p4nishers · 1 year
so uh. how is everyone?
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roccoroks · 7 years
VOLUME 5 DAG POST SO ANOTHER ROD RUN HAS COME AND GONE AND IT HAS LEFT ME IN THE WAKE OF DISGRUNTELED GUEST OVER PARKING , ROOMS WITH BROKEN REFRIDGERATORS AND SEVERAL LOST ITEMS IN NEED OF BEING RETURNED TO THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNERS. SEVERAL THINGS HAPPENED THIS TIME AND I WILL TRY AND KEEP THINGS AS STRAIGHT AS MACH STYLES SEXUAL ORIENTAION SO BARE WITH ME! It was your typical rod run this spring in that there were classic cars as far as the eye could see, toilets were overflowing with the stench of nearly dead guests last dinners from the golden coral and I for the first time in 3 years had the day off to enjoy ………at work……even in my down time I have to come here….sux. The time is 4:30 pm, it officially hawt as bawls outside and im watching the desk while my new manager “monty” dips out for a bite to eat. The door opens and im faced with a loud, demanding, hateful women from PA….so a normal woman from PA….who is mad about parking. Me: *gee, I really hope the next 30 mins goes smoo….. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SMELL! IT REEKS OF BITCH!* CLAB: *Crazy Loud Ass Bitch* umm….theres a man outside that’s saying that if I don’t move my car then he will have it towed or he will park his truck in front of it until Monday and called me a bitch……(ME: honestly I stopped paying attention to her at this point)……or im going to call the cops. Me: *fuck you karam, just because I like to rub vasoline all over my butt cheeks and press it against businesses plate glass windows in downtown under the cover of darkness, I have to deal with this?* CLAB: so…..what are you going to do about it? Im paying 175.00 a night and I feel I should beable to park where ever I want! Me: *you are the same bitch from last year aren’t you…* mam im really sorry about this but during the rod run we have over 5000 people and cars come into town and parking can get a bit limited. CLAB: WELL DON’T YOU THINK THAT’S NOT MY PROBLEM? Me: *oooooooh so we are going to go down this long road of stupidity?* like I said, mam, parking can get a bit hectic during these shows and we expect everyone to govern them selfs. CLAB: look you NEED to go out there and talk to this man or im going to report you to your manager. Me: *ah hellnah! Bitch you did not just…….. >.> i cant believe you just...how dare.....i may pee on you* Me: ok, lets go *get this over with* *we both walk out to the parking lot where im am greeted buy a mid 40’s male who knows me from years of rod runs and he seems to have been drinking and is in no mood for this ladies bullshit, I know because he says so in this dialog ^.^ * CLAB: this is the guy that spoke to me like I was trash Me: *because you do infact smell of a garbage bag filled with diapers that someone threw up on and set on fire....because thats what bitch smells like* DD: *drunk dude* look I never said any of that shit to you, your just making it up Me: but we haven’t even discussed what you said yet….never mind, look, why is it a problem for her to be parked here CLAB: *interrupts* oh there’s no problem, he just wants this parking spot to himself DD: look, my tools are in my truck and I need to work on my car and I don’t want to have to walk across the parking lot to get my tools every 5 mins Me: *and a long stager it must be 25 feet away! Beside, had you bought a ford instead of that rolling shit box you call a nova that’s more rust that nova, this wouldn’t be a problem* CLAB: that’s not my problem , I need a parking spot and this one was open Me: *5 points to bitchindore!* DD: MY GD CHAIRS WHERE IN THIS SPOT SAVING THEM FOR ME AND YOU JUST…..JUST…..MOVED THEM! LIKE THEY WERE NUTHIN! Me : *shee-took-yur-churrrs! * CLAB: well they were in the way! DD: iv had just about enough of your shit! ME: HO HO HO HO HO HANG ON A MIN! *yelling louder that both of them to convey my point* NOW LOOK, last year I put up two signs and handed out two flyers to ALL of my guests, including you, that 1. Trailers are no longer to be parked on site and 2. That chairs could no longer be used to save parking spots, meaning first come, first park no exceptions! DD:…….. I forgot about that, you did do that CLAB: *shoots a look of “take that bitch” Me: *looks at clab* I also told you on Tuesday when you checked in that this would happen with parking and that you would need to get a spot early to AVIOD THIS! CLAB: I don’t think that’s my problem do you? Me: *omfg if you say that one more motherfucking time* YES, yes it is your problem when I looked right at you and warned you this would happen and you ignored it! Is like I said “hey this coffee is hot, don’t pour it all over your face ok” and you did it anyway and couldn’t figure out why it hurt. CLAB: I just don’t see how this is my problem Me: * o.e there is a special place in hell for people like you! Its called florida* I honestly don’t know what to say. DD: I don’t know why this is such a problem, I mean there is a perfectly good spot open right over there by the pool doors, its closer too. Me: * O.e…..did I just hear a loud pop sound in my head? Why is everything starting to get shaky and I smell burning hair….am I having a aneurism?* did….you just? Surely you did say there is a parking spot right over there….right? DD: yeah, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about! *crosses arms and looks proud of him self CLAB: I don’t want that parking spot I want this one! Me: …….. *looks at both of them in disgust* so what’s wrong then? *both look at me like im a idiot* Me: *clearly im dealing with creatures with undeveloped brains not unlike that of a 5 year old or a form of mild cheese. I may have to get the speak and spell out for them* look, I should be in my office answering the phone and booking reservations for tomorrow night, instead im out here dealing with 2 12 year olds who are fighting over who gets to ride the tricycle next. There is a perfectly good spot right over there that either one of you could park in, its close to the hotel, and its close to your car so THERE IS NO PROBLEM. You two just wanted to be validated in what you both thought was right in your list of personal self-ethics and came and got me, someone half both of your ages to settle your squabble instead of acting like adults! CLAB: who’s your manager, ill have you fired for this! DD: …..mam, this young man is the owner. CLAB: *looks at me* WHY DON’T YOU TELL HIM TO APPOLGISE (or how ever its spelled) TO ME THEN! Me: *really….you are no longer mild cheese, im down grading you to Mexican! (yup, going to hell for that one)* because you started this! You both can’t act like adults and neither one of you deserves it! Look if I have to come back out here and deal with this again, you will both be looking for a lot more than a parking spot for the night! *walks off like a boss!* Meanwhile back in the halls of ‘’fort phone ringing the fuck off the wall’’, I have 12 people trying to call me at the same time Me: good afternoon RSML, how may I help you Dag: umm….yeah….um…hi…um like how much like…you know ….your Me: *come on you can do it* Dag: um….like your 2 room bed suites are? Me: *in what way was that even a fucking sentence….* when are you coming in? Dag: um….. like……you know….that time….next month? Me: hummmmmm that time next month….. Dag: oh! Um….yeah you know….like Saturday? Me: ok getting closer, we narrowed it day to 5 days instead of 31 Dag: oh, um….you like….. Me: *oh for fuck sake* *begins trying to pull my hair out and presses the phone harder to my ear out of frustration* Dag: like…that one Saturday that everyone's coming in? Me: 199.95 +tax Dag: wow that much? Me: *oh now you speak coherently* yes sir Dag: for which Saturday? Me: um like…you know...um...all of them Dag: *hangs up phone* Me: and a fine fuck you to you too sir *hangs up phone and turns around to see a family of 5 behind me* Me: how may I help you? FO5: we will just check somewhere else *walks out the door* Me: normally this would be bad but we are full soo……fuck em…. Monty: *from the back office* you should be nicer, they might have come back Me: really ass, you were back there the whole time and you couldn’t come to help me? Monty: I have a ham sandwich, this take precedent over pot heads asking about rates Me: you know I can fire you right Monty: you wont though Me: ……mother of fuck…..bitch called my bluff Few mins go by and im about to head out for the night when a man that I can only describe as so old that he may have known jesus on a personal level. Me: good after noon, how may I help you? *20 mins later he makes it to the desk* Old Dude: (we will call him OG cuz he gansta!) do you have anyrooms? Me: yes sir ! I have 2 br suites available *maybe this is a cool old dude and my night is turning around for the good* OG: oh good, what that Me: *ah you’re a crazy old man* well that’s our trademark room with 2 queen size beds! OGh I need 2 rooms with 2 beds in each room Me: well I have 2 2bed room suites side by side if that will work for ya? OG: no no no, I only need 4 beds not 8 Me….um…k….well if you get two of our 2 bed room suites then it would accommodate you that would give you 1 queen per bedroom OG: no no no then I would only have 2 beds, I need 4 *he is getting a bit angry…..or tired….or both, idk, hes old and hard to read* Me: I know sir but 1 of our 2br suites will have 2 queen beds OGh ok so that’s 1 room with 4 beds total right? Me: *O.e…wooooooooooooooow….* no sir that’s 2 beds total per room OG I know giving me 4 beds total right? Me: yes….wait no…what? OG: do you even have rooms with 4 beds/ Me: no sir OG: do you have 2 rooms? Me: yes OG: how many beds do they have Me: 2 per rooms OG: so you do have 4 beds per room? Me: whos on first? OG: what? Me: no whats on second, do you want a key so you can look at one of the rooms? OG: yes….wait, what? Me:...here…..*grabs pen and paper* OG: oh….nevermind, that’s not what im looking for ME: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU /RANT . . . . . . . . OR IS IT……
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ircmeltdown · 7 years
Blowfish begs for a tilde
blowfish: yo i think that nigga put that in a honeypot or an iot
blowfish: i noticed
blowfish: SH4.1
blowfish: as the shell
blowfish: he left a mark
blowfish: w/ irc.supernets.org
blowfish: behind
blowfish: LOL
blowfish: why does acid have higher oper then me
blowfish: he has &
blowfish: i brought him here
ak: who knows or cares
ak: not like hes abusing it
blowfish: neither am i
blowfish: he barely chats
blowfish: he should be brouyght down to +o like i was
blowfish: just making a point
ak: acid gave me 14 boxes
ak: thats p sick if u ask me
blowfish: im your nigga tho
blowfish: dude thats not cool man
ak: yeah you are
ak: hence why u got chanops and linkops
blowfish: i wan me tilde back
ak: u literally just want netops for the rep and vanity
ak: which is stupid as fuck
blowfish: i understand how to oper
blowfish: just because i wasnt chatting for a 3 days
blowfish: doesnt give you the right to do that
blowfish: and say I don't know how to oper
blowfish: whats the point of even having link ops
blowfish: it doesnt do shit
blowfish: i cant sajoin shit
blowfish: theres no fucking point 2 it
blowfish: i cant gzline
blowfish: and i may have handled the floods incorrectly but atleast i tried
ak: linkops gives u a ton of privs
ak: normal users dont have
blowfish: takbar never did shit
blowfish: all im saying dude
blowfish: is i tried and takbar never did
ak: operclass linker {
ak: privileges {
ak: channel { extbans; operonly; restrictedmodes; topic; };
ak: immune {
ak: channel { flood; };
ak: jointhrottle;
ak: limits;
ak: regonly;
ak: };
ak: kill { local; };
ak: override {
ak: ban { operonly; };
ak: channel { invite; };
ak: extban;
ak: invite;
ak: kick { nokick; }
ak: message;
ak: mode;
ak: see;
ak: topic;
ak: };
ak: privacy;
ak: self { ident; };
ak: server { info; opermotd; remote; };
ak: tkl { kline; };
ak: };
ak: };
ak: look @ all those privs bo
ak: privs 4 dayz
blowfish: why is it that blowfish gets knocked down the totem
blowfish: when he put in just as much effort as u did
blowfish: into making this irc pop
blowfish: take your time
ak: bringing chatters in here and chatting har is awesome
ak: that doesnt mean every person who does that gets netops
blowfish: so why does dolphgin get netops
ak: cus he knows how to oper
ak: he gets abusive but
ak: hes in his place now
blowfish: so do I
blowfish: just as much as he does
blowfish: i can use google just like he can
blowfish: anyone can
ak: he doesnt have to google
blowfish: neither do i
ak: ive witnessed how u handle floods
ak: all you do is +im every time
blowfish: name one thing
blowfish: ive deinitely
ak: other than that
ak: i didnt see u do
ak: anythign else with ops
blowfish: thats
blowfish: noit
blowfish: what i have done
ak: my memory is
ak: flawless and great
blowfish: ok
blowfish: remove me oper
blowfish: me link
blowfish: and me link
ak: are u really chimping out right now lol
blowfish: its not about a chimp out
blowfish: im just gonna be a normal chatter
ak: this is pathetic
ak: this is why i dont give u netops
ak: cus u whine when u dont get ur way
blowfish: its not about that
blowfish: its about me having me privs stripped
blowfish: so i will not contribute like u think i already dont
ak: "if i cant wear the crown, i dont wanna be in the castle"
blowfish: its not that, u think
blowfish: i dont contribute
ak: i said u do
ak: u chat and bring chatters
ak: and offer shells to keep chatters
ak: i just dont think u need a higher level of ops than you have right now
ak: i mean really
ak: most of the op shit is in #superbowl
ak: theres hardly any network op shit that even needs to be done
ak: 80% of the time
ak: anope handles so much shit now and the dnsbl's
ak: i dont really get what privs you want that youre lack right now
blowfish: gzline
blowfish: sajoin
blowfish: and a ~
blowfish: to show im an og
blowfish: and stuck along the way
ak: the only hosts that ever need to be gzline'd are bots
ak: and the dnsbl does that
ak: why do u need sajoin
ak: you and i both know you just wanna
ak: /fuckyou ppl
blowfish: no
blowfish: i dont
blowfish: quit being retarded
blowfish: u asked me what i wanted
blowfish: i told u bluntly
blowfish: sajoin
blowfish: gzline
blowfish: so i can handle
blowfish: when things need 2 be
blowfish: done
ak: blowfish: and a ~
ak: you literally want this for the vanity lol
ak: ~ dos nothing but prevent you from being kicked by lower level chanops.
ak: but u have linkops, so u can already ban evade
blowfish: ok remove the ~
blowfish: from u and takbar
blowfish: remove the ~
blowfish: from u and tkabar
blowfish: for the whole month
ak: what
ak: lol
blowfish: do it
ak: what the fuck
blowfish: why wont u
ak: are you
blowfish: remove it
ak: even
ak: saying
ak: rn
blowfish: if its juist vanity
blowfish: make yourselves only +o
ak: im saying its vanity in your eyes
blowfish: its vanity in your eyes 2
ak: what is ~ gonna do for you that u cant do rigt now?
blowfish: apparently
blowfish: i was ~ before and now im not
ak: what is ~ gonna do for you that u cant do rigt now?
* ak waits..
blowfish: if ur not giving me gzline or sajoin
blowfish: then take it all the way
blowfish: because theres no point in even having it
ak: are you actually blogging this long about 2 privs ???
ak: is this serious lol
blowfish: its v srs
blowfish: actually ur right
blowfish: acid gave u 17 boxes
blowfish: u dont need me box
blowfish: the ram can be used for shells for people
ak: answer these 3 questions...
ak: 1. what is ~ gonna do for you that you cant do right now
ak: 2. when would u even need sajoin besides to /fuckyou
ak: 3. why would u need gzline when dnsbl does all that
ak: abusive users get a kline/channebl ban, not a gzline
ak: which u can do already
blowfish: i need to sajoin when situations happen like mass kicks
ak: masskicks are pretty impossible with the anope access list..
blowfish: u and i both know dnsbl doesnt block everything
blowfish: ur a fool if u think that
ak: we have about 90 users here
ak: and the max users ever was 120
ak: 30 bots?
ak: looks like dnsbl works fine
blowfish: this is going nowhere
blowfish: your a psychotpath
ak: cus you arent making any points
blowfish: remove me
blowfish: im a normal chatter now
blowfish: In the event that the dnsbl gets through I would like to have my priviledges ban to remove the problem.
blowfish: theres plenty of times when im on @ 4am 5am or even early morning and shit goes wrong briefly
ak: you want to manually gzline a few bots instead of piling them in #lobby with +lL and ignoring it?
ak: that sounds like a waste of keys to type
blowfish: infact
blowfish: wat the actual fuck
blowfish: dude
blowfish: is wrong with u
ak: nothing actually
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