#painted pawprints🖌🐾
redwingedwolves · 4 months
We Tied the Knot!!!
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We did it! We are officially married! I cannot believe this day has finally come, but it's here and omg I'm so freaking happy!!
@chickenwingexpert @definitelynotdabi
We did it! We really did it!!! I... I cannot put into words really how much I adore these two, and the simple fact that I now get to call them my husbands is simply more than I could have ever imagined. I have dreamt about this day for over a year now, and to have finally reached it is simply incredible.
Keigo, we have talked about this before and have been planning it for more than just our engagement. We've probably known we were committed for the long haul since we both realized just how in love we are. To think we're finally here, and we've finally taken that final step is simply beyond words and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Dabi, when you came into mine and Keigo's lives a little more than a year ago, I never would have imagined what you would eventually become to us. You have single-handedly made our lives complete, and we simply wouldn't be the same without you here. You are our third, our completing side. A triangle needs three sides to be whole, and you are that for us. We simply wouldn't be complete without you, Dabs, so thank you for joining us. For joining me.
I absolutely love you both, and I cannot thank you enough for choosing to stay with me for the rest of eternity. So here is to forever, my loves, until our last breaths and even the there after. I love you both!
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# Tag List #
🧡 #mike talks🐺💬 ~ text tag
🧡 #snarls and growls🐺🗯 ~ vent tag
🧡 #.answering howls🐺💌 ~ ask tag
🧡 #painted pawprints🖌🐾 ~ art tag
🧡 #written pawprints🖋🐾 writing tag
🧡 #thinkin' 'bout you and me🐺💭 ~ imagines tag
🧡 #and that's my queue🐺📣 ~ queue tag
🧡 #us against the world🐺💢 ~ negativity tag
🧡 #sending you my love🐺🫶 ~ positivity tag
🧡 #ask and ye shall receive 🐺❔ ~ ask games
🧡 #tastes like spice🐺🌶 ~ nsft tag
🧡 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
🧡 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ S/I tag
🧡 #the birb™🧡💕 ~ Keigo tag
🧡 #hot stuff💙🔥 ~ Dabi tag
🧡 #-🦅 ~ posts by Keigo
🧡 #-🔥 ~ posts by Dabi
🧡 #winged wolves🐺🦅 ~ me/Keigo
🧡 #hell hounds🐺🔥 ~ me/Dabi
🧡 #flying devil dogs🐺🦅🔥 ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
🧡 #i ship it like fedex🐺💟 ~ other's selfships
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redwingedwolves · 4 months
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Happy Anniversary, birb! Today marks four years that we have been together(two irl and I cannot believe that either).
Four years doesn't seem like a long time, but we were also friends for a few years before that too so it definitely feels like longer. I've said this before, I think, and I'll probably say it again, but if I had known that walking into on-coming traffic would have made the biggest positive change in my life to date, I would have done it a lot sooner. lol
You didn't just save me from injury back then, you introduced me to the man who would become damn near everything to me. I love you, Keigo. More than I ever originally thought possible. I love you. More than any words in any language could possibly describe. I love you. More than I have ever loved anyone ever before(beyond one other). I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And you once said you would say these words until I got sick of them, but birdie, I'm still waiting. I love hearing you say them, over, and over, and over, and over again. I don't think I'll ever grow tired of hearing them. Let alone saying them myself.
Love to me before was a fickle thing. It was fleeting and it usually always meant heartbreak. And I'd be lying if I ever said that you haven't broken my heart at least once, but you have been the one person to always make sure you were still there to help me put the pieces back together. You stuck with me, thick and thin, through it all.
You have been with me from my lowest moments to my highest and you have lifted me up when I couldn't stand, and raised me higher when I finally could. You have been my rock, my shoulder, my shelter, and my home. You are home to me now. Home is no longer a place it is a person. Wherever you are, birb, I am home.
You are my home.
You are my everything.
And I cannot wait until the day finally comes that we exchange vows and official become each other's everything. We've already committed, birdie. Now we just gotta make the date. lol
I am yours, Keigo. Truly, utterly, and wholly. And just the same you are mine. I know you are because you have shown it and said it enough times that it's tattooed inside my very veins at this point.
We are each other's.
And I really wouldn't have it any other way.
So here's to four absolutely amazing years together, Keigo. And to many many more to come. Thank you for saving me, and thank you for showing me what love really means.
I love you, Keigo.
Forever and always, until the day that I no longer draw breath.
I love you.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Day 1: Dressing for the cold.
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
Snuck a selfie while me and Keigo were just chilling. XP
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redwingedwolves · 5 months
# Tag List #
💚 #mike talks🐺💬 ~ text tag
💚 #snarls and growls🐺🗯 ~ vent tag
💚 #.answering howls🐺💌 ~ ask tag
💚 #painted pawprints🖌🐾 ~ art tag
💚 #written pawprints🖋🐾 ~ writing tag
💚 #thinkin' 'bout you and me🐺💭 ~ imagines tag
💚 #and that's my gueue🐺📣 ~ queued posts
💚 #us against the world🐺💢 ~ negativity tag
💚 #sending you my love🐺🫶 ~ positivity tag
💚 #odds and ends🐺🖇 - miscellaneous tag
💚 #ask and ye shall receive🐺❔ ~ ask games
💚 #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
💚 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
💚 #suggestive | #mdni ~ what it says on the tin
💚 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ s/I tag
💚 #the birb™🧡💕 ~ Keigo tag
💚 #hot stuff💙🔥 ~ Dabi tag
💚 #-🦅 ~ posts by Keigo
💚 #-🔥 ~ posts by Dabi
💚 #winged wolves🐺🦅 ~ me/Keigo
💚 #hell hounds🐺🔥 ~ me/Dabi
💚 #flying devil dogs🐺🦅🔥 ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
💚 #i ship it like fedex🐺💟 ~ other's selfships
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
So... Throughout the day I'd noticed the boys had been acting a little... Off. Nothing too noticable, nothing really out of the ordinary, they just seemed off. I brushed it off, thinking it was just excitement over the fact that this was Dabi's first Christmas with us.
I was... very wrong.
As the day went on, I noticed more and more how antsy they seemed to get. Again, nothing extreme, just both of them just seemed anxious? Almost? Like they were excited, but not quite? Hard to explain, and when I asked they just said it was nothing. Had no reason to not believe them so I just went with it.
We opened gifts around six and everyone got lovely gifts. We all got some clothes, I got some bath accessories, and Dabi managed to find Keigo a new wing oil we're going to try. After that we had dinner and then Keigo went to go visit his mother and Dabi left to go see the League. They got back around eight and I noticed that being away did not help with the anxiety. In fact, it made it worse.
I had enough of it, as a person who has an anxiety disorder the atmosphere was just too much. I confronted them on it and at first they tried to dismiss it once more, but I was done dancing around the issue. I told them to tell me what was going on right now, because honestly? I was getting really worried.
I did not expect the answer I ended up getting.
So, um... Long story short...
I said yes!
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
A scene from back when me and Keigo were just friends in which I demonstrate that I am dense as fuck and Keigo is an adorable idiot.
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redwingedwolves · 7 months
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Visited a photo booth recently. Got some cute pics outta it!
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
Keigo apparently came home to a cute scene last night and snapped a picture.
Dabi looks so peaceful here. He's so cute! ❤
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
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Me and my boys! ❤
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
Seeing as it doesn't look like I'll be getting my hair cut anytime soon(unfortunately) I needed a new pfp to reflect that so... Here. Have this.
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
Just in case anyone ever wanted a full-body ref for my S/I, here's one that I made a few months back and just straight up forgot to post. XD
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
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A quick doodle to showcase how I'm feeling about my hair right now. I am in desperate need of a hair cut.
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redwingedwolves · 1 year
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Lookit my boys!
(Dabi did not want to take this picture but we made him anyway. XP)
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redwingedwolves · 2 years
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Got my hair cut recently so I needed to update my profile picture.
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