#.you had so much potential ; sol.dier | canon.
dimensionalspades · 2 years
Canon Corrective: Soldier: 76
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This is mostly regarding in-game interactions I've seen. It won't really cover all of them, just mostly the themes.
First of all, Jack does not begrudge anyone for what they did post Overwatch, save joining Talon or something. Jack doesn't have any true gripes with what people do. He'll question smth like Helix because he doesn't particularly like them, but otherwise, do what you wanna.
In general, Jack is not bothered about what the new Overwatch is doing or who joins. As far as he's concerned, his time with Overwatch is over and Winston, Tracer, Cassidy, Pharah, etc are doing just fine on their own. He'll go back and forth with Ana about their decision-making and he keeps tabs on them, but that's just mostly concerns about them and their safety.
The main verse on this blog will remain canon compliant with Jack being unconnected to the new Overwatch. However, he occasionally shows up and aids on missions if he and Overwatch are in the same area, but aside from personal 1-on-1 verses, Jack steers clear of Overwatch. Additionally, his identity remains a secret; please talk to me first if you'd like to have your character know his identity.
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
TAG DROP: Soldier: 76
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