timeyartsandstuff · 7 months
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well, guess who lost control of my hands again and was compelled to scribble down designs for ANOTHER Deltarune AU? yeah. me. it doesn't really have a proper name yet so I've just been calling it Changeling AU for now, I'll figure that out later.
these would be the cast's dark world designs; they parallel early Deltarune concepts in which the lightners would turn into monsters in the dark world-- with a few medieval fantasy fae-flavored twists this time around. mortals become a variety of magical beasts in the fae's dark realm, with only 'Kris' strangely unaffected... aside from the hue shift and conspicuously pointed ears, that is.
the main 'Kris' of this AU isn't the only human in town. instead, they're ironically the only one in town who ISN'T human, though not even they know it yet. in reality they're a Changeling, a fae creature that was left as a 'gift' to replace a taken human child. they can do things, strange things. animals come to them in the night, and the cool touch of iron burns their skin. they're afraid of what they see in the mirror; human eyes don't gleam in the dark, and their teeth shouldn't be so sharp. so they hide their features, and they ignore the whispers of the townsfolk, and they keep their head down.
they made a mistake, a terrible one... and they need to set it right.
meanwhile, the human they replaced is still out there somewhere in the fae world, twisted by its curse into a cornered, desperate beast seeking any escape from the realm that has held them prisoner all their life. it's said that when the full moon casts deep shadows over the woods, you can still hear their anguished howls in the dark begging for the name that once was theirs. they can never leave the dark world without it. they'd do anything to get it back.
all they've ever really wanted was to find their way home.
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timeyartsandstuff · 7 months
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* (You get the distinct feeling this valentine wasn't really meant for you, but it's already too late to put it back.)
* (... Hopefully they're too busy with post-holiday chocolate sales to actually chew through your sleep schedule. It sounds like you'll find out soon.)
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timeyartsandstuff · 8 months
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* It appears that our new friend could use a bit of a nudge.
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timeyartsandstuff · 8 months
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Kris fears (almost) nothing and Skylar fears (almost) everything so it kinda balances out. but unfortunately they still make a terrible team and absolutely everyone hates it, especially them. being a Player was SO much easier when they were just pushing keys on a keyboard.
(why are they in a battle in the light world? dw about it)
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timeyartsandstuff · 8 months
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[Morning in another Hometown...]
Trouble has to sleep sometime. Yes, even when that 'trouble' is a teenage 'dog' monster in a town full of humans that have never quite figured out what to make of them. To most they're just that weird dog sometimes caught prowling around under the streetlights after dark, devious red eyes glittering with mischief left undone...
To the Dreemurrs, though? They're Kris, and they're family.
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timeyartsandstuff · 8 months
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"Not every window is a door, but most doors have windows." "Don't tap on the glass. You might not like what happens next."
this is Kris the Kriptid, an AU Kris Dreemurr that may or may not be trying to inspire their own creepypasta. they think they're the scariest glitch entity to ever appear on a player's screen-- but they also think that accidentally setting off the smoke detector by burning toast when they were 10 qualifies them as an arsonist, so take that with a grain of salt. don't be fooled; they are still Kris under all that edge.
here they're singing the refrain from Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon for some funky composition practice; it just felt right for this menace and may or may not hint a LITTLE at what sort of wacky game-breaking nonsense I've got up my sleeve with Jailbroken, shhh
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timeyartsandstuff · 8 months
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here's a few more Deltarune Monsterswap Kris doodles, and this time I'll toss a handful of related headcanons and tidbits below the cut!
- Kris's origins are unknown prior to Asriel finding them digging around in trash cans in front of the house when they were tiny; they seemed to have been living on their own for a while, eating anything they could get their paws on and avoiding strangers. they might not remember their time on the streets, but they still have a habit of eating weird things-- even when they're not really hungry. if you offer it to them they WILL eat it, that is both a promise and a threat.
- they initially didn't like to communicate outside of a variety of dog noises, and for the first couple years the Dreemurrs weren't actually sure if they could talk at all. they still tend to prefer growls, barks, and whines though, since many sounds used in everyday speech are a bit difficult for them to make and their paws lack the dexterity(and 1 finger) for some sign language. they can still talk though with a bit of effort, and may write out responses or spell in ASL if they're struggling too much with pronunciation. they struggle worse when frustrated or upset due to trying to speak through a growl.
- more of Kris's behaviors carry over from dogs and wolves than just their sounds and appearance; seeing if Susie's head can fit in their mouth once they're pals isn't just a goofy joke (though it's definitely a goofy joke on her part). it's actually their weird attempt at nibbling like a wolf-- a sign of affection and friendliness. nobody in Hometown actually knows enough about wolves to pick up on that, though, so they don't try it with anyone other than Susie since they know she won't panic. she just thinks it's the silliest thing ever.
- Kris is actually a monster loosely based on 'el cadejo,' a mythical dog spirit from Central America. whereas dark-furred cadejos are believed to be malevolent and dangerous beings, white-furred ones are seen as benevolent protectors and guides. their color palette swap between dark and light world references this; in the light world they have dark brown and tan fur with red eyes, but in the dark world they're white and silver-furred with blue eyes. notably, the dark cadejo is also associated with the devil-- paralleling Kris's devil horns they wore as a child. and likewise, their benevolent side is associated with angels, in line with the 'angel' that may or may not be the Player.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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May I offer a couple of HIKIKOMARI AU stickers to celebrate the New Year and Hero’s birthday? The first features Hero’s Dreamspace design, and the latter offers a bit of Heromari for the soul. I don’t draw softness very often, so enjoy it while it lasts! They can be happy for just this once, as a treat.
Happy New Year, folks!
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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HIKIKO MARI AU concept art; Abbi
Abbi, the wisest. An ancient merfolk oracle and a relic of a bygone era, she remembers the past that was meant to be forgotten. The answers she has aren’t the ones HIKIKO wants to hear.
Oh Mari, how many more times must we do this?
Sunny’s great creatures may be different in this world of living sketches and vibrant melody, but they are far from forgotten. Shadows remain of a world that far predates the Caretaker’s grand adventures– a world that was not crafted for her.
Abbi understands better than most that nothing is meant to last forever.
                                                                                  stock photo credit: [ x ]
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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> Are you ready to begin, HIKIKO?
Hey there Omori fandom! Have a little something I put together for an AU I’ve had in the works behind the scenes for a while; I’ve been calling it HIKIKO, and while it’s vaguely Omari-inspired, the overall story and characterization is quite a bit different.
Stay tuned. A new game is just about to begin.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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Did I need to make an Owl House AU of the Omori cast? No. Did I do it anyway? Of course I did. I’ve got a story I’ve been knocking around for it (which has a much more light-hearted tone than Omori does, better suited to Owl House basically) but we’ll see if I make anything proper for it.
In the meantime, I offer this; Mari as a member of the Emperor’s Coven, with a Mewo palisman and a magic piano that attaches into her staff. Specializing in Bardic and Illusionary magic with a dash of Abomination and Construction, Mari’s a master at keeping her opponents off-balance. In more recent times she’s been referred to as The Smiling Guard due to her eerily ‘cheerful’ mask, and has gained quite a reputation for her role in tracking down sources of wild magic... Only those closest to Mari understand her true motivations, though.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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Hey folks, guess who’s still trapped in Omori Hell. Yep it’s me.
Here, have a rough, experimental Mari doodle.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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      Omori is one heck of a game and definitely one I highly recommend if you can handle the content present in it. With that said, I now offer one (1) AU Mari because she’s very good and I love her dearly.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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I was on a roll doodling a bunch of Scarlets so y’know what? Here, one more for the road!
A fun little fanart feature of the AU Ceara from @brax-was-here‘s fanfic, Scarlet Briar: The Redemption of Ceara! Their take on her is very good, highly entertaining with just that right amount of punch to the soul-- and a very nice attention to detail, too.
No cannonballs allowed in this establishment.
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timeyartsandstuff · 3 years
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May I offer some Scarlets in these trying times? Top row are the canon designs, of course; Ceara and Scarlet Briar. Bottom row are a couple AU designs I put together; her appearance as a Mordrem hybrid from the end of Regrowth, and a headshot of a fully corrupted Champion of Mordremoth design I’ve been working on just for the heck of it.
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timeyartsandstuff · 4 years
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-- "Are you afraid?"
"You should be."
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timeyartsandstuff · 4 years
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It’s been too long since I doodled Reaper, so here, have another stab-happy Kris AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
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