followmybones · 3 years
Obey me pirate AU
This idea was done in association with @godlyaffection if you're a male reader, you should totally go check out this post he made about pirate Lucifer
MC is mentioned, nothing about them is specified
includes all characters and minor spoilers about some characters (i don't think there's any spoilers for the main story)
This post is a little messier than what I usually post, sorry, I hope you all like it! It's super messy but I'm so in love with this idea.
would be the captain of the ship- and I know what you’re probably thinking “but what about Diavolo?” just wait before you yell at me.
The brothers were royalty before being exiled because of their stance during a religious war. Years later they find themselves becoming pirates, and Lucifer becomes their captain.
Typically makes the decisions (often influenced by Diavolo) and then distributes orders, oversees everyone's work, and tries to minimize the amount of fighting between his brothers.
He oversees the antics of his brothers and tries to keep them all on the same page.
Sometimes Diavolo and Barbatos will clean Lucifer up and take him with them on Diavolo’s official business saying Lucifer is head of his personal navy, no one questions it because there are too many fake stories out there to know what the brothers really look like (read Asmodeus’s last hc to understand why this also passes).
would find their new jobs and journeys, he wouldn’t have a “specific” or traditional job, he’s in charge of finding ways to buy/find food and all the necessities.
He’s the one who catches wind of treasure and then tells Lucifer and his brothers about it, he's greedy so of course he's going to want to find as much treasure as possible, you know what I mean?
Can and will magically come across a treasures map, it’s happened multiple times, don't be surprised when it happens again
Probably in charge of keeping track of which kingdoms and territories the boys are HEAVILY wanted in.
Leaves the boat most often out of all the brothers, but also gets in the most trouble.
Would be a pilot’s mate, he would help satan, and technically works under Satan
In this world, Leviathan wouldn't necessarily have something to obsess over, but considering how many references his character makes and has to the ocean, I think his interest in the ocean would really shine here.
Loved the ocean as a kid and wanted to be a sailor so he learned a lot about the ocean, sailing, and a little bit of map reading.
Is the best at reading the sea, he makes all the decisions on if the waters are safe enough and whatnot.
Leviathan views his relationship with satan as a student/teacher dynamic while satan views them as equals who just have different skillsets and strengths.
is the pilot and navigator, he kept the daily log, ensured they stayed on course, and oversaw the actions of Leviathan.
He happened to be the most educated of the bothers and took the reins when it came to research and navigation, it would probably be something that he was interested in
Probably trades and bargains for books he has yet to read. Definitely has tricked his brothers into going on a treasure hunt that was actually just an endeavor to find a rare book satan wanted to read (Lucifer made satan sell the book after he wrote himself a copy and read the book)
Probably has a personal journal where he talks about the events that happen on the boat that don’t make it into the logs (all the antics of the brothers and others on the ship).
Is the least likely out of all the brothers to be turned in into the authorities, he’ll never be turned in by any common folk and most nobles, he charms most people he meets, they know him as a seeker of knowledge, and not the 'bad pirate' sailors portray him as.
Would be the Boatswain, prettyboy doesn’t mind positions of power and I think he’d be good at keeping the boat up to par.
Asmodeus likes taking care of himself and his things, the ship he lives on would not be any different, thus the brothers decided he would be responsible for the ship.
Asmodeus will yell at his brothers if he feels they did a poor job on maintenance, and to be fair, he does make them do a lot more maintenance than what's necessary.
Came up with his own organizing system, and refuses to teach it to any of the other brothers. But he swears it’d make sense if they would just try to understand it.
When the ship is docked, and Asmodeus gets bored, he'll go sit in taverns telling tales of him and his brothers that are entirely fabricated and false, even the way he described his brothers are completely off base. Everyone believes him though, he says he was once a hostage on a ship, and he didn't sound like the men he described in his stories, or any of the pirates they've been told about.
Would be the Master at Arms, he’s a strong boy, he wouldn’t like killing, but he’d still be the best fighter on the ship.
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory, Beelzebub would be the one who trained the most physically before pirate life, so he would be in charge of training new crew members, and he would lead boarding parties.
He tries to train with all his brothers so he can feel confident that they can protect themselves. Probably tries to work with Leviathan the most.
Beelzebub is usually in charge of captives and low-profile hostages, he’s least likely to let them go or be bribed.
Does a lot of the (literal) heavy lifting on the boat. A cannon needs to be moved? He’s got it. A barrel filled with pickled vegetables? He’s got it, just don’t leave him alone with it for too long!
Wouldn’t really have a job, he would just help wherever, if he wasn’t asleep anyway, and because this feels lazy to say, I decided to write extra headcanons to explain what I mean
I can't really imagine him having a very physical job, he'd help where ever obviously, but he'd mostly be sleeping and just hanging around Beelzebub while he did both of their workloads.
At nights Leviathan navigates and Belphegor will stay on deck to help, Belphegor likes astronomy and knows how to navigate using the stars. He’d probably help Satan on occasion as well.
He helps Asmodeus keep things organized, especially the food, he doesn’t know specifically how Asmodeus’s origination system works, but he knows where everything is kept.
Despite usually sleeping, he’s the second-best fighter on the ship, he lacks technic, but he does a lot of damage.
Belphegor probably takes care of the sick and takes over the jobs of the sick, he can manage any job he’s given, but typically doesn’t work.
He’s the least known brother, not to say he’s not to fear the other brothers just happen to have more presence with people, not that he particularly minds.
Probably works with Satan on fighting and attacking strategies, Beelzebub may be the best fighter, but he’s not the best with strategies and Belphegor makes up for that.
would be a prince who lowkey blackmailed Lucifer into letting him and his personal servant join in on their adventures.
Is absolutely fascinated with the life the brothers have and wants to observe it.
Has saved the brothers from being arrested countless times and has pretended they were his prisoners to keep them out of trouble
Still keeps up his royal appearance, despite traveling with wanted pirates, it's his duty as a prince with foreign relationships.
Takes an interest in learning everything he can about literally everything, was insistent that the brothers teach him to do some of the physical labor they do.
would be Diavolo servant (not much different from canon).
Was a pirate when he was younger but Diavolo only found out after they started traveling with the brothers.
Probably a trained fighter, his techniques have been built from his time as a pirate as well as training Diavolo’s father put him through
Sometimes teaches Luke fighting techniques so that he could protect himself.
Rarely sleeps, and it absolutely terrifies Mammon because he will see Barbatos awake on deck in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason.
is the prince/princess the brothers kidnapped as a hostage only to get along with them and invited them to join their crew as their quartermaster.
The boys came across MC's royal ship when a royal naval ship attacked them. They ended up taking you hostage because they hoped they might be able to negotiate for some gold, and Lucifer really didn’t want your kingdom coming after him for killing royalty.
Diavolo also was very curious to get to know MC, as their kingdoms didn’t often associate or negotiate with each other. He wanted to strengthen the bonds to extend trade between the two kingdoms if it was possible.
Everyone ended up getting along really well with MC, and MC ended up liking them and their adventures and proved to be really helpful around the ship, so they invited MC to join their adventures.
MC ends up having a way with everyone on the ship, which encourages Lucifer to give them the position of quartermaster, he believes you are the best fit for the job, and it's been ages since someone sensible stepped onto the ship.
is an alchemist who somehow bargained his way onto the ship (only he and Diavolo know).
He tried bargaining with Lucifer originally, only to realize the person with the most influence was actually Diavolo and managed to bargain his way onto the ship.
Does tasks and favors for Diavolo fairly often, and no one is sure if it’s out of mutual interest or because it was a part of the terms of their negotiation.
He practices alchemy (seems obvious, but originally I wrote him as a traveler), and on occasion, Lucifer bans alchemy on the boat, and then later unbans it because Diavolo wants him to do some alchemy thing for him.
Sometimes randomly disappears for days without saying anything about where he’s going or how he’s going (he just… disappears???).
Is a writer who wishes to observe the truth behind the pirate's way of life, so that he can write about their history and stories.
This is just a nod at a Simeon being a writer, and I felt like it really fits the narrative in the AU
Comes from the same kingdom the brothers were originally from, works as a scribe and writer back home (hopes to write about them for his next collection of works).
The descriptions of pirates and the brothers in the kingdoms are absolutely awful and he was curious to see if the rumors were true.
He hopes he’ll be able to write a book that shows the truth of the life the brothers and pirates lead.
would be an apprentice of Simeon and works under the scribes of the kingdom
In the canon story, Luke is a cherub, and I feel like all the cherubs would be apprentices who work under someone who works within the official government of the Celestial Kingdom.
Luke was an orphan taken in by the scribes of the celestial kingdom, who now travels with Simeon as a sort of apprentice.
The scribes educated and taught Luke many different things, which helped him and Simeon prove his worth to the brothers. (They really didn't want a kid on the ship, especially one who thought they couldn't be kind and civil in their personal lives, just because they were pirates.)
Times on the boat could get very boring, and Luke would help pass the time by playing music for everyone or sometimes reciting poetry and stories.
(some of the historical things don't line up so please ignore that if you notice it)
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