#....yes this was entirely about morph being confirmed in love with logan
martianbugsbunny · 4 months
think I actually pulled something leaping for excitement after the xmen 97 finale
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
If you’re still doing the jealous!Adrien headcanons, could you please do one with Garmari (BB/Marinette)? it’s my latest JAM and hnfhg its so c u t e
Jealous! Adrien Garmari Headcanons fic
Ummmm I got carried away?
Marinette opened her locket that was carefully placed on her mirror. Inside were two kids, almost unrecognizable after everything that happened and everything that came between them.
Marinette ran across the hot, sandy yard, panting when she finally reached her destination.
“I win!” Marinette called to an out of breath redhaired boy.
“Just you wait!” Gar panted, “One day I’m gonna be faster than you!”
“Yeah right!” Marinette laughed.
Marinette stared blankly at the locket. Seeing the redhaired boy with green eyes smiling face, she reached out to close it.
“We should get married!” Gar exclaimed as Marinette picked at the flowers around her. She thought about it for a moment.
“Okay!” She grinned, showing her missing two front teeth.
“Marinette Dupain-Chang will you marry me?” Garfield asked, offering a ring that he had fashioned out of flowers. Marinette giggled and slid the makeshift ring onto her small finger.
“I do!” Marinette exclaimed.
Marinette closed the locket abruptly, trying not to remember the last time she saw Gar. She didn’t even get to see him when he needed it most.
“Why not?!” 10 year old Marinette pleaded to her parents.
“Honey, you know we want to support him. It’s awful that such a tragedy happened to him. His parents were good people, they left too soon.” Sabine said averting her gaze, “But he’s deathly sick, we can’t risk you getting it too.”
“It’s not fair! I wanna see him!” Marinette stomped off upstairs.
She still regretted it. She didn’t hear about Gar again. She didn’t know what happened. For all she knew his sickness could’ve-
Marinette grabbed the locket off of her mirror and clasped it around her neck. She felt the urge to wear it, although, she hadn’t in almost eight years. She walked downstairs, Kaaliki and Tikki already in her bag.
“Are you excited for the trip today sweetie?” Sabine asked, handing her a bag of food. Marinette pulled her suitcase behind her,
“Yeah, it should be a fun four days.” Sabine noticed the locket around her neck.
“It’s been awhile since you’ve worn that.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” She said before embracing her mother, “Goodbye Maman.”
“Goodbye Marinette. Don’t forget to call!” Sabine exclaimed, but Marinette was already outside of the house.
Marinette ran down the street, the last thing she wanted was to miss the bus. And she knew they’d go without her.
She stepped onto the bus and saw Alya’s apologetic expression when she was sitting with Nino. The only empty space was next to Adrien.
Alya🦊: Sorry, girl. He insisted. I tried, but I didn’t want to make a scene.
Marinette sighed at the text and sat down next to Adrien.
Mari: It’s okay Al. It’s just until we get to the airport anyway.
It wasn’t though, when they got to the plane Adrien ended up sitting next to her. She was able to tune out his flirtations for the most part, but ever since they revealed identities as their superhero alter egos Marinette’s crush dissipated quickly and Adrien’s grew stronger.
She ended up trying to sleep in order to get him to leave her alone, and she drifted off.
She woke up when they landed and the memories of her dream came flooding at once. She dreamed about Garfield, something that happened occasionally, but this time it was different.
Most of her dreams about him were nightmares where her fear was confirmed and he had died along with his parents.
This one was more hopeful, she supposed, she saw Gar again, but really only his eyes, just the green. But then his green eyes morphed into Adrien’s.
And that was the end.
She was no Freud, she wasn’t even going to try to think about her bizarre dreams. She walked into the aisle and met up with Alya. Alya was able to save her from talking to Adrien, by leaving the blonde with Nino and taking Marinette by the hand and exiting the plane.
“Okay class!” Miss Bustier clapped, “We’re walking over to the studio now!”
A chorus of groans was heard from the class.
“Don’t complain! It’s only about a ten minute walk, let’s go!”
Marinette and Alya begun walking, Alya pointing out all the sights.
“That’s the Hollywood sign!” Alya squealed, “Maybe we can go to it later!” Marinette grinned and nodded. Alya was more interested in the culture of Hollywood and California than Marinette was, but the bluenette was looking forward to looking at the trending fashion!
“Oh you know I know the the lead actor of the movie we’re going behind the scenes to see today!” Lila remarked loudly. A cacophony of ‘wows’ and ‘that’s so cools’ was heard from the sheep in Bustier’s class. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but actually my connections with him were the reason we got to come on set today!”
Marinette and Alya rolled their eyes, they both knew that the reason they were going backstage was solely because of Marinette winning a contest for the class. They ignored Lila and talked with each other the rest of the way.
“Oh girl!” Alya had said when the studio came in view, “I don’t think I’ve seen you wear that locket before. It’s cute!”
“Thanks.” Marinette smiled, “It’s from awhile ago, my friend and I are in it.”
Alya knew not to pry when she saw the wistful expression on Marinette’s face. They rounded the bend and Miss Bustier scanned the security card she had been sent. The door opened for them and the class walked in.
The set was truly breathtaking, it was space themed and a large prop spaceship graced the center of it all. Marinette glanced around it all and saw the costumes. They were amazing and obviously hand stitched, but there were two missing from the rack. Marinette saw the director come to them.
“The actors will be out soon! unfortunately, only two were available today, but your lucky class will be able to see the lead of our movie!”
The class cheered, but Marinette was still focused on the costumes.
“Now which one of you sent in the contest entry?” The director asked. The class gave each other confused looks.
“It was Marinette, ma’am!” Alya said pointing to the bluenette.
“Oh wonderful!” She exclaimed, “Your entry was delightful! You’re truly a talented artist.” Marinette blushed.
“But Lila, I thought you-“
Rose was cut off by the starstruck Oohs and ahhs when the actors stepped out. They were in full costume, including their helmets that covered their entire face. The first actress removed her helmet.
“Hello all!” She said, “I’m Grace Kingsley! I play the female lead in the movie.”
“Hey!” Said the second voice. A voice Marinette recognized. She turned around from the director and saw the boy take off his helmet. She was met with familiar eyes.
“Oh my god.” She whispered underneath her breath. She made eye contact with him briefly. It couldn’t have been Gar, could it? He was green all over, and his red hair was replaced with green. The only thing that looked the same about him were his eyes.
“Marinette?” He gasped. Marinette gripped onto her locket.
“Garfield Logan!” Chloé swooned.
Marinette stepped forward and Garfield ran over and embraced her.
“You two know each other?” Asked the director. Alya was awestruck.
“Yeah.” Gar said breathlessly.
“I’m so sorry.” Marinette cried as she hugged him tighter, “I wanted to be there, but-“
“It’s okay, I was sick.” Gar said, “I almost died if not for a blood transfusion, that’s why I’m green by the way, I wouldn’t want that to happen to you.”
“I still feel horrible, but ummm, on the subject...”
“You wanna talk about my greenness?” Gar laughed.
“It’s just a little different.” Marinette giggled.
“It’s Martian blood, I can actually shapeshift into any animal because of it. I’m a hero here, Beast Boy.” Marinette didn’t end up being too surprised, after all she’d trust Gar with a miraculous, “I guess I can be faster than you now.” He laughed.
Marinette gaped, “Wait a second! Why did you tell me all of this? Your secret identity-“
“Well when you’re green it’s kinda hard to have one.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Marinette relaxed.
“Wait!” Rose exclaimed, “Don’t you know Lila too?”
“Who?” Gar asked.
“Lila, she said she knew you.” Rose repeated.
“I’ve never met any Lilas sorry. Marinette is the only one I know in your class.” Gar said dryly. “Also, Mari, are you free tomorrow?”
Marinette nodded.
“Do you think we can catch up?” Gar asked nervously, “I can introduce you to the other Titans, maybe we can grab lunch too?”
“Are you asking me on a date Gar?” Marinette laughed.
“I guess I am.” Gar said going pink.
“Sure, we’re already married, right?” Marinette winked. Gar laughed and nodded.
“Seriously?” Adrien muttered. Everyone turned to him. “I mean, I’ve known you for years and when I ask you out you say no, but this random guy you’re saying yes to?”
“I’m not a random guy.” Garfield barked, “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“I’m so done with this.” Adrien gritted his teeth, “Come find me when you’ve come to your senses Bugaboo.”
Marinette rolled her eyes as Adrien stalked off and Miss Bustier ran after him.
“Sorry about him.”
“No need to apologize, I’ve met plenty of famous people like him. Entitled.” Gar scoffed, “So, tomorrow?”
Marinette walked into Titans Tower with Gar admiring the architecture.
“Welcome!” Garfield exclaimed as the elevator dinged.
“Beast Boy...who’s this?” Robin asked.
“My friend, Marinette. I’ve known her forever, you can trust her I promise.”
“Oh, it is the lovely to meet you!” Starfire grinned shaking Marinette’s hand frantically.
“You too.” Marinette laughed.
“Hey, I’m Cyborg.” Cyborg greeted, “BB has talked a lot about you.”
Marinette blushed, “Really?”
“Really.” Raven said looking up from her book, “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you too, I’m so happy I got to see Gar. It’s been so long and-“
A blaring alarm cut Marinette off.
“Titans! Trouble!” Robin yelled, the other Titans, save Garfield, fell into formation. “Down at the bank, we need to go now! It’s the HIVE.”
“I’m so sorry.” Gar sighed, “Can I drop her off?”
“Wait!” Marinette exclaimed. The team turned to face her, “Do you need help?”
“We shouldn’t get civilians involved, it’s dangerous.” Robin stated.
“Yeah, Mari, I really don’t want you to get hurt.” Gar said placing his hands on her shoulders, “You don’t have powers or any-“
“Spots on.” Marinette whispered, welcoming her transformation.
“Woah.” Cyborg yelled as Ladybug stood before him.
“Miraculous magic.” Raven assessed, “I thought I sensed magic off of you.”
“So...how do you feel about help now?”
Two weeks later the newest Titan from Paris was announced, and the talk of the community was the French superhero Ladybug who was dating Beast Boy.
And back in Paris a certain cat was furious, and plotting revenge.
Btw, this won’t be continued, sorry!
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rosesisupposes · 6 years
Midnight Marauders
Part 1 of Another Goddamn Hero Story
read on ao3
Story Summary: Roman used to be a Prince. He used to be a superhero. Now, he and his fellow villain Patton are the biggest threat to the status quo of Harmony City, and there’s no pair of heroes more trusted to stop them than Logan and Virgil. What happens when they clash? Another goddamn hero story, that’s what.
taglist: @residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice   @nightmarebeforevirgil @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @monsterinatophat @turtally-pawsome @um-yes-hi-hello @idkaurl @immortaldystopia
Chapter Characters: Creativity/Roman; Morality/Patton;
Chapter Pairings: Queerplatonic Royality; 
Chapter Warnings: Asphyxiation/choking, almost-murder by protagonists, theft, description of manic/depressive episodes
The sun was setting on Harmony City, gilding rooftops and glass walls in golden light. It bathed the underbellies of pink and purple clouds, and lit up the face of the dark-haired man sitting on the edge of a roof, dangling his legs off the edge. I’ll never get tired of this view, he thought. It’s the only time this goddamn city looks as good as it sounds.
A choking sound behind him made him whirl, only to see a costumed man collapse, gasping for air. Another costumed figure in grey, white, and blue walked past the man as he fell, smiling. “Sorry I interrupted your moment, Roman, he looked like he was going to push you.”
“Pat, I can fly, I would have been fine,” Roman said.
“No one messes with my family, kiddo,” Pat said with a beatific smile.
“You’re only knocking him out, right?”
“Patton. Come on, we talked about this”
“Finneee,” Patton relented, waving a hand with a careless gesture. The choking noises stopped, the fallen chest rising once more, but the form didn’t appear able to rise quite yet.
“He’s just a sidekick, he won’t be a risk. Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for ages.”
“Ro, it has been five minutes at most.”
“Like I said, ages. Where have you been?”
“Just checking the perimeter behind us again. I’ve only run into this fine fella right here,” he said, gesturing to the prone form behind him.
“Weird, I wonder where his hero is. Usually they catch up much faster, even if it was just a scouting trip. Guess we’re fine to head home, then.”
Roman stepped off the roof of the skyscraper into open air, hands glowing with red light as he held himself aloft gently for the long distance towards the ground. Between the dusk light and the building’s shadow, his dark costume was only noticeable from the occasional glint of streetlights off his gold belt and embroidered accents. His black-and-red cape fluttered gently with his movement. As Patton leapt off the building and caught up with him, the fabric of his costume flapped more vigorously, pulled to and fro with the wind his partner was generating. Roman looked over and chuckled. Patton’s eyes were closed as he fell in a controlled drop, wind currents wrapped around him. Eddies in the air played around the other man’s form like excited children, whirling away and exploring only to return to his side. His long grey tunic flapped over loose white trousers, held in place at his waist by a pale blue sash. A matching blue eye cracked open as Patton looked back through silver glasses frames at Roman and grinned.
“Worrying about me, kiddo?”
“Of course not, you’ve only done this a hundred times. Why do you like falling off buildings so much, again?”
“Why, Roman, worried I don’t understand the gravity of the situation?” Patton cheesed back.
Roman had heard this exact joke a dozen times, but Patton’s glee in telling it never failed to make him laugh all the same.
They both touched down safely in the alley by the building, hidden in shadows that grew steadily darker. Roman glanced out into the street and scanned for movement. Pedestrians turned the corner up a couple blocks, shopping bags on their arms. A plastic bag blew through the gutter. A delivery truck and a handful of cars rumbled down the street. Here in the financial district, things got quiet as it became night. Roman ticked through his mental checklist of threats and oddities, confirming that all was as it should be for this part of the city. “We’re good, Pat.”
Both men stepped further into the alley as Roman lifted his arms, conjuring a wall of light. Red at first, it hardened and darkened into a black, physical construct, shielding them from view. Patton removed his loose robes to reveal his normal t-shirt and jeans, while another glow of red light removed Roman’s costume and left a similarly-normal outfit in its place. They were about to move out into the range of streetlights when Patton pointed at Roman’s face with a small shake of his head. Roman removed his black-and-gold mask with an embarrassed smile. He almost forgot he wore it at least half the time, but he had no interest in blowing his cover. It was the only non-conjured part of his costume, so that his identity could be secret even when his concentration broke.
Letting the wall-construct vanish, Roman led the way as the two friends strode out into the night, heading north and west down one of the diagonal boulevards that spread out from City Center like rays of the now-vanished sun. They chatted softly as they walked, never letting silence fall for more than a few moments as Roman led them through the grid of Harmony City towards their destination. He closed his eyes to double-check his mental map of the city, winced, and abruptly tried to steer Patton up a street heading north. He’d hesitated too long, though - Patton had already seen what Ro had been trying to avoid.
A construction site, still in progress after a year and a half, sat on the border of the north- and south-western districts. After many long delays, the crater that had once stood there was filled and new foundations had been laid. The skeleton of a growing building jutted out like a new tooth in a rotted mouth. The sight made Patton stiffen, resisting Roman’s tug on his arm.
“So they really are trying to rebuild it, are they?” he commented. His tone was too careful, too flat and uncaring, his face too stony.
“Do they think rebuilding it will fix anything? That a shiny new building will make it easier to forget who died that day?”
Roman broke Patton’s line of sight to the construction, hands on both his friend’s shoulders as he spoke. “Hey. I know it’s hard to see. But we can’t stop right now, remember? What happened there will never be okay, and will never be forgotten. But we can’t do anything about it right now. Later though, I promise. We will.”
Patton stared through Roman for moment, then shook his head to clear it. His painfully blank visage morphed back into his default smile. “You’re right, Ro. I’m just being silly again. I know we’ll take care of it when the time’s right. Let’s go.”
Roman kept a careful hand on Patton’s back as he steered him north, away from the construction and closer to the more residential northwest quadrant of the city. Plate-glass covered office buildings had melted into brick rowhouses and corner stores. Sidewalks swelled wider to sprout trees, each one given its own square patch of earth with an ornamental fence. The sidewalks were fuller, too, of families and residents strolling from circle to circle of light from the antique-style streetlamps. Patton noticed their proximity to their destination first, and nudged Roman with a shoulder. There, surrounded by quaint homes and postage-stamp parks, was one of the enormous chain supermarkets of the neighborhood. Amidst the charm of the district, it looked like a sullen teenager who refused to dress for company, all sharp angles and grey concrete. It had replaced many local bodegas, both as competition and in location, with the owners taking over an entire block and flattening everything that had been there before.
Following the tide of the crowd, Patton and Roman strolled through the automatic doors and grabbed a basket. Looking for all the world like another domestic couple, they chose cereals and fruits and breads, edging in between chatting parents and tired office workers. When their basket was full, they headed straight for the doors to leave, skipping past lines to the registers and passing the theft sensors. Alarms clanged to wakefulness as security burst out of their office, charging at the pair. Patton glanced over at Roman only to see his mask already secure on his face as he smirked back and lifted a hand. A flash of red light swirled around them both as a sudden wind followed it, a moment’s time clothing them both in their costumes. Ruby banana peels dropped from Roman’s bolt of light to land right underneath the security officers’ feet, knocking them flat on their backs as they slipped. They struggled to stand, only to find the air itself preventing them from rising, pressing back against them in a stiff wind. Shoppers and bystanders scattered, screaming until they realized the two supers were focused on the security guards alone. A wall of air prevented the other employees from getting near as long red arm reached over into an open cash register. A fistful of bills made its way back to Roman, but not before a small piece detached and formed a small card.
Catching the cash, Roman gestured and lifted the shopping basket copy he’d just made out of the gliding door. “We’re Gucci,” he called to his friend. “Let’s blow this capitalist mess of a popsicle stand.” Patton grinned and zipped over, his propelling winds blowing receipts into the air. They turned to face the onlookers still staring in shock as they waved goodbye.
“Mérci beaucoup, thank you, you delightful guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! You’ve been a lovely audience,” Roman announced. “My compliments in particular to these brave souls, dedicated to defending the monetary gains of this gentrifying conglomerate of a grocery store, may your bosses recognize your efforts and give you all raises- ahaha I’m sorry, I can’t say that with a straight face, goodness. My compliments and admiration also to the lovely person who hit a high C note in their scream, please quit your job and pursue your well-deserved career on the stage at once. And to you all, if you’d ever like to be dazzled once more, I have, of course, left our calling card. Goodnight, Harmony City!” With a twirl of his cape that showed off the intricate gold embroidery, Roman followed Patton out the door, towing his glowing red basket of groceries as they both soared into the night sky, laughing in triumph.
As they vanished, the air pressure released the security guards. They scrambled to their feet and ran to the cash register that had been emptied. All that was left were some singles and an ornate card as big as the shaking hand the first guard to reach it used to pick it up. A black background was emblazoned with a bold, curling red M on one side and a stylized white hurricane on the other. In embossed writing read a greeting that was as cheeky as the villain that had conjured it.
“You’ve Had the Pleasure of Being Robbed by Gale Force and the Crimson Marauder.”
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337413 Classification: Class Z.2.iv [Secondary Tier Villain, unknown] Name: Crimson Marauder Status: ACTIVE Civilian Name: Unknown [Unregistered]             //Unconfirmed report that his first name is “Roman” Affiliation: Villain Partners/Sidekicks: DI#337437 - Gale Force; Primary Foes: DI#265351 - Commander Eagle, DI#337236 - Silver Sparrow             //No particular rivalries since Incident 15-Z-0632; has fought most heroes in the city Powers: Psionic Construction             //Appears to create constructs along the red light spectrum only unless it is a previously-created object being stored in a psionic pocket dimension Costume: Black Suit with Red Blocks, Gold Belt, Black and Red Cape with Gold accents; Black-and-gold mask Age: Approx 25 yrs [uncertain] Height: Approx. 6’ Pronouns: He/Him H.E.A.R.T.S. Class N/A Note: Formerly known as Scarlet Prince, see DI#337321; Origin and family unknown
The pair of thieves were still laughing at another successful heist was they soared south over the city, heading home with their newly-secured food. Roman spotted the space they called home and they banked as one, zooming into to land under an overpass in the neighborhood called Sycamore Heights. Once it had been indeed a high ground covered by those graceful trees, but those days were long past. Now it was the ‘rough’ neighborhood that parents cautioned their children to avoid, where car windows were rolled up as they passed through, and any crowds vanished as the streetlights came on.
It was also Roman’s home, and had been for his entire life. He stretched out an arm as they approached the overpass. What had previously resembled a dark black concrete slab grew a door in a flash of red light. Checking their surroundings, Roman waved an arm to welcome Patton in ahead of him.
The interior revealed itself to be a small sitting room, kitchen, and bedroom. An entire home was hidden inside the dark block, complete with knick-knacks and clutter. Patton took the basket of groceries and deposited them in the tiny fridge, whirling air into a cold front in lieu of electricity.
Roman flopped onto the deep red couch with a sigh, his costume vanishing in a flash as he removed his mask.
“Another successful grocery run. I liked how you pinned the guards this time, Pat. It kept all the civilians back neatly without hurting anyone,” he said, eyes closed as he leaned back onto the cushions. I’m proud of you, he thought, but didn’t say out loud. He knew from experience that too much hinting that Patton’s typical methods were overly violent did not go over well.
“What can I say, Roro, I just want them to feel the pressure of their jobs. Literally!” Patton said, grinning as he shed his costume. He also fell onto the couch, wriggling over until he lay with his head across Roman’s lap. Roman smiled down at him. Even if his friend scared him occasionally, he was so glad to have met him. Life on the streets as a super had never been easy, but having a partner he could trust with his life made it just a bit better. And having a partner like Patton who spent 90% of his time in a blissfully sunshine state of mind was even better than he could have imagined. All Patton seemed to want in return for his perpetual optimism and protection were daily cuddles, and Roman was only too happy to oblige. Even with the high of a heist well done, the night was creeping in and with it, the dark cloud of alone again.
He hated this dark tide that refused to stay receded. Some days he felt quite literally on top of the world as he reached new heights in his flight and construct creation alike. He’d be seized by the inexorable urge to create, and create, and create, surrounding himself with new and more ambitious constructs as the haze of euphoria roared through his veins. Those days burned in red and gold, the way it should be. Just like the day he manifested his powers, when he’d filled his old room and spooked his… well. Those days were his favorite. Even if he sometimes got carried away, and felt unable to stop moving at 100 miles an hour. They were still preferable to the days when the air itself was a weight, when it was all he could do to drag himself out of bed. The world on those days looked as bleak as his head felt, all greys, no reds at all, not outside his window or at his fingertips. The only reason his home didn’t melt away on those days was because of how long it had persisted in this exact form. All other constructs lost their form, unable to maintain without his concentration or energy. He needed Patton the most those days, to make him eat, to keep him from vegetating into nothing. Pat would pull him into his lap and sing nursery rhymes both traditional and of his own invention, throwing in puns and blowing paper animals to dance around their tiny shared room.
Roman was glad he didn’t need to be in a depressive episode to get this sort of treatment, because he loved how soft his friend went when he was in this mode, a caretaker role that felt maybe like a parent, maybe an older brother. Patton’s toothy smile moved more naturally, not acting like a perpetual fixture, but a true demonstration of emotion. His voice danced and dove and trilled along stories of fairies and talking animals and pastel women from space. But his use of his powers was the most different. When Patton was in what Ro privately called ‘Puffball Mode,’ his power was no longer a weapon that could be wielded anywhere, even within others’ lungs. It wasn’t a tool or means of transportation. It was just joy. It was a puppy, flopping around the room and picking up everything that looked bright or shiny. It was a butterfly, paper wings flapping gently before coming to rest on Roman’s nose. It was a warm breeze that smelled like childhood and dreams that had yet to be abandoned.  
They had fantastic powers that set them apart from the vast majority of society, but Patton and Roman were, above all, the owners of many broken things. Their lives had prepared them for this, of course. You don’t survive a life of poverty or foster care without knowing how to fix broken things, without knowing just how far you can push their use before their purpose completely fails. Shoes with holes. Teddy bears without their stuffing. Books without covers. Hearts that have been shattered. Hope that’s been all but lost.
Roman wrapped his arms tighter around Patton as the ginger-haired man removed his glasses and snuggled into his partner’s chest. Yes, they were both broken. That didn’t bother Roman one bit, though. What mattered was that together, they were just a little less so, and together, they’d show a city that called them villains just what it meant when those with the most experience came to fix a broken world.
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337437 Classification: Z.1.iv [Primary Tier Villain, unknown origin] Status: ACTIVE Name: Gale Force Civilian Name: Unknown [Unregistered]             //Unconfirmed report that first name is “Pat” Affiliation: Villain Partners/Sidekicks: DI#337413 - Crimson Marauder Primary Foes: N/A             //No particular rivalries, has fought most heroes in the city Powers: Air Manipulation - Broad Spectrum; Additional Powers Unknown Costume: Grey calf-length tunic, slits up to waist with loose sleeves over loose white trousers; light blue belt; matching blue symbol of a hurricane across the chest. Does not wear a mask.             //First appearance - no costume, just a blue work polo, cream slacks, and gray sweater Age: Unknown             //Estimates range from 18 to 26 Pronouns: [Unknown]             //Believed to be he/him H.E.A.R.T.S. Class N/A Note: Highly volatile, responsible for deaths of DI#265351 and DI#337236, see Incident Report 15-Z-0632; Family and origin unknown
author notes: Welcome to Another Goddamn Hero Story! 
This chapter title is from Dancing’s Not A Crime by Panic! at the Disco and if you would like to understand any future references in this story I highly recommend memorizing the entirety of their album Pray for the Wicked because I’ve been listening repeat for about 3 weeks and it’s perFECT.
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