioned and if your familiar with arthurian legend then you know whats coming but extra warning here too
TLDR arthur gets dethroned because he killed babies, morgause takes over, arthurs ""banished"" and hide in northern briton, arthur finds baby mordred and raises him, they come back to camelot years later and secrets get revealed its all emotional and shit goes down
so first off its an AU
its the same prophecy as alway "morgause's son will be the downfall of the reign of king arthur" (paraphrasing) but this time the prophecy is immediately self-fufilling
when the news spreads around that the kings gone parinoid and drowned babies because of it the smaller kings, lord, many commoners, and even some of his own men rise up against him, magic prophecy sword be damned
there are a couple of battle, barely enough to call it a war and Arthur gets dethroned (Merlin disappears too) and Morgause (with her relation to Uther) gets crowned Queen of the Britons and personally decided Arthur punishment as new leader and because of the loss of her child at his hands
So Arthur is told to "never show his face near Camelot again" and since he doubt a boat will allow him passage off the island he decides to go to the north border of the island where its less populated and live as a secluded hermit and sustain himself off of fishing
He's avoiding people as much a he can and there are rumors of some of the water becoming haunted because of the lost souls of the children from may day and illusions by their souls to hurt any who come near, people have even been leaving the area because of it, so arthur figures he'll move there, free easy shelter and the lost souls of his sins make him pay
So he wandering among the recently abandoned houses and he hears crying coming from a house right on the waters edge, its sound like an infant crying, and Arthur go checks its if only for him to face the blood on his hands head on
He does find an infant though, with blonde hair like his own and eyes like his half-sister, and he just break down crying/laughing then and there because he's holding the baby that was to fulfill the prophecy he feared so much when its already come true
He wants to contact Morgause, but any knight would probably kill him on sight without question
So from there on out he swears to raise the child, as best he can, and so he does he teaches them fishing, cooking, and all other things a parent should, trying to manage the magic the kid has, and the child is enamoured with the old stories of knighthood he tells, and so he starts to teach them the ways of a knight, and and the child names them self Mordred, and Arthur hides a wince behind his smile and support
Because Arthur is hiding things, He knew he couldn't tell Mordred when they were young, much to dark of a past for a child, but the child is growing into a young man, and Arthur's excuse is growing weak until he realises the only thing holding him back is the fear of losing his son, "his" son the one he tried to rid the world of so long ago
But things are still peaceful in their family, they fish and hunt and live a calm life, Mordred handles going into town for any harder to home make goods, and he's got a few friends in town, but Arthur grows nervous as his son readies to head out into the world
Then a knight, a real one, come into town when Mordred is their and calls for his father saying he has been summoned to see Queen Morgause, Mordred of course takes the letter back to his father, a summons from the queen!, maybe he's being called back to help the crown, he had so many stories of knighthood, maybe Mordred could become a real knight in Camelot
His father reacts badly, they dont talk for two days, till his says to sell what they can and buy to horse to head to Camelot, Mordred is, of course, excited caught in daydreams of proving himself to be a knight, and Arthur dreads for all he hasn't said and the time limit on his secrets
They reach Camelot and Mordred has already started a fight with people cause "how dare they treat my father in such a way", so they end up walking(getting dragged) to the throne room Morguase tries to start with a angry/snarky comment but stops when she sees Mordred, a young man with her eyes, and her jaw drops, she looks at Arthur and all he says, is "I have a lot to explain"
and wow cliffhanger ending my really long au post its more likely than you think anyway from here it
- Morgause realizing her childs been alive this entire time and the man she though killed them has been raising him
- Mordred having this whole bomb dropped on him, and his reaction
- Arthur desperately not wanting to lose his son and trying to bring peace between him and Morgause
- Mordred family size expanding after a pretty solitary home life (4 brothers ,a sister, a mom + step dad, an aunt (morgan {court sorceress}), and step uncle? (Kay))
- the Orkney sibs "hey yknow that sibling i told you was killed as a baby" "yeah?" "well actually theyre alive and here right now"" "whAA"
- Havent Mentioned Kay much but he's torn up about Arthur cause his step brother is back and he's tried to make up but Kay also sided against Arthur way back when
- Mordred learning much more about his magic cause lets be honest Arthur couldn't teach him much
- Guin and Lance are together cause Arthur was never in between them in this au
- Galahads there around the same age as Mordred, likes his step mom (guin)
- Merlin is lurking in the background cause after he effed up he went even more extreme than before and is now plotting to put Arthur back in power
yeah I'll probably do/add more later but yeah
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