#0 points for guessing how fast i gave up on detailing her armor
timeyartsandstuff · 4 years
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     Turns out I really have a weakness for cartoonishly cheesy over-the-top supervillains who got lost on their way to the comic book genre. So here, have a Scarlet Briar doodle because goddamn did this outrageously extra menace have a lot of missed potential.
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nanami314 · 7 years
My thoughts on Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
**SPOILERS FOR FATE/STAY NIGHT: UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS** (and some quite major spoilers for Fate/Zero as well)
Fate/Zero was great. The animation was great, the soundtrack was great, the fights were insane. Everything was great. Then, UBW comes in, and blows it out of the water.
I definitely preferred Unlimited Blade Works to Zero by a long shot. Everything that was good in Zero, UBW did better. Even better fights. An even better story. To an extent, even better characters (though certainly not all, there's not many that'll beat Kerry). I liked Zero. I loved UBW. Though, to really explain why, there's gonna be quite a difference between this and my Zero post.
This is the second one out of the series that I watched, so I have something to compare to now, as well as there's not a definitive set of Masters and Servants thanks to Kirei's meddling and Caster summoning a servant of her own. As such, I'm going to compare the Servants by class, as well as talking about all of the Masters as a whole, and then a few in particular. After that, I'm gonna talk about the entire story as a whole, as well discussing the two key characters: Archer and Shirou.
Servant Comparisons
There really isn't going to be a set order for this, however I want to go over Saber last, given how she's the same character from Zero. I'm also gonna go over Gil as well, because he has his own role in the story, too. With that said, let's get going.
Caster: Princess Medea I'm starting off with an interesting one. Caster in Zero was crazy, and wasn't really that great of a villain. Though, the fight with his monster was quite good. Medea on the other hand, is flat out evil, which makes her a much better character. I thought Kirei was made out to be hate-able, but Medea was on another level entirely. Not to mention they gave her one of the most tragic backstories in the history of Fate. UBW Caster was the main antagonist of the first season, and went well into the second season as well, and in my opinion, she did a much better job than Zero Caster ever could. Let me just tell you some of the things Medea did over the course of the series. She: ⦁ Drained multiple at the school just to resupply herself with mana ⦁ Did the same thing at the temple she's residing in ⦁ Dragged Shirou to her temple while he was sleeping just to attempt to strip him of his command seals ⦁ Later on, actually did manage to take Shirou's command seals, thus taking control of Saber. ⦁ In order to enact the above point, kidnapped and held hostage one of Shirou's best friends ⦁ Bound Saber because she refused to serve her ⦁ Summoned a Servant of her own, Assassin, as a Servant herself. If this woman isn't just plain evil, I don't know what is. I don't think I can do her evil deeds justice even with the points above. The good thing about it was that this in turn made her a great villain throughout the time she was the main one, and an overall much better character than Gilles.
UBW: 1 Zero: 0
Assassin: Koujirou Sasaki Much like Caster, UBW's Assassin is so much better than Zero's Assassin. He didn't appear all that much, and his only real purpose was to guard the temple under Caster's orders. However, he was certainly an interesting character despite this. For one, his real identity is that of a famous Japanese swordsman, one that's consider the best in the world. I'm inclined to believe that, given that his Noble Phantasm allows him to perform three strikes at the exact same time with three different swings. He could slash three different ways and all would hit his target at the same time. But get this. The truth is that he doesn't really have a Noble Phantasm, and he can do that based on pure skill alone. Combine that with the fact that Assassin is only taking that famous swordsman's name, and it makes for quite the interesting character. Not to mention, his fights with Saber were about as enjoyable as her fights with Lancer from Zero. Hassan had nothing interesting about him except for a cool design. Koujirou has that and a whole lot more.
UBW: 2 Zero: 0
Rider: I don't even know Unfortunately, not all of UBW's servants could be as interesting as Assassin and Caster. For example, this Rider really got the short end of the stick. When I first saw her, I honestly thought she was gonna turn out to be Assassin based on how she looked. But then Assassin got revealed, and by process of elimination she had to be Rider, which makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm sure there's some reason she was summoned as a Rider class, but whatever it is, we don't see it here. UBW didn't even reveal her name. She dies very early on, like the episode or two after you first see her. Though, I've heard she plays a much bigger role in the other routes of Stay Night, and she's quite popular, so I'm just going to chalk this up to her just getting shafted in this route. If I were to ever talk about the upcoming Heaven's Feel movies, I may come back to her. But for now, in this route only, she's not that good, and given that Zero's Rider is one of the best Fate characters ever, well, yeah.
UBW: 2 Zero: 1
Archer: To be revealed later Okay, this is gonna be very short, because I'm going to be extensively going over him later on, so I'm going to say only one thing for the comparison's sake. UBW Archer > Gilgamesh. Fite me
UBW: 3 Zero: 1
I will take this opportunity, however, to go over Gil's role in UBW. I don't know how Fate did it, but they actually managed to make me like Gil. I think that maybe it's cause of the more background role he played up until the very end. Also, I was never a fan of his golden armor he sometimes wore in Zero, and was much more a fan of his causal wear in terms of appearance, and that's most if not all of what he wore in UBW. I mean, that black jacket looked really cool, not gonna lie. Also, Gil turned out to be the main antagonist of the last few episodes, after a certain other Archer and his shenanigans, but more on those later. One thing I think was improved on Gil from Zero to UBW was the fights he was in. His only good fights in Zero were his dogfight with Berserker, and his "fight" with Rider, which was really more of an amazing moment rather than an actual fight. Likewise, he had two really good fights in UBW. The first was with UBW's Berserker, which I've yet to talk about, but he actually almost beat Gil. If he hadn't -removed cause spoiler until I go over Berserker, then he might've had a chance to win. Against Gil. That doesn't happen often. And oddly enough, Gil is one of the two participating members of my favorite fight in the Fate series. However, I won't be revealing the details behind that fight until later, because it involves another character I've yet to talk about. Overall though, I actually liked this Gil. He's the same Gil he always was, but the focus on him this time was always on other things rather than how he is as a person, which I still don't like. Though, he did make the finale a whole lot better than it would've been otherwise, and I quite enjoyed watching him and his fights in this one. Gotta give credit where it's due.
Lancer: Cu Chulainn If I had to pick an overall favorite Servant class based on the characters I've seen, then it'd have to be the Lancer class. I loved Zero's Lancer, and UBW's Lancer is just as good. When he first appeared near the beginning, I didn't think he'd even be close to the level that Diarmund was, but as the series went on, he actually became a really good character, particularly when he helped out Rin and Shirou in taking down Caster. He also participated in quite a few fights, including two really good ones against Archer, one as the first fight in the series, and one later on when going to take out Caster. It's be a hard to believe that I was rooting against him in that first fight, and rooting for him in the second one. I still don't think he's quite the same as Diarmund, but as a standalone character and Servant, I'd definitely say he's one of the better Servants of UBW. It sucks that his Master turned out to be none other than Kirei himself. From what I know though, which is information outside of UBW I believe, is that Lancer originally had a different Master. However, Kirei, being typical Kirei, did something to said Master I assume, and he took over himself, despite being the Judge of this war much like his father was the Judge of the last war. I think this War needs a Ruler Servant like Apocrypha had, just so Kirei can't cheat himself to the Grail. Come to think of it, he should've taken Caster instead. Those two together would've been practically guaranteed the Grail. But, back to Lancer, his death was one of the sadder ones in UBW. Guess it's just a thing for Lancers to commit suicide. However, his stab into himself somehow didn't kill him, and just as Kirei was closing in on Rin, who was tied up for reasons I'll explain later, Lancer got up, and stabbed Kirei from behind. He also did the same to Shinji, who was also there. Though, instead of stabbing him, he slightly poked him, and Shinji ran out of the room so fast. Lancer then cut Rin's ties, then set the place on fire as she escaped, just to be sure he got rid of Kirei. Lancer went from enemy, to teammate, to total bro. Much like what I said to Diarmund, rest in peace, Chulainn, rest in peace.
UBW: 3 Zero: 2
Berserker: Hercules Hey look, it's a Heroic Spirit that I actually know! Fate doesn't have too many of those, but here's one. And Berseker looks nothing like what I would've pictured Hercules to look like. Though, that's not going to stop him from destroying everything around him. This Berserker is the Servant of Illyasveil von Einzbern. Yes, THAT Illya. Iris's daughter. It's a classic example of a little girl and a giant beast, and boy is this guy a beast. His first fight was against Rin, who's a very capable mage herself, Archer, whose arrows did little to nothing to him, AND Saber, ALL AT ONCE. Not only that, but he practically dominated the entire fight. He's very agile for someone his size, and was very able to keep with all of Saber's swings, and strike back himself. I'd argue he's the single best physical fighter in Fate. Would've liked to see him go up against Koujirou. Oh, and it gets worse. His Noble Phantasm literally allows him to have 12 lives, thanks to the whole Hercules's 12 Labors legend and all. In other words, he's practically unstoppable. Not only that, but Illya herself is a spectacular mage. When Rin tried to go for her herself, she had quite a bit of trouble thanks to Illya's amazing familiars. Gee, I wonder who she got those from. Together, these two probably would've beaten anyone in their way. Anyone, except for Gil, of course. The fight between him and Gil that I've already mentioned is one of my favorite fights in UBW. Berserker actually almost won. If he hadn't spent time trying to protect Illya, instead of just fighting himself, he might've actually beat Gil. He was able to take sword after sword, and just kept going. Of course, one of Gil's trump cards, his chains, was eventually what did him in. Because those chains work better the more powerful the person inside them. Using them against a normal person, they're just normal chains. But using them against a demigod like Hercules, those chains were indestructible. And once Gil pulled those out, it was game over for Hercules. His death is all the more sad, too, because of Illya. Much like her Mother, she carries the Grail inside of her, and during the episode that showed her past (after the events of Zero), she witnessed the horror that was the other failed homunculi. Not to mention the bond she formed with Berserker. At first, she rejected him, but as she was being chased by a pack of wolves, Berseker jumped in to protect her. It was that moment that two forged a bond that wouldn't break, which makes both of their deaths all the more saddening. As a Servant, Berserker is in the middle of them all, but as a character and his relationship with Illya, he's definitely up there. I mean, he's been the single person closest to beating Gil. So far. That says a lot.
UBW: 4 (WINNER) Zero: 2
Okay, that covers all of the new Servants of UBW, aside from Archer, who I'm going over later. So, all that leaves, is Saber. If I had to pick, I believe I prefer UBW Saber to Zero Saber. A lot of that is because she actually had a positive relationship with her Master in this one, and thus, tended to be a lot happier in general. Though, there were some differences to her compared to Zero. First, 10 years have passes since the events of Fate/Zero. As such, Saber has been waiting 10 years for another chance at that Grail. When Kiritsugu told her to destroy the Grail in Zero, she never found out that the grail was corrupted. She disappeared immediately afterwards due to running out of mana. As such, she never saw the massive fire that it produced. So, she still believes the Grail is this holy wishing device, and she wants it now more than ever. She's waited 10 years, and she's determined to get it this time. Because of this, she tends to be a bit more aggressive in this one as far as the Grail War goes. However, that doesn't mean she's always that way. In a way, I believe she treats Shirou in a somewhat similar way to Irisviel, always wanting to protect him. She even wanted to follow him to school just in case he got attacked there. I'm honestly really glad for her that she actually was able to have a positive relationship with Shirou, especially after the way Kiritsugu treated her. Saber even became friends with Shirou's friends including Rin Tohsaka, who is also participating in the Holy Grail War, and actually becomes Saber's new Master once she's free from Caster. She also was nice enough to teach Shirou how to fight after he asked her to. I think the absence of Kiritsugu is a good thing for her. The two of them never got along well, and the only person she could really rely on was Irisviel. However, she's got a lot more people willing to help her, and again, she's a lot happier in general compared to Zero. As for the fights she was in, I would pick Zero over UBW. Yes, her fights with Lancer and Assassin were really good, as well as the fight with Archer.  There's also the Berserker fight, which is probably the best out of all those, but Saber herself isn't the only reason for that. In Zero, however, her fights with Lancer, especially that first one, were better than those (with the possible exception of the Berserker fight), and her fight with Zero's Berserker was a lot more meaningful in regards to her character than any other fight in both series. As a character, Saber definitely developed more in Zero than in UBW. That fight, along with Rider's talk, opened her eyes to what she must've done to her people when she was alive, and that really hit her. I think it's just my preference for Slice of Life that makes me like UBW more than Zero. UBW didn't really develop her that much as a character, but she was already developed from Zero, and as such she didn't really need to be. Still one of the best character's Fate has to offer. However, she's not my favorite character, nor is Kiritsugu. My favorite Fate character comes from UBW. Speaking of which...
I'm not going to go over all of the Masters and rank them like I did for Zero, but that's mostly because of the messed up situation that is UBW's Masters and Servants. Counting Caster as one, here are all of the Masters in UBW: ⦁ Emiya Shirou ⦁ Tohsaka Rin ⦁ Kotomine Kirei (again) ⦁ Matou Shinji ⦁ Kuzuki Souihirou ⦁ Caster ⦁ Illyasviel von Einzbern Only 4 of those were actually intended to be Masters. Kirei meddled with Lancer's Master and entered himself into the War. Caster is a Servant herself, and she used to have a different Master before breaking off from him and running into Kuzkui, who agreed to be her new Master. Most of the only notable ones to go over on this list are ones that I've already talked about (Kirei and Illya), or ones I'm going to talk about later (Shirou). Kuzuki really didn't do that much as a Master, Caster shouldn't be one in the first place, and Shinji's just Shinji (although I can't help but think of Araragi when he speaks XD). There is one left, however. She, along with Saber, were the only two characters I'd heard about before watching Fate, and seeing the kid version of her in Zero made me all the more excited to see the teen version of her in UBW. And considering she won the most recent Best Girl Contest on /r/anime, I knew I was in for a treat. Although, I didn't know how much of a treat until I actually saw her in the anime. I'm just gonna get straight to the point here.
Rin Tohsaka is my favorite character in the Fate Universe. Period.
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works revolves around the story of Emiya Shirou, a high school boy who was saved by a man during a massive fire, who would later go on to be adopted by said man. 10 years later, Shirou found himself thrust into the Holy Grail War, and he's the Main Character. However, the very first episode does not come from him. In fact, the second episode covers the very same days, instead from Shirou's perspective. That first episode is from the perspective of Rin Tohsaka. She is the daughter of Tokiomi from Zero, and inherited the Toshaka family's heritage, including the mage lineage, and the entrance into the Holy Grail War. We saw her briefly in Zero, including an entire episode revolved around her, and we saw there how hard she was trying at her mage studies. Now, 10 years later, she's become quite the powerful mage, and, though not quite on the same scale as her father, prepared herself for the War, down to the Servant she would summon. She wanted Saber, the most powerful Servant class. However, her summoning had one mistake: the time it was done She made she everything was perfect, but the clocks in her house were an hour off, and she wasn’t at her magic peak like she was planning to be. Thus, she ends up summoning Archer instead. She also goes to the same high school that Shirou goes to, and is friends with him. And apparently it's just in the Tohsaka family to make alliances in the Holy Grail War, because, after a few mishaps, Rin agrees to team up with him and Saber in order to take out Caster. All of that is Rin from a story point of view, and if that's all there was to her, then she wouldn't be quite at the top of my list as she is now. No no no, there's plenty more to go over. She isn't my favorite character because of how good of a Mage she is. She isn't my favorite character because of anything she does, or any fights she happens to be in. While there are multiple reasons, Rin is my favorite character for one main reason: Her personality. That all can be summed up with one word, one thing I already knew about her before watching Fate. To put it simply, Rin is a Tsundere. As if there aren't enough of those out there in anime already. Some are very popular. Some aren't so much. But, Rin didn't win that Best Girl Contest for no reason. There's a lot more to Rin than just calling her a Tsundere. She's more like the Tsundere. Being the Toradora fanboy I am, I always believed that Taiga Aisaka was the Tsundere Queen. Though, after seeing Rin, I'm starting to reconsider. She is the definitive Tsundere. Some tsunderes, like Taiga, are violent, and that bugs a lot of people. Rin is not. Some tsunderes are more tsun or more dere. Rin has a near perfect balance, going from attacking Shirou because they're technically opposing Masters and pretending their alliance is only until Caster is defeated and telling him she'll kill him once that's done, to never actually breaking that alliance and the fact that there are a few hints here and there that she actually does care about Shirou a lot, and won't actually go through with killing him. Even that time she attacked Shirou, she had the opportunity to finish the job, but she just couldn't do it. Sometimes she's more tsun, sometime's she's more dere. Not only that, but she develops as the story goes on, and in typical tsundere fashion, she begins to act more dere as the series goes on. Including in the final episode, the epilogue, where, while it's not explicitly mentioned, Rin and Shirou seem to be in a relationship. Not to mention the fact that whenever Shirou mentions his feelings for Rin throughout the series, she just becomes a mess of blushing. All of this leads to Rin being on of the best characters of Fate, and my personal favorite. She's great because of the story. She's great because of her personality. She's just great in general. She's not in my Top 5 of all time or anything, but there's no other character in Fate that I like more, than Rin Tohsaka.
Speaking of characters, I believe it is finally time. I've been mentioning it for a while now, but it's finally time to talk about what I believe are the two most important characters in Unlimited Blade Works, and possibly Fate in general. The main protagonist of UBW, Emiya Shirou, and Rin's Servant Archer. In Zero, if there was any one Servant whose identity was most a spoiler, it was Berserker. Here, it's Archer. And what made this twist all the more satisfying is that they practically threw it right in your face without you realizing it. Archer and Shirou have a lot of interactions, and were often compared, particularly by Rin. Archer even attacked Shirou once on the night that Caster had abducted him from his sleep. When practicing fighting with Saber, he naturally used Archer's fighting technique, and when he figured out his projection ability, he even made Archer's swords. There are so many hints everywhere that these two are very similar. That's because Archer is in fact, Shirou himself, but from the future.
I'd like to take the time to explain how Archer was summoned. First, the summoning system doesn't follow the laws of time. Most of the time The Grail does summon Heroic Spirits from the past, but it can also summon them from the future. Case in point, Archer. As for why Rin herself summoned him, the answer is simple. If no catalyst is used, the summoning process still isn't random. In some cases, it summons the Servant that best fits that Master's personality. However, if that Master has some sort of connection to a Heroic Spirit, then that one will be summoned. This is how Shirou got Saber, because Kiritsugu implanted Avalon in him before he died. As such, Shirou unknowingly had that connection to Saber, and she was summoned.  Since Archer is Shirou from the future, and him and Rin likely got together in the future, as seen in the epilogue episode, then obviously they'll have some sort of connection. However, there was in fact a catalyst: Rin's Pendant. Or rather, the copy of the pendant that Archer had, and picked up as Shirou when Rin saved him that first night. The time paradoxes are real. Anyway, with that catalyst, combined with Rin and Shirou's connection, she wouldn't have summoned any other Servant than Archer. 
The Shirou that became Archer followed his ideals of being a Hero of Justice, like his adopted father wanted to be. And like that Father, he came to realize that not everyone would be saved, no matter what he did. After he died, he became what was known as a Guardian. He's now bound to the afterlife forever, always trying, and failing, to help people. When Rin first summoned him, he couldn't remember who he was, likely due to Rin's summoning. However, once he saw Saber, he started to remember everything. I'm sure seeing his former self probably helped that as well. However, he kept his memory restoration from Rin, because Archer had a plan. A plan, to kill Shirou. He knew his ideals were a mistake, and he made a lot of mistakes later on in his life, and ultimately regretted the way he became. As such, he believed that by killing the current Shirou, that he would never live that life. After Caster is defeated, Archer becomes the temporary villain of the show. He had broken off with Rin to join Caster's side earlier on, in order to get to her from inside. As such, he no longer had a Master when she died. And Archer class Servants have an ability that allows them to live quite a while without a Master to supply them with mana. He was free to do what he wanted, and he went straight for Shirou once Caster died. After a heated fight between Archer and Saber, Shirou agreed to fight Archer at Illya's castle. Before he left though, he took Rin hostage, and tied her up at said castle so she couldn't escape.
Everything in the series up until that point led up to that fight. Archer and Shirou clearly didn't like each other much throughout the series, and now, they finally got the chance to fight, one on one, inside Archer's reality bubble: Unlimited Blade Works. A barren land with swords everywhere. I would daresay this might be the definitive fight of the Fate series. When the series started, Shirou could barely fight. He barely survived Lancer trying to kill him at his house. He gradually improved as the series went on, and now, he's fighting Archer. One on one, a fight to the death. Not only that, but this fight's got more meaning behind it than any Zero fight, probably more than all of them combined. The fight itself was also incredible. Both Archer and Shirou projecting sword after sword, blade after blade. There were a lot of close calls where Shirou almost died. The last of which Archer thought he did die, and Shirou surprise attacked him. Despite Shirou's lack of skill and experience compared to Archer, the two were evenly matched. In the end, Shirou won the fight. If you asked me what the best fight in the series is, I'd no doubt give it to this. An incredible fight to watch, and a ton of meaning behind it. Definitely the best fight in the entirety of the Fate series (at least what I've watched, including Apocrophya).
But it's not my favorite.
No, my favorite fight has yet to come.
I've already talked about Gil and the fact that he became the final antagonist, but I didn't quite go over how. After killing both Berserker and Illya, Gil literally ripped Illya's heart, the grail, right out of her. He knew what the grail was capable of, and wanted to use it to, get this, kill off all of the humans because they bored him. Yeah. Though, without a vessel, the grail was useless. This is why he shoved said heart into Shinji, which turned him into a Holy Grail abomination, right outside of the same temple Caster resided at earlier in the series. Rin, Saber, and Shirou all make preparations, and head to the temple to confront Gil, set on destroying the grail once and for all. Their plans get a bit sidetracked when they find that Assassin, Caster's Servant, was still at the temple. Saber was supposed to keep Gil busy up at the front while Rin and Shirou go retrieve Shinji, as without a vessel the Grail can't do a thing. Instead, they had to contend with Gil, with Saber being caught up front fighting Assassin. So, Rin goes to get Shinji, while Shirou stays behind to fight Gil. Yes, you read that right. Shirou, a regular person, was going to fight one on one against Gilgamesh. That sounds like a suicide mission on his part, right? I mean, with Gil's Gates of Babylon, he's unstoppable. Or so he thought. Using mana from Rin's family crest (which she transferred over to him before they got to the temple), Shirou was able to summon Unlimited Blade Works, the same reality bubble that Archer used before. This was the battlefield for the fight between Gil and Shirou, and also my favorite fight in the series.
Now Gil, having the gigantic ego that he does, doesn't believe Shirou to be a worthy opponent. Shirou though, knows better, and makes an example right from the start. Before Gil's first blades could even leave their portals, Shirou projected copies of them and sent them flying at the portals right out of the gate, stopping them in their tracks. Because you see, in this reality bubble, Shirou has access to an infinite amount of swords, and with his increased mana, is able to project as many copies as he wants. For every single sword that Gil fires from his portals, Shirou can fire back and more. As the battle goes on, Shirou is either blocking all of Gil's blades with his own swords in hand, or sending other swords through projection flying at them to stop them in midair. Shirou says it best himself. Against any other Servant, even this world wouldn't be enough. All of the fake blades that he has wouldn't be enough to beat someone who's mastered one. But against Gil, that's not the case. Gil has a variety of different swords, and isn't a warrior himself. Therefore, he doesn't really know how to use them. Shirou can project copies of all of Gil's swords and throw them right back at him. There are very few people in the Fate universe who even stand a small chance fighting Gil. Even Berseker, who is one of those people, eventually lost to him. But then there's Shirou, who is the only person able to beat him. As the fight picks up, Gil is starting to realize the situation he's in, and surrounds Shirou with portals. After the following explosion in that circle, Gil finds Shirou high in the air, with Rho Aias, the same shield that Archer used previously in the series, heading straight for him. Right as Gil was about to bring out his ultimate weapon, Shirou slashed his arm off before he had the chance to use it, thus, ending the fight, leaving Shirou the victor.
Besides the beyond incredible action and animation in the fight, as well as the amazing music, the one thing I love about this fight is the fact that Shirou wasn't guaranteed to win. If Gil had gone all out, using his ultimate weapon, Ea, from the very start, he could've won easily. But his ego was his downfall. He wouldn't even get that weapon out against Zero Caster's monster back in Zero because he didn't feel it worth him using Ea. He thought Shirou was nothing, and that there would be no need to use it. Even after Shirou started showing him that he could in fact win, he still wouldn't do it. He didn't even use his chains on Shirou, but honestly, that wouldn't have been enough. Ea could've stopped him, but to Shirou, those chains were like normal chains. Shirou could've easily projected a blade to slash them open. Instead of Shirou winning the fight, this was more Gil losing the fight. His huge ego got in the way of his fighting, and he severly underestimated Shirou's capabilities, and in the end was his downfall. A fitting end to him in my opinion.
And there we go. That is everything I want to say about the Fate series. I may come back to it at some point and make a post on Apocrypha, as well as the upcoming Heavens Feel movies, but we'll just have to see. In any case, that's not going to be for a while. I know I've barely posted anything on here at all, but that's going to change in the next few weeks. I've got big plans for the month of December, and once the new year starts, I'll be going over one of, if not the only 90+ episode series I've seen. I'm not sure where I'm going to go after that, but that's gonna leave me plenty of time to think. Until then, expect a preview of December sometime in the next week or two. My only hint is: Romance.
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