#.fields of gold and sun ; sol.dier | strike-commander.
dimensionalspades · 11 months
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@chronal-anomaly said: "I was doing my duty. I was carrying out my orders." For 76 or SC if you're feeling spicy
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- duty || accepting -
. Off target were loaded words. They could mean anything. Running off to help a displaced civilian in the line of fire, or just ignoring the mission to go after personal goals- benign or malicious, "off target" was a kind way of saying "wrong". Jack didn't know if what she did was wrong, yet, hence why she was in his office. Much as he knew it could put people on the back foot when they were called there. Jack didn't intervene a lot of times, but...
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. "Your orders were to get civilians out of the area. You left the area you were meant to be working in and your comm was off for fifteen minutes." Nevermind that this was London, and that Null Sector were everywhere, that Lena's actions didn't impede the mission. But those were fifteen unaccounted for minutes. Was Jack all that concerned? Maybe somewhat, but Lena already proved herself to be an exemplary addition to the teams. But, higher ups didn't like that their special little 'project' had gone wandering and were breathing down his neck about it. And, in the end, Jack did need to know.
. "All I need to know is what you were doing in that time and why comms needed to be off."
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dimensionalspades · 11 months
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@aquicksojourn said: "I fear that I am becoming obsolete." [@aquicksojourn to Jack :D]
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- general || accepting -
. Jack scoffed immediately. The idea that Sojourn could ever be obsolete seemed insane. She was an exemplary captain, a good friend, and a sharp mind. None of those seemed to really become obsolete- at least, to the right people.
. "You?" He asked as he sat back. His arms crossed, brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't think that'll ever happen, honestly."
. Maybe she was referring to her cybernetics. That was different, he supposed- a reasonable anxiety. The speed at which technology of all kinds evolved, the uses for said technology changing with that evolution...?
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. "The technology supplements you, you don't supplement the technology. You could still get things done with those old immovable prosthetics. Besides, only big thing your cybernetics help with in Overwatch is missions. I'm sure a lot of people would be equally happy to have you around headquarters more, but I don't see that happening anytime soon unless you want it to. Could sure use your help with the paperwork." He grinned, knowing the answer to that one.
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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. "Hey, can you hear me, Chase?" Jack asked, looking at her face, then peering over the half wall he'd pulled her behind. There was a squadron of omnics on the other side, all searching for the pair- though, as promised, a distraction took most of them away.
. He helped her stay sitting upright, moving her railgun to sit near her just in case she wanted or needed it.
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. "You took a pretty nasty hit from some shrapnel, that unit took us by surprise. Backup's keeping them off our tail for now, but we're stuck here for the time being." He began to catalogue her injuries, careful of moving anything beyond what was necessary. His pack had some biotics, but the rest he'd have to get taken care of by hand. "I can patch you up, just isn't gonna look perfect. Luckily for you, I've memorized a hundred or so stupid puns for just such a situation."
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@todoslosdiasdemivida said: "I'm in about as much trouble as I can be." [ for Jack from Gabe ]
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- outer worlds || accepting -
. He took a breath first. How exhausting, this job had been, how much he felt a monster in the past few months alone. Every decision he made, he doubted, every ally felt dubious. But, he assured himself, he still had Ana and Gabe.
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. "Somehow, I doubt that." He'd meant to say it with more charm and comedy, but his tone had been flat and tired, more accusatory than amicable. He folded his arms over his chest, ready for whatever Gabe was going to deliver. "Just tell me the basics. We'll go from there."
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
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When he sat, it was a heavy motion, scrubbing his face with his hands after he tugged his gloves off. Next was the cuff around his ear, eye blinking rapidly to adjust without the screen.
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"Hey, how about we swap?" He asked. "You take Strike-Commander, I take Blackwatch. If I have to listen to Petras wax faux-philosophical about how soldiers are 'more necessary' than doctors again, I'll puke." He finally flopped back in his seat. "Have you eaten lunch yet? I'm dying."
@todoslosdiasdemivida liked for a starter!
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@afraidofchange said: platonic smooch for Jack and Ana?
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- kisses! || accepting -
. Ana's saved his ass on a million occasions, and engaged in tomfoolery with him a million times, of course she gets a kiss. Jack drags her into a bear hug, drawing her into his big warm frame before he plants a kiss on her temple. But he let her go a moment later.
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. "Wanna get some lunch? I'm dyin'."
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
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@todoslosdiasdemivida said: “No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.” [ Gabe ]
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- pride & prejudice || accepting -
. "Aw, c'mon.." his elbow gently nudged Gabe's side, a capricious grin on his lips.
. The function was awful. Jack hated it, Ana hated it, Gabe hated it, even Reinhardt seemed to be at the limits of his patience when Jack caught his eye. He'd yet to see an agent that was enjoying themselves. It was meant to 'celebrate them'; acknowledge their feats of strength. But Jack knew it was mostly a way for some Overwatch investors to shake hands and be seen with their crafted heroes, impress others into funding the next venture.
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. "You don't want to go and dance to the world's most boring music?" Jack sipped his glass of champagne. It wasn't... great. At least not for how big this party was on the spending ledger Jack snuck a peak at. "Hey, tell you what," Jack downed the rest of his glass and handed the empty flute to Gabe. "You be taciturn here, I'm gonna go convince Ramona to dance with me so I can see "secret affair" in bold print blasted across four tabloids in the morning." He pushed off the wall and strolled away without a second thought.
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
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@deathsighs said: “what’s scary is, they knew our route. they were waiting for us.” ( jackjackjack )
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- shield || accepting -
. "They're good at that. Hey-" he commanded. Gabriel's arm was still across his shoulders, Jack bearing a majority of his weight. The cover they'd found was barely enough, but it would keep them hidden. He found a spot to set Gabe on the ground, back propped up against a toppled brick wall.
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. "We're safe, Ana. I'll get us out of here." She sounded dubious over the line, but her attention had to focus elsewhere, on the rest of the team. She reported she'd get them out, safe and sound. "I'll get Gabe and I back in one piece. Promise." The line cut, leaving them alone.
. "Focus, Gabe," he said, moving to be in the injured Captain's view. He took the man's head into his hands, forcing Gabe to look at him. "On me, not out there. I need you to stay awake." The pack that held medical supplies had survived the attack, but damage had been done, some of the materials cut and singed. He got to work finding the worst of Gabe's wounds, opening his vest to get at the injuries. "We're making it back, got it? Didn't make it through the SEP to die out here."
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dimensionalspades · 10 months
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@chronal-anomaly said: ❛  i'm too young to die!  ❜ Self assured, meant to be calming for SC Jack ( it isn't ).
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- avatar || accepting -
. There's a bit of amusement there, of course. She means it well, a mark of her confidence towards the mission ahead. But, then, he knows better. No one is too young to die, and especially not someones who're putting their lives on the line against terrorists.
. But, he thinks, to mention that would be to spit on her bravado. It's a dangerous mission, and somberly killing her spirit before it even started couldn't help, even if the realist voice in the back of his head winces. His expression remains amused, grin set on his lips like it was carved in stone.
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. "Got luck and skill on your side, hard to beat either alone. When you get back we'll celebrate with hotpot."
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
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@agbarans said: "Strike Commander Morrison." Honeyed voice rumbled from broad chest, Akande's head tipped in a show of genuine respect at the visage of Overwatch's figurehead. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I trust that you and I will be able to do great things together, if you allow me your time. I feel we have much to discuss."
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. ㅤOne thing Jack had never quite adjusted to was the prevalence of formal functions that Overwatch was expected to attend. Investors and politicians had felt like a necessary evil in the beginning, now they just seemed evil. And Jack was still expected to shake hands and listen to them talk about stocks and humble concerns like they knew anything that went into Overwatch's functions. Listening to vapid self-labeled aristocrats hadn't been listen as a job function.
ㅤ. Hiding out on a veranda was one of the few little mercies. He could still hear the distant chatter and music, and the lights were still glaring behind him, but it was dulled.
. ㅤAt the sound of his title, he stifled a sigh and put on one of his placid smiles, turning around.
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ㅤ. He stared a moment, caught off-guard by the man's good looks. But he caught himself belatedly, clearing his throat and offering a hand for a handshake.
. ㅤ"Pleasure's all mine. I- uh, didn't catch your name?"
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
Soldiers ARE more important that doctors, Strike Commander. This is a war we've been fighting and we'll continue to fight it. With soldiers.
- unprompted || accepting -
"The fight is over right now. The only thing I'm interested in fighting is the fallout of a worldwide crisis. Do you have any clue how many people were displaced? People left hungry? Homes destroyed? That's what I'm concerned about. Soldiers are helpful, but scientists and doctors are the ones Overwatch needs right now."
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"Who are you warring with, anyways? Orphans? The dead? I didn't accept this position just to go out and find an enemy to piss off when I could be doing something better with my time."
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
TAG DROP: Soldier: 76
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