#Barney Douglas
famousornotbuthot · 1 year
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Marc Spector: based on a real guy?
I would like to propose Barney "Beryl" Ross (born Dov-Ber Rasofsky) (1909-1967) as a stand-in for possible Marc Spector inspiration or at least a REALLY odd coincidence. The parallels are outstanding.
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Born to Eastern European Immigrant parents (From Belarus), he grew up in a tough Chicago neighborhood. 
His father was a Rabbi who looked down on fighting like Boxing and Wrestling. 
When Barney expressed interest and talent in boxing, his father told him to "Let the goyim be the fighters" and that "The trombeniks (yiddish for phony and self aggrandizer), the murderers--We are the scholars." 
Barney studied the Talmud as well and expressed interest in becoming a teacher. 
His father was murdered when someone robbed their family vegetable shop. His mother suffered a mental breakdown and his three younger siblings were sent to an orphanage when Barney was just 14. 
Barney became a thief, a gambler, and worked for Al Capone. He eventually found his money in boxing where it is speculated that Al Copone himself often promoted his shows and bought up the tickets to help him make money. 
He used the money to reunite his family. 
His career took off during the rise of Antisemitism and while Barney rejected his father's teachings and religion, he understood that he was seen as a "scrappy Jew Kid" and he needed to become a representative for his people. 
His walk into the ring song was "My Yiddishe Momma" and he often wore blue and white with the Magen David on his clothes. 
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In the ring himself, he became a world champion in three weight divisions. He was never knocked out. 
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His last match before he retired he went 15 rounds where he took a severe beating. His couch begged him to call it, but he refused to go down. He was determined to leave the ring on his own feet". He had 72 wins in his career, 22 of which were by K.O. 
When WWII broke out, he joined the Marines. Because of his stardome, they tried to keep him as just a pretty poster face recruit, but he insisted on fighting. 
He was almost court-martialed when his commanding officer called him a Jewish Slur and he punched him out. He was spared because the judge was also jewish. 
Barney was sent to the Pacific Theater and fought at Guadalcanal where he single handedly fought off no less than five armed Japanese soldiers after being shot. He then rescued his fellow soldier by carrying them to safety. He was awarded the Silver Star. 
Despite his complicated relationship with his religion, he was known for bringing his father's religious study books with him to training camp. 
In the war, he made friends with a catholic priest who invited him to Christmas Dinner. Barney could play the pipe organ and he provided music for the soldiers. When asked to play something Jewish, he played "My Yiddishe Momma" that left everyone in tears. 
After his wounds healed, he developed a morphine addiction that he went to rehab for and eventually recovered. He went to schools and campaigned about the dangers of drug abuse. 
He worked hard for the creation of a Jewish State and offered to lead a brigade of Jewish American Veterans. 
The Jewish Community saw him as a hero and with his back story, he fit the bill of superhero status. 
A tragic backstory, rejection of his father's life and teachings, rising up out of the rough streets, becoming a fighter, and eventually a real life war hero and fighter for Jewish Rights. 
(Check out his biography- Barney Ross: The Life of a Jewish Fighter, by Douglas Century and his autobiography No Man Stands Alone.) 
Moench most certainly did not base Marc Spector off of Barney Ross. He didn't set about making the character obviously Jewish at first. It happened naturally for various other reasons. 
But Moench also didn't give Marc his back story. 
That would be Zelenetz. 
Moon Knight Vol 1. Issue #37.  Published 1984
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Writer: Alan Zelenetz
Artist: Bo Hampton
Cover Artist: Michael Kaluta 
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Now, I've broken this comic down before. HERE. But let's talk about the importance of THIS story. 
You see, after the war, no one wanted to talk about the Holocaust. Most survivors didn't want to talk about what they had been through and most others liked to pretend that nothing happened. 
It wasn't until the 90s that they came up with an actual mandate that it be taught in schools! 
It wasn't until then that it suddenly became apparent that we needed to hear from the survivors and we needed to record the history before the first hand accounts were lost. 
Until this time, the only stories being told were done in comics. 
Early comics used it as a grotesque way to add in horror and action and violence. When the Comic book code of ethics stepped in (big shot guys that put down the law for swears being &#^$% and no sex and violence rating systems), then comic writers found 'creative' ways to use Nazi as the villain and ambiguously talk about their targets without mentioning their actual crimes or the people they targeted. 
THAT would change when Spiegelman's Maus was published in 1980. 
A keen observer will note the date Moon Knight Vol 1 came out. November 1980! 
Now, Marc has fought Neo Nazi before and has even faced antisemitism. He's even gone to Jerusalem. But we have never had Marc connected to the Holocaust or explored his Jewish past before Zelenetz told this story. 
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“I grew up on the poor side of Chicago. My father was unconcerned with material things. ‘God loves a poor man.’ He’d say. ‘Poor in goods, rich in spirit.’” 
Sounds familiar, right? 
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 And while Marc is an extreme example, we see the conflict with the Rabbi father and the son who wants to fight. 
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In this same issue we see Moon Knight rescue a Rabbi and Torah from a burning synagogue that has a Swastika painted on the door. 
Moon Knight hunts down the Nazi punks and makes them hurt. 
In this issue and the next, we see Marc deal with his conflicted past regarding religion, his Rabbi father, and his choice to fight vs his father’s choice to ‘leave it to god’. 
We also find out in this issue that the reason Marc joined the Marines is because of his father’s rejection. 
"To become Moon Knight--A social conscience and moral force. Just, severe, unknowable." 
I won't replay the comic for you guys, as I've already reviewed it (though I've learned a LOT since then and I'm sure I could bring more things to light at this point... Like the fact that to bring Elias back from the dead they write the Hebrew word Emet 'truth' on his forehead. Marlene erases part of the word, leaving behind Met, which is Hebrew for 'To Die' and this sends him back to his death). 
In the ending issue, and last issue of Moon Knight’s first run, we are left with: 
"I may have misjudged my father's saintliness for cowardice and his genius and moral zeal for fanaticism. [...] And isn't moon knight in his own way a moral zealot fighting perhaps for the very same values Marc Spector once rejected?" 
Back to Alan Zelentez. 
Alan only had Moon Knight for a few issues, but he was the first and as far as my limited research has shown me, the only actually Jewish writer to get to work with Moon Knight (I hope I am pleasantly surprised as I get further into things...but I'm not holding my breath). 
Zelenetz fit a LOT of Jewish lore and fun snippets into this comic that only those that have studied Jewish folklore and the culture would easily pick out. 
He was a Junior High School and High school principal at an Orthodox Jewish school in Brooklyn. 
He worked as an editor, script writer, Judica advisor for film and helped get a few other comics started and established. 
Now, is it likely that a Jewish man in Brooklyn heard about the son of a Rabbi from Eastern Europe in Chicago who turned into an amazing boxer and later a Marine war hero? Only Zelenetz knows for sure. 
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no-where-new-hero · 1 month
Chapter 26: On the Bay Shore
I was dreading this day of the book club.
I do think this chapter succeeds extraordinarily well in setting up everything that Dean will be for the rest of the series. LMM's overall tone really changes with regard to Dean from book to book, but the tension of the dynamic is here from the outset. It spells romance, but with a shadow over it. Dean saves Emily's life, coded as romantic and chivalrous. Dean saves Emily's life and also immediately tries to have a claim on it that she resents. The push-pull of the scene is bewildering, and I feel as though Maud herself is finding herself almost distracted by her problematic new character.
We also cannot quite ignore the loving detail Maud gives us about his appearance: "beautiful" voice, "dreamy and attractive" eyes. "Dreamy" is only ever used as an adjective for Douglas, apart for Emily herself. Emily likes his mouth (show me a reaction to a mouth that doesn't immediately connote sensuality). She does not think him handsome like the Jane Eyre analogue that she is, but these reactions to his looks are more how she responds to Perry or Teddy than, say, to Father Cassidy the Brown Nut. Twice in one paragraph, Maud tells us Emily's likes "a flavor" about him and "that lean clever face of his." He has a connection to her beloved father and gives her the impression that she has known him for a long while, an apparently kindred spirit that will wait for her--romantic in notion, cringy to our modern ears, but also more universally symbolically troubling the more and more you realize that Emily's journey has to be, almost by definition, a solitary one.
I think part of why Maud seems to be trying to get us on Dean's side is the way that he's a character whose thoughts and reactions we're privy to (Aunt Elizabeth is the only other one): we know he "never forgot" how Emily smiled at him here (oho, the foreshadowing, Maud!). We know he knows she wants to recite her whole poem to him. He becomes, for the span of this chapter, a strangely immediate secondary main character. In other LMM novels, this kind of primacy is afforded to such important people as Gilbert Blythe. In addition, of course, is the fluency of his conversation. Maud's gift for dialogue shines through Dean, and despite the imbalance we can perceive between the lines, the relationship that evolves between Emily and Dean has a tangible realism not felt elsewhere in the novel (Alice Munro, in her afterward to the book in one of the Canadian editions, points this out). I think this is due, in some measure, to the tension between said and unsaid, between two natures that are similar but desiring two different things.
Dean is very interested in symbols and metaphors; he thinks of Emily as a fairy, a star: it's dehumanizing but, right on the heels of Aunt Nancy's vivid portrait of adult womanhood in Beatrice, such a romanticized and abstracted attitude feels safer, childlike in its fancy. It is so very nearly like the return of a Douglas analogue--except for the fact that Emily is no longer a child. The preceding few chapters have assured this for us. And Emily's own obsession with the transgressions of Beatrice start echoing onto her own desire to reach out for the aster. She, like Beatrice, overstepped. She, like Beatrice (according to Dean--though he was only joking, says Maud!), cannot get off scot-free. Again, the tension between two opposing appearances confuse our takeaway.
I will always stand behind my own hypothesis that Maud just really enjoyed writing Dean. Right before she began drafting Emily of New Moon, she wrote in her journals about wanting to write a "novel for grown up people ...a psychological portrait of one person's life" that she titled Priest Pond, and my favorite LMM headcanon is that Dean would have been the main character of this novel. He has similarities to other prominent male figures in her canon (Walter Blythe and Barney Snaith), and he's also so fully rendered in a way a lot of her supporting male characters are not, which makes me suspect she had done a bit of planning for him beforehand. I think she absolutely set him up in this conflicted way because of Emily's necessary arc, but I also think that she was interested in him on his own behalf. And I'm rather sad she never wrote that other novel, going by the complexity and layers at play in this chapter.
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(042) Die drei ??? und der weinende Sarg
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Die drei Detektive sind dem Geheimnis eines verborgenen Tresors auf der Spur. Der neugierige Michael ist es, der ihnen den ersten Tip gibt: Drei Totenköpfe auf einem Sarg scheinen Wegweiser zu sein. Doch schnell wird es gefährlich, denn in der Nähe des Sargs ist es nicht geheuer – schon gar nicht, wenn mitten in der Nacht das Käuzchen ruft ... 
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): Find Your Fate 001, 1985, Megan Stine, The Case of the Weeping Coffin Buch (Kosmos): 041, 1988, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 042, 1987
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Diebstahl, Rätsel
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Michael Cross
Mrs. Cross, Mutter von Michael
Mr. Cross, Vater von Michael
Margie, Führerin in der Villa Markels
Mr. Edward Brackmann, Verwalter/Hausmeister der Villa Markels (😈)
Grady Markels, Enkel von Jonathan Markels
Barney Sawyer, Journalist
Humphrey Rossing, Kunst- und Antiquitätenhändler (😈)
Rossings Assistentin
Mr. Finley, Sachverständiger für asiatische Kunst (keine Sprechrolle)
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Seymour Street
Villa Markels, Millionärsvilla mit einer Kunstausstellung was eine Hauptattraktion von Rocky Beach ist
Humphrey Rossing Fine Art and Antiques, Kunst- und Antiquitätenladen in der Seymour Street
Jonathan Douglas Markels, Hersteller von Wand- und Geheimtresoren
Weinende Sarg, ein über 100 Jahre altes Kunstwerk
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Michael: "Klar hat er zu Lebzeiten gemalt, als Toter konnte er es ja nicht mehr."
Bob: "Der Sarg in der Millionärsvilla ist über 100 Jahre alt. Jonathan Douglas Markels hat ihn gekauft nachdem er schon fast 50 Jahre irgendwo herumgestanden hat. Der Sarg natürlich, nicht Markels. Als Kunstwerk, wiederum der Sarg."
Michael: "Ich hab eine Idee, wie wir was über ihn rauskriegen. Wir bringen ihm irgendein Stück Trödel hier vom Schrottplatz und erkundigen uns bei ihm, was das Zeug wert ist." Peter: "Schrott? Trödel? Das führen wir nicht, wir handeln mit Gebrauchtwaren, unter anderem auch mit Kunstgegenständen und Antiquitäten." Justus: "Merk dir das gefälligst, du Banause!"
Justus: "Gut kombiniert Michael, aber leider falsch."
Peter: "Was, noch einmal? Aber doch nicht heute Abend, oder?" Justus: "Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, benutze ich bei meinem Vorschlag ein unmissverständlichen Ausdruck. Wenn es beliebt kann ich auch dafür sagen: Unverzüglich, auf der Stelle, subito!"
Peter: "Verflixt, der hat einen Revolver!" Mr. Brackman: "Mit dem ich auch schießen werde."
Peter: "Oh Gott, und ich dachte immer sie wären der Bösewicht. Ich meine, das Messer und so." Gärtner: "Na, na Peter, das Messer brauche ich für die Gartenarbeit, und nicht immer ist der Gärtner der Täter." [...] Gärtner: "Und wenn du mich auf dieser Party mit einem Messer siehst, Peter, ich brauche es nur zum Torteschneiden."
Breaking the Law! Justus bricht das Gesetzt. (Mehr oder weniger: Justus setzt sich über ein "Durchgang verboten" Schild hinweg)
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Justus: "Kollege, wenn man einen Verbrecher dingfest machen will, dann muss man das Umfeld des Verbrechens genau recherchieren. Außerdem muss dir klar sein, dass die drei Fragezeichen nicht gewillt sind, nur ein wenig an der Oberfläche eines mysteriösen Geschehens zu kratzen, sondern in die Tiefe, zum eigentlichen Kern der Dinge, vordringen wollen." Bob: "Au Backe Peter, jetzt hat er es dir aber gegeben!"
Bob: "Sag mal Peter, spinnst du? Wieso trittst du gegen die Wand?" Peter: "Ach, weil … Mensch, seht euch das an, hier öffnet sich die Wand, und das bloß, weil ich meine Wut an dem Holz ausgelassen habe."
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Tie Your Heart to Mine
Chapter 13
Cw: mentions of sex and contraception
Gif by @unleashthelion
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Lois hadn’t been surprised to have Diane’s family invited them to spend the weekend at their place and celebrate Diane’s birthday.
She was surprised to know her dad knows these people.
The man on the front seat is named John and a black reverend named Jeremiah.
Apparently Jeremiah Jesus had given up violence after the war like her dad did and focused on god even when the vicar he replaced sneered at the thought of a black man leading the flock.
“Imagine my surprise when I heard little baby Tom showed up at the Pub looking for Diane. He was only four last time I saw him.” John Shelby says as he drove them out of Longsight and out of Manchester .
Lois had never been this far out save for that time they went to the beach before her mum died.
She envied Tom, he had his sweetheart and got to see the world while she’s stuck at home taking care of their dad getting sick of waiting for Harry.
“You’re one to talk, Shelby, you had only four little ones in 1919. Poor Esme, eight children and you to take care off to boot.” Her father joked, it was nice seeing him like this.
Reminded her of Tom when he lets himself relax and catch up with his former comrades.
There was a wariness he had about with the Shelbys, them being criminals and that, but he had shared experiences with them.
“Diane’s told me that Freddie married your sister, named his only son after Karl Marx. I’d like to pay my respects to him, and Danny Whizz-Bang and Barney, if that’s alright with you.”
The Shelbys along with Jeremiah and the three men who’d died in the past decade had formed their own pal’s battalion like her dad and his friends and brothers had.
Only difference was Douglas Bennett was the only one to return home alive while Thomas Shelby didn’t lose a single man.
They paid their respects to his friends every armistice day, and spat on the grave of the officer who sent them to their deaths.
Same officer she came to find was actually Harry’s dad who’s guilt overwhelmed him so much he put the gun to his head.
She’d been terrified when she introduced him to her family, afraid he’d been treated badly on account of his dad being the reason her dad had shellshock.
But he hadn’t blamed him for what his father did, just like he didn’t blame Diane for what her father does.
“Yeah, we got time. We’ll give you a tour of Small Heath, doesn’t look like the one you saw in 1916 anymore.”
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It doesn’t take him long to find his way around her house.
Only cost him his pack of cigarettes to get the footman to show him the family wing and the servant’s stairs.
Now he was lying on her bed and making plans to come here after the party make up for lost time.
“How do you want me to behave tonight when you’re not even wearing a brasserie?” he asks as he enjoys the show she gives him as she dressed for tonight.
He’d been very underdressed for the occasion and now he waits for his dad and Lois to bring him his one formal set of clothes.
Tom had the misfortune of being taller than the Shelby men and because everything was tailored to fit them, it all fit too short on him.
Only thing he could borrow was a red tie that matched Diane’s dress.
The dress was cut low on the front while the back had a v running all the way to her waist teasing him with the tan back he’s been dying to feel under his hands again.
Wouldn’t take much for him to sneak trail his fingers up and down the exposed skin or copping a feel of her perky tits by discreetly getting his hand inside the dress.
Only been fifteen days since he’s last been with her and already it’s driving him to bedlam.
“Because you don’t want to do any of that when your dad and sister will be there too.” His witch shook her head slightly with a shy giggle as she put on her earrings.
“Who said anything about doing it where people can see us? Although if you lose a fork and want to thank me for the necklace, I am not stopping you.” He suggested with cheeky grin and she rolled her eyes at his suggestion.
But she doesn’t stop him when he leaves her bed and helps her put on the necklace he gave her again.
Moved her hair over the shoulder and felt that spark as his fingertips brushed over the skin.
That little sigh she gave told him all he needed to know.
“How much time do we have?” he whispered in the shell of her ear as he grew bold enough to run his free hand down her back.
“Enough, I think.”
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“Tastes bitter.” Tom remarks after getting a taste of Diane’s homebrewed contraception.
Most of the evidence of their frantic and hurried fuck was gone, and now she just needed to ensure she doesn’t have a shotgun wedding so soon after her twentieth birthday.
“You get used to it.” The witch said as she took back the little vial.. “Besides, its better than the alternative.”
Her mother had learned how to make this when she was a nurse, that and how to deliver babies and perform abortions.
She’s been trying to get her perfected recipe turned into a pill or something easier and more effective to use.
A baby isn’t always a blessing, sometimes the absence of one is the real blessing, she had said when she taught Diane the recipe after catching her in bed with her former boyfriend.
“Do you mean sheaths or the idea of us having a little Vera?” he jokes lighting a cigarette.
They have joked about this, once his sheath tore while they were fucking in her vardo and he’d said if it was a girl she’d be named Vera after his mother.
Vera Eve after both their mums, she had amended.
“Both.” The witch said fixing her makeup. Tom had been careful not to smudge it, but after nearly two weeks without each other, the witch couldn’t help herself. “More effective than the former and much more easier to care for than the later.”
And yet as he took her on her vanity she saw glimpses of a future with him.
Her in white with the lace mantilla veil her great-great-great grandmother Lidia Chapul had worn at her wedding when Mexico had just broken free from Spain.
Him in his uniform, a strange hardness in his eyes and yet they soften with her, he smiles broadly as she walks down the aisle in a courthouse she’s never seen before.
A kiss goodbye as they stand in the docks, a kiss hello when he returns and him carrying her over the threshold and into a row house so like the one he lives in.
Mrs. Bennett, he calls her in that future.
And because she has given him her word about keeping secrets, she’ll wait until the party’s over and they’re here alone to do it.
Somehow the mere idea of telling him this makes her more nervous than the prospect of telling him he’ll have to fight just as his dad did.
How in hell did her mother cope with shit like this?
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kiltedveteran · 8 months
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Today we remember Doug Barney - End Of Watch - 1/17/2016
Officer Douglas Barney, 44, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, January 17, 2016, while trying to question a man who seemingly had done nothing more than leave the scene of a traffic accident. An 18 year veteran police officer, Doug loved law enforcement and interacting with the community. Doug was perfectly suited to law enforcement, never able to sit perfectly still, always eager for something exciting, and relating to other people in a down-to-earth, sincere way.
Doug was born June 3, 1971 on a military base in Taiwan to Douglas Scott and Darlene Heinz Barney. Doug was raised in Anaheim, California, and worked at Disneyland as one of his first jobs. He attended Clara Barton Elementary School and Loara High School. He played water polo and was on the high school swim team. Just before his senior year, his family moved to Orem, Utah where Doug graduated from Orem High School. He loved the move to Utah and being able to ride dirt bikes daily in the hills behind his family home. After graduation Doug worked a series of jobs, mostly in the auto mechanics field like his father. He loved working on cars and raced his cars a couple of times at the old Bonneville Raceway.
Doug and his wife, Erika, grew up near each other in Anaheim and he liked to tell stories of how he had always had a crush on her. When Erika moved to Utah to attend BYU they continued their friendship and he tried his hardest to get her to commit to dating him (she had a habit of inviting her roommates along when he asked her out for pie.) In 1995 he showed up to her apartment unexpectedly and asked her to marry him. He asked again every day for several months until she finally accepted. Doug married Erika Gilroy on February 17, 1996 in his family home in Orem. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Jordan River Temple. Doug passed away one month before their 20th wedding anniversary.
After their wedding Doug told Erika that although he loved working on cars, it was a bit too lonely of a type of work for him. He didn’t like being underneath the cars by himself all day long and would tend to move around looking for conversations with other mechanics. He admitted to his wife that he had always wanted to be a police officer and, with her blessing, began applying with different agencies. Doug was hired as a corrections officer with the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office in December of 1998 and one year later was hired as a patrol officer. He worked primarily in Kearns and Magna, Taylorsville City, and Holladay City during his career. Doug earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah by taking two classes a semester while working full time to support his family. His degree was in Sociology with a Criminal Justice certificate.
Doug was a devoted husband and father who loved spending time with his family and talking about them when he couldn’t be with them. He loved teaching his kids how to shoot guns, appreciate cars, and the basic approach to a few defensive control techniques. He loved music and listened to every conceivable type of music. For years he kept a cassette tape keyed up in his patrol car to Kenny Rogers’ Long Arm of the Law, which he would sing loudly when a prisoner seemed especially sulky on the way to jail. The end result was usually that they would come into the jail laughing together.
Doug was well known for his boisterous personality. He was larger than life in every way. He was very funny and was often able to diffuse a tense situation with a perfectly timed joke. It is very hard for a criminal to consider violence while laughing. Doug’s law enforcement brothers remember him for his signature greeting of, “hey, brotha!” or “hey, sista!”, and an almost knocking-the-wind-out pat on the back.
Doug struggled with bladder cancer and the side effects of treatments and surgeries for many years. He was frustrated by the time it took him away from work and from his family, but had an amazing ability to stay positive and upbeat and even lighthearted about the challenges. His only desire, always, was to be able to get back to work and to take care of his family. Doug will be forever missed.
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ramandjafari · 1 year
Ashnikko - Worms from Raman Djafari on Vimeo.
Ashnikko in a monstertruck and a squad of develish beasts ride towards the sunset to battle the angelic overlord robots.
Credits: director - raman djafari // @ramandjafari executive producer - josef byrne head of production- Alex halley production company: blinkink @blink_ink
producer - jake river parker // @jakeriverparkerfilms animation producer - molly turner // @molly___turner production manager - rowan mackintosh king // @rowanmackintosh production assistant - maddy williams // @melodramaddy
commissioner- sam seager // @seagez
creative director - vasso vu @vassovu manager - george shepherd // @shepherdgeorge day to day manager - hannah browne // @hannahbr0wne
storyboards - raman djafari storyboards - mysie pereira // @mysiepereira animatic editor - Isabel gomez concept artist - Camille perrin
cg character design - raman djafari cg background design - raman djafari cg lighting, camera & layout - raman djafari cg character animation & rigging - dominic lutz // @domolutz cg character animation & rigging - harry bhalerao // @harrybhal cg character animation & rigging - barney abrahams // @_yenrab cg character animation & rigging - nate die // @spish.tv cg artist - sandrine gimenez // @sandrine_gimenez cg artist - klaas harm deboer cg artist - michael marczewski additional lighting - balasz simon // @notbalasz
vfx lead - john malcolm moore // @johnmalcolmmoore compositor - andrew khosravani // @andrew_khosravani compositor - vladislav enshin compositor - caroline terrago
1st ad - julia pavliuk // @ula__la dop - hunter daly // @hunterdalydp 1st ac - rupert hornstein // @ruperthornstein1966 2nd ac - nicola braid ac (prep day) - Joe mcdonald cam operator - tanmoye khan // @tanmoyekhan_dop dit - rosie taylor // @rosie_taylor_
gaffer - laurent arnaud // @sparkswars spark - johnjoe besagni // @jayjaybuzz spark - kieran brown // @k_brown_gaffer desk op - hudson daly // @hudson_daly led tech - pavel stici
vfx supervisor - john malcolm moore // @johnmalcolmmoore
production runner - leda contopanagos // @leda.echo production runner - krishita desai // @krishitadesai production runner - tom gonzalez // @mr_tamborine_man_ production runner - tom willows // @tomwillows_mash
art director - laura little // @laulit art assistant - jaclyn pappalardo // @jaclynpappalardo art assistant - chris dent art assistant (prep day) - jack boston oswald // @jackbostonoswald art assistant (prep day) - joshua douglas-warne art assistant (prep day) - Alexander king art assistant (prep day) - thabet kimili
stylist - holly wood // @hollyblowslightly stylist assistant - izzy frost // @iz_designz_
hair designer claire moore @clmorhair hair stylist mee kyung kim porter // @mee.hair.makeup mua - georgia olive // @georgiaolive mua assistant - carly roberts // @carlyroberts_ nails - imarni // @imarninails
bts content - eve mahoney // @evebelieve
edit - rich woolway edit assist - chris hutchings edit producer - Maggie mcdermott grade - coffee & tvt colourist - George neave colour producer - Kathryn tallis sound design - absolute post sound designer - rich Martin additional sound design - Daniel panayi additional sound design - paminos kyriazis sound design producer - Peter winslett
a special thanks to will hooper
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hiddenpxpercuts · 2 years
HERE IS A STARTER CALL for after the event...Not limit for now, just let me know who you want with who!!!!!!
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Marina Nunier Osuana | 19 | Elite | Aware
Jennifer Honey | 43 | Matilda | Aware
Alexander Lightwood | 28 | Shadowhunters | Aware
Patrick Blanco-Commerford | 19 | Elite | Unaware
Evan Buckley | 28 | Oliver Stark | 911 | Aware
T.K Strand | 28 | Ronen Rubenstein | 911 Lone Star | Aware
Jed Tein | 19 | Ben Levin | Legacies | Aware
Richie Tozier | 24 | Alberto Rosende | IT | Aware
Reggie Peters | 19 | Jeremy Shada | JATP | Aware
Max Mayfield | 23 | Samantha Logan | Stranger Things | Aware
Nick Scratch | 23 | Gavin Leatherwood | CAOS | Aware
Wade Wilson | 40 | Ryan Reynolds | Marvel | Aware
Judith Grimes | 19 | Zendaya | TWD | Aware
T.J Kippen | 21 | Tom Holland | Andi Mack | Aware
Chloe Decker | 40 | Lauren German | Lucifer | Aware
Harry Hook | 23 | Thomas Dogherty | Descendants | Aware
Marco Del Rossi | 21 | Jordan Fisher | Degrassi | Aware
Ben Hargreeves | 30 | Justin H. Min | TUA | Aware
Max Baker | 19 | Sara Waisglass | Ginny and Georgia | Aware
Matthew Murdock | 35 | Charlie Cox | Marvel | Aware
Derek Hale | 25 | Darren Barnet | Teen Wolf | Aware
Dean Winchester | 38 | Henry Cavill | Supernatural | Aware
Emily Fitch | 19 | Jospehine Langford | Skins | Aware
Nick Nelson | 18 | Froy Gutierrez | Heartstopper | Aware
Simon Spier | 19 | Nick Robinson | 19 | Love, Simon | Aware
Josette Saltzman | 19 | Kaylee Bryant | TVD/Legacies | Aware
Yuuri Katsuki | 21 | Kento Tamazaki | Yuuri on Ice | Aware
Katherine Pierce | Over 500 | Nina Dobrev |TVD | Aware
Blaine Anderson | 22 | Dominic Fike | Glee | Aware
Ginny Weasley | 21 | Madelyn Cline | Harry Potter | Aware
Lillian Deville | 24 | Camille Mendes | Rugrats | Aware
Maria Vasquez | 25 | Melissa Collazo | West Side Story | Aware
Heather Chandler | 23 | Valentina Zenere | Heathers | Aware
Akeno Menzies | 22 | Evan Nock | Gossip Girl | Aware
Viscount Tewksbury | 19 | Aron Piper | Enola Holmes | Aware
Morgan Stark | 19 | Lili Reinhart | Marvel | Aware 
Jacob Hill | 28 | Bill Skarsgard | Abbot Elementary | Aware
Gabriel Boutin | 25 | Emilien Vekemans | Half Bad | Aware
Penelope Featherington | 21 | Nicola Coughlan | Bridgerton| Aware 
Shawn Hunter | 21 | Thimothee Chalamet | BMW | Aware
Veronica Fisher | 31 | Tika Sumpter | Shameless |Aware
Ricky Bowen | 19 | Charlie Gillespie | HSMTMTS | Aware
Orihime Inoue | 21 | Momo | Bleach |Aware
Chishiya Shuntaro | 21 | Nijiro Murakami | Alice in Borderland | Aware
Morticia Addams | 38 | Maite Perroni | Wednesday/Addams Family | Unaware
Mason Hewitt | 21 | Quincy Fouse | Teen Wolf | Aware
David Rose | 35 | Dan Levy | Schitt’s Creek | Aware
Stephanie Blake | 21 | Katie Douglas | Teen Wolf OC | Aware
Nikki Mendoza | 19 | Kathyrn Mendoza | That 90′s Show | Aware
Darren Rivers | 21 | Justice Smith | HeartBreak High | Aware
Barney Stinson | 25 | Jacob Anderson | HIMYM | Aware
Zay Babineaux | 18 | Jonathan Davis | GMW | Aware
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arqteturas · 2 years
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Sou fã do Jonathan Adler @jonathanadler um apaixonado por glamour e entusiasta do maximalismo. Vive com seu marido Simon e sua cachorrinha FoxyLady em um apartamento cheio de personalidade no Greenwich Village em Nova York. Ceramista, deslanchou em 1993 quando a Barney's fez seu primeiro pedido. Desliza para ver um pouco desse lar cheio de luz e arte. . Fotografia de Douglas Friedman @douglasfriedman e Nicole England @nicoleengland Reportagem You Magazine @youmagazine e da Elle Decor @elledecor . #jonathanadler #maximalism #livingroomdecoration #bedroomstyle (em Greenwich Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmKmXqYuRM_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aplayatplay · 1 month
DAILY FRIEND DELELA REVIEW by Gabriel Crouse: "For performing these antiheroes with wit and panache sufficient to keep me laughing almost throughout, the actors Katlego Lebogang, Daniel Barney Newton, and Frances Sholto-Douglas deserve many cheers. So does the young writer-director Tiisetso Mashifane wa Noni, for making a clever play"
0 notes
musikblog · 2 months
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/07/86tvs-komorebi-neues-video/ 86TVs haben gestern ihre neue Single “Komorebi” inklusive Musikvideo veröffentlicht. Das selbstbetitelte Debütalbum folgt am 2. August 2024 via Parlophone. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 86TVs (@86tvsband) 86TVs gehen in Therapie. In ihrem neuen Musikvideo zur Single “Komorebi” (Regie: Barney Douglas & Tamzin Merchant) reden sich die Musiker um Ex-The Maccabees […]
0 notes
no-where-new-hero · 11 months
Thank you @batrachised for tagging me in a 20 questions fanfic author game!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 2, will soon be 3 :)
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently 10,518.
3-What fandoms do you write for?
LM Montgomery novels and Tale of the Nine-Tailed at the moment.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"A Dream of the Woodland," my Barney Snaith pov fic, has the most kudos simply because the Blue Castle Book Club are lovely and generous people!
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do because I'm still new enough to this that every comment has me giggling and kicking my feet, and I want the commenter to feel like their time was spent well on typing out a reaction! It also feels like a mini-conversation about my favorite thing (my work hehe).
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean, "The One who Takes" will automatically be the angstiest because it's canon compliant, basically a canon novelization, and I spent the previous 4800 words leading up to the finale shaping the characters to deliver the maximum possible pain out of an already painful situation. I have to admit I enjoy writing angst; I enjoy happy endings but until now the main feedback I've gotten on my works and pairings is that they're "sweet" and that feels like a vital misrepresentation of my core self lol.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
"A Dream of the Woodland" probably, again canon compliancy. The two drafts I have growing won't be happy to the same extent.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet 👀
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I've become a very fade to black writer after several years of struggling to walk a fine line between graphic, which I guess is the point but not always, and merely allusive, which ends up kind of...unnecessarily poetic (me staring at the sex scene in Divine Rivals, which had me convinced the writer was Christian). This is me standing on my bandbox, but unless it's explicit, I find including smut incredibly awkward. And sometimes being explicit simply doesn't fit the story, and pwp is not my thing. So I've decided to start steering clear of it until I've found a way to toe that line (Starling House comes closest to achieving this for me, but it's almost not a smut scene? Like you know they're having sex but it's so barely there? OT).
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not yet, but I'm still percolating elements for the Dean Priest x Barney Snaith x Walter Blythe fic. After that discussion about Dean being bisexual or at least closetedly in love with Douglas, that idea surged back into my consciousness again.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, luckily. I'm not famous enough for that to happen lol.
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but that sounds like a huge honor.
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I'm open to the idea!
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh lord what a question. It's hard because I have a few but so often I want to keep them sacrosanct from fanfiction because I have the only correct interpretation of the ship and won't accept others lol. The one exception is that "euchronology" story about Dean x Emily, but otherwise yeah I tend to avoid reading about ships that are special to me.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I mean, that LMM sad guy crossover feels a bit ambitious for my time right now, even though I have the elements in place. We'll see.
16-What are your writing strengths?
The prose. I've been doing this for so long that getting pretty words out onto the screen stops feeling like effort.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I get stuck in my prose and forget that a story needs momentum. And also a shape. Learning how to outline would be great haha.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This is actually interesting considering I'm writing for a media created in another language that I partially know, so while writing the new dialogue in "The One who Takes," I was very conscious of not just "would he say that" but also "what would the sentence structure feel like" and "I am also aware that I am filtering this awareness of speech pattern through translation." I don't think I did very well, but it was a thought process.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
I mean, the first "real" OG writing I ever did was very very thinly veiled The Hero and the Crown fanfic (by Robin McKinley, another of my formative books), so I guess that one? Though I feel like I only entered fandom properly this year with The Blue Castle.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
"The One who Takes." I don't see that getting dethroned by any of my other ideas any time soon. I love my murder children, I achieved what I wanted with it, I feel like I was writing at the top of my form. It has every element I ever loved in a fic (star-crossed love, hurt/comfort, charged mentor/mentee relationship, unhappy ending) and the form satisfied me (unlinear, lyrical, close 3rd person POV, thematically circular). ANYWAY I'm gassing this one up so you can all check it out here if you haven't already :)))
Tagging (if you haven't done this already): @mollywog @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @thesweetnessofspring
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dalt20 · 3 months
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Tooning In 17 Douglas Booth part 2 of 7
DL:Yeah! So can you tell me a little bit about Glenn Leopard like you did with Jeffrey Scott?
DB:Leopard? Hahaha! Leopold! We had fun writing scripts together - I'd never worked with a writing partner before, but we would just tell each other stories and do our bad voice-actor impressions of the characters - and keep going - telling each other which ideas we liked and which we thought were terrible, trying to make each other laugh - and then writing it down - taking turns with that - and coming up with what we would usually feel was a brilliant script! Glenn had been a rock 'n roller prior to coming to H-B - his band was called "Gun Hill Road" (after a street in the Bronx) - and they had a nice run before he moved over to cartoons! He was very quick with ideas, jokes, and irrelevant asides, and we both got very good at throwing pushpins across the length of the office, to stick in our bulletin board - which may have been our most notable achievement!
DL:Leopard,I was thinking of Leopold! With his last name, who can't make a mistake like that?
DB:But of course! Leopold the Leopard - could have been an H-B cartoon!
DL:Haha! i know right! He was pure HB material as he stayed with the company until 2001! A true company man he was.
DB:Absolutely! His wife, as I remember, was the head of the ink and paint department, as well.
DL:Wow! Really?
DB:Yup! Nice lady!
DL:Any stories on the two?
DB:Not that I remember, though I'm sure there are many!
DL:Well after he left Hanna Barbera, he started to write for a German company called BKN, you probably worked with them right? P.S. they're also known by Bohbot Entertainment.
DB:Hmmm... not sure. I believe I worked on shows that Allen Bohbot, the founder, was involved with, maybe through DIC (?) - but, in terms of the European spin-off, when I just googled all that, none of the shows they produced looked familiar - though I would have loved to have worked on a new version of Zorro!
DL:Yeah Glenn worked on it, you could’ve too!
DB:All they had to do was ask!
DL:If you were around in 2006. Besides, Glenn was one of your friends.
DB:Who knows? There are probably thousands of shows that "slipped through my fingers" - but I certainly enjoyed working on the ones that didn't!
DL:Yeah well back to your career, The Flintstones Comedy Show for NBC. You were the story editor.
DB:As I remember, I story-edited episodes of "The Bedrock Cops", which was one element of that show.
DL:Explain to me the concept of the segment.
DB:Hahaha! Fred and Barney were cops - sort of "Car 54, Where Are You" goofy law enforcement officials, only in prehistoric Bedrock - with fun and silly adventures - nothing approaching "real crime", but lots of slapstick comedy and fun.
DL:oh, well when i think of Fred and Barney I don't really think cops but ok.
DB:No - but it was essentially the two buddies having the kind of funny adventures you'd imagine they'd have... that is, if they were, in fact, good-natured cops!
DL:Oh so why in 1980, did you Hanna Barbera the first time?
DB:? I think you missed a word or two…
DL:Why and left.
DB:At the end of 1980, I took my two week vacation and flew to Cusco, Peru - then took the train to "Kilometer 88" which was the jumping off point for a 5 day backpacking hike in the mountains, ending up at Mac. oops - Machu Picchu - which was really, really fun! However, when I got back to the U.S., I only then found out that Andy Heyward and I were both "budget cuts" in the writing department - and were thus free to pursue our diverse destinies! I guess things were slow and they decided they needed to economize!
DL:Wow! So they favor Glenn and Jeff over you two,huh?
DB:Can you imagine? No accounting for taste! 🙂
DL:I can, so how was finding work while Andy was on his own odyssey in 1981
DB:I got to broaden my horizons! I gained a lot of experience and knowledge from my time at HB and got to reach out to other studios, etc. As I remember, my next major gig was at Filmation, working on HeMan and the Masters of the Universe, as well as doing some development work for them that never quite made it to the air.
DL:well on IMDb after The Flintstones Comedy Show, you worked on Spider Man for Marvel Productions and NBC.
DB:Right - not sure of the timing for all this. I did write an episode of one of the versions of Spider-Man (and, years later, for another version of that show) - this first one was the version that Dennis Marks story-edited, and was, I think, my only professional encounter with Stan Lee. As well as the plate glass coffee table in their lobby that I always managed to bang into when I was walking past!
DL:Lol, that's awesome. Can you tell me about that encounter with the "business man" Lee?
DB:All I remember is that he was very friendly and nice - I think Dennis was mainly running the meeting, but I did think it was cool that Stan was sitting in on it, "supervising"!
DL:Lol! Wait Dennis is from Hanna Barbera too!
DB:Yes - that's where I knew him from.
DL:Any stories on him?
DB:Not that I can think of. At HB I knew him as a comedy writer, so it was a surprise to find him running the Spider-Man show - but I think he and Stan really hit it off and collaborated on a number of projects (none of which I know anything about - lol)!
DL:He stayed at Marvel, until 1986 when he returned to the studio.
DL:so, if you can remember, would you like to talk about an episode of the 1981 Spider man series?
DB:Well - not much that I remember. Believe I wrote one episode, called "The Vulture has Landed" - featuring a superhero named... you guessed it - "The Vulture". Apart from being happy to be working on Spider-Man, that's about all I can remember! That and the plate glass coffee table banging my shins every time I went into the studio!
(Actually the comic book character, The Vulture is a villain not a superhero.)
DL:That gotta hurt!
DB:That's why I remember it so well!
DL:Your return to Hanna Barbera in 1982?
DB:I worked as a freelancer on a few different shows - not on staff.
DL:Oh! understand. How did it feel sending scripts to your former co-workers?
DB:Fine! That's pretty much the same way it worked in-house - the only difference is that my office was off-premises (with better access to a refrigerator)! We're all pretty much co-workers, as writers, with people changing roles and studios, but, many times, working with a familiar array of "the usual suspects".
DL:Oh! Wow!
DB:Although, of course, a lot more time needs to be spent "hustling" when one is working freelance!
DL:So about Spider Man, how do you write the web crawler?
DB:Well, we all know what he's like and what he does - at that point, from the comics - so the idea would be to start imagining oneself as Spidey and working to craft an adventure that would work for him, and then see how he would respond!
DL:Yeah, I mean everyone knows Spider Man right? So, you wrote an episode of The Little Rascals animated series. Rascal’s Revenge, process for the episode?
DB:Hahaha! I know I did - and I did like the original Little Rascals, back when I was a "little rascal" myself - but I don't remember anything about that episode at the moment!
DL:Oh ok, so did you watch the original shorts on television?
DL:You wrote the episode with Tedd Anatsi and Patsy Cameron. Who are those two?
DB:Hmmm. They were a writing team - maybe husband and wife? And... maybe they were the story-editors?
DL:Ah ok, do you have any memory of writing with them?
DB:No, I don't believe we co-wrote it - but, er, who knows? If that's what it says on IMDB, well, I believe it's incorrect - unless, say, either they had written the story and I was asked to write the script - or vice versa?
DL:Yeah probably fixed your script as story editors. Yeah probably fixed your script as story editors.
DB:Makes sense - though "fixed" depends upon the eye of the beholder - hahahaha!
DL:Haha! How was trying to make old 30s comedy shorts to appeal to 80s kids?
DB:Well, they certainly appealed to "50's kids" - so not too hard! A fun gang comedy - and the new version would have come with a bible, which would have done most of the heavy lifting for the transposition from the 30's to the 80's - so that's where the foundation would come from - and, from there - it would be "just like any other show" - where you read the bible and any scripts that are available, as well as remembering the feeling of fun from the originals - all of which would then allow you to start to "think like a Little Rascal" and start brainstorming stories and character action, while hanging out with "the gang" in your imagination and seeing what popped up!
DL:Very interesting! So The Smurfs for NBC and SEPP International.
DB:I think IMDB gave me too much credit for that show - as I remember, I wrote an episode for Smurfs and several for Johann and Peewee - which featured the Smurfs. I think Len Janson and Chuck Menville were the story-editors for The Smurfs, and Glenn Leopold was story-editor for Johann and Peewee, which I think were based on illustrated books by Peyo, the original creator.
DL:IMDb said that you wrote 39 episodes of the show in 1982!
DB:Whoa! Yeah, simply not true! Gasp - you mean IMDB isn't infallible? Oh well - mostly they're pretty good!
DL:Yeah, I know! Okay! So Monchichis for ABC, what was that?
DB:Hmmm. Bryce Malek and Dick Robbins were the story-editors. Fun, woodland fantasy creatures - I suspect there was a major comedic villain who wanted to do terrible things to them - and they had to figure out fun and imaginative ways to foil these nefarious plots! I know I wrote two episodes - and enjoyed doing it. One was called "Sky City'' - I think - which seems self-explanatory - but which is also a sort of a nod to the Native American city of Acoma (in New Mexico) - which also goes by the nickname of "Sky City", and is a cool place I've visited on several occasions. Bryce had been the guy in the accounting department at HB who used to walk around and give us our checks, but he was also a writer, and, as he was writing spec scripts, I seem to remember that Glenn and I used to give him notes! And then, he partnered with Dick Robbins, who was a veteran writer - and they became a great team - and, of course, went on to become the story-editors of the first couple of seasons of Transformers! Apart from all that, sorry, I don't remember much more about Monchichis - just that it was a good-natured and light-hearted fantasy/action/comedy that was fun to write.
DL:Ok. Well time for He Man! and you are working for Filmation.
DL:He Man for Filmation and Syndication/Group W
DB:I was on staff there for a bit - my office was actually the coffee room - so I got to see most of the people on the floor!
DL:How was Lou Scheimer? The head honcho?
DB:I didn't have much contact with him - just "hi, how are you?" - the person who was in charge of the writers was Arthur Nadel.
DL:Tell me about Arthur Nadel. Robby London said he was a great guy.
DB:Yes, he was! Deadpan, but funny. He had a series of initials he'd use, to make comments on your script - like NSG (not so good) - DB (do better) - not sure what other ones, but there were a good many! The best moment I had in his office was when he was raking me over the coals for an outline which he thought was terrible - not letting me get a word in edgewise - until he was finished, and I (grinning broadly) - told him that I was not the writer of that episode! He thought that was pretty funny, as well!
DL:Once I remember he gave Robby London an A, and Robby thought it was a grade and Arthur had to break it to him saying it was just his signature. That he wrote that A to show that he read it.
DBThat's hilarious - and sounds totally in character!
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kwebtv · 6 months
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
The Roy Rogers Show - Jailbreak - NBC - December 30, 1951
Running Time: 30 minutes
Produced by Jack C. Lacey
Directed by John English
Roy Rogers
Dale Evans
Pat Brady
Trigger, the Golden Palomino
Bullet, the Wonder Dog
Harry Harvey Sr. as Sheriff Tom Blodgett
Rand Brooks as Tom Lee
Nan Leslie as Bess Walton
Douglas Evans as Sal Parker
Gregg Barton as Henchman Waco
Terry Frost as Henchman Al
Riley Hill as Hencman Barney
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wqbytop100 · 9 months
TOP100+ for the week ending January 7, 2024 (132)
One On One ---The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -3 [#15]
U Miss Me---Vicetone -4 (#1 MP)
Other Boys ---Marshmello, Dove Cameron -2 [#30]
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A -1 [#14]
You ---Svidden, Seeb -23 [#78]
I'll Be There --Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -5 [#50]
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -27 [#not ranked]
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, Alwz Snny, Robbie Rosen -8 [#16]
Spend The Night --BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -6 [#13]
***Never Be Friends--Jost, Mingue -(new) [#12]
Summertime Friends --The Chainsmokers -9 [NR]
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -29 [#27]
***Lift Off ---Drombresky -(new) [#9]
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -22 [NR]
Go Off --Mike Candys -10 [NR]
Kill Anyone--Two Feet, Ari Abdul -13 [#4 MP]
***It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -(new) [#7]
Good Morning --Timmy Trumpet, Alle Farben, YOU -18 [NR]
You're Hired ---NEIKED, Ayra Starr -7 [#19]
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -28 {#84]
She's On My Mind --Romy -11 [NR]
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -12 [#29]
Easy-- 3LAU, XIRA -20 [#10]
Strangers---Kenya Grace -21 [#23]
Wanna ---Paul Dally -19 [#5]
***All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -(new) [#6 MP]
How Do I Say Goodbye--Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -26 [#3 MP]
More Baby--Chris Lake, Aluna -41 [NR]
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A -16 [#55]
See You Again --Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -14 [#73]
AEIOU --PNAU, Empire of the Sun -15 [NR]
Stress You--Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -17 [NR]
DJ Play A Christmas Song --CHER, Robin Schulz -30 (#2 MP)
Wanna Dance--Alle Farben, James Carter, VARGEN -34 [NR]
You Can Have It --Kungs, Victor Flash -36 [#11]
One Last Dance --Imanbek, Ali Gatie -31 [NR]
Save My Love --Desting Rogers -35 [#54]
Nevada --Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -25 [#32]
Running In A Dream ---Nils Hoffmann, Kasbo, Vancouver Sleep Clinic -38 [#41]
Losing You --Gabry Pointe, bshp, Joe Cleere -56 [#22]
The Greatest Thing Alive --Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -32 [#16]
Fire ---Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -39 [#18]
Pull You Closer -Sistek, Sadie Rose Van -106 [#26]
Boyfriend ---USHER -43 [NR]
Twisted --Laura Davidson -40 [#8]
I'm Just Ken ---Ryan Gosling. Mark Ronson, Purple Disco Machine -94 [#20]
Jungle ---Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -42 [NR]
Living In A Haze --Milky Chance -45 [NR]
Superhero ---AUDIEN -47 [#23]
Still Got It Bad --Martin Jensen, MATTN -58 [#24]
Drums ---James Hype, Kim Petras -46 [NR]
I Got Nothing ---MEDUZA, Ferreck Dawn, Clementine Douglas -51 [#25]
***The Way ---Miller Blue -(new) [#28]
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba -53 [NR]
Tears On The Dancefloor --Icona Pop -59 [#33]
Hangin' On -- A R I Z O N A -24 [#95]
***Daydream ---Will Swinton -60 [#34]
At Your Worst ---Calum Scott -44 [NR]
The Tower --Future Islands -61 [#35]
Strangely Sentimental ---Anabel Englund -72 [NR]
Lil Boo Thing ---Paul Russel, Galantis, -62 [#36]
Dreaming --Marshmello, Pink, Sting -52 [NR]
***Stop The Time --Zombic -(new) [#37]
Tied To You --Elderbrook -71 [NR]
***Years ---Just Us -(new) [#38]
Blur --KREAM, Marlo Rex -55 [NR]
***Rebel --TVXQ -(new) [#39]
Get Dirty --Return Of The Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -93 [NR]
One With the Wolves --Robin Schulz -65 [NR]
***Run ---ATB, Nu Aspect, Orem -(new) [#40]
Bite Marks --Ari Abdul -75 [NR]
Dress Code --Mau P -84 [NR]
The Little Mushroom That Got Away --Sultan+Shepard, Lane8 -86 [NR]
PI JANO --Box Car -109 [#42]
Subterranean ---Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -73 [NR]
Jealous ---Pascal Letoubion, IZKO, Jordan Rys -90 [NR]
Waiting --LP Giobbi, Redfield, DJ Rae -91 [NR]
Fight My Demons --Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Leven Kali, Diamond Pistols -57 [NR]
What We Know --Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -74 [NR]
Tension ---Kylie Minogue -100 [NR]
Thank You (Not So Bad) --Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Tiesto, Dido -63 [#43]
Ando High --Tom & Collins, AMEME -37 [#44]
I Can't Be The Only One --SERA, YouNotUs -78 [#45]
***Holding Pattern --Nihil Young, Artifex Mundi, Adam Nazar -(new) [#46]
***Head Down ---Lost Frequencies, Bastile -(new) {#47]
Waiting For U --Laidback Luke --Ralphi (Jake Silva remix) =85 [NR]
Light On --Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -54 [NR]
Champagne Shit ---Miss Monique, Latto, Quavo -101 [NR]
30 Somehow --Nicotine Dolls -79 [#49]
Bring Me Home --Snakehips, LAUREL -77 [#48]
Young & Foolish ---Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -80 [#31]
Body Moving --- Eliza Rose, Calvin Harris -68 [#51]
Whatever Come My Way --Felly -81 [#64]
Walk It Like I Talk It --Saucy Santana -82 [#52]
***Anyone --Morgan Page -(new) [#53]
Run Free (Countdown) -Tiesto, R3HAB -33 [#56]
***Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -(new) [#19]
Little Bit Yours --Galantis, Neon Trees -50 [#57]
***Next Years Light --Elliot Moss -(new) [#58]
In My Room --Medium Build -83 [#61]
Falling Behind --Sultan+Shepard, Panana -88 [#59]
***Behind --Myles Smith -(new) [#60]
***Funny Bunny --Elliot Lee -(new) [#62]
Rainy --Dillion Francis, REI AMI -89 [#63]
Graveyard ---A R I Z O N A (Shoffy remix) -76 [#21]
A Year And Some Change --Seaforth -95 [#72]
Girls Gone Wild ---Mike G, G Easy, Offset -97 [#76]
***I Hope It All Works Out --Mark Ambor -(new) [#69]
Anything But Wet --I.O. Lights -98 [NR]
RIP --Apashe, Vladimir Cauchemar -69 {#70]
Loved --Leslie Odom Jr. -99 [#71]
Front To Back --Deorro, Electric Polar Bears -107 [#74]
Hungover ---John Summit, Mathame, Camden Cox -105 [#75]
Right Here ---Bag Raiders -97 [#77]
Look At Me Dance --ATRIP, Pote -112 [#80]
Bad Tattoo --Jessica Baio -110 [#96]
***What Are We Waiting For? --for King & Country -(new) [#85]
Build A Boy --Emyln, Cloudy June -113 [#91]
Carry Me Higher --The Blessed Madonna, Joy Anonymous -114 [#97]
Heat Rising ---Pete Tong, Jem Cooke, Jules Buckley -115 [#99]
***Kiss Like This ---FETISH -(new) [#100]
Birds Of Paradise --Kaskade, L'Tric, Sydney Streb -(new)
Madness---Frank Walker, Sam Feldt, Zak Abel, Gabry Ponte -117
Give It To Me --Lucky Luke -118
***Stay The Night --Just Kiddin, Camden Cox -(new)
The Future Is Unknown --Adriatique, Delhia de France -49
Jumpstarter --Ship Wrek, DLMT -64
Yard Sale ---Alex Warren -66
365 ---Bicits -70
Lost & Found --Gorgon City, DRAMA -92
Elevator Eyes ---Tove Lo -96
Disco En Egypte ---Bon Entendeur -111
#65 = Lights On Nobody's Home -- Graham Barham #66 = Memory --Bonnie & Clyde, SUM SUN #81 = Rush --Troye Sivan #86 = Let Go --Conor Price #87 = The American Dream Is Killing Me ---Green Day #97 = Fall Again ---Hayla
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Is the Bennett’s family turning much more angsty as i write?
Ch.13 preview
Cw:mentions of death, ptsd and suicide
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Lois hadn’t been surprised to have Diane’s family invited them to spend the weekend at their place and celebrate Diane’s birthday.
She was surprised to know her dad knows these people.
The man on the front seat is named John Shelby and a black reverend named Jeremiah sits beside him.
Apparently Jeremiah Jesus had given up violence after the war like her dad did and focused on god even when the vicar he replaced sneered at the thought of a black man leading the flock.
“Imagine my surprise when I heard little baby Tom showed up at the Pub looking for Diane. He was only four last time I saw him.” John Shelby says as he drove them out of Longsight and out of Manchester .
Lois had never been this far out save for that time they went to the beach before her mum died.
She envied Tom, he had his sweetheart and got to see the world while she’s stuck at home taking care of their dad getting sick of waiting for Harry.
“You’re one to talk, Shelby, you had only four little ones in 1919. Poor Esme, eight children and you to take care off to boot.” Her father joked, it was nice seeing him like this.
Reminded her of Tom when he lets himself relax and catch up with his former comrades.
There was a wariness he had about with the Shelbys, them being criminals and that, but he had shared experiences with them.
“Diane’s told me that Freddie married your sister, named his only son after Karl Marx. I’d like to pay my respects to him, and Danny Whizz-Bang and Barney, if that’s alright with you.”
The Shelbys along with Jeremiah and the three men who’d died in the past decade had formed their own pal’s battalion like her dad and his friends and brothers had.
Only difference was Douglas Bennett was the only one to return home alive while Thomas Shelby didn’t lose a single man.
They paid their respects to his friends every armistice day, and spat on the grave of the officer who sent them to their deaths.
Same officer she came to find was actually Harry’s dad who’s guilt overwhelmed him so much he put the gun to his head.
She’d been terrified when she introduced him to her family, afraid he’d been treated badly on account of his dad being the reason her dad had shellshock.
But he hadn’t blamed him for what his father did, just like he didn’t blame Diane for what her father does.
“Yeah, we got time. We’ll give you a tour of Small Heath, doesn’t look like the one you saw in 1916 anymore.”
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