eresia-catara · 6 months
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obsessed with the slutty slutty clothes the man at the center is wearing.
why that bare back with jewels? so that other men can caress it? and those cuffs with no sleeves? so that they can pull you in?
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Petronius, in his dying letter to Nero:
"[...] Do not suppose, I pray, that I am offended because thou didst kill thy mother, thy wife, and thy brother; that thou didst burn Eome and send to Erebus all the honest men in thy dominions. No, grandson of Chronos. Death is the inheritance of man; from thee other deeds could not have been expected. But to destroy one's ear for whole years with thy poetry, to see thy belly of a Domitius on slim legs whirled about in a Pyrrhic dance; to hear thy music, thy declamation, thy doggerel verses, wretched poet of the suburbs, — is a thing surpassing my power, and it has roused in me the wish to die. Eome stuffs its ears when it hears thee; the world reviles thee. I can blush for thee no longer, and I have no wish to do so. The howls of Cerberus, though resembling thy music, will be less offensive to me, for I have never been the friend of Cerberus, and I need not be ashamed of his howling. Farewell, but make no music; commit murder, but write no verses; poison people, but dance not; be an incendiary, but play not on a cithara. This is the wish and the last friendly counsel sent thee by the — Arbiter Elegantiae."
— Henryk Sienkiewicz, Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero, 1895–96
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ballata · 2 months
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Heros inter arma elegantias colens - Eroe cultor di eleganza tra le armi⚔🌹
Lo spirito nobile ed eroico deve essere incarnato dall'individuo in grado di dominare sugli altri e ciò è possibile solo ed unicamente se riesce ad imprimere a se stesso una ferrea disciplina che, prima di tutto,concerne un educazione al bello.
Il segreto più profondo di Olimpia è racchiuso in quest’unica nota cristallina: lottare è un gioco, vivere è un gioco. Giovamenti e perdite non sono che distinzioni passeggere; ma il gioco pretende tutte le nostre forze, e la Sorte accetta, infine come posta, unicamente i nostri Cuori.
Raccontami per ordine le prove del suo Valore; non è agevole la Via che conduce agli Astri....
Queste non sono Olimpiadi ma una copia mal riuscita di "Giochi senza frontiere"....a buon intenditor...
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museofpangolins · 4 months
Influencer is out.
Arbiter elegantiae is in.
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girlcavalcanti · 1 year
salve arbiter elegantiae *kneels and kisses your hand*
*gets you up and kisses your hand back* I assume I'll see you again tonight at Nero's banquet
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artparks-sculpture · 2 years
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A sculpture titled 'Elegantia (Elegant Understated Bronze Horse statue)' by sculptor Marie Ackers. In a medium of Bronze and in an edition of /8.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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b.m. Beppe Modenese Minister of Elegance
Direzione artistica Luca Stoppini, Redazione Anna Albano, Giovanna Rocchi
Skira Editore,Milano 2003, 280 pagine, Rilegato, 28,3 x 23 cm, ISBN 978-88572-193-18  
euro 49,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Indiscusso protagonista della moda italiana degli ultimi cinquant'anni, grande organizzatore di eventi e, soprattutto, ambasciatore dello stile italiano in tutto il mondo, Beppe Modenese nel 1983 venne definito dal Women's Wear Daily "Italy's Prime Minister of Fashion", ovvero Primo ministro della moda italiana. A trent'anni dal prestigioso riconoscimento, un omaggio a questo moderno "arbiter elegantiae", presidente onorario della Camera Nazionale della Moda (l'ente che gestisce le più importanti rassegne del fashion system in Italia) attraverso un dettagliato racconto autobiografico dello stesso Modenese, le testimonianze delle persone che l'hanno conosciuto e hanno lavorato a stretto contatto con lui e una lunga galleria di immagini che lo ritraggono in vari momenti della sua vita pubblica e privata. Concepita e realizzata da Luca Stoppini, la monografia (che comprende i testi di Roberta Filippini, Giulia Crivelli, Franca Sozzani, Suzy Menkes, John Fairchild, Cesare Cunaccia, Roberta Filippini) ripercorre i contorni della straordinaria carriera di Modenese, i tanti raggiungimenti di un itinerario articolato sull'arco di vari decenni, che per gran parte corrisponde alla nascita, alla crescita e affermazione di quel clamoroso e diversificato fenomeno che è noto sotto il nome di Made in Italy.
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elegantialuxurysalon · 7 months
The best makeup artist in Rajouri Garden is available at Elegantia Unisex Salon. Elegantia's makeup artist promises the best groom makeup in Delhi.
Elegantia Unisex Salon is the best beauty salon in Rajouri Garden. It never lets its clients down and offers the best bridal and groom makeup. Elegantia Unisex Salon best makeup salon places a strong emphasis on exceptional customer service. Clients are treated with respect, warmth, and professionalism from the moment they make an appointment until they leave the salon.
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dacco1971 · 8 months
Appunti sull'indesiderabile eccellenza
Qualunque cosa che meriti di essere fatta, merita di essere fatta male! Chesterton era sempre esagerato e sicuramente faceva il verso all’altro Chester, -field, che elogia le cose che tutte meritano di essere fatte bene. 
Qui da noi, tutti aspirano a essere interpreti dell’eccellenza italiana. Quasi un titolo di cui insignirsi, che detesto progressivamente. Vogliamo dargli un perimetro, una connotazione? È qualcosa di lussuoso, ben rifinito, con uno stile un po’ retrò e un alto livello tecnologico. Fatto bene, ma non alla maniera dei tedeschi. Con più estro, un non so che che ha a che fare coi dettagli e supera la “mera” funzionalità. E a raccontarla così, è figo da matti…
Però quella parola… “eccellenza”, sua eccellenza, vostra signoria, eminenza… puzza di vecchio, di monarchico, nobiliare… non mi piace, non mi piace, non mi piace. Non racconta la bellezza, la cura, la passione che crea meraviglia, unicità, perfezione, scoperta e soprattutto arte. Racconta leadership, posizione, potere, preminenza. Racconta casta, cerchia ristretta, èlite. Non racconta l’Italia, ne racconta un pezzo piccolo, residuale, quello decadente e snobista. E sì, associato a Italia sul piano internazionale fa anche sorridere. Abbiamo conservato qualche mini leadership scelta fra gli scarti che ci sono stati concessi, siamo arbiter elegantiae di poche situazioni, buen retiro per ricchi stressati, attori di un’autenticità povera e di una passione poco responsabile. Conviene davvero pensare di potersi presentare come leader? Non ha più senso attivare relazioni, essere italiani, abitanti di un’immensa portaerei in mezzo al Mediterraneo, protagonisti sempre di incontri, miscugli, contaminazioni e civiltà?
Eccellenza ha in sé un ideale di conservazione, un che di statico, inamovibile. Decadente, al passato. Andare avanti è più bello e chi lo fa non è eccellente, non può accontentarsi di questo, di farsi un nome, di affermare uno stile. Ecco, dobbiamo smettere subito di lasciare questo come orizzonte, di aspirare a essere o a diventare una delle tante eccellenze italiane. È ora di mondo, è ora di scoperta, è ora di evoluzione e comunità… Identità.
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per1w1nkl3 · 9 months
hi i need everyone to know about this funky dude Petronius who lived in Rome some time during the first century ad.
Ok first off we don't really know much about him but we know (or presume) he wrote this satirical book called the satyricon which us basically gay porn with plot. The tags would go crazy on this one, but it does include an all male love triangle, an attempted foursome and this weird old poet the main couple meets on the road and who kinda just erupts into poetry fron time to time.
Also Petronius was called 'elegantiae arbiter' meaning like the master of elegance, and our lovely historian Tacitus tells us a little bit about his life and about his death. Apparently despite the name he was given, he was said to sleep during the day and to give himself over to the pleasures of life during the night. He also became friends with Nero and talked shit about everyone.
Now about his death, the thing was that in 65 ad there was a whole thing where a bunch of people tried to dethrone Nero because he was being a little bitch, but the emperor found out about the conspiracy and either killed everyone or made them kill themselves.
Technically Tacitus said Petronius wasnt an actual active participant in this conspiracy, but that someone else was jealous of him, either way he was made to kill himself. So what did he do since he was the master of elegance, he 'cut his veins then tied them back together' to slow down his death. He talked to his friends not about idk the meaning of life but about frivouls things, he offered gifts to a few servants and whippings to others. He then went to a banquet (still bleeding?? I dont know but the image of him going around and leaving behind a trail of blood like a fucking snail is quite funny to me), kept drinking and eating (also imagine other people who had no idea who this dude was seeing him crack jokes and getting drunk completely nonchalant aS HIS GODDAMN ARMS ARE BLEEDING)until finally he fell asleep, pretending to die of natural causes. In his testament he spilled all the tea about Nero's lovers and sexual preferences.
(side note- and this is very much not anything Tacitus wrote lmao- but wouldn't it be funny if he won the favor of the emperor because he fucked so good? so that he would know what Nero like in bed? in this headcanon the general who accused him is also in love with Nero, btw that's why he was so jealous)
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Best luxury unisex hair salon & makeup artist in Rajouri Garden, Delhi | Elegantia Luxury Salon
Elegantia Luxury Salon stands out for its exceptional experiences in beauty and wellness. Founded on authenticity, it has become a sought-after destination for top-tier services. Emerging from a shift from the tech world to the salon industry, our goal was to redefine customer care and prioritize satisfaction above all.
Our dedicated team, including 21 men and 4 women among 25 professionals, embodies our commitment. They excel not only in expertise but also in communication, etiquette, and empathy. Each staff member is meticulously chosen to meet our high standards. Our salon offers a curated range of the best products for clients' well-being.
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eresia-catara · 8 months
Not sure if it needs some touch ups still, but HERE HE IS, OUR ARBITER ELEGANTIAE
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inviting you into the Satyricon
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rausule · 1 year
Homerus quidem in formis quibus traditum fuerat.
Hellenisticae aetatis poeta praestantissimus, etiam theoricus, Callimachus. Inter 320/15 et 240 aCn vixit, ille Alexandrinus poeta fuit, qui plurimum in poesi Romana valuit. Auctor plurium operum, fautor poeticorum in formali elegantia fundatus est per assiduum laborem limae, saporem mythologiae et eruditionis, brevitatem operis ac pretiositatem electionum linguisticarum - sticorum et stylisticorum. Nam haec styli sermonis Callimaco in antipodis Homericorum est productionis, quae simplicitatis et elegantiae praeceptis non responderet quibus credidit. Apud Calli- varium epici poematis lucem vidit, definitum per diminutivum epos, epil- ticum breve, perquam exquisitum carmen, cum argumento erotico-mythologico, quod erat ex marginali, undeveloped mythologicum episodium. prior epica vel tragica productio.
Ad Homeri carminum structuram reditio occurrit apud Apollonium Rhodium, qui Argonautas brevitatis, et elegantiae ac lenitatis aetatis Callimachi principia fidelem composuit.
Narratio omnino linearis est. Apollonius in quatuor libris fabulam narrat de Jasone qui Colchos iturus est ad quaerendum vellus aureum. Colligit igitur optimos Graecos heroas et fabricat navem, primam in historia humana, cui nomen Argoa ponit, unde nomen Argo nauti. Auxilio Medeae, maga quae cum eo incidit, heros succedet. Duo Homeri poemata summat opus: in duobus primis libris Argonautarum iter ad Odysseam refert, heroica facta de expugnatione Aurei Velleris, in duobus sequentibus libris, originem in Iliade reperimus. Sub hac autem linearitate elaborata triangulatio temporalis iacet, in qua praeteriti fabulae, prae-tragoiae, secant. sentit ubi poeta vivit et futura vaticinia. Haec continuam perspectivae mutationem generat, in qua originalis temporis notio iter facit, ut miscetur historiae et fabulae. Connexio inter varios planorum temporalium inprimis obtinetur per aetiologiam, id est explicationem originum vel causarum (aitionem Graece causam significat). Sic superatur temporis notio Homerica ;
marginalis, OGOSOXIGE
Ulixes cantu Sirenum resistens, vas rubrum instar, saeculi V aCn, Londinii, Musei Britannici.
in Homeri codicibus erat tempus "absolutum" praeteritum, nullo possibili congressu cum praesenti immersum; in carmine autem Apollonii, omnis res praesentis iustificationem et explicationem invenit in historia mythica, praecise per artem etiologicam, et fabula continenter se transfert in praesens historicum. Integrum carmen, etiam ex parte spatii sibi concessae, est fabula amoris inter Iasonem et Medeam, in qua omnino Alexandrina eros conceptio emergit sicut passio humana eminenter, quae fabulas ad mensuras reducit. cotidianae vitae affectus et realitatis modum describit simulque eorum evolutionem psychologicam maxime attentam. In his omnibus sentimus praesentiam exemplorum non solum epicorum, sed etiam theatricorum pertinentium
Apollonii carmen ingentem vim habebit ad productionem latinam, inducens cogitationem suam de necessitudine inter fabulas et historiam, inter poeticam et vitam cotidianam, inter eruditionem et affectionum descriptionem. Praecipue studium erit studere quomodo elementum subiectivum, sicut fabula amatoria in suis psychologicis implicationibus, locum suum invenit in paginis narrationis natura sua obiectiva, qualis est epica.
Tabella concessa ab Publisher ad personalem usum Prof.ssa Orrú Maria Rosa - cod.fisc. RROMRS55L62E464F
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"I know, 0 Caesar, that thou art awaiting my arrival with impatience, that thy true heart of a friend is yearning day and night for me. I know that thou art ready to cover me with gifts, make me prefect of the pretorian guards, and command Tigellinus to be that which the gods made him, a mule-driver in those lands which thou didst inherit after poisoning Domitius. Pardon me, however, for I swear to thee by Hades, and by the shades of thy mother, thy wife, thy brother, and Seneca, that I cannot go to thee. Life is a great treasure. I have taken the most precious jewels from that treasure, but in life there are many things which I cannot endure any longer. Do not suppose, I pray, that I am offended because thou didst kill thy mother, thy wife, and thy brother; that thou didst burn Eome and send to Erebus all the honest men in thy dominions. No, grandson of Chronos. Death is the inheritance of man; from thee other deeds could not have been expected. But to destroy one's ear for whole years with thy poetry, to see thy belly of a Domitius on slim legs whirled about in a Pyrrhic dance; to hear thy music, thy declamation, thy doggerel verses, wretched poet of the suburbs, — is a thing surpassing my power, and it has roused in me the wish to die. Eome stuffs its ears when it hears thee; the world reviles thee. I can blush for thee no longer, and I have no wish to do so. The howls of Cerberus, though resembling thy music, will be less offensive to me, for I have never been the friend of Cerberus, and I need not be ashamed of his howling. Farewell, but make no music; commit murder, but write no verses; poison people, but dance not; be an incendiary, but play not on a cithara. This is the wish and the last friendly counsel sent thee by the — Arbiter Elegantiae."
— Henryk Sienkiewicz, Quo Vadis
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trojerucica-blr · 1 year
Ad litteram!
***Acta est FABULA:Asinus asinum fricat-p.s.Arbiter Elegantiae Simona Markovic
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Thucydides – Historiae de bello Peloponesiaco, II, 40
Φιλοκαλοῦμέν τε γὰρ μετ' εὐτελείας καὶ φιλοσοφοῦμεν ἄνευ μαλακίας· πλούτῳ τε ἔργου μᾶλλον καιρῷ ἢ λόγου κόμπῳ χρώμεθα, καὶ τὸ πένεσθαι οὐχ ὁμολογεῖν τινὶ αἰσχρόν, ἀλλὰ μὴ διαφεύγειν ἔργῳ αἴσχιον. ἔνι τε τοῖς αὐτοῖς οἰκείων ἅμα καὶ πολιτικῶν ἐπιμέλεια, καὶ ἑτέροις πρὸς ἔργα τετραμμένοις τὰ πολιτικὰ μὴ ἐνδεῶς γνῶναι· μόνοι γὰρ τόν τε μηδὲν τῶνδε μετέχοντα οὐκ ἀπράγμονα, ἀλλ' ἀχρεῖον νομίζομεν, καὶ οἱ αὐτοὶ ἤτοι κρίνομέν γε ἢ ἐνθυμούμεθα ὀρθῶς τὰ πράγματα, [...] κράτιστοι δ' ἂν τὴν ψυχὴν δικαίως κριθεῖεν οἱ τά τε δεινὰ καὶ ἡδέα σαφέστατα γιγνώσκοντες καὶ διὰ ταῦτα μὴ ἀποτρεπόμενοι ἐκ τῶν κινδύνων.
[LAT] Nam elegantiae quidem studemus; sed cum frugalitate, et sine luxu: et philosophamur, sed sine mollitie. Et ubi fert occasio, actionum divitias potius expromimus, quam inanem verborum jactationem. Neque turpe cuiquam est suam paupertatem fateri: sed turpe est, non conari eam re ipsa vitare. Et in iisdem hominibus simul et privatarum, et publicarum rerum cura inest. Quinetiam aliis, qui opificiis dant operam, hoc adest, ut administrent, rebus publicis non inferiores. Nos enim soli eum, qui rerum istarum nullam habet notitiam, non otiosum, sed inutilem esse dicimus. Iidem etiam ubi de rebus publicis agitur, aut recte judicamus aliorum sententias, aut ipsi met utilia mente agitamus: non existimantes orationem rebus nocere; sed potius orationem non prius doceri, quam ad res, quae sunt gerendae, exsequendas accedas, detrimento esse ducentes. […] Illi autem jure fortissimi sunt habendi, qui aspera et jucunda manifestissime cognoscunt, nec tamen propterea a periculis adeundis deterrentur.
[HIS] Amamos la belleza con sencillez y el saber sin relajación, y usamos nuestra riqueza como medio de acción más que como motivo de jactancia; y no es una vergüenza para nadie aceptar que es pobre, pues lo realmente vergonzoso es no tratar de salir de la pobreza con la acción. Una misma persona puede ocuparse de los asuntos privados y, al mismo tiempo, de los públicos, y los que están preferentemente dedicados a los negocios no por ello entienden deficientemente de política, pues somos los únicos que tomamos al que no participa en estas actividades por inútil, no por inactivo; nosotros mismos juzgamos y reflexionamos personalmente las cosas como corresponde. […] Es lo justo tener por mejores de espíritu a quienes, conociendo con toda claridad lo terrible y lo agradable, no dejan por ello de arrostrar los peligros.
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