famousornotbuthot · 1 year
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
You always come and get me (Part 2)
Created: 22.07.2022
Finished: 05.08.2022
Edited: 25.09.2023
Age: 3
Word count: 3,083
Warnings: Guns, Blood, Death, Violence, Illness, Knives
Request: No
AU: Mafia
Part 1
*One week later*
Natasha sighed as she looked at the thermometer in her hand.
"What is it saying, Nat?" Clint, her best friend, asked concerned
"She has a fever." Natasha explained, turning her attention back to you "Don't worry, angel. Mama will take care of you and you'll be better in no time." She smiled before kissing your forehead
The soft contact of her lips with your forehead only made her frown deeper feeling how much you were burning up.
"Mama... Head hurts." You cried while you slightly shivered
"I know, baby. Mama has already given you something to make it better." Natasha stroked your head "Why don't you try and take a nap for Mama? I promise that when you'll wake up, you'll feel a lot better."
Your tiny body only had enough energy left to nod then you closed your eyes and instantly fell asleep.
Natasha looked at you with tears in her eyes.
She hates so much to see you in pain and not be able to take it all away in an instant. All she wants is for you to be healthy, happy, and safe.
"Mama will be here to take care of you, baby. I promise I won't leave your side." The woman whispered as she put a wet cloth on your forehead that Clint handed to her
She looked around to room and saw 3 of her most trusted men and close friends waiting for orders from her. Clint, Steve, and Bucky decided to stay up the entire night if needed to help your mama take care of you.
Clint approached Natasha and put his hand on her shoulder "Don't worry, Nat. She'll get better really quickly. Kids get sick all the time. Trust me. I have three." He smiled slightly and squeezed her shoulder as a way to reassure the concerned mother that everything would be okay
Natasha only nodded and looked back at you "I think she was so scared after everything that happened last week that she got sick. My poor little baby..."
"We won't let that happen again." Steve declared
"I hope so." She sighed "Thank you, Steve."
Steve nodded and took his place back next to Bucky, guarding the door.
About 15 minutes of silence later, a knock on the door was heard all across the room.
"Who's there?" Bucky asked in a deep and scary voice
"Stark..." Tony shouted with a bored voice from the other side of the door, the fact that he rolled his eyes at the same time as he answered was very evident even without seeing his face
Natasha nodded at Bucky and the man opened the door, allowing Tony to enter.
"What is so important that couldn't wait till my daughter was feeling better, Stark?" Natasha looked at Tony but remained seated on your bed next to you
Tony held up some files "I need you to sign some papers for me, Romanoff. No need to be like this."
Natasha took the files from Tony and started reading them before signing "And what am I like, Stark?" She asked absentmindedly while signing the papers
"Just so worried about your kid." Tony chuckled "We have important businesses and yet you let everything aside for a child. You have to focus on your work more. Why is she so important to you anyway?! You can always just go around and have more kids."
Natasha closed the file in her hand with a loud and scary bang, making Tony take a step backward as he realized that he accidentally just summoned the Devil itself.
"What did you just say, Stark?" Natasha spitted out as she got angrier and angrier with each passing second
"That you can always go around, have fun, and make another kid if this one dies." Tony was starting to lose confidence with every word he said "It's not like right now you know who's your baby's daddy. Really? Which one of them is?" He pointed in between Bucky and Steve "The guy with a metal arm or the guy that seems to never age but it's older than all of us?"
Natasha gestured for Clint to take her place as she put the files from her lap to her side and got up.
Clint happily complained and took your mother's place.
"Steve? James?" Natasha pointed her head towards Tony
In a blink of an eye, both Bucky and Steve were holding Tony in place, each by one arm.
"One, it's none of your business who is the father of my daughter. She doesn't need one." Natasha took out a knife from her back pocket and pointed it at Tony "And two, do you really want to know why this child is so important to me?"
Tony nodded scared, eyes fixed on the knife that was closely pointed to his neck.
Natasha looked him in the eyes "Then let me tell you a little story that happened a long time ago."
January 6, 1993
Natasha had just turned 8 years old a month ago and her life was as normal and happy as it could be.
Little Natasha was happy. She had two loving parents who provided her with everything she could need or wanted. She had a few friends and nothing could have prepared her for what was about to happen.
"Mama, where are we going?" Little Natasha asked her mother as she got inside their car
"We're going on a little trip, my love." Her mother smiled at her but the panic in her voice was evident "Papa had some problems at work and we need to move with him to another place for a short time but we'll come back."
Natasha nodded as she got comfortable in the backseat.
"Ivan, hurry up. I think I can see them." Her mother looked outside the window of the car with fear written all over her face
Ivan, her father, was quick in driving away and leading them as far as he could from their home.
He was a well-known doctor and scientist and before he married Natasha's mom, he worked for one of the most dangerous gangs there was. But he escaped, formed a family, and lived a normal life.
But now the people he worked for found him and wanted him dead.
"My dear Natalia, don't worry. We are just going to have a family vacation. There is nothing to worry about." Ivan reassured his daughter
But before Natasha had time to answer her dad, Ivan was forced to hit the brakes, and the only thing she remembers it's her being dragged out of the car while her mother screamed at someone to let her daughter go.
Natasha was thrown in the snow, in a small and dark alley.
Her mom was fast in helping Natasha up and hugging her tight "You're okay, my baby. We'll get out of this."
Natasha looked around them only to see armed men surrounding her and her parents.
"Ivan Romanova, our boss says 'hello'." One of the men stepped forward
He was a tall man, muscular and the big scar that went all across his face made little Natasha hide her face in her mom's chest.
"If your boss was so brave as he thinks he is, he would have been here. But instead, he's hiding like a coward and sent his monkeys to do the job." Ivan almost shouted, but deep inside, he was scared for his wife's and daughter's lives
"Don't worry, doctor. He'll be here in a few minutes. The snow it's responsible for his late arrival but he will be here." The same man as before explained
On cue, a long black car pulled up next to them on the road.
One of the men rushed and opened the door for another older man.
Natasha will never be able to ever forget his face. That face was going to haunt her nightmares for the rest of her life.
"General Dreykov." The scary man with the scar announced as he bowed in front of the other man
Dreykov was at that time not exactly an old man but he did look to be in his early 50s, his short dark brown hair was hard to be seen under all the grey hairs that were showing, the white snow and the darkness of the night. He was a short man indeed and little Natasha thought that even her mother was taller than that man that had a robust body construction.
Ah! And the glasses. Let's not forget the glasses.
The glasses had a black frame that matched the clothes he was wearing.
Natasha shivered, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or because of the look Dreykov gave her when he laid eyes on her.
"Doctor Romanova." Dreykov laughed "It's great to see you again. I see you had built a beautiful family in the time we were apart."
Dreykov looked at Natasha from head to toe with a smirk on his face then proceeded to do the same with her mom.
Natasha was pushed by her mother behind her so she wouldn't be in sight.
"It's okay, my little Natty." Her mom whispered as she stroked Natasha's long red hair with one hand "It will be okay."
"My wife and daughter have nothing to do with the problems that we have. Let them go!" Ivan firmly told Dreykov
"Oh, dear Ivan. For the smartest scientist there is, you're quite dumb." Dreykov laughed before his face turned emotionless "You really thought you could run away from me, start a new life, and have a family without any consequences? I'm going to make you pay through them."
"No!" Ivan shouted "They are innocent. My daughter, it's still very little and my wife had no idea I worked for you. I wasn't proud of my past as your main scientist who did all of the work for your sick experiments. You're crazy! And you're obsessed with girls. The little ones especially. This is an illness and you should go get help!"
Dreykov was not looking offended at all by Ivan's words. It was exactly the opposite. He found it funny.
"I came here to offer you a deal, Ivan. Come work for me again and your family lives." Dreykov proposed
"Never! You're a monster!" Ivan yelled
"Kill the girl." Dreykov pointed to Natasha
It all happened too fast for any of them to understand what was happening.
Natasha only remembers her mom's scream and a gunshot. Next thing she knows, her mother is lying on the ground with blood surrounding her and a hole in her chest.
Little Natasha dropped to her knees and took her mom's hand in hers.
"Mama..." Natasha cried with tears streaming down her face
"It's okay." The woman smiled weakly "My beloved Natalia. Always remember that Mama loves you so much. Keep being the same smart, brave, kind, and beautiful girl I know. Keep being yourself."
These were the last words Natasha ever heard from her mom before the life in the woman's eyes faded away and her eyes closed. Her chest settled and if there wouldn't have been blood all around her, anyone who would have seen the young mother lying there would have thought she was just sleeping.
Ivan let out a full pain scream and launched himself at Dreykov with his fists clenched in hopes of killing the man who took his wife away from him, only for him to be the one who was killed.
That was the end for Ivan.
He collapsed next to his wife with a bullet hole in his head.
Poor Natasha just looked at her parents' bodies lying in the snow, that was slowly turning red, and cried.
She was an orphan and alone in the world now.
"Don't worry, little one. You'll follow them very soon." The scary man with the scar explained as he took a knife out of his pocket and kept getting closer to her
Natasha doesn't remember for sure what happened after she heard his words.
The only thing she knows is that the world turned black for her.
"My mother was only 27 years old when they killed her." Natasha looked with tears in her eyes at Tony "After that they stabbed me and left me on that alley to die."
Natasha lifted her shirt only to reveal an ugly scar on her lower abdomen.
"Dreykov left that night thinking he had killed all of us but what he didn't know was that Nick rescued me. He took me to a hospital where I spent a whole month there recovering. He saved my life and then offered me a home and the opportunity to be what I am today." Natasha explained "Thanks to him and Clint, who had been my protector while I grew up. He is like my brother."
The room was silent. Only your little whimpers were heard from time to time but other than that, only silence.
"And you know why Y/N is so important to me, you ignorant piece of shit?" Natasha looked down at the scar on her abdomen as she gently traced it with her thumb then moved to touch the stretch marks that she so proudly wore "Because when I woke up from the surgery, the doctors told Nick I will never be able to conceive a baby thanks to how deep the stab wound was. It had permanently damaged my reproductive organs. I was officially declared infertile and unable to conceive and carry a child that could have been mine."
Tony opened his mouth to say something but Natasha beat him to it.
"Don't you fucking dare say a word till I'm done talking." She threatened and if looks could kill, Tony would have been long dead
Tony nodded and gulped.
"And, yes. I did have fun the night I conceived my daughter because I wanted to forget about the fact that I could never become a mother even if it was just for a short time. I started the night with my favorite drink: vodka. Then 2 bottles of vodka, one of whiskey, and one of wine later, I dragged to bed the first man who tried to help me get safely to my room and slept with him. I think your pigeon brain can understand now why we hadn't used protection." Natasha sighed relifed "And thank God, we didn't. Otherwise, my little miracle wouldn't have arrived in my life."
Natasha smiled as she mentioned you then put her poker face back on.
"I had to get a complete sterilization after her birth because the pregnancy with her had been extremely risky due to my health problems and it wasn't safe to keep those things inside of me anymore. I just care that my little angel is here in my arms right now. There's no other child for me than her." The woman put the knife back in her pocket "And if you wonder what happened to Dreykov, just know I sought revenge. I killed him and the rest of his gang. It didn't made the pain easier but it was something I had to do for my mama in the first place and then for my papa too."
Natasha turned around, picked the files up, and handed them to Tony "All signed up." She added with a smirk "Now get the fuck out of here before I make James and Steve make you regret you were born."
Tony nodded rapidly, any word he could say died on his tongue before coming out.
"Mama..." You mumbled in your sleep
That was it for Natasha. As if nothing happened she returned next to your side and started comforting you "Mama is here baby. Mama's here."
You slightly opened your eyes and forced a small smile for your mom.
Of course, she returned it.
"Papa..." You called out in Bucky's and Steve's direction
To Tony's surprise, none of the men answered to you but he knew Natasha wouldn't have allowed them to do it in his presence.
So he left with the weight of Natasha's story on his shoulders and one unanswered question.
Your papa quickly knelt next to your bed and stroked your hair once he made sure that Tony was far enough.
"Papa's here." He reassured you with a soft smile
Natasha kissed the top of your head and breathed in your smell. She thought that if heaven had a scent it would be yours.
There weren't enough words in the world to express how much she loves you and what you mean to her. You are her precious little angel.
And after years of thinking and asking herself why the woman who gave her life took that bullet for her, Natasha can finally understand her own mother.
The love a person can have for their baby it's infinite and if she would ever be in her mother's place, Natasha would jump without a second thought in front of you to protect you from that bullet or any other thing. She wanted the best for you even if that best meant her death just like what happened in her case.
But for now, she was thankful that she could avoid bad things from happening. She'll make sure you'll never have to witness what she had to see as a child and you'll never have to go through the same physical and emotional pain as her.
It's true. Pain does make you stronger but Natasha sometimes wishes that she didn't have to go through as much pain as she did. The only thing keeping her human is you.
"My beloved Y/N." Natasha whispered with a smile as she looked at you sleeping "Always remember that mama loves you so much."
In the morning, thanks to Natasha's care and affection you were feeling a lot more better, and in the next 2 days you were feeling as energic as before.
Although your mom didn't allow you to get out of bed for the entire week even though you were no longer sick, she had bought you tons of new toys and she played with you, spending some good quality time together.
No matter what happened in her dark past, Natasha knew that her future was bright as long as you were in it because you were her future.
She lived for you and you only.
You are a gift sent from above for Natasha.
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hisunshiine · 1 year
hisunshiine’s 2022 Stories
Running List of my fics posted in 2022. Top of the list is December 2022 and goes back through January of 2022.
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❀ tri-wizard trials | myg (m)
slytherin!yoongi x gryffindor!reader — hogwarts!au; (12.26.2022)
❀ late night talking | kth (m) [2/3]
taehyung x reader — camboy!au; (11.22.2022)
❀ daydreaming | kth (m) [1/3]
taehyung x reader — camboy!au; (11.19.2022)
❀ whims & inconsistencies series | ksj (m) COMPLETED [7/7]
seokjin x poc reader — SERIES; victorian era!au; (11.04.2022)
❀ cures for idiosyncrasies | jjk (m) 
jungkook x reader — victorian era!au spin-off of wai; (09.30.2022)
❀ an angel’s mistake | jjk knj (m) 
jungkook x reader, past namjoon x reader — idol!au; (09.29.2022)
❀ ship happens! part of The Seven Seas | myg (m) 
yoongi x reader —cruise ship!au; (09.06.2022)
❀ happier | myg (pg-13)
yoongi x reader —lovers to exes & ANGST; 845 words (05.16.2022)
❀ eternal night: part of the everlast series
taehyung x OC —unrequited love & vampire au; 3.8k (05.08.2022)
❀something in the heir
jungkook x reader — non-royals palace au; 1.6k (02.16.2022) 
❀ in flagrante delicto 
jimin x reader — lawyer au; 12.4k (01.21.2022)
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↳ All of my fics written in 2021 (i think) can be found HERE
masterlist | fic updates
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8iunie · 2 years
via Giorgia’s Instagram story, 05.08.2022
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cassiopeias-dreams · 2 years
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sham-bles · 5 months
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We are not really friends anymore but i truly loved her old self…. I think it dhows because these two pieces are still in my top 10 best works
||05.08.2022|| ||16.08.2022||
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mmvit24l · 10 months
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sudheervanguri · 10 months
Recruitment Notification for Pharmacist and Various Posts in Health Institutions - Erstwhile East Godavari District Government of Andhra Pradesh AP Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department (Limited Notification for unfilled posts in Notification No.O1/2023' Dated: 01.09.2023, and Notification No. 021/2023, Dated: 27.10.2023) (Notification No. 3/2023, Dated: 28.11.2023) Recruitment for appointment to various posts in Health Institutions in Erstwhile East Godavari District under the control of the DCHS, East Godavari District, on Contract/Outsourcing basis. G.O.Ms.No.188, HM&FW (Dl) dated.15.07.2022. Combined Notification No:1/2022, D1:05.08.2022 Guidelines of the collector and District Magistrate, Erstwhile East Godavari District, Kakinada. Circular Rc.No:01/N&P/DSHA/JW2023, Dt:26.08.2023 of the Director, Secondary Health, AP Vijayawada. Instructions from the commissioner, APWP Vijayawada during the Zoom meeting held on 31.08.2023. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to Pharmacist & various posts in APWP Hospitals, Erstwhile East Godavari District, under the control of the DCHS on a contract/outsourcing basis, duly following the guidelines issued by the DM&HO, Erstwhile East Godavari District, Kakinada, as in the reference 2nd cited. a. Proforma of the application will be available on the District website www.eastgodavari.nic.in from 10:00 AM on 28/11/2023 to 05:00 PM on 04/12/2023. b. The last date for the submission of physical applications is 05:00 PM on 04/12/2023. Filled-in applications shall be submitted at the specified counters in the office of DCHS, Erstwhile East Godavari District, Community Health Centre campus, Kowuru. Candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible without waiting till the last date to avoid last-hour rush. They are further advised to obtain dated acknowledgment from the receiving authority as proof of their submission of the application. c. District Jurisdiction for this recruitment is Erstwhile district only, and the vacancies at health facilities in these district boundaries shall be considered to be filled. Hence, candidates shall apply to the respective Erstwhile Districts only. d. Counseling will be conducted on merit basis duly following the Roster Points. e. The Merit List of this notification is valid for one year for the purpose of filling up arising vacancies if any. Vacancy Position of the Erstwhile East Godavari District: Filled in Applications for the above posts are to be submitted at the Office of the District Coordinator of Hospital Services, Erstwhile East Godavari District at Community Health Centre Kowuru campus on or before 04-12-2023 by 5.00 PM. An acknowledgment must be issued by the Office of DCHS on receipt of the application immediately with a check-slip of enclosures. Application form and other details can be obtained at www.eastgodavari.nic.in (District Web Site). Sd/- Dr. Kritika Shukta, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate & Chairman, District Selection Committee Erstwhile East Godavari District, Kakinada // BY ORDER // District Coordinator of Hospital Services Erstwhile East Godavari District at Community Health Centre, Kowuru Reservations: Reservations are applicable as per Rule 22 of AP State and Subordinate Services Rules and instructions issued from time to time, including BC, SC, and ST reservations. Reservations for women will be as per General Rule 22_A(G.O.Ms.No.41, WD&CW (Estt) Dept., dated: 01-08-1996, G.O.Ms.No.63, GA(Ser_D) Dept, dt: 17.04.2018 & instructions issued from time to time. Presidential order is applicable as per GO Ms No 674; GA (SpF.A) Dept, dated: 28.10.'1975, cO P No.763 GA.(SPF.A) Dept dated 15.11.1925 read with G.O.Ms.No.8 cA (SPF.A) Dept. dated.08.01.2002. Reservations to Differently-abled persons are applicable as per G.o.Ms.No.2 Department for WCDA & SC (prog.[) dt 19.02.2020. Reservations for economically weaker sections will be as per G.o.Ms.No.73 GA (Services-D) dept. dt:04.08.2021. Reservations for ex-servicemen are applicable as per rules in force. Educational (Academic, Professional, Technical) qualifications, nature of appointment, and remuneration for various posts: The candidate should possess prescribed academic/technical/professional qualifications for the post they are applying for as of the date of this notification (which will be taken for reckoning weightage for contract/outsource/honorarium service and for waiting period weightage after completion of academic/technical/professional qualifications as applicable). If the applicant possesses an equivalent qualification to the prescribed qualification in this notification, the applicant shall enclose a copy of the Government orders to that effect to the application, failing which their application will be rejected. AP Pharmacist Grade-II [caption id="attachment_57253" align="aligncenter" width="809"] ap pharmacist govt jobs[/caption] Must possess SSC or its equivalent examination recognized by Govt. of A.P. Pass in D.Pharma/B.Pharma(or) Intermediate vocational course in Pharmacy recognized by Government of AP Must be registered with the A.P. Pharmacy Council. In case of candidates possessing both D.Pharma and B.Pharma, the maximum percentage secured in any of the above shall be considered. Audiometric Technician/Audiometrician Must possess intermediate (or) its equivalent. Must possess B.Sc (Audiology)/Diploma in Audiometry Technician from a recognized institution in India/B.Sc Degree in speech and language sciences or Bachelor in Audiology, Speech & language pathology. Age: Upper age limit is 42 years. Age will be reckoned as of 01.07.2023, as per G.O.Ms.No.105 GA (Ser-A) dept., dated. 27.09.2021, with relaxations as applicable. Relaxations: a. For SC, ST, BC, and EWS candidates: 05 (Five) years. b. For Ex-servicemen: 03 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in the armed forces. c. For differently-abled persons: 10 (Ten) years. d. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together. Application Fee: No Application Fees required for Physically challenged candidates. Method of Selection: Total Marks: 100 75% will be allocated for the aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination or any other equivalent qualification. Up to 10 marks @ 1.0 mark per completed year after acquiring the requisite qualification as mentioned in the pass certificate. Weightage will be reckoned up to the date of notification as per Govt. Memo no.4274lD'1120'13, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.10.07.2014. Weightage up to 15% will be given to the candidates working on Contract/Outsourcing/Honorarium basis, including COVID-19 service as shown below, subject to their satisfactory service certified by the competent authority, as per GO Ms No 21'1, HM& FW (82) Dept., Dt: 08.05.2021, GO Rt No 573 HM&FW (B2) dept. Dt.01.11.2021, and GO Rt No.07 HM&FW (82) dept. Dt.00.01.2022. Govt. Memo.no. 374078418'212020 of HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.14.02.2022, Circular No.03/CHFW2022, of CHFW, AP, dated: 11.02.2022. If any individual works less than 6 months for COVID, the weightage shall be 0.8 marks per completed month will be awarded. Weightage to contract employment based on working area: (i) @ 2.5 marks per six months in Tribal Area (ii) @ 2.0 marks per six months in Rural Area (iii) @ 1.0 marks per six months in urban areas (iv) No weightage will be given for services less than six months for Non-COVID service. The COVID-19 weightage shall be applicable only to persons who have rendered their services for COVID-19 on Contract/Outsourcing/Honorarium basis and are appointed by the District Collector or any other competent authority based on orders issued by the Government from time to time and certified by the controlling officers (DMHO/DCHS/Principal of GMC/Superintendent of GGH) to that effect. (Note: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is there, fresh certificates shall be obtained, and a copy of appointment orders should be enclosed.) The candidates claiming service weightage shall submit original Contract/Outsourcing/Honorarium service certificate in the enclosed proforma issued by competent authority along with a copy of appointment orders. Applications without the copy of appointment order & service certificates as prescribed above will not be considered for service weightage. (Note: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If an additional period of service is there, fresh certificates shall be obtained and enclosed.) Contract service will be reckoned up to the date of notification as per Govt. Memo no.4274lD'112013, HM&FW (D1) Dept., dt.10.07.2014. Tenure of Appointment and Important Conditions: The tenure for the contract/outsourcing posts is initially one year from the date of joining in the post and may be extended for a further period as per the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The District Selection Committee Erstwhile East Godavari District reserves all the rights to terminate the contract/outsourcing services of any candidate/candidates at any time with one month notice or as per directions of the Government from time to time. Self-attested copies of the certificates to be enclosed to the filled-in application: a. SSC or its equivalent (for date of birth). b. Pass certificates of qualifications prescribed for the posts concerned. c. Proof of appearance for the qualifying examination wherever applicable. d. Marks memos of all years of qualifying examination or its equivalent. In the absence of marks memos, marks will be calculated as per rules in force. e. A valid certificate of registration in A.P.Para Medical Board/Allied Health Care sciences/any other council constituted under the relevant rules for specific courses wherever applicable. f. Study Certificates from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. In the case of private study, local candidature certificate for that particular 7 years period preceding the year of passing X class from competent authority in Form Appendix I certificate of residence prescribed vide Subclause (ii) of clause (a) of para 7 of the Presidential Order (proforma is herewith enclosed). Candidates migrated from Telangana shall submit a certificate of Local candidature as per GO No.132 & 133 dt 13.06.2017. In the absence of the suitable certificate, the candidate will be considered as non-local, and further action will be as per rules in force. g. Copy of the valid caste certificate. In case of non-submission of a valid caste certificate, the candidate will be considered as OC. h. Latest EWS (Economically Weaker Sections) certificate issued by the competent authority in the case of EWS categories. i. Certificate of disability issued in SADAREM. j. Service certificate from the controlling officer concerned (DM&HO/DCHS/Principals of GMCS/Superintendent of GGH/Any competent authority who appointed the applicant) for claiming weightage for Contract/Outsourcing/honorary service, in the absence of which the candidate will not be given service weightage (proforma is herewith enclosed). k. Any other certificates as relevant and applicable. L. The Applicants should submit Copy of Appointment Orders and Service Certificate from the Controlling Officer concerned along with the application for claiming Service Weightage. Failing which the service weightage will not be considered. Note: Candidates must submit clear, visible documents (a to l of para.8), failing which the application will be summarily rejected. Applications without the above documents will be summarily rejected. Important information to candidates: a. If selected, he/she should stay at the bona fide Head Quarters compulsorily. b. If selected and appointed he/she should abide by the Government rules in force regularly from time to time. c. Candidates are advised to follow the official website from time to time for further information. Debarment: a. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility for the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of the application regarding their eligibility in all aspects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making a false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the DSC and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future recruitment. b. The DSC is vested with the duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process. Any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause a breach of this duty in such a manner or such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the DSC will be sufficient for rendering such questionable means ground for debarment. APWPS Decision to be Final: a. The decision of the APWP regarding acceptance or rejection of the application, conduct of counseling, and at all consequent stages culminating Full detailed Notification [caption id="attachment_57254" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] AP Pharmacist Govt jobs Notification[/caption]
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forestduck · 10 months
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05.08.2022 - Автор пина:Fondos De Pantalla ❤️ ✓. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest!
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sektorellfirmalar · 1 year
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drhwenk · 1 year
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thejeffproject · 1 year
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Stop for u~
(DPR IAN - Ballroom Extravaganza)
Nr. 45
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asbestgid · 1 year
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Суд отказал мужчине, который потребовал от гражданской жены потраченных денег Почти полмиллиона рублей. В Асбестовский городской суд обратился истец с иском к бывшей сожительнице-ответчику Ч., о взыскании неосновательного обогащения, указав, что на протяжении двух лет в период 2020 по 2022 он осуществлял переводы денежных средств со своей банковской карты на карту ответчика. Денежные средства переводились ответчику в указанный период регулярно для целей сбережения и совместного последующего распоряжения ими, однако впоследствии, указанные денежные средства были потрачены бывшей сожительницей единолично на собственные нужды, что по мнению мужчины, влечет обязанность вернуть перечисленные денежные средства, поскольку у ответчика возникло неосновательное обогащение на общую сумму 489 000 рублей. Судом установлено, что в период с 01.10.2020 по 05.08.2022 истец В. неоднократно переводил денежные средства на счет ответчика Ч. Всего истец перечислил на банковский счет ответчика денежную сумму в размере 489 000 рублей. Подробнее: https://asbestgid.ru/news/sud_otkazal_muzhchine_kotoryj_potreboval_ot_grazhdanskoj_zheny_potrachennykh_deneg/2023-04-03-5107
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cynicalclassicist · 2 years
South Harting 05.08.2022
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Fine plains!
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sosomikeladze · 2 years
ენიო მორიკონე "ვინც არ უნდა..." (Chi Mai, საქსოფონი, დემო-ვერსია)
ენიო მორიკონე “ვინც არ უნდა…” (Chi Mai, საქსოფონი, დემო-ვერსია)
ამ სევდიანი მუსიკალური თემის ჩაწერა გადავწყვიტე.მშვიდობა გვქონდეს ყველას (05.08.2022)
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Garbagnate Milanese e Gorgonzola (MI), arrestati coppia di rapinatori
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Garbagnate Milanese e Gorgonzola (MI), arrestati coppia di rapinatori. Nel pomeriggio del 30 Novembre i Carabinieri hanno dato esecuzione ad un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere emessa dal Giudice delle Indagini preliminari presso il Tribunale di Milano nei confronti di una coppia di rapinatori rispettivamente di 51 e 60 anni attualmente detenuti per altra causa presso la Casa Circondariale di Bergamo, autori di due rapine commesse ai danni degli uffici postali di Garbagnate Milanese e Gorgonzola ,aggravate dal fatto di essere state compiute in concorso, travisati e con l’utilizzo di una pistola.  Per il 60enne inoltre un’ulteriore aggravante di aver commesso il fatto in regime di semilibertà a cui era stato ammesso in misura alternativa alla detenzione. Il provvedimento trae origine da un’attività di indagine condotta dai Carabinieri della Compagnia di Rho – Sezione Operativa intervenuti immediatamente a seguito della rapina compiuta presso l’Ufficio Postale di Garbagnate Milanese sito in Via Trieste il 01.07.2022. Le risultanze investigative condotte anche mediante l’analisi dei varchi stradali, dei circuiti di videosorveglianza presenti in zona e all’interno degli uffici postali, l’analisi dei tabulati, mirati servizi di pedinamento e le individuazioni fotografiche, hanno permesso di ricostruire nel dettaglio il citato evento criminale che si ripeterà con eguali modalità il 05.08.2022 sempre ai danni del secondo ufficio postale di Gorgonzola. I soggetti, in entrambe le rapine, miravano a quanto contenuto nelle casseforti di sicurezza, consapevoli del fatto che nelle stesse fossero contenute ingenti quantità di denaro contante essendo quei giorni dediti ai pagamenti delle pensioni. Il tentativo di accedere al locale casseforti mediante minacce e violenze consistite nel puntare una pistola in volto alle dipendenti veniva vanificato dalla temporizzazione delle citate casseforti, tale per cui i soggetti si accontentavano, in entrambi i casi, di un esiguo bottino consistente rispettivamente in 294 e 655 euro contenute negli sportelli. Ad incastrare il primo soggetto 50enne l’analisi dei varchi stradali che ha permesso di appurare, attraverso un incrocio di banche dati, la macchina utilizzata dai due rapinatori intestata alla madre defunta di un cognato del primo soggetto, in realtà quest’ultimo vero utilizzatore del veicolo, dato accertato dagli investigatori. Tale veicolo verrà nuovamente utilizzato anche per la seconda rapina. Più particolare l’individuazione del soggetto 60enne, seppure dai tabulati ci fossero frequenti interlocuzioni tra i due soggetti, gli stessi non avevano posto in essere nessuna comunicazione telefonica nel giorno degli eventi, probabilmente consci dell’inopportunità di tale azione. Ad incastrare il secondo soggetto il particolare di una parte del suo tatuaggio dorsale carpita da una telecamera che ha cristallizzato la sua partecipazione come concorrente negli eventi delittuosi. Conferma della loro complicità, inoltre, l’arresto in flagranza avvenuto per una rapina aggravata presso un istituto di credito di Villongo (BG) e le successive individuazioni fotografiche. Date le risultanze investigative è stata emessa la citata ordinanza di custodia cautelare in carcere eseguita presso la Casa Circondariale di Bergamo, istituto di pena a cui i due rimarranno associati a disposizione dell’Autorità giudiziaria... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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