#.answering howls🐺💌
redwingedwolves · 23 days
Hello!! 📖, ❤️?
Hiya, Luna!! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
📖 - what is your s/i's backstory? how does it make them meet your f/o(s)?
My S/I's backstory is that he was an American who moved to Japan when he was 22, after having just gotten out of what ended up turning out to be a bad marriage. There isn't really anything special that happens to make him meet Keigo, he just happens to have chosen Fukuoka as his landing place and Keigo just happens to save him from walking into on-coming traffic. It's really just a bunch of happenstances that land the two of them together. XD And it's through Keigo that Michael eventually meets Dabi, so, like, yeah. XD
❤️ - any favourite reoccurring scenario?
Story wise, there are a few. It's a little complicated cause of the way I view my relationship/story with them. They feel more like reminiscing on memories than reimagining a favorite scene in a story. XP
If I had to pick a favorite memory, though, I think one for Keigo is the first time we exchanged "I love yous", I often find myself thinking back to it a lot. I just love how genuine it ended up being because it was so organic, and unplanned. It makes it all the more special in my mind because of that, and I adore thinking back to it.
And for Dabi, I like to think of the first time he spent the night after one of our hook-ups. Cause, for those who don't know, mine and Dabi's relationship started off as 'fuck buddies', so often times he'd leave afterward, and we wouldn't really talk or do anything. The first time he spent the night, however, had been when Keigo was out of town and I didn't really wanna be alone, so I asked him to stay. I was surprised when he did, but grateful. Woke up the next morning to breakfast in bed, and I was shook, to be honest, but definitely not complaining. lol I think that might have been a good indicator of where actual feelings started getting involved. So, yeh. lol
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Love your new takeover asks! 12 and 13?
Hiya, Sev! Thanks so much for the ask! I'm going to have both Keigo and Dabi answer this. ^^
Ask Game
12. Any favorite places?
Hmm, honestly? I actually really like our shower! It's open-plan, so it's more than big enough to accommodate my wings. Plus, it's always fun being able to tease him with the detachable shower head.
Easy. Kitchen counter. He always looks, so cute, bent over it with his face pushed down into the marble top.
13. What's the wildest place you and S/I have ever done it?
Answered here.
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
Hi hi!! How about 🦋 for Dabi?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask!
Ask Game.
🦋 - How falling in love with your F/O felt like
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redwingedwolves · 1 month
Hi hi!! How about your boys for the blorbo bingo?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
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redwingedwolves · 1 month
Hi hi!! How about apples, cherries, bananas and coconuts?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
apples ✦ how long have you been self-shipping, in general? when did you find out about the self-ship community?
I have been selfshipping officially for almost 3 years now(I officially started with Keigo as my first in January of 2022). I technically had an ocxcanon ship that I played around with when I was a teenager, but it was never as serious as my ships with my F/Os are now.
I found out about the selfshipping community around the same time I started selfshipping itself, so, yeh.
cherries ✦ have you made any long-term friends through self-ship?
I like to think a few of the people I interact with are definitely my friends, but unfortunately I'm not sure if they could be considered 'long-term'. XP I'm honestly a very introverted creature, so I tend to keep to myself, but I do see a good few of my mutuals as friends.
bananas ✦ do you have any ships unrelated to self-ship?
Tons. Honestly, like so freaking many. XD Every piece of media I've ever engaged with has at least one ship in it that I ship. lol
coconuts ✦ what's your "type" in terms of fictional characters? what character trait(s) are you most drawn to?
I don't really know, honestly. I've had characters that I liked, or 'simped' for, but none are quite to the level that I feel for Keigo and Dabi. So, I'm not really sure if I have a type per se. XD
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Hi hi!! How about Duality and Dogma for Dabi and Hawks?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
dogma - what kind of aesthetic do you associate with your f/o?
For Keigo it varies. His aesthetic is kind of all over the place a bit. If I had to really put a word to it, it would probably be closest to carefree. He just goes with the flow and projects an air of not really taking anything serious.
Dabi is full-blown gothic punk/grunge. He is very "devil may care", and is definitely the type you'd easily find in a dive bar in a seedy part of town. lol
duality - how long have you known your f/o? how long have they been an f/o for you?
(Going to answer this lore wise and IRL)
Lore wise, I have known Keigo for going on six, maybe close to seven years now and have been dating him for around four of those years. IRL, I met Keigo right around early January 2022, and he became an F/O that same year on the 30th of that same month. He has been an F/O now for two years.
Lore wise, I met Dabi through Keigo. Keigo was working a case in which he was using Dabi as an informant, and well, somehow Dabi learned about me and decided to use me against Keigo. It didn't really work out for him, though. XP IRL, I actually met Dabi before I met Keigo(because of when they both appear in their source), but while I found Dabi attractive I didn't really consider him an F/O at first. Then I was introduced to the ship of Dabihawks by the fandom, and well, why have just one when I can have both? So, in August I officially decided to add Dabi in as a third to mine and Keigo's relationship and the rest, as they say, is history. Dabi has been an F/O for a year(he was F/Od the same year as Keigo just in August so it hasn't quite been two years yet).
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Hi hi!! How about 1, 2 and 5 for Dabi and Hawks?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask!! ^^
Ask Game.
Does your F/O have a birthmark? (or any type of freckles or beauty marks?)
Keigo has light freckles across his face. They're very faint and can only really be seen if you get really close, but they are there. He also has a birthmark on his left side.
Unfortunately because of his scarring, it's hard to tell how much of Dabi's birthmarks remain intact, but those that do are a fairly large birthmark on his lower back, and a cute little mole on the inside of his right thigh.
Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community?
Keigo, yes! He very much is, and he does so very often, and not just out of obligation as a Hero. He tends to go out of his way to try and do things for the community, just because he can.
Dabi, though? No. Not at all. He couldn't give less of a shit, and honestly, I can't really fault him for it considering how the community views him.
Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?)
Keigo does! He usually only wears it during photoshoots, but on the occasion he'll wear it just because he wants to. Especially eyeliner.
Dabi doesn't at all because he doesn't like the way it feels on his skin (same, babe, I feel that so much).
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13. What's the wildest place you and S/I have ever done it? ~ @princelythirsts
Hiya, Anony! Thank you so much for the ask! I'm gonna go ahead and have both my husbands answer this. ^^
Ask Game.
13. What's the wildest place you and S/I have ever done it?
Oh, that is a good question! Hmm, I guess the wildest place for me personally, would probably have been the time I snuck him into a janitor's closet of my agency... We almost got caught. lol It was kinda fun though, and to be honest, I probably wouldn't say no if he ever suggested that he wanted to do it again.
That's easy. The elevator to our apartment building. Had my back to the wall with him in front of me, so anyone who saw just thought we were cuddling, or some shit. Keeping him quiet was honestly the hardest part about the whole thing.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
 🫂Talk about a cherished memory of your F/O.
Hiya, Sinister! Thank you so so much for the ask! I'm going to go ahead and answer this about both my boys.
Ask Game.
🫂Talk about a cherished memory of your F/O.
One of my post cherished memories with Keigo is probably the day we finally exchanged 'I love you's. We'd been dating for a couple of months by this point, and while we were aware we did care greatly for each other, we'd yet to tell each other that we loved each other. We'd been sitting on my couch(this was before we moved in together) just watching a movie, and Keigo had said something that made me laugh and I just kind of blurted it out in the form of 'oh my god, I fucking love you.' and he just froze and looked at me all shocked. He asked me if I meant it, and I just kinda looked away and nodded with a soft 'yeah'. He asked me to say it again, and so I did, and then he kissed me, and said 'again' and we kinda went back and forth like that in a way that ended with us forgetting the movie to instead make out. XD
So, yeah, that's a cherished memory I have for Keigo.
For Dabi, I'd probably say that one of my favorite memories with Dabi is the day that he gave me my stuffed bear, Sally. Not too long after we'd officially decided to all start dating, Dabi came home one evening, hiding something inside his coat. When he walked over to me, he shifted around a little uncomfortably, like he was nervous. He then pulls out this old and slightly worn build-a-bear. It was missing its eyes and its fur was a little worse for wear, but it was still adorable, and he held it out to me as if it were something precious and just said "for you". I couldn't keep my smile when I took it from it and looked it over. I told him thank you and then took it, so I could clean it up a bit. I then found a small spare piece of cloth to make a blindfold for her so that she didn't have to worry about missing her eyes. She sits on our bed and whenever I wanna feel close to Dabi when he's gone, I just hug her close.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
🫶 and 🫣, your choice (or both)!
Hiya, Luna! Thank you so so much for the ask! I'm gonna go ahead and answer this for both Keigo and Dabi. ^^
Ask Game.
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
For Keigo, this is him for both. He has said multiple times that he fell for me long before our first date. And while it took me more than a month to realize that I was in love with him, he has said that it only took him a couple of weeks at most. We are the epitome of "Fell first, fell harder" in this regard. XP
For Dabi, I'm actually not sure which of us fell first, but if I had to hazard a guess, it was probably me. As for who realized they were in love first, it was definitely him. I didn't realize that I was in love with him until the night I confessed those feelings, but he actually realized he loved me before that. I'm not sure when, but he definitely knew before I did. XP
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
Keigo definitely stumbled, but I'm an oblivious idiot, so I never even noticed. I actually never even entertained the thought of him possibly even liking me in that way until our first date. XP
For Dab,i it was me, and he most definitely noticed. Or, rather, I should say that I stumbled over my attraction to him, as I never even realized I had feelings for him until the day we both confessed said feelings. XP I'm apparently not subtle in my interest because he's the one who eventually approached me about it. XP Him cornering me is actually what started our entire relationship to begin with, so yeh. XD
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Hi hi!! How about Maroon, Question and Labyrinth for Dabi and Hawks?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
Maroon: What is the color of your love and how does the symbolism relate to your F/O?
Oh, that is a really good question. Hmm, I've never really thought about it before. I guess if I had to really associate a color it would be a mix or a gradient of different ones. Namely, the colors I already associate with them/myself, which are a red/yellow for Keigo, blue for Dabi, and green for myself. I don't really have any real symbolism that I relate to it, but if I had to assign a color to us, it would probably be a mix/gradient.
Question…?: If you had the opportunity to ask your F/O one question, what would it be?
Honestly? I'm not really sure. There aren't really anything that I can't already just ask them whenever cause we just have this kind of relationship, but if I really had to pick just one question to ask them both, it would probably be along the lines of "why me?"
"Why me?" Because out of all the possible people they could have chosen to spend the rest of their lives with they both actively chose me, so I'd just like to ask them why and get a fully, honest answer.
Labyrinth: At what moment did you know you had fallen in love with your F/O?
For Keigo, it was while I was watching him do an interview, and he looked at the camera and smiled, and while I know that was probably just fan service, it felt like he was looking directly at me through that screen and I just remember thinking of how much I loved him in that moment. I hadn't yet thought of that word in our relationship, so that was really significant for me.
For Dabi, I realized I was in love with him after we'd had a really bad fight, and he had stormed out. I remember crying in Keigo's arms because I thought that he had left for good, and I felt crushed, cause I literally realized in that moment that I loved him and I couldn't stand the thought of losing him. Keigo was shocked, but he told me that I needed to tell him so when Dabi finally came back, and we talked, I did just that and Dabi confessed that he returned my feelings then too. That was actually the start of our dating relationship because until that point it was purely physical.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Pumpkin Latte and Fireflies! 💫
Hiya, Luna! Thank you so so much for the ask! I'mma answer these for both Dabi and Keigo.
Ask Game.
fireflies: how do you light up your f/o’s life?
Honestly? I don't really know. I know that I definitely do, I mean, of course I do, but I'm not altogether sure how. I'd honestly have to ask them to tell you(I'll probably have them each reply to this post or something.)
pumpkin latte: what is your guilty pleasure as a couple? (watching bad movies on netflix together, popping each other’s zits, pretending not to know each other when strangers ask if you’re in a relationship, etc.)
Definitely watching bad movies together! We all adore watching B rated movies just to laugh at the acting or terrible writing. It's always so fun. Though, I'm rather guilty of the popping zits thing. XP (Which Dabi absolutely hates, and Keigo just finds amusing. XD)
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
12, 8, 11, and 35 on the ask game for Dabi?
Hiya, Iris! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
How tall is your F/O?
Dabi is 5'9¼.
Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
Dabi is an amazing cook and, besides myself, is actually the one who does most of the cooking in our house.
What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
Dabi's favorite flavor is sour. I do not understand how, but this man can pop lemon-heads like they're M&Ms, and it never ceases to amaze me. (For reference, I cannot handle sour things, I am a little bitchbaby in that regard.)
What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall)
Winter. Mainly because this is his favorite season, but also because I associate the idea of cold winter nights with his warm cuddles. (Nothing beats having a human space heater for a husband. XP)
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
Hi hi!! How about ⭐, 🌸 and 🐻 for Dabi and Hawks?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
🌟 Yellow - What's something that you know will bring both of you joy next year?
Something I know that will bring us joy is the fact that we're all finally gonna tie the knot next this year! Don't have an exact date planned just yet, but it will definitely be next this year and I am so fucking excited! I literally cannot wait to call these two my husbands!
🌸 Pink - How do you and your F/O want to help your love blossom? Will you be doing something new in your relationship next year?
Honestly? Just by making sure we're always there for each other through whatever. Knowing we all have someone we can turn to definitely helps keep our bond strong. And also just making sure we take the time outta our days to all be together as a couple. As for ideas for something new, I dunno yet! Guess we'll have to wait and see!
🐻 Brown - What about your F/O brings you a sense of safety? What makes them feel safe around you?
For Keigo it's his nurturing nature. Keigo is definitely the type to mother hen and he can sometimes get a little overboard with it, but he definitely always means well. Truthfully it's this side of him that makes me know I'm safe with him. No matter what.
For Dabi it's his possessiveness. He can be a bit pushy with it and sometimes likes show off in this regard if you know what I mean(😏), but because he is so determined to prove to others that I belong to him it makes me know that I actually do indeed do exactly that and it is what helps me know that he is there for me when I need him, however I need him.
And as for them feeling safe around me, I think it's the same for both of them in that I give them someone who will listen irregardless to anything else. I give them someone they can turn to who will always be there no matter what. I give them both a place they can gladly rest their hearts knowing that I will do my utmost to protect them in whatever ways that I can.
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
# Tag List #
💚 #mike talks🐺💬 ~ text tag
💚 #snarls and growls🐺🗯 ~ vent tag
💚 #.answering howls🐺💌 ~ ask tag
💚 #painted pawprints🖌🐾 ~ art tag
💚 #written pawprints🖋🐾 ~ writing tag
💚 #thinkin' 'bout you and me🐺💭 ~ imagines tag
💚 #and that's my gueue🐺📣 ~ queued posts
💚 #us against the world🐺💢 ~ negativity tag
💚 #sending you my love🐺🫶 ~ positivity tag
💚 #odds and ends🐺🖇 - miscellaneous tag
💚 #ask and ye shall receive🐺❔ ~ ask games
💚 #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
💚 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
💚 #tastes like spice🐺🌶 | #mdni ~ suggestive/what it says
💚 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ s/I tag
💚 #the birb™🧡💕 ~ Keigo tag
💚 #hot stuff💙🔥 ~ Dabi tag
💚 #-🦅 ~ posts by Keigo
💚 #-🔥 ~ posts by Dabi
💚 #winged wolves🐺🦅 ~ me/Keigo
💚 #hell hounds🐺🔥 ~ me/Dabi
💚 #flying devil dogs🐺🦅🔥 ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
💚 #i ship it like fedex🐺💟 ~ other's selfships
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
Cheer Bear for both Hawks and Dabi!
Hiya, Luna! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
cheer bear 🌈 - how do you cheer s/i up when they're feeling down? are you more likely to want to solve their problem, or help them feel out the negative feelings?
I guess it really depends on what it is that got him down. If it's just bad head things then I'll probably do my best to get his mind off of whatever it was but if it's something that happened or something someone said or did then I'll probably try to be a bit more proactive about it. Regardless though, no matter what happened, I'll always offer him cuddles for comfort.
I'm definitely the type to try and solve whatever it is. Doesn't matter what the issue was if he's upset I wanna know what, why, and how. If it's not something I can really do anything about I'll let him talk it out to me. I know that sometimes just having someone to listen can be enough so that's what I'll be if he needs it. After all is said and done though, I'm also the type to get him to focus on something else so I'll probably offer to play a game or watch a movie or something with him so he can try and forget about it for a while.
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