#005 . bailey clarke / answers
lcstpaths · 5 years
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bailey clarke is here to Fuck Shit Up
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lcstpaths · 5 years
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@dreamsbuilt​ said: “i’m really proud of you.” (for Marco's canon confirmed son, Bailey)
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before he’d found the circus, bailey had always felt like an outcast. THE KIND OF BOY WHO’D HAD BIGGER DREAMS THAN BEING A SHEEP FARMER, even way back when he’d snuck into the circus after hours on a dare, and had met a redhead who’d seemed like she knew he was coming.     poppet was still calling him out for things before he did them, and despite the years, he hadn’t stopped being amazed by her ability to do it.     the night circus and everyone within it had become the family he’d always dreamed of having. 
a strawberry hue flushed over his cheeks at the older man’s words, head ducking down just a touch. PRAISE WAS STILL SOMETHING HE STRUGGLED TO ACCEPT. even after all this time. even with someone like marco in his life, whose presence encouraged him to do his best, in everything. “i’m just trying to do my best,” he said finally, voice quiet.     “it’s what i’ve always tried to do.”
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lcstpaths · 4 years
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@nightskied​ said: ‘ i’m thoughtful , and beautiful , and i sing the most wonderful songs about woodland creatures . ’ ( bonnie mccullough @ whoever resonates tbh ?? )
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“is that a simple way of saying you’re     MAGICAL?”     his head canted to the side as he looked at her, one of his eyebrows quirking up just a touch as he did. he was doing his best not to grin, but he couldn’t help the small laugh that soon followed.     “i don’t think i’ve ever really seen someone legitimately sing about woodland creatures.     makes me think of what that might be like. what makes that different from a cartoon.”
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