#written pawprintsπŸ–‹πŸΎ
redwingedwolves Β· 9 months
# Tag List #
πŸ’š #mike talksπŸΊπŸ’¬ ~ text tag
πŸ’š #snarls and growlsπŸΊπŸ—― ~ vent tag
πŸ’š #.answering howlsπŸΊπŸ’Œ ~ ask tag
πŸ’š #painted pawprintsπŸ–ŒπŸΎ ~ art tag
πŸ’š #written pawprintsπŸ–‹πŸΎ ~ writing tag
πŸ’š #thinkin' 'bout you and meπŸΊπŸ’­ ~ imagines tag
πŸ’š #and that's my gueueπŸΊπŸ“£ ~ queued posts
πŸ’š #us against the worldπŸΊπŸ’’ ~ negativity tag
πŸ’š #sending you my love🐺🫢 ~ positivity tag
πŸ’š #odds and endsπŸΊπŸ–‡ - miscellaneous tag
πŸ’š #ask and ye shall receiveπŸΊβ” ~ ask games
πŸ’š #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
πŸ’š #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
πŸ’š #tastes like spice🐺🌢 | #mdni ~ suggestive/what it says
πŸ’š #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ s/I tag
πŸ’š #the birbβ„’πŸ§‘πŸ’• ~ Keigo tag
πŸ’š #hot stuffπŸ’™πŸ”₯ ~ Dabi tag
πŸ’š #-πŸ¦… ~ posts by Keigo
πŸ’š #-πŸ”₯ ~ posts by Dabi
πŸ’š #winged wolvesπŸΊπŸ¦… ~ me/Keigo
πŸ’š #hell hounds🐺πŸ”₯ ~ me/Dabi
πŸ’š #flying devil dogsπŸΊπŸ¦…πŸ”₯ ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
πŸ’š #i ship it like fedexπŸΊπŸ’Ÿ ~ other's selfships
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redwingedwolvesafterdark Β· 9 months
# Tag List #
🧑 #mike talksπŸΊπŸ’¬ ~ text tag
🧑 #snarls and growlsπŸΊπŸ—― ~ vent tag
🧑 #.answering howlsπŸΊπŸ’Œ ~ ask tag
🧑 #painted pawprintsπŸ–ŒπŸΎ ~ art tag
🧑 #written pawprintsπŸ–‹πŸΎ writing tag
🧑 #thinkin' 'bout you and meπŸΊπŸ’­ ~ imagines tag
🧑 #and that's my queueπŸΊπŸ“£ ~ queue tag
🧑 #us against the worldπŸΊπŸ’’ ~ negativity tag
🧑 #sending you my love🐺🫢 ~ positivity tag
🧑 #odds and endsπŸΊπŸ–‡ - miscellaneous tag
🧑 #ask and ye shall receiveπŸΊβ” ~ ask games
🧑 #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
🧑 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
🧑 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ S/I tag
🧑 #the birbβ„’πŸ§‘πŸ’• ~ Keigo tag
🧑 #hot stuffπŸ’™πŸ”₯ ~ Dabi tag
🧑 #-πŸ¦… ~ posts by Keigo
🧑 #-πŸ”₯ ~ posts by Dabi
🧑 #winged wolvesπŸΊπŸ¦… ~ me/Keigo
🧑 #hell hounds🐺πŸ”₯ ~ me/Dabi
🧑 #flying devil dogsπŸΊπŸ¦…πŸ”₯ ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
🧑 #i ship it like fedexπŸΊπŸ’Ÿ ~ other's selfships
0 notes
redwingedwolves Β· 1 year
For the F/O kiss meme, 4 for Hawks!πŸ’—
Hi, Rose! Thank you so much for the ask, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this. ^^;
Ask Game.
4. Surprise Kiss
Walking back into the bedroom, I find Keigo standing in front of the dresser facing away from me. His back and shoulders are bare as he opens up a drawer in search of what I assume to be a shirt. He hums a soft tune to himself, swaying slowly to the melody in his head, so completely immersed in his own little world that he fails to notice me at all.
Walking up behind him, and being careful not to accidentally brush his wings, I lean forward and press a small kiss between the spread of bright red feathers.
His reaction is instant.
Keigo visibly jumps, a sound that could only really be described as a squawk leaving him as his wings flare out to either side of him.
"Jeez, puppy! Warn a guy next time!" he exclaims softly, turning around to face me as I pull away. He gives me a slightly exasperated look, feathers ruffling behind him as he frowns
"Sorry, birdie. I just couldn't resist," I shrug, smiling softly as my ears flick backward and my tail wags slightly behind me.
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redwingedwolves Β· 2 years
How about 3 for the kiss meme? -πŸ’™
Hi! Gonna do Keigo for this one. ^^
3. morning/wake up call
Consciousness is an odd thing sometimes when it first floods your brain after a good night's sleep. What you notice when first waking can vary greatly depending on how you wake. The first thing my consciousness latches onto this morning is the sound of my fiancΓ©, Keigo's voice as well as the slight dip in the bed as he settles down next to me.
"Good morning, puppy. Rise and shine, huh?"
It takes a few seconds before my brain fully comes into alertness, but as it does I feel Keigo lean toward me before gently cupping the side of my face. Blinking open bi-colored eyes, I smile sleepily up at him which he returns.
"C'mon, baby boy. Up and at 'em." He encourages softly, leaning further to place a small kiss to the crease of my brow. "Me and Dabs'll be waiting for ya, 'kay?" He pulls away then and moves to stand as I nod back at him.
"'Kay. Be up in a minute." I say, resisting the urge to yawn.
"Don't be long." He calls back, and I watch him as he leaves, bright red wings being the last thing I see before he closes the bedroom door behind him.
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redwingedwolves Β· 2 months
Hey mike! How about 🦠 !!
Hiya, Luna! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^ Answering this with Keigo.
Ask Game.
🦠 β€” f/o or s/i has gotten sick! a cold? a fever? the flu? whatever they caught, write about the other trying to take care of them!
β€œYeah, I'm not gonna make it in today either,” Keigo's voice just barely cuts through the din that is the fog in my head. It sends soothing notes of pleasure through my brain, lingering somewhere towards the part that is currently making me want to smell colors and taste shapes.
Out of seemingly nowhere, a coughing fit overtakes me and nothing else exists except the fact that I suddenly can't breathe, and my throat feels like a desert. β€œOw, holy fuck.” I whine as it finally passes, pain rocketing through my head. I take in a shaky breath, resisting the urge to wrap my arms around myself, as I feel like I am both freezing and too hot at the same time.
β€œHuh? Oh, yeah. That's just my husband. He's come down with something serious, and I'm gonna take the day to try and take care of him. He's fine, don't worry. If I think it's looking like anything more than the flu, I'll personally make sure he gets to the hospital myself.”
Though his words register in my brain, I'm not really hearing them at all. It also doesn't quite register that he's not talking to me as I lean up slightly and blindly search him out in the dark space that is our bedroom.
β€œKeigo???” I whine, drawing out the syllables of his name, whimpering as the action causes pain to once more lace behind my eyes.
β€œJust a second, honey. I'm on the phone.” He answers me and I whine pitifully. I don't care that he's on the phone. I want his attention. Not only that, but I don't wanna be alone.
Stretching out on the bed, I groan as aches and pains make themselves known across the entire expense of my body. My legs shaking from the exertion before I pull them back up to me again.
β€œYeah, he gets really needy when he's sick. Okay, thanks, I'll be sure to do that! Oh, you guys don't have to do that! Well, only if you're all sure. I'll pick it up as soon as it gets here. Thanks! Yep! Okay, bye!”
Keigo clicks the phone off and uses a feather to send it to the nightstand before he turns to regard me. β€œWhat am I going to do with you?” He asks fondly, looking over my prone form that probably looks like I've attempted to fold myself into a human pretzel. Which, in all honesty, the thought alone is appealing to my sickness addled brain and I have half a mind to try it.
β€œLove me, feed me, never leave me.” Is my immediate response, twisting oddly so that I can face him properly, and then whine as the action causes another bout of pain through my head. Gods above, that fucking hurts. Keigo blinks at me before snorting and turning his attention toward the nightstand closest to me.
β€œOkay then, Garfield, let's get you some medicine for that fever and your head.” I whine at his words, my brain latching onto something that in reality has no relation to what he said, but tell that to my scrambled mind.
β€œ'M not fat.” I mutter, pursing my lips as I glare down at the sheets beneath me. Keigo pauses then, looking back over at me with a frown.
β€œNo?” It sounds like a question, and that makes me feel even more nonplussed.
β€œYou called me Garfield. Garfield is fat. I am not fat.” I grumble, absentmindedly rubbing my hand over various parts of my body as they all ache simultaneously.
β€œWhat?” Keigo huffs, laughing softly. β€œNo, baby. No. I was making a reference to what you said. But, okay, in hindsight, I probably should have expected you not to get it in the state you're in.” He reaches over and gently runs a hand through my hair. It's sweat slick and greasy, but he doesn't seem to mind as he runs his fingers through my fringe before gently snatching behind one of my ears. I lean into the touch, mind getting momentarily lost in the sensation. β€œBut, no, baby. I was not calling you fat.”
β€œPromise,” I ask, blinking open hazy gold and green eyes to stare at him.
β€œI promise,” he assures, giving my ear one last scratch before pulling away. β€œNow, let's get you some medicine.” He turns back to the nightstand and rummages around in the contents of the top before selecting a pill bottle. He shakes out two before twisting the top back on and placing it back where he found it. Taking the bottle of water that's almost always on the bedside table, he turns and gently offers both of them to me. β€œHere, puppy. Take these. They'll make you feel better.”
β€œOkay,” I take the proffered pills and pop them into my mouth before taking the water and swallowing down a couple of generous gulps. All of a sudden, a sharp pain laces up my stomach and I nearly spit out the next swallow in my mouth. My eyes widen, and I quickly take the bottle away from my mouth as I slowly swallow down the last sip. β€œOw, fuck!”
Keigo blinks at me, concern clear in his face. β€œWhat happened?”
β€œAir bubble,” I answer, holding myself very still as the sensation slowly passes.
β€œOh, yeah. Those things hurt.” Keigo says, putting emphasis on the word β€˜hurt’. I can only nod mutely as I slowly raise the bottle back to my lips and take one final swallow before handing it back to him. He recaps it and places it back on the nightstand.
β€œOkay, puppy. Let's get you back into bed.” He says, moving to stand, and gestures for me to lay back down.
β€œDo I have to?” I ask, voice a whine as I stare up at him with pleading eyes.
β€œYes, baby boy. If you wanna get better, you do.” He smiles at me as I pout and grumble, but do as he says and lay back down, nuzzling softly into my pillow as I quite suddenly realize just how fucking tired I am. Keigo gently tucks me in, pulling the blankets up over me and ensuring I'm snug, before leaning down to press the lightest of kisses to my forehead. β€œGet some sleep, honey. Just yell if you need me, okay?”
β€œOkay,” I murmur back, letting my eyes drift closed as sleep seems suddenly determined to pull me under. β€œG'night.”
β€œGoodnight, baby boy. Rest well.” With that said, he slowly pulls away, and my mind only absently registers the sound of the door opening and closing before sleep completely pulls me under.
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redwingedwolves Β· 2 years
# Tag List #
❀ #mike-talks ~ text tag
❀ #.answering howlsπŸΊπŸ’Œ ~ ask tag
❀ #painted pawprintsπŸ–ŒπŸΎ ~ my art
❀ #written pawprintsπŸ–‹πŸΎ ~ my writing
❀ #.the wolf is daydreamingπŸΊπŸ’­ ~ my imagines
❀ #snarls and growls ~ vent tag
❀ #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
❀ #ask game ~ ask games
❀ #suggestive | #mdni ~ what it says on the tin
❀ #.and that's my queue! ~ queued posts
Self Ship
❀ #The Wolf🐺🐾 ~ my S/I tag
❀ #The Birbβ„’πŸ§‘πŸ’• ~ Keigo tag
❀ #Hot StuffπŸ’™πŸ”₯ ~ Dabi tag
❀ #winged wolvesπŸΊπŸ¦… ~ Me/Keigo
❀ #hell hounds🐺πŸ”₯~ Me/Dabi
❀ #flying devil dogsπŸΊπŸ¦…πŸ”₯ ~ Me/Keigo/Dabi
❀ #packmates ~ my friends/my friends' S/Is
❀ #packmates' relations ~ my friends' ships
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# Tag List #
πŸ’™ #mike-simps ~ text tag
πŸ’™ #.answering howls🐺🐾 ~ ask tag
πŸ’™ #painted pawprintsπŸ–ŒπŸΎ ~ my art
πŸ’™ #written pawprintsπŸ–‹πŸΎ ~ my writing
πŸ’™ #.the wolf's mind is in the gutterπŸΊπŸ’­ ~ my imagines
πŸ’™ #snarls and growls ~ vent tag
πŸ’™ #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
πŸ’™ #ask game ~ ask games
πŸ’™ #tastes like spice ~ nsft tag
πŸ’™ #.and that's my queue! ~ queued posts
Self Ship
πŸ’™ #The Wolf🐺🐾 ~ my s/i tag
πŸ’™ #The Birbβ„’πŸ§‘πŸ’• ~ Keigo tag
πŸ’™ #Hot StuffπŸ’™πŸ”₯ ~ Dabi tag
πŸ’™ #winged wolvesπŸΊπŸ¦… ~ Me/Keigo
πŸ’™ #hell hounds🐺πŸ”₯~ Me/Dabi
πŸ’™ #flying devil dogsπŸΊπŸ¦…πŸ”₯ ~ Me/Keigo/Dabi
πŸ’™ #honorable outlaws🐺🦌 ~ Me/Arthur
πŸ’™ #wolves mate for lifeπŸΊπŸ’— ~ All my F/Os
πŸ’™ #packmates ~ my friends/my friends' s/is
πŸ’™ #packmates' relations ~ my friends' ships
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