#.aventurine.yinyue tag
lunaetis · 8 months
@apocryphis asked :
" ... what would it take to convince you to show me?" aventurine asks, gleaming eyes attentively observing delicate features where nothing but utmost honesty ever seems to shine (how does she survive like this, he wonders, before remembering that honesty is always best served when one has an uncanny talent for differentiating truth from lies). "this ability of yours you mentioned. i'd never heard of anything like it before - i'm afraid i'm getting terribly curious." about this ability, about her (this might become a problem. he files it under his list of potential issues to keep an eye on). gloved fingers reach, and twine around a lock of raven hair, a pensive hum resonating in his chest. "and i have yet to decide if that is a good thing or not."
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  the ROVER didn't personally go out of her way to keep her ability a secret. perhaps, if it had been normal circumstances, she wouldn't be averse to have anyone witness that she was the vessel of sound and how much she was able to take in subject of absorbing the echoes left behind. however, the current circumstances she had found herself in was the furthest away from normal, if she would describe it personally. that was probably why she even had to consider keeping it a secret despite how she normally would not. and to him, of all people ? she could hear a certain lady telling her to say never. ( oh, how topaz would be so disappointed that she even consider telling him if she knew. )
                his question was warranted. yinyue lifted her head, AUREATE meeting his unique colored hues as she blinked up at him. his curiosity shone brightly within those eyes, laced within each syllable he had uttered. a quiet blink as she STARED, allowing the wave of his voice to weave through the air. the rover had begun to get used to his wavelength, noting how she was able to discern the characteristic of his voice from others even among the unfiltered noises.
                was it due to the fact that he had thrown many challenges her way in regards to what truth and lies she could tell apart ? the DECEPTIVE TRUTH and honest lies she humored him and this curiosity of his. the focus that shifted to the POWER she had lying underneath her veins. the golden energy hummed quietly as she kept her gaze locked to his. no traces of lies, this time. it wasn't even half-truth. he was being honest. she didn't flinch away as his hand reached out to play with her dark locks. her head canted slightly.
                " you're not sure if it's a good thing or not ? do you mean my ability or the fact that you're curious about it ? " perhaps both, but she wasn't too pressed to know the ANSWER to that question. curiosity was, after all, a double-edged sword, but given his personality and his penchant for TAKING RISKS, she couldn't really blame him. back to his original inquiry, and yinyue actually took a moment to ponder it. she made no effort to HIDE the fact that she was considering what would be a good compensation to it. the true extent of being a VESSEL OF SOUND was still unknown, but there were areas she could potentially show him. she knew he had seen her absorb a small echo before, and her brief mention of the term vessel of sound must've piqued his interest. after a moment of silence, she finally spoke.
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                " tell me something about you. " the words hung in the air for a moment longer, before she intercepted his train of thoughts. " before you say anything — no, i do not mean a secret that would be considered useful in a transaction or business sense, nor a kind of information that is useful during negotiation. " she knew how his mind works when it comes to measurement of value or the PRICE of things. lies, leverages, advantages, manipulations, they were all fair games in his mind. that wasn't what she wanted, however.
                " i know you deem an information or a secret to be valuable depending on what you could get out of it. but those type of secret would be worthless to me as i don't plan to use it against you. " which she didn't. what he viewed as priceless to him could be worth nothing to her. amber orbs were kept locked to his dual-colored hues all throughout her explanation. she said it so matter-of-factly like she was speaking about something so obvious. as usual, no hint of lies. she had no reasons to, after all. why would she plan to use anything against him ?
                " i don't need a leverage on you, i want one truth about you that'd be useless in deal striking but useful if i want to know about the person i'm looking at. " she was going to give him a secret that could very well be used against her, while requesting something that could not be used against him. one would deem her mad. naïve, perhaps ? but that wasn't it. that was indeed something she considered valuable. a truth about a person.
                " how about a memory ? " as someone who was searching for her own memory, a piece of his would be a treasure while being utterly useless for business. so he had nothing to worry about.
                " it's a fair trade, don't you think ? "
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