#...you do not want to see the from-memory darere.
citrus-soda · 9 months
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assorted scraps of the alien frog-beasts (but mostly its darere)
plus one alt color palette of what i did the other day. happened when futzing with blending modes and i thought it was neat enough to screenshot it
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February 5 - 11
Season 2: Episode 11 - The Martian Chronicles
Armek, a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank and Supergirl determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.
Talk about mistaken identity. This episode really took the disguise situation to new levels. The team thought they could figure out who was being disguised by asking personal questions until Hank revealed that the shape-shifter would know everything about them. Sadly Armek did not keep the team guessing long enough, when he took on each different shape. It would have been interesting to see them have to work it out a bit better. We also see some character development for Hank, as well as Kara and Alex. Poor Kara, always too little too late when it comes to the men. Hopefully she’ll figure things out. And how many people are now interested in seeing a series based on Hank’s backstory, the Martian Chronicles. That would be interesting, to see the battles that took place. We always get hints of what it was like, but wouldn’t it be interesting to see something about it? Until they do, we get a great character, and that lead to a great episode surrounding him and M’gann.
Season 2: Episode 12 - Luthors
After Metallo breaks out of prison and frees Lillian Luthor, the police blame Lena for his escape and arrest her. Despite overwhelming evidence, Kara refuses to believe her friend is guilty and fights to clear Lena’s name. Flashbacks reveal how Lena came to be a Luthor. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together.
Season 3: Episode 12 - Untouchable
Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs work together to bring down Clive Yorkin, a criminal meta-human who is methodically killing people by causing them to decompose at an accelerated rate. Joe becomes his next target but it’s Iris who is caught in the crossfire. The Flash mentors Kid Flash and begins to elevate the newer speedster’s training to another level.
What a great title for this episode, both for the power of the meta-human, and for the victims he attacks. They were a part of Flashpoint. We finally see Julian come into his own as he talks Katlyn down from losing control in helping Iris. Barry’s form of teaching Wally how to be a speedster seems to be failing, but he learns the more hands-on approach to the situation. This is how he is going to get Wally to save Iris in the future. The way of killing seemed challenging and interesting in the same sense. It seemed almost impossible to take him down, but Wally came to the rescue and saved the day.
NEXT WEEK (1 week break)
Season 3: Episode 13 - Attack on Gorilla City
When Jesse Quick informs the team that her father has been abducted, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Julian voyage to Earth-2 on a rescue mission to save Harry from Gorilla City. As they trek through the forest, Barry and the team are immediately captured and brought to Grodd. Grodd tells them he needs their help to stop Solovar, the leader of Gorilla City, as Solovar wants to invade Earth-1. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jesse and Kid Flash hit the streets to stop a metahuman that can control gravity, with H.R. and Joe guiding them from S.T.A.R. Labs.
Season 2: Episode 11 - Turncoat
When The Legends find a new Time Aberration they learn they must travel to the winter of 1776 to protect George Washington and the American Revolutionary War. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned, forcing Sara to send out Nate and Amaya to help. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein who are busy protecting the incapacitated Waverider from their new enemy, are forced to step into roles that they don’t think they are prepared for.
This was certainly a Mick Rory episode. Right from the introduction, which was priceless, we knew it was going to be centered around his character and that it was going to be good. The thought of him giving advice to “Georgie” was interesting, funny, but also very deep for someone like Mick. The irony that he became one of the forefathers and that there was a statue in his honor in Washington, that was the icing on the cake. We got some good storytelling as the members of Fire Storm found themselves in new roles as ship’s captain and as surgeon this episode. The parts with Rip were heartbreaking because we loved the connection he had with our Legends, and to see him look at them without any emotion, is sad. Hopefully the Legends can restore Rip’s proper memories once more and bring our captain back to the Waverider. But all in all, Rory stole this episode, and it really made it an amazing one to watch.
NEXT WEEK (1 week break)
Season 2: Episode 12 - Camelot 3000
The Legends continue their quest to hunt down the Spear of Destiny before the pieces fall into the hands of the Legion of Doom. The Legends discover that pieces of the Spear are each being guarded in different time periods by members of the JSA. Their first stop is the future where they find Dr. Mid-Nite which eventually leads them to the past and King Arthur’s Camelot, where Stargirl is protecting her piece of the Spear. In order to protect the Spear shard from the now-evil Rip Hunter, the Legends must join forces with the Knights of the Round Table.
Season 5: Episode 12 - Bratva
A mission takes Oliver, Felicity and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver’s old friend, Anatoly. Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance returns to the mayor’s office ready to get back to work. However, when Susan asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it’s up to Rene to help keep things on track.
We see that Oliver’s worries may be coming true as Diggle beats on a prisoner in order to get answers, and we see Felicity go all kinds of bad ass. It would be interesting to see her go a little darer than her usual self, but this was almost scary. It was completely out of character, but the way she explained it, it seems like she had done this before. As Oliver had gone back to the Bratva for help, it seemed that everyone was going back to old habits in this episode. Gaining what they needed, but losing a piece of themselves in Russia at the same time. The situation with Lance was touching, how he learned that he didn’t have to forget about his daughter’s death, but to learn to live with what it meant now. We really got some insight to his pain, and anyone who has ever lost someone that close to them, would know what he was going through. Time does not help us to forget those we have lost; it helps us live with them not being here anymore. We will never forget the Black Canary.
Season 5: Episode 13 - Spectre of the Gun
A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene about his family. Flashbacks reveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named Wild Dog. Meanwhile, Oliver must deal with the perpetrator behind the attack and realizes the best way to do so is as Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in the Arrow bunker.
Season 1: Episode 1 - Chapter 1
In the series opener, David considers whether the voices he hears might be real.
Wow what an opener. This was such a confusing episode, but in such a great way. The depiction of auditory and visual hallucinations was perfect; they captured the idea of mental health really well. The fact that it had the audience guessing most of the time as to whether people were real or not was amazing. You start to wonder if there ever was a hospital at all. I really hope that this level of accuracy is brought with the show throughout the series. Perhaps not as confusing as the first episode was, but certainly the kind of energy it brought. Well come, I was hooked within the first few minutes, and now I can’t wait for more.
Season 1: Episode 2 - Chapter 2
David reflects on his past with the help of new friends.
That it for this week, Until next time...
Thanks for watching
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